a. 17--Male Help Wented |17--Mele Help Wanted aa To Rent 27--~--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 25, 1963 17 bun-|BROOKLIN -- $12,900, sixroom ranch : SAN oF man wanted for for waits EXPERIENCED barter required inv FAMILY with references Fogel rs OLoes hoppine Centre, dows town, WEST, -- "Giseepedreom Brisk sg fA, ae man, Write Bor Sif Ochewa Times | Fond vet ea tena Se a trance, 'bain, continuous " hot 'water large Tot, hen large garase, 3 per cast sors "ind sereens ian ne nip|27--Reol Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale EXPERIENCED mexi cutter (bute ta fo saa RESPONSE pO ere Belang Bing Fo 00. : rv , | 4059. brick bungalow, dec lend Near fonsonabh ine Saesomer' Aun' to ates FH OFFSET PRESSMAN phone 126-7971 n pied wa or vias Telephone 728-7020, 26--Rooms For Rent pa gro than ge = boomed gy ool -- a ahd ted tiled Orono 4R6. and Saturday evenings and show s 'URGENT URGENTLY NEEDED = Twos alee RESFONDIBLE 'eohnt requires Wires too Noy HGAGay iitanway,|Earage,, {m0 "bathrooms, fenced yard |eale, Sactitice, Post Perry, sesame, | other GLADSTONE Avenue @ = sg ey og ome EXPERIENCED Oshawa poe within LY, radius of . Upkeep of property 4 mile on of Oshawa, Wooly ra ico eee eh ar PRIVATE SALE -- hg ag house. | ¢ 3 street er i on fe Nag 9008 0 pox 614 eee tral, Pri-|North Oshawa, One acre of land, 'Mod. $1,000 IN A MONTH IS NOT On. larger. offset equipment. | your Pon fob. nn or | parttime . OSHAWA MOTEL, King Sueet Beet ea apes rage condition. : + TOO MUCH for the man we want Excellent future for right per- |men. Salary, commission bonus, | RESPONSIBLE couple wish to Tent in|Weekly rates, Toomes 'nested feds tee:| Yate we "i a en NEW PLEX: "son. Stote experience, oge, | "ye experience needed. Apply F. Nellis, ot Whitby -|vision, $15, and $17.50. 1 rer. Y for Oshawa orea, Over 30, Take | "Son. Stee, experience ico [10 Colborne Street Rast. Dial 72-2061, '|Yoom house ith sption 61. Lor -- 72 Wx a6 A Ti miles easi|FWO sdjoining Tole os Baldwin iret, de. 5 ailable a ms 'aunton, 'ison, Close Dajte lbs lad HAINES FRONTIER 1960; Best of references, Write Box 748,| 70, rooms, comple ra furnished, "re 723-7901, Price. very" reasonable. San le "esters! co low, Pres, Southwestern Petroleum PRINTING LIMITED SHINGLERS Oshawa Times. Parking space, Apply 202 Albert Street, PRIVATE sale, 371 Ley Street, elephone 725-0219. Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, SARNIA. ONTARIO SUSTIESS coutle Wik yreiese oon, WONDERLAND (PARK Wi "Motor oar a brick ba $1700 down, | FIVE-ROOM beaaaiew central, iow i' A {} Texos. Experienced sub-contractors Modedn. bard Leg rere rd we Sl "ag cal ine. Bh org lephon close to school, cturch. bus. Vacant, new, work. 728-9100 after 5 p.m. Weekly rates starting at $15, 723-7424. 517,50 FOR SALE wo-storey brick, If you are between the RETAI L TORONTO 24--Houses For -- ate sorte eee kala ay way NEWCASTLE BEACH lnees nea Psy aoe oe o t ears. , is EANOH ry bunsaiow A to bus stop, parking, 231 Bruce low in same district. ite Box ages of 20-28 y SALESMAN RU 3-1138 BANOR tree bungalow, ax rooma,| cle, us Oshawa 'Times ie 4 bedroom Summer Cottage ' lose ee able July i Telephone evenings 728-/ROOM, $8. weekly, sultable for two ; approximately, If you have any type of REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY UPHOLSTERER 4634. gentlemen, abstainers only, Dial 726. PR ag taal toe Dean g titing Pree $3300, Telephone| Diai 725-8 viet FOR LARGE RETAIL 25--Apartments GOLBORNE STREET EAST--=Fumien.