More than + fi jag Canada vite & Red ,20 persons from|lies nat the East European countries have|Cross, Dear Ann Landers: We have two sons, 24, and 26 years of . been rich stay at home. What should I 4 now?--TIRED Dear Tired: You've pulled chestnuts out of the managed to ys|for. your sons and they had tag rm the well-to-do | it. boys in r crowd had. We| The best favor can it would make them|quartet of pth ay is to happy and well adjusted. that they take their troub: Something must have gone|a marriage counselor Buying Happiness Is A Tip To The Wise P rane Bechet i momen rey and gt le a. open Dear Ann Landers: My eyes|getting too old for the job.|us and the boys are living in alas you are willing to run almost poet out when I saw|Why don't you turn in yourjhotel. This has happened before.|house for zighting couples you'll your advice to the girls who/typewriter for a rocking chair?|Whenever our sons have a tiff/have roomers and boarders for- was weeping because she had|--SURPRISED AT YOU with their wives they dump|ever, a shape like an ironing board.' Dear Surprised At Me: Whe-|them on us because we have a ----- - The. poor girl said she'd belther the girl is built like ajDig house and the girls like my! HOUS lhappy if she could fill even alg cooking. | USEHOLD HINT | reek goddess or a 10-year-old Wh leani |32 bra. You told her if meas-|/hoy is not important. What "'her| Both of these girls have moth., en cleaning woodwork, jurements were that important! triends" say is equally unim-lers of their own and one lives\Protect the wallpaper by hold- Soroptimist Club Scholarships Assist Further Education = nga rsada ate, Dr Bare" "ahha. ma Sl In her presidential report,; You must be nuts. What in, j is i here. My husband says, "Isn't Miss Moore thanked the mem-/|the world would her friends| geproecion held Hy Roget it wonderful that i sons' bers for their co-operation dur-|say? Here this dame has been|yrements should do something|Wives feel so friendly toward/ay « ing her term of office which will| built like a flagpole all her life! about it. If this ridiculous thing|US?" bh. .*) |and suddenly she turns up look-/means so much to her I say! I would gladly forgo the com- |e go ahead and buy some happi-| pliment if they would settle) \their domestic problems and] SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scott wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Mr. Paul Raymond Lawrence, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Lawrence, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 29, 1963, at 9.00 a.m. in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church. ANN LANDERS THE cillian. Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING presents its Annual Recital Friday, June 14th 7:30 P.M. O'Neill Collegiate & Vocational Institute ADMISSION 50¢ -- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 728-8474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 10, 1963 7 ing a large piece of cardboard against the wall along the edge of the woodwork as you work to serve as a shield against spatters. } Miss Evelyn Moore opened her home for the annual meet. ing of the Soroptimist Club of Oshawa and District on Tues- day evening when reports of the past year's activities given @ trminate on June 30. ' S ; Mrs. Walter Bestwick gave a,!ng like a Miss America, Honestly, Ann, I think you're ness. by the officers and committee chairmen were received. Miss Moore presided. The minutes of the last an- nual meeting were accepted as recorded and Mrs, Matthew Gouldburn presented the in- terim financial statement. The Service Objectives re- port was read by Miss Made- line Kelly, who detailed the ser- vice projects carried out dur- ing the past year and report- ed that the young lady who had resume of the Regional Confer-| ence held in London on May) 18-19. | The annual installation din.| ner for new officers will take place on Tuesday, June 11, at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, when the local club will join five other clubs in the district for a joint service. The year's) activities will close wth a pot- luck patio supper on June 20 at the home of Mrs. Olive Pet- ley. Co-hostesses, Mrs. Matthew Gouldburn and Mrs. R. J. W. Mackie, served refreshments. been awarded the club's Mar- garet Hancock Memorial Schol- arship had been successful in her studies at Teacherss' Col- lege and had accepted a school for the coming year. This is the| fifth time that this scholar.) ship had been given to a ward of the Children's Aid Society| to enable her to take further study. Mrs. R. J. W. Mackie, who| § y was appointed to complete the) 4 term of the late Mrs. Don. ald Black Internatioal | Goodwill and Understanding) Chairman, gave that report; Mrs. Walter Bestwick present- ed the program report and Mrs, Bessie Locke gave the flower, committee report, Mrs. Paul Wisotski 'reported the acceptance into member ship of three new members|; which almost offset the loss of three members by death and one by resignation. Mrs. Orval Souch, ways and means chairman, showed that the many small money-making)" projects had been successful in| maintaining funds for club do. nations. Historical records had | --" a en en Bee | Emilio Fusco, Elena street, Publicity chairman, Miss Jen.) SomPleted | her cote be nie Pringle, in giving her, re.| i Toronto last week. : port expressed appreciation for) "8" ee the space and time generously --Thomas Studios, Toronto givn to Soroptimist activities! by the Oshawa Times and) Radio Station CKLB. LODGES AND SOCIETIES DOE, 26 ' The regular meeting of "The) Daughters of England" Lodge) 26 was held in the Orange! Temple on Tuesday evening.| Worthy president Sister Edna| Huband presided with vice-| president, Sister Kate Glover, assisting. The devotional period was! given by Chaplain Sister Kay| Large. Sister Anne Foote gave! the sick report. Thank you cards and corre- spondence was read by secre-| tary Sister Doris McDonald. District Deputy Sister Annie) Mitchell reminded members of the Church parade to be held, at St. George's Anglican Church Sunday, June 9, members to meet at the church at 10.45 a.m. Discussion on the Penny Sale| to be held in October was held. The next i il} _aTte,next regular meeting wil Ly yoy @ 40 8° g araensSs Stevenson Rd. N, just South of | FASHION THAT GOES UNDER FASHION as a GRADUATES Miss Rosemarie Fusco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA CO ON ane mmapsas sce! braemor gardens HOUSE HUNTING? VISIT US IN praemor gar ens OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT COMMUNITY GIGANTIC CARNIVAL TENT BEST BUY First Quality TOWELS White with 3" Embred- ered border in assorted colors. BATH reg. 1.49 84¢ ec. HAND reg. 89c 54¢ ec. FACE CLOTHS reg. .49 24¢ ea. HAVE MANY TONGUES Some 800 languages are) spoken in India, ranging from) the Hindi of millions to Assam.- | ese tongues used by a few. R. $. MeLaughlin High School | Walker's Bedding Dept. - Warner's* UNCOVERED Lycrae ( Lightweight A'Lure bandeau of lycra and cotton. Embro!. sr 1: 5 i) Y Regu dered cup has extra liner for firm uplift, White in A. B. C. cup sizes 32 to 38. far Panty Girdle { | Panty brief $7.50 Pull-on girdle $8 Long leg panty girdle $11 WALKER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 Miss Elizabeth Hayes Miss Hayes is a student of the secretarial class of the Oshawa BUSINESS COLLEGE ond is seen ot the reception desk in the registrar's office where she is just finishing a two week on-th- job training period. All secretarial students of the college spend two weeks in the office answering the telephone, meet- ing the public, typing ond a variety of other duties prior to going out in the business world "Little Godiva" girdles of uncovered Lycra, completely machine washable. Shaped leg and dipped waist for slim- ming comfort. White in S. M. L. sizes, all with detachable garters. An exciting SECRETARIAL-STENOGRAPHER or ACCOUNTING CAREER in business awaits you. ENROLL NOW IN THE SUMMER SCHOOL CLAS- SES commencing TUESDAY, JULY 2nd ACT NOW GET FREE LITERATURE--GET THE FACTS Diol 725-3375 -- ask for Mrs, Stella Barnett Oshawa Business College 10 Simcoe St. North Oshawa