Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jun 1963, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Some men are so. broadminded, that's all they t hink about. VOL. 92-----NO. 133 Oshawa Zines Sunny with cloudy periods and continuing warm day. Chance of a today and Fri. thundershower tonight and Friday. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963 Authorized as Second Ottewo and for Class Mail Payment Post of Postage in Cash. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES 74 K illed In Iran Protests TEHRAN, Iran (AP)--Troops sealed off the centre of Tehran today as renewed Moslem dem- onstrations erupted against Shah Mohammed Reza Panh- levi's land reform program and his emancipation of women. The coroner announced a tol! of 74 killed by troops and po- lice, including 14 in the Mos- lem holy city of Qum, south of Tehran. But unofficial reports said the toll was higher, and more deaths were reported in the flareup today. , Troops with fixed bayonets closed off more than 24 square blocks of the capital after snout- ing crowds from the bazaar dis- trict stormed the government radio station for the third day in a row. The troops fired into the air. They also closed off Tehran's only public cemetery, where vic- tims of the rioting were being buried to prevent mourners from stirring up further demon- strations. A spokesman for Prime Min- ister Assadullah Alam denied rumors that Alan had resigned because of the chaos. Navy To Host JFK Aboard Two Carriers EL PASO, Tex. (AP) -- The U.S. Navy, host to Pres'dent Kennedy aboard two aircraft carriers in the Pacific today, will try to make amends for two successive missile failures in presidential demonstrations. But first, Kennedy will fly to San Diego, Calif., to deliver a major address on education problems -- and his pians for meeting them--at San Diego State College commencement exercise, blast 18 years ago. The fired a Talos mis- alle at a drone fighter plane and missed by a mile. Last year, in manoeuvres off the North nage nme be navy similarly disapponte Kennedy when a Bullpup mis- sile fired from shipboard failed to intercept a drone target. Adding to the navy's latest discomfiture, the Talos failure contrasted sharply with success. ful army tests at White Sands ot the Honest John, Little John, Sergeant, Nike Hercules, Hawk and Nike-Zeus missiles. The Hawk scored a fiery di- rect hit on a 400-mile-an-hour drone fighter at 20,000 feet. The other army missiles hit desig- nated target areas--some with spectacular pyrotechnics in the enough, Spurred on by other big land- lords, followers of ex-premier Mohammed Mossadegh and the Tudeh Communists, who take A heavily armed guard sealed off the blocks around the Shah's city palace and the prime minister's office. How- ever, the Shah, Queen Farah and their two children went at the height of the violence Wed- nesday to the Saadabad sum- mer palace six miles north of the city. (Reuters news agency quoted a government spokesman as saying martial law was de- clared in Shiraz in south Iran. The spokesman said the trouble followed the arrest of six reli- gious leaders for stirring up "re- actionist agitators," (Reuters quoted the state se- curity chief, Gen. Hassan Pak- ravan, as saying the country- wide rioting was organized and financed by a foreign power. In answer to a reporter's question, he said there were 'strong in- lic was behind the troubles.) BREAK-UP CROWDS Gendarmes broke up crowds preparing to come to Tehran radio officials said. Rioting also broke out in the they reported, Three of Iran's leading mul- lahs (religious leaders) issued a public appeal to the people to be calm and "observe complete discipline and preserve the law." y The government accused lead- ers of the Shiite Moslem sect, to which the shah belongs, of in. citing the mobs because of the shah's distribution program would deprive them of rich rev- enue from their shrine lands. The conservative religious lead- ers also bitterly oppose the program of emancipation for women, which includes removal of the traditional veil and giv- ing them the vote. The mobs, always ready to riot for any cause if paid also were believed advantage of any unrest. In a plebiscite early this year, the country voted solidly for the shah's reform program. 