16 THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Tuesday, May 20, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV Re ict ORT. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants [Building Trades BOB CLANCY'S Accounting "PService, Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 15-0397. Res. 733 7605 WILSON AND BURROWS, | Las abet 114 King Street East, tall YOUR LOCAL oe |Chimneys built and repaired, gas Co., Chartered Accountants, /28 peer Drive, Whitby, 668-5612. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Ghartercale Public Accountant, ite 205, Oshawa) Shopping Centre, 725-9953. | | fast acting jad Dial 7244492 now. Appliance Service == all mod-| concrete floors, flat roofing cleaner lings installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free chartered! 723-2997 line: divas pen equipment you're no |longer using into cash with a low-cost, Oshawa Times Classified | agreements Instruction : |Rug-Upholstery Service » chesterfields cleaned at you ' . c credited Pub ROOFIN PRIVATE teach dent counsellor, RU HAROLD E. DEWAR. Accra ted, Pub | BO specialty, new work and repaire.|!5 vears' er By interview home, Reasonable rates. Guaranteed) 06 King § Street West, Oshawa. 728. 2221, 'large ae small job: L. and H. Roof-|only, Act now. 125 sal lephone '728-7057 = UO ER ing and Construction. 7: i SPANISH and (DS rebuilt, recovered, ALBURT HOSMAR chartered account-) ~~ May Ewart, 305 King arrest Ww. like new. Why pay more? Our rates ant, 323 King a Went, Oshawa.) 728-0661. jare veasonable, Satisfaction guaran Telephone 723-1221 vor" lteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up: fusranteed Pasa somily HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, nusiery Co. 10 Bond West. Dial Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register now. Ah King Street West, 725-6122. LEARN TO DRIVE 725-11, BRR sce ial |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs lin jcovered like n at Modern Ut holster Fr | PRIVATE and corporation monies ¢ vy Des, "Ye: Get the best for less M42: rt | | - AHE SWEDES USED CANNON | MARL OF LEATHER IN AWE 15 TF CENTUR: SCRAPS- Ronald D. Wilson, CA: ONSTRUCTION, brick and) Oshawa Driving School |%% a od eed anal Ae! . » . mune: CHESTERFIEADS §re-upholstereg an Fat comntnnan dies ait i Sg Whitby aa DAY or EVENING | re-styled entimates, Sep ow BAC Tncian 1 & teesiiniieewacese: materia! e-covering, Da j ; ro gern at King Sires | |CARPENTRY, re-modelling, repairs, Late Models,. Standards holsteri arles Street. 212. ' Fast, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509 -- |porches. A. Summers, 7 -irvsehigad and) Automatics Dual Controlled ae aING 3 Hub YALE, FRIEDLANDER and Co., OSHAWA AND WHITBY | chairs, urniture of all kinds, / Wl i Har peagel Accountants, Licensed True ALL, TYPES of building r t-| re-finish re-built, re-covered All KNOWS in kruptcy 64 King Street| ne, neg re a pay tAowalkh; CALL 728-0091 [workmanship guaranteed. For @ free] a ¢ WHERE AN ANCIENT SS Renee. eercen, anys eee jestimate, call 728-3281; evenings, ca 3 ; Q Dakiwa. 728-7371. Bondlls : : Fi Aber idee = -- Se L ZAIN ting. Free! rt s 2439 and a lois Deer etig ty) will call. For Wiad PuRPose MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIES) pebcoates, Cal Sg ge id Mo gage ' Kennedy' Upholstering,| MAS URAN/OM OXIDE | VILLAGE, NIAS ISLAND, LONG BEEN USED OBTAINED THE PURE GOLD 125 Simcoe Street Nore, Oshawa, Ajax} |loan on all types of morgagen: mort-| y M 131 * } saie hag TEGhAah AMES BROOKS DECORATING your oie? Tura Eel, UE, 2ereement fad ae 'Soles and Service loch. (See heading "Barrister.) IRST AND SECOND | mort, purchased |Hennick and Hennick, | King Rireet East. 723-7238 aan sold Art's Gun Repair Barr «Custom gun work, reblueing, FOR WIS NECKLACE, MUSTACHE, ANTLERS AND COAT TRIMMING, HERE WORN BY HIS LIVING SUCCESSOR. AWE ISLAND YISELF PRODUCES No GOLD. Ry Freee tyne be, Ws Wertd mate meerved - For COLORING By R J. SCOTT YNOONES/A, FORMERLY OvTCH EASt MBIES: 14--Employment Wanted |16--Female Help Wanted 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12: 16--Female Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE young lady will care for children in own home, large play area, by theh week. Telephone 725-0272, } MOTHE day dren, while mother works, After 5 p.m., 728-3817 WOMAN required to care} for eer at bene) Friday: Od Simcoe Noth. GIRLS, full and part time eveni work only, experience preferred, not essential. Apply Mexicana G veveah sad and Thornton Road, or ay, ERS! ailable, Peter Pan Day Nurs- ery, 581 Simcoe Street North. 