Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1963, p. 17

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pe a oe SEA igh pet eae FS Sennett ne rare ne ie aan By TG Sy gp Sa yerernionsnene a rain pom aston . Le RA es Ye te sins 3989 SPLEEN st OP se BES baa 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale room bun-| Bi OR Sirens, cx vous belek, Haiched|1e-ACRS farm, frestage, os Highway th, principal, interest and $._er| 810,500, low down payment. Tae. a payment. THs. PO pee ec, ss |>----auromenles For Sale NTR. ing,|725-6718,. ses SAVE THE NEW ii per cent tax on a/BUNGALOW -- Five-room 1988 BUICK fourdoor hard = pica Rod pe yh Ng se = Sow. Rieee.. Osly ve eee hemes 166 | sad Hitchen, pg Mg Mh. car has power steering, 2. six-ron stone modern kitchen,| $6900. -- FARM HOUSE with 5 acres| Now cha aa down and one|250 ft, lot frontage on on Kingston Road|dows, automatic, radio, Powler blue. Rereaiion room.' Reasonably priced.|of garden land. Low down payment,|mortgage. joseph Bosco, Realtor. . down, Dial Dunbarton top. iiret Must ell, Being Dial 725-6279. Peters) 7377 Transferred. Joe Crawford, 623-3672, Keith pipe or investor's 'oppirtunity | 7 12,500. with $1,200. down buys IMMACULATE two-storey welling fronta Road 'on| with fireplace and goramyes te in excellent nd grr Lier location, near Street East, $11,900. Moderate down payment 'and, easy terms. Arthur Weinberger, 1723-7244, Joseph Bosco, 27--Real Estate For Sale _27--Real Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 21, 1968 47 | .|Foun prety house, fea ae, de-| PRIVATE SALE -- three-bed / ; eorated, galow, decorated, landscaped. will ac-| al Cash pr Apply Maple ple Street, cept $1500. down, carries for. $86. per] Ajax, 942-2743. 26--Rooms For Rent 17---Male Help Wanted ,23--Wanted To Rent . ise, ely fc hemmy Mast | be first| NEWL DS want three-room apart- owe wanreo to rent th d. house near school ne or without fe) 197. R LE For Sele Bloor ee main Pee Semen by July ot salary mlssio No "door to er com: mn. io buy for duly. 1 ake + Write Box 903, Osh-| oNG BUSINESS man ers rn he pours by Jats one See] LOT FOR SALE Lot 50 ft. x 140 ft. opproximotely aged child, Telephone 728-9441, 330 10 MECHANIC sotaR a banaaiow or part, where ; ie op ON DEAN AVENUE PRICE $3300 English lady can breed ---- eran APPLY IN PERSON DIAL 723-9363 TUMEY'S cessary, Mrs. Mosley, 1299 o Haller Ay. enue, Bay Ridges, Pickering. 899-25 SHELL SERVICE 962 SIMCOE NORTH A SECURE FUTURE and FAST PROMOTION FOR YOUNG MEN AVATIA i from Oak country home, Ideal for busi- ws ness executive's family, 8 rooms includ- RETAIL STORE on orl Lape rcagd pgs «lag on MANAGEMENT PRIVATE SALE $2895. Trade Accepted Realtor, 728-7377. ae ee Porissienne, ¥ STREET -- Large three-hed- two rdtop, block, red child. Tot, close to beam ee in oven. and ose Firepice| includes set oh corner Ez fo : sveeror agli tires, RENTALS tint ee Meir | RESIDENTIAL LOTS, lene ce rite ty" tn a, Wah caller, hi, aati att Bowmanville 623-3854 CALitassesss i . Oshawa's Service Centre TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK . Asking $12,500, after 7 p.m, Private sale, No agents, please. corner. Size approximately 1 by S60 ft. with small bungalow. Rea- sonable terms for balance. For infor- mation call Henry Stinson at ats evenings 7. ranch} WHITBY -- 117 Bell Drive. Ranch style three bed: anlar 725-0243. Carl Olsen Realtor. BROOKLIN -- Three-bedroom Srtek SEVEN ROOM insul - brick, on DS need by July 1, one yne bed- pe had yimeat, vieinity) Choice selection, Oxford, |taxes. Full price $13,000, Telephone | broadioom. Ceramic sl telophens ee Hospital. Telephone , Don, after 5 p.m., 655-3853 owne: 728-3687. HIGH SCHOOL teacher's family (three 3-edroom home, Chirysler-Dodge-Phyehiguthaiaiiaae Dodge And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 ii sacoaee For Rent AVAILABLE July 1, 6 miles from Osh- tenants. ir Veena Gos cae eae by ene Hark een garage. Will lease to approved appli- cant, Box 809, Oshawa Times. 