| tOom and dining room. Three +2 SENOS ea ACMA, ; Pia If you are interested in COMPANY STORE WANTED UNFURNISHED two-room -- apartment|ed t00m, near GM, for fentleman, Disi| piece _ bathroom. Hot and Tro nERE General Mc P8 66500, ee a rr : GRANDVIEW © OPERATION General upholsterer for small | Diivate entrance and bath. Suitable tor GoEAN: cold running water. Hydro, |cash. Te 723-2194, ha ms $100 weekly. Quolifications: Age 22 to 30 shop in Ajax area for up- |gasn é * __ |room, sight Nousseecpine, "oarking On paved road. Completely BRIOK biggalow with large recreation a. We Realtor VILLAGE : if lif bu. ost years, good appearance. Pre- holstering repairs etc, int GRAYDON ROAD = space. Apply 160 William Street Bast Nasoein 5 Pager Bove, -- | rem ut ns igre er : ' : psa. 's you qualify why vious soles experience prefer- | Telephone 942-0535 apartment, in modern spartmen oe ale: ATTRACTIVELY beach. Good lot and good LOT FOR SALE -- 109" frontage safe lo a site, Partly wooded, Tee ee Ae apply. in 7] Parking, , laundry' facilities. | Whitby et, : All company benefits avail- egenk' Apely Aet. t. 5 water 8pm. | FURNISHED ROOMS | ™ King Sureet East. Five minutes" walle Barnoski,, Bowmanville. om ee fleniane Give us a able including paid vacations, ' roa : ' ; ; ing . Telephone 728-1352 | fone "consier pion An exe Tool Makers earch STREET, 1 -- two bed) Available in private home, BOWM AN tinge ot $e hgh echool. oe per 95 @ trade, ha ta Me Lee cellent opportunity for advan- n eo 1g paged wf Call between 5 and 7 p.m, bedrooms, well, and ities, fr utilities included, 870, RE SS ES ARR ES re --| fete depending oor'eot | Die Makers naz 82 PARK RD. | AND GIBSON ot Sop acpainen Si | CARL OLSEN : DRIVER "ity, Call for appointment, Ssce corte cauirenss Gar bem te: NORTH ;|BIGHT-ROOM brick home in of REALTOR pe tw . * W. FERTILE sonable rent, Close to General Motors. 1 Ss. i . ? REQUIRED Firestone Stores Wa nted soot of 27--Real Estate For Sale 45 Brock St. S. fn Bit "Oshawa bat fr 'aban! tea aa vore school abl 299 King St, W. 723-1133 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- near" Ts 668-5823 SIX-ROOM house, 81, acres Gooal® Apply ¢ io Waiter her Parringer, BB 190 KING ST. E, Wentworth, second floor, unfurnished FIVF Room brick veneer bungalow, soll, Anderson Street. Whitby. 1, gp pot A " EXPERIENCED PREFERRED oats $2.68-PER HOUR ; ate *tehts|or Whitey wsesas "NO OME) ins Call 668-2315 Faerun Mt Bieme.-- LLOYD REALTY' CASENSION PLAN 725-6566 | FOR FIRST CLASS [ete tumor a mente, private bathwoms,"and en] = PRIVATE BROWNS BREAD LTD.|-- | JOURNEYMAN [it ia naamene aban" OSHAWA'S FINEST MODEL HOMES | in nse Retsonid) S550) DOWN LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER FOR INTERVIEW BRAKE Work week 50 hours. |PACHELOR pg for rent June OPEN THIS WEEKEND JONES Avenue, two . bedroom brick . : bungal 00d condition ai BRUCE ST. NEAR CHADBURN Phone 728-2691 Time 'and one holf over | tussestes, Gee Caretemes Aeartmeet 1 tiie, Wedeonable down ptyment Less] Trg, heenion aotorh ga ooh $10,900.00 PUL PRICE 40 hours. Night shift |= HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION electric heated |for cash, No agents. 728-7245, TWO. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC bonus 8c per hour. tral, Bult geatleman, 'Telephone taa%eus| homes, Located 'on Gatineau St. across from the | |BIGHT' suite bulldiig, Own- ih eee caer PBemgiool i as! with paved ROLLING REQUIRED - TELEPHONE eas sida Seven Day Adventist College on King St. East in |sccopt house . Tele. : a in = Q Central. location, private entrance.| -Kingsmere Gardens. - Sa 839-3320 00 down. For more porticulars LICENCED MECHANIC : Fhone Joveph Bosco Realtor, Dial 7) ROTH CONSTRUCTION: quali and economy. Two pi YT ill ali an MACHINE Mr. E. Garlichs BLOOR Street West and Park Road| locations; | Turn north oft Reade West wwe beck Gordon Osborne BAY RIDGES + Lane OPERATORS Peo paul cra a , ; ME fer tat Tt met on Glencaim and') block West on Rossmount Ave. : 1 DUPLEX Ail compory benelit. inctud | Nights -- 725-2130 |corsoanssaa~ iserena-aart| 2 Two blocks south on Grondview Ave ctf Kis, |NSURANCE, REAL Estate| Mere's Your Chance $1900.00 CU, Pale 9 TRY YOUR DOWN P, MENT Required for Local Plant. ; i hats ful three- 4 ing pension. plon, fospitallz anak "tat and ier spied St. East and follow the signs, DIAL 668-5431 beaten Grice Moree he Soni he. to eieaas" pares WRITE BOX 315, | gtr. vocation with pay and Days.- 725-6523 |per month. Avetiable now. raver TREES than It costs to rent, Features | School, situated en_@. Ia bonus. Excellent working ,con- wath i MARY Street, two-room upper apart- I ith ranch : ' OSHAWA TIMES Saere. Teleenene er ep FABRICATED ment, any ba fae range, mes JOSEPH BOSCO -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK | [pclude loroe ea tae | re 7 ges cal PRACTICAL MEAT | -- FIRESTONE METALS AND. [Sat .sese_- re Aaa 728-7377 _| se Cesena, writin reer | mort, Beatet no, fogs | 728318 COURTION ave, A convenonten, RT RNPR SPARS Sa SOG cai, ane Walerin ic 0 living-dining lose ATHOL EAST ; CUTTING INSTITUTE]. cTOpe Seat | eet Clee Sees BEFORE YOU BUY rom. Fall pgs hn Hs, 00.00 : |clous lawn reason low! it, f k fi "Aitroduotes working Help Wanted wit minetht Si mongers." | fle nates secs | Sat aca ae prema fied. OSHAWA 725-6566 EXBERIENCED 0p operator required | tor Governor "DOWNSVI EW PARK"' 4 bedroom stucco older style ppg gt eb Se nt ptt 1 Wiles or 50. Day and evening students now fringe beuafits, voterenl Ghoyes print: : Oshawa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision, The sub- home on Green St., Whitby. Will occe: : ntl pt $600 cash. 6% 00° per month, interest ond being enrolled for this highly ers, Dial 723-2233 for appointment. Mansions division which Is design controlled for your protection, All pre- sic, 00. oy Held Full price NHA mortgage. Private, 728- principal, Taxes yt reasons. paid trade for classes starting all. actos, paid services --- buy a house or a lot -- 42 lots have been sold after May 21. FIBREGLASS no ing oe gn septate Luxury in the first year of development which proves that for the best $2000 down payment, rade ey Ry Abn fg 725.9808 Phone HO 1-7545 Now b Agree ps geedgrenety " Peja gery oe vole in eciapt l too ooee eatin on bgp wont Se , or 728-5123, - 4 rolling terrain (formerly lownsview Golf course) close to schools ' PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING LAMINATOR Cal Whitey 'eebasen Min at ota - Apartments you too will choose 'Downsview Park" by Holshawa, OPEN HOUSE EXCLUSIVE AREA Classified i ° ab Must be. thorough! 