Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jun 1963, p. 1

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odiinmeminmednaaieme ee ea THOUGHT FOR TODAY The trouble with many people in trying times is that they stop trying. The Oshawa Time WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy with a few thun- mg dershowers and turning cooler on Thursday, winds light. \ = VOL. 92--NO. 150 10 Cents Per Copy Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottowa and for payment of Postage in Cash. ~ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1963 THIRTY PAGES ie Coast Shippin Strike Date Set Friday, June 28 VANCOUVER (CP)--A mul-|men displaced at one port be|statement Tuesday the federa- timillion - dolla longshoremen's/assisted to move to other areasition said the two operators strike that could pinch pockets/of increased activity and be/gfeups '"'have offered better from Vancouver Island logging!given first call on new jobs| terms than those enjoyed by any LESAGE PROTESTS TAX N BUILDING MATERIA \ camps ¢o Prairie mineral de-|there; establish a fund to give'like employees in Canada." velopments has been set forjlongshoremen a "share of the} The Icngshoremen tied up the Friday. - jmachine."" The last refers to re-/B.C. waterfront for 30 days in If called, the strike of 2,400\tirement pensions and early re-|1958, Millions of dollars worth ' members of the International tirement. of 'goods were left on the docks. Longshoremen's and Ware-|, Longshoremen in San FraniSome ships were stranded in housemen's Union (CLC) is ex-\fisco have gained similar con-'port at a cost of $1,000 or more pected to tie up.all freight ship-/itions. a day. Grain cars piled up on ping on the British Columbia coast from northerly Prince Ru- pert to Vancouver and Van- couver Island. Cameras from Japan' ny cars balked at the plan which would filled up. t require budgeting far in ad-) Not only grain, but such thing vance under changeable condi-jas potash, sulphur and coal) tions. The union has said it|from the Prairies = lumber} would give a five-year contract/and concentrates from B.C.) from Britain would ceage flow- ing through B.C. ports and mas- sive grain shipments to China and lumber for the United States eastern' seaboard would) be left on docks, in elevators and box cars. The B.C. Shipping Federa- tion, representing the majority of employers, figures it would cost the B.C. economy '$2,700,- JFK Civil Rights | se iw"3" Program Touted -- The longshoremen announced) WASHINGTON (AP) At-} Tuesday they will strike Friday |torney-General Robert F. Ken-|lunech counters, amusement unless agreement is reached yedy appealed today to "the/places, stores, hotels and others with the federation. basic sense of justice in the|--are, public in a real sense. ] hearts of all Americans" in) 'They t all lik AUTOMATION AN ISSUE oe ; : ey are not at all like a The key issues in the compli-/U8ing Congress to approve| private home or a private club, cated dispute are jurisdiction| resident Kennedy's civil rights! for example, to which the owner : rogram nd automation. The union says|P*08tam. : ' invites only the guests he se- disnaesemnent over wages and|. Log vegeta -- paved SD liects, Plainly, places of public t ions i ¢{mportant role, he said. 1S accommodation cater to the pub- a ae seis administration has taken signif-s lie." P | in latter a or fied Kennedy promoted the admin-| 7 a istration plan to speed school The union, assisted negotiations by the international) ° longshore boss Harry Bridges i ae it is pe up to Con-/ segregation, Passage of a bill San Francisco, is seeking a gress to bring its strength wielowing the féderal government ear." o sue for an end to racial dis- master contract coveripg all b phases of waterfront work. thins Kinwiiel tienes tee jcrimination in schools, he said, The present agreement covers) . : "would smooth the path upon = |Congress to recognize--by Pass-!which the nation was set" by only men moving cargo between| attire Ae ship and dock. Forklitt operat.) 108 the civil Tights bill-- tet the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954 ors and warehousemen are coy-| this country i vag ge nae! oy school desegregation decision. ered 'by agreements with the the moral outrage of racia' is-| Kennedy, urging adoption of B.C. Wharf Operators' Associa-|CTimination. {laws aimed at speeding an end tion, separate from the ship-| The testimony of the _presi- to discrimination in, voting, said The shipping federation has|the Prairies after elevators here : if its conditions are met. In alwould be left standing. 