Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 May 1963, p. 6

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\ w | She Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario T. L. Wilson, Publisher TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1963--PAGE 6 _ Province To Pay Again For Lack Of Planning The whole of the province con- tinues to pay for the monstrosity that is Metropolitan Toronto, that congested concrete-and-brick horror which serves as constant, irritating reminder of what happens when municipal and provincial authorities are either too timid or too stupid to plan sensibly and stick to their plans. are getting to work on a $63 million rebuilding job on the Toronto by- pass, : By 1968 the Toronto portion of Highway 401 will have a minimum of 12 lanes, with 14 lanes in its two busiest sections. The Depart- ment of Highways is already boast- ing that it will be unique; no other single highway project anywhere in Highway 401 was planned as a "the world will be as wide, The rest 'long-distance, high speed artery for traffic movement across the 'southern part of the province. Its so-called "Toronto bypass" portion 'was no sooner completed than it was engulfed by the uncontrolled growth of Metro, and became nothing but a local access road. Highway 401 still is not com- pleted. There is one gap between London and Windsor which can be blamed for a ghastly series of traffic deaths; a heavy volume of traffic must squeeze down from four lanes 'to two, with the inevitable result. But even with the highway un- finished, the provincial authorities of the province cannot share the pride. The bill is too high. The $63 million to be spent on the project is what the people of On- tario must pay for bad planning and refusal to plan. The growth of the Metro monster could have been controlled and directed. Use of the highway. by local traffic could have been limited. But both provincial and Metro authorities preferred to bumble around while the Toronto bypass became the most expensive traffic botteneck in Canadian his- tory. And once again the province must pay for the Metro mistakes. NATO Problems/Ahead The NATO ministers are back in their own countries again -- most of them -- after their conference in Ottawa. We hope their stay in the Canadian capital was pleasant; it should have been, because they did not accomplish a great deal in the way of work. This was revealed in their final communique, which had to be padded out with the usual platitudes about equitable solutions, firms attitudes, tensions and diffi- culties. About a quarter of the commu- nique was devoted to "the steps taken to organize the nuclear forces assigned or to be assigned to the Supreme Commander Europe (SACEUR)." All this amounts to, in fact, is a tidying-up of cofimand to put a little more cohesion and efficiency into the nuclear arm of NATO. The big decisions are yet to be made. The key paragraph in the communique was this: "Ministers recognized the need to ' achieve a satisfactory balance be- Interference The contemptuous attitude of the Seafarers International Union to- wards the Canadian Labor Con- gress -- and indeed towards the Canadian government itself --/is the most glaring example of the arrogance with which some U.S. labor officials regard the Canadian unions. The glaring" stupidity of such an attitude is more than a pity;.it is a menace, because it cannot help but stir anti-American sentiment in this country and effect the reputation of all international unions, when in fact most of the. international unions do not intrude into the business of their Canadian affiliates. A short time ago the Ontario Labor Relations' Board ruled that the United Automobile Workers was the bargaining agent for workers employed by the DeHavilland Air- craft Co. of Canada, which included former employees of Avro Aircraft of Malton, who had been represen- She Oshawa Times T. L. WILSON, Publisher Cc. GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshowa Tires combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (establisheo 1863, is published daily (Sundays ond statutory holidays excepted). Members of Canadion Daily Newspaper Publish- ers Association. The Canadion Press, Audit Bureou of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dallies Association. The Canadion Press is exclusively entitied to the use of republication of all news despatched in the paper credited to it or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and-also the local mews published therein. Ali tights of special des- patches ore also_ reserved. . Offices: Thomson Building, 425 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cothcort Street, Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajox, Pickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin, Port Perry, Prince Albert, Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Liverpool, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunberton, Enniskillen, Orono, Leskard, Brougham, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Manchester, Pontypool ahd Newcastle, not over 5c per week. By mail (in Province ef Ontario) wtside carriers delivery areas 12.00 per year. Other Provinces and Commonwealth Countries 15.00, USA. and foreign 24.00, tween nuclear and _ conventional arms. They directed the council in permanent session to undertake, with the advice of the NATO military authorities, further studies of the 'inter-related questions of strategy, forcé requirements and the resources available to meet them." What this means,is that the council will take a long, hard look at each members contribution to the NATO military force. Whether the look will lead to action is something else again. The