WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dindas St. West Tel. 668-3703 Manager: Rae Hopkins TS TEXACO BRAVE SKIPPER WINS SECOND SILK HAT MAYOR W. STANLEY MARTIN, second from right, is seen here presenting (and assisting) Captain L. A. Bissette, skipper of TS Texa- bal has cleared and Great Lakes shipping is underway. This marks the second time in a row Captain Bissette has donned the silk hat in Whitby. co Brave, with a silk hat awarded annually to the com- manding officer of the first ship to dock at Whitby Har- bor after the winter freeze-up Watching ti presentation are Harbor ster David Ross, left, and Clerk - Treasurer John R. Frost, right. Oshawa Times Photo F|Grylls, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Say Prospectus The general meeting of Sin-, clair Home and School Associa- tion was held in the auditorium with a good attendance. Mrs. Woodward, president, opened the meeting and all sang the 'Queen' accompanied at the. piano by Mrs, Bain. The president welcomed the visitors from Robert Thornton School, Mrs. Cresner and Mrs, Edmonds from Council, Mr. and Mrs. White from Anderson High School. and Rev. Porter from Westminster United Church. : Minutes of meetings were read by Mrs. Parrinder and ap- proved. During the business meeting it was announced that Mrs. Jay is convener for the field day, assisted by Mrs. Green, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Sinclair H And S | Plans Graduation Dinner mothers. The treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Greer and seconded by Mrs. Green. Mrs, Cresner of Home and School Council gave a report on ihe workshop to be held June 1 in R. S. McLaughlin School, Oshawa. Mrs, Jay gave a reort on the letters and questionnaire sent out to members. She mentioned that not too many had been returned. Mrs. Bryant moved that the monthly meetings be changed to the second Tuesday. The first meeting in the fall will be' held Tuesday, September 10, with installation of new officers as follows, President, Mrs, M. Morrison; vice - president, Mrs. S, Par- rinder; secretary, Mrs. Jay; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Arksey and Mrs. Sonley. | Convener for the Grade 8] {|graduation' dinner will be Mrs.| ;|McIntyre, assisted by Grade 7) Witness Didn't Was Fraudulent LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Saska- toon broker Jack Smith, testi- fying in the fraud trial of Har- old Arnold Williams of London, said that to the best of his firm's knowledge, information contained in a prospectus is- ued by Williams to sell stock First Ship Arrives At Whitby Harbor Woman Hurt When Car Hits Pole in Saskatchewan prior to 1960 was correct. Mr. Smith, who testified last Thursday, said Williams--for- mer president of the now. defunct Mid-Erie Acceptance Corporation --. had negotiated with the Saskatchewan Securi- ties Commission, mainly by Sonley; treasurer, Mrs. R. Greer, Executive members in- clude Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. E. Faber, Mrs. McLaughlin. The room count went to Mrs. Meek's room. A report from the 44th con- vention held in Toronto was given by Mra. Morrison. The theme was 'Puttding for the Future," which was very well given and proved to be most in- "Rural Schools" which proved to be also very enlightening. The program consisted of a panel discussién on "Morals and Teens" with Mrs. Bryant as moderator who introduced the members on the panel, Rev. Porter, Mrs. Cresner, Mrs. Edmunds and Mr. White. ° This proved to be quite a live- ly discussion which contributed to make this meeting one of the most successful of the year. Mrs. Parrinder on behalf of all present thanked the panel members, Mrs. Woods of Thorn- ton School thanked the Associa- tion for their invitation. mail, '"'to have the prospectus passed,"" The mothers of Grade 6 served a delicious lunch. Plans were discussed for a) bazaar to be held in October. | teresting. Mrs. Greer spoke on) Ten Countries THE OSHAWA Times, Tuesday, May 28, 1963 5 Seeking UN Finance Plan By CARMAN CUMMING UNITED NATIONS (CP)--A 10-country group working pri- vately is hopeful of reaching agreement on a formula for fi- nancing UN peace-keeping ma- making voluntary contributions