25--Apartments BOND Street East three room apart- ment, refrigeator, electric stove, pri- vate bathroom, oil heated. suitable for couple. edge ary ig Vacant. July 1, hone 7: CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 FARMS EXPENSIVE FARM -- If you have plenty of cash to invest and are looking for a top notch farm in the Brooklin Area with one of Canado's best Holstein herds, then give us a call for full particulars. 155 ACRES DAIRY FARM with milk contract at Raglan, third of a mile frontage on Ritson Rd. North. Listed ot $45,000. with terms. 100 ACRE BEEF FARM -- 7 miles north of Oshawa, close to school. Ideal for the G.M. worker. 16 ACRES ON HIGHWAY 7 AND 12, approximately 1 mile north of Brooklin. Rapidly expanding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from coast te coast hos imme- diate openings for young men to train on the! job for Store Management, with fu- ture opportunities in Home Office ond Administrative positions. Ages 20 to 30 desirable, but we have a few openings for men 18 to 20. Single ENT -- » four ro rooms, bath- room, heated, outside Oshawa. Chil- dren welcome. Near school and store. Vacant July 1. Dial direct. 263-2126. MODERN two-bedroom 7m apartment, t, liv ing room, tile bath. hall, kitchen, stove and refrigerator, television out- 1et, adults only. Caretaker. Marina Apartments, 281 Simcoe Street Souh. TWo-! )-BEDROOM | 'apartment in modern apartment building. Refrigerator and | stove supplied, washing facilities. 728- | 9733 after 6 p.m. men preferred. |ATHOL STREET -- Four-room , apar- |ment, newly decorated, laundry facili- Storting salaries depend upon ities. 'Available July 1. Telephone 725- oge, education and past | 1828. : " CELINA Street, 134: Unfurnished four work experience. a at \emss apartment, all covencerey pri| mona level range jvate entrance, close to downtown and) whe ners seat f | bus. Adults or business lady. Call after) _ upwerd from @ minimum of ig p.m., 725-1061. $6,500 to over $35,000 on- | HOGARTH STREET. 63 -- Three-room nuell i] apartment. Private bath and entrance, La |$65. monthly. Dial 726-4276. Exte i m- |SOUTH END -- Large apartment, pri- neve exponen wee | vate entrance, two bedrooms, large liv- me and supervised training . jing room, modern Kitchen, rags pportun- throughout, drapes, range and refriger- provides excellent 9 os |ator supplied. Suitable business couple, ity for rapid promotion based jadults, Before 5 p.m. 725-3562. upon individual performance. Employee benefits include Pension Plan, Group Life Insurance ond Health Plan, Profit Shoring, Summer ond Winter Vacations. Interested In Summer Properties ? RICE LAKE 2 bedroom cottage, lined, decorated, furnished, water- front lot with boat house, boot. Asking $6,500 STURGEON LAKE Three bedroom cottage, lined, decorated, furnished, 2 piece washroom, waterfront lot, Only $6,500 full price CALL L. S. SNELGROVE WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED SLEITIA PLAN XXX xx Kaxk LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA HOLIDAY For more information on these properties call Chas. Naylor at 723-1133, even- ings 728-2857. 299 KING ST, W. 723-1133 Real Estate. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894. NASSAU Street, six-room stucco house, furnished or unfurnished. Completely ores $9000. Telephone Brooklin Trembloy ond Lakeside |after 6 p.m. Brooktin ; Exira waskioom 08 Weiee Tee aah streets, Rossiond Manor THREE-BEDKOOM ranch-siyle brick PAs sare ied walcout, basement, with acres, 2M miles east of Newenstle ob Brookside Acres. a ne, fron beteage Pay y phd 36,000, Lote suitable for building in- ind 5 ast $7,000. p SUBURBAN inca suminom sors Ad, eevns wen io amped, Aten rom] © WIHT BY Ute ise Sieee nessa teceonts Thomton's Road North ond |Terms arranged. 720-0196. 146 Fvan-| Telephone Whithy 968-3119. Ly sinha ac scan Newcastle. pester $3600 di p lown buys lovely no CRERAR AVENUE PRIVATE SALE 4 bedroom tri-level, large ACREA $12,600. Six room solid or 4 dini In Oshawa's Industrial Park brick, private drive. Immac- + Bed living room, an ining Wentwerm a, Stevenson's ulate condition. hree Bedroom, area, with broadioom, na- gg k Real DOWN Brick Bungalow tural fireplace, 2 kitch- R. Vickery, Realtor | TELEPHONE TORONTO ana 2 batheonria,: Flutie: 728-9571 46 King W. MElrose 3-0684 2 years old, Close to schools. ' " ' _OPEN EVENINGS Paved drive. Colored fixtures | ed recreation room, at- cane SOUGOG -- house, barn. hen Many added feotures tached earaae. (Can. be house and about 20 acres of choice soil ' NORTH EAST OSHAWA ed garage. near | take, an conveniences, good METC ALF used as 3 bedroom home, |{esirea, $15,000. for quick sale, or con- DIAL with income apartment, | #ider renting, private. Blackstock 996- Real Estate Limited PRIVATE two-storey house with two " itchens, could ad 40 King St. East 728-0708 CALL OWNERS Spartmente, Owner' tat sell)" $1900, Dial 728-4678 full price, 728-5770, 668-5640 PRIVATE 14% acres just east of Osh- WHY RENT? awa, Good level garden soil. $350 per Whos ou can buy yabk mn acre or best offer. Telephone 723-2094. home for $11,595.00 with | fueatched "Ge taberelehods sotepletely only $595.00 down, Where? | LLOYD R modern, $9000, Telephone Brooklin 635- in G ights -- and 457. look tT Only $98.00 nant: LIST vids LLOYD . amMcor STREET Noure aS: ay ly including taxes -- Call THEN CALL YOUR MOVE Owner transterred and must sell, Prop- now and buy today. 'THINKING OF RETIRING' srty consists of 69 ft. freatage, 1¢-room welling le 0 four apartme! EASTMOUNT AVENUE $9,900. FULL PRICE tnelgding barber and beewty. Goon, Mr. A real 512 room -- 3 bed- Two bedroom bungalow with Martin, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco, Real- room gem. Beautifully in new oil heated furnace, base- tor, 728-7377. scaped fot, paved drive, al- t tment to help poy FIVE-ROOM, two-bedroom, uminum awnings, doors and te Feb eneay Large lot ieee aoe t one an ace storms, home tastefully dec- with garage. Coll Bill Johns- bus. Reasonable. be Bir vF5 egg sashes crated and in perfect shape. ton now at 728-5123 or 728- JONES AVENUE -- two. Ser jeer brick pie b iadageadtd with reas- 1066. bangulow, patias Sat. mpamnabie onabie n payment, nm payment. ss for cash. Tele- OM phone 728-7245. STOP LOOKING ! ! BUREN ee IC AS Lovely two storey home with land. Near Mosport. Reasonable price Now! 2 Colonial homes in large tract of land in the Call Orono 4R6. Bella Vista Gardens ready to city very close to King street. ONE-STOREY house in Nestleton, four move into with only $1,- Two baths, two kitchens, a rooms with bath; garage, drilled well, 444.00 down 7 0 money maker and only $10,- $7,400. with $1,000. down. Fred Cook carpori. 