Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jun 1963, p. 15

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27--Real Estate for Sale BRUCE Street, six room brick, finished attic, hardwood floors, ree ge $10,500, low down payment, THREE bedroom brick, attached ga- 27--Real Estate For Sale Privacy Plus This lovely executive type bungalow has just been listed. Owner moving from 27--Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE SALE Three Bedroom, Brick Bungalow 25--Apartments .(27--Real Estate For Sale eee ceerustie| GUIDE REALTY rd " room ined, apartment, vat " ee ap - Piya sontainnt, Vesnary incites JUST LISTED -- N.H.A, re- sole. This lovely rancher 17--Male Help Wanted 17---Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED ignition and carbui tor specialists, Must have licence. Phone collect Peterborough, Max Weiss, ire, wn 1, Oshawa 726-2171. 742-7823, "Re Rt A EES MECHANIC ~ BRICKLAYERS -- 27--Real Estate for Sale 100 ACRES with 100 ft. river frontage| 1961 near Lindsay, barn and grage included) at only $8,500. Call Jack Ricard, Walter Frank, Realtor, Be 623-3393. WHITBY CENTRAL --_ two-bedroom Suitable for couple. BOWMANVILLE ~ two-bedroom apart. be ia? private entrance, newly decorat. 23-2440, $60, Central, Apply 63 sg Fey West, Apartment 7. Telephone 6: LICENCED APPLY IN PERSON TUMEY'S SHELL SERVICE 962 SIMCOE NORTH STOP wen ABOUT Pay them ivi Rawislgh Service In & Oshe Write 's, Dept. F-310-M15, Richelieu, Montreol, Rowlei 400. NO WORRY ABOUT MONEY our Rowleigh Deol- a Rawleigh' %, F-310-M13, 4008 ichelieu, Montreal "WORK IN THE BUSINESS - FOR THE FUTURE WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR TWO SALESMEN TOP COMMISSIONS For appointment coll MR. JACKSON 668-594] WANTED JACKSON BROS. DIAL 723-3440 SHIPPER For Building Supply Yard Experience Preferred 1270 Simcoe N. For Appointment 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, '> PHONE 728-4688 ~ HEATING and APPLIANCE SALESMAN Cor necessory. Commission and draw. Experienced preferable. SHORGAS LTD. Young Man MEN'S WEAR STORE 16 to 20 years. Ne exper- ience necessary. All replies confidential, WRITE BOX 944 OSHAWA TIMES PRESSMAN Familiar with Miller S.Y. 27 by 41. Required for medium sized __ publication printer. Pension plan and group insurence evailab! 31 CELINA ST. | DIAL 728-9441 $3.05 PER HOUR McCullough Lumber Att. t, Clare M McCullough = 5 SELF CONTAINED 'three room bath apartment, downtown. On second floor in new building. Telephone 725- 1212, 2-BEDROOM apartment, $110 monthly, near Shopping Centre, available July 1. Adults, Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apart- ment 1. eee DIVISION STREET 184, 4 room. apart- ment, $45. Adults. Telephone after 7 p.m, Or noon 725-1709, oe BLOOR STREET WEST 261, Three room unfurnished apartment, for couple with one child or no children $65 monthly. Dial 728-5123. RICHMOND Sireet Bast, three-room furnished apartment. Private bath. Available immediately. Working couple only, Close to North GM. Dial 725-2540, TWO room apartment, nicely 'furnished, heavy duty stove and refrigerator, ga- rage, suitable for couple or two gentle- mén. Apply 128 Elgin Street East. CELINA Street, 134: Unfurnished four room apartment, all conveniences, pri- bus, Adults or business lady, Call after 6 p.m., 725-1061. WINDSOR Street, 370: New three-bed- room apartment, private paved park- ing, near Wilson Shopping Plaza and bus, ideal for adult family. Apply above address BOND Street East, three room apart- ment, refrigeator, electric stove, pri- vate bathroom, oil heated. suitable for couple. No children; Vacant July 1. '18--Male or Female | Help Wanted ell ex-|entrance and drive, |MAN" or woman with ear, "eal a2 |boards and sink in kitchen, plenty of perience helpful but not tree to travel, - "WANTED