Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 May 1963, p. 2

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\ 2. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 28, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN AUDITORIUM PARADE COLORFUL EVENT Last Saturday's Civic Auditorium Parade was one of the most successful shows of this type ever presented locally. This goes for content -- there were more than' 69 march- "hg units, including hundreds of school children and 14 bands « and enthusiastic reception by thousands of onlookers along the Simcoe street parade route. It would be most unfair to single out any one band for special mention, there were so many that won solid plaudits (Caledonia Pipe, Toronto Lions Club, 'Pickering Blue Notes, Colborne Recreational, Georgina Police, Oshawa Sea Ca- dets, Brantford Bell Tones and Bowmanville Pipe Band), The 60-piece Donevan Collegiate Institute Orchestra per- formed in an enclosed area near the speakers' platform in Memorial Park; they were an asset to the program and should be heard from far move often, especially in public performances. Chairman Bill Kurelo of the Parade committee de- served the lion's share of the credit for the detailed planning of the enormous turnout -- it was quite a spectacle to see the parade extended on Simcoe from Memorial Park in the south away up hill to Alexandra Park (There are still six or seven marching units in Alexandra Park up there that haven't been able to get out yet,' complained a traf- fic officer after the parade had been passing Athol street for more than 50 minutes.) Two other Civic Auditor- jum committee members shared the limelight with Mr. Kurelo in a pilot car-- Terence V. Kelly and E. R. §, "Dick" McLaughlin, who have worked so hard, so "DICK" McLAUGHLIN long for the success of this yenture. Other platform guests were Robert Wilson, the parade marshall; Christine Thomas, who promoted last Friday's dance at the Shopping Centre; Chris Mason, Mrs. Margaret Armstrong, Wendell Brewster and Harry Gay, another hard-working committee member. The Oshawa Hawkeye Football Club, Oshawa Tennis Club, Canadian Commerce and orful floats as did the Oshawa Skin Divers, Oshawa Neighbor- hood Parks, Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Club, Canadian Legion Track and Field and Miss Harvey's dancing and baton groups. HOPE FOR SETTLEMENT IN SIDEWALK DISPUTE All was outwardly quiet today along downtown King street in the controversial Battle of the Sidewalks, but there was activity at an official level behind closed doors. The hope prevailed in many circles that some kind of a compromise settlement could be reached between the City and downtown King street property owners without recourse to an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board as to whether the latter group should be assessed 100 percent costs for the proposed new sidewalks between MacMillan drive and Mary street, The owners have 21 days to make up their minds -- 87 out of 59 signed a petition to Council last week opposing the 100 percent assessment. The King street renovation job is urgently needed if the downtown area is to be 'rehabilitated'? -- not only are its sidewalks more than 45 years old, but it Is generally in need of a complete clean-up' program, The sidewalks' dispute is a bitter one, with many sides to it as was illustrated recently when the Council and the owners presented their respective arguments as to who should pay for the costs. | PLANTE ANSWERS BIG PARADE QUESTION "People in Oshawa today likely wondered -- while they watched this big, wonderful parade -- why I did not ride in that car alongside Bobby Hull of the Chicago Black Hawks? I'll tell you why. I spend much of my time during the National Hockey League season watching Mr. Hull's face out front of the net. I thought it would be nice for a change to see what he looks like from behind -- that's why I rode in my own care JACQUES PLANTE, goal-keeper of the Montreal Canadiens at last Saturday's parade ceremony in Memorial Park, LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE The GM Pipe Band -- one of Oshawa's top musical or- ganizations -- will perform July 18-19 at a big Centennial show in Erie, Pa. Guy Wilson is their pipe major and Keith Jewell the drum major. . . . Keith Ross, secretary-treasurer of the Oshawa and District Labor Council, expects to{be re- leased- from the Oshawa General Hospital late this \week. He has been a patient there since May 14. FIRST LABOR COLLEGE TO OPEN ITS DOORS William R. Allen, QC, guest speaker next Thursday noon in the Hotel Genosha at the Catholic Luncheon Club, admits that he does a lot of reading, but it is almost exclusively on the one subject -- Municipal Affairs, The 44-year-old Ottawa- born chairman of Toronto's Metro Coiincill is also president of the Ontario Municipal Association 1962-64, inclusive. . . egion, faple