1] Such facilities -- -restaurants,| # Municipal Loan ~~, Plan Criticized QUEBEC (CP)--Premier Le- sage has joined the chorus. of protests against the federal gov- ernment's extension of an 11- per-cent sales tax to building materials, telling the Legisla- tive Assembly it will cost school boards, municipalities and Hy- dro-Quebec an additional $5,- 000/000 in the next 12 months. He also lashed out Tuesday, with opposition approval, at the federal government's proposed unicipal loan and development nd as an infringement on pro- autonomy. A motion this line was expected to come before the House today and be adopted unanimously, When an opposition member suggested Mr. Lesage should confess the sin of having sup- ported the federal Liberals in the last campaign, the premier replied: "I believe that despite every- thing, and despite the criticisms I may have, with reason, we are still better off withthe gov- ernment we now have in Ottawa than with the unstable Diefen- baker government which had to be thrown out at any price." POSITION NEEDS R) ION aniel Johnson, Na- tionale leader, said that "if we have to pay the whole cost of a stable government, I say it is too expensive and it is time to revise our position . . ." the means to offer it to the mue' nicipalities."' 2 Mr. Johnson said both govern- ment and opposition are agreed' on the matter, He called on ali Quebec members of the Come mons, no matter what their party, to unite to block passage of the bill. ; The discussion took place on @ Union Nationale motion calling for the Quebec government to. study the possibility of creating" a provincial credit system for municipalities to safeguard the province's autonomy, Spy Scandal K's Visit STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Angry © reaction to what officials called the worst spy scandal in Swe. f dish history may force Soviet* Premier Khrushchev to cancel --for the seeond time--his visit to traditionally neutral Sweden, The Swedish government dis- closed Tuesday the arrest of a Swedish air force colonel who is charged with spying for the So- viet Union for the last 15 years, #% : 3 ce eS a FR ro visited the Communist wall the Brandenburg Gate an took a look at Red-ruled East Berlin. He predicted that the very system that erected thé wall has headed for discard. WEST BERLINERS reach rides through the city today out to shake hands with Presi- with West Berlin Mayor Willy dent John F, Kennedy as he~ Brandt, right. Kennedy later Million West Berliners Cheer " ping federation. |dent's brother before a House After prolonged and fruitless federal the union. They offered separate but similar agreements for alljhi: union members employed by|section which promises to be | each. of (Representatives j A |sub-committee kicked off the ee tue two | administration's battle to propel federation and warf operators|the civil rights bill through the! ay)» agreed to joint negotiations with|/ong, tough congr , - jthe most The union is also demanding|one prohibiting racial discrimin- "the right to vote, and thus par- ticipate in the processes of self- government, is in the long run the most fundamental right of judiciary BERLIN (AP)--With the wild) cheers 'of 1,000,000 West Berlin-/Hé replied. ers ringing in his ears, Presi- dent Kennedy strode today to|Brandenburg Gate after the|in East Berlin. the Communist wall. Helgreatest spontaneous welcome mounted a platform at Bran-|in the memory of the former (nist side of the wall, was an denburg Gate and gazed for/German capital. Old timers said/East German Sign which said: four minutes into the red-ruled/not even Hitler with his famous| "In the agreement of Potsdam ish officer showed the president 1 mill. | The attorney-general directed s strongest testimony to the Workers Idle controversial: The Kennedy AtBrandenburg Gate "I did not see very much," auer. stood at his side as a Brit- filled The president reached theja chart of the principal points| these pledges be fulfilled in Facing him from the Commu-/lin, President Kennedy?" in the (East) German Democratic Republic. When will West Germany and West Ber- Kennedy read the sign but showed no reaction. Mr. Lesage charged that the federal government had ex- tended the sales tax to building materials to pay for the munic- ipal loan fund. "As premier of the province of Quebec and for numerous I must criticize se- verely this extention of the sales tax. ...It is very serious when reasons, For five of those years he was Swedish air attache in Washing- ton. It also ordered the. expulsion of-his two alleged:contacts, the first secretary of the Soviet em- bassy and the Soviet military attache, : Col. Stig Erik Wennerstrom, decorated by both the United States and France, was