t2--Offices, Stores, Storage|27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale STORES for rent, 18° x 54' and x 16', 106 Olive Avenue or Phone | ne: 23--Wanted To Rent Frank, Realtor, hon gs CENTRAL -- 100 ACRES with 100 ft. river frontage included ar Lindsay, barn and grage at 'ody $8,500, Call Jack Ricard, Walter Bowmanville 623-3393. two-bedroom' or bungalow or = where Indy can breed dogs, tear No, 2 highway. benno if ne-' Mrs. Mosley, 1299 Haller Av- thue, Bay Ridges, P 839-2516. Close. to ping. schools, Reasonable payments. Private. Whitby, 668-5338. room, large garage, churches and shop- awn. Ot 2am EER HO PEE HOUSE, 5 room, 3-bedroom. $1,000 No agents, Dial $75 . Low taxes, 728-0976. ag rl nome ee Legh five-room 12, house, barn, sale. Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 985-2985, 27---Real Estate For Sale '27--Real Estete For Sale 29---Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale 07 bd tre tlgew 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Jene 17,1968 13. Faivare Atel -- Five-year-old three home. Extras include| q patio, eae tame and built-in wall unit in one Nicely Close: MILLBROOK, 3 bedroom home on % acres land $3,000, with $700 down. Call) Jack Ricard, Walter Frank Realtor, Bowmanville 623-3393. BRUCE Street, six room brick, finished attic, hardwood 5 kitchen. $10,500, low down payment, 725-5282. to ohurehes, public and lschools, stores and bus service. Call 728-9628. THREE brick, fase large fenced lot, lic, separate er per cent NHA mort- six. brick pre naga » three garage, bath and extras, downstairs, $12,900) with $2500 down. 725-2622. brick bus and schools, 60 down ot onto ae -- cattle maeninary, includ. Pe wake machines, six miles on 401 ig anville 623-5344 east Call even- terms. Call Joe Barnoski, ville hada teal pan -- 4 room house ask-|ing PRIVATE SALE: Beautiful ranch home, Three 1g 43,900 Walter Frank Realtor, 623-3393. 30 ACRES with large stream near New- a $3,£00 with $1,500 down, Call Price $13. Apply 862 By: North, Withy, ee possession. PRIVATE sale, central Park boulevard) south, six-room sl120, La jilic, See ce a pean ¢ foot with services down gage. Private. 'white, cn | RST AURA, fully equipped on ~~ 115 and 35 near Newcastle. forces immediate sale $3,500 with $500 down. Call Andy McGill, Walter Frank, Realtor, Bowmanville 623-3393. Telephone 725-3605 after 5.30 p.m. 1961 gig Feces Laurentian station 'wagon, matic, radio, four $1,995. Telephone 725-8132. door-|30--Automobiles Wanted 'a-|1986 METEOR coach, standard, new dio, $300, Apply 830 Fiorell Doar sores, pub. |tires, CONVERTIBLE 1957 FORD, Thunder. ping deluxe old. paint, Cost $4,700 U.S.A. Owner -|feaving for States. Dial 668-4932 and 668-4119. 1958 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, 6-cylinder,| standard transmission, Pin ey condition, LOT FOR SALE -- poy ed ind sca} Five pert e ld churches, amd oe King Street ing distance from bus, l-aged vicinity} 5 p.m, room ent, Don, 723-3687. RESPONSIBLE General Motors office requires two, three bedroom) on or before July 15. References) needed, 728-5184, 24--Houses For Rent i tan |RAVINE lot Adelalde-Wilson area, 51506 full price 4 500 down, en NEWLYWEDS need by July 1, one bed-|%: furnished apartm: Near M Orono 4R6. Un-ROOM w, on one acre at| J bung: rite vanee Frank Realtor, Bowmanville owner, 725- $1000 DOWN, three-bedroom bungalow, |LAKE front two adjoining able for home Terms. ory he x 230 ft. Sult- or' cottage. $2,250 each. near Cow down. Call Joe 2 ACRES with Realtor, Bowmanville cas 3308, 10 ACRE parcels of ar asst george nw falter Frank,| WHITBY -- 117 Bell Drive, Ranch