Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jun 1963, p. 19

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fidindintadnehhsepuedhetc tn komen a ee = 7" ee ete Fa a --Real Estote For Le 4 poems Help Wanted |22--Offices, Stores, Storage'27--Real Estate For Sele 27--Real Estate For Sale Sy Roel Retete for Sale oa a eal seete | For Sale tol Estate ne Sale LOTS R00 nicely ATE 8A -- three-bedroom treet, CRE farm, ee Higiway class. . fet be 'first GARAGE for rent' at corner Gibb and Coe ee eee Soe Ma ba Sa pate auto or best Pos phony decorated, landscaped. Will ac-lattic, hardwood floors, modern kitehen.|12, house, bara. creek. Illness forces| aay I Estate for Sale Btreet W apes austria! Tools, Bloor'Centre Street, Telephone 725-2539. | En Merville, Stone and Tremblay, Zioa|Cash "preferred 'Apply 7. Maple Street,|cept. $1500. down, carries for $86. per|$10,500, iow down payment, 725-5282. |sale, Sacrifice, Call Port Perry, 985-2988,|27 ----ReQ pe le MODERN office 360 square feet, $60.00|and Newcastle. Ike Perry, 725-0903,/Ajax, 942-2743 month, principal, interest and taxes.| Savi THE NEW 11 per cent tax on a|NEWTONVILLE -- 4 room house ask-|LOT FOR SALE -- = bo aha or part-time salesmen, acholee| monthly Available immediately. Tele-|Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7317. 2 Acres with 7 foom house four plece| '~-6718. ' 2 ; os tl ai Extra for casing, Write 'Bor 903, Osh. Phone 668-3253. bath, furnace, and barn I mile from|THREE-BEDKOOM ranch-sivle brick at $200 'down 'and Realtor, "Bowmanville| King, Street Five wlaaer Rmea ee a BUNGALOW FOR ree boned nk Re: A gg aire benedict Hae torm: men screens, joni ale OPSERRRS OHS lie separate or ign school $49 per! Barnoski, Walter a) altor, weifenced, aluminum 5 5 | BUNGALOW -- Fiveroom with Sat ton 5 $600 DOWN manville 623-3393. $12,000. 6 per cent hing poe. PRIVATE sale, central Park boulevard|and ki foot: with serviess paid. ATTACHED GARAGE Off Grandview street. Built- in range. Three good sized ene arranged, 728-01 1464 Eva south, six-room brick bungalow, three * bedrooms. This beats renting. geline Drive. two-piece| 839-. Call Bill Millar, 725-1486. | $3600 down buys lovely garage, HENRY STREET -- Large three-bed-|bath and oxivas, $12,900 . room brick bungalow, modern kitchen|with $2500 down. 725-2622. THREE REDROOW pangnion_ com, Sep- FIVE NEW BUNGALOWS 4 bedroom tri-level, large |F' BUILDER STARTS living room, and dining with built-in oven and stove. Fireplace T ia living room Sliding glass door in iodh ys AR Nedrosinc Dias torus eel preceoeay Pi fogs ey ee ce area, with broadloom, na- ' tural fireplace, 2 kitch- Asking' $12,500, ing room and patio. Wall to wallling and dining rooms, modern kitchen,|after 7 p.m, Private sale. No agents,| tile bathroom. breakfast nook, oil heat. This property|please. of Shoppi Centre. He ee ens, 2 bathrooms, finish- SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 723-3474 MAN WANTED With 'car, for excellent Rowleigh District in Dur- hom County ond Oshowo Write today for free book- let thet will tell you how to stort. We supply the capital you need. Write Rawleigh's Dept. Ceramic broadloom, Rites off master includes large corner lot suitable for sot ert ee tomy ln gta nana = sink, All tiled, walk-out basement with|p,; 3. yron washroom. Two-car garage. Has to be North, Whitty. Apply 82 Street pak ree afeci Water Prank, seen to be appreciated. At least $7,000. Telephone owner, 725-2539. Realtor, a) ly down. Will arrange to finance balance. $1,000. DOWN = take Tel Whitby 668-3119. . -- over os 'elephone y $50, per month. Buys teo-bed phd WHITBY = Bell Drive. Ranch ayia F-310-12A 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. Three. full-time and five part-time er home. Telephone Whitby 668-8023, West 6 p.m. and 9 p.m, "| storms and areas, TV NHA Tele-} ii SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants. Also senior grade students for temporary sum-. mer work, Fuller Brush Co. | WANTED to rent three- bedroom house! Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office, 14 [near school with-or. without option to/ Albert St., Oshowa. Friday, |buy for July 1, Telephone 728-6791. | te a A Bw. Mites 10 a.m, to 9 p.m. THREE- YOUNG BUSINE 88 1 man : requires three bedroom house by July 1. One school- WANTED - -- a house by July 1 a) Pos- " bi t M k | sible. Telephone 728- 9134 after § p.m. Experienced with own tools |23--Wanted 1 To Rent a |NEWLYWEDS want three. room ~ apart-| | |ment, main floor or basement, by July) [3s Telephone 725-6120. or four-bedroom house in _ Whitby or vicinity. Boat Builder aged child. Telephone 728-9441, 9.30 to Reasonable rent.! Telephone 728-3665. OR \3 30. ives z peters or bungalow or part, where| English lady can breed small dogs, near No, 2 highway. References if ne- cessary. Mrs, Mosley, 1299 Haller Av-) enue, Bay Ridges, Pickering 839-2516. | FIBERGLASS LAMINATOR two BEpRoom house oF apartment required by couple with one school-aged ALSO REQUIRED child, Immediate possession preferred 728-6221 ask for Mr. McBurney. NEWLYWEDS need by July 1, one bed room furnished apartment, vicinity Hospital. Telephone Don, after 5 p.m., 728-3687, |24-~--Houses For Rent | FOR 1 RENT -- "modern "split: level "three- bedroom house in Whitby, close to schools. Nice district. Telephone 668- Must be thoroughly exper- lenced.in all phases of fiber- glass work including mould moking. APPLY 1710 Charles Street, Whitby DIAL 668-8511 HOUSE. new, six-room, three bed- phasi4a near public and high schools, cellent bus service, paved parking Apis at 370 Windsor Street | |25--Apartments " as | |BOND Street East three room apart-| ment, refrigeator, electric stove, pri vate bathroom, oil heated. suitable for couple. No children. Vacant July Intérested 4 work. in part time |Teiephone 725-5214 | APARTMENT, $55., four rooms, bath- |room, heated, outside Oshawa. Chil- dren welcome. Vacant July 1 Near school and store.| Dial direct. 263-2126. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, ground floor Private entrance. Two children welcome. $40. monthly. Bow- manville. Dial 623-2818. BEATTY AVENUE, 184 -- Furnished two rooms, self-contained apartment, private entrance, TV outlet, saul |faciliies. Suitable for couple MODERN two-bedroom apartment, ~iiv-| | kitchen, - ing room, tile bath, hall, Midtown Texaco js ant, "wanterar cuenta oa . . Apartments, 281 Simcoe Street Souh. | Service Station BACHELOR "apartment, available « July 117 SIMCOE STREET N, $70 monthly. Simcoe North and Ross- NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Type of work -- Distribu- tion. Must be 12 years or age or over, Apply at 4:30 sharp on Friday afternoon only at }land area. Telephone 723-7613. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment in imedera| apartment building. Refrigerator and stove supplied, washing facilities. 728- 9733 after 6 p.m ONE-BEDROOM apartment, . refrigera- tor and stove, private entrance and bath, parking two minutes' walk to downown, Telephone 728-4068. | Help Wanted |ATHOL STREET -- Four-room ~apar-| ment, newly decorated, laundry facill- WANTED | ti Available J 1. Tel TARP ORIVERS (ee | |CELINA Street, 134: Unfurnished four| Men or Women room apartment, all conveniences, pri-| Apply vate entrance, close to downtown and bus. Adults or business lady. Call after MERCURY TAXI = &_p.m.. 725-1061. B | THREE -ROOM ~ apartment, , lights ond 14 Albert Street 725-4771 jheat ineluded, Close to hospital, Adults only. Telephone 725-3093. 20--Room and Board \HoGaRTH STREET, 63 -- Three: room ROOM and board for gentlemen. Close| 2P4ttment vate bath and | to downtown or Nosta GM, 29 Higin|$5. monthly. Dial 728-4276. East. Dial 728-3643. |SOUTH END -- Large apartment, pit | $ié PER WEEK, joer for men will-| Vate entrance, two bedrooms, large liv- to share rooms, single beds. Tel rd room, modern kitchen, rugs) mene 728-3396. ane auf pe gf drapes, range and refriger- Suitable couple, AJAX: "ey brakfast optional, or aalis Before 5 p.m. 725-3562. . room and board in private home for two or three women, Ajax 942-3422. $500 IS the full down payment on this| located in the country. Call| Doug Gower at S. D. Hyman Real Es- tate. 728-6286. 