TAXI DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI! 14 Albert _ Street _725-477\ EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST APPLY VINCENT OF ROME BEAUTY SALON Whitby 668-8591 ~ SALESMAN or SALESLADY To répresent one of Con- ada's leading nurseries. Must have car. Earnings above average. We train you and assist on sales. Yeor e@round employment to the one selected. Write Box 142 Campbellford, Ontario Write Box #47 Oshawa' 'closet space, Required with top wage guarantee Telephone 725-5214, MODERN three large room basement apartment, private three-piece bath, TV outlet, cup- All facilities. Available July 1, Telephone 728-8830. | 109 Craydon Rd. Whitby vate entrance, close to downtown and}--- $80 One Bedroom Apartment In small good apartment building. Excellent condition and electrically equipped. Laundry facilities, storage parking ond TV outlet 0 inspect see: | Mrs,. Fleming, Apartment 2) 109 Craydon Road, Whitby) | 20 St. Clair Ave. West | CHARTERED | TRUST COMPANY Toronto WA 2-6135 Evenings, Mr. Melvin Ajox _942- 7889 Governor 20----Room and Board AUK: Room, brakfast optional, two or three women, Ajax 942-3422. 37% hour week. Located in Don Mills. Toronto scale. Apply BOX 846 OSHAWA TIMES _ Boat Builder OR Cabinet Maker Experienced with own tools FIBERGLASS LAMINATOR ALSO REQUIRED Must be thoroughly exper- ienced in all phases of fiber- glass work ineluding mould making. APPLY 1710 Charles Street, Whitby DIAL 668-8511 COMPOSING ROOM APPRENTICE WANTED Position open for Bright Boy Must have good ed- ucation, to learn typesett- ing and composing room work, Knowledge of type- writing essential. Apply at switch-board for appli- cations. No phone calls please. OSHAWA TIMES SALESMAN For Large Canadian Company. Knowledge of Building Industry essential, Salary and bonus. Car supplied and us- ual fringe benefits. Write stating when available and starting salary expected. Address: Box 945 Oshawa Times incentive | ROOM J TWO OR THREE gen gentlemen, to share, $14 for five di seven. Telephone 728-3396. GND BOARD for lelose to Motors. Apply 29 Elgin east. room and board in private home for ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman only. Lanches packed if desired, very central. Apply 296 King street east. ; gentiemen.| downtown and north General! 728-3643 -- Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidoires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways willing} $16 for _.|22---Offices, Stores, Storage 16' x 16', 720-0836. New Offices Available July 1963 Can be finished to suit . Early Tenants. SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR, T, L. WILSON | TELEPHONE | | | 793-3474 TWO STORES for rent, 18° x 54° and 106 Olive Avenue or Phone In Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. PHONE 725-51 32 | OFFICES AVAILABLE Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms al A Few Choice | Locations Available Immediate Possession | TELEPHONE: | 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. | Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 '26---Rooms For Rent | SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- central location, bed - sitting room, laundry jand parking facilities, suitable one lady, Telephone 728-4646 | FURNISHED room for | canlenan: ~a| |$5 per week. Dial 723-2853. TWO room fully furnished apartment, suitable for souple, $13 per week. Dial/ 725-5784, LARGE clean fully equipped house- keeping room, suit one girl, central | Apply 58 Nassau Street. _| PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, | single er] double, television privileges. parking, weekly or nightly rates. 