style bedroom: sone joe Barnoski, W: trout stream, modern HOUSE, new, furnished, w15 15 (monthly and hydro Whitby. Bn ge at tans, Zim- mer's, 236 Lupin Drive Whitby. SEVEN room house. Oshawa east oe oe July Street East, Whitby. ville rooms $7,400, with $1, Real Estate. Pelee ne UN pene ONE-STOREY house im Nestleton, four with bath; garage, drilled 000. down. pot tran NASSAU ie gix-room stove house, Se. Laundry modern, $3000. at and] 655-3457. Felsphone Brooklin supplied, Available Poy 15th ate to south C. M. Phone after 6 p.m. '728-3216, 9600 18 the full down payment on this bungalow located 4 the country. Call Doug Gower at S. D, Hyman Real Es- tate. 728-6286. room. 125-6279, room, $16,200 nly. bedrooms, modern kitchen, Reasonably priced. Telephone CENTRAL Park South, near King. Six- room. stone and brick bungalow. three Kendal Hills, $8.500 wil ith $2,000 ¢ down. Call Andy Me- Lapin | Gill, Waller Frank, Realtor, Bowman- well, Cook Fred eal Marvin = Nesbitt,| 2 Acres with 6 room house four "-- bath, furnace, and gi : mile from Bowmanville $12,900 terms. Call Joe Barnoski, Walter Frank Realtor, Bow- manville 623-3393. RANCH gb gel Brooklin, five mallee north of Whitby, six rooms, tiled bathroom, aluminum storms and screens, near schools and located in PRIVATE two-storey house with two! Lopes could be ne as pts <4 gine, Owner $7,900, full price, 728-570. ioe outs oft aes FORD V- four-door standard Price $150. Apply 211 Huron Street after $ after $ p.m. GO-KART, Power cellent condition, Telephone ville 623-3134. RE-MANUFACTURED six cy » com miles. Newcastle 3701. ld Chevrolet rrabe plete, 9,000) ---- oa miles, seat in condition, East end of city, close to school and . Easy terms. To see 1982 M. G. MIDGET, belts, radio, |$500 is the full down coon lg ll gt a ta 8 Doug Gower at 5, , [tate 728-6286. amar at try, Cat D. Hyman Real Es- $12,900. Dial' owner, Brooklin bungalow, three Theinaa. siorms and screens, TV antenna. Low down payment. NHA mortgage. Tele- phone 728-2604. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BE INDEPENDENT REAL MONEY MAKER 1 have one of the busiest BUNGALOW -- 4 bedroom, recreation or will rent for $150 Dial 728-0258. SOWMANVILLE apart- ment, private entrance, newly decorat- ed, $60. Central. orn, 63 King Street » Api 623-2440. SELF SONTATEE three room bath ----, downtown. On second floor in new building. Telephone 725- 1212. Tree i slansrarahaionbaecsassonsinwinentertit 2BEDROOM apartment, $110 monthly, near Shopping Centre. available July 1, Adults. Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apart- ment 1. BLOOR STREET WEST 21, Three room unfurnished apartment, for couple with one child or no children hly. Dial 728-5123. RICHMOND Street East, three-room jurnished apartment. Private bath. Available immediately. Working couple only. Close to North GM. Dial 725-2540. TWO room apartment, nicely furnished, heavy duty stove and refrigerator, ga- Tage, suitable for couple or two gentle- men. Apply 128 Elgin Street East. CELINA Street, 134: Unfurnished four room apartment, all conveniences, pri- vate entrance, close to downtown and bus. Adults or business lady. Call after 6 p.m., 725-1061. BOND Street East. three room apart- ment, refrigeator, electric stove, pri- bbe oil heated. table for je. No children. Vacant July 1. Telephone 725-5214. MODERN three large room ».:D. REAL ES HYMAN TATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 | FOUR ed in located on ed, excelle Doug mere call Doug This seven cated on suitable for xlous to se apartment, private three-piece bath, entrance and drive, TV outlet, cup- boards and sink in kitchen, plenty of Kinnon. BEDROOMS Seven room house just list- north-west end, large lot, oil heat- int financing, call 'er. $1273--Full down payment for a'new bungalow in Kings- Gardens, kitchen, storms ond screens, Hollywood Bullied. V.L.A. room. home lo- Thornton's Road V.L.A., owner an- I, call Glen Mac- TRADES ACCEPTED closet space. All facilities. July 1. Telephone 728-8830. FURNISHED three rooms, utilities paid, share bathroom. Free parking, main floor, private entrance, TV o $16 weekly. 