i | 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 8, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 e i 13---Business Opportunities BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |S2&=25 FRANCHISE Sales and demands necessi- Accountants __ {Gardening and Supplies {Seles and Service _ tate our appointing a fran- seg Be yg OUTBOARD MOTOR Co., Chartered Accountants, chise distributor in the Osh- PATIO sets, cast concrete, "pedestal table, three benches, Price reasonable. REPAIR SERVICE awe Area. New F.M.--AM, Wat 'rae, Whitby MO 6-431." SCOTT MOTOR Pal 11 Radio display cabinet com- Rasim SARD Ree: lawns, Roto-tilled. Reads' WwW bined with our popular brand LE AND CO., Cha: " Glen Munro,| McCULLOUGH CHAIN SA ---- 1s King' Street os Park Road South. ras.1a87 after'. SALES & SERVICE food products makes this o East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. _ OSHAWA' MARINE tremendous money - maker. p Laneredle§ ASAT S ed SoM gn FE ge pig ee Gross earnings should be CEDAR TREES for hedges, choice Quality, all sizes, also hedges planted, tees in Bankruptcy, @4 King Streeticrimneys built and repaired, sa ms $1,000 or over per month for East. 728-7371. ings furnaces v Simcoe N. 728-0031 rast wher @uaranteed to grow. Telephone Bow- manville 623-5034. HAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited Pub- estimates. 723-2997. 5 ee Commercial Buildings! ROOFING, shingling; roof and gable|-- $2,950 investment required for new vehicles, merchan- Gee: John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison Oshawa. 728-2221-/\5,yvers installed. Siding, carpentry } account| alterations, Workmanship. materials dise, and equipment. For ap- St., Chicago 2, Il, pointment telephone collect - Oshawa,|guaranteed. H. Tucker, 728-0826. RELIABLE woman to care 'for three Mr, J. G. Jarvis. GORD'S Janitor Service less Westend, Seeee Ite da cea GENOSHA HOTEL 723 - 4641 Spring cleaning, floors, walis Wei thsi p.m. or before 9 p.m, ond ceilings, windows, plos- Thursdoy, Friday and Saturdoy between 10 a.m, ond 8 p.m. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted 16--Female i Nolp Wanted WANTED ag. Tenge yer good| ATTRACTIV. an required for Bele wages. Apply $37, Oshawa jtone of 'Oshawa. 48 "2M. Simeoe Simeoe North. Times. RELIABLY middie. woman te RELIABLE WOMAN to live in, look; mind two children while mother works, after one child. No house . Freeland hoasonsid auton, Live air 0 weekends: Dial 728-0427 after 5 p.m. 237 Wilson South or 728-8988 4.30. MIDDLE - aged woman wanted to|RELIABLE self starting girl required for responsible a Fi beak" sales x works, Live in,|office, T; ig and ah gg, eH and weekends free. No house-| "pee leply to box 631 Oshawe imes. work. CLERK-ypist with switchboard exper-| PRAOTICAL nurses required for sume -- for downtown office 8-5, five-day mer employment at the Giencedar ok Printers Ltd.,|Nursing Home -» Columbus, On- tario, For information, call Mra, More ton, Brooklin 655-4931 or 655-4516. FOR SEPTIC TANK ana other drain work. vagy >: 7 ebac Free estimates, Apply a Simcoe Street Sow BABY sitter to live inn room and board, plus wage, Port Perry area. Steady, Two children. Nice home for right per- son, Call 736 ext. 35. days, evenings 966-4333. CHRISTIAN WOMAN needed, Pull or" part-time--lifetime security. Experience Sunday School, ministry helpful. Earn} $100 weekly and up. No competition. IN THE BIBLE Tat HOLE 1S REGULARLY NAMED YEOR, FROM THE EGYPTIAN YOR, RIVERS 'ing. Free 26 Hill-|~ 2 ' estimates. Call gy Bros., 3 court Drive, Whitby. 5612, YOUR LOCAL aie eo ERED nurse supervisory work at information, Morton, Brooklin, 655-4931 01 1180 Surveyors .| DONEV. AN | \ND J FLEISCHMA tario Land Surveyor. Commer prints, io Ontario Street. 725-5632. a. FLIM | AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East, 25-6881 Phone 7. Instruction PRIV ATE ears' WAITRESS WANTED . _ 4, (Pleasant working cn nied wages, Apply in person at Town and Country Restaurant, 15 Street East, Oshawa, STENOGRAPHER | for font fice, Must be a good typist. own handwriting to Box No. 17, awa Times, bbecnte teacher, student counselior,| experience. By interview, 4. RE A SPONGE bi WHAT WERE. ARE EARLIEST 4KEY OFTEN FORMS OF LIFE. PRODUCE RAIN Ox EARTH ? AXD THUNDER ¢ sions, ANAT Shokan out tHE, - FIRES THAT ONG PRODUCED 11 _--. HOSMAR, cha: Street West, elonene 723-1221. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered accountants, lle ergs Street East, Osh- awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G. Edmond B Burows. CA. - 728-7554. LEARN' TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics Dual Controlled OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 728-0091 _|Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN rag Ay Oth TV--Radio Repairs GUASANTEED repairs to ail makes TV. radio, car radios. Thompson Elec- sano 157 Elliott, _723-9792 _Fred. CITY T.V. Towers and Antennas Paul Cieslar, Prop. Gueranteed Satisfaction, 511 Dean Ave. 125- 0500 GOING CAMPING? See our Hi-Lo Teie- | scopic trailers, six miles east of Osh- hats ddth Beda away. .|front cottage, fully furnished except ~ COLLINS" GLENDETTE 16-ft. cabin trailer for|linens, three-piece bath, hot and cold ANTENNA SERVICE sale; brakes, stove, oven, refrigerator,|water. Accommodates six, private water tank, Like new. Telephone Port|sandy beach, dock, boat and motor op- Perry 985-7560 tional, $65 week. Monthly or seasonal TOWER 'ees Goons" TRAILERS, rates on request. Call Blackstock 986- Summer Properties ROTORS P INSTALLATIONS AND Sidewalks laid, repaired Glendette, 13 ft., n-| oe Vacant Land REPAIRS No job too sma'l, reasonable | ings, trailer siisbas, s, Propane refriger-|COTTAGE on Monk Lake, in Halibur- prices Members | 725- 1890 ators. Trailer Sales, Highway 2, Cour-jton. $45. weekly; electricity, complete. NORMAN GILLESPIE Ontario Brokers' Association oW TOWERS 313 Elgin St. W.--728-7262 pBLACTED NI | SUMMERLAND AND PLASTER|NG SECURITIES jin 13 ft., 15 ft., 17 ft. models. Pike miles north of Whitby. Available July | | i | | New and repairs, stucco, | | 1 i yi Fortsf FIRES ARE Hot ENOUGH ter repair. AVON ~ After eg Bg Need immediately, ladies | JUNIOR TYPIST Residential ond Cominsiciat in the Oshawa area with | Bonded and Insured ambition to earn money, eee Good income, part-time Home Improvements Write P.O; Box 512 Osh- Roofing, eavestroughing, awa BOOKKEEPER tiling. General repairs of all Capable of monthly trial kinds. No job too big or small. All work guaranteed balance, payroll, ing, etc "oF MZ. WILSON ~ ANATURAL FORMATION, OX MEL WILSON IX CALIFORNIA. oe Public Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. Applian SEWING |} INE tune-ups, all: mod- els by your Elna dealer. Oshawa Sew- ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South. 728-2391 For generol office work, Shorthand required. Pearman. ent position, Reply in awn hand writing voting age and experience, 16 | BOX 712 | SHAWA TIMES | PART-TIME 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent FOR RENT at Caesarea, new lake- 7--Trailers 14--Employment Wanted HERS! qualified day care available, Peter Pan Day Nurs ery, 581 Simcoe Street North. 728-2604, YOUNG, reliable girl desires baby sit- ting by day during summer holidays, vicinity Simcoe North. Write Box 732, Oshawa Times 16--Female Help Wanted WAITRESS -- experienced, day shift, good wages and tips. Apply to South. End Restaurant, 5 Bloor East or phone/ 725-0748 for interview PART TIME help required 'to "do "gen- Low Interest i t Valuations Arranged | | | | SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" Financing at bank rates. Coll | us anytime. 728-2061. | P. NELLIS, 19. Colborne E MASONRY WORK. Brick, block, all types, chimneys built, repaired, Residential City and District Invoic- Please state age, quolifi cations and salary expected WRITE BOX 415 | OSHAWA, TIMES Barristers oe RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barris- ter, Solicitor. Notary Public. 