900. Call Bill Hest pd at 728-1066 728-5123. SUTHERLAND AVENUE | 7281008 oF . Extra gocd 2 bedroom bunga- "$11,500 FULL PRICE low, located in a lovely resi- SPLIT LEVEL HOME dential area. Asking only |ment 1. | THREE- or four-room : apartment, lfurnished, heated, fireplace in vine |§500 IS the full down payment on this jpuneslew located in the country. Call QUALIFICATIONS Leadership ability. |Doug Gower at S. D. Hyman Real Es- |tate. 728-6286. BEDROOM a ment, $110 monthly, near Shopping Centre. available July 1. High School Educetion, or better. "Attractive starting seleries for both High School end University Graduates. | Adults, Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apart-| Willingness to accept periodic expense-poid transfers. REPLY STATING FULL PAR- TICULARS: NAME, AD- DRESS, TELEPHONE NUM- BER, AGE, MARITAL STA- TUS, EDUCATION ond PRE- VIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE BOX NO, 947 OSHAWA TIMES 20--Room and Board ROOM and board for prmienns. Chere te downtown or North GM, 29 Hast. Dial Elgin room. Private bath, boo % centrally! | located. After 5 p.m. Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu, ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. '728-3643. Gi PER WEEK, suitable for men will- ing to share rooms, single beds. Tele- Phone 728-3396. Schofield-Aker 22--Offices, Stores, Storage corner Gibb and) San a for = at Centre Street. Telephone 725-2539. Limited 723-2265 MODERN cy 360 square <-- al 26--Rooms For Rent phone 668-3253. TWO large furnished housekeeping LEGAL OFFICE SUITE Available July Ist, includes reception area and private offices decoroted to suit Les- see. Bright, central locgtion suitoble for professional use. Poul Ristow Realtor, 187 King St. E., 728-9474, rooms, Private, entrance, very central. Reasonable rent. Dial 725-5714. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman,| central to downtown and North General| Motors. Dial 723- 9695, _ | FURNISHED room, ~jarge, « clean, ~ pri-| vate entrance, parking facilities, south) jend, $7. weekly. Dial 723-1359. FURNISHED room, board if "desired. | Apply 31 Elgin Street East. Dial 723-3807. LARGE SIZE front room, also up- stairs room with light housekeeping.) Gentleman or lady. Apply W. Kuz- menko, 160 William East. GLADSTONE AVENUE -- Comfort- SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq, ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 'thn furnished room. Suit lady. Tele- phone. 728-0283. CLEAN furnished room in In quiet | home. | Central. Suit gentleman. Telephone Large Family Home Solid brick home in fine con- dition. 10 rooms to house a large fomily or convert to niiele dwelling. Garage at- teched by breezewoy. Full basement with new furnace. There's on extra lot too, Rea- sonable offers considered. Brooklin Brick Bungalow Owner Pyros to Peterbor- ough, bedroom, nice kit- chen, + Be erea, Finished recreation room, Lot is land- scaped. Reosonable offers considered. Main Street Brooklin Valuable oite for commercial dev 3' frontage by 165' pbs sth. Very central. Priced ot $10,000 with terms. 1 Acre Lot Highway 12 Well situated with good well, pletely fenced along long driveway already in, com- highway frontage. Just $3,- 000 with terms. Keep A Pony For The Family Comfortable 4 bedroom home with dining room, oi! furnace and many extras, Double gar- age, small born, and other buildings. 2 acres of land with some apple trees. Right on a good highway too. Ideal for Fomily living, School buses at the door, Contact D. H. ANDREWS Brooklin Phone 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD., 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto 12 Three bedrooms and finished recreation room, yard com- pletely fenced, Payments in- cluding taxes only $103.00 per month, Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario. $12,000.00, worth looking at. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ken Hann Lloyd Metcalf Jack Osborne John Kemp Co. LTD. 43 PARK ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA 723-9810 SAVE $$$, ORCHARD HEIGHT, Subdivision NEWCASTLE wae distance to stores, school and only 15 minutes drive '0. You save $3, 000. on your new home. Services pre- CALL: JOHN F. DeWITH, REALTOR 14 FRANK ST. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-3950 ie WIDE WINDING STREAM through 100 acres of wooded park land, in Lake Scugog area. Numerous dam sites. The beauty of this property defies description, Priced at $15,000 with terms. CORNER LOT 55 x 115 ft. services prepaid. Overlooks Oshawa Golf Course on Park Road North. Priced at $2,500 with terms. We suggest you inspect our Country Estates, 10 acre lots. 42 miles from Oshawa on Thornton Road North, $3,200 with terms. COTTAGE LIVING at it's best, choice wooded lots on Nonquon River. 5 minutes by boat from Lake Scugog. Architect designed cottage built on the lot of your choice, Lots $1,800, with terms. | NORTH SHORE REALTY 112 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA | Phone 725-3568, Evenings 665-3853 -- Howard Forder 723-9225. ROOMS -- Furnished and unfurnished, downtown location, suit respectable gentiemen. Apply 131 Albert Street. | Talempone 728-4061. |PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, louble, television privileges. | parking, weekly or nightly rates. single or Free 725- [sas Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) |OSHAWA MOTEL on No. 2 Highway, |% mile east of Oshawa, Weekly rates. | $20. up. Dial 723-9761. Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified Ads. | ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. | 82 PARK RD. | NORTH WHITBY CLASSIFIED EXPANSION SALE Used 9 x 9 Tourist Tents . 9 x 12 Tourist Tents .. Used Motors $22. $32 7% HP. SCOTT 1959 $150 25 H.P. Electric 62 Gale - $495, 48 HP. ELECTRIC 62 Gale SPECIAL 1963 A. Frame << Aig complete with winch, hui caps, signal lights, 500 Ibs. capacity $149, 700 Lb. Tilt Tongue $199 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas St, WHITBY 668-3226 FOR RENT: in triplex, 2-bedroom apartment, 607 Centre Street South. All conveniences. Call collect after 8 p.m., Toronto, LEnnox 2-4931. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service | on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, | altera.ions, slip covers, drapes. Fitting {a specialty. Mrs. Toms 668-2372. | RELIABLE help wanted for care of children, five days weekly, live out. After 5 Telephone V Whitby 668-5277. ONE Slate pelieoneola, tained apartment. gage for couple. 668- 3691. FOR RENT -- Three rooms, self con- |tained, Available July 1. 107 Keith | Street. Telephone 668-4379 after 5.30. LAWN cutting with power lawn mower. Telephone 668-6238. FOR RENT -- One unfurnished room, centrally located, available immediate- \ly. Apply 840 Dundas Street East. Apartment One. Telephone 668-8505. FOR SALE -- 1954 black Oldsmobile, automatic, good radio, good condition. $200 or nearest cash offer. 668-3776, REFRIGERATOR, GE; also Moffat gas \range and dryer, All like new. Dial | 668-8792. Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT and SOLD CHEAP Four roms, hardwood and tile floors, back yard complete with shade tree and lawn. Don't miss this one. Owner will take low down payment. Phone Mr. Ratcliffe ot 725- 6544, 6-PLEX APT. One of the best investments we hove ever offered. All leased to excellent tenants. Building new. Price ond terms can not be matched. For fur- ther particulars call Mr. Rankine ot 725-6544. 