723-4625. FURNISHED, rarer apartment. Apply 249 Windsor Street. Telephone 723-6242. THREE rooms, electrically equipped, private entrance, Taundry, facilities, centrally located, floor, $75 monthly. 725-7279. Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ronges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker THEN CAL! $9,900 gorage. 5123 "DUPLEX pa Bice -- baths, y mak 900. 'Call recreation per month. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITTH LLOYD L YOUR MOVER "THINKING OF RETIRING" FULL PRICE Two bedroom bungalow with new oil heoted furnace, base- ment aportment to help poy for this home. Large lot with . Call Bill Johnston mow at 728-1066 or 728- OR INCOME" home with of in the city very close to King Street. two kitchens, a er and only $10,- Bill Johnston at @ 728-1066 or 728-5123, "$11,500 FULL PRICE" SPLIT LEVEL HOME Three bedrooms and finished room, yard com- pletely fenced. Payments in- cluding toxes only $103.00 Call Bill Johnston ot 728-1066 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshowa, Ont. Limited 723-2265 26--Rooms For Rent SIMCOE STREET agg ll -- central Sod parking facilites, 'wultable jai les, lady. Telephone 728-4646. TWO room fully furnished apartment, eultale for for couple, $13 per week. Dial suitable one voNnAt INN -- hace se or double, television vileges. Free Soaking, Weekly of Sistly rates, 725- GRETA STREET 63 -- Large furnished room, >» range, laundry facilities, near hospital '723-7800. ROOMS FOR RENT redecorated, $10 weekly. $3 $5 or $6 nightly. Queen's ols (Oshawa) Ltd, 67 Simcoe north FLGIN Set East Bi Furnished room pr pol to downtown. Dial after 4 p.m., 723-7614, WHITBY, 406 Dundas Street West, -- large clean, completely furnished bed: aitting room, private entrance, parking, Kitchen, washing and bathroom utilities included. Suitable for one or two. Call after 4 p.m., 668-8077. COMPLETELY furnished, housekeeping bg with sink, refrigerator and rang- ette. Suitable for one gentleman, Cen- Apply 237 Athol Street, East. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash 218 Di Dial and tall ing room, Situated on brick bung corner lot, soys sell a 500, A and in Whitby. Full price On corner bedrooms, fine di ment, GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE undas St, E Whitby 668-5431 COOL AND BREEZY in this 3 bedroom white clap- board bungalow with awnings, lush green tiees large lot. Double garage, din- blue gross surrounding recreation room, Mary St. E. Whit- by. Full price $17,300 with good terms, CHURCHES & SCHOOLS neor this Whitby 3 bedroom alow with open fireplace, dining room, large garage. Widow nd get offer this week. Ful! asking price $16,- buy for cash. SEPARATE SCHOOL CHURCH Only a few doors away from this 3 bedroom brick home Extra roomy ga- rage for workshop, large lot. $12,800. A real buy for someone with $5,000 . Mortgage interest only KEWATIN ST., OSHAWA lot with 3 large recreation room, ---- garage, broadloom. istrict. Full price sis, 500. $4,000 down pay- WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR BENT: 2-bedroom apartment, South. All conveniences. Call