esve@uvyewwev eevee ew VC weer TS ewe Tew HY "aml F EL ea we NOS EV wy OLD BEDFRAME USE Top a discarded . bedframe ee a few 4" boards, and it akes a great off-the-floor stor- Call your gas company service(be found and closed. A color- man, or a competent plumber,|\ess, gelatinous preparation, available at large garden sup- plies dealers, used for discour- jaging birds from _ roosting, FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE)i= = "s"o% face; wear gloves while work- ing). In coating the knobs, be 22 (THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 31, 1963 | BATS IN ATTIC INTERESTING LIVINGROOM ARRANGEMENT | Communications Cut Noise, Time * Does needless sHouting dis- turb the quiet of your home? Do wasted steps try the pa- 'tience of your family? : Probably one of the most meglected elements in the home today is improvement of home communications -- a relatively. 'easy way to make your life 'simpler, safer and more con- venient. Developments in the munications field have been so rapid in recent years that many families are unaware of the new conveniences that can be mdded to the home. Now, you! can plan your home communi- ations to meet your individual) needs, just as you decorate to reflect your own special tastes. COMMUNICATIONS NEEDS The size of a house, its lay- out and number of people in the family affect the communi- cations needs of a home. For people with large homes or) growing families, for example, an internal communications system can save steps, end the need for shouting and bring new dimensions of safety to the whole family. | 'oday, a wide variety of these internal intercom systems are available. Basically they boil down to three categories. | (1) The short - wave commun-' ications. system, which is otfen| considered when it is necessary) to tie in a detached garage, workshop or other separate gg with the internal sys- (2) The built-in sound sys- tem intercom, which can. in-| corporate an AM radio so that) music and news can be "'piped"' through house. (3) The internal intercom| gystem (offered by your local| Bell System Phone Company)) that is fully integrated with , ar telephone service. erely by reaching for the mearest phone, any member of the family can talk with any or all other individuals through- out the house. And best of all, hands-free the other party to . converse freely without interruption, As an added convenience, you can talk with a caller at the front door from the kitchen, bedroom or wherever there's a phone. This is especially valu- able at night when the door can jbe answered and, if necessary, com- help summoned by a phone call without getting out of bed. EMERGENCY BROADCAST In case of accident or fire, answering enables) this home interphone system can be used to notify the rest of the family simply by broad- casting the alarm internally by phone, Through two-way com- munication, replies from the rest of the family assures that |the message has been, heard. RED CHROME LEGS QUESTION: Our parents just gave us their old kitchen set. The table and chairs have chrome legs. Could we paint these red? It would match our kitchen better. ANSWER: Wash the surface of the chrome to remove all trace of grease, wax, grime, etc. Then dull the metal sur- face by vigorous rubbing -wit)/ fine steel wool and turpepéfie. Wipe off all dust and apply metal primer, then top quality enamel, following instructions on the container. TARNISHED BRASS ON:--We just moved are of brass 2 pparently been ne- How can they be re- stored to the usual brass lustre and kept that way? ANSWER: To remove tarnish and corrosion, wash the knobs with ordinary vinegar in which as. much salt as possible has been dissolved, then rinse with plenty of clear water, or use one of the brass-cleaning and polishing preparations widely available supermarkets, house- wares and hardware stores, fol- ne label directions careful- iy. To prevent tarnishing, wipe with benzine and coat with a clear lacquer or plastic made especially for the purpose; sure to work in a temperature of at least 70 degrees. GAS RANGE QUESTION: What is the easi- est and safest way to eonnect and disconnect a gas range with 'the gas outlet pipe in the wall? available many paint and hard- ware dealers and variety stores. All traces of oil and ssrease must be removed first ANSWER: This is definitely jnot a job for the inexperienced. |Gas appliances s be {handled only by professionals. QUESTION: Would like to know what to do to get rid of| bats in the attic. Is there any) poison you can put out for them? ANSWER: Burning a sulphur candle (being very careful of! the fire hazard) in the attic will drive the bats out. Bats can enter through very small crev- ices; to keep them out of the attic, all such crevices. should! XN HIGH SIDEWALK SLABS Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd. Immediate livery base of each telephone pick up replies from the rest of the) family, enabilng a clearly aud- ible two-way conversation. | The same system also lets you listen in on the nursery or check on children's activities) jand whereabouts. so, as your thoughts turn to! home improvements, give pause benefit by better home com- | All this is possible througtmunications. With today's new small speakers in matching colors which accompany each phone, Your message is "'broad- cast" through these speakers |into every room in_ whic ithere's a phone. A flick of « switch on the phone lets you lconverse with callers or chil- dren at the front door. Highly aids you need not walk to talk. to consider if your family could) wo DRY ov spread on the bats' areas will also discourage these) windows, fireplace logs or ba animals. }of fertilizer, cement, etc. roosting| age platform for screens, storm gs HOUSE HUNTING! VISIT US... IN OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT COMMUNITY braemor Stevenson Rd. N. just South of R. $. McLaughlin High School isensitive microphones in the FOR CUSTOM BUILT HOMES CALL... 723-7711 {9.BOND WEST IN A QUANDARY? PUZZLED? PERPLEXED AND IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR HOME DECORATING PROJECT? CALL PRESTON'S NOW . . » Ask About Their | HOME DECORATING SERV Preston's will send a qualified representative to your home to help you select just the right touch in your home decorating plans, @ PRESTON'S WILL MATCH PAINT -- WALLPAPER -- DRAPES AND BROAD- LOOM TO PERFECTION (and supply them all too). PRESTON'S WILL ( ICE If so desired) SEE THAT YOU GET THE RIGHT MEN TO DO THE JOB. Tone-Craft PAINTS. > PRESTON'S IS THE HOME OF N'S QUALITY MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY FOR THIS FREE SERVICE PRESTO DECORATING SUPPLIES © "723-4922 -- e GAS HE 3G / 4 sic as Dye Cooking TAR RATE Subject t» approval of The Outerie Caeny Basrd This means MORE SAVINGS for the residential customers who use. HOME HEATING plus any 2 of these other uses When you are using Natural Gas tor Home Heating and 2 other uses you are entitled to the New 3-Star Rate--a SAVE WITH AN ALL-GAS HOME saving of over $10.00 annually! Fill in this Coupon, clip it -- and Mail Today! Refrigeration Ute Please enroll me for the New 3Star Rate At present we use Gas for Heating and C Water Heating (i Clothes Drying © Cooking C Refrigeration ( Ornamental Lighting Customers accepted for this rate will be billed on the 12 month Equal Billing Plan NAME ADDRESS. (Gonsumers' "as 48 Simcoe South --Oshawa-- - 723-3468 gardens «