United States has carried the big load in NATO, and Americans, looking at the pros- perity. of Europe, are getting a bit' restive.. Many members will not want ta shoulder a heavier share of the vst. Thorough examination of stra- tegy and force requirements will also affect tender national feelings. NATO's conventional force, for example, is pitifully inadequate to meet a conventional Soviet threat, largely because of nationalistic considerations. . From US. ted by the »Anternational Associa- tion of Machinists. The Machinists did not take their case to the CLC, as they should have done, but di- - rectly to the AFL-CIO. The-UAW refused to participate in the hear- ings, on the proper grounds that the question should be settled in' Canada. The decision favored the Machinists. : In another dispute, the CLC de- cided in favor of the United Paper Makers .over the Pulp, Sulphite and Paper' Mill Workers. The latter did not accept the decision, which was subsequently over-ruled by the AFL-CIO. The workers involved got fed up and formed an indepen- dent union, The maritime trades department of the AFL-CIO seems to be dom- inated by the Seafarers, and little can be expected in that direction. But UAW President Walter Reuth- er, looking back to the DeHavilland case, is protesting the intrusion of the AFL-CIO into Canadian. juris- diction. The danger of a serious rift is obvious -- and unfortunate. It-is to be hoped that the UAW, Steelworkers and.other interna- tional unions" which respect the rights of affiliates can convince their colleagues that labor colonial- ism is just as dead as any other form of colonialism. Bible Thought _ For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the upijust, that he might bring us to God. -- I, Peter 3:18. Our fellowship with'God has been made possible by the vicarious work of Jesus Christ, ( \ \ Wiat FRanensren - CREATED WiTH TEST TUBE AND SCALPEL: "" 1S NOW BEING DUPLICATED WITH CAR KEY AND BOTTLE REPORT FROM U.K. British Polaris Base Site Chosen By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Faslane, a little community on Gareloch, an out- let of the Firth of Clyde, has been chosen as the location. for Britain's Polaris submarine base and an armaments depot for the Royal Navy. This was announced in the House of Lords by Lord Carrington, First Lord of the Admiralty, with the long-distance view of the time when Britain will. have: its fleet of submarines specially built to use the American - developed -Polaris missiles. Cost of the project is esti- mated at between $60 million and $75 million and it is hoped to have all its facilities com- pleted by the year 1968. While the submarine base will be at Faslane, at the top end of the Gareloch, with deep water mooring, it is proposed to con- struct the new armaments de- pot at Coulport, on Ioch Long, which. runs into the Gareloch, and is about eight miles from Faslane by road and 13 miles by sea. IMMEDIATE START In announcing this choice of a scottish location for the bases, Lord Carrington made it clear that the decision was based on naval requirements. "The operating base for the Royal Navy's Polaris submar- ines needs to be near deep wa- ter to offer easy navigational access, and to be a short dis- tance by sea from the associ- ated armament depot. All the Royal dockyards fail in some degree to meet these require- ments. When the base is finish- ed, and survey work will start immediately, it is expected that some 1700 officers and men will BY-GONE DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Ald Frank McCallum was named as president of the newly organized Oshawa Minor Baseball League. Harold N. Richards gradu- ated in Pharmacy at the On- tario College. He served his apprenticeship at Mitchell's Drug Store, Simcoe _ street ° north. The Oshawa Library Board appointed Miss Rheta Towle, BA, of Toronto to the library staff. A. E. O'Neill, principal of the OCVI, was one of four speak- ers at the Urban School Trus- tees' convention assigned to speak on "The Future of Inter- mediate Schools in Ontario," Oshawa Girl Guides and Brownies. held their annual church service at Knox Presby- terian Church with Rev. William McRoberts, the pastor, con- ducting the service. Alex G. Storie was re-elected president of the Ontario Coun- ty Flying Training School at the annual meeting of the directors. With 729 cases of measles re- ported here during the month of April and 279 in May, the Medical Officer of Health stat- ed epidemic was subsiding fair- ly rapidly, The 15th Oshawa Scouts and Cubs held its first annual father and son banquet in the Scout Hall. Scout Kelvin Blake. open- ed the program. Harold Betis was introduced as the troop's new scoutmaster. PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The U.S. National Academy of Sciences estimates world popu- lation, now 3.1 billion, will be 25 billion by the year 2070, Man may yet get rid o ein sects by crowding them off the earth. The average person -learns little if anything from the takes of. others, but he enjoys éeeing them make them mis Grand Chief Helen Freeman of the Pythian Sisters of On- tario paid an official visit to the local Temple. Most Excel- lent Chief Beatrice Northey welcomed the guests and open- ed the 'lodge meeting. OsWawa Kiwanis Club sponsor- ed the new 'Kiwanis Chick Club" open to rural children for chicken farming. The Agricul- tural Committee with Kiwanian W. Brownlee as chairman, de- livered 2,000 chicks to 14 East Whitby rural schools. Rev. Philip Coffey, pastor of Holy Cross Church, was honor- ed by the Women's Auxiliary of the parish on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his ordina- tion to the priesthood, ¢ Details of meat rationing were announced by