Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1963, p. 9

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(cmon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Ten days ago my husband wrote his an- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 12,1963 9 nual breezy, full-of-hot-air let- ter to his sister in Phoenix. He casually mentioned it would be The June meeting of the St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League, held recently in the parish audi- torium, concluded the first) quarter of the League year.) Successful Reports Given At CWL Quarterly Meeting nice if their daughter Ellie, age 18, could come for the summer and help in the flower shop. | Three days later we got an lairmail letter saying Ellie ;would love to and she'll be on \the first bus following her grad- the social committee, headed) yation. Dick is flabbergasted. by Mrs, Anthony Cebulski and|He says he never dreamed Mrs. Andrew Moffat, had serv-|she'd take him up on it, Also, ed a dinner in the parish audi-|he isn't sure now he has a job The Cook Should Have The Last Word ers were punished if they were caught in the ice box. He made up his mind this would never happen to HIS children. I suppose he does have a point, Ann, but so do I. Will you settle it?7--SECOND WIFE Dear Wife: There's a big dif- ference between being stingy about food and allowing kids to eat all day long. Set a snack time midway be- tween lunch and supper and tell the boys they may help them- torium for the family, relatives! for Ellie.' and friends of the Reverend) He never discussed this with Mrs. William Boissoin presided and reports were heard from the treasurer, Mrs. Kelly DeGray, and the conveners. she David Currie, of St. Gregory's parish, on the occasion of his First Solemn Mass on June 2 and his ordination to the priest- hood the previous day; also that me, although I am the one who would have to feed her, enter- tain her, chauffeur her and |make sure she had a good time. /Dick goes fishing every week- MR. AND MRS, A. HORVATH Courtice Couple Celebrate 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hor-|Henry and Mrs. James White, vath, Courtice; recently cele-|all of Oshawa, They also have brated their 40th wedding an-|three grandchildren.. niversary at the home of their} A presentation of a crystal daughter, Mrs. Alan Henry, and | chandelier was made to the Mr. Henry, Athabasca street. | honored couple. Mrs. Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Horvath were| was presented with a gold wed- both born in Czechoslovakia and|ding band by her family and Mrs. Boissoin reported was unable to attend the 43rd annual Archdiocesan Convention of the .CWL in Toronto recent- ly. However, St. Gregory's Council was represented by Mrs. H. J. Lefaive, Mrs. L. Menard, and three Girl Guide leaders, Mrs. William Spragge, SM. Gregory's Council would) end and takes our sons. I must serve refreshments at the Voca-| stay home with a 13-month-old tional Rally for Altar Boys of|toddier so my weekends aren't Ontario County Deanery in the|exactly vacations, And I'm. 41 parish auditorium on Sunday,|years old t'boot. June 9. that a|,Dick says he hasn't the heart It was announced * (he means guts) to rescind the cheque for $25 , for CARE, had) jtror what shail I do about this Mrs. James Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Broadbent. The direc- tor, Right Reverend Paul Dwyer, attended the convention | banquet. | Reports at the convention in- dicated a healthy spiritual ac- tivity and showed that during the year, 14,600 members rais- ed $121,622 to finance the many projects undertaken at all levels were married there in 1923./they presented Mr. Horvath They have two sons, Mr, Steve| with an electric drill. Horvath, Whitby; Mr. Andrew) Mr. and Mrs. Horvath have Horvath Jr., Burlington; and|been residents of Oshawa for 25 four dauchters, Mrs. Kamel|years and are members of St Kucera, Winnipeg, Manitoba;|Gertrude's Roman _ Catholic Mrs. Albert Martens, Mrs. Alan' Church. Relatives And Friends Attend | Dinner For Graduate Nurses The Graduating Class of 