collect after 8 p.m., Toronto, LEnnox 2-4931. FoR RENT: Lage furnished room, | ee ee eee ee ee See man. Telephone Whitby 668-5176. in triplex, Centre Street -- tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. png hy SHOP the "variety store" of the Class- ified Section--"Miscellaneous for Sale" today. It's loaded with wonderful offers, DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, altera.ions, slip covers, drapes, Fitting a specialty. Toms 668-2372. DRIVEWAY gravel, cement et sand and fill. We deliver. Call Branton, 668-2660. LARGE two-bedroom apartment, in Pool includ- 5 yy modern in Gino Street West, Whitby and cleanest and most well equipped coffee and voriety store counter business in the ' city for sale, First time offer- ed for sale. An operator can clear approximately $150.00 weekly.The rent is low and best of all you only need around $3,000 to handle the deal. This will include stock at invoice, living quarters, also available, if desired. This business is well located neor busy intersection. For appointment to discuss and arrange for an_ inspection, Coll Bill Horner 728-5123 or 728-2236, anytime. GUIDE REALTY 7 ROOM HOME with ex- tra large bedrooms. Very well decorated. Located in INCOME HOME HARMONY HEIGHTS AREA $10,900 FULL PRICE $2000 DOWN se scanenctee well kept home with lot 213' deep. Beautiful lawns with lots of trees. Double garage, many other extras - can easily be used as a 4 bedroom home - buy this home and live in for 35.00 monthly including in- terest, principal and taxes, Call Ed Drumm Immediately if you want to be the owner. ot 725-9345 or 728-5123. CASH TALKS $9,900.00 10 year old frame bungalow with recreation room and bar, Large well landscaped fot with gorage. Between Duke of Edinburgh and St. Gertr- ude's school. Call Ed Drumm at 725-9345 or 728-5123. ESTATE SALE $18,500 Modern brick bugalow with 1300 square feet of living area situated on a large lot. Two bath rooms, carport. stone planter. Down payment open to offer. Coll Irwin Cruikshanks ty at 728- 5205 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario Open Evenings good residential district. ideal place for large fomily. Priced ot $11,900, FULL PRICE $12,00 -- at- tractive red clay brick ran- cher, 542% N.H.A. mor- gage. L-shape living and din- ing room. 3 bedrooms, alumi- num storms and = screens. This home has had excep- tional care, LA SALLE AVE. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with stone front. Lorge living room and family size kitchen. Gaor- age ond private drive. Close to school and shopping. Eor- ly possession con be oa ed, Priced at $13,000. JUST OFF KING ST. EAST -- on Yaacre of land, 1% storey home with _privote drive and gorage. Summer cabin in garden. Buy this home under V.L.A, COUNTRY LIVING --= Just outside the city, a beauti- ful 6 room brick bungalow with attached garage. 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity. Rec. room facilities, $2,500 down ond the balonce on one open mortgoge. 5 SUITE APARTMENT BUILD- ING -- all units rented in- cluding store and refriger- ators. Good income property in a very desirable location. Owner will accept bungalow os down payment. NEWCASTLE -- Brick du- plex on main street. Must be sold os owner is leaving the country, Low down payment. Balance on one mortgage. INCOME PROPERTY--Com- mercial --- 13 rooms and store. Hot woter oil heot- ing. Garage. Priced at only $11,900. EIGHT-APARTMENT BUILD- ING with gross income of $7,000 per yeor. Owner's health compels him to re- linquish ownership. If you are looking for income or Investment property thot will poy for itself in a few years let us show you this one. The price has been reduced. 