1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, May 28,1968 19 Universities eile ot 'higher education me Urged Open - academic freedom must pre- vail,". Mr, Robarts said. "Yet that does not " : one Ryd permis : it 0 8 68 OB Y B d would seem appare! laymen tla tiiat--u) 4 C@T-LLOUN % %, %42'4| SUDBURY (CP) -- Premier Robarts said Monday Ontario universities should seriously consider year-round operation to that, in the same way changes have taken place in elementary and secondary education, so cer- . tain traditional patterns in uni- make fullest use of present fa- cilities. He-made the suggestion dur- ing a convocation ceremony at versities may have to be abate Laurentian University here, doned."" during which he and Rev. E, S. The premier, former. educa- tion minister, said a year-round Lautenslager, retiring president of Huntington College, received plan of operation would seem honorary doctorates in law. Today's Stock Market Listings 11 Net Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 260 140 140 140 1900 315 315 315 100 215 215 215 236 360 360 360 11 Net Stock Sales High Low ».m. Ch'ge Provo Gas 1425 165 165 --3 Quonto 26000 27 26 --l% 923 19 118 119 --1 900 800 800 800 --5 500 11% 11% 11% 3000 30 BD me 300 $11% 11% 11%¥+% 1000 36 6--966--_ + HH 570 149 149 M9 +2 300 345 M5 MS +10 500 3% 3 +1 8 o% + HN 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 1700 155 155 155 500, 150 bo -3 19 at 7 7 TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock May 28 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS High Low a.m, Ch'ge $4% 4h 4% $25% 25% B+ hh $31 31 31 +% 90 18% 57% 271% 7 Stock LL Lac Lorado Stock MEPC Mid-West Milt Brick Mont Loco Mont Trst 5 Sarceo Secur Free Sorth U Matatch at Mcintyre Stock Abitibi Abit pr Sales % 125 13500 8% MINES A Pitchore 11200 2% 2% 2% Anglo Hur 350 825 820 825 +20 N a 1500 115 «5 15 A Arcadia - 4% 47 AT +h Bankeno 3 38 38 HH Bankfieid 3% B% 3%--% Base Mets 500 6 6 6 Belcher 1000 42% 42 42 Bethim 2300 Bevcon 7 Bibis 2000 «16 Black Bay Bralorne Brunswk Cadamet Yan Can rin 7 % - 150 145 145 --10 21% 21% 214--% 16 16 12% 12 17% 17 5 i 23 mg reasonable. part The Canadian Foundation for Education recently recom. mended in a special report that universities function for a full 12 months a year. - 1 1000 --1 --10 --h Shaw In rt 35121 Selkirk A 2 100 140 $4 3325 1905 200 $13 469 2 Seven Arts 225 560 Shaw A pr 400 400 400 --S Shell Oil 14% 14% Mh--% Shell I wts 65 465 (465 COS Silverwd A Simpsons St Radio 100 Steel Can 2361 %, Dy: 2960 107 +1 Steinbg A 27 (12% «127. +2 Tor-Dom Bk 52 $ll% 11% l*--% T FinA 435, 131 131 = 131 Tr Can Pl, 760 Th h % Trans-Mt z10 6b 6 15 --% Tran PPL xd 100 14% 14% 14% Union Acc 325 65 450 40 --5 Un Gas 300 $21% rd Vic G Tr 200 $15 «15 4 Walk GW 270 rth Wat Equip 200 113 Wooast Tr 215 0 11 9 BC Forest BC Pow ee ee 33 300 «297 "uw & 179 «179 8% 8 465 177 100 645 640 191 189 450 445 157 «157 31 6 6 6 oo 21% 21% 21% -- 4! P4 oH 27% 6 26 14 ae ee 17 w%-- % l"*%+% $534 53% 53% 220 220 220 $1% 11% 1K--% 475 «475 «475 5 39% % $95 Wooast. vt 475 W Pacific 475 Weston A 850 Weston B wae 4% pr stn 6 pr $18 17% West A wts 366% 66% Woodwd A $9% 4% Zellers $30% 30% Zenith $ll% 1h" $27.27 $8% 8% 8 350 «350 «3: ™m T 490 490 16% 16 "4 #14 be 100 = 100 Zulapa 9% 10 $108% 108% 108% + % 251 $11% 11% 11% 300 $19% 19% 19% -- % Jo, 10 10 50 $40% 40% 40% a ee ul 150 $54@ 54 5% A aa 35 3434 3 | OILS $12% 12% 12% -- % 140 140 140 3400 30 29% 30 +1 4% 14% 14% 220 11% 11% 11% 295 295 210 $25% 25% 2% 220 $28% 2% 2% 100 $22% 22% 2%--% 4% UA UY 900 450 450 450 a 13% 13% 510 440 ye "40 «+5 855 440 440 16% 16% 16% 6 6 6 HOLDUP SUSPECT GUARDED u Sales to 11 a.m.: 699,000. Clairtone Whether It's Clairton wt Col Celt Furniture, Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, etc. If You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! BAD BOY iniices APPLIANCES - Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 Ang U Dev Bailey SA Bail 5%pr Con . Bldg Con M § |Con Paper Con Gas Coronation Coron rts Crush Int Dist Seag D --15 +35 --% stawice CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA ~ PORT HOPE WHITBY - COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL 2170 500 % +2 2600 22 Jaye Expl 1000 13 Jellicoe 1000 4% Jonsmith 