Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1963, p. 4

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 17, 1963 Fresh Strife Expected | Race Storm Warning | Flying In Washington For British Guianans GEORGETOWN, British Gui- ana (Reuters) -- The govern- ment, troop-s and civilians braced themselves during the weekend for what promised to be 'a round of fresh complica- tions in this British colony's economic-political crisis. British troops took over d duties Friday at the Par- lament Buildings as a general strike agdinst the government's proposed labor relations bill en- tered its ninth week and all roads leading to Parliament were closed to vehicles and pe- destrians alik. And, as a fresh contingent of troops was reported on its way from Britain, a fresh storm was brewing in Parliament over attempts to unseat the left-wing government of Premier Cheddi Jagan. The speaker of the National Assembly, Rahman Gajraj, has called a meeting of the assem- bly for Wednesday and the op- ernment. 28. With them barred from sit- ting, the governmen party has a minority of one seat. MAY CHALLENGE CALL has hinted the government will challenge the legality of the Parliament. Meanwhile, the presence of an oil tanker off Georgetown Harbor brought the whole Pan- orama of world politics to this position party has given notice it will imtroduce a motion of non-confidence in Jagan's gov- The speaker suspended Ja- gan and three of Jagan's col- leagues from Parliament May The law officer's department speaker's calling a session of colony -- population 500,000--| on South America's Caribbean coast. present emergency powers. ready unloading diesel |ban Premier Castro. Bakers, hunters eee sale soon," cargo of food, INDUSTRY CRIPPLED The general strike has crip- pled industry throughout Brit- ish Guiana, I The tanker is Cuban, carry- ing Russian oil to be stored, al- most certainly, in United States owned bulk storage tanks which Jagan can requisition under his Another Cuban ship was al- fuel, food and flour sent here by Cu- besieged by bread were telling custom- ere'll be Red bread on A third ship from a Commu- nist country was expected to! § arrive here this week with a Canadian and|§ WASHINGTON (AP) -- Storm warnings of racial strife are fly- ing in Washington. The signals have been sighted. This loosely governed seat of government, the only city in the country with. a Negro popula- tion majority, is closing ranks to fend off looming disaster-- an upsurge of crime and a pos- sible outbreak of racial con- Pe | flict. : ~| Civic forces are being mobil. ized, belatedly, -against some basic problems -- poverty, un- employment and delinquency, chiefly among the overcrowded Negro citizens whose numbers c\increase day by day with the 'iarrival of impoverished mi- grants from the south. The beginnings are promising enough to prompt Atty.-Gen. Robert F. Kennedy to modify his year-old warning that Wash- ington is "a real time bomb." "Washington's situation is se-| jery free nation--and --particu- victims of Negro criminals are other Negroes. But Negroes do contribute to the city's crime out of propor: tion to their 57-per-cent major- ity in the city's population, They came into a majority position during the past decade when an estimated 213,000 whites, about one-fourth of the population, emigrated to the suburbs in Virginia and Mary- land, leaving the long-integrated schools 83 per cent Negro and plagued by breakdowns in disci- pline, A racial explosion in the capi- tal of democracy would rever- berate around the world, blem- ishing American prestige in ev- | larly in the new countries where black men's dreams of inde- pendence are coming true. Neither federal nor city au- thorities think it will happen. Washington's "mayor,"" Com- American aluminum companies have had to close their bauxite installations. | The Canadian-owned Bauxite) City, 65 miles south of here,| normally ships 1,500,000 tons of| alumina (dried and calcined) bauxite) all over the world an-| Tax Change Need 4 rious, but I think it is controlla-| missioner Walter N. Tobriner, i|ble,"" Kermedy told The Asso-|rejects the idea that racial vio- #\ciated Press. : lence is brewing but takes the | . gravest view of the visible COULD HAVE TROUBLE lstrains on morals and morale. "If matters were to keep on} "The hazard }growing worse each year, as |they have been, we would surely) jend up in trouble. A lot depends| Cited By Robarts QUEBEC (CP) -- Ontario's! Mr. Lesage said the Ontario Premier John Robarts said|premier's speech would do Saturday night he doesn't find|more for understanding '"'than the tax demands being made by/anything done in the past." Quebec on the federal govern- ment "too unreasonable." |NEED RE-ALLOCATION At the same time he told an! Mr. Robarts said there must audience of political leaders|be "'a most drastic re-alloca- and newspaper men from the | tion of our taxes if provinces two provinces that the time|are to meet obligations as- may have come to re-examine | Signed them by the constitu- the application of Confedera-|tion. -- tion in the light of current! "In view of our experiences events. in Ontario and the large de- Mr. Robarts was speaking at/mands made upon us in the a dinner offered by the Quebecifields of responsibility that are government to members of the/ours, I cannot find your for- Ontario Legislature Press Gal-)mula too unreasonable." lery who were visiting mem-) One of the most urgent needs bers of the Quebec Press Gal-jof the times is establishment of lery during the weekend "a much more effective basis His audience included Que: |for federal-provincial relations bec's Premier Jean Lesage and|so that the federal government a number of cabinet ministers|will have a better understand- of both provinces. jing of our problems in the prov- nually. lf Only two of the colony's 11) sugar mills are in operation) i and sugar producers blamed) the strike for a one-third drop in the spring sugar crop. Bauxite and sugar account |for 80 per cent of British Gui- jana's exports. | The long-drawn-out jover Jagan's. Jabor bill has been punctuated by out- burts of violence, racial intoler- jance and lawlessnéss in both city and rural areas. CONVINCED OF PLOT | Jagan says he is convinced {the strike is a conspiracy by) ithe trade unions, the opposition parties and American imperial ists to topple his government. MOSCOW (AP) -- Valentina Tereshkova went into space | The Trades Union Council, on |the other hand, is suspicious of with all the background neces- re- " q|Sary for the ideal Soviet hero- More than 1,200 people at- strugele| tended a "Fiy-In Breakfast" relations| 4t the Oshawa airport Sunday. | The visitors, one from as far |Jagan's politics and fears au- lthoritarian rule. The unions' terms for OSHAWA FLY. Soviet Space Woman ¢ i "IN BREAKFAST away 'as Wichita, Kansas, ar- rived in about 300 small air- craft. Some of them - are shown above at breakfast ta- bles near the runway. About 5,000 people visited the air- port during the day. (For Story details see page nine). --Oshawa Times Photo. For Heroine jand blouses, She jewelry. | "I am happy that I, a citizen jof the Union of Soviet Socialist wears little|Volga River about northeast of Moscow. In 1954 she went to work at ithe tire factory in Yaroslavl but 160 miles jon what we do from now on. I) |think we're going to reverse it." The capital's biggest demonstration since the- end of| the First World War, when the jKu Klux Klan marched on Pennsylvania Avenue, was| staged last Friday without vio-| |lence or disorder, and with only! jone arrest -- a motorist who failed to. move out of the way of! rthe 3,000 Negro protest march-| jers. When it was over the siapen-| ers had won a prize--the prom- ise of the Board of D.C, Com- missioners that if Congress doesn't outlaw housing discrimi- nation in Washington by the end of this session, the board will do so by a city ordinance. But any Washington can see civic danger signals: Each day more than a dozen yokings, purse - snatching; and assaults, 15 larcenies and auto \thefts, 18 burglaries and a high incidence of murders and rapes. iner told an interviewer, race|__ is no greater here than in any northern city which absorbs an influx of un- derprivileged Negroes," Torbri- "Where Negroes occupy the overcrowded centre of a city and live with a hard core of un- employmint, you have the seeds as tension," Tobriner said. ' PRESSURES ABNORMAL The pressures are abnormal here, Tobriner went on, because Negroes "are not welcomed to the adjoining suburbs in Marty- land and Virginia; they are ghettoized in Washington be- cause there are mo avenues of expansion,"' He went on: "Yet, little could be gained by violence. Washington abolished years ago the kind of discrimi- nations that are causing sit-ins, demonstrations and violence in the south," President Kennedy spoke out last week against the "sick city" publicity given Washing- ton in-recent weeks, 'Much has been written about crime and race relations 'n Washington-- much of it untrue," he told a conference of 500 mayors in Honolulu. Many cities could learn from Washington's example, Ken- nedy went on. He cited the com- plete integration of schools, parks, stores, hotels, theatres and restaurants, as well as the current peaceable moves against job and housing bias. Commons Begins On Budget Debate OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- mons this week embarks on the budget debate, It promises to be more lively than usual be- cause of the three "ghost writ- ers' who helped with Finance Minister Gordon's budget. The debate is scheduled to start Wednesday amd continue until the following Wednesday, June 26. In the six days, the opposition again has a chance to express its dissatisfaction with the minority Liberal gov- ernment through non-confidence heavy volume of work involved in preparing legislation and minimizing delay in presenting the budget." They started work April 22 when the Liberals took office and their hiring was authorized