7 ACRES -- Gorrard ot Rossland Rd. Commercial property, Builders terms, COTTAGE on Sugog Is land -- 4 rooms, fully fur- nished with access to beach, Immediate possession. Own- er's health compels him to sell and he has priced it right at $3,900. Open daily 9 am to 9 pm For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. $. SCHOFIELD-AKER CLOSE TO DONEVAN HIGH SCHOOL -- Are you looking for a 5 room brick bonpe: low in one of Oshawo's finest developments? See this im- maculete 3 bedroom, living room, and kitchen with a large eating area. Home is only 7 years old and well landscaped. Don't miss this one with monthly payments of $78.00 including taxes. Call to-day. SEVEN ROOM BRICK two storey plus 2 sunrooms loca- ted on King St. W. Ideal lo- cation for someone who loves on older home located in a quiet setting of lovely pine trees, and for one who enjoys gardening. Walking distance to Shopping Centre. Will sell quickly, Call now for an ap- pointment to inspect. Clear property. JUST LISTED ---- Owner transferred from the city -- this 2 yeor old 5 room mo- dern brick bungalow on Wilson Road North, This is a bright 3 bedroom home with a 17 foot living room. Close to schools, bus, ond shopping. EXECUTIVE HOME -- Re- duced $5,000. The owner is away from Oshawa and this most unusual Executive home is ablailoble for a family that requires a lot of living space. Visualize a home with large rooms, modern kitchen and _ bathrooms, expensive twindows rugs and drapes throughout, ond then call us to see the rest LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNN- HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW, WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION . ATTENTION APARTMENT DWELLERS -- Why pay rent When you can hove your very own home for os little os $1,000 down. Built by H. Kossinger in the East end of Grandview Village. 3 and 4 bedroom homes priced from $13,400. 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9 Sat. 9 to 5, REG. AKER 725-0201 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) 30 King St. West FREE PARKING brick bun for IMME tion windows and doors. A $1,000 down, ATTRACTIVE, doors, and awni ing and taxes. MON Interest and Taxes. Asking BRICK BUNGALOW With built-in garage, landscaped lot. STONE ST. Three bedrooms, aluminum combination windows, is, and other extras. Low cost heat- NTHLY PAYMENT = Principal, NEW ENOUGH TO BE MODERN Old enough to show any defects. Modern 3 bedroom Seed --- 6 years old. MYERS ST., IATE OCCUPANCY. Aluminum Combina- ready real buy at $11,800. with SPLIT-LEVEL PRIVATE SALE Three Bedroom, Brick Bungalow 2 years old, Close to schools, Paved drive. Colored fixtures Many added features. NORTH EAST OSHAWA DIAL 728-0708 COUNTRY SETTING IN CITY IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR RETIRED COUPLE BUNGALOW 5Y%room; recently decorat- ed. 3 acres property. 9 fruit trees also other trees. Stream ond pond. Lerge born. Dial 728-3003 KEITH PETERS REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 KING ST. E. $7950 -- low, low down payment $65.00 per month nearly new furnace. Inspect this one. Whitby -- 12,300 -- Im- maculate 3 bedroom brick. Harmony Rd. §. -- 3 bed- poop -- make offer, cash p.m. 725-6245. 1856 DODGE Mayfair V8, automatic,|--------. res. $300. Louie, 1955 FORD, four door sedan, radio, re- Sain oneen private. Telephone Walty 1955 porno token nggal deluxe, fully ped, owner, excellent osonilien. Dial 7257400. 