Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1963, p. 17

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a Estate For Sale PRIVATE, THE OSHAWA TIMRS, Pridey, Mey 31,1963 17 *|27---Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale | PRIVATE SALE = seven-toom brick|i0-AORE faim, frontage, oa Highway ot }1@, barn, creek, Tiness Harswead floors, sil best. ale, Sacrifice, Call Port Perry, 985-2008, re, LJ sale, 5a ice. '. 728-5407, te For Sale hh age on me way Perry, 985-2005. 27--Real Estate For Sale ONE-STOREY house in Nestleton, four-| rooms with "bath; garage, 4. well, $7,400, with $1,000. down, Fred Cook Real Estate, Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 966-4894, FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land, Near Taga Reasonable price Call Orono 4Ri WHITBY -- peeert brick bung Owner transferred, must sell. 668-3664, |27--Ree bragged farm, 12, house, barn, sale. Suerifice. GLADSTONE Avehue 40' x 113 ft lot, sewer, water and/ gas already in, on vavec street, For| further information telephone 725-0334 hetween 5 and 7 p.m. jow.|PRIVATE two-storey house with two Private. kitchens, could be mde ae separate apartments, Owner must sell, $7,900; ) 4 ee, 7 728-5770, T-SUITE apartment puilding.| Owner must sell for health reasons. Will accept ae as down payment. No ae 795-5 PRIVATE gale on Central Park Boule- jvard South, six-room bungalow, three bedrooms, garage, finished rec, room, two piece bath downstairs. Close to schools and hopping 725-2622. J. A. SHERIFF. Realtor 26--Rooms For Rent WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court, Kingston Road East, cabins. All con-' "showers and heat, Weekly rates 8 starting at $15. _723- 7424, ATHOL STREET BAST, 114 -- One large furnished housekeeping Ae downtown area, $10, 10, weekly, 7 723-758 ONE FULLY FURNISHED room, = conveniences, $6.50 per week. Parking. Apply 27 271 Jarvis Street. 725-6364, TWO SINGLE furnished rooms, vit Private ing, centr: aouy Centre Stre 22--Offices, Stores, Storage WORKSHOP or storage building, com-| mercial zoned, heavy wiring, outside jeity limits, Telephone 725-6120. STORE Corner John and Simcoe Suit ony business. 864 square feet. Telephone 725- 0081 or 725- 9544 'SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED | OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON TELEPHONE | 723-3474 23-- Wanted To Rent RESPONSIBLE couple with one eh | 17--Male Help Wanted INTERMEDIATE accounting student for chartered accountant's office. Tele phone 728-7371. 4 CLASS A licensed mechanic. Steady) oi "Howard on nl ETS employment. Good salary, Replies eet EXPERIENCED ¢ wer to work Box x 122, Oshawa Times, -- directly with salesmen, 10 a.m, to 4 se | five-day week, good remunera- fon to chosen applicant, Apply in per- son. 239 Simcoe Street S CAPABLE worman for housework, two days per week, Good wages, Harmony: King area. Telephone 723-7403. EXPERIENCED waitress for evenings no Sundays. 'Top wages. Apply Car- michael's Bar-B-Q, Park Road South. SHORT ORDER cook required." Must be experienced. Apply G EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for evening work, {full time. Apply in per: son to Bo-Peep Restaurant, Oshawa Shopping Centre. 17--Male Help Wanted - SALESMEN WANTED -- opportunity for advancement in sales field. Trans- portation supplied, salary and commis: sion, vacation with pay, group insur: ance, Persons interested in permanent ition only. Apply i person, Mr. L, guin, Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. STUDENTS _ 16--Female Help Wanted a ad waitress and cook Fequired for restaurant on William ogg Apartment available for appli- June 3. Ape after 5.30 p.m, " 6 $13,500. Port Petry. 