Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jun 1963, p. 16

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Pe a me Pig 0 ag Fie ne ea Me WG THU OSHAWA TIMES, Toendey, June 11, 1963 LASSIFIED trier For ae we a aa 32---Articles For Sele CONVERTIBLE i901 FORD ; CARD OF THANKS . Beilin tin" Ramee eg Saco ae, thio, ADVERTISING Lad PONTIAC station wagon, & berg pe ig Moffat, ime out -- pare| 9nd hort a et TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS tT, all power equipped, $2400, fattase By The Canadian Press two Gales High Low sae once ef -- thank many| (Continued from Page 15) | phone 723-3227. fealie' f - ROL 1 vers arde and. 1959 PONTIAC, Laurentian, with redio,/elements, oven a outlet, * site . stay in Oshaw . lient condition, after 12 noom| warming oven fooptiat"Aiso special thanks to the|29---Automobiles For Sole oyciy "ler "Tupin 'rive, Whitby, lutility avers, excellent cond mor tot, te. Net change ie doctors at Brooklin [050 CHEVROLET, four ton dump| ir jooking for & good, clean |5® 00 telephone 725-0187. 8, 'an wh rights, xw--Ex-warrants. and furtes and staff on snd floos, Ost | 1989 truck, 1968 Mercury, 700, both trucks\eae come to's 10s6 Pontiac at Mike's Awnina, canvas "eee after 5. from previous board-lot closing sale. ana General Hompltal, scaset Mati. |BA Feeonditioned | motors, Mp! ures.|BA Service Station, Raglan, Ontario, |free qprimiates Cha i ale rentals, DINETTE site, leatherette , five hat 9 . Aw 216 Park North, ino CHEVROLET %4 ton tricks, tong|Ueve Hh cht binet Pr eige, Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge KEELER -- I would like to 1500 PEUGEOT 403, one owner, clean,|box, Ficetside, your cholee of two,|WF buy, sell indent . Dial 728-0215. INDUSTRIALS thanks to my relatives, economical, $1,000 or nearest offer.|$1,095, Accept trade and a sider Rr tra a Sh rst Fac "Rts hy he mr, eat, Tig! ts ee ee jet, CaVEROLET Bel "Air, Yeo Soot ibe STUDEBAKER 'Lark, 6 evlindes, ta South and 31 Bond 'Street ant [Bet : ' hardtop, six standard, radio, lean] good 'condition, $1,200. Terms could be 1671, to thank Dr. ' as ie Cohen General Hoop ii. 725-4533 after 4 p.m. arranged. Telephone 7; Urbain GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- ' rh og i, ve ness, --Leo Keeler, 19 Nassau Street. iogt CHEVROLET, 6 qinee, | 4 door | 1968 ny hanical Fees, Thrifty Budget rig tele! ron on 100, Telephone Haatss. ta Gene ee f sreaes TOHRRON motor 1008, 18 hp. excellent K Pag: aekih ie a 'oie veda, Bow: Sondiion, four Bd sor eet tires, $195 $yPeWwar, 100 210 210/210 --8 [BD oy wish to express manville, 623- or best offer. Telephone 728-6760, 'YPEWRITE! Cashiers, du "a aoe 4 oe os o! Peles FE en Yogi 4 Alta Gas 2 965) 65S. Beicher 2 62 CU 1037 FORD coach, excellent en, a i067 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, signals ond tors, eh a saad ire wh | good tires, new paint, new clutch, #725./window washers, A-1 condition, Will fee und ni new and used. We buy,| RECONDIT1 17" Ty's table WP | Alta Gas w 100 $106 1h 146 oneage i Variety Store, 372 Wilson Road trade. Terms if desired, Price $508, | Sell, gg rll Hamilton Office |$98 up, 21" cabinet Trade-18| tia Nat 200 9 425 954% Die MA % Bibis Sepeaien. many, Benth, Dial 728-0558. Equipment, 197 Brock South, Whitby. [Svslertets, Fwo-seee, 29 ap, move vagihon Alsen, oS oa bom tne "as ass 15 iprean ceived, telegrams ' ar oi ii CHEVROLET Bel Air automatic, i950 50 YORD Galaxie, 500, four door, two|STUDENTS A ene van ; ine machines, treadle and electric, "10 re Dof 'Bralorne 230 520 Guawa and Toronto goveraments, Welttke over palace, Telephone 1261496. |fender skirts, automatic, A-leondition Caive, ing | Bn Be ial nist pe 1 IG Austral a00 18 over bal ly * 4 8, st, Dial 