728-2604. WILL care for children in my home near. south plant. Good care given. Telephone 728-7075. WILL BOARD children in my hom while mother works. Good Telephone 655-3908. 16--Female Help Wented LADY for housecleaning, 9.30 to 4. pm., Monday, Wednesday and F: day Telephone 723-3792. MOTHER'S HELP wanted for | duly aa August, Georgian Bay area. en-| joy swimming and boating. Gan M seri| 53-6274 RELIABLE Part-time, baby sitting and' ligtt housekeeping Courtice area. »_ 728-9665. RELIABLE person to care for thre: while mother works. After stance tte Accurate TYPIST REQUIRED Interesting work, Personal Cheque Printers. 723-2233 for Oppointment EXPERIENCED SALESLADY REFERENCES _ Apply Mo#nings in Person BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR TICAL NURSE w: ing home, Apply Box 748, Times. ROOM and board with remuneration,|-- in good home, for reliable girl or wom- man in exchange for baby sitting. Tele- phone 723-1032. rm Oshaw. FREE ROOM and board Pp. able girl or woman in exchange for part-time baby sitting. Before 5 p.m.,/ '728-4056. ; } HAIRDRESS APPRENTICE. P) working conditions. Downtown Dial 725-8375. RELIABLE woman or gil to eare 4 three pre-school children while mother |works. Vicinity of Cedar Street. Refer- fences required. Write Box 709, Oshawa) 3) & lon, bd | | ' a | CERAMICS AND GLASS, } | | Times. tor, 3% Simcoe Street South, Taseo0a. | Residence 728-0264 McGIBBON and BASTEDO, | Excavating, lots leveled. Solicitors. Clients' funds available for Loaders. Trucks for hire. first mortgages, 20° Simcoe Street} North, 728-7336; Meme McGibbon,| BEATTY HAULAGE ac; Edgar FP. Bastedo, 7. T. SALMERS, BA, nn "Boliel-| 725- 2156 -- tor, etc., 13%. Simcoe Street North,| em Office 7 101, Resideneé 725-5542. JOSFPH P. MANGAN, QO, Barrister, DAVEY | Solicitor, Money to loan, Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232 | TREE SERVICE DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister} Pruning, spraying, feeding, and Solicitor, 26% King Street bracing, tree and stump re Telephones: Business 723-2201; Resi movals. "The oldest and donce 7m-8978 ner largest tree saving service HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN end BILL-| jn the world.' MAN, Bartisters, Solicitors, 36% King Street East, Oshawa; R. Hum 723-1361 é phries, QC; G. 8. Boychyn, Wa feiss Hillman, LLB. Office 72) i Resi- : dence, 8-432 5 Whitby, 668-2761, BEVERWYCK , 725-4604. NHA and other - mortgage} funds available | GARDENS LOUIS §.-HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soil- / fron 3 eitor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King! + wh bic gcil $! os MPS Street East, 723-4943, Mortgage monies! "efennials, House ants, available Sodding, Top Soil, Shrubbery 7 Highway 12 North of Whitby Bookkeepin \ bins ; rcttahatahate ssh J : Dial Brooklin 655-3049 BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax Returns. Statements prepared. BC Ser-| vices. 