FeO ee ew <~-g a = % Aidit tinntieti tana ai OD j bg THE OSHAWA TIMES. Thursday. Mav 20, 1693 25. : in sports and. was an ardeni; G> 7 #9 i | : t tsherman, Kusk Deeks : a V S Oc Pa rye toaliged one Same é ievceptes jet squadrons in Can-\U.S. planes to make an in- F . eorge Terry (Doris), Oshawa ada as part of an air defence ver x Xe | ANTHONY G. (DAVES) BICKLE|Mpunt Lawn Cemetery. Rev. F.|and Mrs. W. 3. Hyslop, (Ruth), Co-Operation build-up but that the Pearson] cress pope a ' it Net u bad TORDNTO pam. seacns | Stock Sales HighLows.m.Ch'ge| Stock Bales HighLowa.m.Ch'se| mm. Goath of Anthony Garnet|G/ Ongley, rector of St.|Saskatoon, Sask. government is oppoesd to the thus terminating the U.S. com- Toronto Stopk Exchange--May 30 -- | Moore 100 $54% 54% 54% + %4/Delhi Pac 500 97 47 | (Dave) Bickle, 92 Oshawa boule-|George's Memorial Anglican] Mr. Welch is at McIntosh-An- On A Issu idea. F . } _augtations in cents unjess marked §:/Nat Drug 850 $15% 15% 15% + 6 Donaida 1000 7% 7% 7% | vard south, occurred early today,Church, will conduct the serv-|derson Funeral Home. The! iar e Informants here said there is|Plaint that in time of emer- Ziehts, xe Exovarrants Net 'change is Noranda 335 $374 37-974 + M/ east Mal $00 al B82 at i -- Geren See ices, funeral service will be held oe MORRISON |"Ctiite foundation for The Post) gency--such as the Cuban crisis » m pre ard-lot closing sale.) Geean Cem 225 $13% 1344 13% EI Sol ee Ee eae e ha m in poor health for Saturday, June 1, at 3 p.m. y HAROLD story. last fal -- Canadian red tape © Overland pr 200 $8% 8% 8% + %/Farad $00 137 137 137 the past six months. GEORGE HENRY ROBINSON "Rev. F. G. Ong.| _ hampe mediat INDUSTRIALS pine ae ee Te Oe eating aa Mm "A son of the late Mr, and Mrs,| 'The death of George Henry renggeveny Hy A i Gages an ideoretnty, Ram ad. Wales: Kear adit sag do omseiey of'a full NORAD alert. clock Aaton igh tow amilchitelPow Corp 00 $10 10" 10" |Wor'Lates 30m 16% i6t 164 --%4| John Bickle, he was born Nov, Robinson, 344 Thornton road) giican Church. Interment wililday the United States sqeks tolies tavor greater flexibility, in ie -m. Ch'ge) Price Br 140 $38% 38% 38% -- % High-Bell cn i git 1, 1882 in Cornwall, England. north, occurred Wednesday,|}. in Oshawa Union Cemetery. |settle outstanding nuclear issues|the dispersal of NORAD jet Abitibi 200 $45 45 «45 ~--WlQN Gas 255 $85 Be BM Hollinger ' his tc es a 80 [QN Gas pr 126 $1i4is 114% 10% + 4 Hud 'Bay 45 $5644 56% 56% + %|/Mr, Bickle had been a resident oe peepee eo peaith = In lieu of flowers, donations| With Canada in the fullest spirit squadrons; increased capability Ys |QN Gas w jIron Bay 116 111 111 --5 lof Oshawa sii 1910. i ; of co-operation Alta Gas 1251 306-306 «306 -- %i fe "0 of Oshawa_ since , coming to the Heart Fund will be ap-- peration, of C n squadrons to move Alta Gas pr 20 $109%4 109% 109% \Relenee ng rin a ™% ies yond " % 4 - here from England. the 'past five years. reciated. ' He called for eff p le or effort on bothito forward or alternate