REMOVING LACQUER THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 31,1963 $8 be used in its place? I want t0/the gloss; steel wool and tur:|mover and causes mar gy refinish my dining table. pentine can be used for this.| Lacquer thinner is used. to eer = ANSWER: Varnish can be ap-| (But lacquer cannot be applied| move lacquer, Save Time And Work --s Home planners seem to think) them. And then more walkingjing equipment, and a place tol af almost everything when they|and lugging to put the cleanjhang wash-and-wear clothes as Litt Miiade. LIME design houses. things in the assorted closets'they come out of the dryer They provide closets, corners) and shelves where they are|(a must if they're to remain/ oe: _P Wise Home Owners insist on "HYDRA-PRESSED" Concrete slabs for Patio and sidewalks. a TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK : Laundry Centre Can ee diet eatin sd plied over lacquer, after dulling| over varnish; it acts as a Fe- and crevices for just about stored, wrinkle-free), ivity. ac bit of} There's a way to take all\this 5 ever acuvty snd grec Bit otimuting. oat of ceaninpar| Location of all tis "equip s. : i Surveys show that owners of| 'The answer is lastallatiog of/ ment will depend on the automatic washers and dryers|@ laundry center in your home of your home and available use them at least three times|-- & centralized place for aii) ssce, One handy spot is in or a week. Obviously, doing tne/equipment you need to do the/sajacent to the kitchen, A wash is a major activity in ' +s ; modern life. But you'd never} Minimum requirements sug- OT ee are ag know it to look at some mo- gested for such a center in-|iitahen, divided from the food dern homes. Automatic washers|clude: a washer and dryer, or preparation area by an island and dryers often are tucked|combination washer - dryers) sit" which then serves both away in a dark basement or|space for soiled garments, pref- teke -- 24.0 - drafty garage, And even ifjerably at ieast three bias so : Hach slob is precision made under 400 tons of pressure giving TA aSantetih ois als aitde Lis dp 3d Hata en Cl! : they're conveniently located,|clothes can be sorted by type Or you might install laundry for the first time ever, superb quelity et @ price you will lke, 2,3 S 9 there's likely to be a shortage|of load (colored, white and/equipment near the main "Hydra-Pressed" slabs ore frost resistant too, » as Of SAIOY WOR On Hare Ey dalanpens, Wibeen Sod see errs sales lnundey: -- the} agora gee pmo og £ BLD RM, fcr BLD RM. 2 "As a result, Mom finds her-|laundry aids, and a place baiekcetargap oad ce || Set SS ies wo ow sont tor complete information "ape 4 10-4. 12-4 B.10:15-07| =: self trekking from room to|Sorting and folding cleanja hallway, the bath itself, or) price. ne ¥ room, collecting soiled laundry, | clothes. even an extra-large closet. Al 4 . " & a #s: detergent, bleach and fabric} If space permits, you may|few other possible locations are "PONE RNY FOR YOUR FREE BROEMURE OW DATIO DESIGNS , S f softener. Then over to the|want to add any or all of the breezeways, recreation réoms| =e hipsy Fi washer to put in the clothes |/following: more bins for soiled d . | 'e ' 4a mF % Then back again later to puticlother; a sink for pre-treatiag|#74 alcoves. | CONCRETE PRODUCTS LD 7 - ou them in the dryer, Then stilljextra soiled collars and cuffs,; So --\if you're looking for) e | ih Er: another trip to remove the/and starching; a place for iron-/home inmtprovement ideas --| ; "s ALL PATH | %e, clean clothes, sort and fold ing and ironing board and sew-'how about a laundry center?) { ves i; s hE ae cp ot Bite "3 { ig 2B errant [DININGeeACTIV. 