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8252. | CROSS TOWN Building Trades GORD'S } Janitorial Service Spring cleaning, floors, walls ond ceilings, plas- CALL FOR SOD PHONE 725-8504 / OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE windows, ter repair , 723-1302 after 4 PLASTER] NG For all your garden supplies box plants, geéraniums, ete and repairs, stucco, stoops A ond basement All repairs ar d Roses, shrubs, trees Flagstone, Patio, Rockery new w ork No job too $i c c ¢ Sod, Top Soi Estimates free. Guaranteed me F work. Call after 6 p.m } Soll Us Tor estimates 125? Simcoe St. North 723-3222 Opert E PATIOS Designed and installed to your specifications. Hy. draulically pressed col- oured concrete slabs. Low overhead, best prices, 728:3097 _B & G PLASTERING Sand, Gravel, Loam Fill, Manure, Stone, Ashes + Loader and Backhoe Work Trucks for Hire Call 728-1343 WALCO CONSTRUCTION. very Day Till 9 For guaranteed Home Im. | freé estimates. sProvements. Store and office | remodelling. Free estimates, Expert Workmanship, 728-4937 or -- __WHITBY 668- 4412 728- 7628 after 6 Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR AESS Better described offers get faster results 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive days Count each word, initia! Box number tt not paid wi thin 7 days; charge rate applies Protess B50 1.60 onal listings only, 3 lines per month Eoch additional line per month (Not applicable for merchandise edvertisements.) DEADLINES Wer ds ee > Classified D ; Births, memoriar cards of thanks -= 9 ar ' Lost and Found -- ; 8:30 am. n 4 Cancellations ond Corrections---8:30 a.m. doy ot publi REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times not be openelos for. error in advertise ments submitted erwise tnan in, ' rm e@ thor one incorrect insertion of eny adver beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in wh ch error occurs. The Oshowa Times reserves the right to clo assify advertising according to its proper classification In the case of disp! ay advertisements, The Times will not he held responsible for more spoce than thet in which the actual error eccupies. The publishers endeavour to repr tising motter correctly, but ossume no liobi! ty of Odysrtisemen eS if eny ineccuracies in. ony form are contoined therein, duce ai i | | | | | } | a Moneys for first mortgages | { | | | | | | EVENINGS 725 2539 : 4 MORTGAGE. : | LOANS 725-1890 | TV TOWERS AND | Antenna Repair TRIO "TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe interest at 7% Open. Mortgages Novbonus | Nf crow for valuations , \ Mortgages and Agreements | pdchased | Moneks for second mortgages | Fast service M,. F. SWARTZ | 2612 King St. East j i Oshawa, Ontario | | 723- 4697 MON EY TO LOAN Priced to suit your budget. | j TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV | * City and District SUPPLY LIMITED Summer Properties | 728 - 8180 Vacant Land | |Well Drilling --Digging | | Low Interest . | Valuations Arranged | | | Residential Members | Ontario Brokers' Association | WELL DIGG by' machine. special H | lzing in 30-in tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest-) jout Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby SUMMERLAND. ___| #258 or #68:3t08 | SBcupiies 1 BI LEMON | pple | WELL DIGGING H Cleanouts, Deepenings, orth \ H 112 Simcoe St fe sor Wor ees ompressor Work Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 | : bad Reseed : Yards ond Cellars Cleaned (Musical Services H | PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic Telephone 728-091 | organ tuning and repair, Instruments | appraised. J. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. |1-----Women's Column |ATTENTION GIRLS! for \Optometrist CB. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Piease| c ¢| t Pay accounts at downtown Dominion 7: Bill Moffatt BAN Burk Street. invalids) PERMANENTS on special. LARS Dial 725-4587 | avessing, ci Page Hair-) 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone | 725-5363 phe | and Decorating LPAINTING and decorating. My work ";|2--Personal _ guaranteed. Interior or' exterior. Angus) RIDE wanted to Toronto, Bay arid MacLean, 728-9696 Bloor, district, arriving 8 a.m. telephone |INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR house) 725-844! jPainting. Free. estimates Telephone, IF YOU have a drinking probviem, write! 