1962 PARISIENNE 4 door and|you see 'jears for wrecking. auto-/299 Wentworth East, NEVER sell your cat or truck until Nels Hyland, 1750 Danforth ama cel da ates ate etre ee 1960 Pontiac con- vertible V-8, A-1 condition, Private. Dial 'a percageetags 4 Auto 1181. |32--Articles For Sale Free bpd "METEOR, standard, king 1961 PONTIAC V8 convertible, all sao automatic, with power steering brakes, low mileage, Feeanens pPiag hy 4 r 7.30 or | 723-1270. 1954 CADILLAC convertible, Price $275. Dial after 6 p.m., 725-5555, 100 CARS WANTED Buying « New Car?. your used cor od 7. ed" Talk yenCosh"™ to Car Dealer and Cg hvEne™ TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 31--Automobile Repair 1955 BUICK, two door, hardtop, new transmission, radio, signals, discs. $350 ox_best offer. Apply 791 Simeve South. 1957 MORRIS, real good condition, $275, Rickevan over $22 King Street West, 1957 gpa ag Goor hardiops 8 ye 1962 Sprite with HE ad Dial CONVERTIBLE 1963 cnovraiet "yapale BEL AIR, =~ door automatic, radio, new whitewalls, discs, $1,875, Fine condition. 728-6386, 327 reg +speed radio. 800-14 tires, -- Telephone 985-2036, Port padded dash, power equipped. In good Loar Best. offer, © irelephone ib SEDAN Cadillac, show room con- dition. Price $850, Mull wyliten guaran: tee for to 6 months. all repairs up Apply 1084 Simcde 'North, Dial 725-9000. 1958 BUICK cae renner gg RB jpone Pay 1958 CHEVROLET Bel Aire, 4 door sedan, automatic, radio, power steer- HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE ig dy BRAKE SPECIALISTS Pi YeNICe Vice LETE MOTOR OT ONELUP GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST WEST " 723-7822 and discs, Dial y WHITBY 1951 FORD coach, one-owner car, good condition, $125. Rickevan Motors, 622 King Street West, telephone 728-0321. | 1956 CHEVROLET, four door sedan, good mechanical condition, $275, Ricke- van Motors, 622 King Street West, tele- phone 728-0321, WESTERN TIRE ALL MAKE SERVICE CENTRE Remanufactured engines from $151 exchange, otfer.|NEVER sell your car until you 'see ari: ,1750 Danforth Avenue, 1963 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door hard- top, saddle tan beige roof, V8 auto- matic, Be hi whitewalls, seat belts. Toronto, HOward Toronto. 1-6364. 1960 AUSTIN Healey 3000, good condi. tion, Ti 725-5497 or 793 Bess- 7,000. mil $3,100 723-7970, 1955 CADILLAC, good condition, Tele- Phone 725-9773 or 239 Bruce Street. borough Drive. EASY TERMS 149 Brock St, N. 668-8791 ee ng machines, a ite Se ain di 32--Arrticles For Sale GENERATOR plant 1,350 watt, Clinton) BUYING or selling furniture engine, $195. Pickering 942-2117. 1960 PEUGEOT 403, one owner, clean, comes. $1,000 or nearest offer. 728-2038. 1958 CHEVROLET wagon Telephone 728-1820. 195¢ V-8 automatic, 1953 Pontiac sedan. Bi tior. Telephone 735-8608, 1954 METEOR sedan delivery, rebuilt motor, good condition. Will take trade 2 best offer, Dial 668-4500, 1955 METEOR Niagara sedan V8, over- drive, four barrel Carburetor. Com- perfe: station Al Fe ipso also 'oth in good condi- ct, |trade, Dial 723-2281. 1952 PONTIAC four door sedan, radio, good body and running condition. 725-2392 after 5 p.m. ELECTRIC refrigerator, meee a lady's bicycle, La ay condit secrifice. H. Glecoff, * Ritson Road| /2°-9389. South, Oshawa, Apply in evening. LLOYD baby carriage, white, bassinet. Baby scales, All in 725-0; wicker ances? Coll Siaiery Mamaten, Dine land. yeiew "eved.coodiaen Dial BUILDING material, m1 ft. Best offer. yd a 725-2449, 1958 VAUXHALL Cresta, good condi- tion. Telephone after 4.30 p.m. 728-6774. 