52% Sim- coe North, 7! JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB,|-- *Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- ic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West. Oshawa, Ontario. C lient park- ing available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. GREIGHTON, DRYNAN MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, taries Public, Bank of Commer Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Osh. awa, Ontario, ; Residences: CASHIERS Required for weekends. Ex- perienced preferred, Age 17 to 35 APPLY MR. OGDEN LOBLAW GROCETERIA Oshawa Shopping Centre ae PART-TIME NURSE OR NURSES ASSISTANT For Doctor's Office comlel, lanewrie iain Apply stating age and qualif- ications to |Trailer Park and Sales, Dundas Street|and August, 17 to 31. Whitby 668-3473, East, Whitby, 668-2866. Parts and acces- 600° SAND SHORE, 5 acres, 4 cabins,|erai office routine. Must type. Five-day cement work, parging base- ments, Remodelling. Work- 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawo, Ontario--725-3568 sores, large cottage, \% mile to highway 35,/week. Call Canadian Tire 668-5828, $11,500 terms. Ideal for smail resort ") 33 -- me manship guaranteed. Free estimates. T. K. Creighton, gs G. M. Dryna >, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, 723-4788. Sorte ~|Mortgages 9--Summer Properties or private use. Free catalog. Listings|) EXPERIENCED -- Waitress required. wanted. Newell and McInerney, Real-|Apply Victory Grill, 50 Simcoe Street} Mortgages and agreements of sale)" bought, sold and arranged. ane ; =| "ED. _JEFFR EYS FIRST AND SECOND morazees | For Sale or Rent tors. Minden and Bobcaygeon. North, Antenna Repair WELLINGTON -- Cottage on West LARGE cottage for sale or for rent, auere BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- | 5-9592. JANITOR SERVICE King. Street Baste 750-7232 Barristers, WINDOW CLEANER Lake, poy 1 5 WOMAN who can drive + Hf you tor, 344 Simcoe Street South, PRIVATF 'and corporation monies to FLOORS sae hours a day calling regularly ea television. Good fishing, $45. weekly,|------------------_---____ res. 5 Telephone 7 5 BOBCAYGEON housekeeping cottages, month om 4 group of Studie Girt ¢ BOND ST. E., OSHAWA ' vie cotth Al metic clients on a route to be est |FOR SALE: Seven-room family coi-|Al conveniences. Lone Maple Camp. lishel in and around Oshawa and |tage, completely furnished, 'on Lake|L@/¢Phone 738-2801 or Box 28 Bobcay- 171 Economy and Deluxe willing to make light deliveries, etc., |Scugog. $3,900. Phone Lindsay, 324-4260,|8¢0% Ontario write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. CD-' |CHOICE jakefront lot, 60 x 404 ft 11--Articles For Rent 6, $40 LaFleur Ave., Montreal 32, Route) \mane Lake, $10 per ft. --romssiteennfspheieieansiniienainnsninnaeputeenenitvin on Telephone} _ will Pay up to $5.00 per hour. ~ JEWELLRY Sales girl wanted, experience preferred but not necessory. Permanent position fer right applicant. Apply after 10 A.M, to Burn's Credit Jewel- lers Ltd. 32 King Street West. BOOKKEEPER" For Accounts Payable. Married woman preferred. 3 AFTERNOONS WEEKLY Apply DUNN'S 36 King Street East CLERICAL HELP REQUIRED for small office. Typing, pay- roll and general office work. Excellent working conditions. 5 Day Week APPLY NATIONAL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO. LTD. HWY, 2 -- PICKERING Dial 942-6980 LADIES EARN $30 TO $40 Working 2 or more even- ings per week, Hours 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. No can- vassing. Car an asset. For interview call MRS. JARVIS 728-7412 until 7 p.m. TORONTO JOBS Typists 200-280 Dictaphone 240-300 Shorthand 250-350 All with prestige companies, offering starting salaries in accordance with education, skills and experience, excel- lent benefits, regular increa- ses ~ Sale| sold,)- 31) SOMEONE wants that no-longer-used bike you're storing, Turn it into cash with an inexpensive, fast acting Osh- awa Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 today. Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 ~ RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES oscillating sonders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies, toilet. auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT ---- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compress- ers, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers finishing tro- wels, wheel' barrows, electric vibrator, Gir compressor, jack hammers. 'hand trowels, woter pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generotor, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw. building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plone, tarpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 12--Articles Wanted HAVE you anything in your home you wish to sell? Furniture, stoves, refriger- -- appliances, cars, etc. Write or all Mr. R. Amstrong, 555 King Street East WANTED TO BUY -- Modern bedroom suite, also modern record library. Tele- phone , 728-1315, PIANO WANTED -- for general use, must have good tone. Will pay cash Telephone Whitby 668-5790 LAND -- cottage, Bay of Quinte 2500 cash. Three-bedrooms. Fur- ed. Dial 725-2236 |LAKE SOUGOG lakefront cottage, four |rooms with bath, furnished, tile floors, | winterized, $4,900. Fred Cook, Real Es- tate. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton. 986-4994 RED STONE Lake, cottages for rent, good .ake trout fishing. Reasonable rent. For information call 725-6800 TRENT RIVER, Crow Bay, Campbell- ford, Lakefrondt lots, approximately one hundred feet wide, from $500. up, Dial Brooklin 655-4962. FOUR-BF ROOM for sale at Newcastle double fireplace, living-room. er and kitchen, two-piece bathro: Sandy beach, fully furnished. Dial ever| Rings, 668-2315 4 LAKE | UGOG -- Must_ 'sell, "moving oct. ._|to U.S.A., six-room furnished cottage, WELL DIGGING by machine. speci one mile to right from Caesarea to} izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest-| Williams Point sign, weekends. Look} nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby,|for sale sign, 284-1207, Scarborough. | 668- BI ie: 'LEMON ~ a feonblaak ano "coneaGe picker WELL DIGGING Point, four miles north of Lindsay on| Highway 36. Excellent fishing and| Cleanouts; Deepenings, Compressor Work hunting. Hydro, roads. etc. J. A. G. Ross. Yards ond Cellars Cleaned Telephone 728-0911 ROSEDALE, | Highway 35, , cottage s sites, 1--Women's Column * x 200° on water, well treed, gentle Hibs to water, secluded and pleasant, PERMANENTS on special. | dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. $18 per ft. Inquire at white cottage 725-5363. 17--Male Help Wanted SHIPPER Building Supply Yard Experienced Preferred McCullough Lumber 1270 Simcoe N. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 728-4688 Att. Clore McCullough MECHANIC FIRST CLASS LICENSED Good opportunity for man with ability to take complete charge of MECHANICAL SHOP Apply Manchester Garage Highway 7 and 12 Manchester Call Port Perry TELEPHONE 985-7341 McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first. mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, 728-7336; Charles C. McGibhon, Qc s Qc. hy four) veniences, with hot and cold water, from Oshawa. "Telephone 728- 7844. eee Nah, nee. ree ae Residence 728-0264. loan m all types of mortgages; mort-! cap and agreements of sale pur- WASHED, WAXED chased. Creighton, Drynan and Mur-| (Si h * POLISHED We clean flourescent lights. PH. 668-5241 WHITBY Carpentry For nd THOMAS &. Priced to suit your 'budget. GREER Associate Barristers and Soli citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. JOSEPH C. VICTOR BA, LL.B, Bar- ister, Solicitor and Hovey. Public. 5 Simcoe North, 723-3446. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister. Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14%/~ me FIRST CLASS carpentry, kitchens, King Street East, Oshawa. Bb/aosieecncldli floor and ceiling tile, roofing and ce- DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister)ment work. All work guaranteed one and Solicitor, 26% King Street East./year. No job too big or small. Call Telephones: Business 723-2201; Resi-\ Walter at 668-4412. Cartage dence 728-5373 Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. Fully equipped and insured. 728-3661. Oshawa Times BOX 835 TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Well | Drilling--Digging Mortgage Loan? PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES Agreements Is This You? Local well established Osh- awa Business firm needs an- other young woman, prefer- ably 25 to 35, who likes to meet and converse with people. Ability to think and work fast, handle detail accurately and neatly is essential. Typ: | ing will be on asset. } waterfront cottage Beach, large) for sale and mortgages purchased. Low | rates, your mortgage prob- lems gladly discussed: No fees. No waiting. Immediate service for quick results. CALL 723-3211 _ EVENINGS 725-2937 Office 723-1101. Residence 725-5542, GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli- citors, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278 + Residence Phones: J. M, Greer, 2C, 725-3368. Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-5832. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Sonetier. Notary Public. funds ble. 36% East. 723-1107, Res. 985-7163. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILI- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street East, Oshawa; R. . Hom phries, QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB. Office 721-3177; Resi- 3 Whitby, 668-2761, and other mortgage Dressmaking AKING, alterations, pant cuff ing, experienced, reasonable rates, Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476. Gardening and Supplies CEDAR TREES for hedges, etc., all sizes, choice quality guaranteed. Free| weed Telephone Bowmanville 623-| DAVEY TREE SERVICE Pruning, spraying, feeding, bracing, tree and stump re- movals. 'The oldest and largest tree Saving service in the world." MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast. service M. F. SWARTZ a Ya King St. East ] shawa, Ontario 7 723.- ae "ay 723-4697 oam a an rave Washed Stone, Fill -- aera arr as 723- org repair. Instruments a Excavating, lots leveled. J. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. chimney Loaders. Trucks for hire. en | BEATTY HAULAGE Mcrae Applications should include Street age, marital status, educo- tion, recent employment, background, date of availa- bility, two references, sam- ple of handwriting and tele- phone number. Address to: Box 913 Oshawa Times across from canal Lock 35. Lloyd G. Dewey, Rosedale |BEAUTIFUL furnished 3-bedroom col- |tages, each with boat on wonderful sand ~~ |beach at Jasper Turk, Also one 2-bed- page Hair-/room cottage available June 29 to Telephone} July 13 at Jasper Park, Balsam Lake, new enlarged harbor. Jasper Forman, 45 Francis Lindsay, 2--Personal |324-5308, IF YOU have a drinking problem, write| FOR SALE--Lots for summer cottages, Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or ODly three left; high dry land, excellent 725 view, in well kept Highland Beach sub- division, One mile north, Port Perry P.O. Water on tap. Easy terms. Will build if desired. Reasonable Prices. Write C. Coulter, Box G6, SS 1, Kes- wick, Phone GR 6-4706. . NHA funds available. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- citor, Notary, Alger Building, 37° King Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. Street, Phone Our employees are oware of this advertisement. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN 4767 SIZES: Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax) Returns. Statements prepared. BC Ser-| vices. 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8252. Bui Iding | Trades WINDOW SASH or screens. . Number| byed quality, made to your order ie of "superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawo, June 10th, 11th, 12th. Phone Genosha Hotel FURNISHED Glinee i F " uf cottage for sale with oat pn ine dates for appoint jand 35 HP motor, Hig' nd Beach, |Lake Scugog. Richardson, RR 2, Port ELECTROLYSIS BE rina : 723% 4641 front cottage, three aedtoaian fos RE AHR |conveniences. safe sandy beach. Terms "LEN PULLAN | ENGLISH TAILOR jean be arranged Whitby 668-5264 |CROWE LAKE -- Log cabin for sal e, Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc. Invisible meriding, }with six bedrooms; large living room dress alterations. with stone fireplace, screened and 10 PRINCE ST. | glassed in verandah, well furnished. All 728-5311 reed tuning and appraised. electronie| SavEaTRaUGaING-- and ishing. Free estimates. guaranteed. Call 728-3334. CARPENTRY, re-modelling, repairs, new huilding, cement sidewalks and . 725-2156 Porches. s. A. Summers, 7 728-72: | SSE TRE Aare a ees Se | OSHAWA stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394. GARDEN CENTRE PLASTERING For all your garden supplies and repairs, stucco, stoops box plonts, geraniums, etc. and basement. All repairs and Roses, shrubs, trees.. new work. No job too small. Flagstone, Patio, Rockery Estimates free. Guaranteed Sod, Top Soil work. Call after 6 p.m. | Call us for estimates 28-3097 | 1259 Simcoe St. North B & G PLASTERING | 723-3222 | Open Every Day Tilj 9 Sand, Gravel, Loam | Fill, Manure, Stone, Ashes SPECIAL Loader and Backhoe Work | BOX PLANTS Trucks for Hire 3 FOR $1.00 Call 728-1343 TOMATOES WALCO Three Kinds. 