728-6879. Rats Sis ae __ | Box 333, Whitby, or call 568.3034 o1 jar PAINTING and paper hanging {725-0 0893 } \¥ Jensen, after 3 p.m, 725-7213. i 'WANTED exterior, painting, carefull LEN PULLAN \ work. Reasonable prices. Telephone} 723-4847 ENGUSH TAILOR) -- | -| ot Specialist in garment altera- |. tions, ete. Invisible mending, j DODD & SOUTER | PAINTING AND DECORATING { CONTRACTORS Painting Paperhanging, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. } Gyptex, Full Wall Murals 728-5311 ' Spray Painting 3 . 07 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY ; Removo! of superfluous hair, ' DAYS 668-5862 | Marie Murduff will be in | 1 NIGHTS 725-7426 | Oshawa, May 27th, 28th, + 29th. Phone Genosha Hotel Personal Service bed i: On these dates for appoint- MODERN GRILL |" } | ue ee 1 ELECTROLYSIS } Bar-B-Quec en, Turkey | Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home 723-4641 { Made Pies. and Desserts - - | WE DELIVER |3--Pets & Livestock | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH CHIBUAHUA puppies, seven weeks ] 725-3887 ° old, black, purebred, unregistered, $40 iv ering 942-1645. - >) FEMA ATS, good for farm.! so five, box ned kittens to give Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel-\*W#Y. Telephone 723-1314, | mg. new and used materials. Reason-| WANTED -- good homes for kittens! able rates. Estimates. free, Dial seven weeks old, house trained. Di 23-1193, J_Foley 728-8806 ALI. PLUMBING and heating supplies | PUPPIES, Beagles, purebred. eight Telephone 72 Harold H. Stark,|weeks old. Female, $25. Telephone Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineer-\ Brooktin: 655-3052 ing, 255 Simcoe Street South | FOR SALE -- female and male Chihua hua a Registered, purebred. Tele-| F } phone 7 20 Sing along with the happy BEAUTIFOY. baby budgies, ready for ung, talking strain Apply Mrs j folks who have discovered road 114 Elgin Street Fast =sihirprandllaeba Babe : FOR SALE Pinto Gelding, three-| A S ., what a Want Ad can do. jyeet-nid, English trained, 725.3980. after| 5 Pm. } U/ acres private park, nine-hole lawn 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- 1 | \9-----Summer Properties | cement mixers, finishing tro- For Sale or Rent | LAKE BAPTISTE, five miles north of; wels, wheel barrows, electric Haak wi For s ~ two-bedroom cot | vibrator, air compressor, tage with bath. ft. boat, 25 HP L i | motor' Apply C, A. Wyke, RR 2, Ban.| /0ck hommers, hand trowels, jeroft, Ontario. water pumps, portable heot- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miterssaw, elec- | HOUSEKEEPING cottage at Dorset on in 8 | Lake of Bays, $45. per week | formation, telephone i |LOT and cottage pac! For eta is of the easy terms and attrac. ' ive cottages available, see or call Tie} 'Tic plane, _torpautins, 14 Peterborough Lumber Co., Peterbor-) bandsaw, 4 joiner, . sand |qush, Ontario | blaster, power tamper, power BALSAM LAKE -- four-bedroom fur-| Post hole auger. nished lakefront near rhe TV ontlet, jelectric appHances.. Good swimming STAN 'Ss and fishing, Available quly and August, 1$75, weekly. Brooklin 655-4978. |GRACE LAKE, Lodge and two-or-three| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | bedroom lakefront family housekeeping lcottages. Half mile perfect beach, 70 olf, 223 King St. W., Oshawa boats, fishing, hydro, refrigerators, ers. Birch Villa P PHONE 723-3224 'old- Lodge, Wilberforce, [Oireat | West SEWING MACHINE tu P BUREN | refinishing, modification, b Elna dealer. Oshawa Sew- i ROOM and board with small remuner- {ng Centre, 329 Simcoe Street, South \Cortage SESE ES TORONTO > Guns bought, sold, exchanged. . |3--Pets. & Livsitock |9--Summer Properties {ation Jn, exchange for Tanai att * 2391. {JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE } jou sewor! 'elephone 7 after Lest |Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable cates.! q st MO RTGAGE | 68- 2497 rr 1TKN -- Sinweaes papebed,. "eight oo For S Sale or Rent __ | o'elock Auto Parts | Fully equipped and insured. 