375. SELF CONTAINED three room bath apartment, downtown. On second floor in new building. Telephone 725- 18--Male or Female Smart Business People 1212 Sing the Praises 2 BEDROOM apartment, $110 monthly, of Oshawa Aaalin: "Apes. 90" Buea Vite beast Times Classified ment 1. Ads. ApArtiNent abeters WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: in triplex, 2-bedroom) apartment, 607 Centre Street South. All conveniences, Call collect after 8 p.m., Toronto, LEnnox 2-4931. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on cells, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Frigidgires--12 cu. ft, Street West, Whitby 668-2563, Pressurized Hallways DRIVEWAY CD ge cement gravel, Storage Locker in Suites sand and fill. We deliver. Cali Eric " Branton, 668-2660. ' Laydty, regen on each DRESSMAKI. Suit oats, dresses, Vanity in bathrooms altera.ions, slip covers, drapes. Fitting A Few Choice a Specialty, 3 Mrs. Toms" 668-2372, RELIABLE help wanied for care of : P children, five days weekly, live out Locations Available After 5 Télephone Whitby 668-5277 Immediate Possession FOR RENT -- two bedroom, two bath TELEPHONE: plex, centrally located. Available July | : Plex, central 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, ONE-BEDROOM, modern self-contain- : tained apartment. Suitable for couple S h f ld- k Available immtdiately. Telephone 668- C @) ie A er FOR BENT -- Four rooms and bath. Ground floor. Garage. Gas heated Reasonoble rent. Central. Suitable for 723-2265 couple. July 1. Telephone 668-3476 days. 668-3714 after' 6.30 __ 26--Rooms For Rent OSHAWA MOTEL on No Used 9 x 9 Tourist Tents 9 x 12 Tourist Tents . . $32 Used Motors 505 -- Six-room and downstairs Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges room apartment, very modern, in tri- 3691. ure : Limited NS N- 2 Highway,| EXPA 1@) $20. up. Dial 723-9761 COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, central to downtown and North General | Motors. Dial 723-9695. | ELGIN "Street East, 23: Furnished oom jfor gentleman, housekeeping privileges,| close to downtown. Mal after 4 P.m., fee 7814. CLEAN furnished room in quiet home.| Central. Suit gentleman. Telephone! 723-9225, ROOMS -- Furnished and "unfurnished, downtown location, suit respectable gentlemen. Apply 131 Albert Street. Telephone 728-4061. PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single or double, television privileges. Free parking, weekly or nightly rates. 725- 9035 $550 SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- centra) |location, bed sitting room, laundry| SPECIAL re Prtelephone 728-466. suitable one 1963 A. Frame boot trailers FURNISHED room, large, clean, pri complete with winch, hub vate entrance, parking facilities, south caps signal lights 500 Ibs. 4end, 37 weekly. Dial 723-1359. capacity $149. ' CLEAN, bright room for gentleman in quiet home. Close to hb tal. Tal 700 Lb. Tilt Tongue $199 ospita a WILDE | ATTRACTIVELY | RENTAL SERVICE | FURNISHED ROOMS | AND SALES Available in private home. 1415 Dundas St. Call between 5 and 7 p.m WHITBY 82 PARK RD, 668-3226 3 HP, CLIO as ; 7% H.P. SCOTT 1959 $150 25 H.P. Electric 62 Gale 48 H.P. ELECTRIC 62 Gole $495. NORTH Clay brick construction. Built- in ranges. Electrically heot- ed. Down payments as low as $900. Priced from $13,500. For inspection, call Bill Millar at 725-1186. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, 67 King Street East, Oshawa ed recreation room, at- tached garage. Can be used as 3 bedroom home, with income apartment, PRIVATE SALE 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW 139 Central Pk Blvd. S. IMMACULATE two-storey dwelling with fireplace and garage, in excellent) location, near King Street $1 Interested In Summer terms. Arthur Weinberger, 723. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. SEVEN ROOM insul - brick, on 70) KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 King St. E. 5 Room brick bungalow, 64 x 130. ft. lot, Well land- scaped, nice garden situated between Gibbons St. and Ste- venson Rd, Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. $12,300 -- 7 room brick, 2 storey income home, possi- bilities, Roxborough N. For further information call Ro- lande Tierney 725-5207, Industrial land with 150' frontage on Taunton Road East, approximately 400' deep. This is an excellent lo- cation just outside the City Limits, there are very few oreas in or out of town with this zoning. If you have a problem with locating your business call Earle Allen at 725-7782 without obligation, Trade your present home on the design of your choice in Harmony Village, Original styles in bungalows, ranchers, split-levels and two storeys. Prices from $15,850. For in- spection call Ron Drapak 725-5253. $14,000 -- 4 Bedroom brick street, | block from school, low taxes, moderate heating costs. Don't miss seeing this home. Call Ronald Hether- ington 623-3637. 5 Acres with house about 13 miles from Oshowa. Good value at $6,900 with low down payment. Don't be too late for this one, call Joe Crowford 623-3672, 50 Acre farm, mostly work- able good productive lend $8,000 -- terms, about 1} hour's drive. form with house, $5,000 -- 725-4162. 78 acre needs repair, $1,500 down, Too many extras to list here Substantial down payment required 725-3338 No Agents Please CALL OWNERS 668-5640 MR. EXECUTIVE Comfort, informality the key notes in this lovely home, Location- | 26' living room, 2 fireplaces, storms, screens and many others. List price $30,000. Terms (210 Byron St. N., Whitby). WILSON REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET 725-6588 J. A. SHERIFF REALTOR V.L.A, SPECIAL This 3 bedroom 134 storey home in Whitby Township hos Just been listed for sale. Situated on a lot of just over 2 acre (113 x 205) it is one of the most beautifully landscaped properties we have seen in a long while. Well treed with pines, spruce and maple it also contains many evergreen shrubs and 2 Macintosh, 5 pear and one cherry tree. Lovely decorative fencing, curbed driveway with tall light standards at entrance, large single car garage, outdoor barbecue, childrens playhouse ond many other extras. Taxes $153.47. This beautiful property is offered for sale at just $12,500. See this one now -- you will be glad you did, BUILDING LOT -- KEEWATIN ST. Situated in Grandview Gardens in R-1A Zoning with lovely homes all around. 60 x 100. Priced at $3,900 with terms if required. 25 ONTARIO STREET PHONE 728-1673 | LARGE HOME -- COMMERCIAL LOT | Solid brick, eight room home near City parking lot,.zoned for | business. Would convert to barber shop, hair dressing salon, etc. Only $16,500 with open first mortgage terms. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 or 725-8152 EVENINGS FINANCIAL TRADE BUILDING 17 KING STREET EAST | 6 mile east of Oshawa. Weekly rates. | > triplex all CARL OLSEN REALTOR, 723-1133 ROSSLAND RD. WEST -- Six room, two storey brick home, oil heated, nice lot. Priced at $11,900. with only $2,000. down. BEAU VALLEY -- Lovely six room ranch bungalow with carport, finished recreation room with natural fireplace, large landscaped lot. Listed at $78,700. with terms, TYLER CR. -- Eight room, 2% storey home in good con- dition, close to downtown, oil heated, garage. A real buy at only $9,500. with $2,000. down. ATHOL ST. EAST -- Large 2% storey nine room brick home and garage, hot water oil heating, broadioom in liv- ing and dining rooms. Could be an ideal income property. Listed at $13,900. with $3,- 000. down and balance 6% mortgage. GRIERSON ST. -- Three bed- room, two storey home with attached garage in this ex- cellent location, broadioom throughout, large lot. Asking price $13,900. with $2,000 down, COURTICE ~-- on Highway No. 2, nearly new three bed- room ranch bungalow with at- tached garage and breeze- way, extra lorge lot 80 x 200. NORTH END -- An excep- tionally well-built nearly new brick 3 bedroom bungalow with two car garage. Beauti- fully finished basement. Many extras in: this home. Owner leaving city offers this lovely property at $16,- 900.00. WHITBY -- five year old rented, paved drive, garage. Listed at $23.