VO Oe CE OO GT EE SONOS Tse ee ee ? vreryv ree OO OOO TT TV OTe PEF ee OS FF OTT TTT OT TS Te eT rT we ee we Wednesdey, June 12,1963 2] THE OSHAWA TIMES, BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League WL Pct. GBL Chicago 33 24 579 -- New York ' Baltimore Minnesota Kansas City Boston Cleveland Los Angeles Detroit 444 7% Washington 20 39 .339 14 Results Tuesday Boston 7 Detroit 3 Los Angeles 2 Kansas City 5 Cleveland 9 Baltimore 5 Minnesota 8 Chicago 6 (Only games scheduled) ' Probable Pitchers Today Baltimore, McNally (2 - 1) "at New York, Terry (6-6) night Cleveland, Donovan (34) at De- troit, Aguirre (5-5) night Washington, Stenhouse (3-6) at -- Monbouquette (7 - 4) nigh' Los Angeles, Nelson (2-3) and Fowler (0-0) or Turley (1-5) at Chicago, Pizarro (5-2) and Buzhardt (6-2) twinight Kansas City, Wickersham (4-4) and Rakow (6-3) at Minnesota, Kaat (5-4) and Roland (4-1) twinight pioorgee Games Thursday é catamene Kansas City at Minnesota, N j cel Cleveland at Detroit ; ; . ' Baltimore at New York, N Washington at Boston (Only games scheduled) E g Be ahd National League ; ray WL Pct. GBL 4 sg St. Louis 34 25 .576 : 4 : ' Los Angeles 32 25 .561 . ioe , San Francisco 33 26 .559 : We *--, Mop. Chicago 32 27. "se Pee | | Cincinnati 29 27 . . . '| Pittsburgh 28 29 . 4, Philadelphia 27 30 « ~ b Milwaukee 26 31. te . eee Houston 26 33 . New York 23 37 . Results Tuesday Cincinnati 8 New York 3 St. Louis 3 Pittsburgh 1 Chicago 2 Houston 6 San Francisco 3 Los Angeles @ Probable Pitchers Today Houston, Nottebart (5-3) at Los a tg agae CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED -- Bieitt sine So) "iin Francisco, O'Dell (8-2) or Bo- lin (2-0) night RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF Pittsburgh, Francis (2-1) at Cincinnati, O'Toole (10 - 3) night 'sie' C New York, Cisco (3-5) at Mil- Games Thursday THE BEST TRIM IN TOWN Sreeogg lg Ba McLish (5-2) at St. Louis, FRESH BAKERY PRODUCTS isi COUNTRY GIRL HEAT AND SERVE WITH RICHMELLO COFFEE SPECIAL! PRIME Pittsburgh at, Cincinnatl, N ' Philadelphia at St. Louis Houston at Los Angeles, N r or Chicago at San Francisco Che ry Cc International League THE KING OF ROASTS Washburn (5-8) or Taylor (3-1) 4 Northern Division WL Pct. GBL : Syracuse 33 23 .589 e Buffalo 33 26 559 1% Rochester 32 28 .533 3 Richmond 25 25 .500 5 Jacksonville 25 36 .410 13 Columbus 22 36 .379 14% Results Tuesda: TENDER AND MEATY WELL TRIMMED minis t laa ' Toronto 26 31 .456 7% CUP AND SAUCER IN EACH PKG. (Reg. Price 1.55) 14 OA ST | BE sien Atlanta 38.23 .623 Indianapolis 31 31 500 7% F A eB 9 9 ' ee oe DETERGENT he Atlanta at Rochester, N TOILET TISSUE Jacksonville at Syracuse, N IDEAL FOR BRAISING @ BEEF By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CATELLI SPECIAL! 0 y ; that dropped Dodgers out of Na- Jacksonville at Toronto, ppd, "3RD GREAT ANNUAL" "ALL CANADA" PRIM 34 cold weather HUNT'S CHOICE WESTMINSTER PAPER SALE! IB f° Games Today ; a: @ Buffalo at Richmond, N YESTERDAY'S Batting -- Willie McCovey, e tional League lead. Pitching--Dick Radatz, Bos- Macaroni Cheese PRESSWOOD OR BURNS MILD CURED SWEET PICKLED on ed oe 'phe scr all, allowing only three hits, 7V2-OZ. Cc i i MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Vet- action, has accused the U.S, LIBBY FANCY SPECIAL! Auto Club of inadequate offici- mile race at State Fair Park, TINS Hurtubise suggested Monday : that officials be fined for mis- CUT AS YOU LIKE THEM Richmond § Indianapolis ¢ WHITE - AQUA - LILAC - PINK - YELLOW STEAKS Arkansas at Toronto, N WHOLE APRICOTS s Columbus at Indianapolis, N 7 LOOT oe STARS = PK. c SHORT RIBS T ks " : Giants, hit three-run homer for 3-0 victory over Los Angeles over final 8 2-3 innings in 7-8, PKGS. co ¥ i AGE lj-inning triumph over Detroit DIN N ER ROLLS ae CB serene wy crea eran driver Jim Hurtubise, mindful of possible disciplinary PRESSWOOD COMPASS BRAND IT'S IDEAL FOR BARBECUING Sarapcle Sa nis enw TOMATO | sie hot et oa ;| _RENDLESS JUMBO eee 2 takes, / : : WE APUMER BOSTON OWN sera BACON yy | pe ise ONLY TO BEANS a PS seu ith PORK . a ts Oe wit ) | | BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGES 725-6544