726-0191, |C Austral 7 Serodites » cotter nitieg- aod 'pergonal ihe METEOR convertible | automatic phone <_<. '(ith Dundae ta lhe t "Father's Day. pay, ik i, Weg Ashdown Bop sone Heath Sua 6 \Gan'nw "00 4 McClennen' unily ane end i 095. Happy 'riety, . e "ar errival of a ages; ss freamared nt a; a ded eels" wenn. Fe He % 1956 PONTIAC four-door A-1_ thi GARDEN tractor, two foot cut toto- Oshawa's largest ioetie Variety Store, 1 C Bitiea yn on Monday, June he 1963, at Osh-|treasured Giwayt 1 Koch Mire Oi extras, Low inieans, Sn tiller; also Cox trailer 4x8, T B bi ed Candore Neil, 4 11959 CHEVROLET thton pickup truck Brooklin 655-3532, ELECTRIC. water heater, 40-gallon,|Bank Mont 90 860% 67% 20 Can-Erin -- MeLaughis and Mrs. Jackson of Ports od etnditiot, tedic, low mileage, |seet. Best offer, Telephone 660-2308. 2; double laundry tubs with faveett-/Bank NS 940 20 9 9 8 |Captain 12 ay Kindly "aesisted "at 25-6121 or 485 Howard Street. lite Pin ees coupe, looks 00d, babel cleaner cad all makes, $12: double bed, soos seeing Ma Bell Phone $ Cent Pat rives e new, everything works. new, bedroom vats Ce Te a a ee ae ca es, fa Rae kG eects, WIE Py i ee ee 4 * , severa. and one-thir ip electric ce vi . F 4 Chester or bést offer, Telephone 728-6593. | motors, % new. 668-3889, ice. Call anytime, 728-0591, BC -- st ™ 170 Chimo, Gi - aslihpselaahanaepsietieniiacnese 000 $1.50, Just telephone 723-3492. OBITUARIES jalan Lag yd 1951, FORD, Thunder. |e DODGE, automatl ENJOY tents, Roa chrome sulle, five pleces./nc Phone 935 857% 8 r Weg @ 805 $17% 17% 17% Coch Will 500 pela. pean tu. arta radio, $275 or best offer. Apply 110 Wel-|sleeping bags, ground ph Tantores blue and yellow good condition, Dialics) pow oe SH% 24 25% + He Coningas 1000 fous fort States: Sacrifice $995 terms | ington Street, 668-2497. stoves, vie le Honey coolers, Best Prices | 725-9389, Can Cem 2 &: 860% a Coniaur sou DEATHS WILFRED BAUDER 1 668-4932 and 669-4119. {i957 CHEVROLET, black, red and black West miaion Tire Sore, 48 Bond Ypolaw, se9 enti, AE Cae NE ee i oly a Oi ae ule ee ee N deluxe, new paint|interior, Four door hardtop. Radio, Fear a1 epner TFT SNE? S=paeEENpEOET pape i ml %e 6 6% C Marben = 25 The death occurred suddenly] 1058 tas vOLEaW AOR jelux: P Sce to appreciate. Like| EXORLLENT condition, Kenmore tise Sa eRIGERATOR and electric range,|~ Pack ® $60 59% » aa a ie ee oe a finish, han-|rear speaker, 4 EDWARDS, Mrs. Marion lat his home in. Verona on Sun-|#, royal blue metallic finish. mec tric range, 42%", GEE 11% cu. ft. ree eee ae ete Rect offer. Din! 5-1822, (CAE 25 $10% 1 2 es © Sarine ie At Osha: aad E = z 3 3 a 8 430 430 U $31% 31% 31% -- % aa a7 Ww e i e8uge ; P q 2 3 Hy g £ nBSessese 3 $e = = li hi Fi erat | sti tir 3 it oe i i * gf Possess 2 7 i 3s L | ao ie f Ha se z F 3 284 ' leally good, $695 or best offer, Tele-|MeW. 668-4160 Whitby. frivéeater offer, Dial Lge ee } we pearl ne oe ee |day, June 9, of Wilfred Bau-|phone 725-8540. |\i954 METEOR sedan delivery, rebullilapie Dial' ae, getuse dryer. "Retson- BUY AND SELL, good used furiturelo Bram A 330 #43% 43% 49%--%|Cons Que 600 day, June 9, 1963, 8. the a motor, good = condition, $195. Dial One location only F14% 14% 1% C Red Pop 1000 her 79th year, beloved mother|der, beloved husban ites VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, fully equip-| > and C Brew Bor = Py Mrs. Jack T. Gray, Brooklin, 'former Effie Knox. one owner, excellent conditicn.,968-4500, 0000 Feiier' oe a nM oe for|Prettys Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street 6 ntl ' Bd ne fi - te oes $54 Pg an Con Shaw 24033 Ontario 'and Margurite, Mrs. Payton] Mr. as ar is survived by|D# Dial 725-7400, «| 1060 PONTIAC Cdoor hardtop, redlo.lfrieze covers; $38; high beck min | South. 