Wednesday, June 19,1963 15 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tobacco Hard For Canada To Give Up By ARC HMacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP)--Quitting cig- arettes is no easier for govern. ments than fi for individuals, evi- idence shows. Take these Canadian consider- ations--in the context of Health Minister Judy La Marsh's indi- cations that the federal govern. ment is going to take some ac- tion to underline health hazards posed by cigarettes. Tobacco is a valuable tax source, It is a farm crop worth more than $100,000,000 annually. It is growing in popularity in the Maritimes and it turns a tidy little export profit to boot. Moreover, the federal govern- ment in taking any action to curb cigarette smoking, would be reducing consumption of a crop which it supports through the federal agriculture depart- ment, PROVIDES RESEARCH The federal department pro. vides valuable tobacco - grow- ing research. Last year, it also joined in a three-year agree. ment with the Ontario Flu- ste A a ie ' 5 ; . ' Cured Tobacco Growers' Mar- Ww ' keting Board, guaranteeing ge: : -. i |loans to carry the industry through a period of surplus. Politically, there are: some 7,600 farmers -- or votes--in- age p 0 . ' volved, not to mention the thou. ~ Water, A meant me ong A. ibe sands involved in processing, . "PPeer, f ; manufacturing and selling of p | cigarettes. * numbers , \ Miss La Marsh has indicated red & : that a September conference = a we i fee will be called, probably result. Collece ole ae ing in efforts to warn youngsters é spent ete 5 ' ce that--in her words--"there is ¢ 3° scientific evidence that cigar- ette smoking is a contributory / S "Ppears, 1 tf the gy of Cis cause of lung cancer and that FAT: ' FUN. i] ' ze foal ee : 7 ' it may also be associated with /, o ca - ate o Ss ae chronic bronchitis and coronary ; \ 2. Y SS. Ules 9 ! } AN heart disease." However, in Britain where the government actually sponsored anti. cigarette advertising among other steps, cigarette consumption has recovered and continues to rise. The cigarette-consumption in- crease in Canada in the last 10 SWITCH TO DOMINION TODAY! YOU TOO CAN WIN BIG CASH PRIZES! aac cigarettes in the year ended last March 31 totalled $194,510,000 at the rate of 244 cents on each CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF ~~ cigarettes, nis does not AYLMER FANCY SPECIAL! Fruit Cocktail 2-::- 49 AYLMER UNGRADED SPECIAL! Fancy Peas 6::1.00 SANI CAN SPECIAL! Garbage Bags «2% JET DETERGENT SPECI 4L! . Soap Pads "2 D3 GOOD VALUE Christie's Ritz = 33: mare ONLY AT DOMINION -- RICHMELLO SHIRRIFF INSTANT DINNER ROLLS "::.'23° | MASHED CLEANS LIKE A TORNADO a POTATOES AJAX AMMONIA "*-2'89° | == ge. PACKAGE ONLY AT DOMINION -- RICHMELLO CRUSTY BREAD §= 23° | Yor DR. BALLARD BEEF, LIVER, CHICKEN BEEF STEW : 15-0Z. TINS c pha oz. ec SPCIAL tax of 11 per cent, or of the nu- Choice Meaty Easy to Carve merous provincial or even mu- nicipal taxes on top of that. a The 1961 census showed 7,639 : 4 farmers growing tobacco--most ' of it the cigarette type--on 139,. 4 : 600 acres. Ontario had 128,600 of . the acres and 5,600 of the farm. ers, Tax revenue from imported cigarettes is slight--at $50,000 to $70,000 a month. CAT CONTROLLED BY ELECTRICITY " ; LONDON, Ont.. (CP)--The ; cat walking across the room j stopped in mid-stride as the : i scientist sent out a few elec- , a trical impulses, As the ims pulses were increased, the cat aoe ged its Rapgee and an 0 i DELICIOUS MEATY Patricia Semen e the University of British Colum- bia, told the Canadian Feder- ation of Biological Societies Tuesday that fine wires had been inserted into part of the brain of this and other cats. The brain section, known as the caudate nucleus, and cer- tain other structures are of Prime importance in +he IDEAL FOR BARBECUING CHOICE MEATY JUBILEE BRAND PURE Movement of such creatures FRESH AUSTRALIAN as birds, but the action of these structures in mammals, including man, is obscure. To test the role of the cau- date nucleus, UBC scientists : inserted the wires into the caudate nuclei of cats and stimulated the movement of the animals through a radio controlled device. The cats looked over their shoulders away from the side being stimulated, and their circling movements increased as the number of electrical impulses per second in- WHOLE OR HALF creased. "The animals are alert but not fearful during stimulation, and give the impression of C continually trying to see s something which remains al- C 7 ways ac ~ of sight a 8 them," Mrs. Emmons said, TRAY PACK The scientists concluded that the caudate nucleus ef- fects movement and may also (ObheSRE RE SERRE REREs UEERREARRK SEOs Y CRA NAR RRE SRE RS itone te tekeciad te cae mals, she said. ONLY AT DOMINION oie aapeenremanpes ts OTTAWA (CP)--The a Lib- = i t hi iten- RICHMELLO CREAMY SMOOTH f , me ora es wie ; onetime special assistant to for- mer prime minister Diefen- i baker, as commissioner of the ee ; Canadian Centennial Adminis- , tration, the Commons was told : ; % : Monday. The assurance was , ' 'iigiven by Maurice Lamontagne, .. 32-07 R " privy council president and min- ister in charge of Canada's cen- JAR tennial preparations. BITTEN BY COUGAR? © PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. (CP) i A six-year-old boy is recovering in hospital from bites and scratches kis. parents believe : " were caused by an attacking eed 1g cougar. The animal was ten off by an eight-year-old brother with a shovel. Robert Moore was fishing near his home when he was attacked Saturday. ONLY AT DOMINION AYLMER FANCY RICHMELLO INSTANT | TOMATO COFFEE JUICE = 35: = 87: | 227: «27: en oe, Dbbeicbibebiiitel ttt tdi LEU Li ti Titi iste libri iia ert tititlr i ttti+ | |i teri itr trey)