Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1963, p. 26

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26 THEOSHAWA TIMeS, Wednesday, May 29, 1963 BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM - : ;DAYES -- Clifiord and Norine (nee to the birth| 32--aArticles for Sale AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. TYPEWRITERS, office model, portable, -- machine, electric cal- 32--Articles tor Sale 32--Articles For Sale FLOOR coverings at clear out eer bright cheerful patterns . for while they last 23 cents per foot. 1 Vinyl clear outs. Sandran, Armstrong, Quak- neW ior, Forecast, slashed to $1.19 sq. yard. Congowall .39 ae ft. Hurry down for Furni- "YUILL -- In memory of a dear hus- jband, father and who jator, cula' scale, finep for quick sale, 723- 4434, in town. Wilson iter lhest ture, 20 Church Street. passed away May 29, 1962. ee re tee © A "helping hand to all he knew, He was so kind, so generous and On 'earth he awd did his best, ae good ate quality, $35; chairs, $5; chrome kitchen set, room suites. All slashed son Furniture, 20 Church Street. BUYING or selling furniture or appli- suite */ ances. Call Elmer, Hampton, 263-2294 or chesterfield | 969 9695, $17; refrigerator, heavy duty range, dining USED 'car parts, all kinds; used tires, all sizes, wheels. 509 Bloor Street East, or telephone 723-2281. in price. Wil- Grant him, Jesu: --Lovingly remembered by, his wife, A Jean, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. tele- FENDER Bassman, Len ie -back, ampli- fier. Used 2 months. Telephone after 4 p.m., 723-7814, all makes, David. Mr. and Mrs, A, Hair of 1» Ont. LYON -- Ken and Marion (nee bios i announce the safi daughter, Shelley Dawn,' 27, 1963, in Oshawa Gen-' Hospital, weighing 7 lbs., 4 ozs. tind thanks to Dr. Mcliveen. {MOLLER -- Dr. and Mrs, Robert K. announce the birth of a RIMAR MEMORIALS ENJOY with tents,' VACUUM cleaner repairs, F P PIANO, Williams upright, 54 inches ih, Needs tuning, $75. Apply 256 Rit- son Road South. STEREO SET Eico home built excel- lent condition, $200. Telephone 728-7484 after 5 p.m. ; HI-LO custom travel trailer, all alum- inum siding. Apply at corner of Solina Road and No. 2 highway, east of Osh- awa 6 miles. REFRIGERATOR for sale in very good condition, Telephone 723-2627, 34--Lost and Found LOST -- Beagle dog, black and tan, some white, in- the region of Harmony Road North. Reward, Telephone John Irwin. 723-2745. sleeping bags, ground sheets, hag boos See ae jugs, coolers. Best prices Be nm Tire Store, 48 Bond ree brushes, hoses, 'guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines, Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Serv- ice. Call anytime, 728-0591. WALLET, man's brown leather, con- taining valuable are ae Saturda: night in Oshaw: 5 p.m. dial CHEST of 'drawers, double dresser, chifforobe. Handmade, .ready to paint, or finished in natural varnish or Roxo- tone. Telephone 725-8755. OLD GUNS 'a. ville 623-5419. Wanted Oshawa 725-8183 , 36--Legal WF buy, sell and exchange. used furni- MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM Complete Monument.and Inscription Service _ 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone 723-1002 BOX trailer, large and -turdy, new li- cence, TeJephone 728-2476. vr SIZE 14 blue Sarana att. Fully ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe/ Street South and 31 Bond Street East 723-1671, 560-2589, a STUDENTS A super value, approxi. mately 630 sheets of letter size typing i § blocks;( also a quantity of good u lumber. Apply 85 Brock street West after 6 p. tthe © General Tieeday, May 28, 1963. = POEPJES -- -ggreg and Dorothy (nee Bayne and 4th floor staff. * PROUD tanga The news of your can be announced to oor a and relatives in The Ush- a Times for only $1.50. Just tele- 723-3492 -- A courteous Ad-writer assist you 'in writing a Birth DEATHS * MEMORIALS Canadian Makes and !mports MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Company 1435 King Street East _ Telephone 728-3111 chine, asonable. phone after 6 Sey Whitby 668-4074. of new ten inch cement REFRIGERATOR, range, washing Re Tele- sed Paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 111 Dundas Street West. BOY'S bicycle, 26" size, light, carrier. Good condition, Reasonable. Apply 169 Winona Avenue after 6 p. t piece, case, $200. Dial GUITAR, electric, Gretsch, Dus-Jet, 2 pick-up. Black and silver, Bigsby tail 723-4068. BEAUTIFUL Singer Zig-Zag in desk like console, slightly used. This- one makes hundreds of fancy stitches, but- sews on buttons. Will sell for » various lengths, $150. After 6 p.m. telephone 728-4550. range, ex: condition. Ideal for cot- LUMBER, quantity of 2x4's, 2x8's, mis- eHaneous lumber, GENERAL Electric 40" heavy duty cellent tage, $29. Wayne' Appliances, 78 Simcoe North. 