10 ROOMS Lerge income home, 2 kit- chens, 2 - 3 pe. baths, oil heat, lot 65' x 200'. Owner lives in half, other half rent- ed to good tenant ot $70 monthly. Located on main street in village of Port Perry. Only $1,900. down with good terms. Ask for Mr, Yeo at 725-6544. KING ST, EAST Close to Seven Day Adven- tist Church. Only 1% years old. Lovely 5 room brick ranch bungalow with breeze- way and attoched garage with electric doors. Part fin- ished rec rooms, push-button 175 omp electric fuse box, house has lovely large 3 bed- roms, living room, very smart kitchen with 4 pc. ceramic bathroom with vanity. Must be seen. Asking only $17,500 with reasonable down pay- ment. Mr. Appleby B be glad to show through, call him at 725-6544 or 723-3398, now. We List Only To Sel Peter Sorichetti & Sons Ltd. announces the Grand Opening Creston Park--all electric homes. Colonial style with built-in stove and oven, 3 bedrooms, ultra-modern kitchen with break- fast area. Turn north off Dundas St. E. on Bowman Ave. and follow the signs. Saturday June 22nd from 2 p.m. Exclusive Agent OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5853 Schotield-Aker $7,700 FULL PRICE 12 YEAR OLD 4 room bungalow located in a quiet setting of green lawns, healthy green cedars and a babbling brook, Home is comprised of 20' living room, large modern kitchen, 2' bed- rooms, and 3 pc. bath, Ideal for retired couple living on a mar- ginal income. TAXES ONLY $98.98. SACRIFICE $13,800 OWNER SAYS SELL -- 212. year old ranch bungalow with at- tached garage. A really nice, well built home located in an area of fine homes, Clean as a pin inside and pretty as a pic- ture outside. 6 rooms of modern living, located between Whitby and Oshawa .ONLY $1,900 DOWN, balance 6% N.H.A. mort- gage. NO APPROVAL NEEDED. 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to 5 REG. AKER 725-0201 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) 360 King &. W. Free Porking GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 ARLINGTON AVENUE -- 2 storey red brick, 6 room home with garage. Living room, dining room and kit- cken with plenty of cup- boards. Upstairs, 3 bedrooms and 4-pe, bath with vanity. This home has recently been modernized and has many ot- tractive features. Priced ot $12,500. os BEAU VALLEY -- Ultra mod- ern 5% room bungalow with car port. Many extras include twindows and screens, built- in Vacu-flo, stove and oven, hood exhaust fan, dishwasher and garbage disposal unit. Rotor T.V. aerial with out- lets in every room. Finished rec, room with bor. 6% N.H.A_ ,Mortgage. CENTRALLY LOCATED -- 4 room brick bungalow with low taxes. Full price $9,500, and can be bought with a low down payment. LOT ON GRANDVIEW ST. 75 x 200 ft. Choice building lot in a good location over- looking the city. 2 STOREY BRICK HOME with three bedrooms and new fur- nace. Full price $8,500. with low down payment, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow on quiet street close to schools and bus. L-shaped living and dining room. 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. Full price, $12,- 600. COLLEGE HILL AREA -- 5 room bungalow, an excellent home for an older couple with its 2 bedrooms and 4-pc both. Toxes only $120. 60. Full price $7,900. INCOME HOME ON RITSON ROAD SOUTH--4 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms. Brick building in very good condition. $11,900. Vendor will take back one open mort- goge with very good terms. BUILDING LOTS -- Cordova Rd. 72' frontage $3,500. Park Rd. North 94' front- age $4,500. RESTAURANT -- Year round money - maker, completely equipped. Seats 70, located in a busy Shopping Plaze. Due to illness, owner will sacrifice. Excellent Opportun- ity for partnership. FERNHILL BLVD, -- 4 bed- room tri-level home on a fenced lot with patio and space for children to play in safety. 