14. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 18, 1963 Grace, Strength Joined In Steel ' Nothing takes out- doors like steel -- a a furni- ture, play equipment or even decorations. Proof is on display at the Home of Steel, part of an indus- try-wide steel exhibit at Chica- go's Museum of Science and industry, sponsored by Ameri. can Iron and Steel Institute. The building and decorating ideas incorporated in the "Home of Steel'? can be util- ized by today's modern fami- lies who want the best in liv- ing at a moderate cost. Light weight tubular steel is perfect for outdoor furniture -- and indoors too for that mat- ter. Steel filigree, mesh and S-shaped furniture are classic favorites. The durability of steel furniture is' enhanced even further by new finishes, such as vinyl-coated. It resists Wear for years in all types of weather, The beauty of steel furniture fs its delicate and graceful appearance. Yet, it is sturdily constructed without the handi- eap of additional weight. Versatility is another great advantage of steel furniture. It ean be adapted to innumerable designs and finishes. With steel you can get a variety of de. signs that would not be as read- ily achieved in other metals. The outdoor furniture at the Home of Steel boasts elegant garden furniture. Included are petal tables, side chairs and a chaise lounge, all made of white vinyl - coated steel accented with nautical blue upholstery. It makes a perfect outdoor setting combining ease and charm. When it comes to the out- doors, putting up a playground for the youngsters is a wonder- ful 'way to keep them. health- per occupied and out of mis. Much thought has gone into outdoor play equipment since today's parents were young- sters. Units for play and exer- cise are designed for children of various ages. Play units need not be just a miscellaneous group of items. Today they are designed on the basis of modern knowledge of youngsters' physical needs, co. ordinating abilities and patterns of growth. The climbing castle tower, a modern version of a _ jungle gym, is still a childhood favor- ite. Made of steel tubing, it is galvanized and rustproof and offers the youngsters a muscle- building challenge. Best. of all -- as far as parents are con- cerned -- it can be assembled and installed without having to be set in concrete. When buying playground equipment, be certain to look for steel in major and minor components. Steel construction will assure strength, long life, and freedom from splinters and sharp breaks that 'might cause injuries, In addition, they are maintenance free and will give years of service without the necessity of ever taking them indoors. The decorations you use on your patio make it uniquely your own, just as much as the decor of your home, And here too steel sets a scene of ele- gance. So whether you want utility or beauty -- or a combination of both -- you'll find it's all possible with steel. Travel Clothes Simple, Neat Whether you travel by plane or car, train or ship-or even plan a long hike to your vaca- tion destination, advice for your wardrobe probably re- ma'ns the'same: Keep it sim- ple, neat, practical-to-a-point, understated, unspectacular. If you are planning a trip, whether an extended 'snetare or a weekend, there are a few basic ideas that should go into deciding what clothes to take with you. --Know the type of climate to expect; if a resort, is it for- mal or informal; learn about the terrain, the proper shoes are all important. ~--Check: baggage allowances, if flying. The maximum weight allowed will limit your. clothes to a well-planned minimum. --Make use of the many love- ly, easy-care miracle fabrics: nylon lingerie, dacron shirts, knits, jerseys, etc. --Take as many straight-lin- ed things as possible. Sheaths, for instance, pack away into no- thing, with little creasing prob- lem, Full skirts are cumber- some and usually need ironing every time you unpack. ---Take roomy handgags, small hats, a folding travel iron, an electric coffee-maker-for-two which comes in a leather shoul- der bag like a camera, a good supply of your favorite cosmet- ies, extra pair of prescription glasses, if you need them; a good pair of sunglasses and re- member to pack an ample sup- ply of whatever prescriptions you may need. MEN GROW ROSES While cut rdéses are given to women as flowers of love, more men than women grow roses in home gardens, Man-wife teams grow more than either men or women separately. will play @ night@ub' dite te r Singing star Andy Williams| Vancouver this summer, ~ PLANNING A NEW COUNTRY COTTAGE? Let Us Help You... Our experienced personne! will be only te pleased te show you plans, talk over your verious needs, point out po gtonighe. short-cuts, explain helpful points in financing. And supply ell your building materials . . . et prices and terms 8 en es ne ee @ FREE ESTIMATES @ To Buy 3 Ways @ CASH Cary" Money Saving # BUDGET TERMS 30 DAY TERMS HOURS: 7 A.M, till 6 P.M. DAILY i oh Service Comes First" ehublough 4 LUMBER COMPANY. Comey Late Ciné. 04 BUILDING MATERIALS ' 2 iS 1270 SIMCOE ST NORTH * OSHAWA ONT ee FOR FUN ON THE WATER * CRESTLINE FIBREGLASS and - ALUMINUM BOATS * RICHARDSON VISIT SMITH SPORTS..... Where You Will Find a Large Selection of: BOATS, MOTORS, PLUS.... JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS A LARGE. SUPPLY OF * Water Skis * Surf Boards %* Marine Hardware %* Life Jackets * Ski Belts «~ % Ski Tow Bars % Ski Hitches * LAPSTRAKE * CEDAR STRIP * MOULDED PLYWOOD and SAILING DINGHYS MITH 3 H.P. TO 75 H.P. With Full 2 Year Warranty TeeNee Boat Trailers PHONE 728 - T341 Open ~*~? Evenings Till 9 p.m. All Boats, Motors, Trailers can be financed on -- Easy Credit Terms 353 KING ST. W. OSHAWA eee ee Ree eH RHR SPST ee ee oe