728-3661 | Whitby, 6 weeks old, house trained. Reasonably / FOR SALE -- Dalrymple, five-room FRIENDLY family of four looking | j Lakes Dial 725-3458. jcottage, inside conveniences. boats and woman ty live in, general eee | TERN 'Dressmaking $8600 buys $9900 on five | OUTBOARD MOTOR ' P (Marie or 7a57t¢7 atte bei yes Apply $5 four miles north of 401 and Shepherd/| EXPERIENCED SAVE AT WE . ! room bungalow on 'large lot. | Ci le Faber s Col n farris or 725-7147 after 6 p.m Avenue, $20 weekly. Write giving de-| er SSMAKING, altcrations, pant cuff . " j REPAIR SERVICE yn Fs ac Private drive (paved), Excel- | 2 R tails and phone number to P, C. Kayser,! SERVICE CENTRE A Oy Monitor' Tabasie | clint covenant SCOTT MOTOR --_--s|GUsTOM WORK wanted, plowing, cults 'Ti--Articles For Rent |R.R. 1, Markham or telephone! Mra Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-647 ent, covenan McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAW wating, etc., ete, Cal] Gordon, telephone ss _. AM 6-2922. Il Makes SALES & SERVICE : a : . |KELIABLE GIRL or woman w Repairs to A |Fuel and Wood ae eds /RUSNELL-McKAY | |GASH on the spot. Highest prices paid) Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses | fy general Lo tl live in, good) | LICENSED MECHANICS | faxpwoop 4 x Ws, seven and eight REALTY RERVICE \fer a Oa ener stock, | Punch Bowls |wages References required, Cail 728-! APPLY. 9 ] feet long. Suitable for fence posts, .25c. ' je pho 6 145 King 'West == 728-1607) | eee ae eae 15. bOb. Aake tor Nick | TORONTO 698 686 { NEW LOCATION 13-2721. Margwill Fur Farm COlfax Coffee Urns SaeRaTEN o " E ERVE YOU" ~-- | e 7 Licence 245-C-63 ' ' XPERIENCED waitress wanted. "AP. : i & FIVE BAYS TO S$ HARDWOOD, 4 x 4's, 'seven and eight) | 1180 Simcoe N. 728-0031 i i Silver Tea Service ply at Rose Bow! Restaurant, 24 Bond| i ct ima uae tr fence on, CONFUSED ABOUT | \6--Auction / Silver Candelabra Ris | DEPARTMENT STORE Barristers jeach, Telephone 725-9202. Ask for Nick SECOND |Surveyors gies . z.) | S ' R t | H orgs between ages 18 to 35 for gen- RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H.| @, FLIM- AND TROLLOPE, Ontarlo) Having received. Instructions '| argeants Kentais = eral housework, no cooking. Live in. OSHAWA a "pe 4 soli Gardening and Supplies | i ce eee: ee 'pdr | ¥ f | ; Pleasant room, own bath, Good s.| Gtere 130 King "street East, 728-6246 iver + Pacetbcit dil "@| .. MORTGAGES? [eked Saeregere Tit Rileia Sire et! fron Mes. Longgele,, 800 | 725-3338 * Dial Ta8-stte var SHOPPING CENTRE t joto-til le or 1 i a ' Nn ~ -- <ahnlomnsieheniiniinetetnadbabie - ~ EAs ORE He HF Morigags loess available |spring planting, Harold Aldred. 'ele.| To obtain your free, _illus- | DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On sneha? Street, Pi aati | |TWO TELEPHONE canvassers want- JOSEPH C. VICTOR BA, LLB. Bar 5/ChDAR TREES for hedges, ste, alii Stfoted brochure on sound [tgriottand Surveyor, Commercial blue] Will sell by "public aa. | jed. Must have pleasant speaking voice| MPTOMETER Hister, Solicitor and Notary Public ney choice quality guaranteed Free| second mortgage - financing | prints, 11 Ontario Sireet, 725-8632 | Soturdey June ta | RENTALS jand Axperience dealing, with the, pub, COMP meoe North, 72: | Mark! 6 | harp, the ouseno: in s jimeoe Stree! GicmARD M Desatas BA Birrintes| ii en ete seh or write |TV--Radio Repairs | contents, two. chesterfields, | F ALL KIND [Paar coneeie Aineiains. Brodie, OPERATOR Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe! re - PRE Ache i" --- { i 6 S | COUPLE, rent free to look h North, 738. 2291 4 TOP: SOIL, manure, sod and nitvers| C.A.C. REALTY LIMITED | GeanaNTEED repairs to ail makes) table lamps, me bedroom | and children while mother ene. Dial BA, LUB,| 795.17 POReOn ORR Feies.:. : PAlReRnPe Ost Sh ing Centre J, radio, car radios. Thompson Elec suites, . chest of drawers, | (728-6387, | - Permanent position for @ JAMFS" A. MacDONALD, Publ 3 SnGWd SUMP EIOg | tronics, 157 Kiliott. 