-- ry THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, May 28, 1963 177 29--Automobiles For Sola. As Little As $10 Down At NICOLS In WHITBY 1962 FORD" FAIRLANE pe bed, tow mange, YP $2395. 1961 FORD i Custom two door, one own- er, low mileage. 27--Real Estate for Sale FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land. Near Mosport. Reasonable price./27__Real Estate For Sale WHITBY -- six-room brick, three large »- modern kitchen, =e" "5 landscaped, rated. Close to schovis anu +... terms for working man. To inspect, Whitby 668-4632. $1,000 DOWN, Insul-brick home, low taxes, five rooms, geting bath, gas heating. Three miles west of Brookiia with 3% acres. Terms srrenged. Brook lin 655-4829, 27--Real Estate tor Sale LOT FOR SAL' po Msg BR six-room ranch| 120', Landsca: one block sou Ginetenee: tiled bathroom, bedroom Sing Bue Tan. Hise sae | © walk-|storms and screens. Only steps to/throughout, 1250 Muiltilith, work, all| UNFURNISHED two-room spertetest ing from bus, churches, ., Bab-|schoole and shopping. Brooklin 6ss-|with vanity, Loh ro My fringe benefits. Personal Cheque Print- bated entrance and bath. Suit Ff lic, separate or high school. $49 per | 4859, improvements, 6 ers, Dial 723-2233 for appointment. couple, $58 odd pS foot with services paid. 728- acatEE cacar eae we Wes pi ay fogne ey with GE NO BARRIER, Self - starters. fs 12, house, barn, creek. Iiness forces| V2itby 668-5038 trl help for heating and appliance| borage gral Rg je vel eta ONES "Avenue, two - bedroom brick|sale, Sacrifice, Port Perry, 985-2085, | FIVE acres with god oat ereek. oe ion. Experience an a y 4 alow, condit! ation, cellent pond . ve-i oo on 'wish 10 'earn at least $100 per|sonable rent. Close to General Motors. Be" a pomeyfl Less| PRIVAT SALE -- ateesoien | house, house with 'a en en Bren os for ci oa a, North pooner a 'axes iy _ week, please do not answer this ad./Dial 7: 78-2226, Call Whitby 060-2387, Mr. St, Jone SIMCOE STREET, S0UTW ees | znG One acre of land. Mott Locate atdanevris, Full price ont nd rong reel EO sell for health reasons, Will) ¢304, ,' eee Be yd MeGill, ar eer accept house as down Tele- Pedr A ATTPACTIVE two-storey three-bed- room home. On large lot near Taun- Lo heating, built-in Tappan ately, fireplace, many other big Poo Te ey 617.000 terms. Call Jack Ricard, Bow- ae 623-3393. Walter Frank, Real- [(27----~-Real Estate tor Sale > 907 Burne Street West, three brick 'bungalow, decorated bathroom fenced and cent NHA| down, 27---Real Estate For Scie 18--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED operator required for interesting 25--Apartments TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished. Ap- ply 249 Edward Avenue. 17--Mele Help Wanted DIATE accounting student 5 accountant's office. Tele- Toi 728-7371. EXPERIENCED meat cutter (butcty er), five-day week. Abstainer, -non- non-smoker, le to work Fri Saturday Bas vetl and show a Ay} 3 oth cent, Please write Box) $13, Oshawa ie [ANTED -- three delivery men, $1.50 por bow Bont car ieseiaipiaee Write Box 736, i barber required im- mediately. bo gy Doug's Barber Shop, 2 Bond Street East, Oshawa. THREE salesmen, $117 lag part-time, $45 weekly, Write Oshawa Times. vaved street. For. 725-0334 b PRIVATE two-storey house could be "AUTO SERVICE" in the section is the place for you te adver: tise if you fix cars. WANTED __ Seats | TAX! DRIVERS for advancement in sales field. Trans- Men or Women frigerator, See Caretaker, Apartment 1,|focm brick home, Modern kitchen, two salary and a » 281 Simeoe South, | bathrooms, paved driveway. Garage -- vacation with pay, group insur. MERCURY TAXI Saib, anfurniohed. |. Central, 728-9739 for ance. Persons interested in permanent position only, Apply in person. Mr. L. location, ce pee ear 4 Tee pee. Sain hi ee eas jer Sewing Machine navel 14 Albert Street 725-4771 _ ed Joseph Bosco Realto Fb _ pr pe oS mi henry vos ? acre of Price only ing pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. $1,000 IN A MONTH IS NOT CADILLAC: 'Apartment, 3 Toom, seit. hen house and #ied. ; .TOO MUCH for the man we want for Oshawa area, Over 30. Toke short auto trips. Write R. 6. Swal- |W. seco! floor, apartment, suit two Benson's three 1 erandah, itches phone 725-5513, |-|LOT 100' frontage x 214' in new sub- division, One-half mile north of Osh- awa city limits, water and Permit 723-7701. PRIVATE { Income, seven large bed- pay five- pice Nesek, vial 30, aah $1700 ray toom brick |Telephone 725-1632. WHITBY -- 117 Bell Drive. Ranch style aluminum} storms and screens, TV antenna. Low down pay . NHA Tele- phone 728-2604. COZY five-room brick alow, mod- ern," excellent condition. Central, Pri- i Aovly 369 Jarvis Street. 