bases, Alta Gas w 100 900 900 900 Royal Bank 365 $77% 77% 77% Joburke 12% 12% 12% ' Born in Thornbury, he was a ; |SUL Cp A pr 25 $103%4 103% 10344 Joutel 135 135 135 He married the former Alice) on of the late Rev. Samuel sides not to create problems butjand greater manoeuvrability of $57 56% + Vs! Salada 230 39% 9% 9% Jowsey % 30 «(30 Adams at King Street United ' '| MRS. LEROY WILKINSON to work toward mutually-accept-|U.S. planes across the Canada- Hm ze | -|Shaw in stan 17 15 16 \xeoley-¥ 33 33 Church in 1910, Mr. Bickle was any pay ho A ecg ore The death cf Mrs. LeRoy Wil-|able solutions U.S. border eed n $ 15 --%| ihr wos son, He . Col- | . 5. " 48% -- Shaw A pr $45% 45% 4556 + 4 KODAR s13% 33% 33% + 4/an adherent of the United|iegiate Institute and graduated|Kinson occurred suddenly, at! Rusk commented on a Wash-, One informant suggested a| It takes as many as 13,000! br Shaw B pr nme ST 1% |L Dufault 740 735 740 --15 |Church of Cones, The deceased) trom the Ontario College of pod age te age so" ington Post report that the U.S.|possible compromise is that the|individual parts to ' _ fepetl 235 lwas an employee of the Gay 1 itby, Wednesday, May 29. | j Me 23'4 -- % Shully's 100 iw 4 Agriculture, at Guelph, |would like to, base eight new in-|Canadian government will allow 7H + UilSteat Cane tie aa Bee. Ben Company Limited and worked) i, Robinson was a mem-|_ The former Deborah Mary 3 |Suptest ord 150 $18% 18% 18% -- %| 5 tired in 1051. . f th te M d Mrs. Eu- ; ; Anglican Church for many|f the late Mr. and Mrs. Eu - iGine eG min' «a | Lyndhat He is survived by his wife and youre and had been a dnamher gene Mothersill and was born $2054 28% 20% 4 14 T Fin A 1160 $13%4 13% 13% -- | MacLeod a brother, Thomas, of England.|of the church choirs in both the|in Oshawa, She married LeRoy 315 $20% 20% 20% T Fin B 00 $13% 13% 13% Marboy Mr. Bickle is at Armstrongloid and new St. George's| Wilkinson in Whitby in 1920. BEPh 5% pr 60 $106 105% 106 Trans-Mt xd $15 14% 14% -- | Mattgmt 025 45 (| 4 4 | ; , Bett rae" Bis BS ORS ie Sere ara ui can i, macied the former Muni Bk Anaiews Presoteie 1 H oe 1h) CG Y 1h 'h % a oor # > ols . : _ Be 4 3 Soon 4 te Vie Gt oo. sta ats sme a dugted by Rev. H. A. Mellow, Church, Dec. 28, 110 ana had Surviving are her husband, a an a a ulWomk % a ee ee |New tesco come 354, 68 28m sot gd yey ac goog bag residéd in Oshawa for the past|son, Jack of Port Credit and A \ %-- iW |New Ja v V y rch, | aa a A oS ee, te oe eo : © In/4p years, |two' daughters, Mrs. 8. Yacabo- $37% 37% 37% + % Weston A 215 $194 19% 19% |New Rouyn 1000 19 19 +3-| [Friends are asked not to call incon retired 10 years ago, He|W. Hurley, Wilma, Whitby as 250 se ea se -- sett te da Nc Bocmleta 5 45 at the funeral home before Fri-|se a member of the Royall well as five grandchildren. > Collieries 2500 $91 9% 9% OILS ct ph I A le Canadian Legion and was asso-| Also" surviving are a brother Ormsby 4 MRS, BESSIE HENDERSON ciated with the South Ontario) Basil, Oshawa and two sisters, 333 Be yS¥seedeis gee 1™% Shell Oil 761. $19% 19% 19% + Wy 460° 460 460 . as a cab'net maker until he re- ber of St. George's Memorial Mothersill, she was a daughter $21%, 21% 21% -- %/ Dorado BC Phone 100 857% 57% 57 Tr Can PL M " * 4 57% + Ww Tr Can 5H $204 20% 29% fartin . 