ar- job protection from increasing! ation in any place of public ac- automation which it says has!commodation -- even privately resulted in such things as a owned ones grain handler moving 270 tons a a day now compared with 18 a BERATES DISCRIMINATION Metro Projects | TORONTO (CP)--Millions of jdellars worth of construction jprojects here were idle today East. Berlin's free 'university, one knows to what point it will affect the school commissions, the municipalities, Quebec-Hy- dro--more than $5,000,000 in 12 months only in taxes. | Soviet guards came over from jtheir war memorial to take pic- tures. The memorial is in the British sector mear the Bran- \denburg Gate. |parade had brought out the peo-|U.S. presidents Roosevelt nd East Germans waved at him.|ple the way the American pres-|Truman undertook Then in a speech at West/ident did. | "To uproot German militar. Ken-| The screaming, cheering, flag-|ism and Nazism. | rested Friday, Police said he ad- mitted selling miley ) eoorele of Sweden and other. countried to the Kremlin. few years ago ASK 'SHARE OF MACHINE' jin public establishments are not|tional Marble. Tile j li It says savings through auto-|and frustration suffered by the mation should be used to guar-| individuals who are its most im-/por. antee the existing work force| mediate victims," Kennedy said 1,820 hours employment a year.a as long as cargo volume re- mains at least at present ley... els; provide assurance that!p "The effects of discrimination! a. pickets from the Interna-/nedy predicted that the very)Waving, confetti - tossing wel-| "To arrest war criminals and and Terazzo|system which erected the wal!/come, exceeded the mammoth/bring them to judgment, Workers Union (AFL-CIO) pro- is headed for discard. He said reced@on West German crowds! "To prevent rebirth of Ger- tested the use of non-union la-/police states are an anachron-|gave Kennedy earlier this week./man militarism. , ism. | The president looked across) 'To ban all militarists and Am : , he inds of change areinto East Berlin ftom an 18-|Nazism propaganda. dding: fe -- projects halted igh oo winds be tea 2 APE foot observation platform about] "To ensure that Germany "Our whole economy suffers a oleh pric "ee alee ok on Pd ste nt 'the|12 feet from the wall. West Ber-jnever again menaces her neigh- ' Bhs Js t ic as y Ss. 5 S l Mayor Jilly 4 - i . the nation's business is im School and a signal tower at\world," he asserted. "The Mayor Willy Brandt and|bors aid world peace aired. the Canadian National Railways|cause of human rights and dig- West German Chancellor Aden These pledges have been ful mited to the embarrassment Alberta Medicare Work was sto |United States, is still moving) pete men 'and nations with ever-in-} creasing momentum." | marshalling yards in Vaughan/nity, some two centuries after| K S ennedy ees. Township. : its birth in Europe and the) Ry |few hours Picketing |started at TRY TO BLOCK VIEW Visitors to the Brandenburg Gate can peer through its three arches down Unter Den Linden, the governmental centre of East Berlin, But hurriedly Tuesday the East Berlin regime hung giant red 'flags from the arches to jcurtail Kennedy's view into the East. The flags ostensibly were raised in celebration of the visit Friday to East Berlin of Soviet Premier Khrushchev, "When we are trying to mul- tiply the schools in this prov- ince, they come along with this 11-per-cent tax." The federal legislation on mu- nicipal financing puts Quebec in "an impossible position." OPPOSITION APPLAUDS To desk - thumping approval from the opposition and gov- ernment members, he said that the federal government, instead of creating a $400,000,000 fund Although the other countries were not identified, they presu- mably included the United States, which honored Wenner. strom with its Legion of Merit, CAN EMBARRASS A communique suggested more disclosure$ would be forthe coming, They could further em- barrass Khrushchev and force him to cancel his Scandinaviag visit, scheduled for next spring. Two years ago, stonmy political opposition made Khrushchey postpone a trip to Sweden. Scheme In Effect EDMONTON (CP), -- Alberta launched its medical care insur- ance program Tuesday with un- qualified support from both doc- tors and insurance companies. The agi. triangle was a 'sharp contrasfte_the bitter crossfire faced by pag prepaid medical chewan government. a year when it initiated its compulsory program ; The. program outlined in de- - tail' at a press "conference by Premier E. C. Manning, his cab- inet and representattkes of doc- tor groups and health*insurance companies, is. both doctors and patients. It will be open to all