728,8328) after 6. F SUMMER RESORT 60 MILES FROM OSHAWA Finest fishing orea. Accomo- Two on Street, near Wilson, Sioee, school, quiet street. Price very reasonable. No dealers. Telephone 725-0219. LOT, 50 ft. x 140 ft. a Dean Avenue. Price 723-9363. |TWO-BEDROOM house on large lot. Close to South General Motors. 96,500. piece bathroom, closed garage, ties $110 monthly, Telephone 725-5662. BACHELOR apartment for rent June 1, furnished, including stove and re- BRICK house and lot in village, bedrooms, good well, near store Post office. Also bogs lots. To Soo only, jan- nine 837, by illa 5R-12. $13,900. NORTH west Oshawa. bedroom ranch bung: tile bath with vanky, large family size kitchen, aluminum storms and screens, Near public and separate schools. Im- Open to an offer Call 725-7420 between 6 and 8 p.m, for further information. LOT 53' x 94° Wilson Road at Bloor 7 eet. Only $2,500. With $1,000 down. Call Mr. Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3308, John A, J, Bolahood Limited. Ee ACRE farm, near Oshawa, all cash. Telephone 723-2194. mtr ade conveniences | in Ba en a ee gs. in very g condition iu FIFTY acres, near Courtice, good] tae on good home Asking $28,000. stream and pond site. ag Me Terms, Call Jack Ricard. B ice m x Radae only $10,000, "Teams. Call J 623-3393. Walter Frank Realtor. 623-3393, wae BRICK bungalow with large recreation room. Lot 50' x 133'. North district, close to schools, shopping, etc. 728-8749, b Sole A cee ONLY 85900, for this to contained, unfurnished, suit working)» ALE couple, near bus stop, Available July 12, Telephone 725-2139. = 7 900. n . For I fait particulars call Ke Perry, 725-0303, Joseph Bosco Realtor, / 728-7377. ter Frank Realtor. |FIVF Room brick veneer | Apply 79 Road, North, Oshawa or Whitby 666-2125. LOT -- 72 ft. x 218 ft., 1% miles east close cme "Gener anxious to sell and will Parking, Close to downtown, low, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. SALESMEN FOR LOCAL CHEMICAL COMPANY IN OSHAWA EXPERIENCE PREFERRED | For Interview Call 728-1811 830 = 4:30 CLOTHING SALESMAN Experienced, made to mea- sure and Ready to wear. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TIP TOP TAILORS 23% SIMCOE SOUTH . TELEPHONE 725- 0451 | TWO EXPERIENCED | ROLLING MACHINE OPERATORS Required for Local Plant. WRITE BOX: 315, ESTIMATOR Eeeer ee and kitchen, stove and vm nd Soles office requires person to be trained as Estimotor for Architectural Metal Pro- ducts. BASIC MATHS, CACULA- TING ACCURACY ESSEN- TIAL, BLUE PRINT READ- ING AN ASSET, HOURS 8-5 PERMANENT | APPLY Rowe Bros. & Co. CANADA 1 LTD. Phone Ajax 942-6500 '20--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD, lunches ~ packed, $15. weekly, Near North Genera) | Motors, Telephone 725-9643. |EULALIE, 235 -- Furnished room for| gentleman, Meals if desired. Private} |home. Central, Telephone 728-1773. ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board for gentlemen, single béds, lunches; packed, good meals. Telephone 728- hee TWO OR THREE Oshawa Cleaning. . 498 SIMCOE NORTH, Apartment 1 -- unfurnished, refrigerator and stove, heat and, water One-bedroom apartment, included, Available June 1, 728-3945. GLOVER'S HOAD, 54 -- Three-room $50, Telephone basement apartment, unfurnished, monthly, includes utilities, after 6 p.m. 728-0376. Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor' Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available lmmediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M..to. 