@ «THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Friday, May 31, 1963 : REPORT FROM OTTAWA challenge government policies|Speech debate Is brought be-;. SENTENCED FOR THREAT: | day to two years in . peniten-- ' : ; or action. . pose es: in a specific! MONTREAL (CP) \ --Claude|tiary. Georges Blais, 19, who TIME SAWED orm, ose measures, and } faced th Ne eye are the length of{thelr details, could then be eri-|relstier, 29, of suburBan Ver) OTT 0 waa wake Thr on e S ee ch the debate on the Address in ticired with s full knowledge dun, who caused evacuation of) a sument fe te tae 8 7 . p , rng Foc gg Pye ig ns with B pcos ping Po sep yrs a school by telephoning a bomb| rejected. He was ordered to pre- ple, there were no less than|Government. threat, was sentenced Wednes-/ liminary hearing June 5. Debate Shorter _ [rictsera fn see Rig toe elmo, which occupie: 'ually the en- HAVE MANY PHO tire time of 20 parliamentary en WOW PLAYING R' LL days, covering a period of ex Americans own more than 4 ex- * By RUSSELL C, HONEY MP {the attack on the Government's|actly four weeks. © poe ~ world's 142,000,000 tel. Wednesday, marked the end/policies and may move amend-| There is still some a jones. i -- of the debate on the Address in|ments to the main motion. Gov-|able feeling, in which I concur, P reply to the Speech from thejernment speakers defend:these|that the length of time in RESULTS COUNT! OF THE YEAR! The HIT SONGS! Throne. The Speech from thejpolicies at great length., which Parliament is occupied in a Throne is read by the Governor- After the party leaders have|this debate could be further PLAY IT "SOME General at the opening of each|spoken, all bers are free/shortened. The great objection COOL" PEOPLE" session of Parliament. This year|to join in the debate. In re-|is not the loss of time, although é it, was read by the ,Chief Jus-|cent parliaments there has been|that is serious, but the fact eee tice of Canada in the absence,!a growing tendency to encour-|that so much of the debate is) myiTiPLE LISTING SERVICE HELEN SHAPIRO IN COLOR due to illness, of the Governor-|age mew members to make/pointles due to irrelevancy. It ; BILLY FURY --with-- General. their maiden speeches during|would seem better to postpone a ato as ehery BOBBY VEE KENNETH MORE This tradition descends from|this debate. The great merit ofjmuch of the speeches until Oshawa & District the address made by the Chan-|the debate on the Address in|later in the session when legis-/ Real Estate Board cellor to the English Parliament| Reply from the point of view of|lation mentioned in the Throne - in mediaeval times which ex-|the private member is that the|-- -- = : BILTMORE 59 plained to a Parliament thejfield of argument is virtually cause\ of its summons. Since|unlimited, and it is therefore aoe the inet system has been|possible to talk about a -- establined the Speech fromjunder the sun and yet be i the Thkone has been used tojorder. : announce*the program of legis-| The tendency of memberé is lation for the session and to set/to use this debate as a conven- forth the Government's policy.jient sounding-board/ for the Traditionally the Address in|benefit of. their cohstituencies i Reply is moved and seconded|by praising its inhabitants and| by new Members of Parliament.|its amenities. | | f : A HIGH SEA... It 1s considered an honor to be % amendihent to (the Address saanbsanz orbs» | i ini in Re 0 i- songsti fo chosen by the Prime Minister ply moved by yn Opposi ' Same te SCOUTS WORK TO HELP OTHERS and this year the distiagtion elton party 1s 2, motion of aa Few of the houses in Pick- the = in town ba be raise money for' charity. As |was bestowed upon Durham's|whereby the Opposition may ' i em = ; .. washing cars at Law's good Scouts the boys prom- |neighbor, the riding of North- > ering Village will get their Garage, The. boys, all mem- ni to "do as a La ai umberland, when Dr. Pauline . lawns cut or windows wash- ers of the local Cub and y: Jewett was