723-3271. OC Gua 6 ue 0% --= He) Inglis, ie: 4 onwes Shaw Kelly, Cleveland, Ohio. Ronee | ht Mrs. James [062 M. G. MIDGET, 9,000 miles, seat Will are trade or good offer, Dial/rockers, all vinyl, $47; recliner chairs.|BOAT, motor and trailer, propane stove! c Collieries 89% 9% % 100 at the Chapel of A.W Miles aa aer,| wo daughters, * belts, radio, lighter, must sell $1700 or 5 eRe Pillow back style, $52; occasional chairs|and racing car set. Excellent condition./C Colt pr 9 «91 OM 200 % Cralgmt ee a eee ee Wednaatey. sk 1 p.m.| York (Phyllis), Oshawa and| make otter, cash or terms. After 7.39/ 1955 FORD, four door, turquoise color, ir ak arms, oi hostess chairs,| Apply 146 Windsor or dial 725-3855. EB yo Med '3 as A 7% J $274 27% 27% -- % | Croinor ay ql a p.m. 72. good body, good mechanically, Best 88. Hurry down for best selection. ina 4 iture or appliances? | 'od ipr B44 OK KH $85% 85% 854 -- %4\Cusco 5 2000 Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery.|Mrs, Cecil Bauder (Ella May),|P-m. 725 1953 Chevrolet, as is, $50 After| Wilson Furniture Co., 20 Church Street, SELLING re top cash. Telephone|© Hydro $18% 18% ion +% 225 225 225 D'Aragon 1500 1953 PONTIAC coach, good transporta-| offer, : Toronte, Verona and six sons, Wilfred, tion, ponds Apply 29 Beatrice 'Street 4,30 p.m, telephone 725-8037 Oshawa, Cal Biake's Furniture and Appliances|© Imp Bk C i $6644 6614 ; Pg By Uae near ve vii ee aga - ay $10% 10% 10% Deer Horn 900 FOWLER, Richard Wesley Oshawa; Wilbert and Ralph,)--- "" 39 CHEVROLET four door, automa-|DINING room set, wood, ebony finish,| Store, 24 Prince Street, 720-9191. $104 1k [Deer Hem me Oe 4 . | | 5 At Oshawa General Hospital, Friday, Verona; tral r agi good condition, $1100. Telephone re agp 9h a. eal herp OLD G "GUN | ockey 925°" 920" 89 '5'"| Dicknon 2005. 473 47 3 48 June 7, 1963, Richard (Wesley) Fowler, Cameron, Smiths alls am colt ihe wis hcnechian 4 : anted BRIEF $6% 6% 6 500-23 23 beloved husband ot ey Mrs, Seott).Harold, Napanee. |i0 FORD 'coupe, pariiy dleassenibled boards by cu. ft. Frigidaire' retriger.| --_.relePnone Oshawa 725-8183 _ Lal #16% 167% 16% Elder 300 100 100. 100 of . 7 . *, a Fae ---- nearer" RP " a y El § 1 sear ta Myrtle (Mrs. Albert Pearce),| The funeral service will be CAR AND TRUCK | us many new parts. $50 or best offer. | ator, ia FT. moulded plywood P 4 A att % lephone 725-730. teering wheel, wind: START NORTH TRIP 86% ; bureka 2000 : le, Albert Campbellford.| machine. chest of drawers, bassinette|fully equipped, 5 L | , Newcastle, Rg Sault ste, {Held at the Verona Pentecostal RENT ALS 7 1000 is 1% isu' 1952 METEOR, V-8 stick, rune well,|with rubber mattress. Excellent shield, etc, $450 or nearest offer, Tele- _ i a °0 crleciig ag pi ragehe gig Resting at|Church at 4 p.m. Wednesday, | good tires, Fair body $75. Dial 728-7452 dition, Telephone 725-5697, (phone 725-0051 until 6. After § pam, PR vce yogi ng ite suite \Geco Mines "I00 a » --t Northeutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53\Jyne 12, followed by interment (Al] Makes ond Models) |1959 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, mechani-|\? = 9 x 74" =| wralty See merican students left OMe ,|Giant YK. a8 $11% 11% 1186 ond Division Street North, Bowmanville.) Verona Cemetery. CALL 625-6553 leally perfect, Fair body, radio, good|ture windows, CAR TOP BOAT, 04 ft. long $125.