~ THOUGHT FOR TODAY Maybe money can't buy friends but it certainly can cut down on your enemies. Oshawa Fines temperature. WEATHER REPORT Scattered showers this evening, Sunny with a few cloudy inter- vals Tuesday. Little change in VOL. 92--NO. 142 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1963 Class Mail Post Office Department, Authorized os Deyment of Postage in Cash. Second Ottawa and for SIXTEEN PAGES RUSS IA'S VALENTINA TERESHKOVA, 26, and Lt. Col. Valery Bykovsky, 28, who are orbiting the earth today in RENDEZVOUS IN SPACE MAY BE RUSSIAN PLAN LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime Minister Macmillan said today the Profumo affair had "in-| flicted a deep, bitter and last- ing wound' on him. Macmillan, making the first] government speech in the de-| bate on the affair, said "a great ture was released today by Tass, the Soviet news agency. (AP Wirephoto via cable from Moscow) separate spaceships, are shown shortly before Bykov- sky was launched in his spaceship, Vostok 5. This pic- JFK Launches Appeal For Help To Negroes there have been reports he will)legally to speed school integra- meet with educationists Wednes-|tion and to extend the life of the! day. WASHINGTON (CP . AP)-- Congressional and _ religious leaders gather at the White House today to hear appeals from President Kennedy that they act to improve the lot of American Negroes. A long-time split in the ranks of the Negro civil rights groups came out in the open Sunday night when a major organiza- tion -- the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People--claimed it was paying the bills while other groups were furnishing the noise in such racial hotspots as Jackson, Miss. Kennedy's separate meetings with congressional and religious leaders are part of his two- gressional This morning's repeat session|J. Ellender, Louisiana Demo-|bling on national security." | comes amid signs that civil/crat, expounded Sunday his| rights supporters still lack the) votes to kill the filibuster that southern senators are -- certain to mount in opposition) w. ping bacel to Kennedy's légiatetion. Washington, the omly major SENATE MAY OPPOSE resentatives civil rights legislation is. re- garded as likely. The story is|IS 'CESSPOOL' apt to be different in the Senate, for an Associated Press canvass/far as crime is concerned," El- indicates leaders cannot count/lender said in a program taped on marshalling the necessary|for radio and television. "Haiti, shock has been given to Par-| liament and the whole country" by the scandal. He spoke after Opposition La-| bor Leader Harold Wilson de-| scribed society osteopath Dr. | Stephen Ward--the man who in-| troduced Christine Keeler to! John Profumo--as "a tool" of the Russians. | Opening the crucial parlia-| mentary debate on the Profumo} A ; affair before a packed House of jcivil rights commission. Commons, Wilson said Macmil- The president called in con-| A staunch opponent of civiljlan's comp'acent at'itude to- leaders last week.jrights legislation, Senator Allen|ward the scandal was "gam- Wilson said Ward, arrested on thesis that Negroes are not fit}a charge of living off immoral] to govern themselves. Jearnings, was too unstable to| As an example, he citeq|be 4 spy, but "he undoubtedly} : |was a tool--an instrument--and i . this unique access to people in |U.S. city where Negroes are in/high places made him useful to |the majority, and Liberia, Ethi-|them." jopia and Haiti, three countries | Three Attacks | Passage in the House of Rep- of 'some form of Washington "is a cesspool as of those poe attack on inequality: 'sing persuasion to try to speed desegregation; sounding out key members of Congress prior to sending his civil rights legisla- tion to Congress later this week. two-thi: ing to shut off debate. target probably will be an ex-|jare also incapably governed. pected administration proposal -- by Negroes. | . Unexplained Vot-lto my way of thinking, i T pool of central Amecion." he In oronto key| added, and Ethiopia and Liberia | TORONTO (CP)--A rifle, a shotgun and a knife were used rds margin The southern senators' In the civil rights camp, ling- Cabinet Debate Opens On Profumo Scandal Wilson said that the day after prime minister was expected to ex-war minister Profumo lied tojwin a vote of confidence in the Parliament in denying he had|House of Commons tonight after had an affair with Christine,|a long debate. Failure to win Ward told a Labor member of|the vote would topple the gov- Parliament what he knew about/ernment and bring on a gen- Christine, Profumo and Russianjera) election. diplomat Capt. Yevgeny Ivanov, another of her lovers, Many thought. that after: the He said a report on what|Scandal died down Macmillan