Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1963, p. 2

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2... THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 5, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN "HOW CAN WE LIVE WITH OUR CONSCIENCE AND DO THIS?" Mayor Lyman Gifford -- despite some major irritations that would test the patience of a saint -- has been slow to anger of late, especially since his return last December from Sydenham Harbor from two years of political exile "listen- ing to the grass grow". *-His Worship did a quick about-face Monday, came out of' his corner swinging in belligerent style when a highly- explosive subject cropped up in open Council. : * Cause of the turmoil was a motion endorsed by the City Planning Board to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the re-zoning from R-4 to R-IB of eight properties on the west side of Queen street across from the McLaughlin Public Library. " Seven of the eight owners oppose the re-zoning ('The rea- son one owner supports the move is obvious," said Alderman rt V. Walker. "This owner is the City"). . The owners found a stout champion Monday in Mr. Gif- ford who fought tooth and nail to defeat the motion. * "They the people who are supporting this motion, are making a mockery of justice and fair play," he said. 'This 'gates from Brantford. Board Attacked On Contract Plan arate speakers suggested that such a government commission could mean a loss of responsi- bility for the school boards in conducting education at the lo- cal level. Brantford's resolution was aimed at ending the annual "rat race' among school. boards combing the market for teach- ers. THINKS WOULD CONTROL Jack McDonald, vice - chair- man of the Brantford board, said a salary scale would help control salary levels. Public opinion would prevent school boards from paying substan- tially more or less than the rec- ommended leve!. Brantford said 16 per cent of teachers in Category 1 were paid more than the minimum recommended by the Ontario Trustees Council. In Category 2 it was 22 per cent, in Category 3 it was 71 per cent and in Cate- gory 4 it was 57 per cent. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) An eastern Ontario school board was accused Tuesday of having played a sophisticated form of tit-for-tat with other boards in southern Ontario by signing a five-year contract with its teach- ers, ee The Ontario Urban and Rural School Trustees Association voted at its annual convention to deplore the action by the Cornwall board of education, It also wants the Ontario Trustees Council to look into the legality of school trustees, elected for two years, signing a five-year contract. The complaints against Corn- wall were detailed in printed material circulated by dele- The Brantford submission said Cornwall had to meet stiff salary competition from other school boards when it came to hire high school teachers in 1963. PRESSURES CONTINUE | Washington and at least | INTERPRETING THE NEWS By HAROLD MORRISON Canadia Press Staff Writer The United States is begin. ning to suspect that the Euro- pean Common Market may be playing a gigantic cat,- and mouse game with trade and tariffs, opening the question of how seriously this trade bloc will pursue massive tariff bar- gaining planned for 1964. Uneasiness was aroused by the chicken tariff hassle which may point to a possible Euro- pean restrictive trend in deal- ing later with U.S. and Cana- dian grain and with other foodstuffs. temperatures to a high point in one newspaper, the Washington Daily News, has called for a| brutal trade. The U.S. govern.) ment-is seeking urgent talks| with the Europeans to prevent) The chicken issue has pushed! ° | US. Suspecting Game On Tariffs 'oss these tariffs are redu the U.S. will demand pebpe sation. This could come in the form of other concessions that would ease the import restructions erninct chickens or it could provide a more lucrative Euro- 'arket for some other American product. "na agseement is reached on compensation, the U.S, likely will take retaliatory action of its own and this could kick vn a new transatlantic trade storm. The Washington Daily News says the issue goes deeper than ven fryers. It goes to the heart of the North Atlantic al- "ence. This appeared to be an- other instance of French Presi- dent de Gaulle desiring to build a little Europe surrounded by a high tariff wall. "The Europeans must be con- | In other business, delegates were told that municipal swim- ming pools should be built in| § schools for year-round use, in-|§ stead of only summer-time use| f as at present. ' F. J. K. Nichol, a technical adviser with the education de- partment, said such a practice would also provide the means for water safety instruction for the children. A panel discussion on schools By signing an agreement pro- viding for annual increases of from $250 to $375 during the next five years, the statement said, Cornwall has made sure other boards will have identical such open conflict. . 