985-7193. WHITBY -- 117 Bell Drive, Ranch style bungalow, three storms and screens, TV 'antenna, Low down: payr NHA Tele- phone 728-2604. HITBY -- Llpaees drive, storms, TV Whitby, WHITBY -- six-room brick peereey: modern Terms ar- ranged. FOR SALE -- Attractive twe-Deereom weil formance, large lot, Quiet street. iiss Foner Ing 942-6803. Ptog i 514 'cicen street Perry.|five-room Phone Bruce B ssc hac ther 6 p.m. or anytime weekend, PORT PERRY AREA -- Yai | frame} division. en,|1¥-storey family homes Caesarea} 'jand Blackstock, Full price t4.300 each, low flown We Carnegie, Realtor cel PRIVATE 5A) ne| six-room brick hom: ment, nt Available July , | 728-8769 alter 5, Full-Time Salaried Employee To investigate, buy and sell Real Estate, specializing in Rural ond Lakeshore § Pro- perty. With or without auto- mobile, NORTH SHORE Realty Company Ltd. Telephone 725-3568 Ask for Howard Forder : two-bedroom bungalow, fenced lot, . aluminum antenna, ete,, $10,200; Apply 464 Perry Street, PRIVATE | Income, seven large bed- 24 rocm brick 'home, Modern kitchen, two paved driveway. Garage 728-9739 Reese nae jparking ren. Central. for SIMCOR NO! ~yoom, |particulars, suitable for gentleman or lady, In LOT FOR SALE -- 103" trontage by young couple's home. Telephone 728-199, Landscaped, one block south off, 9277. | King Street Kast, Five minutes' walk-| SINGLE room, furnished for elther|in@ distance from bus, churches, pub- or Ia ly. T 725-8417, \lic, separate or high school, $49 per PONTIAC IND | frontage foot with services paid, 728- double, television privileges. parking, weekly o7 nightly tg "a5 | | 9035. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping room with sink, refrigerator and rang- ette, suitable for. one gentleman, Cen- | tral. _Apply 2 237 Athol Steet East. TWO or three. . Tight. | housekeeping, fur- nished or unfurnished, near High {School and Hospital, 'Telephone be- tween $ - 6 p.m, only. 728-8214. | FURNISHED room, comfortable, | 1, gle Dee TRI-PLEX $23,000 FULL PRICE $3. 000 Down--Income $2,+ 830. Fours years old, Tenants Pay Your Mortgage. Dufferin Street, Whitby Telephone 725-3090 on block ftom bus stop. Telephone 723- Sones ) AVENUE -- two-bedroom brick N H USE bungalow, better district, good location. Full price $10,500 with $1,000 down payment. 728-7245. SAT. - 1 JUNE BUILDING LOTS, 100° x 160°, 2% 2-7 P.M. miles east of Newcastle, Telephone A BEDROOMS = | bungalow, all con nace, only $6500, cash or terms. W. on Realtor, ® Prince Street, 2512 or 668-5765. JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St, S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) $1000 DOWN LIKE NEW | a 4: College or Senior High students with car, as local summer area Supervisors. Must be necot and hard working, Give phone and complete details, Delemere Corp. 1216 Yonge St., To- ronto, MEN WANTED to help us supply the ever- increasing. demand for Ruw- leigh Products. Are you in- terested or have you a friend who might be? This is the best paying. one man business in the country. An excellegt income for the mon is honest ond a good worker, Write today, Raw- leigh"s, Dept. €£-310-05, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, "FURNITURE TRY DRIVER Permonent position for ex- perienced reliable man, with references, must be over 21, Apply RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH If you are between the ages of 20-28 years. If you have any type of car, If you are interested in $100 weekly. If you qualify why not apply. Telephone 728-1352 Ask for Mr. Lee SALESMEN WANTED For Heating and Appliance Division. Experience an asset, Age no barrier if you wish to earn at-least $100 per week. Pleose call: MR. ST. JOHN DIAL 668 - 2387 SALESMEN TO SELL REAL ESTATE Previous Sales background, but not necessarily in the, Real Estate Field. Ambiti and good health are mbit ag ments. Must have a fairly\ late model cor. We pay top