Ward said--which he called 'a probably would hand over the nauseating document" -- wasiprime ministership -- perhaps to his deputy, R, A. Butler, 60, given to Macmillan, but his re- plies to Wilson on it were symp-|or Science Minister Lord Hail- tomatic of the "indolent, non- sham, 55. chalant attitude" he had shown Woman MOSCOW -- The world's first woman cosmonaut, escorted by a male Soviet space comrade in| a separate craft, logged her first 24 hours of space flight to-| day. H The boy and girl space team| was reported to have manoeu- vred their Vostock spaceships to within five kilometres (3.1) miles) of one another during! their first orbit Sunday. | By 3 p.m. Moscow time (3) a.m, EDT) spacewoman Valen- tina Tereshkova had completed| 18 orbits of the earth. Cosmo-| SGROLDs aCe pleted 49 orbits. ever since, As Macmillan headed into the debate, he was reported "not in a resigning mood." Macmillan revealed that on Aug. 9, 1961, Profumo was warned by Sir Norman Brooke, then secretary to the cabinet, of a possibility of danger by| virtue of his associating with a) man thought to be rather friendly with Ivanov. Wilson referred to Macmil- lan's decision to ask Lord Chan- cellor Lord Dilhorne to make a personal investigation of the case--at Wilson's prompting-- and said: "He gambled desper- ately on the hope that nothing would ever come of this.' He said Macmillan did not want a new spy scandal and Profumo's resignation so soon after homosexual admiralty clerk John Vassal was con- vieted of spying for Russia, Wilson said:~ 'There was a standing condition of security risk. as long as the secretary of state for war was part of this KITCHENER (CP)--The On- tario Young Progressive Con- servative Association executive Saturday declared Federal Fi- nance Minister Walter Gordon jshould resign over the budget "ghost writers" incident. A resolution charging that Mr. Gordon's use of three privately- employed Toronto financial con- sultants in preparation of the federal budget was a breach of confidence and principle passed by a 15-13 executive vote. The 200 delegates to the three day YPC conference. which the 'yes' margin needed in a cent, YPCs Say Gordon Must Quit Post ended here' Sunday also urged the Ontario government to lower liquor vote from 60 to 50 per in three unexplained attacks| here during the weekend, one of which may cost a young man his eyesight. Gordon Mitchell, 21, was re- ported in fair condition and in calling for legal steps to pre-jering differences among Negro vent discrimination in public|groups broke out into the open places and private businesses.|when Roy Wilkins, executive The Kennedy program probably |secretary of the NAACP, told a will include, too, proposals to/rally at Alexandria, Va., Sun- strengthen voting rights, author-/day that "other organizations On the voluntary front, Ken- nedy already has met with bus- iness and labor groups, with several governors and a week ago in Hawaii with U.S. may- ors. Another session with gover- nors is planned for Tuesday and Evers Brother Takes Over Job JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -- The|population was such that many quadrilateral with Ward, a self- confessed Soviet intermediary, and the Soviet attache." At this stage in his speech Wilson declared: "We shall want a straight an- swer to every one of these ques- deep shock after a .410-gauge ainns "Why did Mr. Macmillan not accept Mr. Profumo's resigna- tion? Was it offered by Mr. Pro- fumo and refused by the prime minister? If it was not, why did not the prime minister demand that resignation?" The 69-year-old Conservative Conspicuous by its absence among praises for the Ontario Conservative government of Premier John Robarts was a vote of confidence in Federal) Opposition Leader John Diefen- baker. A special meeting of 20 Que- bec YPC officials in Montreal Sunday said the party needs a }new national leader. | A Chatham delegate who Sun- jday withdrew a motion at the Ontario meeting expressing con- fidence in the former Conserva- Surgery Method Aids Cor ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (CP) Development of a surgical pro- cedure to encourage growth of new arteries in patients suffer- ing from coronary artery di- sease was reported today to the American College of Chest Phy- sicians and the American Med- ical Association. The report was presented by Dr. Arthur Vineberg of Mont- real, who developed the tech. nique, It was prepared by him and co-surgeons Drs. R. Pi- farre, R. Criollos and Y. Kato. all of Montreal. The newly-developed method, which the report says has pro- duced satisfactory results among 12 patients in combina- s EDMONTON (CP) -- Social Credit's 28 continuous years of administration were on the