1. [section Sa ee oe oe ee Adult Building CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT M aces cL ae 1425 Danforth Avenue t rougniy experl- 2 P.M. TO 8 P.M. dern brick bungalow with Electric Heat tise Mf you fix cars, a TORONTO enced in all phases of fibre- | Moffat Fiesta Ranges | Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 1300 square feet of 'living : gloss work, including mold WANTED Frigidaires---12 cu. ft. | 4a 7 9 St. E. Diol 728-4678 SEE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL grea situated « ong cores making. TAX! DRIVERS | tree Cee hs Lettes aa sta : : "DREAM MODELS" IN stone eee gay Fag rr Men or Women Laundry 'room on each NOW A home in beautiful Crulkshen Construction BOAT anpeereuil Apply Vanity in bathrooms Grandview Volley For J ust' $1 2,495 BEAU VALLEY, OSHAWA'S 5208" 7ai2s," wie MERCURY TAXI A Few Choice We know It sounds unbelievable, but it is 'true. LOVELIEST RESIDENTIAL AREA bate Figs vo (Oshawa), Limited Simcoe Sreet North,» ; | CABINET MAKER 14 Albert Street 725-4771 Locations Available Wyi Superinten , ts Also: Requiced 20--Room and Board Immediate Possession Come and see Hillview and Valleydale SCHOFIELD-AKER ' Soon Ontario, : Experienced with own tools EULALIE, 235 -- Furnished room for . In the beautiful surroundings of Grandview Valley, ~~ OPEN EVENINGS -- + moe gentieman, Meals if desired. Private TELEPHONE: Real Living for the Young at Heart 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 - home. Central, Telephone 728-1773. 7. Required 1710 Charles St. ELGIN EAST, 39 -- Room and board 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Here is what they feature: GUIDE REALTY: Whitby 668-8511 sae. Sarees ee Schofield-Aker a pe a Fer rng aik NORTHWEST NORTH WEST AREA = 3! THUR Street, 352, room and board ipa APPLY | for gentlemen, "single beds, lunches Limited Sedded: front lewn, Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and | bedroom level in this superior' YOUNG MAN _ [20 08 tinea gendemen, witine 723-2265 AND EVERYTHING YOU HEAR ABOUT... bathroom. Decorated, sodded, carport and many location has large living room , to share. $14 for five days; $16 for end fom 'with stone fireplace BOX 916 ° UNC seven, Telephone 728-3396, LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENT other features, ily size dining room. Large osHAWA Times, NWANTED ea tre y-aiegg| 109 Craydon Rd. AND FULL PRICE PRICE $15,875.00 Seregn ly A To relieve one of our Product +4190. hi b From $12,495 and paved drive. Beautifully, - WHITBY NJ Whitby DOWN $2,275.00 landscaped and hedged lot , Group Monagers of the mal- 199." Offices, Stores, Storage Hillview and Valieydale yin patio, Priced * Fiscal with convenient' finon-" and rauine work in nang OMT mterene s! §--$95 and $85 Open for your inspection Now JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. | sna-Bwnerwitcay on on, his Division, Experience in Telephone 728-4420 after 7 p.m. One dnd Two Bedroom mortgage, Sales Career | si %t er chev STORE Apartments Roth Construction Company 728-7122 | 3 ,860R00m BUNGALOW, . estimating, simple architect- Well established Osh- . ural blueprint reading and Corner John and Simcoe In small good apartment buil- drive. Good sized lot with pi gt Ale general camel es ~ Suit Oh bilides cing: -- cede a en : fruit trees in back, elie ) quired. Familigrity. with arch- ; etectrically equipped. Laundry breakfast nook in kitchen. desires to contact | 9 itectural metal products a 864 square feet. facilities, storage, parking | GRANDVIEW VILLAGE : Full price $8,300. pisveuebvr ad's oe definite asset. Remuneration Telephone and TV outlet. To inspect Yon Soles experence | Salary plus usual fringe bene- | 795 O01 795. 