commissions. Write or tele- phone, BILL McFEETERS Schofield-Aker 360 King St. W., Oshawa Telephone 723-2265 | Machine Operator ~|18--Male or Female E | | | | | | | |ROOM and hoard preferabl> |tion workers, 218 Gliddon Avenue. Tele-| IBM. Tabulating requires two or. three-bedroom nouse Oshawa or vicinity. Telephone 728- 020, want four room apartment by June 15) Modedn, Reliable tenants, Telephone 728-9100 after 5 p.m Applicant must be exper- ienced on unit record equip- ment ond able te wire 407 and 519 machines. with a minimum of supervision, This Is on expanding installalion three bedroom home or apartment, $75 or $85 monthly, Oshawa or Whitby, 0) BUSINESS couple. with pre-teen son,|° Dial 728-2660 KING STREE® EAST, near limits, o r two rooms, partly furnished, available June 1, D \bus, parking, 725-2974, COMFORTABLE housekeeping for gentleman, refrigerator, hotpla er only, $10. weekly. Apply | Street East. gs. space. Apply 39 Sandra Street East, | ne | city | jal room| te,| | RESPONSIBLE parents require two 9r|Gitnes Tinen supplied, Central, Abstain: 12° Elgin and this operator will "com- mence on a steady 4 p.m, to 12 p.m. shift, Excellent pen- sion plon complete com- pony paid medical, hospitat ond life insurance benctfits. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT, DUNLOP * Canada WHITB Telephone 668-3361 vicinity of Whitby two or three oa room house with option to buy, if p sible. Must be available by suly. eh 1963. Best of references. Write Box 746, Oshawa Times S 24--Houses For Rent SIX-ROOM brick house, "centrally _lo-| cated, Available July 1. Apply 255 Ga-| jburn Avenye or call 725- 3389. | rouR- ROOM house for rent, Vacant now, $70. Apply149 Wil id South, McLAUGHLIN BLVD, 106 -- Posses- sion July 1, six-roo rooms, Apply 126 %4 BUNGALOW modern, room, living m and dinette Tile bath 'ached carport, Full base- ment, Large lot, Available July 16, $115.) monthly, Dial 725-3875, Help Wanted CUCUMBER and tomato pickers want- 3 A emer crop is ready. Telephone 668 |25--Apartments |NEAR HOSPITAL and motors, apart- |ment, four rooms, downstairs, newly |decorated, front and back entrances, Jadults only, 725-3093 | FOUR-ROOM upper "duplex, private en- trance, range, refrigerator, laundry fa- jeilities, good location, moderate rent, Telephone 723-3985. BOWMANVIL "iment ,centrally located, |Telephone 725-6007. FERNISHED two - room "apartment, close to GM north plant. Apply 302 Jar. | vis Street after 5 p.m . UNFURNISHED two-room private entrance and bath. Su coup'e $58 monthly. References. 8352 "WANTED TAX! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI Ae Albert Street 725-4771 SALES ESTIMATOR 'One-bedroom apart- $60 monthly, 1 apartment ible for 725- SEMI-DETACHED $630 DOWN Brand new bungalow, over 1130 square feet, complete- ly decorated throughout. Mo- dern. kitchen, Immediate possession, * CALL BILL MILLAR 725-1186 To own. a delightful three- bedroom brick home for less than it costs to rent. Features include forge lot with ranch style fencing, divided base- ment, breakfast nook, large living-dining room, Close to GM South Plant and. shop- ping, faces playground ideal for children; one block trom public and separate schools, churches. Owner has left city ond must sell immediately Will accept $600 cash. 6% NHA mortgage. Privote. 728- 6830. 498 SIMCOE NORTH, Apartment 1 -- | One-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, | refrigerator and stove, heat and water) jincluded, Available June 1. 