\ton Monday for Whitehorse, |revy soe 6 Service Tuesday, June 11 at 2 p.m. In- 1M e 14 Albert St. | tires $150 or offer. Dial 728-7452, $45 |. Dial|Model 800 Polaroid land camera kit, Y.T., where they will begin a/Lobco B i 4, 2 "a 890 Ceesgs A 890 --5 rm: Pontypool Cemetery. | 1983 7 eg TY ----|723-1018 after 4 m complete set of registered golf clubs 300 M Leaf M! Ye 13° lH of La sacinaieaae e pias URE weter BARD) P: with bag, cart and new shoes. Dial 2 mile boat trip along the Masa: -- ws 3 rigg -- %| Head Latkes wi ih Seth 18 == 6 LORNE C. BELL good condition, good tires. $150, Dial|BOAT Mason, heautihal ma ie on ae \2 ion, . $150, it 4 4 -- HURST, Baby Elizabeth Jane A former Canadian National $ ALL CASH $ Bowmanville 623-3924. 40-horsepower motor, electric start, | 62-2089. Yukon River to the Bering Sea. Cr a a a3 215 | Hollinger $20% 28% 204 -- Ia the Oshawa General Hospital ¢n Rail employee, Lorne |i953 DODGE V-8 in good running con-|FUUY equipped. Best otkee 25-1717 | BUYING oF selling turoiiure or appl-|Four men and a woman from . pg a ; ee eave, intent daughter of Joln| Henig died ritently at his| For Clean cors we deal up or dition, $185. 'Telephone Whitby 660-5976,|DRAPES, pale, dark meroos, Hed, Sooge al Rimes, Damien: BES ia University of New Mexico, 30% |Hydra Ex 1003 'asus Sei Sore % : d. off. iran Hed haath, troche, 263-2695, ie ig I Loge Burst (ot 3M French street)| 8' residence in Rama Town down, Liens paid of | iss 'CHEVROL, ET four door, $100 or| nee, excellent condition, #10, 'Tele-|TWO-PIEGE chesterfield, green, in good tts tube & 13-foot|/M St 8 ¢ MlJacobus S00 3 Lawn Cemetery. ship, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | phone : LL salt -- - ; 4 tourna OKE, Berths Jan A' resident of the Longford] . 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY '30--Automobiles Wanted _{sonation, "ti, vateamer "trunks fis [tine couee bles siesiece "dining| ENDS LONG ABSENCE |X $204 204 304 |Kerr Add "tts Qt Memeriat Hospital, Bowmanvile,|area for over 15 years, Mr} 465 an) _ 668.8101 LAKESHORE | Auto Wreckers want] Telephone 725-397 room' suite, unpainted dresser, lamps] QUEBEC (GP)--The assem-|\ 3 637 + %[Kitk Town 1000 on Monday, June 1963,. Bertha/Bel] had been with the CNR ____.. |¢ars for wrecking, Highest pices paid.|BOAT plywood oe v hp Johnaon, -1484, bly' bli 20% 20% Lab Min 285 Jane Branton, beloved wife of the late ; tructio: before} ) Wentworth East. 725-1181. soccamene with trailer. je $600. Dil FENDER B a aybacks aiapli- y's public accounts commit- 100 8% . Dufault 600 James Henry' Oke and dear mother of if bridge come rue ae GENERAL REPAIRS | Teer ee FENDER Bassman, piggy back, ampli-/tee will sit Thursday, Premier|°#! B4--%| L Os 3000 Greta and Marjorie in her sae rear inining the John ph ALL MAKES OF CARS | 100 CARS WANTED yaar OCTAVE Jenco 4 pitta, 723-7814. Lesage announced Monday in Pose, sam 2 34 ue oe L mconp, ope: ane egy args ek struction Company an in PARTS AND SERVICE | Bus N pee Poggrierrga es Ae rhe Mme ts *l\@MALL barn at Enfield, any reason-|the legislature. The committee, 13% 13% LL Lae 00 Bowmanville, Service Thureday, June|Dridge building fiel All Foreign Moke Cars uying a New Car? on'. Biscay mace eee 12 |aMe after Telephone Brooklin 6553008, a standing committee of the|b%*' © Mucha Louvict 2000 Sip Swe, pe, Ciecrnent Hellisata) Ne 'eae " oli ged STATH AM | Sell your used car to "Ted" |very reasonable. Dial 728.3487. page gh 1380 watt, Clinton) assembly, has not been called| Pre roy 5, MS ee ae j|mer da '4 sat BOAT, Nipissing, 14 ft, cedar atrip,|' since 1936 when Maurice Du- 3 837% 37% 375% Maralgo |the Kingston and Odessa area! B.