WED IN ST. Mr. and Mrs. William Rob- -@rt Young were married re- cently in St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church, Mrs. Young is the former Mary 'Ann Elizabeth Sabo, daugh- GERTRUDE'S Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 11, 1963 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ter of Mr. Michael Sabo, Osh- awa, and the late Mrs. Sabo, and Mr. Young is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Young, Oshawa. --Ireland Studio 7 PERSONALS .|,Miss Mary Ann Wyrozub and Mr. Vincent Vasey were enter- tained Saturday evening at a po gad party given in honor of forthcoming marriage ich will take place the latter va July in Holy Cross an Catholic Church. Forty and relatives gathered at home of Mr. Daniel Riordan, Simcoe street north, and pre- sented the future bridal couple with a combination cigaret table @id floor lamp. The evening] 2 'was spent part ae. foes dancing, after w a et Gupper was served. "Prior to her recent marriage, Mrs. Roy Cameron, the former Anna Dietz, was guest of honor @t receptions held by Mr. and . Keith Adams, Orono, and Margaret Knox, Oshawa. The Couples' Club of Centre tives and friends of the future bridal couple. of James Lowery, Cedar Rapids, all of Iowa,were in Oshawa, to mer's niece, during the graduation exercises of the School of Nursing of Osh- awa General Hospital. street, attended the graduation exercises in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, Friday, May 31, when her son Mr. Douglas Ross received his Mas- ter's Degree in Education. Mr. and Mrs, George Barron, Broadview avenue, had as week-}; end guests at their cottage on Rice Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Barron of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douds Marshalltown, and Mrs. attend the graduation of the for- Miss Ann Kay, Mrs. Beatrice Ross, Celina J. Street United Church recently the Bell Telephone Com- pany building. Refreshments an ounce per ton. TAKES MUCH DIGGING Gold ores may yield less than Were served by Mr. William Dearborn. A trip to Centre Miandad was planned for June 23. " Miss Shirley Goheen, prior to ther marriage in July to Mr. Jack Zurba, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Allan Goheen, Toronto, last Friday. Present were rela- MAPLE CLEANERS $04 soncos ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & rg -- 4 Hr. Service jour Service we, itty arnt Pion _ PHONE 725-0643 MARY ELLIOTT SMITH The monthly meeting of the Mary Elliott Smith Mission Circle of First Baptist Church was held in the home of Mrs. Ralph Hopson. The president opened the ogg with prayer and read- of poetry. "hes. 5 Frank Frank Swackham- mer was in charge of the Devo- tional period reading the scrip- ture lesson from St. Matthew chapter 5 verses 16-17. The top- ie 'Lighten the Living' which was the chosen text for the Bap- tist convention this year. Mrs. Robert Moon gave a re- port of the Baptist Missionary Convention held in Simcoe re- cently. Dr. H. §S. Hillier and Mrs, Edgar Bates were two of the speakers. Mrs. Moon lit eight candles to illustrate her theme, 'Lighten the Living'. Mrs. Boyce Warran, offered her home, 601 Mary street for the next meeting June 27. The hostess served refresh- ments, Mrs. Walter Nickerson closed the meeting with prayer. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Dorcas Church) The Dorcas Group of First Baptist Church held their June meeting in the form of an out- door meeting and picnic sup- per at the home of Mrs, Hazen Manning. Mrs. Ronald Trewin, presi- dent, presided over the meet- ng. SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mul- drew, Elizabethville, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy May, to Ray- mond Hilton Avery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Avery, Balti- more, Ontario. The marriage is - take place on Saturday, July 6, at 3.00 p.m. in Elizabethville United Church. Mrs. Daniel Rogers and Mrs. Earle Dingman were in charge of devotional, the theme was "God's hand in the beauty of nature". It was decided to refrigerator for the c chen, Mrs. Frank Swackhammer reported on supporting an In- dian child on the mission field. Mrs. Daniel Rogers reported that the drapes for the church auditorium will be installed within the next two wecks. THE LEND A HAND CLUB The Lend A Hand Club held its regular business meeting in Simcoe Hail recently. A pot luck supper preceded the meet- rchase a urch kit- ing. Sister Evelyn Sanders offi- cited assisted by Sister Ann Holt. Sister Evelyn Sanders, president, welcomed the mem- bers. Sick members convener, Sis- ter Ann Holt gave her report. The members were asked to take over the regular lodge meeting of Rebekah No. 3 on Wednesday June 12.. The picnic will be held at Lakeview Park on July 10 at three o'clock. ALICE JACKSON UNIT A pot luck supper at Camp Pretoria was enjoyed by twenty- three members of the Alice Jackson Unit of King Street ROBBIE Master Robert Leo Weales is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Weales, Oxford street. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Forge Bird, and Mrs. George Weales, all of Osh- awa. Robbie was 15 months old at the time of this picture. --Ireland Studio CORRECTION The gathering held at -St. Matthew's Church for the pre- Whitby; Feast of the Seven Tables, on September 24 and the annual bazaar in Novem- ber. Mrs. Lawrence Millson's group were in charge of the devotional. Mrs. Randall read a story "The Church Not Built with Hands", The offering was re- Monday's publication. sentation of All Round Cords to Guides of the 16th Guide Com- pany was not a' mother and 'daughter banquet as stated in ' Antique Doll House Contains Treasures Dated Back To 1845 MONTREAL (CP)--A § tradi- tion dating back more than 100 years is preserved in a magnifi- cent doll's house now owned by 16-year-old Catharine Malley of Hudson Heights, Que. The eight - room miniature town house is full of treasures added over the years by various members of the family. js'The house is no longer a toy, "' says Mrs. Bryan Malley, Catharine's mother. "It's a his- tory of our family and a collec-' tor's piece. It's an unwritten law in the family that it stay with family members." This is not the original doll's house but it contains some of the furnishings from the origi- nal which dates to 1845 and to Catharine's great - great-grand- mother, Mrs. William C. Forster of Dublin. In fact some of Mrs. m\Forster's descendants believe the first house was started even earlier. "We date it from an entry in the music book" says Mrs. Malley. "Mrs. Forster recorded the names of all her children, born at that time, in the flyleaf of the manuscript. At the bottom @\of the 'e7 Ag found the date Nov. 20, Today roy music, scaled to doll's house size and printed in a fine script, still sits on the miniature spinet in the drawing room. The spinet is one of the original furnishings to survive land to Canada in 1868. The original house was left behind in Dublin. Its replace- ment was built in 1921 from a copy of the doll's houseof the late Queen Mary now in display Kensington Museum in Lon- on. Among items in the house. are two original red damask chairs, a crystal chandelier and two miniature hand - painted por- traits of Mr. and Mrs. Forster. United Church and nine mem-|Ceived by Mrs. Thomas Scott. Mrs. Fred Ayers was the pian- ist for the hymns. The 'Story of The Pine Tree" was read by Mrs. Millson. 'Mrs. D. Shreve's group are in charge of the September meeting on Sep- tember 3. Ronald W. Bilsky, DC CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES © SLIPPED DISCS bers of Unit Ten as guests. The business was conducted' by Unit Leader Mrs.' Murton Walter, who read a story en- titled, "Life Has Two Hands". The minutes were read and roll call by Mrs. William Brad- bury. Mrs. Elmer Randall read the treasurer's report. The home and hospital calls were recorded by Mrs. Leslie Booth. The following announcements were given: the UCW meeting on Thursday, June 13 at 8 p.m.; Leadership course in August at SB LOCATIONS EXCLUSIVE HAIR at ING hone 7 364WILS 100 King E. 728-5156 the Ontario Ladies College, CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 fabulous applied to this precious little purse dispenser filled with your favorite pertume sheathed in filigree'd golden metat with the look of a rajah's ransom... 5.00. and -- for the very first time -- refillable* Aphrodisia... Woodhve...Tigress...Flambeav _ 7" pRuas 28 KING ST. E. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. PHONE 723-4621 FREE DELIVERY = Pp BARRIE...... ORILLIA...... MIDLAND ..... WASAGA BEACH COLLINGWOOD... MEAFORD ... . OWEN SOUND... enjoy your vacation choose your spot go by bus! Round Trip Fares are low! 945 BEAVERTON... 6.90 7.60 6.90 7.50 8.75 950 BALA....... Plan well in advance to have your resort fee 'reservation arranged OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street, Phone 723-2241 Harry Don 300 Dundes St. G M one ece-3675 AJAX -- (South) The Coffee Cup, Ph. 942-2940 (North) Ajax Coffee Shop, Ph. 942-3390 6.05 GRAVENHURST. 8.30 BRACEBRIDGE.. 8.95 HUNTSVILLE . . 10.20 NORTH BAY ... 14.90 PARRY SOUND.. 11.30 9.15 MRS. EDWARD BOWMAN Family Celebrates Mother's Birthday. Mrs. Edward Bowman of To. ronto, was honored on her 82nd age and his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Attwater of Galt. good health and keeps 'house for her son in the home where she has lived for the past 37 years. birthday last Saturday by a family gathering at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Harold Topping (Isabel). Pres. ent were her two sons, Melville and Wilbert and another daugh- ter, Mrs, Wilfred Thistlethwaite (Helen). Also present were five of her grandchildren, Karen and War- ren Topping, Oshawa; Mrs. Jack James (Shirley), Mr. Jack|f+ time and the passage from Ire-|Thistlethwaite and Miss Jane Thistlethwaite and three great- grandchildren, all of Toronto. Surprise guest, was Mr. Ed- ward Bayley, who is 80 years of SoA DESERET I Electrolysis. Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Yeors' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshewaq et the Genoshe Hotel, June 10, 11, 12 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dotes THIS IS THE TIE SUZY BOUGHT Like all children, proud of her Dad. Her Father's i Suzy's mighty Day gift had to show all the love a little girl felt for her Dad, and also, how practical a "'little wo- man" she really was. With: such a big order to fill, there was only one place to go -- Oshawa Shopping Centre. Suzy knew she would be treated with dignity and care, and that's important to little girls. We ap- preciate Suzy's confidence in us and, are proud we could help show Dad what a special guy he it