4 $48.88 or payments of $6.80. Write Box 718 Oshawa Times. WATER heater, 30 gallons, four years old, ideal for summer cottage. Tele phone 728-7015. seven and eight feet long, for fence posts, 25¢ each. x 4's, amplifier unit, 16 watts per channel. Must sell, Telephone Whitby 668-8779. BOAT TRAILER, good condition, rea- and tarpaulin. Dial 725-7478. 36 WATT Stereo Umplifier and pre- sonable, two lounge chairs, band saw, kitchen sink, car top, luggage carrier) Telephone 723-9202, ask for Nick. TELEVISION, 'Admiral, 21", in good condition, $70; also Jenny Lind bunk beds, 39 in, good spring mattresses, $70. Dial 723-9352. HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appli- ances, Name brands at biggest dis- «HAWKES, Florence M. Suddenly, in Oshawa, at her late resi- @ence, '224 Mary Street, on Monday, May 27, .1963, Florence M., beloved @aughter of the late Thomas and Mary Hawkes and dear sister of Rose, Oshawa, John Cornwall. Miss Hawkes is resting at the MclIntosh- neral Home, 152 King treet East for service in the Chapel CARD OF THANKS from Industrial Disposal, Road North. 725-9292. Ask for Nick. MAGDA: -- We wish to. thank our good condition. Dial 728-4972. FREE scrap lumber, to be hauled away| counts anywhere. Harmony VIKING four burner 30" range, very We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Your authorized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on King street east. Hal road. ' Open kind neighbors, friends and for expressions of sympathy, lovely floral offerings and other courtesies extended at the passing of our belov- ed husband and father, Joseph S. Mag- da, We wish also to thank the Mon- SELLING furniture or appliances? We'll buy it for top cash. Telephon Cal Blake's Furniture and Appliance: Store, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191. 12 FT. plywood boat, A-1 >| 9.30 - 9.30. Telephone 728-9191. e | BOAT, Racing Seaflea, all controls, ex- s cellent condition, $125. Apply 204 Bond |Street East. condition. | SAILBOAT, new 15% ft. sloop, dacron Telephone 725-9361 after 12 hours daily.) _ I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on lor after this date, May 29, 1963, without my wi conse! 820 Sylvia Street. TENDERS FOR COAL AND FUEL OIL Oshawa Board of Education Sealed Tenders marked "Ten- ders for Fuel' will be re- ceived by the Board of Educa- tion on their requirements for Fuel for the next heating season. Tenders will close Wednes- day, June 12, 1963, at 4:00 P.M. Quantities and spécifications 'may be obtained oat the Office of the Board of Edu- cation, 555 Rossland Rd. West. Board of Education, Oshawa, Ontario J.°R. Backus, Business Administrator World Social .jand the nt.--Stanley Czerniak,| poor poorer," said the former Hali- fax social worker. National income may have increased but per capita income has declined because improve- ments must be divided among a larger population. Earlier Tuesday, delegates were told that some national welfare programs may tend to perpetuate poverty. SUGGESTS CHANGE | Dr. John J, Medden, profes- sor of economics at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario, said some programs provide inhabi- tants of low income regions with enough cash to stay where they are but not enough to give them a reasonable standard of living. He ere that cash grants might be given only to those who cannot move. Dr. Madden said poverty and incomes tend to become re- gional problems. This was so where there is a greater-than- average concentration of elderly and less well educated persons, and where industries are declin- ing or not growing. "This is particularly true of the Atlantic provinces, Saskat- chewan and some rural areas in the remaining provinces," he said. R. D. Jordan Guy of Vancou-|© ver disagreed. He said the poor should not be uprooted from their traditional environment. The government should encour- ')age new industry in depressed areas. are getting peer eT 2 TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press ' Toronto Stock Exchange--May 29 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lot, xd-Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- from previous board-lot closing sale.)