723-0792. Fred Motorola Television, small | SANDING MACHINES -- none} lif Litton on sot aa het King] MANURE, "Se per bushel. Bring own! 725-4777 | tobles 3 piece chrome t- pa ilati 19 Sanders, disc sand [EXPE RIENCED nals nce age hard on iss SOO el cee He. ¢ Commercial Bui! 6 = , te : At bh : scitating sanders, disc require 'or restaurart on William} West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park Sebel street: Whithy q0-9523 mised ; ; | CITY a i V j* chen suite, desk dishes, mir- 1 ers, belt sanders, floor sand- Street, Apartment available for appli ator, preferably with 'some ing available. 725-4716 or 725-4717 bi | ' . . | vors;"*rugs, book to' ond. | er cant' June 3. Apply after 5.30 p.m payroll experience, "AND KELLY. Barristers, Soli|CEDAR TREES for -hedges, choice| ee rae ' t "4 : |511 Howard Street . GREER D arrister. ih 4 | Pe ae wWhannac many otner items to num- 5 : - Poe sitors, ote: 114: King Street Hex, Dial eed on to oe | Mort isan? Boat Ciel ee rop. | Sfous 1,_mensiui. Terms | PLUMBER STOOLS -- pipe |WATTRESS required for modern air-|-, EXCELLENT WORKING # 733-227 cp . , . E ro { Cash Frank Sturtivant, | Cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- [conditioned coffee shop. Apply in per- CONDITIONS AND Greer, aC, 725-3368. Terence V. Kelly,|Manville 623-5034 or gage | au lesiar, ap. asi ra i q : > Whe ta Geman Mane S aod iineal Rika FOR | |. -Sysrantend Setigtoction. |. auctionslr mn fan Phe wreading diss HOUSFREEPER to cantar three EMPLOYEE BENERITS BRUCE V, MAC mer, oe Barrisia.| | PRIVATE PARTY 'TO INVEST | 511 Dean Ave. \7---Trailers | talfehcausa: * Jchildrén, six-day week. Good' salary | Pieoig Shekel By lane gis Baretnor, Betas xu, Kini, grant | IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES | 725-0500 | ' Estill é : [Permanent _f for right person, After 6! SRO ONSET DY TETST GIVING. Bact, 723.1107 i 985-7163 ane awn prayin ' | 33 TRAILER for rent, McGinnis © 14 4 PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT .--- /p.m. 723-16' resume of experience. . bow asd Boban bl iii | reais i | vabin, sleeps four, fully equipped, $35] - aS ee . - e | Agreements for sale and ca sleep! » ' stepiadders, aluminum exten WOMAN as companion to elderly jady ENA} ND} ! ; i -5018. | f { CREIGH iN N, deh fren gaa CALL } mortgages purchased. Low } COLLI NS jweekly Dial 668-5013 |. sion. ladders, ladder jacks, in Toronto, light duties, live in, own HOUDAI LLE PUR ROUM, Batcisters, "So! eh } |DELUXE folding tent trailer, construe- . f, i |room. References. 723-4551 taries Public, Bank of Commerce] WHITBY rates, your mortgage prob- | TENNA SERVICE [Hon varnished plyweon ag dich cae: steel scaffolding, compress- | Soom. Ref PE Lon chest 0s ELE IND Building, 5 Simcoé Street Nortn, Osb-| | lems gladly 'discussed. No | ANTE | ep year pal ae Mera oh children, "5, Spray guns, wallpaper. |HOUSEREEPER required for adult NDUSTRIES LTD. awa, Ontario, 723-3446; Residences | ey ' . fy 5 i ihc aie Mu | + ij } {couple, central location, must be re. ~ 1 | - ees. No waiting, Immediate TOWERS |Phone after 5 o'clock. 725-8330 . steamers, tarpaulins, blow 4 T K. Creighton, QC; G. M. Drynan,; } ek . | ? EEN | ch soe i liable. Telephone , 723-9578 after 6 pm.) OSHAWA ONT QC, 728-8554; G. L.. Murdoch, 723-47; 788. | ee 50 Bi service for quick results. | ANTENNAS Pane |GLENDALE TRAILER, 42-41, two bed-| torches, propane torches | please ' . Mortgages and agtheements of sale, | 'n i ROTORS jrooms, 1960 model. complétely equip-| ~ 1 F sa % bought, sold and arranged. Loam and Gravel | CALL 723-3211 } INSTALLATIONS AND {ped. Price $3900, 'Teleplrone Orono 36-15} yr eciate a ae Fees enc mee, Wanted ert : ed . y > " (e { i w ei 2; BOWMAN, DAViD L., Barrister, Boi | Washed Stone, Fill | REPAIRS jafter 6 p.m } y 9 * {son to Bo-Peep Restaurant, Oshawa| Alberto { Shoppi ng Centre | SHORT ORDER cook required. "Must | | be experienced. Apply Genosha Hote} | WAITRESS "wanted for steady days, ) Do experience necessary. Apply in per }son. Envoy Restaurant, 522 Ritson