-, 500. with $5,000. down. 10 ACRE LOTS -- We still have a selection of lots on the ridges north of Oshawa. Only $1,000 down. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY-- On King St. West -- Lot 60 x 211, seven room home, 1200 sq. ft. cement block building with 14 ft. ceiling. Priced at $35,000. with low down payment. RICHMOND ST, WEST -- 10,000 square feet on two floors, elevator, sprinkler sys- tem, modern showroom and offices. Listed at $45,000. FOR RENT -- 5 room apart- ment, newly decorated on ground floor, central quiet street. Rent $90.00. Call Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. After Hours Call Bob Johnston 725-9568 Wes. Elliott 728-0581 Chas: Naylor 728-2857 Henry Stinson 725-0243 | 'a King St. E BEFORE YOU BUY BE SURE YOU TRY Properties ? RICE LAKE 2 bedroom cottage, lined, decorated, furnished, water- front lot with boat house, boat. Asking $6,500 STURGEON LAKE Three bedroom cottage, lined, decorated, furnished, 2 piece washroom, waterfront lot. Only $6,500 full price | | CALL L. S. SNELGROVE CO: CT. 43 PARK ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA 723-9810 Moderate downs payment and £3259) joe acres, 2% miles east of Newcastle on Jack No, 2 h Modern "DOWNSVIEW PARK"' Oshawa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision, The sub- division which is design controlled for your protection, All pre- paid services --- buy a house or a lot -- 42 lots have been sold in the first year of development which proves that for the best value in Oshawa, for a central location on curved streets and rolling terrain (formerly Downsview Golf course) close to schools you too will choose 'Downsview Park" by Holshawa. CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT | Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited | Dial 728-4678 J. J. VAN HERWERDEN Realtor WIDE WINDING STREAM through 100 acres of wooded park land, in Lake Scugog area. Numerous dam sites. The beauty of | this property defies description, Priced at $15,000 with terms. CORNER LOT 55 x 115 ft. services prepaid. Overlooks Oshawa Golf Course on Park Road North. Priced at $2,500 with terms. We suggest you inspect our Country Estates, 10 acre lots. 4% miles from Oshawa on Thornton Road North, $3,200 with terms. | COTTAGE LIVING at it's best, choice wooded lots on Nonquon River. 5 minutes by boat from Lake Scugog, Architect designed cottage built on the lot of your choice. Lots $1,800, with terms. NORTH SHORE REALTY 112 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA | Phone 725- 3568, Evenings 665- -3853 - -- - Howard Forder 741 KING STREET E., OSHAWA | TEL. 723-4471 10 ACRES LOTS WITH STREAM Exceptionally nice 10 acres Lots, with excellent trout stream, close to Oshawa; one lot with barn. You never saw a more beautiful spot so close by, Ask for information. 300 Acres Farm, 274 acres workable, 2 barns, brick house with bathroom, creek and 2 ponds. Full price $27,000 with low down payment. Dairy farm 212 Acres. Open milk contract. Buildings and barn in excelent shape. Along Lake Ontario in Newcastle district, Ask for information. DESPERATE OWNER HAS TO SELL Clapboard Bungalow with sufficient frontage for five. good size lots. 4 rooms with 3 room basement apartment. in new- low-area. House with bathroom and oil furnace. Full price only $12,000 with attractive terms. ACREAGE, 28 acres, very close to Oshawa, with plon for 34 houses. Full price $13,000 with Terms. WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES HiLLCREST DRIVE --- REDUCED Attractive 3 bedroam bungalow, attached garage, partly fin- ished rec. room, separate dining room, aluminum storms and screens, completely fenced and landscaped, Call' Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853 for further information. $12,600. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 27' living room, fully landscaped, close to all schools. Call the office for further information. NORTH WEST AREA 3 bedroom brick plus a den, large living room with natural fireplace, attractive bright dining room, large kitchen, garage, beautifully landscaped, Fully decorated, storms and screens, full price $16,000. Terms to be arranged, call Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853. COCHRANE STREET 3 bedroom Ranch Bungalow, L-shaped living and dining room, panelled entrance hall, beautifully finished rec. room with par- | | quet floor, fully londscaped, patio completely fenced, Call Phyl- lis McRobbie MA 3-7159 rere or 668-5853. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE | 218 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY 668-5853 | S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 323 King Street West 728 - 6286 FOUR BEDROOMS Seven room home just listed in the North-West end, lo- cated on large lot, oil heat- ed, excellent financing, call Doug Gower. $1,000 Asking only $10,500 for this five room brick home with attached sun porch, call Harold Segal. BASEMENT APARTMENT | Located in North-West, this five room bungalow with bosement apartment, asking only $12,900, call Bob Ste- venson: TRADES ACCEPTED METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING STREET EAST DIAL 728-4678 BURNS ST. WHITBY Owner leaving country, must sell 6 room bungalow with split level entrance, immacu- late in every detail - 3 good size bedrooms, attractive til- ed bathroom with sink vanity, well planned kitchen with dining room ond large living room, all fully decorated and londscap- ed, basement fully painted. oh nove pon will dirs! live sking price, $13,- 000. 00 an $3600. 00 down. Carries for $98.00 monthly including principal, interest and taxes, Call for on ap- pointment. SWITZER DRIVE 2 bedroom bungalow, large living room and kitchen, de- corated and landscaped only $8500.00 with $2,000 down, PORT PERRY 3 bedroom bungalow on main street, close to high school, public school for only $13,- 500.00. WOLFE STREET Ready for ee oceu- poncy - 3 bedroom bunge- low (new) -- only $595.00 down -- Hurry for this one. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 John Kemp Dick Barriage Joe Maga Lloyd Metcalf Ken Hann Jack Osborne suit many businesses) theluding barber and beauty shop. Mr. peng DL Ln Joseph Bosco, Real- ir, W. FRANK Real Estate Limited 177 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 600 Acre stock farm, Peter- borough area. 4 houses, 3 barns, excellent soil. Terri- fic value at $65,000.00 -- Terms, 192. Acre dairy farm, 12 miles Bowmanville, 10 room house with all conveniences, large barns, stream, $30,- 000 -- Terms. 117 Acre farm with modern 8 room home. Large barn, stream, pond, located in Kendal Hills. Asking '$20,- 000.00--$4,000.00 down. 125 Acre farm with excellent brick house, 2 bathrooms, large painted barn. Paved road frontage, stream. 12 miles North East of Oshawa. $37,000.00. -- Terms. 110 Acre farm with good frame house and large barn near Orono, Stream originates on property, $20,000.00 -- Terms. 75 Acre farm, good brick house, 2 bathrooms. Painted barns, 2 silos. Valuable road frontage, 2 miles from Bow- manville. Asking $32,000.00 -- Terms. 50 Acre farm, house recently modernized and all city con- veniences. Excellent garden land with large stream. Bow- manville 6 miles. Asking only $17,000.00 -- $3,000.00. down. 50 Acre farm with good buildings and stream near Millbrook and close to No. 115 Highway. Only $10,- 500.00 with terms. 100° Acres with 1000' river frontage, 5 miles south of Lindsay. Barn vincluded at only $8,500.00. 18 Acres in Kendal Hills with pond and small stream. $3,- 500.00 full price. 12 Acres with house and barn near Mosport. Asking $8,000.00 -- Terms. Port Perry -- modern 3 bed- room home, good area, $9,- 900.00 -- Terms. Newcastle --- modern 2 bed- room bungalow, clean as a pin. Asking $7,000.00 -- Terms. Service Station and Snack Bar on Highway No, 12. Owner will trade on house or farm. Asking $25,000.00 -- $3,000.00 down. Confectionery Store--Village 5 miles North of Oshawa. No competition. Six room house attached. $15,000.00. Calt -- 623-3393 "AFTER HOURS CALL: Jack Ricard 623-3154 Andy McGill. . 