Leaf Judo Club, Chamber of* 'and. District Soccer League had 'col- Letter A Forgery Pearson Claims By ARCH MacKENZIE sued a statement calling the let- OTTAWA (CP)--A letter pur.jter a "complete forgery.' It porting to offer American aid|said Mr, Butterworth had made to the Liberal party in unseat-|this view plain to' the former ing the former Progressive Con-| Conservative government before servative government was) April 8. branded a forgery Monday by| As ready Monday by Mr. Prime Minister Pearson. Churchill, who said he got his He said at the end of a heated|copy in the mail, the letter House of Commons exchange! praised Mr, Pearson for his Jan. that he had denied initial re-\12 speech pledging a Liberal ports about the letter before the| government to accept nuclear April 8 election and so had! commitments. P American Ambassador W. Wal-| 1; said the electors would rule ton Butterworth, the man al-|/the Conservative government leged to have written it. "narrow-minded and... . unfit Mr. Pearson added that Gor-|to continue governing" and it don Churchill, former Conserva-| asked for an early meeting with bie seyred enghad who ready. Pearson concluding: "You the letter into the Commons rec- '| ji ord, "must have known" that on Always count op Our pup, the authenticity of the letter had eld three). deen denied by both men, |portfolios in the eae port. Mr, Churchill, who POLICE Shortly after the flareup in the ; P , : government and finally the de- Commons, the U.S. embassy is- fence post, read the letter de- | spite interruptions. Letter Issue ALLEGES KNOWLEDGE He demanded a_ retraction| ' May Face fairs Minister Paul Martin said: | & "T greatly suspect that what! & the honorable member (Mr.| ouse Probe Churchill) is doing now--and he : is doing it with knowledge--is| OTTAWA (CP) -- Observers he knows to be an absolute for.| ; |are wondering if the new con-| gery." Philadelphia police force troversy between the Liberals; Mr. Martin eventually with- picket wie squad si oF and Conservatives over an un-|drew the accusation, after treneporraee® J sae Re inlo tic t ee Ss 7 nH er a scl '4 a ose diplomatic letter which has) speakers including Opposition construction site. The Nation- be subject to an investigation T, C. Douglas of the New Demo- by a, House of Commons com-| crats intervened. wd mitted, The episode ended when Mr.| The answer, however, seems| Pearson made a special visit s . to lie in which party is willing back to the Commons to make | The controversy blew up in privilege. the Commons Monday and 'When this letter was brought as '@ | seemed to have been cut short to my attention, or the report when Prime Minister Pearson of it, during the election cam- denied he had received the let-|paign, I let it be known that I} STEPHENVILLE, Nfld, (CP)| Iis alleged author, U.S. Am-jthe prime minister said, "And| United States air base near here bassador W. Walton Butter-/the U.S, ambassador let it be|Monday after a Saturday 'night worth, immediately issued a known that that he had sent me flare-up that resulted in a local statement in which he reiter-! no such letter, nightelub locking its doors. ated an earlier denial that he 'My honorable friend opposite, An RCMP spokesman said the when at one point External Af-| By JAMES NELSON that he is reading a letter which| been branded as a forgery will) Leader Diefenbaker and leader to take the issue that far. a statement on a question of ter. had received no such letter,"| Racial tension smouldered at a had written such a letter. (Mr, Churchill) must have|Situation had "cooled off" but The text was read into the-known that, ad therefore that|"it wouldn't take too much any- 'reflection of the situation down far outnumber them, would boy-| Commons record Monday by|the letter was a forgery; of time"' to set it off again, Gordon Churchill .(PC--Winni-) course it was a forgery." The episode Saturday night peg South Centre), former Con-| 'That served as the high point/9Ccurred at the Cloyer Club in servative government defence|of the sixth day of the eight./(s western Newfoundland man who- settled here, closed|s--vicemen and dependents at! minster. He said he had- re- day debate on the speech from|'0W®. About 20 U.S. Negro serv-jafter the Negroes persistently tarmon, a strategic air com-| ceived a copy, but didn't say the throne, continuing today, |i¢emen from Ernest' Harmon from Whom ? Air Base tried to enter the The apparently-spurious 'jet-- RAPS SUGAR PRICE premises and the club closed its| ter welcomed Mr. Pearson's) Mr. Diefenbaker began by speech last January in which| Calling Canadian sugar refiner- the Liberal leader came out in i¢s unfair-to consumers by im- favor of Canada acquiring nu. Posing "tremendous" price in. clear weapons to fulfill defence creases despite large stocks, commitments, and offered what. Called for more than a general ever help Mr. Pearson wanted,|"eview