Road| | South, after 10 a.m. Culver Of Canada Ltd, has an opening for a _ Steno - Typist In Oshawa, |GrmL or woman for 'general household iduties, live in, no cooking 'sian! [Dial 728-2503 \ | EXPERIENCED waitre full time. | {Apply Chow's Restaura 19 King! FEMALE. | HELP WANTED | | Permanent | | Full and part time. | | position, All fringe bene- fits, Send resume to BOX 843 OSHAWA TIMES Apply in person, Envoy Restauront 522 RITSON RD. SOUTH CALL TO-DAY Learn how you can earn with No Phone Calls Please | COTTAGE for rent on Lake Kushog is|12--Articles Wanted | Haliburton County, Available now 04 | ROA WELDER. beach. Insid ence: "cutting outfit pee side conveniences, Tel tephone) brea: . drill pre % inch, --...| Sixteenth, paint sprayer, pipe bender, TRENT RIVER, Crow Bay, mpbell-| three foot rol ford. Lakefrondt lots, approximately one|vise hundred feet wide, from $500. u Brooklin 655-4962 FOR RENT Telephone 668. P. Dil WANTED Cottages, fully furnish- | 1940, Telephone 728-0194 refri, ed 'except Inen), } vaugettes wining" water, a0 veces fmave you iavthing in your home you Mrs, C. 'Hi wis! @ sell, furniture, stoves, refrig-, ughes, RR 4, Picton, Ontario.| erators, appliances, care etc, Write or jeall 555 King Street East WANTED TO PURCHASE BICYOLES, juvenile and sidewalk mod-| COTTAGE jels, any condition acceptable, Will pick lup' and Pay-cash, Dial Bowmanville| Three bedrooms. On water- | 623-2395 - front. 70 to 80 miles from |~ WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY Whitby. Safe beach for child- | ren. Cottage must be com- pletely finished with all fa- ff Sie 'i | AND FEATHER TICKS 668 ise phone Whitby | Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals 2 a sia collect) 1. TURNER BUCKHORN LAKE | 793.2043 -- 723-2281-- PIONEER VILLAGE i For rent. Cottages | SHAW One and three bedroom, » Water and hydro. Campin | KING CO Boots, Fishing. Grocery stor | Wants cars fod wrecking, 728-2301 | Parts for sale, also scrapyiron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone SANDY BAY COTTAGES | | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. ET | "=| AVON shears one-/ er, bench grinder, § inch Canadian silver dollars ;Smail pennies and nickels from 1920 to jyear old five days weekiy and do light duti | 735-42 ba | CLERK _ REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY PREFER GRADE X | BANK OF COMMERCE | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |\17--Male Help Wanted |GOLF" COURSE maintenance maa, |some experience necessary, My ag jen Telephone Pickering 942-655 |TAP MAN « required, e experience | Good references, Apply in pernen. |Cadillae Hotel, 314 Simcoe South, : nner neninile i= oper SALESMAN REQUIRED EXPERIENCED PREFERRED | GROUP INSURANCE PENSION PLAN BROWNS BREAD LTD, FOR INTERVIEW | - Phone 728-2691 UNIVERSITY _ STUDENTS Summer employment.' To as- sist Fuller Brush in handling of business while permanent staff are on vacation, Inter- views ot TILDEN OFFICE WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 10.A.M, UNTIL 10 P.M. { 14 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA, ONT. FIBREGLASS ~ LAMINATOR Must be enced in all phases of fibre- thoroughly experl- glass work, including mold making BOAT BUILDER or CABINET MAKER Also Required Experienced with own tools 1710 Charles St. Whitby 668-8511 HELP WANTED Due to tremnedous increase in business Fuller Brush Com- } pany requires 2 Full-time and ; tour part-time men to help handle local business, in Oshawa-Whitby area. Intreviews at TILDEN OFFICE | WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 | 10 A.M. UNTIL 10 P.M, | 14 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA, ONT. WRITE P.O: BOX 512 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS OSHAWA EATON'Sy in Oshawa Require Married Women For | PART-TIME SALES WORK | ' Experience Required Apply Personnel Office SWITCH BOARD | OPERATOR RICE LAKE - 2 and bedroom cottage: i . ie} ae | sida: Hess bpieneae" Good '13--Business Opportunities