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 * Close "on OSHAWA TIMES ° will -- ~~ to share. $14 for five Ph ety $16 Yor seven. . Telephone 728-3 |ROOM and board | preferably const rie: OFFSET PRESSMAN URGENT [phone Fae 34s. Gliddon Avenue. Tele- EXPERIENCED | On larger oftaet equipment. Excellent future fot right per- son. State experience, age, salary. References. Apply HAINES FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO _ SALESMEN ROOM and board in clean, quiet hom All conveniences. Gentlemen pretefred. | Telephone. 728-4112. |noom | and board for two nice, quiet | men, good food, parking, close to shop-} $1 Park Road South, |23--Wanted To Rent -- | she ir-room, unfurnished 'ouple. Possession June 1 or 15. " Tele- | phone 7%B-S738 after 6 Ritson Road June} 'bedroom home. ~re----» | parking, weekly or nightly 26--Rooms For Rent |CELINA, 135 -- room, large, quiet, clean home, gentleman mear Four Corners. jdress after 1 p.m. "| PONTIAC. INN -- double, television 'Rooms, -- privileges. rates. 9035, single Free 725- single, | only; | Apply above ad- or| ping centre and General Motors, Apply TWO rooms, completely furnished, re frigerator and stove, All conveniences.| WONDERLAND PARK Motor Kingston Road East, cabins, Quiet, attractive comfortable Street. 725-0217 three. school zone preferred. P 15. Telephone 728-2168. FAMILY with references require three or four bedroom home, Whitby or Oshawa area. Telephone 666-3882. erent Soe couple with ne hegre or three. Oshawa or vi vicinity. Telephone 128 7026. RES? DE tenant requires three- bedroom home, June 15 on. Oshawa- Whitby area. Upkeep of property ~ sured, Phone collect. W B WANTED SALES OPPORTUNITY Cosh in on ever increasing demond for Fuller products. Be your own boss. Territories in Oshawa - Whitby area, '| Parking Space. Apply 202 Albert Street, ~ Court, --| All econ- | APARTMENT WANTED -- "three ¢ or|veniences, including showers and heat.| Busine s.s| Weekly rates starting at $15." 723-7424. | |NEAR NORTH GFNERAL MOTORS -- room, RELIABLF COUPLE would like two or| \Close to bus fer parking. 231 Bruce ATTRACTIVELY * FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD.. NORTH 9905 or write Box 614. RESPONSIBLE "couple wis wish | to "rent in vicinity of Whitby two or three bed-| room house with option to hinge if pos-| sible. Must be available July 1,) 1963. Best of references. write Box 746.| |Oshawa Times. |BUSINESS Couple with pre-teen son, jwant four room apartment by June 15 |Modedn. Reliable tenants. Telephone _---- after 5 p.m.- 2 | | 24->Houses For went BUNGALOW -- four-room, available |July 1, Apply 168 Alma Stree | FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow and gar- age. Centrally located, Vacant now. |References required. 725-8188. '25--Apartments |sIMcoE South, 730, two large room,| unfurnished apartment, main floor, pri- vate entrance and bath, gas range, pre- fer couple 'or _one baby. MARY Street, two-room upper apart- ment, share bath, gas range, parking space, adults, $55. Telephone 725-1042) | SE 5 o'clock. |COURTICE area, three-room, seif-con- | tained apartment, -all conveniences, un | furnished. Suitable for couple only. Spa-| cious lawn. 728-9665. COLBORNE | STREET EAST, 30 -- two-| late model car. We pay top | bedroom apartment in apartment build ing, main floor, stove, refrigerator, commissions. Write or tele- | broadioom, free washer, dryer phone. . : | Apartment 2. BILL McFEETERS 22--Offices, Stores, Storage, Schofield-Aker a FM 360 King St. W., Oshawa MRO pce Telephone 723-2265 Sales experience not ne- nessary, training supplied. Interviews oo TILDEN OFFICE 14 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA Wednesday, May 29 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Ask for J. D. Dodge SALESMEN TO SELL REAL ESTATE y Previous Sales background, but not necessarily in the Real Estate Field. Ambition and good health are require: ments, Must hove a fairly Approximétely 1000 sq, ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L, WILSON 22--Offices, Stores, Storage | M, 30 x 12, suitable for storage or ight repair shop. No cars. Low rent. Tilophons 120-44 728-4420 2 after 7 p.m, TELEPHONE NEED a joan? Then check the, "depend. _ firms listed in Classified right now ety 773-3474 STORE FOR RENT Key downtown location, Simcoe North. One block basement. Malan front. Early eakasion at + $3,000. annually with lease renewal option. APPLY BOX 621 OSHAWA TIMES WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRIVEWAY gravel, cement safd and fill. We deliver Branton, 668-2660. FOR RENT: Large three room n apart- ment. Telephone Whitby 668-4864. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563 RELIABLE tenant requires three or four bedroo'. house in Whitby, avail- gravel,| DRESSMAKING, Call Erie\ general sewing. European. Mrs. § 668- "3745. ------ 1954 PONTIAC, excellent running o condi.-| tion, good body and tires, must sell,! $125. Dial 723-9968 or call at 551 Gar- rard F Road, _Oshawa, after 6 p.m. FOR 1 RENT: One bedroom = self-con- tained apartment, main floor, $55,| able by July 1. Apply Box 914 Oshawa Times, Whitby. apoly 209 Brock Street South, telephone| 4977 AVON Cosmetics offers excellent earn-|-- SSUnEEEDNNEEIEE Denne -| i opportu lor rural housewives,,GOOLD's Second Hand Furniture,| working in your own community. Write) everything for cottages, floor coverings,| PO Box 512, Oshawa a 2 e ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Wil!| CAPABLE person "Yo care for three DUy, sell or trade. Open all day. 215] m while mother works. Apply| Dundas east, , Whitby Telephone 663 S481 Subs. 'nile: N a BRESRIARING odi§ 7 ater 8 p.m. FOR RENT: Three room apartment AKING: Suits, oats, ts, dresses, ore Sa Pax. laundry facilities, alterations, covers, drapes. Fitting/$75 monthly. arking. Adulte, Whitby, © apecialty. Toms 668-2578, | 868-3501. ' alterations, Reasonable Jebert, drapes, rates Whitby a Apply | | OFFICES AVAILABLE | "97 --Reol Estate. For Sale 'Gordon Osborne : | NSURANCE, REAL ESTATE DIAL 668-5431 TREES -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK on Cochrane St., Whitby neor separate and public school. Walkout basement, recreation room. Full price $13,700 with reasonable down poyment. 5% mortgage 4 bedroom stucco older style : home on Green"St., Whitby Garage, large lot. Full price $10,900. A family home for" | __ $2000 down payment. George Blyleven REALTOR CALL 623-5300 Oshawa very close to Catho- lic school and. Church very clean and nicky d 'ated 3 bedroom b with recreation roo $13,500 with $2500.- down: Maple Grove on paved road and close to highWay. 3 bed- room brick veneer bungalow Lot: can. be extended for V.L.A. Asking price $13,000. Twin Lake close to Have- lock 90 miles from Oshawa well kept summer cottage with safe beach for children. Asking price $3500.-Terms. Two bedroom bungolow" with attached garage on well landscaped lot. Asking price $8500. Priced at mI METCALF Real Estate*Lmiited 40 King St. E, Dial 728-4678 LASALLE AVENUE Looking for a 2 bedroom, bun- galow close to town? Near- * lv new forced air furnace, paved drive, good siz rooms, fully landscaped, Only $10,600.00 with $3,000.00 down, PORT PERRY. RANCHER Nearly new 3 bedroom bun- completely decorated and landscaped on paved main street, very large liv- ing room and dining room, 2 washrooms on main floor, double sink vanity, goloured fixtures, finished recréation room, close to public and high school. Total price $13,- 500.00 'modest down pay- ment required. 6% mort- gage. GRENFELL STREET to shopping centre, small two bedroom bungalow large 60° x 125' lot, double garage, clean decor- ated, house oil heated. Asking - $9,000.00 with $2,- 000.00 down and clear home, owner. will sell with easy terms at 612%. SWITZER DRIVE Preferred north location, 2 bedroom bungalow, immacul- ate inside and out. for only' $8500.00. Asking $2,000.00 down, Suitable terms for bal- ance tan be arranged as this is a clear home. OPEN EVENINGS TILL: NINE Dial 728-4678 galow Dick Barriage Lleyd Metcalf Jack Osborne John Kemp Joe Maga Ken Hann of Taunton. Has well Telephone 723-7901 driveway, : Four: JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 Simcoe St. S, Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arronged, Bought and Sold SPECIAL $4,900 full price, 5 room bungalow, aluminum siding, ~3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, , steps to. schools and shopping. Locoted on main street in the village of Blackstock. Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Simcoe South at Mill' Street, corner lot, top location, 165 x 132. Open to offers, will suit any large business, zoned C-1. Call Mr, Ratcliffe ot 725-6544 $500 DOWN $500 Well kept four room home with: attached gorage, well landscaped paved -street and sidewalk. Call Mr: Ratcliffe ot 725-6544, SOMETHING SPECIAL You will like the. outstanding brick veork on this home, its shining, well kept interior, its location on beautiful tree lined street. Best of all, priced to sell at $11,900 with small down payment one mortgage for balance. 5 rooms, 'fireplace, broadloom, paved drive ond garage. Call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, COMMERCIAL ZONED C2 Simcoe Street North, 257 foot frontage by more than 500 feet deep. Serviced, could take a large drive-in restaurant, small plaza, bowl- ing alley, etc, Approximately 3 acres, for details call Mr. Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398. WE LIST ONLY TO SELL NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom, Decorated, other features. sodded, carport and many PRICE $15,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7122 - OPEN HOUSE 6TO9 PM SEE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL "DREAM" MODELS IN BEAU VALLEY, OSHAWA'S LOVELIEST RESIDENTIAL AREA SCHOFIELD - AKER 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 | Realtors, NORTHEAST OSHAWA Six room brick bungalow, only 2% years old, 3 bed- rooms, breakfast nook, lot 73Y%2 x 150. ft. lawn par- tially landscaped, $13,500 FULL PRICE Down $1800 Telephone 725-8519 bedroom older brick home. Two large . living rooms, dining room and kit- chen laundry room. Oil heat- ing, attached garage on a nice corner lot. Terms, ON HIGHWAY Seven and one-half acres, five-room heme with three- piece bath, hardwood and tile floors, forced air oil heatt ing, good well with plenty of hot and cold water on tap; Attached garage, small barn. Equipped for dog kennel. Terms BOWMAN and GIBSON . REAL ESTATE 145 Brock St. S., Whitby Phone anytiine 668-5823 GUIDE REALTY JUST LISTED -- brick home on Dearborn Ave. 3 bedrooms. Hardwood and file floors, Garage and paved drive. $1,000. down payment. 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW in North West area. 3 .bed- rooms and 4-pc. tiled bath. Family sized kitchen with lots of cupboards. Separate dining room. Home attract- ively decorated, Near schools, bus and shopping: 6% Mort- gage. Full price $15,500. FULL PRICE $7,900. College Hill area. An excellent home for an: older couple with its 2 bedrooms and 4-pc. bath, Taxes only $120.00. 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW on Glenforest St. L- shaped living, dining room, roomy kitchen with lots of cupboards and separate eat- ing area. High basement with plenty of room for recreation area. Priced at $13,900. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- 4 room home just outside city of Oshawa. Taxes only $85.00. Private drive and garage. Full price $5,500. CLOSE TO KING ST. EAST-- full price $12,800. for this 6 room brick family type home. New roof and furnace. Garage and private paved drive. Convenient to bus, schools and shopping. ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM RANCH BUNGALOW on good residential street close to schools. Brick garage and paved drive. Fenced lot: is nicely landscaped, Recreation room 12 x 26 is panelled in mahogany. Carries for $91, per month. Principal, interest and Taxes. ONLY $12,900 with $2,000. down. One open mortgage for. the balance, 4 year old 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large lot and walkout base- ment. Call today for an in- spection of this good buy. APPLE HILL~ the price has been reduced on this 3 bed- room brick -home, Twindow in living room and back yard is fenced. Carries for $86. per month, P.I.T. and full price is $11,900. 