2 Killed, 3 Hurt In Katanga Fight SALISBURY, Southern Rhode- sia (Reuters)--Unconfirmed re- ports reaching here today said two whites were killed and three wounded in fighting in the Katanga copper mining town of) Kolwezi this week. Another report quoted by the South African Press Association) said 'a lot of European and Af-| ricans" were killed in "heavy San Andres Mountains directly facing Kennedy. fighting" in Kolwezi Wednesday. from Vermin, 35 miles away,| rug-making centre of Kashan,|? i dications" that President Nas-| @ ser of the United Arab Repub- PEOPLE LINE UP be- tween wooden barriers at entrance to St. John's Basilica in Vatican City yesterday as they wait to see Pope John VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- Citizens of Rome and pilgrims from all over the world today joined in final homagé to Pope John in the last hours before his entombment in the great Basilica of Saint Peter's, As the lights of the fountain of Saint Peter's Square went out and the grey dawn came up lover the hills of Rome, the lines of mourners making their way into the basilica once again swelled to an unbroken stream. More than 1,000 people paid final homage, including many pilgrims from Canada. The basilica remained. open all during the night to allow as many people as possible a last ook at Pope John, who died Monday after a long battle with a fatal stomach tumor. A single light in the great M the bier lit his serene face + \ister. sa LONDON (CP)--The British govermment's chances for re- election reached a new low to- day as a result of a personal scandal involving a cabinet min- John Profumo, Prime Minis- ter Macmillan's 48-year-old war minister, quit his cabinet post and his seat in Parliament Wed- nesday might after confessing he ; had lied in denying an "'impro- § |per association' with a notori- XXIII who lies in state inside the Basilica, (AP Wirephoto via cable from Rome) Pilgrims Paying Homage To Pope while guards stood motionless on either side of the bier, The church's" als were arriving for the final rites and the June 19 conclave that will elect 'a successor to Pope John. The College of Cardinals de- creed Wednesday that a nine- day formal mourning period for Pope John will start Friday and end June 17, It will be broken for Sunday June 9 for the Cor- pus Christi feast day June 13. Funeral] masses on the first six days will be said in St. Pe- ter' Basilica by camons of the church.. On the last three days the masses will be celebrated by cardinals. Flash' Explosion At London Airport LONDON (Reuters)--A flash ichelangelo dome high above! followed by an explosion rocked the maim continental terminal His red robes glowed richly|building at London Airport to- in the flickering candlelight House Moves To Show Tory A-Commitments OTTAWA (CP)--The House of Commons passed a motion by a vote of 140 to 64 Wednesday, but no one was sure what the. ac-| tion will bring. | The motion was sponsored by Stanley Knowles (NDP--Winni- peg North Centre) and asked the government to produce any document that would prove that the former Progressive Conser. vative government committed) Canada to acquire nuclear wea-| pons. External Affairs Minister | t AUDITORIUM PROGRESS $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 ") $500,000 fnteres400,000 and tenn He mar 000 GOOD' : BUSINESS MEN Breoktest, Lunc 12-2 °P.. Martin said such documents do, exist, but it might endanger na-| tional security to make them public in their entirety. clear weapons. The Liberals countered that a "moral, politi- cal. commitment" was made and Social Credit said the facts After a heated exchange with) were not available and a Com-| mons committee should probe) Opposition Leader Diefenbaker| that revived the hottest issue of] the April 8 election campaign, Mr. Martin said he will consider! the possibility of producing a Summary or extracts from the classified documents. Mr. Diefenbaker repeated hi v clear warheads. He objected tached to the motion by Mr.! Martin DIEF IMPATIENT "Let us have none of these ex-| parte productions," he said with) visible impatience. "Either pro-| duce the commitments or be quiet about them." a recorded vote on Mr. Knowles| motion, but they were alone in| opposing it. | The motion, as qualified by) Mr. Martin, was supported by} members of the Liberal, Social! Credit and New Democratic! parties, Douglas Harkness (PC) --Calgary North), who resigned! in February from the Diefen.| baker government over the nu-| clear issue. was in his seat but 'did not vote. NDP Leader T. C. Douglas if the government does not sup- ply a summary of excerpts from documents containing a| nuclear commitment, it -- will prove that no commitment ever was made The NDP along with the Con- servatives, contended in the last election campaign that Canada : Hotel Lane is not committed to acquire nu-| | "among others." the situation. AT FIRST DECLINED Mr. Martin at first declined to produce the documents sought by Mr. Knowles, saying |strongly to the reservations at-| tracts. ,|day, A suitcase, believed to have contained a bomb, lay ripped open and charred. Other pieces of baggage were also damaged and burnt. Smoke billowed around. No injuries were re- ported, The case was about to be put aboard a Portuguese Caravelle jet bound for Lisbon with 77 passengers. An airport official said "this looks very much like sabotage." Police cordoned off the bag- gage bay area, Firemen swamped the burned cases. 