9544 |i" OPEN HOUSE 2 P.M. to 8 P.M Spetiole 5 cook TG Ola detvoble i cer. ek fits. Send us details about OF =" |Mrs. Fleming, Apartment 2 sheets ee Relax on your own Country Estate, 10 acres of scenic beauty, hain 5 eH Ls Forage? Excellent start- vourell io 997 F pesesblaltlh |109 Craydon Road, Whitby FOUR LOVELY MODELS BUILT BY close to Downtown Oshawa. Priced at $3,200. The developer Pip living ren ond toning Se oavencorent. confidential. No phone calls New Offices | 20 St. Clair Ave. West KASSINGER FOR YOUR INSPECTION has retained an architect to prepare C.M.H.C. approved plans vor Wan eae Skee tee - 4 to suit your every requirement, room. Taxes only 'or Group benefit _includ- viooyn: In Medical Center CHARTERED DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $930 good inexpensive living see ing hospitalization, Li eat insuronce and Pension. | The Pedlar People Limited | 211 Simcoe Street S. | TRUST COMPANY this one. Simcoe, Street South y : Toronto WA .2°6135 Drive to Grandview St. S. off King St. E. ond follow the orange RETREAT ACREAGE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY --< All inquiries in strictest Os! ; ; 1 i hawa, Ontario. Available July 1963 ' signs. General store and gasoline penton. Reply to Box y Evenings, Mr. Melvin station between Whitby and Oshowa -- Times, J, T. Kellington. ey r jax 942-7889 Winding creeks through wooded areas is on invitation for giving, qualifications, ss : Bagh tego aeoaneg sath tern SCHOFIELD-AKER a family enjoyment. Fish ponds and waterfalls make Fae toll narfintore Sell edie : __ 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 for scenic settings to a number of quiet retreats chosen for MEMO: To Successful Salesmen PHONE 725-5132, THE DIPLOMAT | Mind pce pe phi le IB gs In the Oshawa: Area! OF peda DELUXE APARTMENT) 725.9568. Ewrings retin 6550880 | cake Shar eae ee DERN WHITBY sone AIR-CONDITIONED WASAGA BEACH--5 modern Be vey ch oct inten, (| OFFICES AVAILABLE | precenic wearing | AR: JEFFERY CONSTRUCTION LTD. North Shore Realty Company Ltd., | 22rmemtewakecie es reer sal en who are already well established . . . who have f ' ne coreer solesm Approximately 1000 sq: ft. PRESENTS furnished. 128 ft. beach by prover their selling ability, If for any reason you are dissatisfied SERVICED BY ELEVATOR | SWIMMING POOL 112 Si 600 ft. depth; Saf im- treet North shawa beg talk with your present position . . . if your future is limited... If | Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON RLEVATOR $11,595.00 "THE COMPACT" $595.00 Down | ° Simcoe S 0 0: Nol for children, Good fish- TELEPHONE : ; ; COTTAGE AT LITTLE LAKE' Pe ; ; i rs hue lobby, HiFi music, Everything from A. to Z. normally found in $14,000. Pai your full capabilities are not being utilized . . . and you reside 723 3474 bisodl coniders: elle to $20,000, houses now available at only $11,595. ' Y 0 J R l N V | T A T | 0 N Pt a iy oa 9 in tw Oshawa orea -- then, this is an excellent opportunity for | . sien Coraite with $595. down to one first mortgage, and monthly frontage. Treed lot, wy you. For 6 personel interview et your own convenience write: ian laundry room. One, two, payments of only. $98.00 which includes principal, é Heit bg he at ioe Sikes three bedroom units. interest and taxes. : TO tievlers give Us. soll. you eve tired of a position that keeps you on the road. . . if