'BARGAIN -- $5,500. for this fully furnished cottage. ~-Price--includes....4 dock and water skis. Sleeps six. On Monk Lake. Only 2 years old. $1,500 down, bal- once on terms. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY-- near four corners in Whitby. Over 8,000 sq. ft. good brick building with oil fired hot water heating. Terms. The owner says SELL, give us an offer. McLAUGHLIN & SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- Would you like a large fully _ médern kitchen ? Are a good sized living room and dining room a must? Do you need three bedrooms? We heve = just listed such a home. 4-pc. tiled bath. Forced air oil heating. Roomy garage, over- © head door and paved drive. This brick home is in ex cellent- condition throughout $0 give us a call to inspect tonight Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. | For full particulars cal 723-1121° GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. Oshowe 2 storey floating... take $500. down. Make an offer now by calling Arthur Weinberger, 723-7244, Joseph Boso Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. ONLY $12,920. for this new three-bed- room brick bungalow, loaded with extras and situated in beautiful Grand- view Valley, $1000. to a 6% per cent NHA mortgage. Possession anytime. Call George Koornneef, 723-2859. Joseph proc Realtor, 728-7377. \ AVENUE -- $500. down for ths little four-room bungalow. Asking price only $5,900. and open to offers. Don't miss this one. Call Ossie Martin now, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. LOTS FOR SALE Sommerville pong Beatrice $3300., Park South ikeview, Tremblay Laxetield, $3000., Seneca $2500. and others. Call Sally Wallace, 725-6297 Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. | WHITBY -- three-bedroom brick bun- galow, close to schools and churches, ! . |large lot, new large garage, 5 per cent) ----| interest, Whitby 668-4530. PRIVATE sale on Central Park Boule-| vard South, s'x-room bungalow, three bedrooms, garage, finished rec. room, | | | | 1 | | 309 as a trade. two piece bath downstairs. Close to! schools and shopping 725-2622. TRI-PLEX $23,000 FULL PRICE $3,000 Down--Income $2,- 830. Fours years old, Tenants Poy Your Mortgage. Dufferin Street, Whitby Telephone 725-3090 GRANDVIEW VILLAGE 1 For your new "KASSINGER" | HOME in this' choice East | End location. Give us a call. | Your present home accepted CARL OLSEN' REALTOR 299 King St. W. 723-1133 LOVELY BUNGALOW In Whitby, five room, brick, newly decorated, tile bath, partially' finished 'recreation room, extra storage cup- boards. $2000 down, one 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Te- __lephone_ Whitby _668- -5234. LLOYD. REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER INCOME HOME $10,900.00 FULL PRICE $2,000.00 DOWN On very quiet street -- close to downtown presently all rented at' $140.00 month- ly, carries for $80.00 month- ly. Call Ed Drumm ot 725- 9345 or 728-5123. - EAST-END $9,900.00 5 room bungalow with gar-. age. Will carry for $65.00 monthly with -- substantial down payment. Call -Ed Drumm now for more de- tails at 725-9345 or 728- $125; NORTH WEST $12,500.00 Six room ranch bungalow sit- uated on well -- landscaped fenced lot 66' x 167'. Large modern kitchen. Finished room in basement. Oil: heat- ing, paved drive. Monthly payment just $75.00. Owner transferred and very anxious to sell. Call. Irwin) Cruik~ shanks at 728-5205 or 728- 5123. PORT HOPE $8,900.00 DOWN $900.00 'DOWN Beautiful 5 room bungalow with heated sun room, and garage, exceptionally clean home, oil heated, not too far from schools and shopping. This home was taken in on trade and is now being off- ered at this low price. Hurry call 'Bill' Horner mow at 728-5123, $14,900.00 -VARIETY. STORE WITH THREE APARTMENTS Open to offers. Previously listed at $21,000. Owner has other interests and must sell, two, three room apartments with bath and one six-room apartment .with bath, small store at front of