1407 Orono Joe Barnoski., 2202 Clarke GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 WHITBY ---- 4 bedroom split level with attached garage located on a well landscaped lot in good residential area. Property clear and owner will hold one open mortgage. 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW in North West area, 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled both. Family sized kitchen with lots of cupboards. Sep- arate dining room. Home at- tractively decorated. Neor schools, bus and shopping. 6% Mortgage. Full price $15,500. NORTH WEST -- 2 bedroom bungalow with garage in tip top condition. Excellent home for an older couple in a choice location off the main thoroughfare yet close to bus, store and park. Full price $11,900. PICKERING--modern 5 room brick bungalow with very large kitchen. Fully equipped with all the extras. Large lot with beautiful shrubs. FRENCH STREET -- a good little 3 bedroom five-room home priced at $8,900. This home is in good repair with basement and furnace. Mod- ern kitchen and large living room, Close to North G.M. and within walking distance of downtown. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- 4 room home just outside city of Oshawa, Taxes only $85. Private drive and garage. Full price $5,500, ROWE STREET -- 1% storey: family style brick home. 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Living room, dining room and kitchen down. Ga- rage. New roof and furnace. Priced at $12,800. $12,500, FULL PRICE -- 3 bedroom split level. Large picture window, finished rec- reation room, walk-out base- ment to patio. This home is only 4 years old and can be bought with a low down pay- ment. $12,900. FULL PRICE -- for this 5 room brick bungalow in lovely condition only 5 years old, All good sized rooms. Near 401 Highway, close to all schools, 9 ROOM BRICK -- 3 family home between Park Road and Oshawa Shopping Centre. Lot 60 x 190 ft. Excellent com- mercial location. possession, SUPERMARKET -- in North End doing excellent turnover, selling all 'equipment and stock at invoice price, con- nected with large chain. Wonderful opportunity at only $16,900. full price. JUST LISTED--Whitby South West section -- 8 room brick home with private drive and large lot. Upstairs has 2 kit- chens and separate entrance. 4-pc. and 2-pc. bathrooms. $2,000. down payment, See this income home today. Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Immediate For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16. Simcoe St. S$. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST, S. OFFICE HRS. (9 A.M. to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD LOW DOWN PAYMENT This 4 year old six roomed solid brick home con be bought under N.H.A. Terms for the full price of $11,- 500. with $525 down, For full particulars call Mr. Ron- kine ot 725-6544, You are looking for o clean well kept 2 bedroom bungo- low with monthly payments of only $75. including inter- est, principal and taxes, be sure to inspect this home on Oshawa Bivd. Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544. 6-SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING Only 2 years old, fully leas- ed, located near shopping centre. Asking $42,900. with $10,000 down - open to of- fers. If you are looking for a lifetime pension, call Mr. jleby at 725-6544 or 723- 3398 now, for more detoils and inspection. DUPLEX Trade. Yes the owner will consider a trade on this mo- dern 10 room duplex. Top apartment leased to excellent tenant. Separate meters, hot water tanks and divided bosement. For further in- formation ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544, BANKRUPT Creditors say 'Take Offers". Large 8 room 2 storey home with finished work shop building ot rear, heavy duty wired. Industrial zoned, Albert street, apprasied at $15,000. Mr, Appleby 725-6544 or 723-3398. JOHN F. De WITH REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Dial 623-3950 DAIRYFARM, 200 Acres, A-1 buildings, excellent soil. as a going concem with pure bred cattle. DAIRYFARM, 905 Ibs. milk quota daily, excellent soil, good buildings. Going con- cer. DAIRYFARM, 156 Acres, A-1 buildings, good milk quote. Located § Miles from Oshawa. DAIRYFARM, 840 Ibs. milk quota. Good buildings, A-1 soil Located 41% Miles from Oshawa, 100 Acre Highwayfarm, commuting distance Osh- awa, Home all modern con- veniences. Only $3,000 down. 110 Acre farm near Orono, Good buildings, stream. Ask- ing $19,500. Terms, 150 Acres, large stream, good barn. Modernized home. Only $10,500. Terms. 