1963|Perry, mother, Holt; Mrs. Don-| of Oshawa General Hospital/ald Perry, Uxbridge; Miss| School of Nursing were enter-|Marie Perry. | -- parochial, municipal and na- tional. At the banquet in the Royal |York, closing the convention, | Archbishop Pocock urged the 1/1100 members attending to let {their apostolate be an aposto- late of love. Mrs. M. W. Hanley, welfare convener, reported a visit made to a needy family during May, and three boxes consisting of clothing and dishes were given out. Mrs, SOCIAL NOTICES | Boissoin reported that |been sent in by Mrs. Robert) 2--CRISIS [Smyth on behalf of her bridge| ™°SS*--***'"" moytn on behal Of Her BICke! near Crisis: Since. Dick oup. aged hasn't the heart (or the guts) Mrs, C. z eases: jing a CWL Marathon Bridge| > met do it invitation then |to commence in September and)" yr this girl is not welcome jasked that a notice to this ef-| yo+q goa) i , . | ; |she'd feel. it sooner or later. So | fect be put in the Sunday Par-| vour's damned if you do and jish Bulletin, asking those who: : ' ea damned if you don't. My ad- | wished to participate to contact} ine is don't--and be damned. |her by telephone. | Dear Ann Landers: My hus- The pilgrimage to Cap de/pand has two sons by a former |Madeleine and St. Anne de|/marriage. He gets the kids Beaupre being organized byleyery summer for eight weeks. |Mrs. R. De Long, will leave| please settle something for us ate ch et Fag db advance. , and return July 2. ie de-| . j tails of the pilgrimage may be| - The pal ah me as u had by telephoning Mrs. De\YCats old. They are high: C. Murty is organiz- Long. Mrs, Ralph Patterson, newly appointed convener of the ways and means committee, distrib- uted talent dollar bills to mem- bers, to be used as they saw fit to raise money during the jnext six months. She also out- jlined steps that have already |been taken to organize a dance junder the League auspices, to spirited and full of vitality, but lthey are obedient and I enjoy them thoroughly. The only point jon which my husband and I dis- jagree involves the. refrigerator. |The boys are in and out of it lall day long, helping themselves ito cold drinks, fruit, snacks, | whatever they see. At mealtime they pick at their food because |they are not hungry. selves, To allow children to eat |continuously and ruin their ap- | petites for a balanced meal \does not make for a happy childhood, nor a healthy one either. Dear Ann Landers: A shirt- tail cousin moved to this city several months ago. I wanted to befriend her so I gave her the names of my sitter, my laund- ress, my day lady, an uphol- sterer, a carpet cleaner, a seamstress, a yard man and s0 on. I guess there is such a thing as being too good a friend be- cause now when I want the ser- vices of these people they are busy. She has given their names to her neighbors and I am out of luck. She also has spoiled them by paying more than I did, which was a dirty trick. What do you think of this sort of "friend" ?--S, G. K, Dear S. G. K.: Lincoln freed the slaves. You can't tie people up anymore and expect them to work for you alone unless you hire them full time. The only solution is to call several weeks in advance and pay the going rate. vvvv Sum Vasa V) RUBBER THONG ; < q mer Footwear for all 4 ae 4 Family wad ndals SAVINGS IN FOOD GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA. FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY ; OPEN TILL 10 P.M. DAILY SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI., SAT. JUNE 13, 14 and 15th FOR YOUR BARBEQUE a mae 39°. FOR YOUR BARBEQUE 5-LB, BRIQUETTES nae 49 G.E. HANDY PACK--TWO OF EACH, 40 - 60 and 100 watt LIGHT BULBS "3 1.25 feces tered 6-0Z, TINS APPLE JUICE 31; 49° | 49« g9° LB. GRADE "A" SMALL EGGS FRESH IN DEMPSTER'S BREA 35° APPLE PIES =" 39° Specials of Fruit and Vegetables SOUTH AFRICAN 2% bOzZ. 24.02. LOAVES 252's ' voz. 4Q* tained on Thursday afternoon,) Heather Peterson: Mrs. Frank lh : A | I've told my husband I am Toye, talus Gal Gikaews urene Aen toe e held in the parish auditor-| MARRIAGE ium in November jopposed to this, but he says