building, also 5 garages all rented. For more information coll "Bill, Horner at 728-5123, VARIETY STORE * LOCK UP $2,500.00. Fully equipped, going con- cern, good sized store plus 2 rooms for storage or could be used for living quarters, lease available, low rent, owner will consider all offers, sickness forces sale. Call Bill' Horner to inspect at 728-5123. « LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA, ONTARIO -- OPEN EVENINGS -- LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH YD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER "NLH.A. RESALE" $11,500 FULL PRICE Split level, three bedroom, custom built recreation room, large fenced lot. Only $88. per month including taxes. Call Bill Johnston 728-5123 or 728-1066. "LARGE RANCHER" $2,500 DOWN Extra large ranch bungalow with attached garage, only $80."per month. Taxes quite low. Call Bill Johnston 728- 5123 or 728-1066. : STEVENSON'S ROAD $12,500 FULL RRICE Three bedroom bungalow with extra bedroom in basement. Veryslarge lot. Close to all schools and shopping. Coll Bill Johnston now at 728- 5123 or 728-1066. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED * 101 Simcoe Street North "OSHAWA, ONTARIO "PAUL RISTOW REALTOR STORE AND APARTMENTS A substantial buildifg neor downtown business section contains four, one bedroom apartments, owner's two bed- room apartment and store suitoble for variety, delica- tessen, shoe repair, barber shop ete. A modern building requiring about $15,000 cash investment: Will show better than 15% return. FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART Very modern split level with attached garage, panelled living room, broadloom wall to wall. Built on a hillside lot complete with rockeries, potio and outdoor barbeque. oe eal of a home at $14,- COMMERCIAL SITE Suitable for professional suites and located in prom- . inent area of new commer- cial development. Owner will consider ground lease or con- struct building to tennant's specifications on long term lease, PRIME OFFICE SUITE Most attractive, centrally lo- cated office suite, partioned. . Appeal for professional similar. use. Call 728-9474 or 725-8152 evenings Financial Trade Building 187 King St. E. or KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 KING ST. E. $808.00 DOWN--$12,950. is the full price for the brick bungalow built. by (Arm- strong & Sons Builders) 'in- cluding built-in stove and oven, decorating and a sod- ded front lawn. Call Rolande Tierney' 725+5207. Nash Road ot Courtice 15 acre market garden farm, 8° acres . raspberries, 1 acre strawberries, all excellent garder' soil. This property is complete with 4 year old 6 room brick bungalow with attached garage, also: work shop 12 x 24 and green- house 8 x 16 on paved road. Call Ron Hetherington - 623- 3637. $12,900.00. This is real value, 3 bedroom brick nome with L shape dining living room. Fireplace in living room,°3 rooms finished in basement. N.H.A. Mortgage 5%2%. Call Eorle Allen 725-7782. Here it is call fast! 4 réom bungalow on large lot 90' x 417° needs repair but is good location just north of No. 2 highway in Courtice. Only $5,500. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. "Country Living -- 10 roome ed house with thrée bath- rooms, on two acre lot, double garage, fruit treés, rospberries, . strawberries, 2% miles from Oshawa, Rea- sonable Price, could be used for duplex. Call Joe Crow- ford 623-3672 NORTH RITSON -- Spacious 12. storey brick home, in good condition with large rooms, modern oil furnace, gorage. Handy to GM. North Plant - Convenient Terms. Call Ron Drapak 725-5253. WANTED -- A 3. bedroom home in the west end of city in. the 10 to 13,000 price range. Call Keith Peters 725-4162. 6 detes 50 people in main lodge, cottages ond cabins. Beoutifyl spot. Ready now $10,000 DOWN OR A GOOD PROPERTY IN OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-1412 BETWEEN 4 AND 8.P.M. $1895." 