728-3945. |sIMCOE "South, ge ro Sales office requires person to be trained as Estimator for Architectural Metal Pro- 730, two large room, unfurnished apartment, main floor, pri- | vate entrance and bath, gas range, pre- |fer couple or one baby AMBASSADOR APARTME NTs -- ~Mod- ern one-bedroom suite, unfurnished, jrange and refrigerator supplied, suit-| lable for couple, For appointment, tele- [phone 728-4283. IN NEWCASTLF 'one bedroom apart- ment, all conveniences, heated, $45 | monthly, Telephone Bowmanville 623-) 5589. FAREWELL, ducts. BASIC MATHS, CACULA- TING ACCURACY ESSEN- TIAL, BLUE PRINT READ- ING AN ASSET, HOURS 8-5 PERMANENT near King, three - room unfurnished apartment. Private bath and entrance. Oil heating, Available July 1, Telephone 723-2127, KING STREET EAST -- ~ Centrally "Jo |cated, two-bedroom lower duplex, kiteh- jen equipped, large living and dining \rooms, parking space, Adults prefer- red, $95, After 6 p.m., telephone 725 725-5761 Epeer STREET EAST ~-- Beautiful © - bedroom apartment, completely Tonia parking §pace available, $90, month Telephone 725-9181 KING STRFET EAST -- Three rooms, Furnished complete, rangette, refriger- ator, private bath, bus at corner, $60. After 6 p.m., telephone 728- 7643. TWO bedroom "apartment, "private bath APPLY Rowe Bros. & Co. CANADA LTD. Phone Ajax 942-6500 20--Room and Board ROOM 800M AND | BOARD for day shift preferred, near North G) Telephone 7 725-03 0312, a ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board for gentlemen, single beds, lunches packed, good meals. Telephone 728-2433, 7M and hoa construc: M,| Only, $80 a month, Telephone 068-5674. 109 Craydon Rd. | Whitby $95 and $85 One and Two Bedroom Apartments In small good apartment buil- | ding. Excellent condition and electrically equipped. Laundry facilities, storage, parking and TV outlet. To inspect phone 728-2443. TWO OR THREE "gentlemen, willing | to share, $14 for five girns $16 for seven, Telephone 728-3396. ROOM and board in ciean, quiet home. All conveniences, Gentlemen preferred Telephone 726-4112. ROOM and board for two nice, quiet men, good food, parking, close to shop- ping centre and General Motors, Apply} 8 Park Road South. 21--Room & Board Wanted BOARDING HOME: required immedi-| see ately by the month for three children, lee needs supplied. Write Box q 5, 4 and 2, preferably in the, country, Mrs. Fleming, Apartment 2 720, 8% 109 Craydon Road, Whitby 20 St. Clair Ave. West | CHARTERED awa Times. 17--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN WANTED EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED To be trained as a resident method engineer in a in association with a consulting garment factory, engineering program. Preferred: 22 to 28 years of age. equivalent, Send reply to: MR. GEORGE ROTH, c/o MISS SUN VALLEY LIMITED, 96 SPADINA AVE., TORONTO, CANADA. TRUST COMPANY | Toronto WA 2-6135 | Evenings, Mr. Melvin Ajax 942-7889 Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat 1% to 2 years of college or WHITBY CLASSIFIED Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallwoys Storage Locker insSuites Loundry room on each Fos yong Modern four home, FOR BENT: street east or phone 668- LARGE bedroom| STOVE, electric, Viking, 2 ovens, very two bathrooms, hot water heat-/ good -- Price $90. DMal after 5 ilities. hg oem loca-| p.mn., 668-4636 i DRESSMAKING, Large furnished room, centrally located. Apply Pag Dundas Earopenn two bedroom ag er is modern sixplex. 708 Dunlop Street West, | telephone 668-8560, Whitby. DRIVEWAY gravel, cement sand and fill. a deliver, Branton, 668-2660. SEPTIC tanks. on calls. Street West, Whitby 668-2563. DRESSMAKING: gravel, 'Buits, coats, dresses,| i= Call Erie} GOOLD'S | eran for cottages, floor coverings,| Ganea: |, prompt service Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut altera.ions, slip covers, drapes. Fitting | shai a specialty. ROTARY 'MOWER TUNE -UP Cleon and adjust points, spark plugs, carborator, throt- 'tle: controls, sharpen blade. 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus ports. 