Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1963, p. 6

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Boy, 9, Rescued From Drowning ST. CATHARINES (CP)--A 18-year-old angler jumped 25 feet from a railway bridge into the swift waters of Twelve Mile Creek near here Saturday and saved a nine-year-old boy from drowning. Fredrick Boyd was unconsci- ous when hauled out by Daniel Worth, Both live in St. Cathar- ines. "He struggled and tried to choke me so I swatted him," Daniel said, "I guess that's why REPORT TO DURHAM Defence Production Makes 20,000 Jobs achieved by; will amount to an extra $100,- 'mantis Stk | Transla to , these addi- MAKE ECONOMY GROW tional orders will mean an ex- The Department of Indus-jtra 20,000 Canadian jobs over try which will now be estab-|this five year 'period lished will complement the} ' ; aa Economic Council. The test of ste carvan wetak ssp ment sjithe value of the Economic ' of an Boonomic Cauncil Council's work will be whether ~ ga. Poy only ue. > Mk ne we ney carers molt swoceeds 10. identitving thelnu.u) vues ey mamenn = & @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, June 17, 1963 =Crowther, N.Y. Timon "Extraordinary evocative imagery... SHOW ENGLISH See it for yourself. Therearenoother TIMES SUB_ pictures like his and they are all 2:29 TITLES different..." 4:00 *k x * x" (Highest Rating) 5:50 Comeron, MT Nowe 7:40 LAST COMPLETE - SHOW 9:05 \ a MIRGIN ¢ MONDAY Archer Winston, N.Y. Post which shou'd be economic activity. *Masterful...flawless..." --svsey teee By RUSSELL C, HONEY, MP X, INGMAR BERGMAN'S OTTAWA -- The special Com- mitte on Defence has now been authorized by Parliament and the second and third items of priority assigned to the legis- lative program of the Pearson Government is the establish- W YEARS OF AGE OF OVER Be" THEATRE YESTERDAY: INNOCENT SCHOOL GIRLS TODAY- victims of LUST ann FURY Office Water Heater Promo- tions Department (left) and Doug Tideman of the Bow- ice Engineer (second left). The award was made to Bow- manville Area for their out- standing customer service in manville Rural Operating Area 1962, Looking on are J. A. Customer Service Depart- "Bus" Guy of the Hydro Head | ment (right). --(Ontario Hydro Photo) | Fly-up Ceremony "RIFE RAFE GIRLS" (POMATMY TTD HI Pom OED WILLIAM HOLDEN LLU PALMER " THE COUNTERFEIT TRAITOR" IN COLOR BILTMORE 1° Recommended ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SOeeooeeerooceeeoces Sceovccesoscccesces RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "NIGHT CREATURE" cocon ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON ALSO 2nd HIT! Siveer Dat FASTEST AND ONLY NON-STOP SERVICE TO VANCOUVER 4 hours 40 minutes PHONE -- TORONTO -- 282-3968 -- WHITBY 668.2692 Box Office Opens 8:00 P.M. Nightly Including Sundays FREE: KIDDIES PLAYGROUND NOW OPEN DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT ° ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! TUEDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT 8 ne oe AT negan, as their instrument} building. Scietists with Mr. Milne were Ray Brown, John O'Malia and John Gafton, Driver-me-| Board for the first time were a on community 'noises during the gies pe- Councillor J. R. Cooper of Co-|------------ ae ries of darkness for compar-| poe, Seove A. 1. Blanchard; ISL EMEN LEAVE Expedition leader Allen Milne|Chanic was Yvon Perron of} of Darlington Township, and pee apes . Mr. Wayne Wood of Haliburton.,| OTTAWA (CP)--Thirteen Ca. oe Ice Pack I) --------_____-- Re-elected to the Association's|nadian riflemen leave Monda ; i | ) Y' "We. actually accomplished governing body were Alderman/py gir for the annual Bisley rifle| more than we anticipated. On W. G. Powell of Pet ; : : | "eagte LODA's Caves fee shoot in Britain. A 14th will ar.|am expedition of this kind we) EYE -- of Port Hope; andirive at the army camp from| tr. H. L. Garner of Peter-| Middle East duty. The team is) pereee who was also re-\drawn from army headquarters! EXAMINATIONS mrrceeed a8 Secretary: treeeur: and is commanded by Lt.