unless other countries showed readiness to carry their share. The 10-country group is also reported working on a set of general principles for financing future peace-keeping operations and a plan to get members to pay back arrears on the Congo and Middle East forces. It was learned that Can&da, which had been tentatively chinery, informed sources said Monday. The group, in which Canada is playing an active part, met during the weeked and again Monday. Sources said the negotiators are optimistic of success but that a resolution--or perhaps a series of resolutions--is not ex- pected to emerge this week. The resolution would be put before the General Assemblys budgetary committee, which in turn is to report to the current special session of the assembly. The 10-country group {s com. posed of five industrialized na- tions and five less-developed countries. the former com. \prises Britain, the U.S., The Netherlands and Sweden as well as Canada and the latter com- prises Brazil, Argentina, Pakis- tan, India and Nigeria. UK. PLAN KEY The negotiations are revolving on a British proposal to finance UN forces in The Congo and Middle East for the last six months of this year--at an esti- mated cost of $42,500,000. Sources said. more than a dozen Western countries have indicated willingness to make voluntary contributions above their normal assessments to lighten the load for less-devel- oped countries. The United States was re- ported to be among them, al- though earlier this spring the U.S. said it would not go on budgetary committee resumes meetings today, now does not plan to speak before Wednes- day. TO OPEN CNE TORONTO (CP)--The Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Dr. Arthur Michael Ramsey, 58, will open the Canadian National Exhibi- tion here this year, it was an- nounced Monday. The exhibition scheduled to speak when the runs Aug. 16-Sept. 2. NOTICE OF CONVENTION TO ELECT A For The Provincial Riding of ONTARIO A meeting will be held at the Port Perry Public School, Queen St., Port Perry, on Wednesday, June 5, 1963, to elect a candidate to contest this seat for the Liberal cause at the forthcoming Provincial Elections. Votes will be cast by Voting Delegates only. This convention is open to the public and: every interested person will be welcome. By order of the Executive Committee Ontario Riding (Provincial) Liberal Ass'n. me sale ene CANDIDATE ballot and by accredited A. Frank Godley Secretary Here's how three more BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES | SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS ¥ vette| "He said about 160,000 shares| 'm. Monday, Tank behalf of the town by Mayor W. for the old canal trade between) An Ajax woman, 1 | ship qexace brave steamed into| Stanley Martin. |Montreal and Lake Ontario. | py Arsenault, was taken to hospi-| psi oss Agia in the Whitby Harbor, marking the of-| Texaco Brave arrived here| Monday's arrival in ae | with cuts to her mouth, nose| a ! . : | ficial opening of Great Lakes/trom Sarnia and remained at| marked the, end of the eg tae and right leg when the car in| e Scotorg rp hr errone-| shipping for the 1963 season in| the harbor until last night when| age Captain Bissette vee! is 26-lwhich she was a passenger col-| ously quoted Mr. Smith as say-| Whitby. it departed for Toronto, During member crew ane oan e since/jided with a hydro pole on Dun-|ing the sales were made on the} The 1,926-ton vessel, carrying|the time she was tied up injthe Great Lakes shipping sea-/das street west, Whitby. basis of a false prospectus. A} 700,000 of fuel oil for the Texaco) Whitby, the giant pumps the|S0 opened April 15. _.