Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1963, p. 20

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ond " F ss 9 "a Wr ee ee in i ee ie ne ee a ee ewe args lord Balfour sai ed for aniden death if the advertising is|about 31 cents. TNMOANTAN (CD, --_, 'n.ichises. the Edmonton Texte! WINNIDES (CD). Bingiocs ! jagreement to abolish publica-|withdrawn, he said, citing the} Lord Arran, a director of the,Western Hockey League's twao|tion Association and the Calgary| Y ae ' "i y m A £38 FSrocoed RSF, f ' B Wes y deague Prive ~ (Bue B h nounce: P Tt n uebec tion of "the memoirs of prosti-jclosing of The Daily Newsimass « circulation tabloid The| Alberta teams will sit out the Exhibition and Stampede Limslntaarenes of tutes -- I i e eader Leve tutes, convicted criminals, and/Chronicle which colapsed sev-iDaily ,Sketch, described _the|1963-64 'season in a bid to re-jited, were emphatic about the), Shopard,.a plunging and I other highly undesirable per-|eral years ago although its cir-| presen condition of the British|cover from financial headaches|'eturn of the two teams to the cicking star of the Western 4 e a e 'io ® S id Sinkin sons. culation was nearly 1,000,000. {press as "pretty chaotis." jand loss of sponsors. WAL in 1964-65. |Football Conference club since Mendin : Disunit al g Such '"'ghosted" biographies} Bur Lord Drogheda, chair Under working agreements,). Calgary Stampeders and xa. |1957. An outstanding kicker, __ are often featured in the Brit-iman of The Financial Times, papers maintain 35 per cent)monton Flyers Wednesday were] HAS MANY ISLANDS Shepard once kicked a 95-yard LONDON (Reuters)--The in-lish press. said advertising revenue en-| ; ik : {granted a year's leave of ab-| Along Yugoslavia's. coastline|punt that still stands as @ con- : jmore employees than are nec-\ cance from the league to prom iatal are 1,000 islands with ajference record. Business pres- 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, May 30, 1693 | Ret ch WN ewe une - time newspaper manj Suen @ press is prone to py apes five cents, would cost] GRANTED LEAVE { The owners of the two fran- SHEPARD. QUITS oe ee eee Bw oe 1 MONTREAL (CP) -- Marcel mending its separatist fences, |teiligence level of British news-| Lord Francis - Wiliams, for- sures a newspaper's. financial] 4 Chaput's Republican Party,jcracked by jerky 4 ae the/paper readers is in danger of/mey editor of The Daily Herald, independence, Without it, his/¢SS@'y to operate their mechan-|them time to solve the prob-|tetal shoreline of some 2,625|sures figured in Shepard' deci- pledge i break Quebec aay hoc ftrvrne Bombs _/nking othe. level af en said the rer i in the mhddlelopn "newspaper, which "cantsical deparimens, he said, lems es. on to gt s "lof success in uniting the vari-lof Lords Wednesday. ols Sie reatbeaie berms ous groups supporting the sep-| Baldwin, in a debate which) public, aratist cause, but he said in anjeriticized the present state of; Bre own interview that it is being hurtithe British press, condemned'SAYS PRESS SUBSIDIZED TAKE YOUR PLACE IN THE FUN Coe by the activities of an under-|"empty brightness' of mass-| The public, accepting newspa- ground terrorist organization|circulation papers which hejpers at a-price. far below their operating in-Montreal. said is dulling readers' minds|cost, buys a press subsidized by >= His long-range aim is to fight)and creating paper addicts. advertising, he said. | the next provincial