1960 PONTIAC FOUR. DOOR SEDAN Just Like New $1895": 8 R. - VICKERY REALTOR ,46 King W. 728-9571 WHY WAIT AND WISH Costs are. increasing why risk settling for less house et .a higher price. Let us show you these and our other excellent home values. RANCH STYLE BRICK BUNGALOW 4 year 3 bed- room modernly equipped home, aluminum © storms, screens and doors, Steven- © son: Rd. N. $89 monthly covers principal, interest and taxes on .A._ mort- gage. Asking price $12,900. NOTHING TO DO BUT START COLLECTING. on this attractive income home con- taining one 4 room apart- «ment on ground floor two 2 room apartments and an ad- ditional 2 rooms for renting. New hot woter oil fired fur- nece, everything in immacu- late condition throughout and bringing in substantial income. Widowed owner has remarried. Central location QUEBEC ST. Asking $18,500 with $500 down or closest offer, $1000 DOWN. swill pur- chase an attroctive 3 bed- room split level brick bunga- low with garage STONE ST. Aluminum combination doors and windows, gas stove, liv- ing room drapes and aerial included. Asking price $12,950. ACT. NOW CALL 728-9571 STEVE LEHAN, GERRY BARROW BERT PEYTON, RALPH VICKERY Open evenings to 9 p.m. 1959 CHEVROLET * IMPALA Four Doof ** Hordtop, V-8 tcaded with «: extras, x $1795. 1959 CHRYSLER SARATOGA FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Originally sold $5800 ~ NOW ONLY $1895- 1959 FORD is _GALAXIE 2 DOOR HARDTOP -- This is o real Ruby. No other car like it. im $1795 1959 CHEVROLET BELAIR One owner low' mileage. $1695. 1958 BUICK FOUR DOOR With a new motor. $1295- 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN With new motor, six cylinder, $1195- 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8 stick shift. $895. L S. SNELGROVE CoO. LTD. REALTORS 723-9810 725-8761 43 Park Rd, S. 4 PLEX Central location in Whitby, large voluable corner lot, 4 fully self contained apart- ments, fully rented showing a nice return, a good invest- ment for future security, let us introduce you to this pro- perty soon. ' OLIVE AVE. $10,600 full price, nice 5 room brick. bungalow, mod- ern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full size basement, hot water by oil heating, nice lot with gorage and variety of fruit trees, $2,200. down, balance $750.00 per month. $1,400 DOWN Spotlessly clean 5 room, 3 bedroom brick bungalow about 4 years old, fully de- corated, , partial _recreatior room, N.H.A, resale, close to schools and city bus, this home must be seen. CORNER GROCERY Central location, nice busi- ness, plus lorge' rooming house or extra equipment, a call now can make an ap- pointment to see. : ESTATE SALE 2 bedroom brick bungalow on Highland Ave. now open to an offer for cash, $1,000 DOWN Clean, modern and cosy 2 bedroém bungalow, situated on one acre land just out- side City Limits, reasonable Payments on one open mort: gage. $1,000 DOWN 3 bedroom bungalow neor Bowmanville, modern kitchen nice size living room and bathroom, 2 acre land, full price $9,500. with easy pay- ments. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723-9810 or 725-8761 1957 CHRYSLER An ideal family car. ae $1195: 1957 PONTIACS TWO DOOR AND FOUR DOOR $995 and $1095, 1957 BUICK Grey with blue, matching grey interior. One local owner. = Only $995 _ 1957 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR ; " cylinder. A real economy Only $895 1956 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN FOUR DOOR V-8 with automatic. Just. in- vested $300 in motor work. Car must be seen to be ap- preciated. $895 1955 PONTIACS Two door and four door. Six cylinder and V-8 2 $595 1955 OLDSMOBILE This is o real beauty. Only $795 LITTLE CARS 1959 VOLKSWAGEN "SUPER DELUXE - $994 1958 VAUXHALL SUPER SERAN 'door Only $894 1960 AUSTIN 850 A reéal scarce model. Only $794 CHEAPIES 29--Automobiles For Sale 1963 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN Power steering, power brakes, push _ button white walls, discs, washers, back- up lights and padded dash, Best Offer Telephone -728-0844 After 9 p.m. radio, 1955 METEOR TWO DOOR 1953 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGON . 1951 CHEVROLET NICOLS Motor Sales Ltd. 512 BROCK STREET NORTH Ve MILE FROM 4 CORNERS WHITBY 668-8001 (Continued on Page 18) - $194 $74