9035 Free) 725- 23--Wanted To Rent HIGH-SCHOOL teacher's family -- adults) require 2 or 3 bedroom home. | 793.7800 west area, for August preferably north- 1 or earlier. Call 728-9143 anytime. WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom house Near school with or without option to jbuy for July Ist. Telephone 728-6791 |TWO BEDROOM house or apartment required by couple with one school-aged child, Immediate possession preferred 728-6221 ask for Mr, McBurney. NEWLYWEDS need by July 1, one bed vicinity oer Telephone Don, after 5 p.m., 723- room furnished apartment, SIBLE General if needed. 728-5184 RESPON Motors office employee requires two, three bedroom house on or before July 15. References GRETA STREET 63 -- 'Large furnished housekeeping room, refrigerator, range, Gilaundry faellities, near hospital FURNISHED ROOM, lots of hot water. Parking available. Close to south Gen- eral Motors. Telephone 728-2660, ROOMS FOR RENT redecorated, $10 weekly. $3 $5 or $6 nightly. Queen's Hotel (Oshawa) Lid. 67 Simcoe north Oshawa | ELGIN Street East, 23: Furnished room for gentleman, housekeeping privileges, close to downtown, Dial after 4 p.m., 723-7814. WHITBY, 406 Dundas Street West, one large clean, completely furnished bed- sitting room, private entrance, parking, kitchen, washing and bathroom utilities included. Suitable for one or two. Call after 4 p.m., 668-8077. ----|24--Houses For Rent SEVEN room house, Oshawa east end, available July 1. References. 206 John Street East, Whitby. SEVEN room house, three bedrooms, Phone Saturday be- tween 6 and 9 p.m. and Sunday morn- jing available July 1. 728-3425. ) new, furnished, 'ive, mer's, 236 Lupin Drive Whitby. » $115 ~ monthly hydro included. 238 Lupin Whitby. Inquire at Mrs, Zim- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH '27---Real Estate For Sale 25--Apartments_ THREE ROOM basement: water ee close to south G. 728-3216, eee nae lincludes large corner jot suitable for $800 18 the full dows payment on (Bt puitding. Priced low for quick sale. Doug tate, aia second suit two floor unfurnished adults, three sb gar closed garage, . media Hy. Telephone 725-5662. apartment with private bath, private entrance and riveway, Laundry facilities, heat and PRIVATE | Available July 15th home, Three bedrooms, lovely large liv- . M. Phone after 6 p.m. jing and dining rooms, modern kitchen, in Royo at S. D. Hyman Real Es- INorth $13.500. Apply 882 Byron Street + Street South, near Wentworih,| apartment, large ' rooms, sereened verandah, kitchen with stove and refrigerator, large four-piece bath- utilities Includ-| jiate possession. $110 month- *|BUNGALOW, Brick, must sell, three bedrooms, fully storms, sereens. Ful! down payment $750. No second mortgage. Dial 668-8740. SALE: Beautiful ranch breakfast nook, oil heat. This property North, Whitby. Immediate possession. |Telephone owner, 725-2539. OPEN | HOUSE WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: in triplex, 2bedroom 5! apartment, 607 Centre Street South. All, conveniences. Cali collect after 8 p.m., Toronto, LEnnox 2-4931 AVON Cosmetics offers excellent earn ing opportunity for rural housewives,|* working in your own community. Write! FOR RENT: Three room MOP the "variety store" of the Class | ified. Section--"'Miscellaneous for Sale" today, i 's loaded with wonderful offers. | NG: Suits, coats, dresses, slip covers, drapes ee . Toms 668-23 DRIVEWAY gravel, cement sand and fill We deliver Branton, 668-2660. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 068-2563 LARGE two-b "apartment, in| gravel, Call Eric PO Box 512, Oshawa. Ed Sal Tele- Private ROOM hog RENT: F Baby welcome. Available now. Tele-|ed or 668-4426. rs yao] swimming pool includ. Dunlop Street West, Whitby | Dial "yan. 8500. | day, June. 15. Board if desired. 668-3976. phone 668-2900 or Lage phone 668- FOR RENT: maa. furnished cetral, Saih one or we guste er geatio|day 'a Telephone Whitby 908-576. tied. >| WISE homemakers find bargains every- "Home Furnishings" in Classi- Be emart, today. 