/CWN INDUSTRIALS 11 Net Stock Sales Abit pr xd 254 'kind xd 25 Alta Dist 100 Alta Gas 1935, Alta Gas w Alta Nat Algonquin Alumini Argus Arg B pr Kg CP pr Wonk 4 Sug A Bank Mont Bank NS Bank NS rt Barcelona Bell Phone Bowater pr Bow 5% pr Brazil BA Oil BC Forest BC Pack B BC Pow BC Sugar Build Prod Cal Pow Can Cem Can Cem CD Sug CI Fndry CI F 4% 225 $90 90 C Pack A 100 $61% 61% cas. Perm Bo $79% 79% $9% 9% 9% c teew xd 13 $11% U% 1%--% CBr pr xd 4205 $54 S4 54 CBr Alm A 100 $10% Png a CBal A w_ 100 235 C Can A x@ 200 $13% 4m mm % 167 --l% Cdn Celan 40 Cc Chem $11" tw i +% 465 C Chem w= 500 C Collieries $9% i ou +% 66 39% 9% 9% 100 1 1915 595 100 60 229 265 125 73 235 441 1 537 220 220 59 445 275 100 239 25 $ 125 110 --% 299 pr 216 2B% 105 27 130 23% + % NEWS IN BRIEF MAE ROCKET FUEL BORDEAUX, France (Reut- ers)--The official "Service des Poudres,"' which holds the mon- Wives, Widows Seek Better rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is) CWN 38% + %| 1 90 61% + iy 79% --%|L 82 ESE 2 = LEE t+ a ee FE 1++ - Bg-geeed « Bgogt geet 2 ES 2 ES + = & 28° 2-385 3° o"*o3eee 3° +t Gat 5 pe pr 25$104 104 104 Gat 5% pr =--_- 25 $107% 107% 107% GMC 50 1™ + 100 $12% 1 2100 $11% 11% 1190 $20 20 $24% WU% S17™% 17% 317% 17% 17% + % i ae Wg 19 «18% 19 175 hd 175 si% he + 115 ub us +5 S44% 44! $15% ise 15% -- $26% 26% 6 968%, 68% = se geaaa : GS Wares Globe A GL Paper - = Ss = +" % Int Nickel Int Util Int Stl P Jefferson SERsSaeeuBs 2 2 ESeR 33 388 388 zee | 34 an ° Sage fl i iste H g. u Sou~Esouged Sen.8 Sen.te : i +3 135 $1l% 11% 11%+% 6 M&W M&M +% 62 65 (+4 "5 45 --5 10 111 =k © © +1 6 6 6 +2 31%. 31% 31%---1H% 6 HE g al Selteielalis Untettet 445 pops Th fel g g 3 'A 3 Bu ~ rch + a4 opoly for the manufacture of explosives in France, has gone into industrial production of Scuee' Wisse Cameuce ie al signor P, Coffey, and the Armstrong Union C y- hay be given to the Heart Foundation, [Funeral Home for tactful and under- standing service. sanadian Cancer Society or the Mis-| Wife Elizabeth and children Best offer. Apply 160 Simcoe South,| Sails, trailer. 728-0051. is o'clock. KITCHFN 5 sink, wi white porcelain, with| |WEDDING gown, floor length, size 16. s: -- $9 95% Mh -- % Situation Tax Deal = lonary and Maintenance Fund of the) arama a May to rest in "south Haven Nurs- pind Newcastle, on Monday, May %. 1963, Edith May Hambly, widow of rt Keel and mother of Mrs: Frank jennett (Winnifred), Douglas and wie lam, in her 89th year. Restii Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with morial service in the chapel on ursday, May /30 at 3.30 p.m. Inter-| bent Mount Lawn Cemetery, * KIMMERLY, A. E. Wyliie * At Oshawa General Hospital, May 28, ) tearly beloved husband of Mada- ie Draycott, and loving father of Dr. » of Oshawa, Cmdr. Earl W., ., Quebec City; Captain Gordon .. London, Ontario; and Kenneth D., 'oronto, Ontario. Funeral from Mac- tosh - Anderson Funeral Home, Wed- gesday 2 p.m. * ROBINSON, George Hi. pddenly at his late residence, Thorn- pn Read North, George H. Robinson, gloved husband of the late Muriel poper and dear father of Frances Mrs. L. Brash), Betty and Ted, all of yshawa, Frederic of Geraldton. Rest- bg at the Mcintosh Anderson Funeral jome, 152 King Street East, for service St. George's Anglican Church on jay. May 31 at 3 p.m. Interment! Fleetsi.e, long- Must sell 728-5179. jon Cemetery. nited Church in Canada, if desired.) ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 25) rim and taps, two venetian blinds, 24" wide, 1 pr. bedroom lamps, 725-3744. Dial white satin with lace; also small purse land veil to match. Complete $30. Dial | Brooklin, 655-3545. new, reasonable. Telephone 728-5638. TWO-PIECE boy's winter outfi electric start, $100, selling 723-7504, used $75. one year. 29--Automobiles | For Sale 1961 VOLKESWAGEN white finish, A- Al condition, 12,000 miles, $995. Telephone 668-3220. MODEL cake ; sealentric, . Triang Prod-| uct, model 3, two cars and on transformer, $40. Telephone 728-4720. STOVE -- General Electric Rangette, 2-burner. Good condition. $30 or bes i957 METEOR six-cylinder, Fordor offer. T 723-1786. born Ave. 238 + Dear- sedan, good condition, new tires, one owner, Must sell $600 cash. Whitby 668-2189, 1955 FORD, ROTARY lawn mower, gasoline with| ~ | call at 4 George Street, Ajax, ie} | ELE CTRIC rar AIR conditioner, one year old. Like! lFoop ) freezer, 21 cubic feet, City and |Suburban, 'one year old. ., Telephone oe erik 728-5292, and leggings, size 4. Like new. 725-0889. |BUY AND SELL, good used furniture jand appliances. One location only | Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street New| South, 723-3271. Telephone evenings) {USED | chesterfield, r Tug, tables for sale. after 5) | p.m range, GE (large) e) $25. | Good condition, Apply 64 Greta Street.) 728-0732, t | | AIRWAY vacuum cleaner and Airway RANGE, Moffat, large size, white jcelain, syncrochime, four burner, auto-|WATER softener economy, Best; ™atic features include two surface A-1. cash offer, around $350. 6.30 to 8 eve- nings, 723-1405. 1953 CHEVROLET, %-ton panel sedan' delivery, good body, motor and tires,| $125. Telephone 725-9329. oven and outlet, full size, |warming oven with element, plus two $75. utility | -drawers, excellent condition. Sacrifice $100. S telephone 725-0187. ENCYCLOPEDIA, set of Americana,| Canadian 'elition, almost new, 30 vol-| umes 1956 PONTIAC two-di six, body excellent mechanically good. Push button radio, new tires, needs interior clean-up. A bargain at $395. 728-0558. 1960 CHEVI-GLET truck, %4-ton, deluxe ox two tone like new. . »RODGER, John finddenly at his residence, 526 Ken Gtreet, Whitby, Tuesday, May 28, dobn Rodger, beloved husband of' Rose-| ii Robinson, salesman for J. Robert-| matic, power brakes, A real sharp car. Hulse and )$1, 195. English Funeral Chapel, Church Street, | 668-5893. mary @on Co., resting at the rage type 1963, It repbone 723-770 jun-L.iner mechapical- ood, very clan, many extras. 958 OLDSMOBILE four door, auto- Jack Lees, Seaway Motors, G&. Catharines, for service Friday, May| 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Thorold Cem e-| 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, new motor, rear jend, paint and tires, Telephone 725-2570. 'ey, Thorold, Ontario. For further ro formation call W. C, Town Funeral Ghapel, Whitby, 668-3410, | WRECKING | parts for sale. Telephone Bowmanville 623-5058. 1952 Chevrolet coach, * STAINTON, Luther James Wednesday, May 29, 1963, Luther ames Stainton, aged 83 years, RR 5. 1 er equipment, 19,000 miles. Best offer over $2500. Telephone 723-3227. 962 PONTIAC station wagon, all pow- » husband of the late Eta ae dear "father of Donald and Effa @frs. Henry 30--Automobiles Wanted Stainton) and dear brother J 'Ada (Mrs. G. A. Speight), Oshawa. -vesane J at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers cats for wrecking. Highest pices paid. 220 Wentworth East. 725-1161. want Priday at 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Gemetery, Brooklin. "STUART, a Wednesday, #In Sea on May -- "1388- Munro, lov- mother of Alex Stuart and grand- mother of Douglas in her 53rd year. iovral Cen is yea at Seattle Me- moo: _ lor service on Satur- @ay, May 31. Isabel $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we dea! up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 "WALKER, William 8. W. » Suddenly 'in Oshawa on Sunday May Mth, 1963. William H. W. Walker 732 Gimece Street North, Beloved hus- Band of D. Pearl Rundle, loving father @ Mrs. D. W. Washburn (Irma) Cooks- Ville and James A. Walker of Toronto. Resting at MclIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home 152 King Street East. Service in the chapel on Friday, May 31, at ae Bm. Interment at Pinedale Cemete: (Brock Township) approximately 3 p.m. pr EEE SE ene uae nates BAMILIES who have pre- arranged their family estates together in Mount awn Memorial Park testify this to be| the answer to a delicate future prob-| Jem. Call for courteous information 783-2633. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funéral artangements and * flora} requirements for all « occasions. : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "'Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" the payments, Telephone 723-3911. NEW! Versatile kitchen machine. wife should be without this Telephone days or evenings, The Car- mic Co., 723-7688. BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler Ma- son, .M.C. and Larson Boots. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C. 88 Motors. Open Until 8 P.M, MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 BOAT Peterboro -- 14 ft. cedar strip. 10 H.P. Johnson motor with forward controls, steer- ing, centre deck, windshield, fully equipped, excellent con- dition, Selling Half-price $495 Telephone Stouffville 640-3313 with .bookcase, pick up |three-brush polisher, almost new. Tele- years | Phone 728-3121. aie alum- Dupont, Telephone old. Good condition, 3150, storms and screens, Make offer or trade. jinum R rs, cashiers, du- | plicators, chequewriters, comptometers, |three hundred new and used. We buy, jsell, rent, service. Hamilton Office | Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby |------_--___--___ ntuchondcitetioeyn No| JALOUSIE windows (2) 3 ft. x 5% ft., marvei,|#lass shutters, storm glass and screens, medium sized space heater, also daven- port will open for bed. Above items as good as new. Dial 723-9913. PATIO sets, cast concrete, table three benches. Priced able. Dial 725-1348. BABY butler outfit including swing and small chair, good condition, $20; swinging cradel, red maple, colonia) style like new, $18, modern chest of four drawers, $10. Whitby 668 5015, REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, 9 cu. tt. Westinghouse range, Leonard auto- matic washing machine also television rotor, all in good condition. Dial 668- 8419. STORMS screens, various sizes, sump pump, hardwall swimming pool, heavy gauge plastic liner, used only twice. Excellent condition. Dial 725-8772. RANGE, Gurney, wood and gas com- bination, white enamel, large size, rea) good condition ideal for cottage. $15. Telephone 725-4285. SPECIAL BAMBOO DRAPERIES WIDTH LENGTH 60in. 84 in. 2.98 4.69 449 6,98 5.98 8.98 7.49 11.49 8.98 13.98 in. Pair 10.49 15.49 ete, pedestal, | reason: | . Pair in. Pair . Pair in.. Pair in. Pair Portable TV Time ELECTROHOME TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 31--Automobile Repair -- HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE _ SERVICE~ MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL ?cPAIRS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 Articles For Sale | GARDEN tractor five horsepower Sim- | plicity rotary tiller, weed cutter, plant- er, $225. Telephone Whitby 668-3798 | after 6 evenings. IN MEMORIAM . CRIDGE -- In loving memory: of a dear mother, Susan Cridge, who pass- ad away May 29, 1960. »God knows how much we miss her, «Never shall her memory fade, thought shall ever wander, . «To the spot where she is laid. «Always remembered by daughters, Doris, Nellie, Mildred and Violet. «IRWIN In Brance of my darling little grandson, Robert Wesley (Robbie) who passed @way suddenly in Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto, on May 29, 1962. "He was a flower too fair for earth, * Sent here for a while; 5 God marked him when he gave him And took him with a smile. &Gadly missed by Grandma we Church. * rRWIN -- In affectionate reme:n-| Brance of our darling little son and our sd brother, Robert Wesley Robbie) who passed away suddenly f Sick 'children's Hospital, Toronto, on May 29, 1962. * Asleep in God's beautiful garden * Away from all sorrow and pain, * Some day when life is surely ended "We shall be together again. SLovingly remembered by Daddy 2d Mommie (Jim and Marion) and Brothers Jimmy, Bruce and sister, June. affectionate remem- Irwin, * JACKSON -- In loving memory of Charlies N. Jackson, who passed away May 2, 192. oe by wife Clara and fam- Fe erteag rid -- In loving memory of | ries M. Jackson, who passed away | May 29, 1952. @mily. HAS FEW METEORITES: | * Only 109 meteorites have been| discovered in Australia while| mearly six times as many ae | Qmown in the United States. i by son Ken, Joan and FILTER QUEEN Used Guaranteed Models from $50 FILTREX POLISHERS WARNING Imitation filters will. damage your machine. Look for Filter Queen printed on every filter. 12 - $1.50 -- 30 - $3.50 Free delivery Oshawa area. Filter Queen Sales 323 King Street W. Dial 728-7552 Custorn-Made DRAPERY Hundreds of homes in Oshawa and District have added charm and distinction to their interiors with drapery in the latest designs in a variety of fabrics, styled by -- M. And C. Drapery and 'Dry Goods Store For aie decorating needs all us today 723. 