line | today as Albertans decided in a general election fheir govern- mer' for the next five years. A total of 224 candidates con- tested 62 seats in the new legis. lature. One seat was' filled by acclamation when nominations dull campaigning, predicted a light turnout. In 1959, 63.65 per cent voted, Social Credit held 60 of 65 seats when the legislature was dissolved last month. The oppo- sition was made up of one Lib. eral, one Progressive Conserv- ative, one coalition and one In- dependent Social Credit. One }seat, Little Bow, was vacant through the death of Rev. Pe- ter Dawson, long-time Speaker of the House. Social Credit won all four by-| ections since the last general} ection. Redistribution reduced the| number of seats to 63 in the| idian, about 100 miles from here Sunday and there it was trans- ferred to a Southern Railway train bound for Washington.) closed two weeks ago. "Oh Lord, Lord. Oh, Lord," a! Good weather was forecast Negro woman screamed as the|for the polling hours of 9 a.m. heatse entered the railway|MST to 8 p.m. Temperatures yard, A crowd of 100 Negroes| were expected to hit the 80s singing mournfully, held a spe-| with possible evening showers. | e} cial goodbye service. |Most rural roads were.in good! o} Meantime at Clarksdale,| condition. Miss., police arrested eight Ne-| An estimated 715,630 persons| groes who paraded before two/were eligible to vote compared| ow ievisiature white churches carrying signs! with 649,678 in the last provin-| "4 ' | such as "Grant unto ws our| cia} election in 1959 when Social| Social Credit contested all} freedom." Integration leaders|Creqit won in a walk. |seats, including Leduc which said there would be demonstra- was represented by Earl An.| tions every day until a commit-/ PREDICT LIGHT VOTE jsley, an Independent Social| tee to study racial problems mI Observers, looking back on|Credit member who broke from set up. » isix weeks of quiet and mostly! the party in 1944 on policy. The A ize the attorney-general to act/furnish the noise and get the § publicity while the NAACP fur-|Shotgun blast tore deap pits; nishes the manpower and pays|into his face as he stood talking} the bills." to a friend. Police said Mitchell | He specifically named the| ft eht damger of losing his eye- Congress of Racial Equality)"®) | ' z : (CORE), the Student Non-Vio- Charles hoghot arg been) lence that is headed by oid With attempted mur) ae ee eee te Mitchell was talking to a | friend, James Hall, 20, outside ; | i | ss the Hall home when a man ap- brother of slain Medgar Evers|kmowing onlookers had a sense Offi V : ps he took over as Negro civil rights|of foreboding. 1¢cers isit Loaeeigeie -" fired the shotgun champion in Mississippi today; Sunday was comparatively ees out 15 i iu | nd ed to. work for. "'the|quiet. Four young Negro women N Z l d nly moments after this. at-| poodle' ali men." Iwalked quietly into St. An- ew ea an tack and within five | Jackson, the state capital,;|drew's Episcopal (Anglican) | Jack McSporran 61, suffered al looked forward to the possibility|Church, across the street from In NONG Probe wound in his abdomen as| of more demonstrations, such|the governor's mansion, and he walked along a street with as the oné Saturday when hun-|were allowed to remain VANCOUVER (CP) -- RCMP)? friend. dreds of bottle - throwing Ne- throughout the service. Chief Superintendent C. B. Mac-|CAN'T CATCH YOUTH groes, "'crying we want the) However, at three other! aonnet of Victoria said Sunday| McS orted killer," charged police barri-;churches -- Central Presbyter-| " a me piagatae A coporran was reported in auer, 8 ian, First Baptist and First|2" RCMP officer and two civil-\fair condition in hospital. He cades. \Christian--Negroes were turned/|!4ns are in New Zealand, ques-/had chased but was unable to The demonstration was awe tioning J. Stewart Smith, for-jcatch a youth who-leaped from brought yor nidfeaagics --, has cl. Anraw?s the: four Ne iee British Columbia superin-|a patch of bushes and plunged inutes, wit elp of John spd r "| tende f brokers, ife i : | ani attormey in the civil rights |8ro girls, clad neatly in sum-| a Sracteenat said .the PEE ag hea pthc ge two| division of the U.S. department) mer frocks and carrying page tion is part of a renewed in-|incidents were connected, j of justice. With arms upraised, |listened dy Be te Ker as ; ®| vestigation into Northern Onta-| Saturday, doctors extracted a| he walked toward the surging|rector, the Rev. C. Kel . l.s| rig Natural Gas Company stock' piece of lead, fired by a .22-cal- Negroes, saying: |read : aac. from the First) goals, libre rifle, from the leg of Ger- "This is not the way to do) Epistle of ohn: I God ani Mr, Smith, who resigned last|hard