'oms 668-237: m | GeauaweNe steed floor, two rooms ] | OUTBOARD MOTOPS | | Repairs ame Service WILDE RENTAL SERVICE. & SALES 1415 668.3 E. Whitby | » floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited -- 723-2265 26--Rooms For Rent and 9gath, vacant June 20th. Apply 110 WONDERLAND PARK M otor Court, Ash Street South door, Whitby, or dia) Kingston Road East, cabins. All con- 668-8308. : veniences, including 'showers and heat. ron RENTT gto Weekly rates starting at $15. 723-7424. shed t pi wet Aan red eftranee cen.| ROOM, very' comfortable, private home. tral location, parkiing, all conveniences |Suitapie for a young lady Kitchen Call 668-3242. privileges, Dial 728.0283. eo | FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment,|** DREW STREFT -- two partly: fur. private bathroom. . Large grounds. pone bow eping rooms, third Available now now. 668-2900, fioor, sink nteana. Apply between ------------ 5 - 8 p.m ATTRACTIVELY _ Want Ads = FURNISHED ROOMS hold. the key Available in private home. to Extra Cash drapes, rates. Whitby alterations, Reasonable 8. Jebert, general sewing. Mrs. FOR RENT: One bedroom self-con- tained apartment, floor, $55 ap poly vm Brock Street South, telephone Furniture, Second Hand anges, televisions, refrigerators bey, sell or trade. Open al! day | Dund. as Whitby. Telephone 668-5 |FOR RENT ~-- Four-room apartment * ie home. Adults only. Bowman Gibson, 668-5823. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH George Blyleven REALTOR CALL 623-5300 Oshawa very close to Catho- lic school and Church very clean and nicely decorated 3 bedroom bungalow with recreation room. Priced at $13,500 with $2500.- down, Maple Grove on paved rood and close to highway. 3 bed- room brick veneer bungalow Lot can be extended for V.L.A. Asking price $13,000. Twin Lake close to Hove- lock 90 miles from Oshawa well kept summer cottage with safe beach for children. Asking price $3500.-Terms., Two bedroom bungalow with attached garage on well re gag lot. Asking price "LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ~gentleman;| &"d entrance. Newly decorated. Couple |. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY KIL MAURS AVE. $8400.00 asking price with $1000.00 down on _ this bungalow with garage on. an extra large lot. School bus at your door. Taxes only $113. yearly. Call Ed Drumm at 725-9345 or 728-5123. SOMMERVILLE 4 BEDROOMS $11,300 FULL PRICE This older home is in spot- less condition inside. Requires {$2300.00 down, carries for 65.00 monthly. Taxes only 08.00 yearly. Call Ed Drumm at 725-9345 or 728- 5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario. -- OPEN EVENINGS -- PATRICK G. McDANIEL REALTOR WHITBY 668-2311 LYNDEVIEW DR. -- Vacant Lot. Large lot with a good view in one of Whitby's choice residential neighbor- hoods. FAIRVIEW DR, -- Attractive ranch bungalow with attached garage. Three bedrooms. Large nicely landscaped lot -- Country Subdivision. 402 WALNUT ST. -- This is a modern home in the older section of the town -- close to everything. This dwelling. is 8-years-old, has excellent plan. Down pay- ment $3000. to one Mort- gage. 906 HENRY ST. -- Mr. Ex- ecutive --- you may be in- terested in this large ranch style home with 7-rooms, 2- car garage, 90-ft. lot. 159 HILLCREST DR, -- This home has everything for the young 'family. Finished play room, three bedrooms, at- teched garage. RESPONSIBLE. couple wish to rent ia '27--Real Estate For Sale ] |NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE) | Here' s Your Chance | North Shore Realty Company Ltd. | | | 'Open House Again This Weekend. Brick and Stone Bungalow MORTGAGES $13,700 ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD 245 GREENWOOD AVE. SOMETHING SPECIAL (2nd Street south of Gibb Y if tka' 4 off Park Road South) ou will like the outstanding | brick work on this home, its | Salesman on duty. shining, wall kept interior, 25 Ontario -- 728-1673 _ KEITH PETERS lined street. Best of all priced to sell' at $11, 900. | Realtor 728-7328 103 King St. E. with small down payment, one mortgage for balance. 