7 In comparison with the cata ee eg ges a gd ~ European market for North) «pnis is the best chance of te. American foodstuffs, the|versing this reaction trend and chicken. quarre! is not by itself| cavine the alliance from disi of major dimensions. The U.S.| tegration." er |had built up a market for some! 4, ie ae | $50,000,000 worth of frozen fry-|,,Herter's, aides do not agree lers annually in the six-country|'"*! disin'esration of the alli- trade bloc. This compares with) An's, 4°. ging AE OE i: PBs RIVES of the Canadian Army estab- lishments. --(CP Wirep£hoto) "DYER ig a deliberate attempt to re-zone people's properties so that these properties will be devalued. Let's leave these people alone or at least give them fair play. The property owners thus find themselves at the mercy of the Council. How can we live with our conscience and do this sort of thing? His Worship said one owner had already bought an ad- joining house and made application for an office building under the R-4 status. The City knew for some time that it wanted these properties for a downtown Development Plan, hé said. Then why didn't it acquire them one at a time? The office building would not be allowed. This brought Mr. Gifford some strong support from Alderman John Dyer, a member of the Planning Board, who so frequently finds him- sélf on the opposite side of the fence to His Worship. ~. "{ said this before Planning Board and I'm saying it again tonight," said Mr. Dyer "I believe we should not be doing what is in this motion. That land should have never been zoned R-IB in the first place." Alderman Thomas Rundle pointed out that the owners had lived in these houses "many years": "I do not agree With Mr. Gifford that any owner would be injured if this ré-zoning application succeeds I would have agreed with Mr. Gifford had any of these owners bought their property sub- Sequent to the passage of the 1951 zoning bylaw which, in my opinion, was wrong." * Said Alderman Clifford Pilkey: "Some of the owners oppose the application. If we endorse it we are likely to help devalue .their properties." "The City wants to change the area to single-family welling status to upgrade it," said Mr. Gifford. 'Actually they are decreasing its value." | ae . _ Alderman Finley Dafoe, never one to sidestep a free-' | Report By Norris Inquiry Expected Swinging melee, sided against Mr. Gifford: "It's a joke to | me to say that anybody will be hurt," he said. | Most of the aldermen preferred to sit and listen. | OTTAWA (CP)--The report of ' Mr. Gifford delivered his Sunday punch when he request- ithe Norris imquiry into Great ed that the vote be recorded, but it was to no avail. |Lakes labor strife is expected | The motion was endorsed, 7-5. The following voted "yes" helt pie aig beret og '-afoe, Branch, Rundle, Bint, Walker, Murdoch and Brady. |Fachen told the Commons The "no" vote -- Attersley, Dyer, Pilkey, Down and Gifford. | Tuesday. Glancing backward beyond Monday night, the above | He was replying to his prede- properties were zoned R-4 after annexation in 1951 when there oo wie tient tears | was no zoning bylaw for the city or the annexed area. investigation by Mr Soatice For the Official Plan, the City was divided into various |T. G. Norris last August. uses and the above properties were under the "Institutional" The Norris report is expected classification. Under 'Public Institutions" were grouped to make hard - hitting recom- such things as municipal properties and government institu- mendations concerning the Sea- tions. The City Hall, for instance, was put into R-4. The pineal gc ayearnn a of 'properties are mostly on small: lots 35-40 feet deep. called a hoodlum pn Bo \y the The City has been trying to acquire properties in the |Canadian Labor Congress. 'adjacent area for its City Development Plan and acquired two "derelict" houses, two vacant lots and a small restaurant in recent years. WEATHER FORECAST "TAYLOR CONTROLS RECREATION COMMITTEE S W Has the silly season started so early? Halfback Tom unny, arm Maudlin of the Toronto Argonauts (of unhappy football fame) | HOPALONG told the Oshawa Kiwanis Club recently: "The tide will "D. M. ROSE" . 