2 P.M. TO5 P.M, 188 HILLSDALE Split level, four bedrooms, 2 baths with attached gar- age, seporate dining room. Location: Rossland Rd. E. and Oshawa Blvd KEITH PETERS REALTOR 103 KING ST. E, 728-7328 has 3 bedrooms, large com- bination living and dining room and family size kitchen. Large landscaped lot 110 x 168 ft, Carries for only $87 Principal, Interest and Toxes. Balance on one 6% mort- gage. EXECUTIVE HOME -- On a wooded ravine lot -- in a residential district, modern brick split level home, cus- tom built for present owner just 4 years ago. Situoted on o beoutiful property, over- looking a creek, and wood- ed area, Attractive entry hall and living room with stone fireplace, dining room «end ultra modern family kitchen. A family room opening to outside patio, nicely finished recreation room, 3 generous bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled luxury bathroom and a 2 pc. powder room. Direct entry to plast- ered attached gorage and paved drive, An opportunity of acquiring a home in a beoutiful and restful setting. Call now for your appoint- ment to inspect. SPECIAL INCOME BARGAIN -- Owner has reduced the price on this 3 plex on Athol St. E. to $11,900. Within walking distance of down- town, In good repoir with new heating system, 3 kit- chens with stoves, refrigera- tors ond some furniture in- cluded. Second floor rents for $75, and third floor for $60 per month. Excellent financing --- one open mort- gage ot 6%. If interested in an exceptional investment, see this property today, SUB-DIVIDERS ---- Choice North Eost locatién. 13/2 ocres and 19% acres. Build er's terms. SEVEN APARTMENTS with 4 car agarage on large lot, 82 x 199 on King Street East. Central. Property clear. substantial down payment required. $12,800 FULL PRICE -- 5 room brick bungalow only 2 blocks to school, Fenced back yard and recreation. room 12 x 34. 3 good sized bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled both, Moke sure you see this one. DIVISION STREET near Ad- elaide -- 6 room home with three large bedrooms, family size kitchen, seperate din- ing room and large living room. Forced air oil heating and goroge. Listed et $10,- 500. with terms. ONLY $1,200. down for almost new 3 bedroom brick bungalow with cerport. Taxes only $278. Paved street ond sidewalks, close to all schools. Eorly possession. LA SALLE AVE. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with stone front. Large living room and family size kitchen, Garage ond private drive. Close. to school and shopping. Early possession can be arranged. Priced at $13,000. PRICE REDUCED to $17,- 900. Large 7 room stone and brick ranch bungalow with breezeway and garage. Z stone fireplaces and 40 x 13 ft. rec, room. North eost orea, Owner is anxious to sell. Give us an offer. INVESTMENT PROPERTY-- New 8 unit brick apartment building, just one block from south G.M. Building. Only 4 years old, and has enjoyed full occupancy. Situated on a large lot 100 x 177 with paved parking in reor, NORTH WEST AREA -- 3 bedroom split level in. this superior location with large _ living room with stone fire- place and family size dining room. Large kitchen. Expen- sive broadioom throughout. Attached gorage and paved drive. Beautifully landscoped and hedged lot with patio. Priced at $22,900. with con- venient financing. Owner will carry on one mortgage. Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. For full particulars call 723-1121 After 9 p.m. Call 725.3454 728-0569 725-3867 725-4330 725-8068 725-4362 723-2537 723-7183 725-4330 Steve Englert 728-5581 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. & Roy Flintoff Steve Zurba Irene Brown Jean Peacock Leon Manitius Tony Siblock Lloyd Corson Dick Young Lucas Peacock city and anxious to sell. Located in north Oshawa with 2% acres including excell- lent stables equipped for three riding horses, Spacious home with broadloom in liv- ing room and hall, Break- fast nook in kitchen and many extras 'including ot- tached garoge ond patio in lorge back lawn. Asking $25,000 $10,000 DOWN Shown by appointment only Call Mr. Weinberger 723- 7244 JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 INCOME HOME HARMONY HEIGHTS AREA $10,900 FULL PRICE $2000 DOWN Exceptionally well kept home with lot 213' deep, Beautiful lawns with lots of trees. Double garage, mony other + extras - can easily be used as a 4 bedroom home '- buy this home and live in for 35.00 monthly including in- terest, principal and taxes. Call Ed Drumm immediately if you want to be the ownér, at 725-9345 or 728-5123. CASH TALKS $9,900.00 10 year old frame bungalow with recreation room and bar. Large well landscaped lot with garage, Between Duke of Edinburgh and St. Gertr- ude's school, Call Ed Drumm at 725-9345 or 728-5123. ESTATE SALE $18,500 Modern. brick bugalow with 1300 square feet of living area situated on a large lot. Two bath rooms, carport, stone planter, Down payment open to offer, Call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728 5205 or 728-5123. 2 years old, Close to schools, Paved drive. Colored fixtures Many added features. NORTH EAST OSHAWA DIAL 728-0708 BEAVERTON "AREA Shoe and shoe repair, delicat- essen, ore but two of the opportunities to wuse this desirable location. Store, in solid brick building with ot- tractive modernized and ren- oveted 3 bedroom apartment over. New roof, plumbing, wiring, furnaces etc., Locat- ed in centre of business block of flourishing resort town. Asking price $17,000. half cash. For the semi-retired man, Ideol set up, 250' sandy shoreline, 10 Summer bungo- lows with screened porches, Well equipped and maintain- ed. Excellent booking repeot business, plus attractive 3 bedroom bungalow year round home for the owner.. Boats, playground, shuffleboard etc. Close to Beaverton; golfing, and fishing. $6900 Must seil, owner transferred, Low down pay- mént will purchase this at- tractive 2 bedroom modern bungalow 'located in Beaver- tion, close to shopping, churches, etc. Large living room with picture window, dinette, colored tiled bath- room. Knotty pine kitchen. Contact: | Mr. and Mrs. S. Hartney Box 351. Beaverton, Phone 426-9267 J, A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto BEFORE YOU BUY BE SURE YOU TRY "DOWNSVIEW PARK' Oshawa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision. The sub- division which is design controlled for your protection, All pre- paid services --~ buy a house or a lot -- 42 lots have been sold in the first year of development which proves that for the best value in Oshawa, for a central location on curved stréets and rolling terrain (formerly Downsview Golf course) close to schools you too will choose ' 'Downsview Park' by Holshawa, CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. SEE OSHAWA'S © MOST BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOMES Dial 728-4678 THIS WEEK END HOGENBOOM HOMES -- Electric heating, mere Gardens, King Street East across ts ventist College, Kings- 'om Ad- RUSNOR HOMES -- $800 Down. Follow Park Road South to Phili Murray Street, turn left two blocks to Tremblay Street, then right, one bloc. W. ROTH HOMES -- Follow Rossland Road West to Glencairn, two blocks north to Rossmount, left one block. JOSEPH BOSCO, REALTOR TELEPHONE 728-7377 _ RESTAURANT fully way 115 and 35 near Nowenstio, | Tiiness forees Poy eovae sale $3,500 with $500 Whitby éeGii, Walter Frank,) 623-3393. down, Call Andy FT aig Bowmanville TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS home, recreation room, large