by the treasury board May 2. All three took oaths of alle giance, of office and of secrecy. Mr. Gordon said under ques- tioning that Mr. Stanley and Mr. O'Connell continued to be on the payroll of their companies after joining the finance department, ine. She was a factory worker,|/ Republics, am the first woman | motions. It was this point that especially a year later left to become a jinces. I have long felt that in ; ' . years past these relations have/ sumption of work were reporte Vatican Using been too formal, too intermit-|to include: Full pay for the) Extra System s For Signals tent, to bring about effective re-|time on strike, dismissal of all sults, jworkers who attempted to ig- VATICAN CITY (AP)--Vati- can. officials said Sunday an |dreamed of. He said the people|© lof Ontario are sympathetic to| Quebec's problems and want to} y ensure Cofederation's contin-/elections; a & Her father, a tractor driver, jwas killed fighting in the Sec-| government, jond World War. Her mother is'|Sergeyevich Khrushchev that I retired textile mill worker. ister is a cotton spinner. At 26, the world's first woman a Communist youth leader andjin the world to make a flight! cotton spinne jnow a member in good standing) nto space, of the Soviet Communist party.|blasting off Sunday, "I assure! she said before our heroic party, our own Soviet our dear Nikita shall accomplish with honor the Her brother is a driver and her|task entrusted to me." STARTED WORK AT 17 SEE NO RACE PATTERN Today and Tuesday are ex- aroused the opposition. r with her mother at the Krasny Perekop textile mill, Her mother retired in 1956. At the mill, she was elected secretary of the Komsomol (young Communist) committee when she was 20. Last year she was elected a member of the Yaroslavl regional committee of space traveller is unmarried) Tass said Valentina started the Young Communist League. rk in a tire factory at the age|She now is a member of the) There has been no discernible pattern of racial motivation in crime--about 80 per cent of the Stratas Plans | To Keep Rest pected to be devoted to study of several government legisla- tive proposals. Mr. Gordon presented his first budget Thursday night. Next morning the storm broke when Douglas Fisher (NDP -- Port Arthur) questioned him about reports that three Toronto busi-| nessmen helped write the bud-| NOW IS THE TIME Mr. Robarts said the fathers)more the strike call and strik- of Confederation built @ flexible|@'S having the right to refuse system which has encountered|to work with regular employ- problems the fathers had never/@es Who rejected the strike electric light signalling system will supplement the traditional puffs of smoke to tell the world a new Pope has been elected. all. The system will be installed, Jagan's People's Progressive} ued development. Burnham's the officials said, by the time During the dinner Premier Lesage was prenented an illu-| minated scroll, giving him the) freedom of Ontario for "as long) as the St. Lawrence River links Congress and the remaining four to Peter D'Aguiar's United Force Party. The colony has been continu- ally plagued by racial unrest. Of the population, about 285,000 jand described by the Soviet | W° news agency Tass as a pretty) 0f 17. Later she switched to cot- Iblonde. She has the Russian|ton spinning and took an inter- round face with a cleft chin. She/@St in parachute jumping. That rarely uses lipstiek, Her curly|iS what got her into cosmonaut jhair is closely cropped. |School. adult party organization. ATTENDED NIGHT SCHOOL While working at the textile| By ALAN HARVEY mill, she combined work .with| MOSCOW (CP)--Teresa Stra- study. Shé attended night school|tas, the tantrum-tossing Cana- | Of Schedule get speech. At first Mr. Gordon was hesi- tant about discussing the mat- ter but later in the day took the umusual step of making a | To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Origine! Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . where fully guaranteed satisfoction is assured, special statement to the Com- Party won 20 seats in the 1961) the Cardinals gather Wednes- mons 11 went to Forbes! day in a conclave to name a suc- People's National) our two great provinces." cessor to the late Pope John are East Indians, including Ja-| The muscle she displays in ay She was born March 6, 1937, She was graduated from the lat-|dian soprano who walked out in gan, and approximately 200,000 | bathing suit would be the bse bv the Soviet mill town of Mas: iter in 1960 as a cotton-spinning|the midst of a performance lare Negro. There also are ap-\°f many a male. She favors lennikovo, near Y aros1av1,|technologist. here Friday night, says she [proximately 75,000 colored|severely-cut dark suits, skirtsiwhich is at the mouth of the! sscy 'stent assistance' to her in|Plans to meet the rest of her | (mixed-race). becoming a cosmonaut was her/¢°™mtments in the Soviet Un- Red China Warns Jagan's party draws heavily love for parachute jumping|!0": Against U.S. Deal : © the East Indian population) which she took up at the Yaro-| "It's 99-per-cent sure," the Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. JOINED DEPARTMENT He said investment dealers David Stanley and Martin O'Connell and chartered ac- countant Geoffrey Conway joined the finance department as consultants on a temporary basis because "'of the very XXIil, ' | This time the Vatican has taken careful precautions to avoid the confusion which ac- companied Pope John's election four years and seven months "ago. . The system of supplementary light signals was reported un- "der study earlier this month but Vatican radio spokesmen said the plan then had been re-| jected. Apparently on second| thought, Vatican officials jdeemed it best to go ahead with | 54 SIMCOE NORTH | SIMCOE NORTH . SPECIALS TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ONLY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEAT SLICED PORK rn LIVER tb RINDLESS issue." icles which result in full em- jabsolved of any improper con- mally do not applaud until after BACON He made the remark just be- fore a special session on "medi- |gates. ployment and a rising cost of «we should set the record living,"" Mr. Dodge said. "No| lduct were questioned and|a show. ismeared by reports during a | | e e PEKING (Reuters) -- Com-jand Burnham's party has be-) V isit Makes CLC Slav] Sports Club in 1959," Tass|24-year-old Toronto singer said munist China has warned Rus-|come the voice of the Negroes. | said. "Socn: she' was directing a|" an interview Sunday, "After sia that any form of collabora-| | e parachute jumping circle at the all I've got Nothing against tion with the United States iy o Re | Realize Problem Krasny Perekop mill. Up to now|Kiev and Riga, | resents betrayal of the Lager Bishop Assails | jshe has made 126 jumps," The balance of Miss Stratas' the world. It also takes a poke) At cosmonaut school she was|Soviet schedule includes _ ap- at Yugoslavia. FA SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.)to endorse the New Democratic given the military rank of junior|pearances in the cities of Riga The Chinese Communist party) Wa Of Kee in (CP)--A recent mission to Eu-| Party, lieutenant. jand Kiev and another in Mos- a People's i bl y p a, brought the Canadian La-| The endorsement squelched| ee Ow July a, bares she leaves| ports the warning fs contained) . . |bor Congress an "awareness Of|recent suggestions of a possible for Canada July 2, | the innovation in order to pre-|in a letter the party's central Patients Alive the chronic unemployment sit-|working arrangement between| YPCs Want To C t | Miss Stratas caused what the vent any possible confusion. committee sent to its opposite} uation that exists in Canada,"|tne Steelworkers and the Lib- : /Russians call a 'scandal' here : The little stove in the Sistine|number in the Soviet Union Sat-| aTLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP)|Bill Dodge of Toronto, CLC ex-|eral party. Press Privile es Friday night by walking out in 'Chapel still will send up its|urday in connection with rex! | Romen Catholic Bishop Fulton|ecutive vice-president, said Sat-! ne reports partly ste d g the midst of a Bolshoi Theatre puffs of black smoke to report|month's Sino - Russian ideologi-|j, Sheen said Sunday night he|Urday. lfrom di raeiGhe b i abn abe KITCHENER (CP)--The On.-|Presentation of the opera Eu- that voting is inconclusive or|¢4! conference in Moscow, sees no moral wrong in avoid-| He told the closing sessions| tee} nat cuicdals "anh te tario Young. pirancatee con aule Onegin. It left Moscow's white smoke to announce the, 'To entrust the fate of the ing extraordinary measuresjof a three-day national policy/figures in the Ontario Liberal|servative Association urged/Canadian colony in dismay, | election of a Pope. These whiffs| people and of mankind to collab-/ aimed at keeping alive a patient|conference held by the United!party. They were later denied|Sunday the removal of the priv-, The singer indicated in a tele-| of smoke still will play on thejoration with U.S. imperialism isin the final stage of fatal or|Steclworkers of America (CLC)|by union officials ilege now extended to rear re-|phone call to her mother, Mrs emotions of the crowds packing|to lead the people astray," the|/seemingly hopeless illness. jthat good economic planning is) "« aif jes od : press re-| y . : t e 4 $s illness d ecc i They (the Liberals) may|ports of the evidence at judicial|Emanuel Stratas, in Toronto St. Peter's Square. letter says. bold were dying,"' said the needed in Canada to Provide | throw a few crumbs to some of inquiries, after the show that lack of en- . pre and rr -- 4 ae aon of the nation's!oy+ people to win them over| The association's annual meet-|thusiasm in the applause was WEATHER FORECAST EY ee [ant frac fo Ze thea reli "adoned. the "recommen en Petre to conte takes eat she Ao 'atrell; European countries we vis-jout the rest of us," William/dation after speakers said the She apparently