1954 CHEVROLET coach, new paint job, mop load or best offer. Bowman- ville, dial 623-5009, = 1954 rownais coach, good and motor, new paint. $250 aged oe Accept WEDDING dress, size 12, eaten length, Dial 728-9892, GIBL'S bicycle, 26° $30, Telephone Tires| Mary Street. STORE es Hike new, 703510 or or apply 333 pletely Telephone 668-5985, motor, good condition. $195, Dial 668-4500. IF you are looking for a good, clean car come to-a 1956 Pontiac at Mike's BA Service Station, Raglan, Ontario. 1954 METEOR sedan delivery, rebuilt)! USED car parts, all kinds; used tires, sizes, wheels. 509 Bloor Street East, or telephone 723-2281. DINING es oe eee fy omaws ane ed eee ce 1952 PONTIAC, new tires, » good motor, $125. Telephone 723-2017. bg all ¢! inctalle' and gonraniend by experts 1956 CHEVROLET BelAir, regen 1 con- dition, equipped. Best offer. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2768, 1962 VAUXHALL Victor deluxe sedan. radio, bucket seats, padded dash, wheel discs, new condition, low mile- $1495. Dial 725-5713. age, 1950 CADILLAC wrecking, sale. Teleply ioe with 10 years experience. $80, Trio| 728-6761, OLD GUN 1953 CHEVROLET 4-door, mechanically perfect, $175 or make offer. Between 4 r--¥ 6. Dial 728-3622 after 6 p.m. 728- Wanted Telephone Oshawa 1735-8183 BUY AND SELL, good used nd One DO YOU have a moto le, willing to trade 1946 Cadillac Flestwood. four a Pretty's a "4 South. 723-327 door, good Pray d running » 500 or 650 1936 CADILLAC coupe de ville, fully automatic, like new. Best offer. Dial 7 i dial T2240. 19533 DODGE V-8 in good running con- dition, $185, zelevbece Whitby (06-5976, 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, A-1, Body good, mechan- ie » Di 728-0558. 1963 FORD XL_ convertible, red jal] with black saver, hepen Sn a auto- matic . 725-6823. floor shift, posi-tr: LuaTRATED Hist of re Best offer. Telephone furniture) VE location sok Simcoe Street of Ontarlo 1877. J. H. Beers 728-9632. | TRACTOR International harvester farm 1958 VAUXHALL VICTOR, radio, excellent tires. 942-3563. four door, Telephone Ajax CONVERTIBLE 1957 FORD Fairlane 509, fully equipped, two tone blue and white. A-1. Telephone 723-3060. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 30 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 WEEKEND SPECIALS $930.00 Down -- Spanking new 51% room brick bunge- low -- WHERE -- Belle Vista Gardens --= Full price $13,600. $595.00. Down -- Greenwood Heights -- New home near- ing completion -- Full price $11,595. ' $1,000.00 Down -- 10 acre lots -- just east of Oshawa -- Full price $4500. each $16,900.00 -- Full price -- 11 room duplex -- income carries the home with sub- stantial down payment -- Inquire now, $11,300.00 Northern Heights -- 514 room brick bungalow -- $1500 down will buy It! $12,800.00 -- Income home with apartment -- hedged landscaped lot and paved drive. Worth a look ! -- Call today. $13,000.00 -- Maple Grove Ya room Fe agp ee e real buy -- e your offer now -- O.K. V.LA. purchaser. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Joe Maga Lloyd Metcalf John Kemp Dick Barriage Ken Hann Jack Osborne 1¥ you are looking for a good clean car, see: 1956 Pontiac 6 cylinder, stand- ard; also 1955 Chevrolet, |hardtop, Bel Air, 8 cylinder, standard transmission, One owner. At Mike's BA Service Station, Raglan, Ontario. 1962 CHEVY I agers four door, 6 0, washers, 12,000 miles, "Like new. Terms available. 728-1203. 