by the justice depart- This was grist for the Conserva. ment. tive mill, charging the Liberal) Mr. Martin made a lengthy party with accepting aid to over. speech reporting on the NATO} By KEN KELLY throw the Diefenbaker govern- Ministerial conference here last _ ee ee : ment. week but twice declined to say|, OTTAWA (CP) -- In passing The supposed letter first be-/whether Canada's low-level jet {rom prime minister to opposi came news on the eve of the bomber in Europe--the CF-104-- tion leader, John Diefenbaker April 8 general election and its Will have a megaton-sized nu. S¢ems to have entered an era jexistence was angrily denied at! clear bomb, of sweetness and light in the |that time by Mr. Pearson and| Challenged by Mr. Diefen-;COMmons. oe the U.S. embassy. baker on the size of the war. H was a favorite target for} Mr, Churchill's 'revival of it head for the aircraft--a one.|/beral hecklerg in ine sarily in the Commons left External megaton warhead is equivalent|*%4 short-lived 25th Parliament |Affairs Minister Martin and/ to 1,000,000 tons of TNT--he said/and claimed a ag Leeree State Secretary Pickersgill| simply that Canada will live up er rernys ied ag ue speaking |spluttering with indignation,|to its commitment to NATO. shy m shouted demonstration charging Mr, Churchill with} Canada would not become a sl oc. : knowing the letter was a for-/ member of the nuclear club, but) When the lanky pratrie law- gery its willingness to arm the CF.|Yer now rises to speak, hand on After a procedural hastle, the 104 with nuclear capability|MiP and finger wagging admoni-| ministers were required to with. Would let Canada play its part|!ion at government benches, his) draw the charge that Mr. in the NATO nuclear force. erstwhile tormentors sit in well-| Churchill knew the letter to be Canada had accepted such) @sciplined ranks rarely inter- a hoax ' commitments under the former |?UPtng. Mr. Butterworth, however,|Conservative government, Now Conservatives see the firm said in his statement later that|the Liberals had removed anyjhand of State Secretary Pick- when he first learned his name| doubt that they would be met,|ersgill, government leader in) was being used in connection he said. the House, behind the relative with it, he notified 'the then} He called the NATO meeting,| Quiet which their chief encoun Liberals Ease Up. On Heckling Dief ary |Said. Money is often, urgently; Changes Sought In Estate Taxes By STEWART MacLEOD and has a dependent chilé. OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-| It would be "only realistic" dian Committee on, the? Status|to raise the true exemption to of Women, an organi/ation) $75,000, the brief said, because formed in 1953 to focus atten-jinflation has moved more and tion on shoricomings in the old] more people into the estate tax Dominion Succession Duty Act, bracke te and discrimination said today that no estate tax| against the widower 'denies the d be levied om the estate| principle of equality in the mar- Pal couple until both! riage partnership." are dead. | its In a brief to the Carter royal) g t ort . ee flther yr Aid gommission on taxation, the|or supporting "dependents {o committee sought a series Of/have an exemption equal to the changes in the Estate Tax Act--| widow's, yet he must be both.- successor to 'the Succession) wor tax purposes, one-half of Duty Act--to ease the financial) q deceased marriage partner's pureeny facing the survivors Of estate should be considered as an estate, | bein, : surviy- When estates total less than) ing ere vi \ 4 $75,000 it is 'nearly impossible", 7, The estate tax: pot to find liquid assets that can Pel vines no recognition of the fact set aside for taxes, the brief) tnat the wife contribulbs in, 'creasingly in dollars to the | alae td jhe estate; no pe " tion of the constant and ra for children and "the govern- ment has no right to frustrate| jpereve ute number of work. needed to keep a business op- rating or to provide education REMOVE PICKETER ne al Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, plumbers and roofers, dis- peesed me cndaged" pets criminate against negroes, unions on the job, particular- (AP Wirephoto) ly electricians, steamfitters, Base In Nfld: | cial Flare-Up doors; Police said there was no\although normally whites or Ne- violence and no one was ar-|groes do not go to a club fre- rested, White customers already|quented by the other, RCMP in the club, some of them' said. women, left by a back door, However, local citizens say al- An: official at the RCMP dis-~ most if not all clubs bar Ne- trict headquarters at Corner groes because if Negroes were Brook said it appeared to be a admitted white servicemen, who south," cott the clubs, as they have The club, operated by Pat done in the past. McCoy, a former U.S, service- There are about 6,000 U.S, demanded entrance. mand base established in 1941 Club