1 Commons Queried On FLO Arrests OTTAWA (CP) -- R. G. partment is observing the Ca- nadian Bill of Rights by detain. Mr. Martin said this sugges-jing 13 persons without laying tion.will be given sideration." Mr, Martin said the nuclear|tomey-general in|wick, also referred to newspa- classified documents,|per reports that the suspects These docu-jhave not been permitted to talk jments were Canadian submis-|privately with their lawyers. The Conservatives insisted on|S10nS under the NATO annual) commitment is contained three review procedure, minutes of the Canada-United States minis- terial conference on joint de- fence and minutes of the Can- ada-U.S. Permanent Joint Board on Defence, Parliamentary experts said that a precedent will be set if a summary or excerpts from se- cret documents are tabled n the House Due to the unexpected uproar over Mr. Knowles' motion and the abbreviated Wednesday sit- 25 minutes debating a govern- ment resolution to set up a de- fence committee The debate opened last Thurs- day, continued Monday and Tuesday and will resume today, Most of the speakers have been Conservatives and New Demo- crats who oppose nuclear wea- pons. "careful con-|charges. | | { Mr. Fairweather, former at- of New Bruns- L. s| that they contained defence Se-|Fairweather (PC -- Royal) iew that his government never|Crets. Mr. Knowles then said|asked in the Commons Wednes- |made.a commitment to take nu-| that he would be satisfied with a/qay if the Montreal police de- inon-classified summary or ex- ous model, Ohristine Keeler. 19 Years Gone Since D-Day Invasion PARIS (AP)--Nineteen years ago today Allied troops stormed |ashore along the bright beaches of the French coast in the drive to liberate Europe from Nazi tyranny. It was a time of blood and of jubilation, of fierce joy and uneasy fear. For the armed might of Hitler's armies it was the first step toward down fall and defeat. And it was a red-letter day on a calendar of hope in Eu- rope. As years passed by, and the shattering clamor of war faded into memory, Deday kh cd slowly into the limbo of another time, another world. Today, no flags marked its anniversary in Paris. No pa- rades strutted by in tribute, It was as though man, living in the shadow of nuclear holo- caust, shied away from re- minders of death and destruc- tion, But they didn't forget today in the sun - washed Normandy countryside. There, where the hedgerows checkerboard the rolling land and where artillery thundered 19 years ago, tribute was paid to those who died. At Omaha Beach, where thousands of white crosses rise from the quiet greenery there were brief ceremonies, At the British cemetery a memorial service was held, and the Ca nadians paid tribute to their dead as well. Six tn Fanily Tied, Gagged And Robbed MILVERTON, Ont. (CP)--Six members of a family were locked in a closet while a sev- enth was bound and gagged by three armed men here today. Lewis Gamble was watching television when the three men entered his home and tied him with a plastic clothesline. The rest of the family, includ. ing three young childien, were awakened by one of the men and held at gun point while the others robbed Mr. Gamble of $160. As they left, the men cut the telephone wire, gagged Mr. Gamble and locked in a clothes closet Mrs, Gamble, a son, Bob, a daughter, Mrs. Rose Egerdee and her three children, aged 4, 8 and 10. A short time Jater they broke free and called the police. British Cabinet Hit By Scandal Profumo's disgrace was a po- litical bombshell for Macmilian and his Conservative party, who had believed the minister's de- nial in the House of Commons March 22 of persistent rumors that he had illicit relations with the 22 - year - old redheaded beauty. Miss Keeler appeared in. a London court Wednesday a few hours before Profumo's res.gna- tion was announced to give ev- idence against Negro jazz singer Aloysius (Lucky) Gordon. The case continues today. |NOW ON TRIAL | Gordon, 31, with whom She admitted intimacy, is on. trial accused of causing her bodily harm when he attacked her in a London apartment. He has pleaded not guilty. .. She said Gordon was black- jmailing her "to a certain ex- tent" about a friend. She denied she had been expecting a baby by him before a trip to Spain, The opposition Labor party is expected to call for an official investigation into the Profumo affair and to introduce a mo- tion to censure the government in the House of Commons. The 100-vote conservative ma- jority in Commons js certain to defeat a censure motion and keep Macmillan in office. But observers believe the scandal rules out a general election this year, Macmillan must, schedule