singled out by Mr. 3 ; ed this Saturday, as most of Scout troops, are trying to --Oshawa Times Photo | Pearson, WIDE RANGE e « ° The motion moving the Reply Service Station _ Hit Patked Auto, (pm uae i etn Driver Fined $50 the gracious speech delivered by Her Majesty's representa- Z ¥ « Spin ( 'osts $100 ur rae a oe ee This is a formality which \ ; F J initiates the general debate on car within sight of a policeman/ the Throne Speech. The leaders START noe aaa ( PICKERING (Staff) -- Driv- then proceeded to travel north Sag waaan goa ae the Opposition parties direct sk Le Ak 8, ng a car in a careless manner|on Harwood throwing gravel| she was found guilty of care-\f" $35.00 MONTHLY through an_Ajax service station|into his station. ees Orivin 100 A.M. NOON | Jot and (injuring the attendant,| He said as the car pyoteeded!" yy... Verda Parker of RR 1 ae $18 isa | D E TO EXAMS resulted\in a_ fine of $100 andjto the north he obse he || . Classroomg are air-conditioned. costs for a.Toronto) 7 nd of the vehjtle |] Morning closs schedule leaves || Pickering ~magistr court | ta J hi : |] ample free time for work or play. Thursday. |} the road. plea of guilty. | PHONE OR WRITE FOR y i TERATURE Robert son of 31 Charles) A witness for/the defence, e Const. street, Toronto, appeared before Richard McGuifiess of j TO! C \° The Cdnadian School Magistrate_ Harry--¥- |said the eat belonged to him, | § 4 S. L and pleaded-not guilty to the| ; értson was driving if for »P : Ait of Business driving laid] theA irst time. hd hit a-patked <c@y Yoh \ |] 32% Simcoe St. N. 728-7081 . 7 eS H ins - e a | Hooey tolg/tha court he Wad? ) r -| Magistrate _H. ' : , : JHE oy ' Ei ' : been swefping fhe bay in his) ra id -Roberts--awasn't| § 8 , . ' "THE FUNNIEST us! "ea +garage Od May 4 when a car| Used to the heh Ae ' f ' a' , { turned into his/ot at a high rate] egy ot do "Welereryn : F SIDE-SPLITTINGEST ; : SOPHIA LOREN /ANTHONY PERKINS of speed. Ol ohnson \ r meee aan f % " . ' & A piece! of the gravel thrown|things that make highway life! \ 4 THING WE'VE : 4 a f } up by the car's spinning wheels | almost unbearable to the peo- --, y --~ * " Fe MAS SEEN IN YEARS!" ANATOLE (ITVAK'S al struck Hooey in the elbow, caus-|Ple at large', whgn he imposed / } L L | 4 R i, : --McCALLS i } : --/ ad J oy As ' a, 6 rd Ls " ing a bruise and swelling, he the $100 fine. : T iseey told the court the car) . RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS by piat4 ROL > a) G0-S1ARRING ss came coh on tarwood svense! Policg' Radar f? a GIG YONG Serer 100 oe evrenranoent SEWING SAVIN Bleed River CINE) PLUS "CARTOON" and SHORT «i107 e Feature Times League Topped Harvest Seen | Li > Seer) 3 , B Port H 0 poy ircunie poral ciate COTTON : peep Aug : Y Pe ited "he netee nee! PRINTS i tA W | | 2 43 BIG HITS! ee CONNIE PAULA. DANY FRANCIS - PRENTISS- ROBIN 1 Pius New Color Cortoon ; Feature Today At: 1:30-3:35-5:40-7:45-9:55 | Port Hope --Knights senior| police court Thursday as 15 ng softball team are in posi were charged before Priced for value. Washable ; 22 irst place in the Lakeshore} agistrate Harry W. Jermyn. cotton sailcloth in a wide choice ae DRIVE OUT one oe wins _ no; Fined $10 and costs were of ay ---- Make your own & ; pita FO losses. Wednesday night in)Arthur Jack Drinkwa -l Curtains, drapes ond save. 368 i" ye 3 i Newcastle they defeated their|ronto; Gordon ig wide. YARD eff A : ad 7 + TONIGHT opponets 16-10. Toronto; Clarence Richard| ao > ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! j : were ¥ 1s Pert gag Peed tia Pong a Jon Robert 3 y | 3 : ly, Ajax; and John Robert| : Vz c FF Sa SATURDAY-SUNDAY- MONDAY! Barb Adams pitched for New-|/McLellan, Toronto. castle unNl_the fifth_and was) aigy fin, $18 and costs then replaced by Wright. Rick- J 3 lc f BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00--"MISTY" STARTS AT 9:10 ard caught. were John Albert Stag, Toron- : ° oo) | L f WALTER PIDGEON PLUS THE H Ruth Fenton with five hits|to; Basil Norman Clief, Osh. DENIMS 3 Convenient nm y . © t JOAN FONTAINE AND sTORY OF A BOY AND for five times at bat was the) awa; Legnard Albert Bacheld.