1 \Funeral Home. The memorial! churches. The deceased was a member of $26% 26% 26% -- % Vie G Tr 315 1515 New Ath 1000 37% 37% 374 -- 4) 230 230 230 --5 |W Pacific $18% 18% i8% -- %|N Mylama 1000 17 17 ni a ee | A farmer by trade, Mr, Rob-|sky (Jean) Oshawa and Mrs. C Hydro 1530 $18 «18 18 +% a 75 $66% 664 iy Ss P s 5 s "4 ' - _ Cie ue tae ee ees lc Dele aes ae Pamour '| 'The death occurred suddenly *8ticultural Society Board. Mrs. J, Noble (Reta), Oshawa on i 76 $20% 30: 30% Me ig Lele a io t 44s 2 ick Cr 58, Wednesday, May 29, at the Osh- Mr, Robinson enlisted in the| and Mrs. E, Allison. € Util 100 $34%4 3414 344 -- 4 Cent Del 200 815. 810810 lpondee e000 "\ '\7 --jfawa General Hospital, of Mrs,|116th Batallion, in the First) Mrs, Wilkinson is at the W. C. Clairton' wt ua Ales Wik LS ) Bessie Henderson, 371 Adelaide|World War, and was transfer-/Town Funeral Home, Whitby. : Con Bldg 200 $9% 9% 94 - %/H BONG 450 $15% 15% 15% Phere phe --4 /javenue west. Mrs. Henderson| Ted to ey pe Battalion, French' Funeral services will be held in Con MS 110. $263 26% Medal 1000 310 310 310 410 |Rexspar 2500 ' +14 became ills ly Wednesday| Motor Battery, and was wound-|the chapel, Friday, May 31, at Con-Gas" San sou ae at" perineal & 8 Rio Algom 310 $144 11% 14%" levening-and died\shortly after|°4 in action in France, |2 p.m. conducted by Rev, W. J. Each one a '63 Meteor : 673, 'ale mt Ryanor sing admi ital. § He was predeceased by his|S. McCl f- St. Andrew' Coron rts 6 5 --3 | Quonto 000-274 27 | Sherritt 900 28 \ being admitted to hospital. She) ! P ry S. eClure of St. Andrew's = oan) a lSeeur: Bree ms 705 75 Siscoe 400 b was in her 66th year. |wife, Muriel, July 6, 1962, Mr.| Presbyterian Church. Interment Two-Door Sedan Crown Tr ca we imiwi ter y 73%) A daughter of the late Mr.|Robinson leaves two daughters) will be in Mount Lawn Ceme- D Bridge 750 $21% + %/Union Of 250 $16% 16% 16% |guq Cont 7000 + 4/and Mts. James Whittaker, the we SONS, mts, conetn | tery. D Dair pr--z5 : Unispher 8500 40 «4040 | Teck \ +3 |deceased was born May 31. 1897,|Brash (Frances M.), of Oshawa Dot ; : | Teck-H 1000 | deceased was born May 31, 'lee cere A), ' Dat Time ' coe ih van' ta pod n a LH +2 Trin Chi 21900 95 3444 lat Accrington, England and was Frederic C., of Geraldton, and FUNERAL OF ee ee Un Fort 5 ow 1 |married there in 1922, She has Elizabeth D. (Betty), and Ed-| A, KE, WYLIE KIMMERLY Kena ine are MINES |Violam . 