boats, sand beach and fine 'OSHAWA MOTEL, ariel % mile my 1 ' east of Oshawa. $15.0 down, Ful ing" in loke and river Write | price $49,500, Oshawa 723-976! R McCracken, RR. 4, | EXCEPTIONAL PROFIT Hastings.' Phone :219W1. | @PPORTUNITY FOR ACTIVE OR ABSENTEE OWNERS ; A dynamic corporation now expand- | ing from coast to coast offers quali- fied applicants an opportunity te PAIGNTON HOUSE Motel ond Cottage units, | enter this proven, increasingly boom- ake Rosseau, Muskoka, ing beauty service industry. Finest resort facilties, 9 hole You can own an ultra-modern, toe golf course. Rates with meals. | soulgred and licensed MAISO' A $95 to $94 week. Write for M HAIRFASHIONS - RO QUESA LON, located in ree 22 page-color picture | She ety ce tonn of, Your, chole brochure, Minett, Ont. Phone tages never before available in this Port Carling 765-3155, see industry ° travel agent Your Hairfashions service will use ks! world-renowned HELENE CURTIS products exclusively, while your ele- FOR SALE ¢ want Boutique will retail the most complete line of quality cosmetics in North America. Experience is not required. Our pro- fessional guidance experts will train you in administration and manage- NEWCASTLE BEACH ' 4 bedroom Summer Cottage i 1 ment. Should you prefer absentee on Lake Ontario. Large. | ownership. we will provide you with double fireplace. Large living | a complete, competent and profes. 1d dir room , | sional sta and dining 'room. Bathroom |' # nik Sauulciident tee Hawn paswest piece bathroom. Hot and on installation, equipment and ini- is only $5,800. overnight" dream, but an opportunity for independence and security in a prestige business with a unique profit picture. Write today for complete informa | tion, clearly indicating. your name, address and phone number. } MAISON da MAXIM LTD, BOWM AN |. 956 King St. West, "-- oo AND GIBSON |: Want Ads 145 St. S | hold the key 668-5823 : | to Extra Cash 668-2318 | Hot and cold runnfng water. Hydro, On paved road. Com pletely furnished with electric stove, refrigerator. Nice wide sandy beach. Good lot and good well Brock VY Evenings Coll 18 Experienced' Switch- board Operator re- quired immediately. Duties include typing and General Office procedure Excellent employee benefits Salary commensurate with abi ~ en 1 will Call A. E. Robinson Ajax 942-0150 Drew Chemical Ltd. anataan Wonder Medium - weight, marvelous Hor all year wear. Do this 'jacket in knitting worsted. | Jiffy-knit jacket in rib effect | | ; jpattern stitch, cables -- smart .Experienced lor travel, for vacation, 4 | 'tern 7237: directions. sizes 32- Presser 34: 26-38 included. | | Thirty-five cents, (coins) for a \this pattern (no stamps, please) ito Alice Brooks, care of The | Oshawa Times, Needlecraft 'Dept., Ontario residents add once cent sales tax, Print plain-} | Dress Finisher and an PRINTED PATTERN TIME 70 SEW By ANNE ADAMS Little girls like to be ready for summy-day fun -- and the outfit they choose is this prin- cess dress and button-on bolero, Sew it in stand-out pique, linen weave. Printed Pattern 4671: Chil- jdren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 'outfit 2% yards 35-inch, FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern, Ontario residents add 2e, | Experienced ily PATTERN NUMBER,!| |NUMBER, NAME ADDRESS. | Checker | 1968's Biggest Needlecraft | iShow stars smocked accessor- | ies -- it's our new Needlecraft | ee \Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh-| Only experienced persons jto-you designs to knit, crochet, need apply isew. weave, embroider, quilt. | {Plus free pattern. Send 25 cents Scugog Cleaners now! 524 CROMWELL AVE = a Want-Ads Don't | Cost-They Pay | 8 until 5 p.m --Dial 725-0833 { 723-1159 | ofter 5 p.m.--Dial 723-7388 | sales tax. Print plainly | SIZE, NAME, ADDRE STYLE |NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont Just out! 304 design ideas plus coupon for FREE pattern ~~ any one you choose in new |Spring -Summer Pattern Cata- log. Send 50c, now,