was unaware is ited have devised economic pol-| Powell of Hamilton told dele-| reputations of many people later|that Moscow audiences nor. Mainly Sunny During Tuesd 45 cine and religion" at the annual meeting of the American Medi- cal Association. A Protestant physician, | Edward H, Rynearson; also ex-} t) | \P pressed opposition to the use of} ne there opposes economic lanning anymore." straight and point out the New) Democratic Party is the only| }one we should support." pr,| Mr. Dodge said government, Canadian Director William|rsanized crime in Ontario 'jemployers and unions will have|Mahoney said it was aut aee as jto choose im the future between|to recognize the realit necessary | ies of the} lengthy inquiry last year by Mr. | Justice Wilfred D. Roach into! callin et | APARTMENT COLLAPSES 1 CALL OR SEE LEAN TENDER CLUB STEAKS 49. Forecasts issued by the Tor-|Mount Forest .... 'onto weather office at 5 a.m.:/Wingham ... Synopsis: Unsettled weather Hamilton .. § prevails across the province and St, Catharines .. 52 is expected to persist into Tues-| Toronto day. Peterborough Lake St. Clair, southern Lake! Trenton ....... Huron, Lake Erie, Niagara, western Lake Ontario, Windsor,' London, Hamilton, Toronto: Va. riable cloudiness with a few widely scattered showers or) Earlton ........000 thundersorms this afternoon/Sault Ste. Marie .: and evening. Sunny with a few Kapuskasing ..... 45 cloudy intervals Tuesday and White River . 'ittle change in temperature, Moosonee . winds --?---- ' . Timmins .. Northern 'e Huron, south. 'ern Georgian Bay, eastern Lake! can pao Tits wenday 'Ontario, Haliburton: Variable) ya weon : 37 56 'cloudiness today and Tuesday. Victoria sat Scattered showers and a feW/ ranonton ... thunderstorms late today and Regina possibly again Tuesday, a little) winnipeg .. cooler Tuesday. Winds light. (Lakehead .. . Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-| agami, Cochrane, Sudbury, North Bay: Variable cloudiness today and Tuesday. Scattered showers and a few thunder- showers later today, tonight and early Tuesday, a little cooler. Northwest winds 10 to 15. - White River, Algoma, Sault Ste, Marie: Variable cloudiness, clearing Tuesday afternnoon. A few showers or thundershowers today and early tonight, slightly cooler. Northerly winds 10 to 15. seeee Kapuskasin; North Bay. Sudbury - Muskoka .. Windsor ..sssesees | LONAON seeveeseoes Montreal .... CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY Forecast Temperatures Low tonght, hgh ba gue FREE TO CUSTOMERS oe OO ® cau PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT 52 eo 50 o» 50 extraordinary means to keep dying patients alive. | At a joint conference both {men stressed that their stand jhad nothing to do with mercy |killing. They said all ordinary |means should be taken to keep |the apparently hopelessly ill. pa- tient alive. DON'T REFER TO POPE | Neither made any reference jto treatments given Pope Jom XXIII in the last stages of his) mortal illness. Bishop Sheen said he would urge relatives of a patient to take the doctor's advice on whether a patient should be kept alive by extraordinary meth- ods. Dr. Rynearson, of the Mayo Clini, said he is firmly opposed to keeping 'human vegetables," alive through such measures as tube - feeding, oxygen tents, heart-lung machines and other techniques. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Cornet of Athol) 728-9441 na) intelligent co-operation or the|situation, and that some of the "planless chaos of the past." |union's members do support the He said that instead of merely |oid parties. bargaining with employers, un-| "If they take on the job of ions will have to be Prepared |trying to reform the parties and to participate in decisions in-iget financial statements they'll volving monetary problems, full)soon find they don't belong in employment and even cultural|the old parties and will be be- j aspects. hind the NDP," he said. | 'We must assume our respon- sr CO sibilities and make -commit- ments," he said. "A tremendous job of member education lies ahead." The conference had earlier urged the federal government to institute a comprehensive na- tional health plan in conjunction with all provinces, The steelworkers voted solidly p--¥ $35 4 MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGA We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER » SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 » After Hours 728-3376 SAVIN Get full details from anyon uA THE B you CANT MISS PSP You can't miss your savings target with PSP --the life-insured guaranteed savings plan, exclusive with og . Si0li7 ann | DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 CAIRO (Reuters) -- A _ four- 'storey apartment building in |Alexandria collapsed early to- jday, killing six persons includ-| jing two young girls. Several] injured were taken to hospital) and police were searching the rubble in case others were still trapped. i LEAN. 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