BIRTHDAY DARLING . Celebrating her first birth- day today is Keri Lee, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth" K. Durno, Holly Court. 'She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert' Aughney and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Durno, and great-granddaugh- ter of Mrs. Thomas Bell, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio BAA Range ten ae ot ers ee mii val sien i, tapi tes BE f UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES NORTHMINSTER UCW NO. 8 The annual potluck supper of Unit 8 was held rvcently at Northminster Church, with 19 members and two visitors pres- ent. Supper was followed by a wor- ship service conducted by Mrs. John Hunt, Mrs. H. M. Sander- son and Mrs, Gordon Adair. Mrs. Adair presented one of the 4\floral centerpieces to Mrs. R. B. Galbraith, a unit member and the speaker for the eve- ning. The other centerpiece was {presented to Mrs. Jack Fallis, in appreciation for an excellent year's service as unit leader. Mrs. Galbraith, who had re- glimpse of Hong Kong. She spoke of the beauty of the area and of the problems caused by overcrowding and the acute -|shortage of fresh water. Land is* being reclaimed from the sea to serve as sites for rows of high apartment buildings. it provides homes for the refu- gees whose. shacks stretch up the sides of the "hills and are flooded out when the rains come. Mrs. Galbraith also men- tioned the sampan dyeéllers, '|who comprise 5 per cent\ of the population, the great need for educational facilities and the constant danger of fire. She spoke of the immense 'resource- fulness of the people of Hong Kong in meeting 'these prob- lems. At. the conclusion of her address, Mrg. Galbraith was thanked by Mrs. Mervyn Scott. REGIMENT AUX. ANN LANDERS Fabrications' Lead To Scorn Dear Ann Landers: My prob- Jem is myself. I am a chronic liar. I am a boy, a high schoo], senior, and I have a good home life. My parents are strict, but not unreasonable. My grades are good and I have some nice friends, both boys and girls. But I can't seem to break this ter- rible habit of lying. I don't tell lies that hurt people, I just tell lies about my- self to make people think I am important or that I am leading an exciting life. It's not just that I exaggerate, Ann. Some- times I make up _ complete stories about things that never happened, places I've never been and people I don't even know. Please help me because I am getting worse. Once I start to talk I don't know where my sen- ' tences will end, I want to be an honorable and respected mem- ber of the community, but how can I be unless I stop this habit of lying? -- NO LAUGHING MATTER Dear No Laughing Matter:A person who is so frank about his dishonesty and has such a fervent desire to overcome it has a good chance. People who lie as you do are insecure and unsure of them- selves. They try to build them- selves up by overwhelming their friends with fabrications of glamorous exploits. Such liars-are soon found out and then nothing they say is believed. They wind up deceiv- ing only themselves, and are scorned or pitied. The next time you start to tell a lie, remem- % friend comes over and I'm sup- posed to "get lost until mid- night." 2 She sais she'd be glad to do the same for me if I met a nice fellow I'd like to entertain priv- ately. What does this sound like to you?R--MARYANNE Dear Maryanne: <It sounds as though you'll be pounding the pavement at least -three nights a week while your roomate in entertaining her boy friend. Find angther roomate whose socia] life' doesn't demand so much privacy. : Dear Ann Landers: I just came to this country last year from Europe and am not ac- quainted with all its ways. Please help me with a prohlem. I cannot ask anyone about this because I do not wish to appear ignorant and it is of a personal nature. I have invited a girl to attend the Junior-Senior P oxi and she has accepted--provided I buy her prom dress, She says it will cost $30 which seems to me like a lot of money. Also I will have to buy her a corsage to wear that evening arfd there will be other experfses, Please tell me if this is cus- tomary here. In Europe girls do The May meeting of the On- tario Regiment Ladies' Auxil- iary was 'held recently at the armories with the. president, Mrs. Clifford Bould, presiding. The lucky door prize was do- nated by Mrs, Walter Buttle and won by Mrs. Frank' Roche. Mrs. Bould and Mrs. Harry Woods, were the representa. #itives of the Ladies' Auxiliary who attended the men's meet- ing held recently. The annual picnic is planned for July 14 and is to be held at Mountjoy Park. The Ladies' Auxiliary wel- comed Lieut. Ronald Davies, who discussed the cadet inspec- tion which will be held at the armories June 5 at 7.30 p.m. (by donation) to the Cadets and company from the Ladies' Aux- iliary and the Men's Associa. tion. Refreshments will be serv- ed by the ladies of the aux- iliary. A night of cards is planned for the evening of June 11 at the home of Mrs. William Mc- Neill, 75 Nassau street and all members are welcome. Mrs. Bert Anderson, Mrs. Wil- liam McNeill, Mrs. Bruce Mc- Gregor, Mrs. William Beaton and Mrs. Ethel Scott will be in charge of the refreshments for the next meeting, Mrs, Doug- las Cox will donate the door prize. A penny table sale was held and will take place at the June meeting. Members are asked: to bring donations for) this purpose. ' | Refreshments were served by| Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Mrs. Ray} Hobbs, Mrs. Douglas Cox, Mrs.