7827 74 Ce' lina- Street, Oshawa | R.C.A. VICTOR ADMIRAL Prices Stort at. Store will be closed at 12 noon on Saturdays during June, July, August. PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N., 723-3043 __ UNPAINTED FURNITURE BARGAINS "DO IT YOURSELF" 2.98 12.76 16.88 18.88 26.88 8.88 27.88 Book coses .....:.. Students desks . Chest of Drawers Record Cabinet . Large Desk Sadia Lorge Bookcase .... Double Wardrobe ... WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. in. Pair 11.98 . 17.49 ROLL UP SHADES CAFE CURTAINS RELIABLE Furniture -- Interiors 96 King Street East 723-7928 Downtown Oshawa What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture | 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. Trailer Accessories Everything for trailers. Tag Along Trailers Rental and Sales 9 TUDOR STREET AJAX 942-3491 AT SPECIAL _ ibreglass 1963. 28 . electric motor and Scott Complete unit. 465. OSHAWA MARINE AND SERVICE Open Until 8 p.m. ied gid to 6 w Location 1180 Pe N. 728-0031 | | | | H. trailer. RANGES AND TELEV Only | WAYNE A FINAL CLEARANCE 1962 MODEL GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS NO DOWN PAYMENT with trade ISIONS BRAND NEW PORTABLES $159 Take one to the cottage this weekend. Payments $2.50 Weekly. PPLIANCES 78 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Said Worse By EDNA BLAKELY OTTAWA (CP)--Delegates to the three-day Canadian Welfare Council meeting were told Tues- day that the world's social situ- jation is worsening. Phyllis Burns, former direc- |tor of welfare services for the council and now a social affairs officer with the United Nations, took. delegates away from do. mestic problems by outlining some of the findings of a recent UN report on social conditions around the world. "As individuals and as na- tions, the rich are getting richer | solid fuel for rockets in a fac- tory at nearby Saint Medard. THEY FIGHT BULLS MEXICO CITY (AP)--Mexi- can government officials fight bulls instead of taking part in the 50-milg hikes of some of \their Waskington counterparts. Aivaro Gonzales Mariscal and Jacobo Zabludovsky, presiden- tial press and radio-TV chiefs, appeared in a ring at San Bartolo Naucalpa. SHUNNED TEACHING Television . personality Art Linkletter chose a $25 a month radio announcing job to start his career rather than a $120 a month teaching post. By STEWART MacLE DO OTTAWA (CP)--With similar approaches, two women's orga- nizations came before the Car- ter royal commission on taxa- tion Tuesday in search of a bet- ter tax deal for wives and wid. ows, It was the second succes- sive day that the commission dealt almost exclusively with the problems of women in the tax web. of University Woman and the Canadian Committee on the status of Woman asked the six. member commission to recom- mend a higher true exemption for estates under the Estates Tax Act. Both group ssaid $100,- OBITUARIES 000 would be a desirable figure --to replace the existing $40,000 --but would be unlikely to approve | MRS. EDITH MAY KEEL In failing health for several lyears Mrs. Edith May Keel, of Courtice, died Monday, May 27, at the South Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle. She was in her 89th year A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hambly, the de- ceased was born in Oshawa, Oct. 26, 1874, and had been a jresident of Oshawa and district all her life. Mrs. Keel was married in Oshawa in 1907. She was a member of Northminster Unit- ed Church and for many years had been a member of the Or- der of the Eastern Star. Sever- al years ago she received her 50-year jewel from the Order. Predeceased by her husband, Robert Keel, March 25, 1951, lshe is survived by a daughter, |Mrs. Frank Bennett (Winni- fred), Oshawa and two. sons, Douglas of Courtice and Wil- liam of Oshawa. Also surviving are four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The memorial service will be} held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3.30 p.m. Thursday, May 30. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister of Northminster United Church will conduct the services. ' " LUTHER JAMES STAINTON The death of Luther James Stainton, RR 5, Bowmanville, occurred today at the Bow- manville Memorial Hospital, in his 84th year. He had been in \failing health for the past two |weeks. Born in Oshawa, Mr. Stain- ton was a son of the late Wil- liam and Martha Stainton. He received his education in the Oshawa schools and married the former Effa Bond ir' Osh- awa, Mr. Stainton: lived in Osh- awa for a time, later moving to Brooklin. For 19 years he farm- --_------/jed in Brooklin and moved from there to a farm near Bow- manville. Mr, Stainton retired from farming about 15 years ago. - He was a member of Tyrone United Church and a former member of the' Masonic Lodge. Mr, Stainton was pedeceas- ed by his first wife, the former Effa Bond, and by his second wife, the former Catherine Bond. He is survived by a son, Donald Stainton, of RR 5, Bow- manville; a daughter, Mrs. Henry Stainton, (Effa) of Ty- rone, and a sister, Mrs. G. 4 Speight, (Ada) of Oshawa. There are five grandchildren. He was predeceased by a brother, George. The funeral service will be held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmavnille, Friday, May 31, at 2 p.m. Rev. C. Dugan, minister of Tyrone Unit- ed Church, will conduct the service. Interment will be in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. WILLIAM H. W. WALKER The death of William H. W. Walker, 732 Simcoe street north, occurred suddenly Tuesday, May 28, in his 71st year. He had been in failing health for the past four' years. Born in Markdale, he was a son of the late James and Mary '|Mrs. jAnn Walker, Mr. Walker mar- ried the former 0. Pearl Rundle, in Pinedale, in 1920. A resident of Oshawa for the past nine years, Mr. Walker lived for nine years in Green- bank before coming to this city. He was a hospital attend- ant at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby until his retirement in 1960. Mr. Walker was a member of Northminster United Church. He was a member of Zeredetha Lodge, AF and AM, in Ux- bridge, and a past master of LOL Lodge, Number 454, in Uxbridge. He also served in the First World War in the 116th Battalion in Canada, He is survived by his wife, the former O. Pearl Rundle. There is one daughter, Mrs. D. M. Washburn (Irma), of Cooksville, and a son James A., of Toronto. Mr, Walker was predeceased by a son, Robert John, in 1926. He leaves a sis- ter, Mrs. Albert Walker, of Markdale, and three brothers, John and Andrew, of Markdale, jand James, of Saintfield. The funeral service will be held in the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Chapel, Friday, May 31, at 1.30 p.m. Rev. H. A, Mellow, ministér of North- minster United Church, will conduct the service. Interment will be in Pinedale Cemetery, Brock Township, at approxi- mately 3 p.in. ge FUNERAL OF MELVILLE "JACK" CURRAN High requiem mass was sung in St. Hedwig's Roman Catho- lic Church, at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 28, for Melville "Jack" Curran, who died Saturday, May 25, at the Oshawa General Hospital, in his 48th year. Rev. A. Bagsik, pastor of St. Hedwig's Church, conducted the service. Interment was in St. Gregory's Cemetery. Pallbearers were T. Free- man, FE. Gay, J. Hallowell, G. Freeman, F. Woolner and D. Freeman. FUNERAL OF MRS. EDITH FULLERTON The memorial' service for Mrs. Edith Fullerton, who died at Roseneath, Saturday, May 25, in her 72nd year, was held at the Armstrong § Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, May 28, at 2 p.m. Rev. A. Woolcock, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church, conducted the service, Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union A,| Cemetery. Pallbearers were John Black, John Burch, Bil Hayball, Bob Smith, Jim Slyfield,and James Semple. FUNERAL OF MRS, ALBERT OWEN The memorial service for Albert Owen, who died Sunday, May 26, at the Osh- awa. General Hospital, in her 70th year ,was held in the Arm- strong Funeral Chapel, Tues- day, May 28, at 3.15 p.m. Col. Alfred Simester, of the Belleville Salvation Army, con- ducted the service. Interment tery. Pallbearers were John Grant, Lloyd Halliday, Charles Lang- field, Walter Reid, Cecil Gur- ney, and David Owen. ) / -- such a huge increase. So the federation asked that the exemption be raised to $50,- sights on $75,000. identical recommendations on another matter affecting es- tates. They said that one-half of a decreased marriage partner's estate should be considered as tax. The federation said this would recognize the equality in a mar- riage partnership, BOOST EXEMPTION Another recommendation by the federation was that wives be allowed to earn up to $950 a year without affecting the basic exemptions of their taxpaying