18 THROSHAWATiMEs, -- |. | : . Wednesday, June 26,1963 | Brooklin Gives | : : | : Scugog Juniors | Whitewash Job : last might in Brooklin, as he struck out 10 batters, allowed . only three hits and two walks, x to turn back Scugog Cleaners Juniors 7-0. Cheesman, pitching for the : : Cléaners, got a shaky start but latér found his stride to make ; : marr 'sities, pemeste GET YOUR AREE CARD TO-DAY! a good showing. He, along with| & : * Be ks . ; 4 Davis and Wilson shafted the . is Speen. f UROL three singles Campbell allow- ed. : : si, sill : i -- t 4 The Concretes bunched four ' : ies : : : : oe 4 i hits, by Hill, V. Fergusom, Gib- : ; ' : : : 3 ; i . 2 ae son and G. Corson, for two runs in the first inning. Aberman singled in the second, moved ; ; Me F : . i 3 : on a passed ball and scored on ' : oe : , 3 : : Hill's second hit. In the third, : ba . ' » V. Ferguson opéned with a sin- : y » ; gle and Elmo Gibson's homer, ; : -- . ' : a made the score 5-0. : es ; <i : i 4 | Eee ' : D. Ferguson hit safely and MRS," DIANNE COOMBS, ($100) MRS. P. BUNTON, ($100.) MRS. D. H. ALLEN. ($100) MRS. M. BRZOZOWSK!, ($300) MRS. DELPHINEOAKIE, ($100) MR. K. MORTON, ($100.) : 6 Landry Avenue 35 Flora Drive 29 Barons Street 339 Grantham Avenue 114 Harcourt Avenue scored in the sixth and four 158 Wilson Street -- ie 8th odd seen HAMILTON, ONTARIO SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO HAMILTON, ONTARIO g ST. CATHARINES, ONTARIO TORONTO, ONTARIO There's more fun and excitement this week at DOMINIONS sters r seven in. : "3-IN-A-ROW or spell DOMINO" is in full swing -- and SCUGOG CLEANERS -- Sa-| dowski, rf; March, 3b; Davis,| ys there's dozens of winners of big cash prizes ... and moré to come! You could be thé very next winner of a big cash ss; Young, cf; Suddard, If; Wil- son, 2b; Solomon, c; Komylo, prize, that'll help your family have more fun this summerl lb; Cheesman, p; MacNamee, p and Norris, batted in 9th. BROOKLIN -- A. Corson, cf; Hill, ss; V. Ferguson, 3b; Simp- emerge oreamaseas ee dies s - se " son, ¢; Gibson, 2b; G. Corson,| : 5 ae ie " lb; D .Ferguson, rf; Campbell, p and Aberman, If. LEGION MINOR BALL SCORES Three schedule games in the | : ' "9 : & : : Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball ae oe (al Rs j / ' j : ; al i ie Association's Pee Wee League, | * , e / ft ; ? ' . 4 . é MRS. KEN McMANN, ($100) MRS. K. ANDALORO, ($100) MR. K. BARTELT, ($100) MRS. LILLIAN WILTON, (s1009,, ===" S. SECHENSK', ($100) MRS. M. SEDGWICK, ($100) 285 Lansdowne - were reported last night. Fei cae Tony Nekkers and his catcher ree Gare nee rag ie geo Ig exander turned in a + LARR Cc : / J, Me N, i Seber Ales People's Clothing 251 Donlands Avenue 60 Glouster Street Robeoegge ho 31 Elizabeth Street 48 Wilson Square 37 Shuter Street 161 Berry Rose defeated Firefighters 4-1. Peo- TORONTO, ONTARIO TORONTO, ONTARIO IDLAND, MIMICO, ONTARIO TORONTO, ONTARIO PORT HOPE, ONTARIO TORONTO, ONTARIO 10, ONT ple's got their four runs off TORON 'ARIO Scott Willson in the sixth inning : aa with Bernie McGuire having a! : triple. Nekkers had a no-hitter ~ » " me ~~ going until the final 7th inning " Bolahood Real Estate defeated cones HERE IS A LIST OF BIG CASH PRIZE WINNERS IN THIS AREA! e Namee and Rick Morrison the} winning batter. Bolahood"s got) to Jackson, Police pitcher, for five big runs in the first inning, | paced by Hircock, Sheyan and) McNamee, each with a two-! bagger. | Bligdon Lupel and Klamin,| for Ideal Fish and Chips, had a} big night, as