garage. Close to schools, churches and shop- ping. mee ta payments, Private, -5338. Hotse, 5: + --_ pm, 3-bedroom, $1,000 down . Low taxes. LoT SAL ing distance from bus, Po oopary Sete lic, separate or high schoo esteee foot with services 103" frontage by 120', Landscaped, 'one block south off) - King Street East. Five minutes' walk- pail! at $75 No agents. Dial 728-0976. NEW five-room brick bungalow, close pub-|to shopping, bus and schools, $400 down, Dial 728-9766. % ACRES -- cattle machinery, includ- machines, six miles (All Makes and Mode! : CALL 625-: 63a * Aibert st LOT FOR SALE Lot 50 ft. x 140 ft. ON DEAN AVENUE PRICE $3300 DIAL 723-9363 LLOYD. REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NORTH WEST HANDY MAN SPECIAL Four room. bungalow with garage. Forced air oil heat- ing aluminum siding. Large lot 50 ft. x 180 ft. 4 piece both. Priced to sell at* only $77.00. Call Irwin Cruik- shanks now ot 728-5205 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, 101 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. OPEN EVENINGS joining ~jable for home or oxen $2,250 each. 'erms. Telephone 728-2628, Rug Brick Bungalow Modérn five rooms, extra large recreation room, large landscaped lot. Dr. Phillips School area. Telephone Owner 728-8749 ~ FOR SALE | COMMERCIAL BRICK BUILDING 2 storey, 60' x 68' to be demolished. 301 Dundas W. Whitby Apply 103 Reynolds Street Whitby 668-2968 ----|furmished or haters REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM (B.-A. SERVICE 7284793 ond ra Tl BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson V9 4ab4 Roe 35-5878 ~ KELLY DISNEY ~ {USED CARS 09, BROCK ye WHITBY 66 4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Aiwa ob Gusihy . The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try New Telé ra 668-587) "-'y 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY USED TRUCKS CARS 1957 Chevrolet 2-Door, low mileage, very ing milking east of Oshawa on 401 Highway. Call even- ings, Bowmanville 623-5344. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land. Near Mosport. Reasonable price. Call Orono 4Ré6. RAVINE lot Adelaide-Wilson area, $4500 bo price $1500 down. Telephone 728- LAKE front property on Stone Street, two a jols, 78 ft x 390 ft. Suit 100-ACRE farm, frontage 01 Highway 12, house, barn, creek, Illness forces) - sale, Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 985-2985, MILLBROOK, 3 bedroom home on % acres land $3,000, with $700 down. Call Jack Ricard, Walter Frank Realtor, Bowmanville 623-3393. SEVEN ROOM insul - acres, 2% miles east of N No, 2 "brick, on on mn $18,000. Lots suitable for building in- cluded, Mrs. Archie Brown, Newcastle 2148. NEWTONVILLE -- 4 room house ask- ing 43,900 terms. Call Joe Barnoski, Frank Realtor, Bowmanville 500 Joe Barnoski, Walter Frank Realtor, Bowmanville 623-3393. |? Acres with 6 room house four piece bath, furnace, and barn.1 mile from Bowmanville $12,900 terms. Call Joe Barnoski, Walter Frank Realtor, manville 623-3393. 10 ACRE parcels of g good garden land hear Courtice asking $5,000 with $1,500 down. Call Joe Barnoski, Walter Frank, Realtor, Bowmanville 623-3393, 2 ACRES with trout stream, modern |two bedroom bungalow in Kendal Hills, | $8.500 with $2,000 down, Call Ardy Me )/Gill, Walter Frank, Realtor, Bowman- | Bow: jville 623-3393. ONE-STOREY house in Nestletun, four rooms with bath: garage, drilled bt + ve with $1,000. down, Fred Real Call Marvin Nesbitt Nestleton, 986-4894, $550 DOWN, one mortgage, sacrifice. must sell. Brand new 3 bedroom bun galow, many extras. TE 9-3206. NASSAU Street, six-room stucco houses! unfurnished. Completely $9000. Telephone Brooklia modern, 655-3457. WHITBY: 6-room brick bungalow, own- er transferred. Must sell. Private, 668-3664. CENTRAL Park South, near King. Six- room