5 rooms, fireplace, broad- loom, paved drive and gar- age. Call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, $8,500.00 Attractive 4. room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and liv- ing room, privote drive with gorage,- nicely landscaped grounds.' Monthly" payment only $75. To inspect, ask for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544, OWNER SAYS SELL Beautiful brick and stone rancher with attached gar- age in North-West section. Recreation room expertly fin- ished in mahogany. Two baths. Professionally land- scaped, Price just reduced to $17,000. Terms. Call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, | $800.00 cash and move in- - to this brand new 3 bedroom bungalow with -- Hollywood type kitchen, extras include stove and oven, decorating and sodded front lown. TRADES are now being ac- cepted in HARMONY VIL- LAGE, many plans to choose from and some 300 ft. ra- vine lots. Drive down Har- mony Rd. Donevan Col- legiate and turn east on Florell Dr, to 10 acres with some fruit trees west of Oshawa Have you a house to sell-? We have the buyers. Call 728-7328 NEW COTTAGE Uxbridge orea, new 3 bedroom cottage on waterfront $3500.00 with $300.00 down. FAMILY RETREATS Scenic country acreage with woodlands and creeks in Lake Scugog or Kendal. Hills area, 10 to 50 acre parcels priced from $4000.00. For information on above properties call Howard Forder, lot. 725-3568 Evening? Brooklin 665 ice NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and METCALF Real Estate Limited 'AO King St. E, Dial 728-4678 SUBURBAN RANCH. Maple Grove Location ~- just a few steps for bus to town or schools, very modern 3 bedroom brick rancher on delightful w d lot. Ask- ing only $13,000.00 - a V.L.A. purchaser con buy sufficient adjacent land for $250.00 ---- Must be seen toibe appreciated - make your appointment today, ¢ mS, Pov- ed drive, storms and screens, landscaped ete. Owner has to relocate clos- er to his work - Sacrifice price of $11,300.00 - is over one Thousand less than he poid for the home - $1500.00 down payment to one 6% N.H.A. mortgage. See and buy this home now while opportunity knocks, NEW HOMES $595.00 DOWN Your new home awaits you im Greenwood Heights. Build or move into your own 3 bedroom brick home. Prices start as low as $11,595.00 - one N.H.A, mortgage for balance. Call today for full particulars. Models open. for your inspection. 10 ACRE LOTS Just east of Oshawa for only $4500.00 - with $1,000.00 down. Also many other lots in Oshawa to choose from. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osborne John Kemp Lloyd Metcalf Dick Barriage Joe Maga 3 BEDROOMS "One owner brick bungalow in top condition. Priced to sell quickly for $12,600, Give us o coll, Bill Millor 725- 1186. W. T. Lamson Reol Estote Ltd, New modern bungolow, all conveniences. 2 acres small fruit trees, Also vegetable garden, On highway,, Mill- brook district. 50 colonies of bees. All equipment included. HAROLD C. PEDWELL BROKER NEWCASTLE 3856 LOVELY BUNGALOW In Whitby, five room, brick, newly decorated, tile bath, partially finished recreation room, extra storage Cup- boards. $2000 down, one 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Te- lephone Whitby 668-5234, ~ NEWCASTLE bathroom. Decorated, sodded, carport and many other features. PRICE $15,875.00 'DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7122 OPEN HOUSE 6 TO 9 P.M. SEE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL "DREAM" MODELS IN BEAU VALLEY, OSHAWA'S LOVELIEST RESIDENTIAL AREA SCHOFIELD - AKER GRANDVIEW