700 ma | , |been a resident of Canada and|Ward (Ted), both at home. Mr./ The.funeral service for A. E. Eddy Mich West Mines 1283 ~* JOshawa since 1927, Robinson was the last of his) Wyllie Kimmerly, of the La- Pills xc tk a mo $00 43/43; |_Predeceased by her husband, |f@mily. jSalle Court Apartments, who) (7 SECOND and 230 wonderful Proctor-Silex appliances Faleon 1250 $64% 64% 64% 4 %/Am Larder 1000 18% 16% - | James(Hall Henderson, Sept. 29,| The funeral service will be|died Tuesday, May 28, in the 5 PRIZES plus 350 gallons China White Enamel Fim Play 750 $24 sas | Anion soo 125, 122 2 cagy td. 945, Mrs. Henderson is sur.|held in St. Geroge's Anglican|Oshawa General Hospital, was pe i ae re eM BO me -- | viv from the Mclntosh-|held in the McIntosh - Andersdq| pelodhp dual (se 16 prises: GL Paper peli dor 4 yl Allin-Ruf 11000 10. 9 Anderson Funeral Home. Rey,|Funeral Chapel, Wednesday, Telaviaien aaah : o Silex ine * 4 Pe 20° is Sanuse 40 1 Atsp surviving are three broth-/A. Woolcock will be assisted by|May 29, at 2 nn. ; : é \ RG J Blendette iawher-s 215 "$7 64 614 -- 44 Banktield ' 3 oH Jack Whittaker, Forest pohly oa ti at the serv- ecaine ag col oe 4 F "i Drink Mixer, lawker pr' 225 $98 98 98 arex ye tity, Arkansaw; Fred Whittaker|ice, Friday, May 31, at 3 p.m.j/of Northminster Unite urch, j % . . retail value | a a + 4) Bein 0 a of Philadelphia, Pa., and Arthur|Interment will be in Oshawa/assisted by Rev. Walter Rack-| | Bee ; me Double Bed Clectic $1870 ea Imp Oil xd 10559 $44 43% 44 -- % Brunswk 5 : 3 Whittaker, of Accrington, Eng-|Union Cemetery. fred rgierag Oe ecsien: In- ; 20 Mary Proctor Blanket, rey value jterment was in Oshawa Union 4-slice Toaster, retail $28.95 ea, ~ 350 : lpn Crown 100 $1 6 13% + % Accra 1000 46 45 Advocate 220 755 755 904 815M 15% 154 -- yy/ Bult Ank + land and a grandson, Gary Hen- ; | 09100100105," = |Gamp"'Chib 1300 470 | derson, of Oshawa. FREDERICK V. (GUSSIE) |Cemetery. 2 , value $33.95 ea, Inland Gas 900 96. 8 Astoria 400012 z The memorial service wil be WELCH y Aw ge shay a cn 2 oe d ae Diamond China a te Ge ae Fish He Mae Hy 3 al r held at the Armst F The Meath of Frederick V.|merly's foug sons, Kenneth D., 100 prizes: Silex 4 pie i B 2 r 5% 5u | NIPEG (CP)--The Yukon e Armstrong Funeral e n . : ' Tir Mea Sn SON ew Go iy ia ae 'Wednesday officially joined the| Home at 2 p.m. Saturday, June| (Gussie) Welch, 24 Lloyd street,|CA, of Tortnto; Dr. Ralph J. Toaster-Broiler, gp eel Porcelain Enamel, rf Z rere ne %|Canadian Home and School and)! followed by interment in|oceurred suddenly, early today Kimmerly, «of Oshawa; Com- : 'fetail value = is retail value iio 220° 220" 220° | Cassiar sii% 11% 11484 %| Parent-Teacher Federation. --_-----------| at the Oshawa General Hoypital.|mander Carl W. Kimmerly, as $13.25 ea, r fed aie el A hil Acceptance of the Yukon) body support all attempts to op- ' ; } i : 5 4 RCN, Quebec, Que., and Cap- tain Gordon M. Kimmerly, RCR, : Born in Oshawa, Feb. 14, 125 $6% 6% 6% -- %/Chimo of London. 