-A. SERVICE | Car Deoler and "SAVE in GUITAR, Gibson electric, Les Paul f 395 88% Bie 8% Marcin FAMILIES who have pre med| He is survived by his wife; Ritson Rood and King | TED CAMPIN MOTOR $165, Dial Bowmanville 623-8931, model, best offer. Dial 668-5982, pores el ceeoenies leader, GN Ges pe 3591184 213 113 = Mavitime 16 FT. Joh R, Gener ic, ize, b Kaa Meme Part ity ts to gajone #00, Francis, | Haale: | 728-4733 ond 723-7712 3.449 nan Bae RANGE eeu hice th Bil oR i a treme "a, i | ine! -- oe wig| BUYING OR SELLING |._723-4494_Res._725-5574__ Ines trauer,'ams0. Can' be seen at 116s] 20460 VOTE FOR BOYCOTT vin | ee oe a 723-2683, vers 31--Automobile Repair Peed 34--Lost and Found NEW YORK (AP) -- The 3% | Mentor st Archie of Pickering; and six MEPON____|LEAVING Oshawa the end of July. st and Foun ; Min © Too $iG% 16% 16% -- LOCKE'S FLORIST sisters, Mrs. Ross Raine (Su- TED CAMPIN | HOUSTON'S GARAGE Must, sel! everything, 'almost lke new.|LodF = One Boston terrier ~dog,| American Guild of Variety Art- ae WH -- Wl etre he i phat san) of Oakwood; Mrs, 0. Law- | Living, dining room. bedroom furniture,|piack with white marking around eye|ists voted in convention Monday), Pi Nama Cr ee ephedra on bon (Audrey) of Manilla; Mrs.| -- MOTORS and SERVICE STATION wcupeoee 'i and neck, Answers to "Dusty". Dal/for an immediate boycott of en- 290 Neti i t . * > televisio; oF x 4 tah : ; te ie scl leat s tor 0" |Howard Taindale (Alice) of] 497 KING ST. -- OSHAWA BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM-.' |picycie, hot woter tank and -unit, child's|Loazs One earring, pel SH paven| ee tet cones that racially/§ 203 =a |Nee" aes occasions. h Mrs. C. O'Reilly (Mur- Uuse Eost of Wilson Rood) PLETE BRAKE SERVICE |tricycle, fish aquarium bumper trailer Is in white gold, Vicinity of four) Scsregate either customers or 378 7% an pam |New Hosco HAWA SHOPPING | Oshawa: ue ee vee aie MOTOR TUNE-UP AND |hitch, 'kitchen cupboards, windows, |>o2® oon <Gtieeln Saceaay lov. as + | Newlund Os iel) of Ajax; Eileen Bell of 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 | tires and tubes. Dial 128-5008. corners and Victoria Streets, Monday.| employees, 5 --5 |New Rouyn Toronto and Mrs, Charles Rus- | GENERAL REPAIRS : : Reward, VEO impsons ro "to 3i4-- WIN 'Senator 16000 | ; if sell (Clara) of Richmond Hill. | 67 KING ST. WEST What's My Line? PAIR of girl's glasses, black and white} BIG COMPANIES BEST 21% + %) | Rpeees at + aye' +1 FS = = = 1+ % u8e L 2 So $3 FS Ss * oB 888 58su8e rs «888 cap | jPesloney in black case, vicinity of Pine ; A He is also survived by one] The Home Of 723-7822 Avenue, Park Road and Adelaide) MAGOG, Que. (CP)--It's bet-/Stelnbs taois, gone aor 2 |" 300 grandchild, Linda C Bell of Gant teed Cons WHITBY Buying ba ooiting sso fur- | West, Dial 723-4247, ter to be a small fish in a big) Texa 338 N eae ee . For s Hamilton and an aunt, Mrs. ne SERRA Altar boy'e medal, gold and/company than a big fish in a $64% 64% 6436+ IN Rank 1000 CARD OF THANKS |e: "orvis of 'Toronto. 3 WESTERN TIRE niseob dag natotn q Si. "Certmide's Church, on|small company, Gerard Filion, |7 te 20% don | North, Cam is The Royal Black Knights Before You Buy ALL MAKE SERVICE CENTRE |Valley Creek Furniture Sunday. Diat 728-5115. general manager of Quebec's ; 14% -- %|orenada BUTLER -- In the midst of our sor-/Lodge held a memorial ag Give Bill A Try" posing ce , roneeh 728-4401 or call ot the store |SAMOYED, white mele Pup, answers seme nd agg Coperes date row e our belov us | im } h: . Mr. Be rom ex hs 16% B & ' if on, sa onday. Mr. on, Band, athe son and brother, Gordon for him in the chaps New Telephone Numbers EASY TERMS care Saturday, Reward, Telephone 723-2648.) 00. 