owners maintained they after the land was leased to the don't refuse to service anyone, US, by Britain under lend-lease : agreements. REGINA (CP)--Saskatchewan Attorney-General R, A. Walker has asked for a report on an in- cident at Edenwold, Sask., al- leged to have involved an at jtempt at segregation of Indians 'in a hotel beverage room. that the last Parliament got out If the report indicates a need, of hand in debates to the extent Charges may be laid under the that exasperation and ill-feeling Saskatchewan Bill of Rights, » across the gangway separating Mr. Walker said, government and opposition) Last Thursday in Regina two played a considerable part in Persons were fined $1 each for the ultimate dissolution of Par-\creating a disturbance in the liament. |Edenwold beyerage room. In effect, they are saying that; Court was fold the distunbance a more amenable and co-opera-| "sulted When the two were fe- tive attitude on the Part of the heed on ie saves yore Conservative minority govern-/Court was also told that the ment might have prolonged Par- Edenwold beverage room had a liament's life and delayed the/house rule setting aside a part April 8 election which returned of the premises for Indian pat- the Liberals to power. ronage, INTERPRETING THE NEWS Anti-Colonialism | INCREASE EXEMPTION a married couple's expectations | ~ Re Nader of . ponnenebie wey se- cutity while e er spouse / U.K. To Ground . Lal Heavy Pilots Ld a. . In Airlines lives." Hardships also resulted from the double impact of estate LONDON (AP)--TPhe 'aviation ministry Monday ordered all overweight pilots flying British taxes and income taxes on pen- sion benefits and 'this unrea- airlines to reduce or be grounded, sonable squeeze forces many a widow back into her pre-mar- riagye job where she finds her- self out of practice and near the The committee also suggested that the basic tax exemption on)" gaiq a minist : estates be increased to $75,000.| "Medicel pen ad have discov: It now is $40,000 with an addi- ered that airline pilots are as tional $20,000 when a widow sur- susceptible to coronary -throm- | mand. | Artificial Mating 'Calls For Fishing bottom of the pay scale." vives or when a widower is bosis as business executives." mentally or physically infirm) Ap airline doctor commented: Sano . -| "A pilot drives to the airport and is driven to and from his | Cholera Death |plane, There is almost no exers cise in his working day. | "Linked with the mental | Toll Reaches strain of responsibility and short | bursts of tension involved in | takeoffs and landings, an air- | 12 In Mala a jline captain's problems are very | c y |comparable to the captains of co ne," KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--Ma.| "The ministry said the princle laya's cholera death toll/paj target would be the 1,000;- climbed to 12 Monday and the)}000-mile flyers who are 40 ahd number of suspected cases rose/past and more prone to put on to 396 amid reports more vac-|weight. A few already have regen rapa from neigh- been told to shed poundage. ee 12th death was 'reported ' s in Malacca, the southwest coast L T l city where the disease broke out oggers na perp this month, One person also died in Singapore, off the P ed: southern tip of Malaya ostpon a wane we to vaccinate roa | Malaya's 7,000,000 people, More | than 1,000,000 already have been Paper Missing inoculated in Malaya and Singa-| pore and: thousands pass) KAPUSKASING, Ont, (CP) through government inoculation The preliminary hearing of 19 centres every day. | settlers bes charges of ep sa i tal murder was. postpon 'one SAIGON, South Viet Nam day for one day because the le- (Reuters) -- Health authorities; sal paper authorizing the hear. | declared Saigon and its suburbs! ing was missing. |@ bubonic plague area Monday, The settlers were charged land ordered the 2,000,000 popu-| after a clash Feb. 11 w f a Jation of the capital to be immu-| horde of striking bushworkers nized, at Reesor Siding, 87 miles west | The order, following several) of here, in which three strikers [cements so. appied tolathers wounded, tn |Khanh Hoa province, about 200/ Crown Attorney S. A, Cald- |miles northeast of Saigon and bick Monday produced a copy /with a population of 280,000 of the authorization for the All inhabitants of these areas hearing, and said defence law. | must carry immunization certi-| yer J. W. Haffey of Toronto had |ficates and present them on de-| the original. Mr, Haffey told Magistrate W. S. Gardner that the original was probably in his office in Toronto. "No one ever asked me to produce it,' he said, "I am shocked that the Crown would not have asked for a further LONDON (AP) -- Artificial] government" -- the Diefen-| criticized by some observers, as|tets during his speeches. baker administration--that the| among the most successful ever And they argue there sre letter was forged. hid by the alliance