the Prices Board. be based or stationed there, along with their families. "Civilian staff employed at the base and armament depot will probably number about 400, of whom half' will be recruited locally." Between 500 and 1000 local men will also be employed dur- ing the construction of the base. USED IN WAR During the second world war, the Gareloch was used exten- sively as a naval base and sub- marine depot. Its sheltered posi- tion in the midst of the Argyll- shire hills makes it ideal for that purpose. During the recent Easter weekend, which I spent on the Clyde, I travelled around the Gareloch and Loch Long, and saw there the remnants of the wartime establishments, includ- ing a torpedo firing range which is still used by the navy. Isolated from concentrated hab- itation, and with deep water moorings at several points along its length, it is not diffi- cult to visualize this large heet of almost landlocked wa- ter, joining the Clyde at Helens- burgh, as the centre for the new Polaris submarines. One interesting feature is that it is only a few miles away from the Holy Loch, the base for the United States Polaris submarines and their new moth- er ship, the Hunley,' which re- cently. replaced the Proteus there, At the Holy Loch, I saw the Hunley and also two of the U.S. Polaris submarines moor- ed alongside, taking on stores from the mother ship. ' It may. well be that the Ad- mifaliy "bad ft in mind that there might be some advantage tape its own Polaris base in 8 proximity to that of the United States in making the decision as to its location. [ry LIGH TEST in tl THE ONTARIO COMMITTEE ON TAXATION : WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS 'OTTAWA REPORT Holidayers. View Start Of Debate By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA -- It was symbolic that the first working day of our must-work 26th Parliament fell on the date when all other Cana- diang were. enjoying the Vic. age ag holiday. This was eaders' day, the first day of true debate after the two days of opening for- malities, when speeches are made by the leaders of the of- ficial opposition and of the gov- ernment aid, if time permits-- which it did this year--of the small parties. The holiday throng had spent the morning sight-seeing around Parliament Hill, touring the Parliament building, enjoying the view of nature from the top of the Peace Towei' and the view of placard-carrying hu- manity-in the ban-the-bomb par. ade at the foot of the Peace Tower. , This holiday crowd, plus the usual working spectators, thronged the galleries' seats and YOUR HEALTH standing room when the House of Commons met in the after- noon. CLOTHES NOT ALL FORMAL Bikinis are barred. But other- wise almost anything. goes in the public galleries in the tour- ist season--which Ottawa's Tu- lip Fetival inaugurated this holiday weekend. The diplomatic gallery. was © usually filled with demurely dressed ambassadors and their wives. The wives of cabinet minis- ters as customary crowded into the Speaker's gallery. Can. ada's."new frontier' govern. ment is'notable for the unpret- entiousness of the garb of its top women. Mrs. Pearson set the tone with a small hat of veil and bows, a plain fawn cloth coat over a dark dress, and short gloves. At least eight ladies were hatless, while the one splash of color was the red- brimmed straw hat worn by Questions Raised By Examinations By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD. Dgar Dr. Molner: Several of us"women (and I imagine a great many more) would like you to write about pelvic exam- inations. We have all had hys- terectomies. Can a doctor tell by touch if there are any growths? Can they examine far enough? We feel we may be paying for an examination that isn't good enough.--L.E. Fibroid tumors or uncontrol- lable bleeding are the most fre- quent reasons for hysterectomy plus, of course, such cases as may involve cancer. The pelvic structures are low enough in the abdomen so that the uterus, tubes and ovaries can be palpated (examined by touch) by "bimanual pelvic ex- amination." That is, by use of the hands. If all the structures -- uterus, ovaries, tubes, cervix -- have been removed by hysterectomy, there is nothing to feel. If the uterus alone has been removed, any enlargement of the ovaries can be detected, If the cervix remains, it should be inspected by instru- ments and by periodic "pap smears,' a simple method of detecting cancer. . I commend all of you for be- ing wise enough to have a pe- riodic post-operative examina- tion. It catches trouble -- if there is any more--early. Doctors are aware of a wom- an's natural concern over this area, and also the extent to which examination should be made, The tests outlined above have proved to be effective pro- tection, plus, of course, further ones which would be indicated if any symptoms appeared, such as bleeding. Dear Dr, Molner: I am an 18- year-old boy. I have a lump in my breast and it stays sore all the time. It changes from on side to the other. Coulg~it. be cancer, or what? Is it ferioust --G.W.W. If it moves around like that it isn't cancer. If it's sore, have your doctor examine it. Dear Dr. Molner: I have a polyp, in my nose. I'm so ner- vous that I couldn't have a lo- cal anesthetic for its removal and the doctor says if I am put the THISKY 1¢ world... The Ontario Committee on Taxation, appointed under The Public Inquiries Act, is charged with reviewing the tax and other revenue systems of the Province, its municipalities and school boards. On completion of its studies, it will make recommendations as to the most appropriate ways of | raising the revenues to provide the governmental services required by the people of Ontario. nefit from the knowledge