Frei, 12, A sniper hit him it. its " ee eee cg . ar year, was located in New ic the leg as he rode his bicycle. | more harm than good. | set '\land about two weeks ago. He| The boy told police he heard Although Charles Evers, 40- po Ban a not ar brother! yas the ranking official in thela whizzing sound and felt a| year-old brother of the ee fe C 'y h ors hath at branch when Northern Ontario|sharp pain in his left leg below| nated field secretary of the Na-jhe love God whom he hath not! 404 was sold through a nom-|the knee. He rode home and his| tional Association for the ar pe pee ts in|it@e here to several prominent] parents took him to hospital. | er Dg ery Pangea Pan cutter cua $40) persons in Ontario. The sniper was not found. | not dis , : detail, the ferment in the Negro} "'In the field of human rela-j : |tions, what have we accom-| | plished--fear, tension, suspicion! AUDITORIUM land a tragic death in the com-| | munity." | | He. referred to the so far un-| PROGRESS | solved killing of Medgar Evers iby a rifle bullet last Wednes- day. He was shot in the back 000 000 by a sniper as he stepped out of $1, . an automobile near his home. The body of Evers, a war vet- $900,000 eran, sped today to Washington for burial in Arlington National $800 000 Cemetery Wednesday. . GOES TO ARLINGTON A white hearse took it to Mer- $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Light Turnout Seen In Alberta Election party did not oppose him in 1959. RE-ELECT HALMRAST - Agriculture Minister EL. C. Halmrast was re-elected by ac- clamation in Taber - Warner June 3 when a new Democratic Party candidate failed to file his papers. The NDP had 56 candidates, Liberals 55 and Progressive Conservatives 33. There were 18 independents, including four Communists and three mem- bers pf the Alberta Unity Move. ment, a. group which wants more compensation for farmers by oil companies. Social Credit, led by Hon. E. C, Manning who this month marked 20 years a premier of Alberta, campaigned on its rec- ord and continuation: of a multi. million dollar development pro- onaries tion with another operation, utilizes a free omental graft. The procedure is used pri- marily when all three major coronary arteries are diseased. It utilizes the geater omen. tum, an apron-like tissue within the abdominal cavity. A section is removed, attached to the aorta body artery -- and -- about the heart mus- cle. It was found, through early experments with animals, that the free omental graft seeks Denault, of 529 Crerar avenue, died Saturday night after she failed to respond to mouth-to- by Oshawa firefighters. An autopsy has been performed but the report has: not. been re- Mary Denault, were out and had left the baby in the care of Mr. Denault's brother, Pres- ton. lying on a chesterfield and when it was picked up some time after 9 p.m., showed no signs of life. girl is survived by a brother, Albert, and two sisters, Patricia and Mary Ellen. held in thé Armstrong Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, June 18, at 11 a.m. Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. The Russian news agency Tass reported that on their first! dual - orbit Sunday, the two spaceships came within five kilometres of each other, com- pared with the 6% kilometres (less than four miles) that .sep- arated space twins Andrian Nik- olayev and Pavel Popovich last August. MIGHT MEET But an actual rendezvous in space--with the two capsules coming together--was still the subject of speculation. It would be a vital preliminary to build- ing a launching platform for a moon flight. During the afternoon,. both cosmonauts appeared on Rus- sian television as 'they soared above Russia, Bykovsky, 28, gave a "thumbs up" sign and grinned. Valentina, 26, first looked serious when she ap- The conference, held in the|Peated on the screen studying home town of Ontario Liberal|@ logbook, but then beamed at tive prime minister said in an interview that YPC officials had told him it was too contentious. Philip Mitches, vice-chairman of the YPC policy and research committee first declined to give} a reason for withdrawal of the motion later said it had not been received the required 30 days in advance. The mo'ion would have de- ciared that. by remaining as party leader Mr. Diefenbaker saved the party at least 25 seats in the April 8 general election. naut Valery Bykovsky had com- |; In Orbit Nears Comrade Both are fulfilling the program as required, the bulletin said. All parts of the machinery and the systems are functioning well, , Soon after breakfast the pair re-established radio communi- cation with one another, Tass said, Valentina, an unmarried fore mer textile factory worker, completed 14 earth orbits by $ a.m. Moscow