ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Motor Vehicle Inspection 3 4 2 feces OF OF OC Name. N° 94001 5 oO Darz. PLATE NO. corsesrsessoern eagnapnnnvenescsgoroocents " Trrs. Vowwtare (] Arrnoven (] Conpemnen [1] Maxsz. Yuan. Mrzacn. ' Non-Vouontarr Dericient Oo oO SECTION 1 Aviowuant _ Kino Pus Socks 'Ts Rop Fnvs Warev Beaninos 'Times Braincs SECTION 2 Baws Jowr Riaut Susrension Srerrina Anus Sreenino Stack Lert Susrension Morrier Front & Rear Exnavst. | | | oo000000 Dmecrion Lamers Oruer Lames Tam Lamps SECTION 3 Reo, Prats Laue Lieat Ovrrvr Braxe Laurs HEADLAMPS Ricer * SECTION 8 Brass Bararino Evvort Baars Hoss Pangina Baaxs 'Veersturrr Gtass Conprnon SECTION 9 2 | Mop Fars Bumper Rear View Minnor | Fenper Torn 4 | Horn Winvsmietp Wirer THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 29, 1963 27 | Moon Race Astronaut Gordon Cooper's sensational 22-orbit flight into space and his thrilling return has put a new emphasis on the race to the moon. This is also true of a new book, 'AMERICA'S RACE FOR THE MOON -- The New York Times Story of Project Apollo" (Random House of Canada Ltd.) which contains an_ incredible amount of up-to-date, - authentic data on the subject. "Apolio" is in its early lab- oratory stages, but so swift is the pace of events as man |reaches beyond his earth that it will be no time before he has stepped out on the moon and started peering' restlessly to- ward Venus and Mars. The key figure in this Apollo project -- a $20 billion job that may take till 1970 -- is Dyer Brainerd Holmes, 41 - year - old engineer who reported for work Insurance Plan-mies of the Florida coast north Sought For Atom Users By JOHN E. BIRD MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca- -\interplanetary travel station --| Discussed | jin November 1961 to direct the U.S. program for putting a team) of astronauts on the moon, |BIG REPUTATION Holmes has built his reputa-| tion on three military projects; | | the Talos, a Navy ground-to-air) |missile; the electronic system that reduced tre countdown for the Atlas intercontinental ballis- ti¢ missile from hours to min-| utes; and biggest of all, the! |Ballistic Missile Early Warning | System '(BMEWS) installations | jin Greenland, Alaska and Eng-| \land, He was the first opera-| tions. manager of BMEWS, and EWS, he managed an operation that involved at least four major subcontractors, some 2,900 sup- |ply and servicing companies, a | total of about 10,000 people, and a cost of about $1,000,000,000. | Work has begun on the first jat least in the Western world.| It will be spread. out along 25) of the present test centre at Cape Canaveral, There are fascinating chap- ters, such as 'What Will the Moon Be Like?" Scientists cannot predict just) what the astronauts will find, but they believe knowledge of our own planet will be vastly enlarged. We should learn then manager, While with BM-if- CASHIERS ARE:READY WITH <<-- 2 CALORES-- | -- ee, = A~G. iy closing maple um aa we rodeo s s10 TIDE Advantage of These ry BONUS TAPE ==" FEATURES. .. time S°' E ite AGA RECEIVE $10.00 BONUS TAPES WITH -- 1 | ag your, toveu MODESS REGULAR RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH -- "FRESH INSTANT COF NESCAFE 6-02. a --, Store. Limit 7 -_ heal PKG. OF 12 10¢ OFF JAR SALE Ponk Suourpen Roasts | INSTANT COFFEE io" "3 32-02. BOTTLE DETERGENT 10¢ OFF Doors | INSPECTOR: | Nors: -- A cross indicates a defect, ® As wen from the driver's seat, Here is a copy of the safety check list Department of Transport officers use when a vehicle goes through the free, 38-point check. Owners of vehicles found to be in an unsafe or unsatis- factory condition are informed verbally by inspection officers and urged to see to correcting them as soon as possible. or vy Control - | Budget Okayed For Projects | Majorit | Sought For NATO. {U.S. bas not ruled out accep- By Church | OTTAWA (CP) -- West Ger-)tance of majority control but 7 mink i inar aae wants any seaborne|other NATO. informants say WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--A NATO nuclear force controlled|they doubt the U.S. would ever budget of $118,800 for six proj- by majority vote of contribut-| give cues Meg big use of the ects was approved here Tues- ing countries 'once it is in opera- proposed seaborne force. ss : den, diplomatic quarters say. The proposal is for NATO to 42¥ at the annual meeting of They say West Germany, the establish a group of 25 surface the United Church of Canada's| strongest supporter of such a ships carrying a total of some Hamilton conference, meeting force, om ptr to _--. 