| Driver of the vehicle, Bernice|ttanscript of his testimony) of Canada Limited distribution] ship is equipped with spilled the} The commanding officer said /Blacouiere, 13 Elgin street,| Shows he did not say the pros- . centre here has been the first/790,000 gallons of fuel oil into|yesterday his ship made 64/qiay 'told' police she ' applied|Pectus was false. ship to call at Whitby Harbor|the Texaco terminal's giant/cruises last season and expects) ; ;-ther brakes and veered to the be * gpd in a row. ._ |storage tanks. |she will make the same this!rieht to avoid hitting a car that This year, like last, Captain| The 250-foot long vessel, which| Year. Three or four of them, he L. A. Bissette, 50, of Oakville,|. FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White gs unified fuel oil from Western i 0. DIAL 725-1212 Inventory control too slow, too complex? Need instantaneous written record of shipping instructions, warehouse receipts, pick-up Struggling with phone and Trouble locating your staff? files? Not enough lines on your phone? SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers 'Like to walk while you talk-- or 'havé a group in ona PRAVDA ASSAILS ISLAM Customers not getting through MOSCOW (AP)--Pravda pro-| ; i | king a right turn. dd ill be into Whitby Har-| "@S ™# a~veteran merchant mariner|!8 48 feet across the beam, tag a ath y Sek the: von with 35 years' service (20 ofjone of the smaller tank ships them with the Texaco ships)|used in Great Lakes shipping to- the bridge to accept alday. Her maiden voyage was oe oe silk bat Bandits on| back in 1929 when she was built bor, ig sip payin ; ) and struck a hydro pole causing Although Monday' early ar- F rival of a ship in Whitby Har-|j™ estimated $450 ----- bor marked the second success- sd Pp arene ahs ive year Tefaco Brave has been A rear end collision on Brock the first to\arrive here during|Street north, Saturday, resulted a current sNpping season, it|im $275 damage to the two ve- tested Monday that too many | FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily mosques are being built with PHONE 668-4341 phone call? public money in the Asiatic re- public of Tadzhikistan, The newspaper denounced the Com- munist party organization there for failing to break the power of Islam. A report from the SOUTHERN .. FRIED CHICKEN WHITBY PERSONALS was by no megns only the sec-|hicles involved. ond time for hax to be first to} Mrs. Desmond Newman, pres- ident of St. John the Evangelist CWL, Mrs. Gregory Carter, chairman of Ontario County South CWL and Mrs. Andrew) Miller attended the 43rd CWL) three-day convention held at) King Edward Hotel and also the banquet held in the Canadian Room of Royal York Hotel. Also attending the banquet| were: Father L. J. Austin, Spir- HONORS GRADUATE Arthur J. Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dick, of: Whitby, has graduated from Queen's University with a first class honors degree in Bio- chemistry. He received a medal for having the highest standing in Biochemistry and |arrive in Whitby. | itual Director of St. John the} About six or seven yeaTX ago. Evangelist CWL, Mrs. Finan, Mrs, M. Chizen, Mrs. R./Texaco captain, Texaco Brave| Mackey, Girl Guides represent-|was the first ship to steam into| atives Mrs. William Allan and| Whitby Harbor after the spring| Mrs, E. Crowley. thaw. | Last year, however, her ar- Bg ad Coes ee Be i sveal under Captain Bissette's tending as 'de legates the guidance was a week earlier. | Women's Institute District an-| ca gg. | to agg yoaad aa al meeting in Ajax today. jvisibilty during the two-day) se sf " J jeruise from Sarnia to Whitby Mrs. Mal Femia and Mrs. Reg|was approximately five miles] Donnithorne spent the weekend/with high winds, although the] in Cornwall visiting friends and| water was not rough and the! relatives. ;weather was "'very cold". | | On hand to greet the ship's So ee eee nome captain and crew with Mayor Green street were: Mr, and| Martin were Harbor Master Mrs. Clarence Brown and their| David Nag and = Clerk-treas- daughter Linda, also Mr, and|Urer John R. Frost. Mrs. Robert Packabury and son Wayne of Brockville. 'ORE RON ti Mr, and Mrs. H, Wildwood of} | Elmira were Sunday dinner| guests at the home of thelir| = ee and son-in-law Mr.| a Mrs. S. Stubbs, 1513 Duf-! | NOW HAS 22 illite iano frey Underwood, Karl and Cam-| FINGER-TIP eron Deeth, -Wayne Button, | Bobby Woodman, Mary Benson, CQ Brock Jordan, Chucky Ibbitson| "Wi and Gary Ravary. , | Pe Joanne Branton who was four) years old on May 25, had a| !f you can lift a finger you can birthday party at her home, gos) Start the new Lawn-Boy .. Athol street, Friday. Guests at-| is nGedible a. uced tending the party were: Ilene ', 2 Fletcher, Brenda Etnanskie,) § Patty and Valerie Underwood, Jane McCullough, Patsy Button, ferin street. Gary Branton, 11, and Dennis Branton, 10, celebrated their | birthdays together at their home, 808 Athol street recently. Guests at the party were: Jef- John H. Wilson, 45, of Wil- lowdale, driver of the first vehicle was struck in the rear Harding, 29 also of Willow- , mountainous republic, bordering India and Afghanistan, said jmore than 100 mosques had ; .