-Col. PHONE 723-4191 by oppointment F. R, BLACK, O.D. | er of the Association. : W. J. (Bill) Strachan of Ottawa, | Among the resolutions passed) seasoned in 35 years of compet. : | | NER LAUNDERERS at Bisley 13 times. | 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | CLEANERS, 278 LEY HOPE he was unconscious." Both items are now before the) i int 'i ¢ Daniel and some older boys House of Commons for cE bain Aap 2 D help Wil serve Canadian industry well in his new post as Minis- prompte the _Zealization!a point where it will be able to was taken to hospital. . a economic problems an i | De ee een nnede of Canada rece for full employment. Ni aa eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee circumstances. /from which government can ex-| the Prime Minister referred to growing Canada can _ produce Wh are invited to, white for FREE booklet. Tells how you can @arn your construction and economic de-| ne Department of Industry fi Operating Area Manager, W. DESERONTO. ONTARIO R. Walters (second right) re- ji ' | ae R ; such Councils to help inecon-/Council into effective action.) gratulations from C. E. Crease, | AGE Central Region Consumer Serv- CAR ORR SR NS eee The new Economic Counciljtion that government can take ADDRESS Itation|t0 help farmers. We have a De-| PITTI Tete weer | between government and the} erforms the same function for} ane EP EPG) -- CORP OEP EE TET. |Public in its varying manifest-/fishermen. For the mining in-| . Held At Kedron |broad concensus about the ob-/of Mines and Technical Sur-| rea Ins war KEDRON --An enrollment' jectives and methods of econ-|¥°Y: and Fly-up Ceremony ve Shu | omic policy and broad agree-| The Devertarent, of ieee | wieeite the tateels snd poal will have responsibility for the ors for customer service in On-|dro's customer service mes-|20th Guides, at_ the home of/ments on TB -- I tario Hydro's Central Region|sage. There are three main|their captain, Mrs. R. A. Pat-| [the manufacturing industry. | LANA TURNER | Specifically, the functions of} _ Bowmanville Rural] Operating/tention. at the present, Mr E the new Department will be to) "WHO'S Area. Crease pointed out ned on by their mothers, Eliz-| } that|abeth Greer and ger Glover| TO QUIT POST tact with industry, to make sure] were observed at a dinner held|there is adequate wiring injflew up to join the Guide Com- ; lthat industry gets service from ; in the' Lions Club Centre with/every home, farm building, of-/pan BROUGHAM Pickering ACTION?" : shal Township Welfare Officer, jand expanding industries can ville Rural Operating Area|Heating by electricity is an-/pany were Nancy Brooks, Shal- e, wil llook to the Department to see| IN COLOR staff and their escorts present. |other field that meeds full de-|ley Fisher, Carol Gifford ,Reg-| jing his resignation to Coun- | : , cil tonight, The Oshaw@ |their paths as smooth as pos-/§ ter from Central Region Man-|field is in home heating by) Christine Innis. : |sible. It will be concerned with ager Adam §S. Smith to Areajelectricity. The speaker pre-- The Community was proud) Weare Officer for the ing] last five years. Mr. Cane |the more general ideas about his staff was presented bylyears virtually all large build. they made such a good showing jour economic growth it is hoped Hydro's Central Region Con-|ings will be heated by elec- in the recent Cubaree at Camp) 11.4 he was "sick and tired of taking the insults, lies {omic Council. | Crease, to Mr. Walters. J. A. "Bus" Guy of the Head|Akela is Mrs. Bob Dale, won| | : : | In his remarks, Mr. Crease|Office water heater promo-|the Cub Shield for the day, and the job." NAME QUEBEC LAWYER award just doesn't happen by|Bowmanville staff on their ex-\ard for perfect attendance Mr. Cane. elected Direc- |will be Montreal lawyer C. M.} chance. He congratulated the|cellent record. G. K. F. Pepper,) Mrs. Derek Barnet recently Otinere Aseelatitn 16%} Bud" Drury, who will com- at larly Doug Tideman who spear-|perintendent expressed his con-|bours in gee Re tamed week, was the centre of miter oon bois ho Minister] 4 a j y rj |Gre y. y 0! ere) * headed the efforts to improve/gratulations to the Bowmanville;Greer who wi sies, involving welfare re- nce uction On the farm, the speaker said|service work and praised all|June. cipients. {Drury will emerge as one of electricity is cheaper than ajeight areas in Central Region) : ithe bright stars in a cabinet Ps Council member today Sea Noises stated that Mr. Cane was /perience and ability.. Drury's the new and latest equipmentiare now 732 aill-electrically |ability was amply demonstrated .so that they can learn the many|heated homes in Central Re-| | 10. : |Washington for the purpose of In his letter of resigna- jre-activating the Canada-U.S The Regional Consumer Ser-|ing was Area