08) sicher at the Mont. Butler, rds inadequate to|was also a member of the | Exel 300 ae wee aie vty on royal Orange Lodge, number| 668-5871 and 668-5872 | 149 Brock St. N. poor Fier oclkellg agg Si ee s | Buy your paint directly from 2 ' sanee pauetitel 96, the Longford Community | 668-8791 the inant . M V h | Devoir, said in a speech the $13% 13% 19% Bibles, donations to the Canadian Can- had end papi Mato mem-| BILL WHITTICK Palen cd $2.80 otor enicie small industry is gradually dy- io 6 i ew Purdex, 3 see ae ae Se rity ati ihanke toArmatrone's|ber of the Longford Licns. MOTORS LTD. '32--Anticles For Sale . y A ' ing in Quebec. One-man and one- 909 421% 1% «HM MlGuennet tee site tie e+ Me ; @ 69 69 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Feercal Home for thei most efficient The funeral took place from "WHEEL CHAIRS One coat white . . $5.50 P od cti U family companies needed to re-|West A. bed rd sin. 1p 104 10% Raglan 1000 see agp and ser-lthe Doolittle funeral home to! 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | Other finishes similorly priced. roauction p group and amalgamate to gain Wand'A 390 S00 PGR 4 Realm ub ee +h S ean thanks $0 Dr. JE. Rundle apd |the Regent Park United Church Repairs, Sales, Rentals, financial stability. % 3% Rio Algoma 173 S44 14 14% gr Ey 260025 95 K, R. Rowsell and to ail the nurses) ith the Rev. W. Lindsay and : | Also PARROT OTTAWA (CP) -- Production OILS Rix Athab os Oe fe Menaette Lotaarie Ser "wrs:|Arthur Bacon officiating. | in- Hospital beds, walkers, bed- of motor vehicles in May ad-| ASSUMES NEW POST San Ant 30000 31 295 and Mr. and : Berd forte their Rindseas' t0 the chil-!terment was in the Longford | side commodes, crutches, Paint Company vanced 16 per cent to 67,005] CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP)--|Bail s4or 190 $254 25% 2544 -- ¥%4| Sherritt 1200 wea al ike cards | Memorial Cemetery. O | canes, slenderizing machines 1051+NELSON ST. units as compared to May lastiRobert H. Winters, former Ca-|Gg 4% 80 M0 140 340 +4 |Sizma 200 i 2000 . . one who sent get-well or roll-oway d ' nf A flowers and other gifts during Gord's a ks 725- ce 728- 3622 year, Output in the January-|nadian cabinet minister, took|C Delhi $00 425 425 425 --§ |S: Stand iiness and also for the prayers ' sh -|May period increased 25 per/over Monday as president of|C, EX Gas | 000 101 100 100 |Siscoe 1500 DEATHS i iy cent to 200,951 units as cOM-|the gg.year-old Massachusetts|G nue gine 2 12) 7S 790 +10 |Starratt 10500 | oh un 500 5 ; | FILTER QUEEN | HOT, HOT, HOT pared to the first five months of/tnstitute of Technology Alumni So 201 201 204 |Sturgeos 1962. Association, Winters, president We ot ee ieee iryone. and daughters, , PRESS | ; Sr., Pat_and_Bill. | By THE enorme '| Used Cars New and used models PORTABLE AIR Passenger car productionjof the Rio Tinto Mining Com- 12%" "|Trin Chi 14000 Montreal--Wilfrid Gagnon, trade-ins from $15. CONDITIONING climbed 15.8 per cent to 56,391|/pany of Canada Limited, Tor- 950 12e--%\U Asbestos 426 18h |Upp Can 800 1 IN MEMORIAM one of French Canada's most d k units from a year ago and ad- | | Protec chine! if t onto, is the first Canadian to Point 4000 B whe ban 500 | Prominent businessmen. Use Truc NS) | dacs veiie genuine Filters. Cooler on roli-easy -- stand vanced 26.8 per cent in the Jan-/head the 52,000-member associ- br 300 299 300 | Vespar 500 POLSTON -- In toving memory of Toronto--C. Harold Hale, 89, Idea! for Barbershop, Beouty |uary - May period to 244,810) ation. ideon 3000 3 * [Wasamnae, 'me 2 ee George Ernest >a who passed "+ Orilli 12 for $1.50 30 for $3.50 Salons, offices, Homes. C.S.A. units, N 2 4 von we 8 4 "1s ---8 tong-time editor of the Orillia ' } 1 C.3.A, | ul AUSTRALIAN ACCUSED 2 W bert soo wow 1000 away June ll, approved, Full year warranty, Sa ek ee ae 500 28 2B +3 Koged 1% 1% 14 MOSCOW (Reuters)--The first 158 Wr Harg 2300 82 82 ag "Sealy missed by the family Packet and Times and one ot A 4 S | ° 'year - the niet influential newspaper Big e ection | Filter Queen Sales -- na financing Painters Reject eres fie ; ss i | | 23 