10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, June 6, 1963 = 'ollowing their recent mar- hs in St. Gregory the Great Reman Catholic Church, Mr. afd Mrs. Wayne Thomas Pat- tegson are seen arriving at the reception in a 110-year- ofa surrey. The bride is the RECEPTION BOUND former Gail Frances Schoe- neau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Phillip Schoenau and Mr. Patterson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pat- terson, all of Oshawa, --Photo by Hornsby |{Lieut, and her mother, Mrs Guide held its annual Grace was given by Miss Beverly Bull and guides. Toast to the Queen by Bonnie Niki- Introduction of head table by 'Mrs. Len Jackson as follows: Miss Carolyn Mann, Guide Bert Mann; Miss Beverly Bull, Guide Captain, and her mother, 'Mrs, Gerald Bull; Mrs. Steven Wotton, District Commissioner; Mrs. Jack Lee, president of committee, and her , Christine Lee; Mrs. Leonard Jackson, Brown Owl; Mrs, Alyn Elliott, Tawny Owl, and her daughter Alayne Elliott; Mrs. Elmer Ostle, pro- ficiency badge tester for Brown- jes, and her daughter, Janice Ostle; Packies were Maureen Awards Presented At Banquet To Guides, Brownies Of 9th Co. The 9th Brownie Pack and)Lee, Bonnie Gow, Young, and Eleanor Johnston. Pamela Mrs. Jack Lee welcomed the! and parents and intro- guests duced the District Commission- er, Mrs. Steve Wotton. Mrs. Wotton thanked the : group and leaders and compli- mented them on their efforts in|" the past year. Mrs, Elmer Ostle thanked the speaker. Mrs. Otto Young presented)' { Cookie Day award plaques to| Brownie Elaine Skerrow and Guide Darlene Stezik for sell- ing the most cookies. Brown Owl, Mrs. Leonard Jackson presented Golden Hand Badges to Bonnie Nikiforuk, Brenda Black, Andrea Manila, Debby Zakarow, Lorraine Big- gar, Jane Harper, Debby Wasi- luk, Elaine Skerrow.- ie Guide Frances McQuaid d the Cedardale United UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES 3RD PARENT COMMITTEE The monthly meeting of the 8r@ Parent Committee was held at Guide House recently. Mrs. J. R. Risebrough presided. Fol- lowing the opening Mrs. W. C. Dart and Mrs. Carl Creamer sefyed dessert and tea, pre- pated by Mrs. A. D. Morrison. The minutes were read by-Mrs, William Milne and Mrs. Archibald Dewey gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Risebrough reported on the. success of Cookie Day and stated the Kingsway District William Chester, Oshawa boule- vard north. The meeting was under the leadership of Miss Irene Winter and the devotion was taken by Mrs, Earl Bilcox, ,her theme, "The Garden'. There were 24 members in attendance. Plans were made to hold the fowl suppr October 5. 300 tick- ets wil be on sale. The supper wil be served from 4.30 p.m. June 26 the West Unit wil hold its strawberry supper. The UCW will hold its fall bazaar November 29. The June meeting will be Day will be June 7. 'Phe next meeting wil be Sep- terfiber 17. CENTRE STREET UCW , (East Unit) The East Unit of Centre Street United Church held its May LADIES Ne beby sitter, no cor fore Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist Of Leading Toronto Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS held at the home of Mrs. R. J. Broadbent, William street. Mrs. George Webster thanked [the hostess. SA HOME LEAGUE The Salvation Army Home League meeting was opened by Mrs. William Saunders. Mrs, Herbert Starr prayed espe- cially for he sick and _ be- reaved, The minutes were read by Mrs, George Beard. Mrs. Major Fred Lewis was in charge of devotions and Mrs. Church Women for catering. The same Brownies who re- ceived their Golden Hand flew up to Guides and Chris Glover smiled up. Mrs. Steven Wotton enrolled the folowing new mothers: Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs. Jack Cur- tan, Mrs. George Brooks, Mrs. Gordon Beaton, Mrs. Stanley Manila, Mrs. Alex Nikiforuk. Mrs, Henry Conner, The program was _ handed over to the Guides and, Brown- ies who entertained the mothers with skits, Nursing Graduate Miss Joyce Cook, RR 1, Oshawa, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook, will receive her graduation dip- loma tomorrow evening from the School of Nursing of the Oshawa General Hospital. --Photo by LeRoy Toll, Toronto MAY MISS WELFARE WINNIPEG (CP)--The Chil- dren's Aid Society of Eastern Cloth Tape's A Sticker All Around The House By ELEANOR ROSS Upstairs, downstairs, all around the house, homemakers are finding that self - sticking cloth tape in a veritable rainbow of colors has a thousand and one uses for decorating, as well as for repairs and for sealing. And it's fun to think up and work out new ideas for making use of this versatile