husbands. The present limit is $250 although other dependents of the husband can earn up to $950. Mrs. M. J. Savia,' the federa- tion's vice-president for Central Canada, said that "whether we like it or not more,and more women are going/out te work." And it was nec¢ssary that en- couragement be given to mar- ried women trained in the pro- fessions to contribute to the economy and productivity of the country. Commission chairman Ken- neth Carter asked Mrs. Savia what she thought of the prac- tice of husbands and wives fil- ing joint returns, as is done in some other countries. The idea had intrigued him. "Ts would be very much in favor -of it," she replied. It would eliminate the present sit- uation in which husbands are unable to deduct, from. their own income, salaries paid to Both the Canadian Federation fu that the government|S 000, and the committee set its|7, The organizations produced] v belonging to the surviving part-| ner and therefore not subject to B: $54% $15% 15% 15% + % $37 3737 $1944 19% 19%. +? ore oe 13% Po leg _ 700 130 a4 2m, 1 tk te wate ptt 1 4 % 14% 100 300 300 300 $14% 14% 14% 370 225 270 $51 meee pr 47 Tor-Dom Bk 218 $63 PL 2823 Asamera 200 110 110 110 Bata ee eh a +10 40 "5 102 7 ad 435 45 102 17 810 300 +8 +2 +2 ne Glacier 1000 10% 10M 1 Gr Plains 200 ane 2% ut ; iS Home A xd 100 $13 13 13 --1% Home B xd x525 $12% 12% 12% HBOUG 614 $16 15% 15% --15 U (+11 ive Bay Jacobus Jonsmith Keeley-F Kenville Kerr Add Kirk Town suSysbeasd8sue8 se sete L++ $23% 23% 23% + %|Lab Min | stge La Luz Lamaque Latin Am Leitch Lencourt Lorado Lyndhst MacLeod 190 West Mines 116 440 200 156 11500 16 800 110 3000 5 1000 2 10500 30 Wiltsey Yk Bear Yukeno Zenmae Zulapa Sales to 11 o.m,: COMING EVENTS BINGO, Bathe Park at Eulalie Avenue on Thursday, at 2 p.m. Euchre on Sat- dey at 8 p.m. RADIO Park, Grenfell eet Euchre every Wednesday night, 8 p.m. Admis» sion Prizes and refreshments, NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) $6,12, $20 as: doubled 6r-tripled $220. IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 CAR WASH SATURDAY, JUNE -Ist 8 A.M, to 4 P.M, $1. 13th Girl Guide Co. VIVIAN'S B.A. 'SERVICE STATION Nonquon Rd. North Oshawa high score $6. TO-NIGHT LIONS BINGO . 8:00 P.M. . JUBILEE PAVILION Jackpot Nos. 51-52 ~ EXTRA. BUSES 'FREE ADMISSION spouses until they are in an in- corporated business. Tobacco, Lung Cancer Link Underlined OTTAWA (CP)--It is "high time" that the health depart- ment stepped in to underline the link between tobacco and lung cancer, Dr. P. B. Rynard told the Commons Tuesday night. The doctor, Progressive Con- servative MP for Simcoe East, said there is steadily mounting evidence to prove the existence of a link between lung cancer and cigarettes. Medical voices in Britain and Canada had-come out firmly on that score and surely the health department should wait no longer to inform children and adults of the dangers of smok- ing. Authorities said lung cancer had reached epidemic propor- tions and that perhaps 500 new smokers materialized daily among. school - age boys and girls. Many of these were ldoomed to death from lung cancer, Dr. Rynard said. It was up to the Canadian Medical Association, publicity organs and the federal depart- ment to inform the public. OSHAWA -- $150 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. EXTRA BUSES DOOR PRIZES JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thursday, May 30th 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 JACKPOT 1 $20 PER LINE PLUS $50. PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 53, 58 PER FULL CARD IN 53, 58 NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME Red Barn, Oshawa ADMISSION $1.00 WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO $300 S Ist 51 No. 2nd--No. Door Prizes CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th EARLY BIRD GAMES--SHARE-THE-WEALTH FREE PASSES FOR THE ONES ON THE RIGHT OF WINNERS. PECIAL! FREE PASSES FOR THE ONES ON THE RIGHT OF WINNERS. $20 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE $100 FULL CARD $100 ADDED IN 52 NOS. OR LESS 5 GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES.AT $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES $1.00: ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD 56--$30 Consolation, Children Under 16 Not Admitted

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