Ki 28- i . | Secretar: e Aus' - 2 --1%|Ya me MEMORIALS men in Canada in his day. | | 323 King W. 728-7552 ree oe oot uy cols pag jk S, a tice oo a" dt 3 " MARBLE and GRANITE | paris--Professor Gaston Ra | ene nce 3-Year Contract "is. has been declared per- ion i in a) a Designing, Carving, Lettering mon, 76, a former director 0! | us sona non grata (unwelcome «| Triad O} 155 155 155 42 Sales to 12 a.m.: 632,000. esigning : f| 1962 CHEVROLET BOATS, MOTORS ta ( 1 ue Triad Ol Installation, Repairs ithe c t Institute. cause of espionage activities, on ita pairs | --_|the French Pasteur Ins BISCAYNE ON DISPLAY SAVE $100 KITCHENER (CP)--Seventy| (Aus 01 po yaaa Teas Hollywood--Anita King, 74, @| Four door, Honduras Maroon, | | om NOW ON painters rejected a three-year said Mond night. Tass said COMING EVEN Oshawa Monument Co. star of the silent screen in the| white walls and woshers, | Grew Cruisers, Traveler Ma-- | Clairtone Stereos contract containing a 25-cent-/10 6 neg a i 1435 King Street Eost lFirst World War era; of a | son, O.M.C. ard Larson | AT anm-hour increase Monday after ieee pec go he je Boats. Evinrude, Volyo-Pento three contractors had given basey. ef teogaging ia. the col KINSMEN BINGO AFTERNOON bingo every 728- 3111 | jheart attack. eae. ; ; | 1962 CHEVROLET O.M.C. 88° Motors. PARKWAY them the day off to consider por gt "intelligence" tor "al TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK tntia' fhe te eat a na | Little Rock, Ark.--Earl Sutton . as 1 the offer. RIMAR \(Oil) Smith, 66, a National BISCAYNE . Open Until 8 hg 918 TELEVISION Then they called in David long time." ro nee Saige |League baseball player from) Two door, white with red | MARINE Store will be closed ot 12 |Cairns, international represen-| peMOVE BILLBOARDS Jockpark M ged 53 |20. games $6 and $10. heron $0 Seas MEMORIALS {1919 to 1929. Interior, auromelic ane radie. | Storage & Supply Ltd. noon on Saturdays during tative of the Painters, Decora-| JT ony ny (AP)--Work EARLY BIRD GAMES pots, Door prizes, ; : | : tors and Paperhangers of , King Street United Klin, Ont, 655-3641 June, July, August et ge OR on them|¢rews armed with power saws|XINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE] | ROMMAGE sale, Wakeman ee t MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY | COUNCIL VOTES MONEY seta + 109 COLBORNE ST. W. lis IN OUR SHOWROOM | MONTREAL (CP)--The city) 1959 BUICK SPECIAL ONE MILLION YARDS |"each @ settlement. onl Fig nig BE ey Bay ea Complete Monument and | council at the opening of its sta-/ Two door hardtop light blue BAMBOO DRAPERIES GRAVEL AND The union is seeking an 7 to remove 53 illegal billboards Inscription Servi ltutory quarterly meeting Mon-| finish, One owner. crease to §2.64 an hour from $: nscription Service day night voted almost $7,000,- WIDTH LENGTH PLASTERING SAND an hour. A conciliation officer|#l0ng the New York State Thru- 152 SIMCOE SOUTH |000 for public works improve- ee : ep & OA Je 15¢ per yard and up recently reported he had been wey. sine tapeper senses WHITBY BRASS BINGO Phone 723-1002 'ments. 1959 CHEVROLETS | A 1 ae 449 698 You Take It, unable to settle the dispute. that scattered along the 559-mile Two door ond four door 48 in, Poir .5.98 8.98 NEAR MOSPORT N Coe L d -- which crosses ' tbs and = standard 60 in, Poir 7.49 11.49 2 miles West of Highway 35 azl a e state : FATHER'S DAY TRIBUTES | meng to Choose from. par 1049 1549 | 12 Roon until 1 p.m, H e er SEES SMALLER CROP Due to circumstances beyond our control in, Pair 11.98 17,49 Telephone 728-0490 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The} we are discontinuing our Wednesday Night OR WRITE ooted OWN vs. agricut tment h ; TO YOUR LOVED ONES 1960 FORD pe