3500 1% y|Kerr Add 1115 5S 680 rag 1000 «8 15% 15% 15% $3333 33 L 720.710 710 La Luz 400 495 Latin Am 21100 Leitch 1500 36 13 + % Lencourt 1000 8% 8% +3 $1 b Min 600 ' Dufault 1910 --10 550 Osu 1000 4550 3500 500 500 --% +1 | a%--% vert --10 Banks and steels were among weaker issues during the ses-; sion but a few earlier losses were recouped, Canadian : Imperial Bank of| Commerce wa off %4 and Royal 68% 27 61 480 61 +1 +5 PUBLIC MEETING OPEN TO NON-MEMBERS The company last year added a $100,000 extension to its plant as part of a program to raise turkey broilers and roasting] Whitby Pronaos .. . AMORC ROSICRUCIAN ORDER The. Whitby Pronaos will act as host for those persons inter- ested in acquainting themselves with the Ideals and Purposes of The Rosicrucian Order. The meeting will be held in the Masonic Bldg. 103 Brock St, N. Whitby. THURS. MAY 30th -- 8 P.M. A Lecture entitled "OVERCOMING THE LIMITATIONS OF LIFE" will be followed by an open Forum provided by the Past Masters Assoc. of Toronto Lodge, AMORC. WE LIST ONLY TO (eft) ~and Karl Barnhart Cooksville. The suspect is Be- (CP Wirephoto) $214 21% 21% 350 210621 « TORONTO (CP)--After show- 330 $9% = 9% Gr Plains 600 d 16 : ' Fed G PORT WILLIAMS, N.S. (CP)|program includes working with\reag "20 4 +} | Medat 1s +5 500 Globe A 500 $11% 11% 11% + WIN Index changes were confined)i,oo, where up until seven|the company learned to get . # | Revineal 61 {rose to 10,000 pounds weekly| day for more promotion of the The officials spoke in a panel |imported. seaway transportation of the Lakehead cities of Port Winnipeg transportation consult- head must realize it now is in| BOLAHCOD | i inj i i : idor Toronto Township police guard an injured su: t in ing wheeled down a corri constables Robert Collins Monday's bank robbe: at in South Peel Hospital. Light Trading | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT On Monday's © I = ad 300 101 101 101 ondays | N.S. Increases Ries e ; 56 Stock Market ee oe bd ba Dynamic 600 100 $11% 1D 1)% |Fr Pete 500 295 295 295 --I16. Poultry Output (2: B22 ure 222 ing a definite 'decline shortly} Falcon 257 $634 63% 634 -- % Home B 380 $14% M% 10 after the open, industrials fe a a a 45 closed on a mixed note during)nova Scotia now produces 70,-/farmers in raising the birds. |Gat 5 pc pr 10 $104% 104% 104% Nat Pete light trading on the stock mat-'q99 chickens a week for con-| He said cost of feeding the|G& Wie A 100 $29. 29. 29 N Cont ket Monday. sumption in the Maritime prov-|young birds has decreased as aM N Davies e Goodyear 101$i41 141 141 Phillips to less than a point in all sec-)years~ ago practically all fowl,|more out of the feed, In 1956 it eae a $20 18% 20 + %) Ponder tions at the close and golds re-|,<necially Broilers, had to be|took 2.1 pounds of feed to pro-|GNCap w 25 110 110 1i0 = corded the only gain with a ris) ;mnorted from Quebec and On-|duce a 10 weeks old chicken] GW Coal A 200 36% 6% 634 of .10 tario, weighing 3.6 pounds. [Gr Woe 123 $17 it 'ine Most of the increase can be| Now 2.35 pounds of feed will] Greyhnd 200 $23 2333 attributed to efforts of Canard|Produce a 10-week old bird|fames . 300 Poutry Limited which last year|Weighing 4.3 pounds. -- Hand Chem 100 |paid to farmers about $2,000,000| Most of the poultry is pro-|Hand Ch A 100 for poultry ' duced in Kings and Lunenburg|fues,pu 225 dete ; Counties where some of the|imp Tob 1350 ' The company, formed in 1956, province's most fertile farms|Ind-Accep 225 Among steels, Dominionjis managed by D. L. Fields|.6 situated I Ac 450 pr 30-8100 Bridge lost %4, but Dominion|whose headquarters is in this fe jae . 2s "7s Foundries and ~ regains farming community, [IMC cer 20 $89 strength to close ahead 4. The company was formed to nt Nickel 2105 $68% 68% Among other losers, Be. Su: work with farmers in growing] DIVIDENDS tits wwe on gar dropped a point to and|broilers--small, young chicken| Intpr Dis 100 480 480 Canada Steamship Lines fell!suitable for broiling. By THE CANADIAN PRESS| inter PL =-375 $86 86 85 1% to 55%. He was appointed manager in|,, "!amt Mascot Mines Lid., yea ik the ek ak On index, industrials slipped)i95g when the company took| sree ane June 20, record Jefferson 700 $6% 6% "% .37 to 645.38, base metals eased] ,,, a une 14. | Jockey 30 330 13 to 214.97 and western oils|>v.. Se ae Corporation of Canada) {'i)¥,? 