the election of a new house of-Com- mons by October, 1964, and re- cent public opinion polls have shown the Gonservatives trail- rd Labor. Observers felt the prime minister now will be even more inclined to delay the vot- ing in hopes the voters will come to a more tolerant view of the scandal in his party's inner circle. JOHN PROFUMO iT People Held As Witnesses In Bomb Death MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont- real police continue to report successes in the secrecy- shrouded, relentless hunt for terrorists, Already, 14 perons have been detained as material witnesses in the time-bomb killing of Wil- fred Vincent O'Neill, a 65-year- old night watchman at a Mont- real army recruiting centre. The trickle of material wit- nesses into police cells con- tinued Wednesday with the rounding up of a young men identified as working part-time for Ag Montreal parks depart- ment, Canada OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis. ter Pearson said today it will be some time before any de- cision is taken on a NATO sea- borne nuclear strategic force, He made the comment to re- porters after a 90-minute meet- ing with Livingston Merchant, U.S. special envoy who now has visited all NA' capitals for discussions on the proposed force. Mr. Pearson said Mr. Mer- chant gave an "impressive briefing." Also at the meeting in the Prime Minister's East Block of- e S force would be NATO countries it in ships, men or money = North America and e tional nuclear forces NO QUICK DECISION ON NATO SEA PLAN Briefed _ About Proposal | controlled by contribu! to. uthority for firing the vate eaded Polaris missiles, hows ver, would rest with the United ates, a Informants 32.1 the Canadian government has strong reserva: tions about creation of such % force though it is willing to con ider it on the grounds that t might strengthen political cohe- ion in NATO botween Eu prevest ndent nas o Spread of indepe fice were External Affairs Minister Martin, Defence Minis- ter Hellyer and American Am- bassador W. Walton Butter- worth, Mr. Martin and Mr. Hellyer later were to participate in a further meeting with Mr. Mer- chant 'at which representatives of the external affairs, defence, finance and defence production departments were to be present. These talks on the proposed force are expected to last. all day. Mr. Merchant is scheduled to leave early Friday. The force would comprise 25 surface ships carrying a total of 200 long-range Polaris mis- siles. The ships would use mainly Atlantic ports in Europe and North America and_possi- bly some on the Great Lakes. Under present planning, the Police Recover $700,000 Bonds The police anti-bomb squad has also been questioning many persons but releasing most of them in their drive to break up Le Front de Liberation Quebe- cois. Meredith OXFORD, Miss. (AP) -- The first known Negro to attend the University of Mississippi, James H. Meredith, 29, was to return for the summer term today--a day after the quiet enrollment jof a second Negro. Cleve McDowell, 21-year-old /Drew, Miss., Negro, entered the Ole Miss law school Wednesday, jand spent his first day on cam- pus without incident. Police and soldiers were at alert as the smiling McDowell went through routine registra- tion and entrance requirements. All went smoothly after Gov- ernor Ross Barnett told a tele- vision audience that McDowell was to be accepted only be- cause Mississippi couldu't whip the U.S, Army. "It would. be unwise and fu- tile," said the 64-year-old goy- ernor, who had unsuccessfully jattempted to block Meredith's Returns To Summer Term lace staked his persona! free- dom on resisting--by means as yet uncertan--the des2grega- tion of the University of Ala- bama, of "The action that I am going to take involves even my per- sonal freedom . . . but I intend to carry it out, regardless of what risk I take," the governor said Wednesday night. Whether this meant he intends to defy the courts and submit to arrest, Wallance did not say. Under an injunction issued only hours before his television talk, Wallace is forbidden from physically interfering with the enrolment of three Negroes in the university system. Three cities in the Carolinas said racial barriers at eating facilities would be lowered. They included Winston - Salem and Raleigh, N.C., and Spar- tanburg, S.C. 'broke open 70 deposit boxes. In Bank Holdup MONTREAL (CP) -- Police Said today they have arrested six men and recovered $700.000 in bonds in connection with a safety deposit box robbery in a Montreal Bank Apri] 28. The men are expected to be arraigned Thursday. Police said one suspect was picked up Wednesday near' Weir, Que., following an inten- sive five-day manhunt sparked off by-@-chance tip. They stab! a 1 c id a\young police con- b was asked last week by check the validity bend he had - ac- collateral for a $30)c The constable found the serial number matched one of the stolen bonds, and by Sunday the $700,000 in bonds had been re- covered in a cheap trunk in a westend apartment. Police said five of the six men were cap- tured when they visited the the apartment. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce branch in the Cote des Neiges area of north-cen- tral Montreal was held up when two men talked manager John Best into opening the door for them while he was working there alone Sunday morning. They tied and gagged Best and c Cc c! i largely as a result of higher transit fares in Toronto at the beginning of May, The increases were rescinded May 20. Living Costs : Hold Steady In Canada; OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian tom living costs held steady in Ap with the consumer price ded unchanged at May 1 at the record high reach month earlier, the 'bureau of statistics said today, e tage | The index -- a prices yard- stick based on 1949 price levelé equalling 100. --- remained un- changed as declines: in. food, clothing, tobacco and 'alcohol prices offset increases in. of transportation, - health personal care. and. recreation and reading. The housing index was unchanged. costs and The index at May 1 'held téady after a rise in salaries and wages in March. The index of average industrial wages and salaries for April 1--latest date vailable--was 193.2, compared with 192.9 a month earlier and 87.2 a year earlier. FRUIT, MEAT LOWER Lower prices in April for ges, fats, lettuce, oranges, pork, veal, chicken and turkey resulted in the food index de- reasing six-tenths of a point to 128.3 at May 1 from 128.9 a month earlier, Prices rose for m ilk, sugar, jams, most fresh nd canned fruits and vegeta- les, orange juice and beef The clothing index eased frac- tionally to 115.6 from 115.7. De reases in men's and women's wear offset higher prices for hildren's wear and footwear. Lower prices for cigarettes moved the tobacco and. alcohbl index down to 117.8 from 117.9. The alcoholic beverages compo- ent was unchanged. The transportation index ro 4 points to 140.6 from 139.2, The automobile operation omponent of this index also in- reased, with higher prices for gasoline and automobile insur- nce. New passenger car prices Iso were higher. jadmission last fall. STAKES FREEDOM In other racial developments: Despite a federal court injunc. tion, Governor George C. Wal- | Terrorists Hit US. Mission | CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)-- Terrorists made good Wednes- day on their threat to destroy ithe headquarters of the U.S. LATE NEWS FLASHES Cigarette Makers Responsible For Harm TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (A cigarette manufaciurers are effects of their products on P) Under Florida law, responsible for any harmful the human body, the State Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. Driver Killed On Bloor Street, Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- A car travelling at 120 miles an Said outside the Commons that|ting, the Commons spent only/hour rammed two Bloor Street stores early today, killing its driver and causing about $9,000 damage. Sergeant Remanded On Murder Count BARRIE (CP) -- Sgt. L eonard Raymond Demille, a cook at the Royal Army Service Corps mess at Camp Bor- dén, was remanded to June 13 on a capital murder charge when he appeared in court today. the fatal shooting at Camp Borden May 23 of Sgt. Hervert &. N, Wilsoin, 30, of the Queen's Own Rifles. 8 ' Demille is charged with | jmilitary mission in Caracas. | Eight gunmen overpowered a Venezuelan guard at the build- ng entrance, forced 12 mission employees to take off their clothes, splashed gasoline on the building and set it afire. The headquarters, an old Spanish colonial building, was ruined. The mission's records were destroyed. None of the mission personnel was harmed. Gunmen screamed: "Yankee imperialists" at the Americans and smeared walls with their identifying letters, FALN, the Armed Forces for Natignal Lib- eration. The force, trying to topple the government by force, is made up mostly of Communists but is led by former Conservative army officers opposed to Presi- dent Romulo Betancourt, the government says. ROCKEFELLERS MEET WINDSORS Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York chats with Duke of Windsor as their wives shake hands at introduction aboard liner Rotterdam last " ' night. They were among 700 persons who took. a six-hour gambling cruise off New York for the benefit of cancer re- search. The 66-year-old duch- ing." ess said Mrs. Rockefeller is 'an extraordinary person." Said Mrs. Rockefeller of the duchess: 'She's very charms (AP Wirephoto). w

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