5 4 10-4:14-5-HII-9'« 10-6 fo 2 - fF 7 I] NooK A BED RM, | BDRM. : r lOANKG FIG 10.6 > DNL, «= LIVING | MG. a WGlrr -- 6-9.120 2 ae . ! traffic circulation, House is oe. brick veneer but details for ieee: building in solid brick or Sch ah ide ati A frame are, supplied. Design oe sid as --.. could be built on-a-~very nar- | / ae ' 4 i ae j fe \row lot (less than 40 feet) b ; ¥ course would require a der one if an/attached aa , : age a included, "Stan- \ : i , The Building Editor, f dard ueprints for | t : Oshawe Tim en his Pro . 456 cost $15.00 | Oshawa, Onterio. r the: first s}t and $5.00 for aliditional ts, They are | ne ed please find $1.00 for which send - - lans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE". aVailable sf Canada by return Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance maai. (Qhtario residents must : poyable to The Oshawa Times). . "3.per cent sales tax). Now available at this News- paper Office (or from address Name .cecrcversseccccresesresneseesenserrenee hela) Je the intent Dealpo| Book entitled "Canadian | Address .ccsscscserccveccesesseesessesessseness Guide to Mens Ptanaibe sat Design', price $1.00 and is | 4 tax free. This new_edition in- | \ HOME DESIGN No 456 necessary., especially if you cludes information on Financ- ae have provided for future ex- ing in Canada, Building Con- | 'Given a limited building pansion in the original struc- struction Details, Landscap- site, the best solution is the 'ure. The living-dining facili- ing, Color Selection, Interior ' storey and a hail or two stor ties are large enough for a Decorating, Furniture Ar- : "four-bedroom family. There rangement,+ Custom | Design- ' ey plan. In this particular de- are plenty of cupboards in ing, etc., plus over 100 popu- | i * we rat you can start out with a the kitchen and eating space lar and new designs to choose wo-bedroom storey home. jis abundant. Stairs to upper from. Also included in this The upstair bedrooms and floor, basement and side en- book are full details on how | bath can be added later if trance are located for easy to order blueprints. : T \ a i y: i-¢ KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED i |DREAM HOMES in Beau Valley 'You'll thrill to the exciting home fashions, when you visit the "BONAIRE 11" and the 'SAN SALVADOR", designed for comfortable, relaxed living . BEAU VALLEY, a man's pride .. . a woman's dream. VISIT OUR MODEL HOMES (furnished by Betty Haydl Studios), then, find out: how you can make your "dream home come true", in Oshawa's only... BEAU VALLEY, +» CALL SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 723-2265 2 | And now ... GRANDVIEW. VILLAGE What more charming setting can you find for these elegant KASSINGER COMFORT AND ELEGANCE : homes? Where would you find quality, styling service and choice like this? é Stroll through our 4 model homes in Grandview Village, and ask yourself, Are very, important factors Jin" your dolly : could you improve on this? Would you want anything else? Then contact our sppiness. realtors: SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265. attitude, and, ultimately, your happiness. This week-end, you will be able to see the kat Or CARL OLSEN REALTORS 723-1133. for the details Idec! eombinetion ef exmfort and elegance, when H. Kessinger construction will open the toors of their latest mode] home in Beou Valley, head NOTE OF THE INTERIOR DECORATION, y : HE FURNITURE AND FURNISHING, THE LIT- ee TLE THINGS THAT MAKE ELEGANCE STAND BECAUSE YOU CAN Renin tae Ck ALMOST ANY HOME, CAN Be: , OVELY' LOOK, THIS COMFORT M iE AND ELEGANCE, BY PROPER INTERIOR DECOR+ % OVE IN FOR JUST ee eoeee30eo30nwee#e#e® DOWN c. Ei KASSIIZGER INTERIOR DECORATORS cc On StrTrRU C TION pe Fe | NA ithe BD We would like te teke thie opportunity 2 sone H. the Is KING. 725-2606 ; SCHOFIELD AKER LTD. CARL OLSON REALTORS ' % Fs soninn of of oe Model Homes, We are "prieeed