4 Sh Sh + processing plant here. 1 300 $16% 16% 16% --% dropped .71 to 125.62. Golds)", ae edians with Ltd., 6% cents, June 28, record/tont cem 300 265 265 265 rose .10 to 87.43. Final volume] te ey eet hed a8 [en aes on» |Lambin 1. 125 335% 35% 35% was 3,249,000 shares compared|What Mr. [Fields described aa) Reitman's (Canada) Ltd.,| (2, 1140 816% 16% 16% with 3.635.000 Friday. ja "modest" program , of. 5,000:common 10 cents; Class A 10/tondo B i495 '9° 9 39 Base metals moved lower rollers a week. He said "it/cents, Aug. 1, record July 15.|LobG 1 pr 250 s32% 32% 32% na |was found that we could raise} 'Texaco Canada Ltd., f MB PR 565 $25 255 with Hudson Bay Mining and / | a -» four Perle Le Man fo Rio Algom all losing 14. broilers as well or better than|cent pfd. $1, July 20, record) mate! 3 $3, 3 8 lenge ce a Nase a Fine 2 ta oes jreally took to this . . . food."| a. e ea 0 | An exampe of the increase jin local consumption of chicken : jand broilers, one Halifax res- romo 10n taurant reported that in five] ' years its weekly sale of chicken! Said Needed |from 1,200 WINNIPEG (CP)--Two trans-| ENLARGE PLANT portation officials called Mon-| Lakehead ports, western termi- nus of the St. Lawrence Sea-| way. chicken, which still are mostly! discussion at a one-day seaway| Mr. Fields said part of this | transportation forum called. to bacomaes a re discuss the practical aspects of It was sponsored by the Ca- nadian Lakehead Port Associa-| tion made up of representatives Arthur and Fort William and IH prairie provincial governments. ww e Panelist Vic Stechishin, a} ( SPOT CASH : OR ant, said the future of the Lake- | TERMS head depends on the growth of! SONN ALD. Western Canada and the Lake- a competition with eastern Cana-|] Real ESTATE -- MORTGAGES dian ports--not an adjunct to 725-6544 them--and must promote itself.! @ NO ADMISSION CHARGE @ How to send your son to college-- without feeling the pinch! Fresh air bug. When clouds appear, it closes and locks in two and four-fifth seconds. Withovt stopping the car. And it's as weather-proof as a hard-top. There are other benefits of a hole-in- the-roof. When you park, you can use it for star gazing, moon watching, cloud staring, or day dreaming. (While your cigarette smoke escapes skyward.) . A college education is more than a matter of pride and accomplishment. In today's highly specialized and technical world it is an absolute necessity. But the question is how to finange it? One.of the surest ways of building a funt\for the higher education of your son is to abla with Manufacturers Life;Insurance. By investing in a Manufacturers Life Partici- pating Policy you get a double safeguard. Your savings accumulate on a planned basis--and they grow through earned dividends and guaranteed interest. By the time youk son graduates from highschool, your equity can he large enough to finance his higher education. At the same time, you know that should you die before your son enters university--there will be sufficient funds available for this purpose. Talk to a representative from Manufacturers Life about this impor- tant ambition of yours. He will beable to show you how you canaccomplish your goal without feeling the pinch. Call him today! MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , _ 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH Volkswagen has an opening for bright people. It's called a Sun Roof. It's also called a great idea. Instead of flipping your lid in hot weather, simply reach up and roll back the ceiling. Open it like a window. A little, a lot, or anywhere in between. Then sit back and enjoy a cool breeze. (You can leave the hurricanes for the convertible set.) Or carry tall things. Like flag poles, Or stand up and watch parades, Or sit down and watch airplanes. You also get a car that averages 38 miles to a gallon of gas and can't boil over because the engine is cooled with fresh air. Like the passengers. If you want a place in the sun, see your VW dealer.He has an open and shut case for . owning a car with a skylight. P, Andrey Representative Bus. 723-2231 Res, 725-2502 # F. L. Crossley Supervisor Bus. 723-2231 Res. 728-8547 SABYAN MOTORS PHONE 723-3461