election-- -- probably in 1966--on the issue of . ' : ' ' E t t secession, with a party candi- a : i ig S$ ima es date in each 95 of the province's 'd I: i I E- R S ; ---- --A -- ~ : ridings. é : OTTAWA (CP) -- Breakdown} Mr. Chaput, 45, former scien- of the 1963-64 main spending eS-|tist with the Defence Research|| Giaasai@isRom--na 1 Y CANADIAN timates of the federal govern-|Board, said the party will watch : ' ment, plus supplementary esti-jfor "propitious occasions" to mates (1962-63 expenditures in/enter candidates in byelections, FASH IONS FOR TH E brackets): but he doubted that a byelection WITH Agriculture $172,221,150 ($161,-|in Montreal Notre - Dame-de-| ' 007,600); Atomic energy $45,-|Grace will be one. | LADY IN WAITI NG 968,600 ($37,979,700); Auditor-|' "There is a heavy English-| " bid General $1,291,200 ($1,257,100); |language vote in that riding," Board of Broadcast Governorsjhe said, referring to the west-) | , é e e $349,800 ($340,600); CBC $87,-\end riding vacant since the} » . ' 644,900 ($2,371,500); Chief Elec-|death last week of Revenue) MATERNITY Hy} } COW toral Officer $128,800 ($124,900);|Minister Paul Earl. A date for| P Citizenship and Immigration|a beylection has not been an-| : 3 TOPS $68,577,820 ($66,024,020); ~~ Civil) nounced. | i | x Service Commission $5,011,600 GROUPS MUST UNITE cer: PICTURE YOUR o f TIO ($4,558,300); Defence Production $26,735,100 ($18,446,305); Crown Mr, Chaput said that because! . . ! : '. < companies $7,011,900 ($7,215,- of the terrorist activities of Le Ce? we 8 Fe J me AS At "795'.\Front de Liberation Quebecois! : " ri LOOKING LIKE THIS 4 Send , ' @ : _ ' 7 s . "A, 900); External Affairs $95,785,-; ' 367. ($86,770,829): Finance $1,-|S¢Paratists must band together. | : Fich.| One man has been killed and) F Ae 371,011,486 ($1,238,614,100); Fish-| Just picture your patio looking like this! The delightful eries . $23,954,000 ($24,667,850); | 2nother critically injured as aj : , . : ' + vai a ($16,836. ute iy agg TO abies \ Ramble cord maternity ; : aluminum DUMONT RIVIERA PATIO ROOM adds a new K ¢ c | x | ' 5 ' a 600 ($767,400): Justice $10,073,-/ claims to be fighting a pro-sep-| tops. Pleated back. Sizes |} dimension in outdoor living, Open, yet sheltered, It lets 300 ($9,856,900); Penitentiaries|2°@"S' revolution. | H i i i $30,748,000 ($27,206,800): Labor; Mr. Chaput, who has been in-| 4 12 to 20, Red and aqua, ne ee en insects out. Made of heavy gauge alue $165,348,500 ($192,809,700); Un-|terviewed twice by police since] Ee , J employment insurance $103,-/the bombings started March 8, x Aik LY he o. \ \ 8 oy 449,500 ($104,768,000); Le gis-|Said some members of his party | |! Maternity 'took slels bit bi oe \ minum in conventional finish or Live lation $8.921,280 ($8,537,800); jhave dropped out and recruiting |} }¢ i Fre fg, f, ; 7 ami aN ' ' WAAR : ' ing Colour. Fiberglass or aluminum Mines and Tech. Surveys $45,-/has slowed down a bit because| (ae cottons in sizes 12 to 20. V4, ig | E Wate ' | . | , \\ 997,200 ($48,003,300); Dominion} the bombings on federal in- f Pink. ond. 