.Brooklin, Lacrossers 5. Put Stern Ending To Brampton Win String and only goal of the game, at 14.53 and it appeared the Brook. tests a 4-1 lead by the 14.53/lin team was going to be snowed mark of the first period, Brook-) under. ; lin Seniors came storming back However, the tide had just to score 12 unanswered goals| started to lift when the Brooklin and win 13-4 and so give new/|team found their bearings again. coach Jim Cherry a fine start] Vipond clicked as he fired one back at the helm of the local|by Jefferson to cut the lead to team, in the Ontario Lacrosse|a pair. This completed the scor- League. | ing for the first period. Big Jerry Burrows, playing} What happened in the second By CLIFF GORDON. | After spotting Brampton Seal- one of the finest games of his) period is just what most red-| career, along with scoring ace'blooded fans like to see -- Glen Lotton, paced the attack) whip the tar out of the opposi- with three goals each, with Cy tion. Brooklin did just that, in a Coombes adding a pair. Singles) scoring way at least. went to Rock Batley, Don Vi-/ Gien Lotton started it off as 'pond, Larry Ferguson, M tie brought the Brooklin team to Craggs and Gary Curtis. |within one goal. Then the fans' For the losing Brampton| target, Gord Thompson, was team, who suffered their first) anished at the 6.30 mark and set-back in three games, it was) showed a fine stick and checked jwell, . . Platt didy good job of 'keeping Gord. Thompson under control .:. Next action "at jhome" for the Brooklin team | will be one week from Saturday |night, when St. Catharines, fea- jturing Bob McCready and Gary |Moore will be the visitors . . |The winner of the Dow 'Silver | Stein" for last night's game was |Jerry Burrows. Bob Carnegie was the winner last Saturday | night. | BRAMPTON -- Jefferson, Mc. Clure, B. Wanless, Spicer, G. !Thompson, Caruso, Findley, |Richardson, B. Wanless, Ben- |ham, Finigan, Madgett. BROOKLIN -- Baker, Platt;| |Bruce, Burrows, G. Lotton, Cur- tus,' Carnegie, Ferguson, AL I PT a ae ee EENWOOD RACE RESULTS LELY VADER 4-REAL STUFF W T Rain WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1963 CLOUDY AND MUDDY |Aitendance 7.192 FIRST RACE -- 7 Furlongs. 3-year-| old maidens, Canadian foaled. Purse 4.50 3.30 2.80 -PIRA iG 60 2.40 8-NO DISCARD wake eA decee Bae Winner br g. 3, Selector -- Toe The Mark, Trainer M Fishman Start good, won ridden out Pool 26,074 Double Pool 46,717 SECOND RACE -- 4% Furlongs, 2 year-olds. Claiming all $7500. Purse 2300. 5-SMART FLYER .... 13.20 6.00 4.30 $-CECELIA BINDER ....... 4.50 3.60 2-LINDA'S LOVE. : " Winner b f 2, Bunty's Flight -- Smart Woman, Trainer J Starr Pool 37,347 2-MORB PRIDE 36.40 12.10 6.80 12.17 5. Brampton: G. Thompson 14.53 Penalties: Fendiey 3.20, Benham 6.20, 2, 7.56, Finigan 7.56 and Vipond SECOND PERIOD 7. Brooklin: G. Lotton 3.30 8. Brooklin : Ferguson 6.43 9. Brooklin: Coombes 9.05 10, Brooklin: Burrows (Vipond) 9.47 ll, Brooklin: Craggs (Curtis, Vipond) . in: G, Lotton (Carnegie, K. Lotton) 12.38 13. Brooklin: Burrows (Craggs) 14.03 DAILY DOUBLE 3 and 5 Paid $61.40) THIRD RACE -- 7 Furlongs. 3-year.) 2-GUIDING WAVE old Maidens. Cdn, foaled. Purse $2100.) "1(B) iS! 4. Brampton: Spicer (G. Thompson) | Pooi 5-KLONDYKE LIL 3SELECT TOM . 3.10 Winner ch g¢ 3 More Sus -- Psychics Pride Trainer J. ©. Meyer Start good FAB Type Right won driving Pool 49,282 FOURTH RACE -- 7 Furlongs, 3- year-old Maidens. Cdn. foaled. Purse $2100, (7) | 5-FIRE HORSE 2.80 +MISS SPEDY 50 3.10 1-DAVTER ' PO EEE os Winner dk b ¢ 3 Nearco Ir. -- Madame Pardol Trainer J. Passer Start good, won handily |Pool 48,752 FIFTH RACF -- 7 Furlongs. 3-year- olds, Claiming all $3500. Purse $1900.