Manager W. R vice Engineer. said that the|/Walters, and he congratulated| rere portant to me at this time. | Canadian and U.S. press alike The happiness I wish to |have hailed Drury as an able| their wives, should be able toicreased customer service work * ESQUIMALT, B.C. (CP)--| gloomy if I were to con- (Robert McNamara who is re- Township Reeve |One problem in submarine de-| tinue to work here under garded as one of the Presi- noises. my resignation herewith ef- | ne resuit of Drury's visit to The obvious solution is to be-| fective immediately. __|Washington indicates new de-| will immediately be evident. the work projected. We finished| PETERBOROUGH hb pony With this in mind, four sci-|99 per cent of our schedule.") "$ Association held their Annual/current year was approved formation : ; | al KARN | ? ; nl , gleaned from 4/through drill holes in the ice. Directors' Meeting recently injunder five headings: 'Indus-/month-long acoustical expedi-|Background noises picked up| was re-elected as President ofjand "General." The "Planning)carried. out in February off] yy iti POLAROID ; | " 4 h ic embers of the expedition LODA for the coming year.|Program" is a new section this Ellef Ringnes Island at a point slept and ate in a collapatbls Lindsay and D. R. Maybee of cal advisory planning committee! Prince Gustav Adolf Sea. Campbellford were also re-/is to be formed to co-operatxely) Previous expeditions had been| struction hut, called a Wan- Taking their places on the,™eans for a regional exchange|trip was to record undersea Drop in... See how easy applied epee pe ier un The Economic Council! is|keep our economy expanding to! til help arrived an redrick prompted by the realization jter_of Industry. ? ; 4 The council will give advice are changing with changing) 45 to the sectors of our economy al YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED Introducing the Resolution to/nect strong expansion and will] hGH SCHOOL we set up the Economic Council, | advise as to the things that a ill European countries which faced) in uantity and for the nation's|[MHigh School Diploma, such appalling problems of re- oidony y & AT HOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME 2 BOWMANVILLE RURAL AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept 0-17 velopment after the war. \is planned to transmit the var- M100 DUNDAS STREET y = These countries have created)ious. ideas of the Economic} : one * celves a framed letter of con- J 1 1 lease Send me your FREE High School Booklet --- Ne Obligetion, omic policy planning and econ-|We have a Depar-ment of Agri-| NAME omic policy making. jeulture responsible for the ac-| e Rural Operating ieee ie seine hactics el ae lations of public activity, ajdustry we have the Department! BOWMANVILLE --Top hon-|present effectively Ontario Hy-|recently at the meeting 0 fo DEAN MARTIN | needs and the opportunities of 7 | during the past year went tojfields that need immediate at-/te. 4 ae | After their wings were pin-| WELFARE HEAD maintain close, practical con-| The achievements of this area These are to ensure GOT THE . : ny. e | government. In particular, new all members of the Bowman-|fice or factory building. Water| Enrolled in the Guide Com- A. W. Cane, will be tender- : , | |that government policies make At the function, a framed let-|velopment. 'The third major|ina Schleiss, Beth Kell and Times learned today. | a "ub t jtranslating into specific ideas| Manager W. Rex Walters andidicted that in the next fiveof the 2Ist Cubs when stated in a prepared release ¥ me sagen |will be generated by the Econ-| sumer Service Engineer C. E. tricity. Samac. The 21 A Pack whose} | and threats about keeping pointed out that meriting an|tion department congratulated|both A and B Packs won the aw-| The new Minister of Industry tor to the Ontario Welfare entire Area staff and particu-|the Central Region Sales Su-jentertained a group of neigh- |bine this new portfolio with the several recent controver- the customer service. Area staff on their customer! 