1960 bron Super 88 sedan, one car, excellent shape. Apply Motors, Kent Street North, "TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS {All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY---668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 28--Real Estate Wanted Can You Help Us? Our volume of recent sales hos reduced our listings to ¢ minimum, If you are selling your horne and wish experienced ad- vice, sincere effort, cour- teous service and effective results, CALL US, R. VICKERY _ REALTOR 728-9571 -- 46 King W. OPEN EVENINGS WE LIST TO SELL! Ask Our Clients. Price $12,9 RANCH BUNGALOW, 3 BEDROOM BRICK Modernly equipped --- STEVENSON ROAD NORTH. Aluminum combination windows and doors, $89. monthly covers principal, N.H.A. mortgage, Asking R. VICKERY 728-9571 interest and taxes on 6% $12,900. -- REALTOR 46 KING ST. WEST OPEN EVENINGS STEVE LEHAN GERRY BARROW BERT PEYTON RALPH VICKERY Tell it to the New 1963 Volkswagens as Low as $195 Down To Pay Open Evenings SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. 1956 GMC pick-up, ay saonilioe » yel- low and white, good tires, $695. 725-9478, all cub, tooth cultiva- tor and plough, hydraulic op- VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawo 728-0921 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATE B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723- TH2 $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY COME IN TEST DRIVE Car of the vear. RAMBLER . Up To 36 Months | Abner's Esso Service erated. $725 723 - 1883 What's My Line? Buying or gros used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture) t= 728-4401 or call ot the store 16% Bond W. Post Street South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. SAVE $100 NOW ON Clairtone Stereos AT PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N. 723-3043 Store will be closed ot .12 noon on Saturdays during June, July, August. SPECIAL BAMBOO DRAPERIES WIDTH . Pair . Pair . Poir . Pair in. Poir . Pair . Pair ROLL UP SHADES CAFE CURTAINS RELIABLE Furniture -- Interiors 96 King Street East 723-7928 Downtown Oshawe Custom ond Ready-Made DRAPERIES - Most Reasonable Prices Drapery Fabrics Gli : after 3 pam = Ree Gen a ae Daal '° grey, condition, - TYPEWRITERS, adders, cs Plicators, chequewriters, comptometerm three hundred new and used. We buy, rent, service. BOAT SPECIAL 14 ft, Fibreglass 1963. 28 H.P. electric motor and Scott trailer. Complete unit. $1,465. _ OSHAWA MARINE _ AND SERVICE Open Until 8 p.m. Saturday to 6 New Location 1180 Simcoe N. 728-0031 Regular Price per yard $1.98 NOW 79¢ SPECIAL N We instal! drapery tracks at @ Nominal Fee M. And C. Drapery and Dry Goods Store For a! decorating needs BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY ~ owe Sie ts Traveler Ma- O. Larson Boots, Evinrude, Vahee tae and O.M.C. 88° Motors. Open Until 8 P.M. MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 Hu A 723-782) 74 Celina Street, Oshawa 1003 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-5391 Good Used Cars. Authorized Volkswagen Ceoler 334 Ritson Road, South 723-3461 Sing along with the happy folks who have discovered what a Want Ad can do. World with SELL-RENT BUY-HIRE WANT ADS |! Oshawa's: Service Centre for Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth-Valiant Dodge And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 > a uuuuuuUUUUUUUU WANT TO BEA SATURDAY SKIPPER? BUY YOUR NEW BOAT NOW WITH 4 LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED Hoo T TR pea a ao fs LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA FILTER QUEEN New end used mode! edeline tom $15. Protect your machine! use genuine Filters, 12 for $1.50 30 for $3.50 Filter Queen Sales 323 King W. 728-7552 Custom Built Furniture PICNIC TABLES B.C. Cedar, 5 to 6 ft. with - attached benches, Pre-Cut $16 Assembled $19 LAWN FURNITURE Kitchen Cabinets Boat Repairs Anything In Wood R And M. Custom Woodcraft Telephone 725-9181 (Cointinued.on Page 14) 4