542% Mortgage. Asking price $17,500. WHITBY -- Just north of Town Hall is this 3 bedroom tri-level with carport. Excel- lent value offered in the large kitchen and separate dining room. Very large living room and patio in back. All this and more for the price of $14,900. IN THE HIGHLANDS OF HALIBURTON -- 186 acres of woods and bush including 25,000 Christmas trees plant- éd 4-7 yrs. 6 room house with hydro and good basement, barn and garage. Right on Highway 500. Priced at $6,- 900. with good terms. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. George Blyleven REALTOR Call 623-5300 Maple Grove on paved road close to highway three bed- room bungalow with garage and workshop combined. Lot can be extended for V.L.A, Priced at $12,500 with $2500 down. Newcastle 100 acre farm with old home and new barn. Good fertile soil. Pric- ed at $14,000 with $6,000 down, Close to Bowmanville 45 acre farm with 7 room house and barn. Asking price $16,- 000 with $2500, down. Give us an offer. On Twin Lake 90 miles from Oshawa well built summer cottage with lake frontage. Safe beach for children and good fishing. Must be seen to be appreciated. Asking price $3500. -- Terms. 28--Real Estate Wanted WANTED, three bedroom house. Osh- awa or horth area with low down pay- ment. Write Box 832 Oshawa Times. SPECIAL AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE with hardtop Regular Price $2245 Sale $2095 MORRIS MINI MINOR Regular Price $1495 Sale $1395 MORRIS MINI MINOR SUPER Regular Price $1595 Sale $1495 MORRIS MINI MINOR STATION WAGON Regular Price $1695 Sale $1645 See these and many other Fine Cars in the B.M.C, Line Claremont Garage Sales and Service Austin Wolseley : Morris Riley Austin Heoley Telephone Claremont 649-2101 29-----Automobiles For Sale 1955 OLDSMOBILE conver- tible 98 A-1 condition $625 1957 MERCURY 4 door hard- top fully powered $775. 1957 FORD 6 cylinder. Good condition SS 1955 CHEVROLET 2 door A-1 condition. $450 1956 VOLKSWAGEN _ one $495 Marijans Garage 290 Cordova Road 725-5101 Executive Driven 1963 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 TWO DOOR HARDTOP Finished in Honduras Maroon with Alaskin White top, fully equipped, original - 15,000 miles. New car warranty. $3595 Bill Whittick Motors Limited . 146 Brock Street North . Whitby 668-5871 TRUCKS 1959 DODGE 1 TON TRUCK 1958 FORD 1-TON TRUCK Completely reconditioned, platform and racks. 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY (2 From Which te Choose). 1957 FORD TWO DOOR, Customline, 6 cylinder. Many Others To Choose From HOWARD MOTORS 612 KENT STREET WHITBY 668-2622 Clearance Older Model Cars At Exceptional Savings 1957 Oldsmobile 98 Hardtop $695 Automotic, radi Aaternel sell "Pall steering, power brakes, electric win- $575 1957 Buick Hardtop $495 Automatic, radio, power ee License B60187. $495 1957 Chevrolet Sedan $395 License B57219 1958 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery $285 $195 License 9905C 1957 Chevrolet $135 $145 Two door with radio. License B83883 $95 1955 Buick Hardtop $95 Automatic ond radio. Licence 232825 1955 Pontiac Sedan Delivery License 7962C 1953 Ford Hardtop Automatic and Radio. License B87433 1955 Ford Sedan License B79890 1957 Ford Two Door License 233098 $95 $65 1953 Monarch Sedan $35 License B81293 WELL QUALIFIED COURTEOUS. SALESMEN AT YOUR SERVICE TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA 1956 Ford Sedan 1955 Plymouth Sedan TELEPHONE 725-6501 Has Radio, License K4908 1955 Chevrolet Sedan License 233531 With Radio, License B58496 (Continued on Page 18)

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