it ORANGES the Supervisory and Head Nurse|George A. Peterson, grandmoth- staff. Special guests accom-jer, Petitcodiac, New Brunswick. panying the graduating students} Elizabeth Phillips: Mrs. T. were their mothers, Among the! Phillips, mother; Mrs. C. Byam, other invited guests were a/Miss M. Phillips, all of Tyrone. number of grandmothers. | Jacqueline Reader: Mrs. From a tea table centered|Reader, mother; Mrs, Jeffery, with a bouquet of pastel shaded|both of Oshawa; Miss Robin chrysanthemums, tea was pour-|Rice. ed by Mrs. C. F. Lister, presi-| Ena Robbins: Miss Vera Rob- pram the igh ose Associa-|bins, sister, Toronto. tion of Oshawa General Hospital! Norma Scott: Mrs. Har ~_ caer --_ Mrs. W.|Scott, mother, New Liskeard. se i A supervisor. 4 The members of the class and| 202 Shaweross: Mrs. Lloyd | 'oss, mother; Miss Bar- their guests were received by|hara Sha ister. bot Mrs. George Telford, Director of| weross, sister, both of 'oronto, Ann Stark: Mrs. Kenneth presen! vain R. ye Gulliver, ssociate Director Nursi iid Stark, mother, Oshawa; Mrs. G. H. Sadler, Smith's Falls; Mrs. Service, Miss Gladys Hill, Aso- ciate Director of Nursing Edu- ' cation and Mrs. O. D. Friend, H. Rutledge, Sundridge. Assistant Director of Nursing} Gayle Vigodda: Mrs. Service. During the afternoon,|godda, mother, Picton. Mrs. Telford welcomed the| Margaret Wicklund: Mrs. G. guests and introduced the servi-|Norton, aunt, Oshawa. | tors who were members of the! Ath i Educational Staff of the Scholl -.y"Wanieme nothee, Dart! arse and Supervisory 'Staff oft), Mrs. J. Anstey, ihithy;| | the Hospital, |Mrs. R. Gibson, Port Perry. S. Vi-| FORTHCOMING Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilkins,| wish to announce the forthcom-| ing marriage of their youngest] daughter, Frances Joan, to Mr.| c. Alexander Keith Calder, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Calder, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Friday, July 12 at 6.30 p.m. in St. George's Memorial Church. ENGAGEMENT The two winners of the 1958/18, part of a happy chia oot: CWL Grade 12 scholarships, Mr,|His mother was very stingy Paul Meagher and Miss Elean- about food and he and hip brot. or Kratz of Oshawa, had recent | = 53 ly obtained their honor BA| from the University of Toron- A. E. Johnson 0.0. OPTOMETRIST 14% KING £. Fine colored slides of Hawaii were shown by Miss Roberta Gates, with commentary by her sister, Miss Loretto Gates, and the serving of refreshments. 723-2721 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fran-| cis Conway wish to announce) the engagement of their daugh-| ter, Gayle Dianne, to Mr. Wil-| liam D. L. Walmsley. son of} Mr. and Mrs. Francis John Dearl Walmsley, all of Osh-! awa, The marriage is to take/ place on Saturday, June 29,| 1963, at 2.30 p.m. in Westmount United Church. NEED MORE LEADERSHIP | ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)-- Dr. Rae Chittick, director of the school of graduate nurses at McGill University, told WALLETS GENUINE CALF SPECIAL of seve MEN'S CHILDREN'S MISSES' LADIES' f Ideal for home or beach, two straps--flat rubber soles. A choice ral colours. . 39¢. pair 4 - 49. pair 4 "59 pair 4 - 69. pair ¢ FRESH ARRIVALS PEACHES war 29° STRAWBERRIES =» 33° Choice Fresh and Smoked Meats | BACON SQUARES ». 35° COTTAGE ROLLS "*: 59° CHICKENS u. 39°} SAUSAGES -- «i's? 43 | Breakfast BACON 2 59° PORK HOCKS 5»: 1.00| G 3 TO 4 LBS. AVERAGE 1-LB. PKG. "V-£=--aDO0SZ-002 2.98 ELECTRIC |\the Association of Registered ating nurses were hostesses at, FAT'S NOT GOOD Lsearees of Newfoundland meet- a dinner n honor of their) Obese persons may be moreling here that there is a need fathers. |Susceptible to diabetes, heart|to provide more leadership in Nurses and guests were as and circulatory disorders and/nursing. "In fact our profes- During the evening the gradu-| LEAN SIDE PORK" 2»: 1.00. MAPLE LEAF ' 4 Budget Priced! < ~ Special Value! follows: jare regarded as poor life insur-| Ida Auzins: Mrs. 0 Auzins,| nce risks. I sional organizations have a legal responsibility to do so." mother, Toronto; Mrs. Andrews, Bancroft. Donna