4 FOR $1.00 CONSTRUCTION. | Hany Townsend | | provements. Store and office Greenhouses | Optometrist Cc @. TUCK, | RO, Opi Optometrist, F Pay accounts at downtown Dominion|~ Bank or 74 Burk Street Invalids --jexamined at home. Dial 725-4587. Please |Painting and Decorating PAINTING and d decorating. } My. work is *| Guaranteed. Interior or exterior. Angus MacLean, 728-9696. jconveniences. Terms. Write Box |Marmora or telephone 472-5794 BUCKHORN LAKE PIONEER VILLAGE For Rent. Cottages One and three bedroom. Water and hydro. Camping, Boats, Fishing. Grocery store. DODD & RS SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Deserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel- ing, new and used materials. Reason- able rates. Estimates. 723-1193. J.Fole: ALL PLUMBING and } heating suppl Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark,|} --~|Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineer-| ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re-styled. Free estimates. See our material for re-covering. Dalton Up- holstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. RUGS, chesterfields rere leery your home. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed satisfaction. Telephone 728-7057. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less' at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South Call 728-6451. Free estimates. CHESTERFIELDS | INVESTIGATIONS 728-9054 Personal, Domestic and Gen- erc! Private Conduct Inves- tigations. Free Confidential Interview 32 Simcoe Street South (Bassett Bldg.) Call Domor at 728-9054. 3--Pet: & Livestock Thoroughbreds _,fe- even weeks old. Rea sonable, Dial 723-7746. . KITTENS, male, Siamese, nine weeks old. Reasonable, Dial 668-8179 - BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East PINTO HORSE -- 15 months old. Dial 728-8088. "BIRCH BEND Lakeshore housékeeping cot- tages with boats in pictures- que wooded location on Lake Chemong. Highway to door. 723-1813 "LAKE SIMCOE COTTAGE and LOTS FOR SALE sandy beach, 60 miles Oshawo. Near Bre- Call after 4 p.m. 728-3060 POW-WOW POINT For sun, fun, good food and comfort! Deluxe suites, bun- galows, rooms. Am. Plan $45 $62 wkly. All sum- mer sports, free water-ski- ing. Write Pow-Wow Point Lodge, Huntsville or phone 705-789-4951. SANDY BAY COTTAGES WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals (collect) : 1. TURNER _723-2043 -- 723-2281 | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also s¢rap iron and metals, etc., bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. '13--Business Opportur Doris Currie Personnel Service Ltd 372 Bay Street EM 6-7845 No Charge to applicants Safe from chin, free. Dialig ; male, -black, Reasonable. AMERICAN cocker pup, registered, 4% months. Dial /H 2-6428, PUREBRED male German Shepherd, 18 months old, excellent watch dog, good with children Telephone 728-4369, |-- DACHSHUND puppies, purebred. Rea- sonable. Also one black and tan male, children's pet, three years old. Tele- phone Bowmanville 623-3430 after: 5. PUPPIES, Terrier, males, brown and white, $10 each. Apply 164 Elliott Street. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, black and tan, seven weeks, $15. 942-4277. ONE BLACK AND TAN female hound, Teal beauty, 2% years old, and two|__ Pups, seven weeks old. 63 Kent .Street, _|Lindsay, 324-26707 Expert Workmanship. WHITBY 668-4412 2% miles north of Whitby _ Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results. remodelling. Free estimates, NO. 12 HIGHWAY Newspaper Advertising The Oshawa Times Classified Advertising Department is of- fering a position to a young woman, preferably 22 to 37 years of age, with a pleasant telephone voice and persona- lity, good health, legible handwriting, alertness and accuracy in detail. EASY-HANDMADE By ALICE BROOKS Let daughter embroider one cuddly pet -- then this cover will come from both of you! Sleep-time pals outline embroidery for crib, carriage cover. Pattern 7333: transfer one 15 x 17-in. motif; one 34x Spores 6 consecutive days K 4.13 3 consecutive doys 2.48 Count eoch word, initial, bole or abbreviation as one word. Box number... .. ' 15¢ If not poid within. 