yea EA. TIMOLL estimeled the 166, Americas| Bingo till further notice -- Thanking one FAIRLANE C. | 735 Cedor Street FARMINGTON, Mich. (AP)--|wheat crop at 1,084,095,000 bush- , George Lincoln Rockwell, self-jels. This is 40,424,000 bushels er i six cylinder with RELIABLE BOAT SPECIAL styled American Nazi party|less than last month's forecast and all for past patronage. bourne from which no traveller returns than a mem- Fontes yo interiors ia ft Fibreglass 190), 30 peed, ines to ie a speech] of 1,124,519,000 bushels, It com- ing Street Eas .P. electric motor and Scott egun in the yar a private|pares with 1,001,787,000 produced : : ' orial verse 723-7928 trailer, Complete unit, home in this Detroit suburb/last year and with 1,225,262,000 No Bingo This Wednesday Night The Classified Department of The Oshawa Times | 1959 FORDS |___. Downtown Oshowa $1,465 "|Monday, for the five-year (1057-61) aver- gc rmeere Nothing is more befitting or a greater tribute to the memory of loved ones who have passed on to that | | a ee eee will publish Special Father's Day Memorial Tributes Two to choose from -- Two | _ Rockwell's audience beg an| age. 5 this your on Brunia, June 15th. door, automatic and Stand- | Custom ond Ready-Made OSHAWA MARINE |hooting him when he had talked AT CLUB BAYVIEW ard transmissions. | DR APERIES AND SERVICE about 15 minutes and Police ANITA KING DIES It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the | Open Until 6 om. Chief Joseph C, De Vriendt or-;) HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Anita memory of a Father or Grandfather, Moat Rasicnable Prides Saturday to 6 dered a halt. King, a star of the silent screen , ' F ; Z ° New Location Raising his hands, DeVrienat|in the First World War era, died With the sincere hope of rendering helpful service a rr Drapery Fabrics 1180 Simcoe N. 728-0031 said "that's all." Rockwell Jeft|Monday of a heart attack. She : | 0 N S B | N e 0 to those who wish to select and publish an appropriate } a stand put up in the yard. As|Was 74. Her first Hollywood memorial tribute, we invite you to telephone | SPECIAL is bus be rd Custom Built he entered the house a rock|Movie was The Virginian, made . ™ ' lin 1914 and directed by the late WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th 8:00 P.M. | We install drapery oo Furniture bounced off the sereen door be- | at a Wominal Fee |hind him, {Cecil B. de Mille. | | : | PICNIC TABLES | Calls of "where's your swas- 7 . JUBILEE PAVILION THE OSHAWA TIMES ask: gh aay oa _ - B.C. Cedar, 5 6 ft. with tika?" and "'you should ex- 20 -- $20 GAMES -- 20 CLASSIFIED STAFF NOW - | attached a ccmied" ae come an ia von ada cede Gens 5 «=~ $30 GAMES -- 5 Used Car Dealer Dra pery Pre-Cut $16 a ia os a Ecco Bellet Company ef England to 1 -- $150 JACKPOT -- 1 723 - 3492 sat Assembled $19 | uco'were on the scene," [Ohlcago | was "delayed | about 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS -- 2 LAWN FURNITURE e ours Monday because To ensure publication in this Edition, tributes should | WHITBY Dr G 00 ds Store Kitchen Cobinets Liner eaL Dagan by Siting whe . Caeded raven foaet Res JACKPOT NOS. 53-54 j i | t i : be d "| Lwi or, On re be in this is ff So ' Y Meaetan wact } Anything Te Wood 0 = righ and anti tiger on ve - ae EXTRA Sunes on for nen f . 1668-3304 & 668-3305.) * "EE pecereune needs R And M Churchill attrinated the Resslan| see att Gotta anh tee FRIDAY, JUNE 14 | 723-7827 Custom Woodcraft cevenition: to people of Jewish Liter or us tates a $1200 IN CASH PRIZES AVAILABLE Franchised O.iK, | 74 Celina Street, Oshawa | Telephone 725-9181 extraction. railroad expense. Children Under 16 Not Admitted ee

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