sound reasons for the Liberals| keeping their heckling instincts jin check Unites Africans | By ROUG MARSHALL The 30 African heads of state and moderate leader alike, means a program of economic mating calls may one.day tempt fish into the nets, the second world fishing gear congress was told Monday, Dr. Donovan order," Magistrate Gardner refused Mr. Haffey's request to proceed WEATHER FORECAST ~Cloudy Weather For Wednesday |Mr |Dec. 19 incident. Repeatedly he jlalked on jabout the Liberals 'preventing The first stems from the use Diefenbaker made of the election platforms the prime minister of Canada from speaking." This was intended to illustrate jhis contention that the Liberals! main meeting in Addis Ababa last week conceived an embryonic structure that may well evolve|macy that one London corre- into a .workable form of Af-|spondent calls "'the last step rican unNy. | short of war." But Wes "observers, while| Liberal leaders the world over, welcoming this progress, will|Will agree that the days: of the regret that the negative cry of|white minority government in! janti - colonialism provided the|Africa are numbered and that! touchstone for concord|/most newly independent nations and diplomatic sanctions! against pockets of white supre- p.{on the strength of the copy. Finn, fisheries director 'of the United Nations Food and Agri- cultural Organization, said much still had to be learned about behavior patterns of fish. He mentioned special submar- ines -- submersible' laboratories and diving equipment being used for this purpose. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S _ OIL |were the "same old bunch" of among the nationalist leaders. [can present a valid case for SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Forecasts issued by the Tor- onto weather office at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: The area that brought sunny and tario, Georgian Bay, Haliburton, "arrogant" MPs who "trampled Timagami regions: Cloudy andjon the rights of Parliament' in showers today and Wednesday, high-pressure cooler with occasional rain or the 1956 pipeline debate Conservatives figure Mr. Dief- warm weather to much of On- becoming partly cloudy Wednes- enbaker's argument must have tarid the last few. days has day afternoon, Much the same worried the 'Liberal brass so Thomas David Green, former chairman of the Education and Political Action committees of Local 222, UAW-CLC, is get- ting ready for a busy Summer at the new Labor College of Canada, first of its kind in North America. He is one of 85 Canadian Trade Unionists enrolled for the opening term June 3. The College in Montreal is a joint undertaking of the Canadian Labor Congress, the Confederation of National Trade Unions, the University of Montreal and McGill Uni- versity. Green will attend lectures seven days weekly for seven weeks, Evenually, it is hoped that the program will be extended over a regular seven-month academic year, More than $240,000 required for the operation of the College has already been received or pledged. Labor will pay moved eastward, Weak disturb- temperature Wednesday, Winds that 'Liberal MPs were cau- ances caused mainly cloudy southwest 15, becoming north. tioned against giving Mr. Dief skies and rain or showers west 15 tonight and Wednesday, enbaker any peg on which to throughout the Great. Lakes Algoma, White River, Coch./hang a similar attack during area today. In Northern On-jrane regions: Partly cloudy and this Parliament. tario, temperatures were in the a little milder Wednesday, But they also see a deeper 30s this morning and maximum|Winds northeast 15 today, west meaning to the tactic, extend temperatures were forecast to 15 Wednesday. ing beyond the attitude toward be in the 40s, Over southern and) Western James Bay region: the opposition leader central sections of the province,|Partly cloudy and cool today, This stems from the feeling morning. readings were in the and Wednesday Winds light to- ' 50s and highs will be in the 60s'day, northerly 15 Wednesday and 70s. A little cooler weather y oe is due for Wednesday and: var- Forecast Temperatures 'Former Commander ni ° ri mt | a . Inaied by seaithea showers, (Windsor s---res- a0" 's I Salvation Army Windsor, Lake St. Clair re-/St. Thomas 6 | PORT HOPE. Ont (CP)-- Shee eeenees . "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL NEED AN... OIL FURNACE? CALL PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 most of the cost, but the public and private foundations will help. " -- gion: Mainly cloudy and cooler| London 0 Be at ns Fo * they will obviously be down With a few showers Wednesday. Nitchener ....... 65 nae Ralcat be ee Gunnar Profit rm is." Winds soutery 1 today, north: Wingham io ag og ee BS | However, he said, earnings, West 15 Wednesday. : Hamilton ...+.