and experience of organizations and indi- viduals who have facts and opinions to contribute in the field of the inquiry, An invitation for written submissions is hereby given to all who feel that they can assist the Committee in its work, or who would The Committee wishes to Je like their views to be known. Submissions should be forwarded by October 15, 1963, in order that they may be studied before the commencement of public hearings thereon. It would be appreciated if you would notify the Committee of your intention to make a Submission in order to ensure your inclusion on the mailing list. - The Secretary will be pleased to answer any questions about the Committee or the form in which submissions should be prepared, WH. R. HANSON, Secretary Address all correspondence to the Secretary, 88 University Avenue, Toronto 1. oo to sleep a tube would be in- serted. I gag so easily I would hate for that to be done. Is it dangerous to leave the polyp alone? It doesn't bother me at all.--J.C.L, Not likely "dangerous," but it can grow and interfere with your breathing or with drain- age from the sinuses and ¢hus invite congestion. Chances are that it already is causing some interference even though you do not notice it; Otherwise I wonder how the doctor discovered the polyp in the first place. A local anesthetic is simpler and more economical than a general one (being "put to sleep'), and with the help of sedation you might be surprised to find that you aren't as ner- vous as you think. If you do have a general an- esthetic, I can almost guaran- tee "that you will not have_the trouble you fear with the tube. It is inserted deftly and even people who have worried about gagging find it in place read- ily. You are worrying too much. Dear DF. Molner: Do stools that come out in the form of ribbons (flat instead of round) mean anything?--Mrs. G.S. This can be caused by hem- orrhoids, or some growth in the lower colon. It would be wise to have a checkup. Dear Dr. Molner: Years ago I had ringworm at the hairline of my forehead, This spot has been thinner ever since. I have been tinting my hair and lately it seems as if the spot is thin- ning even more. Could it be the tinting? --Mrs. W, M. The original trouble could cause progressive thinning, The tint might be acusing the hair to break, but this is not thinning in the sense of baldness. Try go- ing without the tint for a while to see what results. 6 Se ) eS Se Mrs, Walter Finance Minister Gordon. In the opposition gallery across the chamber, the wife of the leader of the opposition was accompanied by his constitu- ency campaign manager, Fred Hadley of Prince Albert. Mrs; Diefenbaker wore elbow-length gloves, a knee-length mink stole over a coffee colored dress, a pearl necklace, and a huge "'cof- fee mousse" of a hat, ~ When Mr. Diefenbaker rose to make his first speech of the session, he was greeted by the disappointingly small attend- ance of Conservative MPs with loud applause, in which Hon, Douglas Harkness in his prom. inent front-bench position of Conservative neutrality point. edly did not join. Prime Minister Pearson was desk-thumped in applause by his larger and noisier Liberal , following when it was his turn to speak in rebuttal. SOCRED INTERRUPTED The leader of the Social Credit party, R.N. (Bob). Thompson, had the distinction of being the first speaker in the 26th Parlia- ment to be repeatedly and nois- ily interrupted by interjections which were not always parlia. mentary; these agricultural contributions emanated from _ the rural rump of the Tory benches. Finally the New Democratic leader, Tommy Douglas, treated the House to his fiery Scottish Highland eloquence, sparkling with good sense and epigram. The best phrase of the opening speeches came when he criti- cizd the Liberals for protesting about the Conservative move of imposing tariff surcharges by order - in - council, when they themselves were guilty of com- mitting Canada to nuélear bombs by cabinet word without parliamentary sanction before. hand, "I contend that if taxation without representation is un- democratic," he snorted, "then annihiliation without representa- tion is tyranny." The launching of this impor. tant debate was unspectacular; © but its welcome keynote was a determination to proceed with , the nation's business as parlia- mentarians rather than to jockey for partisan advantage like campaigners. TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS May 28, 1963 The birth 29 years. ago to- day -- in 1934 -- of the Dionne Quintuplets in a modest farm house near Callander, Ont., brought journalists and thousands of tourists into the North Bay area to see the five little girls who made headlines throughout the world. One of the quints, Emilie, was to die when she was 20 but her surviving sisters have remained "news" in almost everything they have done. 1940--- The Belgian Army, on orders of King Leopold, surrendered to the Germans, 1845 -- Fire in Quebec City took 20 lives and de- stroyed 1,000 buildings. Ronald W. Bilsky, DC CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES © SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E. 728-5156 IDB financing Can: for lian business The Industrial evelopment Bank helps finance most types of small and medium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of purposes, If you are engaged in a business, or plan to start one, and required financing is not available elsewhere on. reasonable terms and conditions, you are invited to visit an I.D.B. office or write to one for a booklet. ) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK "23 OFFICES ACROSS CANADA" 250 UNIVERSITY AVE., TELEPHONE 368-1145

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