Bragg: Mrs. Norman| Bragg, mother, Bowmanville; ts. K. White, sister, Bowman-) ville; Mrs. H. Park, Tyrone. | Joyce Cook: Mrs. A. Myles, sister, Oshawa. | Margaret Copp: Mrs. M. Copp, mother, Woodville; Mrs E. Copp, grandmother, Lindsay; Mrs. R. Coker. | Elizabeth Cubbidge: Mrs. L.. Cubbidge, mother, Cobourg; Mrs. J. Aikins, Creemore, On-| tario. | Gail Curry: Mrs. L. Curry, mother, and Mrs. F. Starr, both of Oshawa. Elsie Down: Mrs. Allan Down,| mother, Bowmanville; Mrs. S. E. Lovell, Oshawa; Mrs. Carl) Down, Bowmanville. Alma Hixt: Mrs. W. Dean,| Mrs. O, Sharrard, Mrs. K. Mur- | ray. Kathleen Hogle: Mrs. H./ Hogle, mother, Oshawa; Miss S. | Southern. | Margaret Imrie: Mrs. H. Par- rott. Anm Kay: Mrs. I. Kay, moth- er, Oshawa Sharran Kennedy: Mrs, D. R Kennedy, mother, Welland; | Miss Isabel Smith, Niagara Falls, Ontario; Mrs. G. Still-| man. Florence Kirk: Mrs. G, Kirk, mother, Toronto; Mrs. William) Gundy, Toronto; Mrs. J. Heard, | Pickering. Lorna Maye: Mrs. B. Maye,) mother, Goodwood; Mrs. | Redman, grandmother, Agin- court; Mrs. D. Percy, Mark- ham. Helen McDonald: Mrs. H. Mc- Donald, mother, Bowmanville. Kathryn Milburn: Mrs, W, H. Milburn, mother; Miss Susan Milburn, sister, both of Scar- borough. Bertha Miller: rs. G. H Miller, mother, Belleville. Lynda Morrison: Mrs. W. S. Morrison, mother, Bowmanville; | Mrs. W. Morrison, Port Hope; Mrs..H. Beckett, Welcome. Eleanor Mountjoy: Mrs. W. L Mountjoy, mother; Miss Bea- trice Mountjoy, sister; Mrs. J. Starkoski, all of Oshawa. Sharron Northrop: Mrs. Wil- liam Northrop, mother, Tren ton; Mrs, William Elliott, aunt Carol Perry: Mrs. A. H.| With Tx field: Popu With extra pact. With 4A) 28 KING ST. E. ... at KARN'S 7 x 50 NAUTILUS extra-bright, mono-mold field: 400 ft. at 1,000 yds. 1,000 yds. With case 7 x 35 NEPTUNE Mono-mold design, field: 400 ft. at 1,000 yds, Our 'Most 7 x 35 VIEWMASTER at 1,000 yds. Mono-mold, com- OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. BINOCULARS by CARL WETZLAR 34.95 35 NAVIGATOR 345 ft. at 22.50 case lar" model. C000 55; 28.95 -wide angle, field: 525 ft. 35.95 COSC . 206s PHONE 723-4621 FREE DELIVERY 1 RAZORS FROM INSTAMATIC some) 100 KIT WITH TRADE-IN SHAVE MIRRORS Ideal For travel nr UVouble FeeGd 49 CEES FREE Combination Notebook and Wallet with the Purchase of Papermate Bal! Pon 2.49 STAG MENS SET COLOGNE & AFTER SHAVE $4.00 VALUE EXTRA SPECIAL Gillette Blades 1.00 Value 69° 20 BLADES .... PRESCRIPTION ited CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. [$30 SIMCOE ST.S pHone 723-2245 OSHAWA 'pHone 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA | one Rubber Sole |" Popular lightweight pvas upper, ventilation |" firm arch support. | & Little Gents' Youths' Sizes 6-10 Sizes 11-13 > S179 $1.99 p on air=tapered ® toe, soft sponge rubber insole and & rubber outsole. » Children's Misses' | 6-10 11-3 | D athletic shoe, black can- s | : Ladies', Misses' and Children's Men's and Boys' Better Grade Athletic Boot ONS SEES RRS PEs ee ea ecanee oe aaa # g holes in side, i Men's tents Sizes 6-12 $1.99 %2.29 « 4 AAAMAAAAAAAAMAAAA Colourful LOOK FOR YOUR WOOLWORTH AD EVERY DAY BOLOGNA *"™'""" 3 us 98°: BICK'S HOME MADE a 35° 8-02. SAUERKRAUT | KERNEL CORN 2.2 19 CYPRESS GARDENS 48-0Z, TIN 49° ; ORANGE JUICE "suc SPECIALS IN OUR CLOTHING _ AND HEALTH AID DEPT'S. MEN'S WORK OR PLAY SOC 10% TO 11% ONLY ¢ SPECIAL PER PAIR 69 Reg. 1.50 | SUN TAN LOTION « 1.25 HAIRDRESSING AND CONDITIONER VO HAIRDRESSING AND ¢ a REG. 1.00 FOR 90 REG. 39 JAR FOR CONDITIONER LOVELY BIG ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S TIES SOCKS and SHIRTS for FATHER'S DAY FOR BON-BONS OR RELISHES, ETC. -- AMETHYST GLASS DISHES: cise" 60° TO CLEAR AT BLEACHED Reg. 3 for 1.29 ---- SPECIAL SUGAR BAGS 31.00 FRENCH TOUCH SHAMPOOS = "" "ror 99* EGG-CASTILLE sso" 99° CHEER 20¢ OFF SPECIAL CAKE MIXES 79° Free City Wide Delivery Open Every Day WE CASH PENSION AND PA YCHEQUES GLECOFF SUPERMARKET REMOVER FOR 73° DUNCAN HINES from 8 a.m, till 10 p.m. 174 RITSON RD. S., OSHAWA GIANT SIZE YOUR CHOICE FOR

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