++06 + gay ag ai - ages pre ss from McNamara Corporation, Hamilton, London, Niagara, St. Catharines..... day eos ss fe ere on- ays 1V n which Gunnar acquired early|Lake Erie, Lake Huron regions: Toronto Commi 4 Haw y eee this year, and other interests)Mainly cloudy and cooler with) Peterborough i i eed alg served bert TORONTO (CP) -- Net profit|will partially offset this de-|a few showers Wednesday.| Trenton hn cone, a ere of Gunnar Mining Ltd. in 1964) decline. Winds. southeast 15, becoming|Killaloe ... ai ene ee ba ord later as 8 will be lower than the esti------------ southwest 20 this afternoon and pecig d Mle ag ke gy Eg fo og mated $5,000,000 expected to be ok salad .« northwest 15 Wednesday North Bay. Aa ave wd fas earned this year but it is an- SHIPPING OFFICIAL DIES |~-Toronto: Variable cloudiness Earlton pa ag a secreaty sof ticipated that the company will LE HAVRE, France (AP)-- and not much change in tem. Kapuskasing ...... MAC a. me Came to Port Hope he in a position to pay a $1\The death of Jean-Paul Ricard,|perature tonight and Wednes-|White River....... upon his retirement in 1954 dividend next year, Joseph S.|60, known as the "father" ofjday. Winds light, becoming)Moosonee .. LaBine, president, said Mon- the French luxury liner France, | southerly 20 this afternoon and/Mount Forest...... day. was announced Monday by Le/northwest 15 Wednesday Sault Ste. Marie.. Speaking to shareholders, Mr. Compagnie _ Generale Transat-! North Bay, Sudbury, Lake On. Timmins LaBine said revenue per pound|lantique. Ricard was technical : - : -- for uranium shipments in 1964/director for the nationalized) under the United Kingdom con-|shipping firm and after the GOOD FOOD tract will be approximately one-|second World War engineered a half of this year's average per|the reconstruction of the liners| BUSINESS MEN'S LuNeH pound and that he unknown'de Grasse, Ile-de-France, Li- Penoties hh " Hotel Lancaster poundage that will. be available|berte, and the construction of for shipment makes it difficult\the ships Ville de Marseille, The new charter, inspired colonial neglect. largely by the moderating influ-) 'phe objections, voiced even ence of Ethiopia and her 3,000. py Suropean sympathizers with odd years of independence, |the African cause, are that the calls for an annual assembly of| current generation of African heads of state and a council Of jiberators 'remain preoccupied foreign ministers meeting twice with the anti-colonial warcry 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 GO TO AUSRRALIA LONDON (CP) --"4 record number of 7,040 BritiSh: immi- grants were bound for Aus- tralia during May. The previ- ous monthly record was 6,600 in April, 1949. a year. The organization will be| when they shouldbe producing udministered) by a permanent positive economic and social! secretariat ; measures to repair the past ne- On its positive side the Or-) giects, ganization for African Unity P . : , Pat v reparations for war against will include a commission to ar- ip, cot gar ag Berg yeas bitrate internal territorial dis- Portugal's Angola iecuiaey Pa putes and committees. dealing possibly Southern Rhodesia mav | with co-operation on all social, Aes } économic and defence matters. Rag gs forge a United Assuming signators honor the ae principles 'solemnly affirmed) But it is hardly the -kind of and declared." the charter/COoperation that will eradicate endemic diseases, cure. the il- means a victory for the grad-|® : : ualists and accheck to Ghanaian|literacy problem or provide a better standard of living for the President Nkrumah's . : |messianic dreams of instant po-|®Verage African native. | litical unity in AfNea, stn : The cate sik in the charter -- s dedication \to the total emancipation of the 'African territories which' are! |still dependent." The declaration, enthusiasti- cally enlarged upon by radical/ SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANC ES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges Dealer in your eres. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 Cleaning Centre . where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured, Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. ) 390 King W. 728-6226 | NOTICE. OF CONVENTION TO ELECT A CANDIDATE For The Provincial Riding of ONTARIO 'A meeting will be held at the Port Perry Public School, Queen St.( Port Perry; on Wednesday, June 5, 1963, to elecf\a candidate to contest this seat for the Liberé "te at the forthcoming Provincial Elections. NOW To have that carpet or chest- f erfield cleaned protessionally in i Oshawa's Original Carpet §) Votes will be cost by ballot and by. accredited Voting Delegates only. : This convention is open to the public and every interested person will be welcome. A. Frank Godley Secretary By order of the Executive Cammittes Ontario Riding (Provincial) 'Liberel Ass'n. to wa in 1964 "but|Flandre, Antilles and Napoleon. | 4 t ' l

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