residents --those who have lived in Al- berta at least 12 of the previ- AUDITORIUM . PROGRESS $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 - $206,000 - $100,000 _. $50,000 A jous 24 months--regardless age, occupation or 'health. The. government has estab- |lished maximum insurance pre- |miums and will provide subsid- ies to persons in low-income groups to ensure all can obtain insurance if they wish. The government ex- pects to spend $6,000,000 a year in subsidy payments Health Minister Dy. J. Dono- van Ross-said the fan permits Albertans to select' from insur- jance programs offered by 30 of companies and . Medi Serv- voluntary for Pi nd .Medica] Serv ices (Alberta) Incorporated. He said no policy can be cancelled except for misuse or fraud or 'non-payment of premiums. Enrolment will begin 'July 1 and the plan starts operation Oct, 1. Those not enrolled by then must wait four months after filing an application to ob- tain benefits: Z The Alberta plan will provide: medical, surgical and obstetri- |eal services for preventive, di- jagnostic or therapeutic treat- ment and care; anaesthetist jservices; | laboratory services jand diagnostic aids, including | (enews LATE NEWS FLASHES sician; psychotherapy, after the "policy is in force 12 months and after 24 months annual medical jexam-nations; waiver of pre jmium for six months if totally disabled before age 65. It will not provide. extended health benefits: such as eye jglasses or-amkulance services, expenses covered by public au ithorities or the workmen's com- jpensation board. or expenses covered by other forms of pre- \paid medical services. or insur- lances . | Maximum" yearly rates al lowed for non-group policies are \s63 for a single person, $116 for la married couple with no de |pendents; and $159 for a family with dependents : | There will-be no means: test \tor government subsidies. he $45,000,000 Mal- "should let the provinces have And he said he looked forward) " to the day when the goal of lib- Phe ogee on erty may 'be realized in a) aphipecyc Det *)' "larger Europe" reconstituted 5 The president, landing after a arger uro e 110-mile flight over Communist East Germany, saluted West z ae ' |Berlin's 2,000,000 people -- for Stair-t ; igen ee on both sides of the Iron Cur-) BERLIN (AP) -- President, someday be a reality," the pres-| holding aloft the beacon of free- he sebbeal iadteacinn hay ov. tain : ___ |Kennedy, in his key Berlin ad-jident told his student audience.|dom for the Western world. fered to rip -out the este eg A Several hundred bast Ger-jdress, said today the goal of|'The lessons of history support Kennedy's air force jet landed this ler i baler tagaldecae te ie dared dye npr the|liberty may well be obtainable|that belief. But we all know\from Wiesbaden, West Ger- ce ef DY:tommy-guns of Eas ermani jj 'Sarg y " i-| i t ' : sie y-8 a in a 'Aarger Europe" reconsti-|that a police state regime has) many, six minutes ahead of iton Aeroquay Thomson Sat "The Negro citizens of my| For Portrait | the Toronto Building Trades| police and waved their hand- tuted on both sides of the Iron|been im Council, which represents 24 kerchiefs at him. He did not! Curtain. aR gt tity and 'coun, | schedule. Although Soviet MiG a the police by spaced Tl, winds ot change ate|try." . jfighter planes were reported in i g. : jDiowing across the Iron Curtain) Peaceful reunification, he the vicinity of the central air * Look, Mr. President, they|as well as in the rest of thelc, all Peri bagi : Washington March fate waving 'at you," said Gen.| world," thé president said. "phe (Sad, will Beh be ire quick corridor used by the president, Frederick Q.. Hartell, Com-|cause of human rights and dig-| ee mg Aid not bother the Boeing Set For August mander of the U.S, Berlin. Bri-inity, some two centuries after)RACIAL. PROBLEMS 707 Jet. : gade. ; jits birth in Europe and the); When talking of. the "winds NEW YORK (AP)--A Negro Behind him, West Berliners|United States, is still movingjof change" blowing across "the! leader said Tuesday night Aug. filled the air with confetti and)/men amd nations with ever-in-|world, the president also re-| 28 has been set as the date-for a\cheers of Ken-ne-dee, Ken-ne- creasing momentum." ferred briefly to the racial situ-| march, on Washington by Ne. 4¢e- ie . "History itself runs against|ation in the United States. | groes from all oves the United! This is the greatest.reception| Marxist dogma, not toward it," States and he expects more than the president has received any-jhe said in his speech prepared/own country have strengthened) 300,000 to take part. where in the world," said White/for delivery in the auditorium|iheir