Sing the Proises OSHAWA, ONTARIO of Oshowe AT DUNLOP ST. ao TELEPHONE 668-8560 WHITBY CLASSIFIED 22--Officed, Stores, Storage TWO bedrébm house, close to town.,DRIVEWAY gravel, cement gravel, Adults preferred, $90 monthly. Brock/sand and fill. -re deliver. Call Eric ma Street South. Available July 1. Call be-| Branton, 666-2660. yy tween 6 and 9 p.m., 668-8133. DRESSMAKING, alterations, drapes, 1,000 sq. ft. of living orea O. Tile in Kitchen King St. East. 21. ft. living BU TLMLe tose tialisded P. Sliding glass windows . room with 'fireplace, Large * PLA, es i . + . . ee Choice of colour of brick; Q. Stee! Medicine Cabinet Over 2,000 sq. ft. of Quality Built; Artistically decor- eis Se eee Ss. " rah Bane oe aa ated, and Tastefully furnished, Model home awaiting a 100 Amp Service S. Copper plumbing your inspection, built by Peter Johansen Ltd. Furni- piri lined elon closets. » Furnace quoranteed for T. Banana oil on hardwood ture by Holden Brothers, drapes by Wards, and ac- 4 pc, bath and 2 pe. wosh- 10 years floors room. Finished recreation Gravel Drive U. Stipled living room ceiling | Cessories by Lords of Oshat#a and Stereo by Wilson | [Som' wot water oil heating. Cement Laundry Tubs V. Lawns graded with top soil | and Lee. Asking $15,900, Immediate Stainless Steel sink i possession. io thin ps general sewing. Reasonable rates. i W. Plastic-track in windows eg Ny eee a - LOCATED AT THE . Heavy Duty stove coble.Y. Plame ark inv SITUATED IN BEAUTIFUL & RESTRICTED | 6.05 day 9 am. to 9 pm. "Fars, soiantr bah re anete| pepe "ai" team" seats] ~OOHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | * Horeced nUnngrm, arcing." ANSLEY COURT Fr ful parler call 728-112 contained apart-|iion 5 FORTING excellent running congi- MODERN BUSINESS AND PRO- issih . wed oll : After 9 p.m. call FOR RENT -- Sell-cntained spart|ton ton. good body" and. tires, must 'al. FESSIONAL SUITES AVAILABLE. PLUS (West on Rossland Rd, just east of Oshawa Creek) Leon Manitius 725-8068 preferred but one child considered: jrard Road, Oshawa, after 6 p.m. lA Special BONUS to one of the first three purchasers Tony Siblock 725-4362 aia oe tlh Eat FREE PARKING. starting Friday at 4:00 P.M. a years free supply of OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND pre dg 'AVON Cosmetics offers earD-|a Mrs, Toms 668-2372, FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CONTACT fuel oil. : OPEN DAILY STARTING FRIDAY Irene Brown ing opportunity for rural working in your own community. Write] EO% RENT: "One bedroom -- Don't waste any: more money in rent, come and see Jean Peacock pe Apely 208° Brock Sirest South, talcphone MRS M M MARTIN us this week-end on Wolfe Street -- Just 2 blocks * FROM | P.M. TO 9 P.M. Lloyd Carson SEPTIC tanks at Prompt service [668-4977 . . . Dick Young Street West, Whitby. sob2sen, GOLD'S Second wig ao ADMINISTRATOR east-of Ritson Rood. EXCLUSIVE AGENT Lucas Peacock 725-4330 RELIABLE tenant requires three or|ranges,, televisions, refrigerators, Wit : EXCLUSIVE AGENT GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 'Bea oe rs ez Et] © OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD, |" "sizes: LARGE two bedroom apartment in|stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, Woot oleptoas essen Whity, lessen Tarn: Adult TELEPHONE 728-6231 re Dial 740-4678 "| 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 | (Continued on Page 28) TAS--xI Om™m ons> t a '