their club turned! back Houdaille Industries 18-3. Howe Rankin and Bradley were the battery for the losers, who ; : were out os MRS. D. GOOD Mrs. D. Yuill Mrs. W. B | rs. D. Yui rs. W. Barton Mrs. H. McCullock Dyett's Sports il ae a | KING ST. E. 514 MILLER AVE. 611 ATHOL ST. 38 CHURCH ST. | NEWCASTLE OSHAWA .WHITBY BOWMANVILLE Plaza Foods -- -- Dyett's Sports defeated Plaza} Foods 8-5, in their UAW Softball BONUS WINNER BONUS WINNER League schedule tilt, at Alex- | | 211 MONK ST. | 130 HIGH ST. : : andra. park, yesterday after: MRS. E. CAND' OSHAWA MRS. V. CHILDS BOWMANVILLE | BONUS WINNER BONUS WINNER j $44.44 1 noon. Lupel, pitching for Dyett's,| po egtticanmeg oe MRS. J McFADDEN rane ae MRS. J REAS ROOK 223 ae | MR. H. FICE ee sais TEB had 10 strikeouts and was in "BONUS WIN! WINNER trouble only once. In the fourth| 354 JARVIS ST.* inning,- Hall homered with one} OSHAWA out, then with two out, Melni-/ ea ne aia hr a i eR -- got a rip og did Denault) "BONUS WINNER | BONUS WINNER BONUS WINNER BONUS WINNER re lig a igo ye ay ed MRS M TREVAI 871 SIMCOE ST. N. MRS 0 PLUMME 53 LIBERTY ST. N. MRS 5 PELESHA 125b Ferguson Ave. 46 LIBERTY ST. N. produce two more runs for a| . é -- ° - mene ' ~e WHITBY ° e R BOWMANVILLE three-run rally. . Montpetit homered, as first : | besser if me te Oh, for bie los: FANCY GRADE TENDER MILKY KERNELS BOVRIL STOKELY FANCY ers and they got their other run when MacLeod struck out in the . 7th but he too was safe on an : ; Ee cay at CORNED BEEF =: 49° se 49" see ge eee, ee HONEY POD PEAS 4 :.; 49° mond. TIN TINS ti Dyett's got their runs early.| : wa McCabe walked to open the , second, Bradley singled and so did Campbell, then Lupel walk- LARGE GEISHA SOLID WHITE HAPPY HENRI ed and Murry singled with two j out, to make that a three-run pod 7-OZ 48-OZ. splurge. They added four in the TUNA FISH c APPLE OR next inning on Georgeff's dou-| "TIN NGE ble and singles by Welsh, Brad- ; ORA\ TINS : ley, Campbell and Murry. | : Campbell's homer to open the fifth, gave Dyett's their eighth 4 and final rally. Campbell had KAM KRAFT three-for-three while Bradley and Murry had two hits apiece. . é 12-OZ. SQUARE MACARONI & 7¥%2-OZ. PKGS = | Luncheon Meat 200) =89° | oc" DINNER 4 «20: 49¢ British Bookies M 4 wouipay FAVOURITE NO. 1 FLORIDA RED RIPE AND SUGAR SWEET Favoring Relko W ATERMEL ON ) C REYNOLD'S HEAVY DUTY -- 18" TREAT NDOD _ sh book- : : ae: "= crea viaipire are 69 FOILWRAP Whole POTATOES 3 = a3? vorite to win Saturday's Irish Sweeps Derby. . At the previous callover,| FOR COOL SUMMER DRINKS SUNKIST Relko, owned by Francois Du- : * pre, was an even-money chance. | KELLOGGS : BLUE STAR : Other odds offered for the 1%4-| C mile race over the turf track of | : LARGE SIZE $e a as The Curragh included: 140's "OE, $2-02. ra Ragusa and Tiger, 1-to-1; Cer-| 0 e ' TIN Mg 12-to-1; Prriiye -- omme Arme. an 'artho. . Jon, 20-to-1; Final Move, 25-to-1; FIRM RIPE GOLDEN YELLOW Lock Hard and Paddy's Birth. day, 33-to-1. E h : G d The race, worth $164,436, is veryt ing uarantee the richest in the history of Brit- oe The winner : : Values effective at your Dominion Store in Oshawa, Whitby and The Irish Hospitals Sweep ' Bowmanville until Sat., June 29 stake will be run on the race. | WILL COMPETE : . STE. AGATHE, Que. (CP)-- : David: Lean. of Belleville, Ont.,| and other top Canadian water| LBS. skiers will compete in the two-| ; day Canadian Cup tournament] ; : : opening here Saturday. Lean is; Canadian combined oa in the jump, slalom and .