demand for equality and| B 0 p h 'The figure was triple the) House Press Secretary Pierre |of Berlin's free university. lopportunity--and the American| y steopat number previously estimated by Salinger. "Like the division of Ger-|people and government are de- % 'civil rightse leaders for the| After getting his first view of|many, the division of Europe is|termined to ee gi The pace| LONDON (CP) -- Former|| march, a demonstration to urge|the wall at. the Brandenburg/against the tide of history," he|of decolonizatiof has quickened|Prime minister Diefenbaker and]? Congress to pass civil rights leg-|Gate--symbol of the division of|said. "The new Europe of the|in Africa. The people of the de-|publisher Roy Thomson were jislation. The estimate was by|Berlin between East and West--|West -- dynamic, diverse and|veloping. nations have intensi-|among prominent persons wholt Rev. George Lawrence of/President Kennedy was asked/democratic -- must exert en fied their pursuit of social and|sat for portrait sketches by Dr. Brooklyn, co-chairman of the by a reporter what he thought ever-increasing attraction on the;economic justice." |Stephen Ward, it was learned march of what he had seen. peoples of the East. & {today. é "And when the possibilities of| * . Ward, osteopath and artist,| § lpecontiitation woot ee in thal 39 Belgians Perish became embroiled 'in the scan- | West will make it clear we are te jdal) in which John Profumo,| § not hostile to any people or sys- In Military Crash British War minister, resigned tem, provided they chose their é |because of his affair' with 21- own destiny without interfering DETMOULD, West Germany |year-old Christine Keeler: Ward Queen Approves Profumo Removal |with the free choice of others."|(AP)--A Belgian military plane|now faces charges of living on LONDON (Reuters) -- Queen Elizabeth has approved the removal of John Profumo, former war minister, from | membership of the Privy Council, it was announced today. The president said that before| carrying 42 paratroopers. and alimmoral earnings. liberty is achieved "justice re-|Crew of five burst into flames! A spokesman: for Hugh In- jquires us to do whatever we) a training exercise today,/cram, editor of The Illustrated can im this transition period to|plunged into the ground and ex- London News, said in an inter- improve the lot «and' maintain|ploded, Military officials re-\view today Diefenbaker and the hopes @gsthose on the ofher|ported 39 of the men perished|/Thompson were the only Cana- side." ue and that seven jumped to safety|dians' involved in: 40 sketches "What 'does liberty. require?" with parachutes, commissioned from Ward by r : | Khrushchev Dispels Visit Rumor MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Soviet Premier Khrushchev to- day dispelled rumors that he had gone on a visit 'to Roman- ia by turning up at a reception in Moscow, The Soviet news agency Tass reported that he had attended the reception in . | the Kremlin for students gtaduating from Soviet military' academies. . ; : a 3 University. in Los Angeles, which is-her home. They plan' to move to Nigeria when he completes 'his' education. His father rules 50,000 tribesmen. --(AP Wiréphoto) Island Landslide Kills 69 People SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) --- A landslide caused by rains in the island city of Changsungpo Tuesday kilied 69 persons, including nine. policemen,: police. announced today. poe im |Kennedy asked. "The answer is bio crash. occurred Pv the|the weekly. Thomson's. sketch ¢ |clear: A United Berlin in ajtraop-training. site at Sennela-/appeared Feb. 11, 1961, and [United Germany, united, by self-\ger. - Diefenbaker's Aug. 12, 1961, TO B COME jdetermination --and living in). Military reports said the! It was. earlier confirmed that : _ |peace. This right of free choice|plane was flying at an altitude/nine members of the Royall » Linda Faye ,Lee (left); 20, is no speciai privilege claimed/of about 800 feet and the tail/Family, including the Duke "of! an aviation plant stenogra- for Gefmans alone, it is an ele-/ suddenly burst. nto, flames. It/Edinburgh and: Princess Mat-| bher, will become a princess mental .requirement 'of human fel] to the ground. The: para-|garet, gave half-hour sittings to| Saturday when she marries jjustice. So this is a goal We froopers were being flown over,Ward. Viscount Amory, British} Nigeriah, Prince . Otuckers jshall never abandon. « , the training area on a jumping) high commissioner to Canada,| Paddy. Njaka (right), .22. He " stion, I believe, will'exercise. was another subject. is now a.student at Loyola

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