'turn this year. The Double Blue will have a winning sea- eather Seen | ok ieee Patt ae ee : Thomson Buys 'son". Haven't we heard that Argo theme song before? Will the Argo sucker-list again heed it? ... The fund-raising Forecasts issued by the Tor- U.K. Press Shares LONDON (Reuters) -- Cana- 'committee for the new $1,000,000 Civic Auditorium reported (onto weather office at 5 a.m.: Tuesday that $386,000 had been raised by pledge and cash | §ynopsis: Sunny: and very 'donation -- $344,000 of the total was from General Motors warm weather will continue in 'with many GM employees yet to be canvassed. .. . "Abe" jsouthern Ontario today and Naylor's Democratic Right-Wing Party won six of nine seats |Thursday. Showers and thunder- dian-born newspaper publisher 'on the Local 222 Recreation Committee and three of seven on storms are forecast for North- |Roy Thomson has acquired the the Political Action committee, which also includes two ee thks "a toigeed pias sania ot ie Brit : ; r, Windsor: s ublishin ° Unity Group members and two independents, |Sunny with a few cloudy peri |pany, Perry Press Productions |Ods and continuing warm today |Limited, it was announced here and Thursday. Chance of an aft- |Tuesday. The Perry Press produces |house magazines for several large British firms, as well as |specialized magazines of typo- ernoon thundershower both |sraphical and advertising indus- Spruce up your home for Spring with... The Associates' Home Owners Loan Plan! e DECORATE -- the way you've always wanted. e@ REMODEL -- turn a drab room into a family fun center. e ADD NEW ROOMS --take care of that growing family. © LANDSCAPE -- front yard to back. @ PAINT -- or put on new roofing, or siding. TINI is great lon the rocks or with 'any mixer! 'TINI is different from any other winel ry TINI It's simple to turn your home into a "dream home" with the Associates Home Owners Loan Plan. If you own your own home--even with an unpaid mortgage--just use equity as collateral and borrow $1000...$3000...up to $20,000, or more! Our interest rates are reasonable...no bonus charges or hidden fees. And you can repay the loan in comfortable monthly installments. . . take up to seven years or longer. So why wait? | Your "dream home" is as close as your nearby | Associates office. Call or stop in today. | The Associates Home Ownerg Loan Plan is | available for many other uses, too. Just ask us. ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LTD. 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO 725-6531 (Say "Teeny") 'THE PARKDALE WINES LTD . pressures to face in the next four years. Delegates' unanimity on the Cornwall question didn't extend to the main point of the Brant- ford submission. tot el! _ They temed down a Pager § } As i erie ec hil h of] i" the chicken issue as eX- fasted teachers' salaries, with 2% the future ago pace] men: ' American agricultural products| 7° ing? nua ree pashan ber D. L. Tough, superintendent a year. | e Common Market has yet feo tony recomendations of North york's secondary CONGOLESE GENERAL AR cabin THEMSELVES to Steg its import pattern : ; i i i : ERS jon No i i for different districts. pee ib gg el yt Maj.-Gen. Joseph D. Mobu- ant adjutant-general, Quebec However, in the face of Amer-| the poi ty Ptasie is not ba The resolution was defeated|).7. put economically not feas- tu (left), chief of the Congo- Command, on arrival at Otta- ican warnings that the U.S. gov-| solved, the European drift to. by five votes, after three sep- ible for most boards." lese Army, is greeted by Lt.- wa Tuesday. Gen, Mobutu is ernment could not afford, polit-|wards higher curbs may also | "The system involves two or Col. G. A. Berthiaume, assist- in Canada on a four-day visit ically and otherwise, to see this}embrace Canadian and U.S. three teachers giving lessons to woo chicken market go down the/ wheat. D 0 d classes of up to 150 students, : representative of che Pan- drain, the Commion Market | Und 4 octor uste then helping in follow-up discus- ROVER = RANGER NEWS Protenton who chanel 4 pores countries at first promised tB| striction the Meh Roeacay 4 sions and studies by smaller and films in the Council Hall at|Testrain restrictions and then) round of tariff negotiations ma or e ing groups. | Samac, and gave us instruc- pp Mike genoa pte honed little fruit. While the Us. Mr. Tough said itis possible R Pl tions on the building of our new) me could still negotiate low '. P Ph t |to adapt ord nary classrooms Sea angers GND leer. The crew, and especially, Christian Herter, President/iffs with other me = ope 0 os \for use either as seminar rooms | Skip, are looking forward to the|Kennedy's chief trade: negotia-| main point of the negotiations lor large group-instruction rooms construction of the new den,|tor, is a relatively mild man.