100 Acres, good buildings. Price $9,500 with $2,500 down, 65 Acres farm, Port Perry, large river. Good buildings. Price and terms arranged. 50 Acres with modern brick home, near No. 12 Highway. 250 Acre farm, good build- ings; 10 Roomed brick home all modern conveniences. Only $20,000. Terms. 31 Acres on No. 115 High- way. Price $7,000. Terms. 5 Roomed, ranch style, brick bungalow on 2% acres, at- tached garage. Located 6 Miles from Oshawa. Only $3,500 down. LABRADOR DRIVE, Oshawa, 5 Roomed, new, brick bung- alow. Nicely landscaped. Only $2,500 down. Large, new, brick bungalow, all modem conveniences on 2 Acres with 2 streams, Very scenic, Located 5 Miles from wa. After Hours call: Frank 'Hunter John M, Sandy 725-8010 Don. Mountjoy 623-3614 Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Newcastle 3341. 725-2974 LLOYD. REALTY - LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER " SALE OR RENT PORT HOPE $8,900 3 bedroom bungalow, garage, . oil heat, full bath, sunroom - large rear garden. Only $900. ° down, open mortgage, call "Bill" Homer at 728-5123 or 728-2236. "HOME" $12,500 DOWN $1,800 DOWN 8 years old, one owner home, exceptionally well kept. good size bedrooms, complete modern bath, high dry base- ment with oi] furnace, neor buses, shopping, etc. One open mortgage. Hurry call Bill' Horner now at 728- 5123 or 728-2236, -- RENTALS -- "HOUSE" 5 room bugalow, northwest. $110. Monthly, lease requir- ed. Call "Bill" Horner 728- 5123 or 728-2236, -- RENTALS -- "COTTAGE" LAKE SIMCOE Safe for children. 4 bedrooms, Furnished, sandy beach. 1- hour from Oshawc. $70 weekly. Call "Bill" Horner at 728-5123 or 728-2236. OAKS AVENUE $2,000 DOWN Five room brick bungalow. Recreation room, perege and paved drive. ly land scaped lot with hedge, shrubs and trees, Monthly payments $75.00. Call Irwin Cruik- shanks now at 728-5205 or 728-5123. $11,300 FULL PRICE $3,200 DOWN Split level, 3 bedroom home with recreation room. N.H.A. resale 6%. Payments only $88.00 per month including taxes. Call Bill Johnston now at 728-1066 or 728-5123, COUNTRY LIVING NEAR COURTICE $8,400 FULL PRICE * $1,000 DOWN 2 bedroom bungalow with © large garage, Situated on. ex- tra large lot with loads of shrubs ond trees. Carries for $75.00 monthly, interest and « principal. Taxes only $114.00 yearly, Hurry call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario -~ OPEN EVENINGS -- WANTED, three bedroom awa or north area with low down pay< ment, Write Box 832 Oshawa Times. 28--Real Estate Wanted MODERN five or six-room brick bunt galow, garage. north Please give particulars. Ply to Box 6: west Oshawa, ice etc, Ap es, Whitby. house. Osh- 15 Oshawa Can You Help Us?. Our volume of recent sales has reduced our listings to a minimum, If you are selling your home and wish experienced ad- vice, sincere effort, cour- teous service and effective results, CALL US, R. VICKERY REALTOR | 728-9571 -- 46 King W. OPEN EVENINGS WE LIST TO SELL! Ask Our Clients. 29----Automobiles For Sale 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air, two door hardtop, 6 cylinder, standard, A-1 con- dition equipped Bowmanville 623-2768, . Best offer. Telephone 1958 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, 6-cylinder, standard transmission, good condition, reasonable, Telephone 725-7792. 1955 FORD V-8 four-door Price $150, Apply 211 after 5 p.m. standard Huron Street TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK ° RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 (Continued on Page 20)

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