7 don 'auwe: rate cae Professional listings only, 3. lines per month Each additional line per month : male, Ajax TUCKS ARE TOPS By ANNE ADAMS Stroll out on sunny days in a lean sheath with easy - sews Locate the business of your choice! Read the "CANAD- Applicants with the ability : will be given training in their rebuilt, recovered, (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) DEADLINES Word ads... Classified Display. . 5 p.m. day previous 2:30 p.m. day previous Births, memoriams, cords "of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. Lost and Found -- .. 8:30 a.m. day of publication. Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication, REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, writing, not for more than nor beyond the price charge for o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the case of disploy advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space than thot in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ali acver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement it eny inaccuracies in any form ore contained therein. lke new. Why pay more? Our rates aye reasonable. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstery Co, 10 Bond West. Dial 725-0311, RE-UPHOLSTERING -- Chesterfields, chairs, antique furniture of all kinds, re-finished, re-built, re-covered. All workmanship guaranteed. For a free' estimate, call 728-3281; evenings, call 728-2439 and a representative will call. oe obligation. Kennedy Upholstering, Soles and Ser Art's Gun Repair Custom gun work, reblueing, refinishing, modification, Guns bought, sold, exchanged. Whitby, 668-2497 1960 GLENDALE {two bedrooms, complete with furniture, {refrigerator, stove and furnace, reason- Orone 36-R-15, able. After 6 p.m., phone TOY. TERRIER puppies, five old. "Male, white with black markings, excellent pets, $25. Dial 725-4929 weeks) RICE LAKE 2 and 3-bedroom cottages, 5--Farmer's Column CUSTOM WORK wanted, plowing, culti- ating, etc,, ete. Call Gordon, telephone 725-1688 CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm Telephone collect. Hampton, 32721. Margwill's Fur Farm 245-C-63 COlfax Licence _|7--Trailers 1982 APACH® tent trailer. months. Like new, $675. 725-8098. For RENT -- New 16-ft. four-berth trailer equipved with stove, refrigera tor and toilet. Apply 17 Royal Street 42 ft "Used two Telephone mobile home stock. |-- inside conveniences. Good boats, sand beach and fine swimming for all. Good fish- ing in lake and river, Write R McCracken, R.R 4, Hastings. Phone 219W1 FOR COTTAGES RANGING FROM $3,200 to $23,000 Call or Write FROST AGENCIES LTD. LINDSAY BROKERS 324-3535 After hours: Bernice Newton 324-4644, JAN REALTY ADVERTISER". Write today for your FREE copy containing photographs, information, names and ad- dresses. IMPERATIVE to state type of business, location, de- sired and price you wish to pay, in order to receive ap- propriate issue. Vendor's Pool, Box 842, Oshawa Times, | Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash duties of assisting advertisers in writing and placing their newspaper advertisements. Previous sales experience will be an asset and typing 'can be useful in this work. We regret that we cannot accept telephone calls in re- gards to this offer Please file an application with the Oshawa. Times Switchboard Operator, b-e- tween 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. or Write Classified Advertising Dept. 814; six smaller; directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add Ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft! Show stars smocked accessorie --it's our new Needlecraft Cat-| alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave, embrider, quilt. Plus free pattern. Send 25c now! The Times Building 86 King Street East Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay jcoins. (no stamps, pin tucks for top interest. Love ly in pink, blue, ceed or a gay print. Printed Pattern 4767: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 requires 1% yards 35-inch fab- ric. FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in please) for this pattern. Ontario residents dd 1 cent sales: 'ax, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS,- STYLE NUMBER. Send order. to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Just out! 304 design ideas plus coupon for FREE pattern -- any one you choose in new Spring Summer Pattern Cata- log. Send 50 cents now.