| would be to reduce restrictions VATICAN CITY (AP)--Soon|by using adjustable walls. ] which will start about July 1, |But his aides say he was|in the six-country bloc after he first learned of his mor- or 'eI ega a The crew is also looking for-| aroused when, instead of reduc.) ------------_--- tal illness, Pope John XXIII) ' : ward to the Rover-Ranger Com-|ing the 13-cent-a-pound tariff on : personally changed the rules Armored Car | SRS CRUSADER \"tree" planting time at Samac ¢tition which promises to be ajchickens, the Common Market |for the papal death chamber, | With the advent of summerjagain. A few eyesores We. real bask with the ORRT treas-|jacked it up to 14.25 cen:s a os . \burial and the voting in con- |we can now head into our sum-/moved and about 30 new trees|¥tY in its present state. |pound. Herter described this as jclave that will elect his succes- Theft Sus cts mer program -- boating, hikes,|were pianted along the drive| SIR ERNEST shocking and warned that un-| | Sor. pe |car washes, and camping. Oh/and in front of 'Quagmire Inn" iz | The new rules were in an ap- | what fun to see the glorious sun| Left, Right, Halt, Double Re- ostolic letter, signed by his own) PR ded again! We have been gradually| verse to the Rear -- just get- Try baat is Sept. 5, 1962, and/ eman slowing down and things Rel bd in shape for the annual| | ; published Oct. 20, 1962. \really going to grind to a halt}Church Parade Sunday, June 9. | | Pope John prohibited photo- VANCOUVER (CP) -- Three|while exams are in progress.|/All crew members pes fore! IT'S TERRIFIC! |graphs of a dying Pope or a|men charged with the $543,935) With no meeting last week (holi-\ed to be at the den at 12.30 } |Pope on his bed after death. Loomis armored car company|day you know) and nothing but/sharp in full uniform. When Pope Pius XII died in| theft were remanded to June 1l)a chit-chat session this week,| The Camporee recently 1958 some newspapers in Italy when they appeared in magis-|we havent' been doing too much|saw the crew park over 1,000 published photographs of the trate's court Tuesday. of late. But who can think of cars and we survived through pontiff on his death-bed. Charged are armored car| working indoors -- even working|it without even a scratched fen-| Professor Riccardo Galeazzi-|uard Douglas John Brown, 35,/at all -- this time of year? der. On the' Sunday morning] Lisi, personal physician of Pope|and William John Grant, 31,|. Last Saturday we participated/Co}, R. S. McLaughlin was offi- Pius, was ousted from the Rome| Doth of Surrey, B.C., and Jerry/!n the parade for our new Civic| cially escorted to the Camnoree Medical Association for selling| Raymond Peterson, 33, no fixed Auditorium and then were eN-\area by an honor guard from photographs and newspaper ar-| 2ddress. tertained in the evening at &)/the Oshawa Rover Round Table| ticles' describing the Pope's| Bail of $15,000 each has been| dance given by the Sea Cadets which looked very impressive. | death agony. Later an appeals|set but only Grant has been Tomorrow we will be in an "'All] On Thursday, May 30, the| board annulled the expulsion,| freed. nl ply 'ee ae Pore erew moved the meeting out-| saying there were technical er-| All but $23,272 of the cash and itels" Son Pinned Ga oa side where all the excess steam| Er we Seen olen eter ns rae a A . 0 j 4 | weekend has been recovered. i ao we held In Sur. oni gig pd a two lett Brow was located in Rio de/jington this September. It willlleft f eit Ss Devine ove Janeiro after the robbery was|be for crews all over Ontario|tt {eh Which became appar- discovered and was flown back|and we've got to get busy this|°" when we switched to soccer. to Canada. The other two were|summer and practice our Ran-|,, 2% Rover-Ranger Competi- arrested after almost $300,000/gering skills. Semaphore, tion, June 22, at Camp Samac, was found in suitcases left for|morse, tent-pitching, bends and|!S !! set and ready to roll. safekeeping at « Hope, B.C.,|hitches, cuttering, canoeing -- Opening ceremonies will take motel 80 miles east of here. |you name it, we'll be doing it,|Place at 2 p.m. More informa- Some $20,000 of the stolen| Our outdoor program formal-| ion in two weeks. money was found in a car/ly ends with the annual Drum-| "DEN CHATTER" -- Religion parked ear Vancouver Interna-|head parade at Camp Samac to|and Life awards Sunday, June 2 |tional Airport following the rob- be held on Sunday, June 9.