stone and brick bungalow, three 8, modern kitchen, recreation room, Reasonably priced. Telephone 725-6279. rdelal bry dt unfinished, five rooms, nowy kitchen, three bedrooms, four- bath, large living room. Large for North of No. 2 Highway. "Handy- Plt opportunity', $2.000 down, Dial BUNGALOW -- 4 bedroom, recreation room, $16,200 or will rent for $150 monthly. Northwest. Dial 728-0258. RANCH BUNGALOW, Brooklin, miles north of Whitby, six rooms, storms an \ five tiled | | COUNTRY SETTING IN CITY IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR RETIRED COUPLE BUNGALOW 5Yaroom, recently decorot- ed, 3 acres property. 9 fruit trees also other trees, Stream ond pond. Large born. Dial 728-3003 FOR SALE OR RENT Eight room house, suitable for large family or excellent location for small industry, spacious parking area. Apply EF 154 BRUCE STREET FOR SALE WHITBY AREA | Large Industrial site with approximatel ; one and one-half acres land, large 50 x 50 | ft. cement block building with 8 inch con- crete floor. FOR PARTICULARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. TELEPHONE 668-5871 PRIVATE SALE Are you looking for an Executive home in a choice location. Finished in every detail. HERE IS ONE FOR YOU -- Seven room split level with two bathrooms, broadloom throughout, completely land- scaped with patio and double paved drive. Close to schools, : shopping and bus. ONLY $19,500 WITH REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT DIAL 723-4121 NEW CAR SPECIAL '63 Morris 850 FACTORY NEW CAR WARRANTY Full CRANFI MORRIS RILEY 331 Park Road South Oshawa -- 723-2284 Price $1395: ELD MOTORS WOOLSELEY clean. 1960 Willys Jeep 4 wheel drive, steel cab, top condition. 1955 International Station wagon, 9 pdssender, repainted, Good condition screens, near schools and shoppin; $12,900, Dial owner, Brooklin 655-4859, WHITBY -- 117 Bell Drive, Ranch style » three siorms and screens, TV antenna. Low down payment. NHA mortgage. Tele- phone 728-2604. $500 is the full down payment on "ie bungalow located in the country. C: Doug Gower at-5. D. Hyman Real Es- tate 728-6286. PRIVATE two-storey house with two kitchens, could be made as separate apartments. Owner must sell. $7,900, full price, 728-5770. 28--Real Estate Wanted PRIVATE party will pay cash for) | 1957 Fa rgo 5 ton tractor Sth wheel, Mf 4 home or lot on Highway No. 2 be-| tween Whitby and Oshawa. Telephone over hydraulic brakes. saddle tank. 1953 Fargo 'Will Pay Cash For | Ya-ton, excellent condition. gal. | Duplex or Triplex State location, price arid telephone number in first let- " BOX 844 OSHAWA TIMES 29--Automobiles For Sale 1954 PONTIAC, cheap transportation, |good for fishing trips. Only $50, Ricke- |van Motors, 822 King Street West. Tele-| Phone 728-0321 CONVERTIBLE 1957 FORD, Thunder. bird motor, 2-tone deluxe white and jae paint. Cost $4,700 U.S.A. on leaving for States. Sacrifice $995 term: arranged. Dial 668-4932 and 668-4119. $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. 1951 International Y-ton pick-up 1951 Pontiac Ambulance Cowan Equipment Company 134 KING ST. EAST | Bowmanville Dial 623-7011 NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY (Continued on Page 16) | | 668-8001 - 668-8101 |29--Automobiles For Sale Oshawa's Service Centre for Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth-Valiant Dodge And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 HOLIDAY SPECIAL MORRIS MINI MINOR Regular Price $1495 Sale $1395 MORRIS MINI MINOR SUPER Regular Price $1595 Sale $1495 MORRIS MINI MINOR STATION WAGON Regular Price $1695 Sale $1645 other Fine Cars in the C. Line Claremont Garage Sales and Service Wolseley MG See these and man Morris Austin Heoley Telephone Claremont 649-2101 Austin Riley

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