6 hone ape gery ie vearnie at the University of Waterloo. | mous control while the seaborne for bomabrdmen y Ate! helegates approved weleta He nuclear arm is being established gets. $60,000 to the denonlinktion's but that majority control should 5.4 cai Was VETO new St. Paul's College on the gg engine 8 lh cag foro Under the plan, each contri- campus, $28,000 for church ex-| in Ameri¢an law which now | buting country would have aj tension projects, $10,000 to se-| gtates that U.S. nuclear war-| Veto over use-of the force. Thus|nior citizens work, $10,000 to| heads can be fired only on au-|2"Y decision on when to fire Alma College at St. Thomas,| thority of the U.S. president. \the nuclear Polaris would have) $12,000 to Five Oaks Christian} By DAVE MCINTOSH | Minimum Price Set For 1963 Wheat Crop LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Nego- tiators represents the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board, Ontario flour millers, cereal manufacturers and county grain elevators estab- lished . minimum prices here Tuesday for the province's 1963 winter wheat crop. *A minimum price of $1.65 per bushel was set for Grade 1 and -2°and $1.62 for Grade 3--the same prices set for last year's! crop. All other clauses of last year's agreement were re- established, said Roy Coulter of Campbellville, wheat marketing board chairman The agreement also_calls for a minimum price of $h30 per bushel for Eastern Canada Grades 4 and 5 and Grades 1 and 2 mixed wheat. As in the past, the agreement ~ provides for an escalated mini- mum price which will increase two cents per bushel each month from October to next February. The price will hold at this level from February to April, drop five cents per bushel in May and June and return to the minimum of $1.65 next July. \ |to be unanimous. | Workers Centre, a lay training The West Germans see even- centre at Paris, @nt., $7,100 for tual majority contro] over the camping developments and $1,- force as the only means to at- 700 for capital funds and stew. hack rere ee aa as 'ardship projects. Woes on eat eet Po pari: Elected chairman of the cap- cipate in the force. France ig | ital funds committee was Har- building her own nuclear "force |!4 Page of Brantford. Sub- de frappe' and eventually | Committee chairmen are Rev. hopes to' have missile-launching|©. W. Zurbrigg and Walter nuclear submarines. Routliffe, both of Hamilton, Dr. Canadian authorities have se-| Harvey Caldwell of Guelph, rious reservations about the Rev. D. Bruce Gordon of Niag- |seaborne force whie conceding | "8 Falls and Rev. Robert Oli- |that sole American control over Ver of Clarkson. : nuclear weapons, though desir-| Sessions continue today with able, is no longer possible. election of a new president to! apheresis 4 ----~j| succeed Rev, A, E, Kewley: of PLAGUED BY RATS Brantford. ALTON, England (CP)--This) Tuesday night, the newest Hampshire town is looking for|Tesidential college onthe cam. a Pied Piper. Although the rats| Pus of the University"of Water: haven't killed any cats or bit-|!00, St. Paul's United College, ten babies in cradles, thousansd| Was dedicated : of them are invading gardens| The $850,000 building, with and garbage cans. Poison: has residential accommodation for failed to get rid of them so the 100 male and 50 women stu. town is seeking a 'spare-time| dents, yjoins Roman Catholic, rateatcher. Mennonite and Anglican col ----|leges on the campus ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists @ Pick-up and Delivery Service @ Drive in Service @ Same Day Service Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR' W. LOSES POWER A car that develops 100 horse- power at sea level has only 82 horsepower at an altitude of 5,000 feet. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, slip or wobble when you talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by such handicaps. FASTEETH, an alkaline (non-acid) powder to sprin- kle on your plates, keeps false teeth more firmly set. Gives confident feel- ing of security and added comfort, No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel- ing. Get FASTEETH today at drug counters everywhere. Will close thei VICTOR'S 38 Bond St. West at Prince St. and will... 92 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Effective Saturday, June Ist r store at their present location AT Watch For Official Opening Soon! pee nadian nuclear industry wants| whether fearsome bombardment the federal government to pro-'that has left the moon pocked vide liability insurance of up to| with craters has gone on stead- $100,000,000 for privately-owned |ily during the moon's lifetime companies engaged in the com-|of four or five billion years or mercial use of atomic energy. |been spasmodic, From this we The recommendation was|can estimate how often to made Tuesday at the annual|expect similar impacts on the meeting of the Canadian Nu.