|. . . Communion Breakfast June| |bery. eos that we ve be in boating ce ee pba going to launch | ----___--__------- uniform mainly except for the|"L'i lardship'? ... PLAYS IN DIALECT occasional time when our regu- bottles are still in Skip's a 2 4 YORK, England (CP)--Christ lar uniform is required. One of|8ang . Handy Andy needs will be portrayed with a York- these times will be June 5, the|cleaning up. shire accent when the. famous! (i's! cpening of the new addl- "JIMMY CORNERED" York Mystery Plays open at St.|htuts se gt ein ee Savi Gunee hare Accor Alan helping to show visitors through} ,,,, 8TH OSHAWA Dobie, who plays the part, said: "gy rhe sage Sp a A a tn piled 7 isda , : s i was I am using the accent because are so lt 7" se movement ey at the Scout Camporee, the plays were written centuries} Another date coming up soon helping with registration, camp- ago by a Yorkshireman. is the Rover-Ranger Competi- fire and patrolling. tion on June 22 which should be Pr Homer and Tuesday a g un outing for us, Say,|¢Venings the crew finished de- how about another 40-mile i.|livering its quota of catalogues cycle hike? Just to get us in age ceed aay, ey uesday there was a condition. (groan). And with that cheery thought entinn y ght, showers 0 both days widely scattered thundershowers winds light. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Thursda Windsor ........ 60 St. Thomas. London Kitchener .. Mount Forest. y FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH © HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e EXTRA FEATURE LEAN, MEATY RED OR BLUE BRAND GOLDEN YELLOW | 4 Ib nt AO! aa 5 R re) AST BONE FIRST GRADE CREAMERY FRESH PORK 2 DAVID'S 1-LB. CELLO BONELESS SHOULDER 3 q OVEN \.EADY PREMIER ROBARTS TO VISIT OSHAWA S00N Rt..Rev. Monsignor Paul Dwyer, pastor of St. Gregory's Church on Simcoe street north, wit d the coronation of Pope. Pius II in 1922. He was also in Rome at the time of 'the death of Pope Benedict XV, the same year. The mon- 'signor was a student at the Roman University studying Theology. . . . Local Tories are completing plans for an early 'visit to Oshawa of Premier John Robarts, likely in mid-June. 'Mr. Robarts has yet to make a public appearance here. This 'upcoming visit could well be the kick-off sign for the start of a campaign that could end with an election next October. 'Road Designated -For Development: St. Catharines. Toronto ....+. Peterborough Trenton.....++ Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Niagara, Georgian Bay, Toronto, Haliburton, Lon- don, Hamilton: Sunny and con- tinuing very warm today and Si Thursday with light winds. Algoma, Timagami, North|Eariton .... Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie: |Sault Ste. Marie... Partly cloudy with a few widely|Kapuskasing ..... scattered showers or thunder-|White River... showers tomight and again Thursday afternoon or evening. Winds light. White River, Cochrane re- gions: Partly cloudy and very warm today and Thursday with days. Winds - light. \tries. OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL =| CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- loom has been a specialty for 18 years . , . with thousands of yards on display to select from. PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. Cc Ib Timmins .. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges Deeler in your crea. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 road by the provincial govern- ment for pre-engieering. The 14-mile stretch of road, badly in need of repair, is one in traffic routes for ' TOBERMORY, Ont. (CP) -- of the ma 'Bruce County council learned tourists entering the Bruce Pe- ; that county road q|ninsula. from Paisley be, Highway 21 is|. Tobermory is about 57 miles "to be designated a development| northwest of Owen Sound. EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment | F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH > > FRESH PORK BUTT FRESH PORK LOIN END SKINLESS WIENERS "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 | -- Pa ae 7 9 Shoulder 459% {BREAD 9 0: iFigBaRs 29: EXTRA FEATURE ECONOMY--6 & 7 59: 59 FRESH KILLED 37: lb POT ROAST BRISKET CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS au PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT ae side tsar 29: 29 : CHICKENS 2%-3 LB. AVE. s

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