| Harry Woods and Mrs. Fred) Porter. not ask such favors. Thank you kindly, Mrs. Landers, for your help.--A NEWCOMER Dear Newcomer: Here girls do not ask such favors, either-- unless they are cheap little gold-diggers. Tell the girl you cant' afford the pleasure of her company and ask someone else. MAPLE CLEANERS | 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service | 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Deliv: "Your Family's: Friend" PHONE 725-0643 ber these words'--'scorn and pity." | Dear Ann Landers: I came to} work 'in this office seven weeks ago, At present I am living in a rented room. It was the only place I could find when I came | As each building is completed,|iod ALBERT STREET UCW The monthly meeting of Unit 2 was held in the Friendship Room at Albert Street United Church, The leader, Mrs. Geo. Sanders, opened the meeting. Mrs, William Grandy was in charge of the devotional per- iod, took as her theme "Faith". Roll call showed 12 members present, Mrs. Kenneth Mossey read the minutes. Mrs. Robert Bent gave the treasurer's re- port. Mrs, George Sanders thanked the members for their support, . . Mrs. Sidney Williamson gave the card report. There will be a bus tri p 'to -|Niagara on June 20. The June meeting of the UCW will be in the form of a pot iuck supper. The UCW are planning a straw- berry social and a family pic- nic in July. The next unit meet- ing will be in the form of a pot luck supper being held at the church. Mrs. William Grandy was in charge of the Bible Study per- Refreshnients were served by Mrs. George Sanders and Mrs. Kenneth . Mossey. SIMCOE STREET UCW - (Cameo Unit) -- The regular meeting of the Cameo Unit of Simcoe Street United Church' UCW was held recently in the church parlor. Mrs.'>Harry Howe presided and opened the meeting. 'Phe minutes and treasurer's reports were given by Mrs. Harry James. This was followed by flower convener's report by Mrs. Walter Kilburn, Mrs. :Howe gave a report on the Smorgasbord supper and rummage sale. The general meeiing of UCW was announced for June 19 and possibly a picnic to be mention- ed by group leaders later. Mrs. Henry Baldwin was in charge of the devotional with Mrs. Neil McDougall reading the scripture. Mrs. Baldwin gave a reading entitled "So Much To Do". KING ST. CHOIR King Street Choir recently held a pot luck supper in Cen- tennial Hall with a good attend- ance, The supper was convened by Mrs. Vernon Osborne, assist- ed by Mrs. Herbert Porter. Following the dinner the group went bowling. Prizes were won by Mr. 'Rhyddid Williams, Miss Hazel Runaile ad Mrs. Stanley Gomme. Guests include the Reverend and ;Mrs. Wesley Herbert and Mr.' Edward White, student assistant. SA HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Salvation Army Home League was opened by Mrs. Frank Buller, Mrs. William Saunders prayed especially for sick mem- bers many of whom are in hos- pital. The devotions were taken by Mrs, John Dixon and Mrs, Mel- ville Arnold. The Bible lesson Topic "Housecleaning as the theme. Mrs. Frank Philps and Mrs. Arnold sang a duet. It was announced that Mrs. Major Fred Lewis, will be in charge of the meeting next week. The Fellowship group served refreshments. WESTMOUNT UCW The regular general meeting of Westmount United Church Women was held Tuesday eve- ning in the church hall. President, Mrs. Kenneth lies of today. Mrs. Kenneth' Markle thanked the speaker and closed the meeting with prayer. KUM ALL UNIT The Kum All Unit of Courtice United Church held its May meeting at the home of Mrs. R. G, Lamont, with 10 members present. Mrs. Lioyd Courtice opened the meeting. The devotional period was ar- ranged by Mrs. Stanley Hoy, assisted by Mrs. Robert John- 'Hoy. Mrs. Norman Gibson read the minutes with Mrs. Donald Thompson giving the treasurer's report. Mrs, Stanley Hoy will represent the Unit at the UCW '|for the flower committee. It was announced the UCW picnic' will be held at Camp study od, "The Search for pF , Pretoria June 20, with members| tites. leaving the church at 10,30 a.m, The Kum All Unit will supply games for this event. The next meeting will be held at the church, June 13 at 8.30, Each member is asked to bring Going This Summer A $2: 2 See us without opfigation. a new idea for games. Mrs. Thompson and Madeline son, The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Johnson with the theme "Family Life' by Mrs. Four Seasons Travel 24-Hour Service --~ 728-6201 tn Markle welcomed the members and turned the meeting over to Unit 3 to conduct the devotion- al service. Mrs. Ralph Bone- ham and Mrs, Murray Mac- Pherson were in charge and choose as their theme 'Sewing Seeds of the Spirit'. Mrs. Frank Ward was pianist for the evening. . Mrs, Carl Morgan 2nd vice- president. presided for the busi- ness meefing. The minutes were read by secretary, Mrs. Percy Neal, who also called the roll for attendance. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Gor- don Brown. Pjans to hold a ba- vaar Wednesday evening, November 27, with Mrs. Gordon Brown as general convener, were drawn up. "Mrs. T. D. Thomas is _ the chairman. of the home visiting committee with captains for as- signed areas. Mrs. E. A. Small fhe allocation for Cross had been sent and articles to be used for the overseas. bale must be at the church in time to be sent next week. Mrs. Kenneth Markle asked for support for the projects be- ing arranged. The dates of the training courses to be held in the Ladies College at Whitby are August 19 to 23 with regis- tration on the first day. Mrs, Frank Ward introduced the speaker, Miss Margaret Pellow, University of Toronto graduate, mathematics teacher at OCCI, Vocational Guidance Council, Explorer leader who spoke on the association of to- spoke on the association of reported Lake} : Tooley were in charge of the D sf ' youth, home, school, church and community with the fami- © WEDDING PORTRAITS WEDDING ALBUMS <r Sroland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. WEST 723-3680 was taken by Mrs. Dixon with| Satisfy your thirst T GREAT ALE TASTE! ~snappa Cappa Red Cap THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED satelliihiasiai ING a By adding a room; . . . @ gun porch... vestibule you con obtain so much more "living space" for f o breezeway or SPACE PROBLEMS. SOLVED! ... We Simply Called OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS to town. I didn't know anyone or where to look. My room is) small and I must share the bath} with two teen-agers. | I took it knowing it was al temporary arrangement. | Last week one of the girls at! the office asked if I'd like to! move into her apartment next! month, after her roomate is| married. It sounds like a great! place, only 10 minutes from the| office by bus and it wouldn't) cost any more than my single | room because I must eat all my meals out. "The problem is this: Three evenings a week this girl's boy every member in the family plus added value and prestige to your hone. It's so easily done when you deal through Oshawa Wood Products . . . and economical, too! INTERIOR RIOR i i y | j i! 4] ( A lL | WU ANI La i | Install a fireplace; finish a sewing room or study; or make on extra room or two in the attic for the children where they'll enjoy their own privacy. And remodelled kitchens, too, make family living in your present home so much more enjoyable for everyone, Have one of our Home Moderniza- tion Consultants advise you . . . no obligation, of course. Say: They Look Great You'd think our "Baker Cleaned" rugs were brand new they look so fresh and delightfully clean, Feel good on my tender hands and knees too! All that old deep-down grit and grime has vanished. I'm glad we chose Baker's for our rug cleaning. Why don't you? Call Ress Mills, (local agents) to-day, have your rugs picked up for their extra fine "Baker Cleaning" ,. . you'll be delighted with the thorough job Baker's do. "Just One Call Does Them All" Agents for BAKER CARPET CLEANING CO. ga rde ns © Over 75 Years Experience @ OSHAWA'S MOST FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY CONVENIENT COMMUNITY | sp il | ROSS E. MILLS qacrrene CO. LTD. Stevenson Rd. N, just South of 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE FAMILY IS HAPPY... THERE'S A PLACE AND SPACE FOR EVERY ACTIVITY 48 We ..- FOR EVERYONE! BUY ON OUR DEFERRED PAY'T, PLAN-- NO PAY'TS, "TIL NOVEMBER, '63 ¢ SPRING SPECIAL ¢ © SPRING SPECIAL @ corre , 4 4 G ate ; 3 q yj COTTAGE CABIN "Deal with the BEST and Get the BEST" i 3 @ spacious 30 x 30 size @ big 8' x 12' size @ cottage bedrooms @ 'bathroom optional r cottage roof @ interior par- pelle hae alt . gn Ipods Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE 728-1617 braenior gardens HOUSE HUNTING? VISIT US IN raemor ~- } ! | | | | | | } | e titions finished on one side with Aart to plywood. siding @ all studs 16" centres. Oshawa Head Office & Showroom COURTICE PH. 728-1611 More and more families are "moving downstairs' for the happiest hours in fomily life. A Recreation Room provides space for family games, study, entertaining, teen parties . it's "extra space for modern living'. And' you'll be surprised just how economically it can be done. Why not phone Oshawa Wood TODAY for a free estimate by one of R. $. McLoughlin High School their qualified Home Modernization Consultants!