|by a vehicle driven 'by Bruce|been opened there in the last Ed.| under the guidance of an | |two years while needed repairs) to local schools were stalled. LIGHTWEIGHT @ Hangs easily from the at the waist, UNDERWEAR shoulders with no pressure ® Full-fitting to allow free air circulation, @ It's absorbent--protects clothing from perspiration, ® Available in all populat styles for men and boys, © Better value because it fits more comfortably and wears longer. HOME DELIVERY 668-9056 Terrace Restaurant 120 Brock St. N., Whitby FREE Loan of spreader or sprayer with a purchase of fertilizer or insecticide. COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES SALES & SERVICE Sportsmans Corner 103 Byron St. S.,. Whitby PH, 668-4511 SPEAKERPHONE; No hands! Just push a button, talk and hear through mike and speaker; take notes, check papers, get up and walk if you like; have group participation in FREEMAN'S FORMAL WEAR RENTALS Now At... Ss E'S MEN'S AND BQYS' SHOP 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Suits Tailored to Measure by oe WM. H _LEISHMAN @ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN - e@ TIP TOP TAILORS a e briefings later. The Speaker- phone saves fatigue if you make many calls, Use it as a regular Phone too, of course, to the right man? CALL DIRECTOR: © Much more than a phone, it's a desk top action centre, tailored to your needs: 12 to 30 buttons for outside lines, Intercom, sig- nalling; for holding calls, adding on other phones to your conver- sation, conference arrangements, in short--the Call Director is the most versatile communica- tions Instrument ever offered.to sales-, service, action-minded businessmen! Some of your business problems may well be communications problems. Bell. has the equipment, the experience and the Ideas to help you find the solution. Why not call us today! WRITE BY PHONE: Telescript: Accurate written mes- sages at the speed of the tele- Sryunere in Sve coon, a your anywhere In the country, In your own handwriting; no ee no work interruption; save time, money, people--speed service! «and Phonefaxs to transmit complete charts, maps or other Printed records, BELL@) Communications ig our business e MURDOCK REX-ROTARY 84" 92" HAMILTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT 137 BROCK S. WHITBY 668-5849 "Whore Seroice Reigns" | CLOSED SAT. : SUMMER BUS HOURS MON, TO THUR, 9 A.M.-6 P.M. FRIDAY 9 A.M. - 5 P.M, DUPLICATORS OLYMPIA : | PEWRITERS SERVICE Yes we have a Service was awarded a $2,000 National Research Council bursary. He also was presented with the "Golden Key of Merit" from the Canadian Section of the Society of Chemical Industry, for obtaining the highest standing in his final year of honors Biochemistry. Mp. Gail and Paul Ravary. } IAST IN STRUGGLE PARIS (AP)--A total of 1,927; French civilians in Algeria are! missing and believed kidnapped| or killed in\{he final months of Dick plans to cfntinue in post |the Algerian Sighting last year, graduate studies at Queen's Wports Jean de Brogile, secre- and obtain/his Doctorate de- |tary of state for Algerian af- gree. \fairs. BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 8:35 wuitsy | LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:35 TRAPPED.,. between a new love and an old crime Lightweight magnesium construction e 2 Speed throttle contro! « Extra Quiet Safety Discharge Chute Drop in Today for a demonstrotion . . . Wilson's Cycle & Sales Exclusive Whitby Lawn-Boy Dealer 106 COLBORNE E, WHITBY PHONE 668-3746 Dept. on the premises fully qualified to handle anything from minor adjustments to major Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS -- Second Feature: "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" in Color _ STARRING: Joyce Tayler & Mark Damon overhauls. All work is guaranteed