(7) 30 3.80 2.90) 6-CHARLEY'S 420 3.10 5-ENONYMOUS sears 4.60) | Winner b ¢ 3 Snow Boots -- Tru Wave. |Trainer BR. E. Fisher. Start good, won handily, 51,306. | SIXTH RACE -- | Mile. 3 and 4-year- olds. Allowances. Purse $2600, (5) |2-ALBION STAR 19.70 4.60 2.10) 1-ASKUM Preece © ia i. | 3-BIANCA MANO re iis ee Winner ch © 3 County Delight -- My | Sophie. | Trainer C F Chapman Start good, won ridden out |Pool 24,020, Quinella Pool 22,018 SEVENTH RACE - 7 Furlong, 4 lyear-olds and up, fillies and mares. Allowances. Purst $2 Dan Gurney In Indianapolis TORONTO (CP)--Dan Gur- ney of Costa Mesa, Calif., who holds the record for the fastest (time around the 2.45-mile Mo- sport track, Wednesday became the latest driver to join the star- studded field for the Interna- tional 200 there Saturday. Gurney will be driving a 2.7- litre Cooper Monaco, the same ear that Roger' Penske drove into second place in the same race last year when it was PAK .. Se TF eaay merce] Post Officers Seer Post Office defeated Rey- nolds 15-11, in their Civil Ser- vice Softball League fixture, played last night at Baker's Park. Both teams got most of their runs in the early stages. Rey- nold's hopped on Griffin's slants for seven runs in the first in- ning, one in the second and three in the third -- and didn't score again. Post Office had an early de- livery also. They notched five jin the first itning, batted :around almost twice for an L- |run splurge in the second stan- jza and got one in the third in- ning, They also didn't score in the rest of the game. Thompson, Schram, Harding fitted with a 2.5-litre engine. .|and McCabe all hit well for the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 30,1693 17 winners but every player cros- Lsed_the. plate at least once, For, ithe losers, Remego, ' nce, or Craggs and Hedger were the best at the plate. Port Credit Srs. fan depen LOSC if DL Ril ST. CATHARINES (GP)--St. | SUSPENDS CLEMENTE | PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Na- tional League president Warren C. Giles suspended Pittsburgh Pirate, outfielder Roberto Clem- ente for five days Wednesday because of Clemente's jostling an umpire Tuesday, A Pirate spokesman said Giles also fined Clemente $250, Clemente was ejected in the fifth inning of a game with Philadelphia Phillies at Pittsburgh after he bumped. umpire Bill Jackowski during an argument over a close play at first base. Catharines Athletics pack ed five goals into the second pe- riod to defeat Port Credit Sail- ors 10-7 Wednesday night in the Ontario Lacrosse Association Senior A League. The win moved the Athletics into second place in the four- team league, Gary Moore and Jerry Cheevers scored two goals each for St, Catharines while singles went to Wally Thorne, Pete Berge, Don Carr, Doug Smith, Gary Hind and Art Brazier. Brian Aherne- paced Port Credit with three goals and Paul Henderson scored : two. Dave Hall and Florie Tomchisen notched one goal apiece. yo 000 0° ididg 2 Pn ae 4 Ferguson was quick to take ad-}Coombes, Bailey, K. Lotton, Vi- 800, A : : am vantage as he scored just a) pond, Craggs, Higgins sub goal. if A e Penalties: G. Thompson 6.30, 9.57,.1-COURT ROYAL .. 32.90 2.60 John Spicer with two goals and Platt 9.37, Burrows 10.34 and Vipond|4.MATCH GIRL ..... 690 3.80 ao singletons to Jim McClure and mere 13 seconds later to knot Referees -- B. Frick and H.|!9% |2-SKIP OVER Gord (Bad Boy) Thompson. | the game at four apiece. The next action for Brooklin) Gy Coombes at 9.05 and Bur-| will be right back against the ,ows at 9.47 started the route.