| Steck-up prices on sturdy dene ~ e-it Plans 4 PETER LORRE IN HIS HORSE... ° leading Port Hope hitter. Two!er Toronto: Karl Kube. Osh-| ims. Avoil ; erve You 7 f her hits doubl | » Os ims. Available in plain shades sot tot rss Tne Sehgony Ark #4 PauNoy Pater, of] stipe, ideal rss ond ------=----------_. | ENTIRE WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE Wall wad Cee bate cack | _ Peter Richard Hoffer was} °° wide. YARD 21 SIMCOE ST. S. | fined $20 - and \costs, Larry 723-2294 is OPEN TILL 9 P.M, TONIGHT Doris Rose, Sylvia Hall and} i Gila Crof itched hits) Walsh, $15 and costs.~ urd roft notched- two hits A charge of speeding \at 70 4 SHOPPING CENTRE } ALL DAY SATURDAY Knights play in Millbrook to-| mph _ a ort ae ae dis 723-2209 i | misse: inst Le G is 'EASY. VICTORY relay itil Wie YOU'LL SAVE A BUNDLE ON THE FINEST "a = IN BRAND NAME MERCHANDISE COME EARLY ' bie ae Hope oe vb ND aseball team went to Bow. ' SEE IT FROM ina game withthe Bowmanville REAR OF STORE .-- 32 KING EAST THE BEGINNING I a 3 ee | "Fe Ya seed ne For that KELLY'S DECOR LOUNGE 4 [..5.cso rn tT OMe conan Py 3 'y _ -- in the first inning followed-by|--~--SSOS*=CS~ST * singles in the next three in- ee re ae cen nings, three in the fifth he ig q | d : in the sixth, Bowmanville pick. rec: @ @ a : - ed up three runs in the second he tg eee 4 CHILDREN ! ; Os HAWA ices etbana: ond Mat at i TWELVE . DRIVE-IN THEATRE Dave Bemma and Mike Hills} the i : ae THEATRE shared pitching duties for | ab ; . Port Hope. Dave Rutledge and) rates = lue-DDON of VINOW ... EVEN.SREATER ON THE ed for Bowmanville. Bgb Camp-| bell and' Clint Donoghue split catching duties. | Brereton and Ron Smith for Champa ne Port Hope had four hits for four trips to the plate. O'Brien had two singles and a walk.| For the losers, Nowlan had , , three hits and a walk, Parry) = 2 di. a A and Robson three hits each. 3 : f 4 g Bee | ; | "A e " 4 LibraryGrant | -- : iy 6|ClU C H A | R Rim y RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN Hike Forecast : ~ , 2 ~) Mi d ; A new concept in garden furniture, features J ag i : OKLAHOM | ee te Minister Willlam G. vinyl tubing wound around the seat and back Davis said Thursday night he lt : : \ ' will recommend a_ substantial ad By : rest for the utmost in comfort, extra wide heavy ' > = c increase in the province's an- S J : Aa sided ; : : Be ¢:; LINEMAScCOP nual grant to the Ontario Li- ; os ' moulded plastic arms, all at this low, low price. ¥ brary a ee 'It is no longer satisfactory ae | | to have -- a sogeie ny a eae ; \ | GORDON MacRAE + GLORIA GRAHAME» SHIRLEY JONES + GENE: NELSON books, a library room or build- ; j | MAY SPECIAL ' : i ing and custodian," he told the ' Coes CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD yore JAMES WHITMORE - ROD STEIGER association's annual conven- + : tion." It now is necessary to be a | "30 YEARS OF FUN" equipped with a knowledge of : : N COMPARABLE VALUE 6.99 |WITH LAUREL AND HARDY, CHARLIE B : : on AND MANY OTHER SILENT culture, plus the best in admin- The "'sparkle"' of _ istration, organization and co- President Champagneis produced GREAT: a ordination of libraries at all lev- by the 200-year old process of j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED |S RRS TR) aT els." ae fermentation in the bottle. The association had requested Aged in Bright's wine cellars, : a commission to survey library President Champagne is made j resources and organization, but from special grapes grown in the i SERVE You BETTER ' Niagara Peninsula. : Mr. Davis said annual studies by me oentiene ove be bet, : DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ' tions of a commission would be : OSH AW. A $ id OPP! NG Cc E NTR E PHONE -- TORONTO -- 262-3969 -- WHITBY 668-a602 2 quickly outdated. BOX OFFICE OPENS EACH EVENING AT 8:00 P.M. (inc. Sundays)