100 315 315 315 --$ |Coch Will~~.100 48 45 45 --10/ group came during the annual|pose total disarmament through uM. he was a son of the late 7 fs fF i i Mr. and Mrs. Vicars Welch. : 100 $7% "7% 7% --%lC Marcus +19 |meeting of the ct opectvtad he. /spacioe EO nlelins "to Me. Weld. aves on employes guten TOA! smu Yous chow ous ease emanates ; sie 325 $185 18% 18% -- %|Con Negus federation. _ 7, "4 ie 12% 127 : | ; ; het C Mot of Canada, HONOR MUSICIAN 250 $12% 12% 12% |C Northia | Also Wednesday, delegates re-|be impartial and this is one of tan ae - a vorking th| Ailvede Aanuatel, C6 theses THE CROWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANY LIMITED 300 265 260 260 --5 (|C Bellek 200 $85 8% 8% -- |Cons Que | j t litical issues to- 300 $914 9% 9% Conwest jected. a resolution asking Walter; the teeta agieeke he the stamping plant. director, was honored by he of dade ace aga ad bee 4 oo "a "ss |federation oppose the spread of | He was a member of St. Geor-|National Association for Amer- 275 $21 21 21 | Coulee i jon i rently being dis- : ' ote eur Sore are + 34 | Comten ere DEP, ng dg bce gyn PN 'a we|ge's Anglican. Church. Mr.|ican Composers and Conductors Crown Diamond Paints Are Sold By: 365 $144 144 1444 "roi 16 Inot now possessing them. ge ' ; 0 130 130 "130 Cusco at the yon time, er ioe not permitted to endorse| Welch was also active in Localjfor his service to American Ernie Cay Lumber Co, Lid. 53 Albert St. Oshawa, Ont. 125-2561 } 50 $29%4 29% 2914 -- %/ Daering |222 UAWA. He was interested|music. 1 500 $8% 8% 8% -- %'Deer Horn 200 Ph 64 64 2 |turned down a proposal that the FKELLYs SMOKE SALE ENTIRE WAREHOUSE AT 1] ONTARIO ST. (Ai Rear Of King St; Store) Firecrackers | Must Be~ Cleared (Many Items In Original Cartons). The May Be Fun... Finest In Brand Name Merchandise Including . . . Philips, fer children but they vere x He Roger Majestic, Clairtone, Marconi, General Electric, Kel- pensive for our warehouse. A ire cau' ke dem- = s sg page vinator, Peppler-Selig, Premier, Restonic, etc., etc., etc. stock et reer of our store at 11 Ontario St. The Insurance © 35 TV SETS © COFFEE : _@ RECLINER CHAIRS adjusters have given us the Walnut Grain alge nagtinghe y tap © STEREOS _ PERCOLATORS SWIVEL ROCKERS RECORD tons and others reduced below cost. ie entire warehouse . ® BUILT-IN OVEN we sr tor vm © STEREO SPEAKERS | BURK BEDS CABINETS spe ger eRe COFFEE TABLES MATTRESSES With Sliding Doors off every SALE PRICE listed. 3 Sis Dave Tawi thes « pov ll ¢ END. TABLES ° Lames 9.98 © DINETTE SUITES pean Kertemerprises Ltd. B® RECORD PLAYERS © RUGS President. © CHESTERFIELD ves a © MANTEL RADIOS sees UNDERPAD VACUUM. Hauser White Metal oe ee ¢ SERROON SyTTES capa CLEANER = © VACUUM © BOOKCASES PAINTINGS 1 Your Guarentee : Garden Chairs [| * joins ja | fine Free Thurs, Fri, Set ® uct 9.95 . © DISHWASHERS CHAIRS © GIFT WARES May 30, 31, June Ist sf MATCHING TABLE 19.95 ; © BED ; : © REFRIGERATORS CHESTERFIELDS | © MIRRORS SO HURRY! Stain-Proof * BUDGET TERMS aes Floor and ][ THROW PLP. Albums | | Atborite Top pcr ruoar nu orm Oil Paintings | |Table Lamps |] CUSHIONS [| Stereo & Mono be erty EXTRA 2% UP TO 2.98 co 6.95 '| % PRICE 39° 99° 8.88 OFF FOR CASH 32 KING ST. EAST | ea Sale Ai Rear Of Store any political party." IN EFFECT vvvvwvwvwvw~wwvwwwvwyw oo & & 2 & & 2 2