|earth, clear Association by a nuclear, We should be able to settle in insurance committee wh xe h| Part the controversy as to the nd future insurance. require-|* : : ' ; and ie .. quire-) moon will be incredibly hostile ments for firms ig in the} z A nuclear field jto astronauts; deeply creviced,| . blanketed with dust, ; heavily In a report tothe meeting the : Aen datetis committee said that unless deep in' frozen foam or prickly proper insurance is made avail./¥itt, metallic, whiskers. One able by private companies, SUP-|is volcanic activity on the moon plemented by government in-| "This is nota book of science demnification, "a proper e-lnicion but a thriing" and fae : ., . ; ,\tual account of what is actually) nadian nuclear industry will not being done by the United States! ae sobidittea a tha a to win this all-important race. It e : -\deserves a place of prominence though precautions taken in the|in every space sissies construction of reactors and) --------------------_---- other nuclear facilities make) the possibility of serious acci-| ; ma d dents extremely small, it is not} TONDON (CP) -- Edward possible to eliminate-the risks|Heath, deputy foreign secre- of accidents entirely. jtary, has been invited to play Accents wee |the organ at a fund-raising con- AC INTS s JE cert by the London Symphony "Conceivably, accidents could Orchestra. Heath's hobby is pied hissed igre cause yer jplaying the organ in his local extensive public damage and re-|church at Broadstairs, Kent, sult in legal liabilities beyond|-------- inital | the resources of the largest pri- , : vate corporations," | ROYAL BIRD WINS The report said adequate gov- PETERBOROUGH, England ernment liability insurance has|(CP)--The Queen has had her been provided for crown-owned|{itst success since becoming a Atomic Energy of Canada Lim-|Pigeon fancier last year, One of ited. This insurance was avail-|the royal birds won an 84-mile able to private companies only |"ace held in the Midlands. The when they had contracts to/@een's loft of 100 racing pig- which Atomic Energy of Can.\€0Ms is at her Norfolk estate of ada was a party. Sandringham, Insurance was available to| qm ma ; private companies, the report} BACKACHE? said, from. the Nuclear Insur-| e ance Association of Canada. Un-} der a facility liability policy, | oe NOt me! the maximum limit of, liability} was $7,500,000 which could be in-} creased to $26,500,000 through} co-insurance with foreign pools.| A physical damage policy pro- | ie vided insurance of $9,900,000. "The insurance industry has gone as far as its facilities will allow and it now appears that the time has. arrived for the government to enter the picture to a greater degree", the com-} mittee said. | GOING WEST? GO PART OF THE WAY BY WATER! Break your rail trip west with a leisurgfy voyage across the Great Lakes! Enjoy a refreshing 2-day boat trip between Part McNicoll, Sault Ste, Marie and Fort William. Your fare is included with your first class train ticket--only berth and meals extra, By day: scenic beauty, cool, fresh- water breezes, deck sports and lounging in the sun! By night: dancing, promenading, sing-songs and movies ! GREAT LAKES CRUISE Sailings twice weekly from June 8th to September 4th. Westbound Wed- nesday and Saturday from Port McNicoll. Eastbound Tuesday and Saturday from Fort William. All inclusive 5-day Cruise--Georgian Bay--Lake Huron --Lake Superior--from $90.00 . Information and reservations from any Canadian Pacific ticket office PLAYS FOR FUND backache or that tired-out feeling U depend on-- C roo PORK BUTT ROAST 43 C & 'gente ! 'Gy ~~ "A DELICIOUS DESSERT" CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES MR. CLE HOSTESS CORN CHIPS = x. Breck Hair Set Mist *°sscs CIGAR POPULAR BRANDS __CTN, RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH -- IGA PINE APPLE CRUSHED : MARMALADE SRVER'SCOTCH © BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP WAX PAPER *"*" CHERRY HILL CHEES FISH & CH say hee GRADE p.E.1. POTATOES " PORK BUTT CHOPS FRESH, LEAN WELL 20-02. TIN " 12-02. THICK JAR 2-LB. TIN 100-FT. ROLL ILD 12-02. " CUT 24-02. PKG. 10-LB. BAG For relief from i | TRIMMED PKG. RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES FANCY Peas ; re SPONGE PUDD Ae TINS TABLERITE INGS " ® PINT BOXES 3°89 CALIFORNIA No, 1 GRADE CELERY 23¢ PRODUCE OF U.S.A. No. 1 GRADE CORN ON THE COB 10,,, 59° EXTRA FANCY WINESAP 39° APPLES 1-LB, EXTRA LARGE PKG, STALKS 6-07, PKG, 14.07, 5 SIZE PKG, SP. INACH el, GRADE OF USA. LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE COHOE SALMON ORANGE PEKOE head FOR ONLY 3 FOLDER $75.00 IN IGA TAPES) _ bial $5 y TINS PRICES 'EFFECT- QUANTITIES. or your own travel agent TEA BAGS 37c OFF A si 99: DYL'S IGA 166 Adelaide St., Oshawa SOUTH END IGA SUNKIST FROZEN PUNCH HOSPITALITY 4 APPLE PIE; PANTRY STYLE $ DARES COOKI KRAFT JET PUFF MALLO MOTOR CITY IGA Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa LANSDOWNE IGA 6-0Z, tins, 99° rach 39° 1-18. 8Qc 2 PKGS. "ao A9e BILSKY IGA 120 Wilson Rd. South, Oshawa Brock St. South, Whitby BECKSTEAD IGA Courtice Lansdowne Shopping Centre COLLEGE HILL IGA Cubert Street, Oshawa WE FEATURE TORONTO CITY PRICES EVERY DAY! COMPARE THE VALUES FOR YOURSELF ! HOPE IGA STORE Port Perry