'blue, short Ht ¥, Ps | , } : : roof is snowload eénstructed. Coal Board $16,702,900 ($17,723,-) stitutions ' : , H Rugged splash panels are of 000); National Defence $1.590,-| He said he has no evidence! sleeve, inverted pleat in § i} | h \ yi $33,538 ($1,590,750,175); National|/about who is behind the terror- 'a back ; | " | . f heavy fluted glass or Living Cole Film Board $5,546,000 ($5,380,-|ism, but describes as "an hypo- i . our Aluminum. Custom-built te 600); National Gallery $1,071,-|thesis" the claim that the sabo- 7 { 7 Z | Wh 4 ee 'a 1 -400 ($1,069,700); Health and Wel-/teurs are separatist BB 99 \ y j | : : your requirements in a variety fare $1,204,910,551 ($1,100,002 e 4 | We " are 55 ,: : ; { of styles, all calculated to add a I ' "| He suggested it's just as log- uae Fassia -- ical as hypothesis to say that cil $46,368,700 ($40,095,900); Na-jthe FLQ is made up of ani-| 460300), North sing ated ($77.-| separatists, probably English- H ; ra =. 300);/ Northern Affairs $89,-| speaking, who hope to discredit , "h i ---- se --S= 748,414 ($83,326,243); Post Office) the case But ne sina that| Cs S IR | S rs = : eo =--==< GAIN ANOTHER | ; " Lgsere WE =<, oY = $191,704,000 ($190,208,500); Privy] this idea of his is just 'an hypo-| af i Council $16,976,420. ($7,142,810); | thesis," ; ee LS Bigs "anata 3.99 . ea =~ "LIVING" ROOM THROUGH THE fo your summer enjoyment, Public Archives $724,100 ($718,-}-- 100); National Library $359,800) ($351,300); Public Printing $4,-/ | i eRe 170,901 ($3,906,400): Public| 'en @ @ Works $191,507,405 ($191,837,-| - 901); RCMP $63,441,179 ($62,-) | Skirts bengaline drow- wtera A T i °o a ie ] e ) we 549,270); Atlantic Development) Board $352,500 (----); Secretary) ° % ! oad string waist, adjustable |) Sheds SOMES Convene | (SANITONE i Helenca pouch pleat f : Transport $253,106,000 ($253,624,-| acai } ' euritie. hock. Sides 12s FOR FURTHER INFORMATION A 150); Air Transport Board $622,-| ! 400 ($724,100); Transport Com-|] CLEANERS end. LAUNDERERS || 20. Black only. missioners $83,410,600 ($64,152,-/ OSHAWA - PORT HOPE i | Cc LL 728-1651 > 700); Canadian Maritime Com-| goWanis eee A } mission $38,911,733 (323,333,422); Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs | } . ' + National Harbors Board $4,162,-| OSHAWA'S ONLY i DOWNTOWN SHOPPING IL 333 SIMCOE STRE SOUTH 900 ($5,218,400); St. Lawrence) | Seaway Auth. | $2,788,000 32) UNIONIZEDSHOP | 21 SIMCOE S. CENTRE 874,700); Veterans Affairs $336,- 723-4631 723-2294 723-2209 ALUMINUM -- WINDOWS -- DOORS -- AWNINGS -- SIDING An All Canedian Product Manufactured \n Hamilton Onterle 024,804 ($33,765,902); Totals $6,-| $0 MILL LAST 2 DAYS IN OSHAWA - AJAX OSHAWA }} mall V(Et vee a AJAX 21 BOND ST, WEST " vies HARWOOD NORTH . oo +; &4i'| OO OSE ' CRES1 COMPARE 1.09 CARNATION FANCY RED noida BOYS 8-16 COHOE SALMON | TOOTHPASTE ©: 74° | uTiLity PAILS (7) JEANS or : Net weight 744-07. DANDRUFF REMOVER : Ideal for h cottage, : : j LADIES Compere 57¢ : COMPARE Cina 69. . ' teow scene 39 a CASUAL Shift Dresses --------e------ RESDAN wn ra GS EO ah i SLACKS - . HAIR CONDITIONER : Sie oh @ IN FLORAL _ LADIES' SKIRTS the BRYL EM ae eee 493° GARDEN HOSE i ae hi dead Be to POLISHED expensive look, CRE COMPARE 79e : : a he: Do eG or 16 ° rt a L psootli 8" 1.69, 2 FOR 3.00 COMPARE ers and i sanity 97* | FA. e hag ga >. ---------- Kotex, Tampex i Check, Block JUNIOR 1ST QUALITY e@ Some made in COMPARE SLEEP INFANTS | co hi ee | Peleg Sete 9-20 Lice og COMPARE Compére 5.44 Pair & SANITARY TOP COMPARE 25c EACH eS METAL OVEN a 99 a MADE IN' ENGLAND LADIES' SLIMS COOKIE TRAYS "19° | yappiz'sbekie ser Sixes 10 to 18. Self belted. 7 colors, Weshoble. Compare 2.99 1.99 BALLET, 1,200 SHEETS connee 39¢ set, 2 « TWIN PACK ™ re rema------ Toilet Tissue om. 19

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