VILLAGE OPEN HOUSE 6 TO 9 P.M. FOUR LOVELY MODELS BUILT BY KASSINGER, FOR YOUR INSPECTION Down Payments.As. Low As $930 DRIVE TO GRANDVIEW ST. S. OFF KING ST. E. AND FOLLOW THE ORANGE SIGNS SCHOFIELD - AKER. °360 KING. ST. W PHONE 723-2265 723-2265 | tous leh TO We are sorry the overflow crowds prevented IVI seeing this model home last weekend. Come and see over 2,000 sq. ft. of quality built, artistically decorated, and tastefully furnished, mode! home, built by Peter Johansen Ltd, Furniture by Holden Brothers, drapes by Wards, Accessories by Lords of Oshawa and stereo sound by Wilson and Lee. Situated In Beautiful ANSLEY COURT (West on Rossland Rd, Just east of Oshawa Creek) To Accommodate the Overflow from Last Weekend OPEN DAILY STARTING FRIDAY From 1 to 9- P.M. EXCLUSIVE AGENT Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 King St, E. Dial 728-4678 GUIDE REALTY GRANDVIEW GARDENS -- Only business transfer com- pels owner to sell this three bedroom = brick bungalow, close to separate and public schools and . transportation. Bright attractive living room with stone fireplace, modern kitchen with large combina- tion dining area. Beautifully panelled and tiled rec. room. Playroom and laundry. Gar- age and paved drive, also patio. Excellent N.H.A. fin- ancing 6% mortgage. N.H.A, RESALE -- In Brook- lin, 6 room ranch bungalow in immaculate condition, In- terest, Principal and Taxes only $83.00 per month, Let us show you this well kept three bedroom home today. CONNAUGHT ST. -- Lovely 2% storey family home in this area of good homes. All large rooms. Living room with fireplace, separate dining room and family room, all broadloomed. Loads of cup- boards in kitchen, 2. full bathrooms: and 2-pc. wash- room. Beautifully landscaped garden in back and the price has been. reduced. Owner leaving city and is anxious to sell, NORTH WEST AREA -- 3 bedroom family home on court away from traffic. De- signed for efficiency and comfort. Large living room with lots of wall area for ease of .furniture arrange- ment. Recreation area parti- ally finished in basement, Forced air oil heating. Close to schools, Shopping and bus. Garage. ESTATE SALE -- 21% storey tug brick home on Warren Ave. Paved drive and double garage, Property clear, estate will hold the mortgage and take reasonable down poy- ment. $15,000. COUNTRY RAN- CHER with attached garage. 3 bedrooms, large lot, $2,500 down, One mortgage for bal- ance. This home is in excel- lent condition. 4-pce, tiled bathroom with vanity. Rec. room partially finished. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- three bedroom brick bunga- low on quiet street. L-shaped living room and dining room. 6% = Mortgage. Full price $12,600. PRINCE ALBERT --- 11 room home on 3 acres with large chicken house. Town water and near schools and store. Home has 4 hydro meters for 4 opts. Full price $12,900. $1,000. DOWN -- 4 room brick bungalow. Clean as a pin. Low taxes. Centrally lo- cated. 1 open. mortgage for balance. 'pan daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full particulers coll 723- 1121) GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. $. SUMMER RESORT | 60 MILES FROM OSHAWA Finest fishing area, Accomo- dates 50 people in main lodge, cottages and cabins. Beautiful spot. Ready to open now. $10,000 DOWN OR A GOOD PROPERTY IN OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-1412 BETWEEN 4 AND 8 P.M. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new "KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East End location, Give us a call. Your present home accepted as a trade, CARL OLSEN REALTOR 299:King St. W. 723-1133 100 ACRE BUSHLAND terested in noture trails and bridol paths, clear- ings at interesting Fahy i GS. ae rom posts an es. only $4500. a $10,000 in Brooklin. Cosy 3 bedroom oil heated home with mony extras. Plenty of cupboard space. Central, Terms. APPLIANCES AND TV SERVICE CENTRE Health forces\ sale of* this opening of Appliance, store. This is @ good opportunity for young TV technicion, $7200 Cosh. FINE HOUSE ON 50 ACRES Scenic: farm obove Ashburn. A renovated house with oi! furnace, bathroom and , Gluminum storms and screens, etc. Asking $17,500, will consider any reasonable offer. Contact " BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3195 & SONS LTD. 28--Real Estate Wanted D. H.-ANDREWS-. 46 Eglinton Ave. £. Toronto 12° jandscaped, tion in Oshawa, northwest ferred. Telephone 728-3562. WILL pay cash for four or five room brick bungalow, 1 good loca area pre- 29--Automobiles For Sale 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, biue, radio, excel lent condition. Telephone 728-9095 . ue peg real ---- No offer re- SPOT "CASH PAID FOR Gand oh clean cars. fobs e up Liens DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 On Gibbon Street Recreation Room Two Fireplaces For $1,500 down, you can move Into this custom built home 'of clay brick, 'stone front. '(Only 11 months old. For action, call Bill Millar at 725-1186. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. WHITBY Only three ~ years old and in immaculate conditign. The purchaser will not have to spend a dime to move in. Six rooms, bigger than average, close to schools in one of the choicest area. This: is a real buy at $17,- 200, Call to-day, to-morrow may be late. 4-ROOM COTTAGE ON CREEK -- Only $7,700 ask- ing prite with terms for this modern winterized comfort- able little home. City con- veniences in the country at- mosphere of Cedar Valley, North Oshawa, OWNER , TRANSFERRED -- Practically new 6 room brick bungalow with an extra large carport. This is a reat home for a growing family located on Gibbon St. Close to ail schools, transportation, end shopping centre. Princi- pal and Interest only $79 per month. This won't last long, call us now, SCHOFIELD-AKER | SEVEN ge 8 SPLIT LEVEL --on No. 2 Highway near Four* 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE Six cylinder, stondard trans mission, radio, white walls completely reconditioned. Special this week $467 WELLMAN Motors Ltd. Your Local RAMBLER Dealer 100 Nonquon Road 728-7351 1963 PONTIAC STATION WAGON Six cylinder, standard trans- mission, radio, windshield washers, seat belts and seat covers, 8,000 original miles. $2995 or best offer ELMO. DISNEY B.A. STATION PICKERING 942-6621 1953 CHEVROLET BELAIR One owner, finished in Roman Red with match'ng interior ond 5 new tires. Immoculote t. / Special this week $445 WELLMAN Motors Ltd. Your Local RAMBLER Deoler 100 Nonquon Road 728-7351 Solina Road. and large living room with bor. Peach; Pear, standard dwarf Apple trees, and two acres of good land. Small barn with hydro and water. Early possession. Only $11,- 500. For inspection call Ken Morris at, 623-5406 Bowmanville. LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW. WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION. 723-2265 - Open 9 to 9 ~ Sat. 9 to 5 STEVE MACKO , 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL . 725-0239 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) BILL' McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER .... 725-0201 USED VOLKSWAGEN VAN 1962 Model Window Van one careful owner-driver since new. This van has been serviced regularly and hes been well maintained. It looks like new. Priced to Sell $1695 OPEN EVENINGS SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. Authorized Volkswagen Decler 334 Ritson Road South 723-3461 (Continued on Page 18) Here's on ideal location for \) home site for the family in- a, + J. A. WILLOUGHBY .

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