| Sealtests Sunday afternoon in| Graces followed at 10.05 with Brampton, starting at 2.30 p.m.' Gjon Lotton adding another and The Brooklin team was com-| Burrows his second of the game ing out for this game with their as the period progressed. The|- second coach in as many games fans were really drinking this but they appeared fired up as/ one up. png dinngh relia the Initial) 1) the third and final period, . Brooklin continued to show its Batley started the ball rolling; mastery of the game as they for the locals ashe fired a hot| bagged no less than four more! one on a pass from Glen Lotton, | goals without a reply from the! at the id Py eg (ronl| last year Eastern Canada cham-| came wit Brooklin team) pions. Coombes, Burrows, G.! enjoying a man advantage as/Lotton and Curtis were the a was sitting in the sIn marksmen on the plays for the| in. very happy Brooklin crew. | Sealtests however were spark- JUST TALKING -- We were ed up as they appeared to be|most pleased to see the im- taking the Brooklin team a little; proved performance of the too lightly. They came racing|Brooklin team. They played up back and peppered Baker in the! to their rating .. . They took local net with some hot ones.!nine of the 18 penalties hande --. gg the a os @ out, but of the nine, only one} solo effo is was a ey;could be called "foolish" } needed and they made things |Goach Cherry was 'very happy rough for the homesters for the) and had this to say after the next five or six minutes-Spicer,| game, "The whole team played on\a pags fro less; gave) well, they passed the ball th Town boys a lead for!around and had lots of team} ~ftheNirst time in the game. spirit, you could fee! it on the Spiter clicked again as Baker| bench." . ..- We could see the appeared to misjudge the ball| improved play of a number of on this shot and the visitors led| the players in last night's game 3-1. : Baker, who had some Gord Thompson, who can rile; shaky moments early in. the the Brooklin fans with just ajgame, steadied away and play- flick of his stick, got his first'ed well Burrows really | Nelson, both of St. Catharines, FIRST PERIOD 1, Brooklin: Bately (Ferguson, G ton) 4.00 2. Brampton: McClure 9.43 3.. Brampton: Spicer (B. Waniess) , 10.49 Lot- THIRD PFRIOD |14. Brooklin: Coombes (Carnegie) 2.54 | 15, Brooklin: Burrows (G. Lotton) 8.40) 16. Brooklin: G. Lotton (Ferguson) + Curtis (Coombes) - 19.39 | : Baker 6.12; Finigan 13.20, 17.54, Spicer, K. Lotton 16.31, Carnegie 17.54, B. Wanless 19.30. {Winner b f 4 Chop Ob | Statute, Trainer N Juli Start good, won easily Pool! 60,239 FIGHTH RACE -- 1% Miles. 4-year-) olds and up, Claiming all $2500. Purse, $1900. 3:STAN GRAY ORGANIZED BY THE CANADIAN RACING DRIVERS' ASSOCIATION SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1963 MOSPORT PARK, OTTAWA wad' ONTARIO PeTERaOROUGH mosrorT "4 4) O or "See Internationally Famous drivers, Including World Champion Graham Rill and Indianapolis Star Parnelli Jones FEATURE RACE STARTS: 2.00 P.M. ma Refreshments and all facilities provided In the Park 'Aoetasion $1.08 par parean. Chittren ewéer 12 tee RACING RAIN OR SHINE Ui AL Df Crea" NOW & for 9 CERT. P.E.I. SEED @ POTATOES BULK & PACKAGB" @ GARDEN SEEDS » GRO-KOTED LAWN SEEDS e@ ROSE BUSHES 'e GLADIOLI BULBS VEGETABLE & FLOWER e PLANTS SHEEP FREE Customer Parking 4 _ FERTILIZERS VIGORO HIGHLAND $0-GREEN MANURE PEAT MOSS BONE MEAL AGRICO GARDEN AND TURF FERTILIZER MASTE We recommend Niagara e Border Fence e@ Chain Link Fence 54 Church Street)Dial 723-2229 TOOLS - EQUIPMENT Hoes Shovels Cultivators ® a * Hedge Shears e@ Wheel Barrows e@ Lawn Rollers eo Lawn and é Garden Fence Sidewalk and Patio Lawn Rollers Rakes Spades Edgers Grass Shears Garden Carts Fertilizer Spreaders Slabs' Rubber and Plastic Hose and Soaker Sprayers, Spray Material and DELIVERY SERVICE @ Brand Sprays « ' STORE HOURS ' Mon., Tues., end Thurs, 8 a.m. te 6 p.m. > Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m, g Wed. end Set, 8 am. 2 ' 5 p.m. ' KINGSBEER LAGER BEER Po *e000O0000