item. Color schemes offer no prob- lem, since the best cloth tape comes in 14 colors to provide a wide choice. It is plastic- coated for water-resistance and easy cleaning and comes in two! widths--% inch and 1% inches. of turquoise COLO) RFUL STRIPES For a real custom-decorator touch, tape the same color stripes across the fronts of your kitchen cabinets. Then there's a good trick for enhancing the/ picture on your walls. Run a natrow border of colored cloth tape around the plain white mat surrounding the picture. You'll discover that this gives the picture more depth and per- 'mits you to emphasize one of the colors in your print which is also part of your room color scheme. On the practical side, the sing up a set of plain canisters?|uses of self-sticking cloth tape You might choose twin stripes|are legion. It is ideal for mend- and chocolateling brown bands on the canisters to lend a pretty note to a yellow] kitchen. record albums, worn books such as a favorite cook-book or dictionary, repair- ing rips in vinyl plastic uphol- binding One of the new wrinkles in home fashions is decorative window shades. By --. self. sticking cloth tape in colors to harmonize with the room, win- dow shades can be decorated easily and inexpensively. For instance, red and blue (or green and beige) stripes across the bottoms of shades in a boy's room or in the family room will not only look handsome but wil! reinforce the hem and keep finger marks off a white shade. And with colorful cloth tape it is easy and fun to bring cheer into the kitchen, For instance, how about dres- © Air Conditioners ° Refrigerators WAYNE APPLIANCES 78 SIMCOE NORTH Low Accent On Value 723-1411 @ Fine Furniture -- Broadloom ... . @ Custom Made Draperies ~ @ Bamboo and Ready Made Drapes @ Personalized Decorating Service Reliab 96 KING EAST NOW! 723-7928 SINCE 1927 FURNITURE -- INTERIORS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Manitoba is concerned that In- dian families and children living on reservations have not been receiving child welfare services and is negotiating with the pro- vincial and federal governments to provide services, Frank Buller read the scrip- ture lesson, Mrs. Lewis gave a talk, tak- ing as her theme 'June Brides, and Wedding Customs of Other Lands." Mrs, Lewis also show- ed a movie film of a June wed- ding. Next week the band of the Golden Age Group will take part in the meeting. Tea was served by Miss Maud Sargeant's Group. GET WORE VALUE FOR YOUR SHOE DOLLA Smartly styled in boy's sizes from 314 to 614 and in men's sizes 7 to 11. You'll be surprised at the low, low prices. : e Sole " The Burns Co. Ltd. 1 King Street West e Guaranteed soles and heels, upper -- no stitches to break or rot, e Insulated insoles. @ Flexible as slippers. @ Will not mark floors. and heel permanently bonded to Oshawa, Ontorlo + pestle Sleepwear Spectacular You'll find a dream world of adorable sleepwear ... baby dolls, gowns and regulars for mothers and daughters -- in Walker's Sleepwear Spectacular. méeting at the home of Mrs. CERT. P.E.1, SEED e@ POTATOES e@ GARDEN SEEDS LAWN "SEEDS @ ROSE BUSHES e GLADIOLI BULBS VEGETABLE & FLOWER @ PLANTS FREE $ Customer BULK & PACKAGED » GRO-KOTED NS 8 WHA ou for ¢ SPRING @ VIGORO HIGHLAND @ $0-GREEN MANURE PEAT MOSS BONE MEAL AGRICO GARDEN AND TURF FERTILIZER | MASTER FEEDS Hoes Shovels Cultivators Hedge Shears: Wheel Barrows Lawn Rollers Lawn and Garden Fence Sidewalk and Patio Slabs Rubber and Plastic Hose and Soaker Sprayers, Spr Insecticides We recommend Niagara TOOLS - EQUIPMENT 54 Church Street Dial 723-2229 DELIVERY SERVICE @ Lawn Rollers @ Rakes @ Spades @ Edgers e Grass Shears @ Garden Carts @ Fertilizer Spreaders 'ay Material and ; Brand Sprays e@ Border Fence e@ Chain Link Fence STORE HOURS Mon., Tues:, and Thurs, 8a.m. to 6 p.m. J Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m, Wed. and Set, 8 a.m. 5 p.m. ! c | Wa OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Well made quality Special Purchase! "Vogue" Bras ton circle stitch -- cotto Sizes A, B, C, 32 to 40 Special values in "Vogue"" Sport Briefs, Girdles, Pan Girdles in regular and P/ si 1.97 to 5.77" Hd ed 88 cotton bra at tyles. S, M, L a», a fabulous price. Cot- in under cup support. White. ty . ex. L. Choose Waltz Gowns or Baby Dolls Usuall 2.98 4 1.94 each Specially priced drip dri cotton print sleepwear in your choice of 2 pat- terns. Pink or blue. Sizes S..M.L Girls' Baby Doll =O Pyjamas sis 1.98 Pretty, feminine baby dolls in floral print cotton with lace trim on neck and bodice front. BEST BUY Muslin SHEETS Size 72 x 104" 2.37 g0 104 247 Walker's Bedding Department LKER'S 728-4626 te AP a Oe ee OT D> Di