time. Bykovsky's orbit total at the same time was 45, . Valentina's pulse of 52 to 34 beats a minute during the night showed that she slept calmly, Bykovsky's pulse rate during the night was 46 to 50 beats'a minute. Soviet officials remained sl- lent on whether Bykovsky afd Miss Tereshkova would attempt a rendezvous in space. Such @ manoeuvre would be a rehear- sal for building a space plat- form to the moon, Observers noted, however, that Miss Tereshkova is nota trained pilot and might not be able to carry out her role in-a complicated linkup manoeuvre, Tass said the purpose of send- ing a man and woman inte space was to compare the ef- fects of space flight on the two sexes. The Soviet Union rocketed Miss Tereshkova aloft Sunday, two days after Bykovsky blasted into space, Leader John Wintermeyer,|the camera. ueard heavy criticism levelled EXERCISE FIRST at the Liberals by Health Min- "Both cosmonauts began their istr Matthew Dymond. working day with physical ex- ercises," Tass said. Oshawa Baby's wo svacesip--Vorot 9" att Death Probed For Cause Vostok VI--were working nor- Five - month-old Jacqueline mally, On instructions from earth, the cosmonauts lowered the air temperature in their space cap- sules slightly. Tass said the tem- perature was 59 degrees in the cabin of Bykovsky's space craft and 64.4 degrees in Miss Teresh- kova's cabin. A noon communique broad- cast at 1:30 p.m. (6:30 a.m. EDT) said the pilots received new technical instructions to pursue what the command on the ground considered "the most useful regimes." 3rd Russian Orbit Predicted In U.K. MANCHESTER, England | (Reuters)--Sir Bernard Lovell, idirector of Jodrell Bank radio astronomy research _ station, said today Russia might launch a third spacecraft to join the two already orbiting the earth. He described the latest Rus- sian space achievement as a "wonderful effort' and said it was clear the Russians were phasing their space program for mouth resuscitation attempts Cause of death is unknown. eased by hospital officials. The parents, Gervain and Police were told the baby was Besides her parents, the little The memorial service will be Ben-Gurion ° 'Quits Post 'In Israel JERUSALEM (AP) -- David Ben-Gurion, prime minister al most continuously since Israel} was founded in 1948, has re signed for personal reasons. A government spokesman. said he also will relinquish his seat in Parliament but will remain a head of a caretaker government until a new one is formed. Speculation spread that the 76-year-old leader resigned Sun- day because of criticism in Par- liament over his handling of a security case. But a communi- gue issued after a cabinet meet. ing said Bem-Gurion's reasons for quitting were "not connected with any state problem of event." en One source said that when the cabinet pressed Ben-Gurion for the reasons he replied: "I am keeping them to myself." The security case involved German scientists developi euclear rockets for the Unit Arab Republic. An Israeli se- curity chief, who never was identified, resigned last Mareh because of differences with Bet Gurion. Opposition parties de- manded an open debate on the resignation, but Ben - Gurion'g a moon landing. Mapai party averted it. and obtains a blood supply and forms a connection between the three coronary arteries and the heart muscle. SURVIVAL RATE HIGH The experiments showed also that when all three arteries were artificially constricted, there nevertheless was 90-per- cent survival when the omental graft was used and 100-per-cent survival when it was used in combination with internal mam- mary artery implantation. "It would seem that we have been successful in encouraging new coronary arteries to grow from the ascending aorta out into the free omental graft," the report said. "These arteries have been shown to communicate with the vast' vascular network in the omental graft. The omental graft, in turn, has excellent communications with the arter. iolar network of the heart and the pericardium." Ex-Chief Of Staff Dies In U.K. Today LONDON (Reuters) -- Vis- count Alanbrooke, former chief of the Imperial General Staff and one of the chief organizers gram it launched before the 1959 general election. of Britain's Second World War stnategy, died today. graft upstairs looked like a ANCIENT AIRCRAFT real chore as_ spectators watched it stutter along a few hundred feet from the ground. First World War pilots who watched cited the noise and the smell of astor oil as Cole Palen of Rhinebeck, NY, coaxes an ancient Avro 504K into the air during Sat- urday's air show at Oshawa Airport. Keeping this rickety "= catalysts in releasing memore ies of bygone days in the air. over foreign territory.. (See Story Page Nine). Oshawa Times, photo