300 Cadillac St. S. at the end of My observation is that Bud A Pickering Township hired man. He maintained that/for their electric water heater jwell stocked with men of ex- customers must be shown alljrecord. He advised that there F ; : asked for his resignation at a committee meeting June |last week when he went to| ways that Hydro can serve|gion and 4,657 in the province. | s them well and economicaily. The chairman for the meet- Studied EB tion, Mr. Cane stated that jagreement on defence produc--| "my health is far mere im- |tion sharing. | 1,200 Ontario Hydro employees |the staff for their past record, | in Central Region, together with|but stressed the need for | Na a I i t share with my family in |bargainer who negotiated well the future would be dull and jwith American Defence Chief ltection is how to distinguish its) the existing conditions, and |qent's ablest and shrewdest |sounds from other undersea| so I take my leave, tender | Ministers. On LODA Board jcome familiar with normal fence orders for Canada which| noises so that anythig unusual] usually do about 65 per cet of | ------------ sshd | ra. 3 T he,the Service Centres on Highway ard of irectors of ; ific Phot entsts from the Pacific Naval! Four hydrophones, worth) Lake Ontario Development| The program of work for the| Laboratory here are sortng in-/$2.500 each, were lowered|l@ « « saa trial," Tourist," "'Agricul-|tion to the Arctic. by this equipment were re- George Coling of Brighton|ture, 'Planning Program,"| Expedition Ice Pack Il was|corded on magnetic tape. | Vice-Presidents H. DeGroat of|year whereby a regional techni-\where Deer Bay opens intO/canvas cabin and used a ply-| {wood - foam - safdwich con- elected for a further 'erm of/examine the values and prac-|yndertaken during spring and| office. tice of planning and create aj summer and the purpose of this FILM is it to use Polaroid's sen- sational new color film in GIANT ACTION TERTARRING, "i FUN SHOW! and GEORGE SANDERS LAST TIME TONIGHT! HORIZONTAL LIEUTENANT?»ck carter VINCENT PRICE RAVEN BORIS KARLOFF PETER LORRE Adult Entertainment Relax In The Comfort : OSHAWA Of Your Own Car at The Oshawa Drive-in! DRIVE-IN THEATRE 723-4972 ip your camera. Finish a full day's work at your office--then board your TCA Silver Dart jet flight at 7:00 p.m., arrive in Vancouver at8:40 p.m. Stay overnight to relax and prepare for your business day ahead. When you conclude your business, you can look forward to a smooth, comfortable flight back home aboard your TCA DC-8 jet with up to 4 convenient jet flights daily to choose from... plus the choice of First Class or Economy Class accommodations! PLUS OTHER FREQUENT DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL FLIGHTS was that recommending the Gen- j¢; ' : eral Manager, D. W. Kingdon | ive rifle shooting. He has been write to the Department of = WHITBY - COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCA Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs Transport relative to the estab- lishment of a $50.00 fine for lit- OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP tering of the Waterways. This) 723-4631 recommendation originated at a) 50 MILL Children Under 12 Free. > pieGESTel | THE MASTER OF SUSPENSE IS BACK WITH TWO OF HIS GREATEST! recent Zone One Meeting of! LODA in Lindsay. | In the General Manager's) report it was revealed that mu-; driveway weeds nicipal studies of member} municipalities were continuing) the easy way and that there were approxi- ma'ely eight on file to be com-/ pleted. | Two new Business Associa'e) members accepted by the board/ were the Haliburton Highlands, the Toronto - Dominion Bank. FRONT-END ALIGNMENT See your Travel Agent or contact TCA at: og 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario. It was pointed out that several other firms in the region were) presently contemplating mem- 'bership. - A letter was read to the members of the board from Dr. | Lawson Mackie, chairman of the Ontario Travel Council, asking the association for its| @ No Mixing @ No Dust . «help in the selection of staff for 'the new information outlets at RESULTS COUNT! aos MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE @ Member of the _ . Consult Oshawa & District Real Estate Board | 16 CELINA ST. PHONE 723-2312 , 'Garden Supplies Since 1909" For ALL CARS JOHN BEAN "Visualiner"' SPECIAL Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service ENERAL TIRE 95 PHONE TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA 128-6221 appointment DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY 668-3304 OF OSHAWA 534 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441 aN aS 7 A sly mixtup e of sensational 9 sizzling roma n suspense and mi, ce, rder}

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