16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 25, 1963 jeall The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 . + Ss se" 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday. 8: to 12 16--Female Help Wanted |16--Female Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY -- tag tS" Ee Re SES working conditions. : : . Dial, 725.8375. WATTLES Feuired tor madera Accountants Building Trades Instruction Plumbing and Heating 3--Pets & Livestock ' : WOMAN 'required for parttime typing|<onditioned coffee, shop. m Appiy ie HAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited Pub- Your LOCAL | CHIMNEY einer PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor,| ALL TYPES of repairs and Temodel-| PUPPIES, Beagles, purebred, eight a Lae ad gape isane tage Metra ACCOUNTANT vomsiced. | cari "ot ie Ab Building,| Ch and & pee only' "het ing fey ar By interview bs pilagend and Bae materials, Reason-|weeks old. Female, $25. Telephone * --. automotive dealer Street West, Oshawa. eee ings inctalled,, binasee vacuum ee | On! et now. le rates, stimates free. Dial Brooklin 655-3052. Ci 36 Kine il We mj. estimates, 723-2907. SPANISH and steel guitar" lessons |723-1193. J.Foley. nes its aban v4 three children while Apply Smith. Sports, 358 King Street ant, 323 King Street West, coke CARPENTRY, re-modelling, repairs,|Max Ewart, 305 King Street West,|ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies ys 7 ", g GREATEST wae f 723-1221. new hailding, cement sidewalks and] 728-0661. Telephone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark,| 28-7120. oe BROWN COAL At YALLOURM, Aes crs A ge. Porches. A. 728-7245. Ltd., recog and Engineer- Middie-oged woman, over 25 VICTOR oan Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond ALL TYPES of building repairs, root- Money ta Loan ing; 255 Simcoe Street South. 5--Farmer's Column me ; ! } ee ee under 60, capable meeting nS MORE THAN 1,500,000 Street le er ing, sal H ATTENTION freezer owners! Orders ( H GmROWS. chanterea|#00P#. Gordon May, 728-039. Rug g-Upholstery Service ogg Bg cgi Bhan DIFFEREN cafe Beans ° ee public to work 10 to 3.Mone iN + i t EB: ast, Osb-|BULLDOZING a excavating. Free RUGS, cheste cleaned at your|Wholesale prices. Telephone after 6 doy thru Friday in focal. y recrnant | Burp an Oe MONEY TO LOANIES* esse : Pau, nly aa aaa te] 07 thu Frid in na de onal estimates, Call Taylor Bros., 26 Hill- home. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed| p.m. 668-4606. Ges woman to live in, general housework ceuey Gr 'Bamond: Burows, CA. 728-785. aeart Dette. Wey, fee 0812, oaritocton. Telephone. 700-7607 CUSTOM WORK wanted, plowing, culli- i four miles north of 401 and partment for-hetional: chemet lephone HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char|HOLCAN CONSTRUCTION, brick and } rebuilt, recovere NG fut Avenue, $20 weekly. Write siving ies company, Write expere Tagine L | t t |cusTERFiELDs rebuilt, recovered, Nagy , ete., ete, Call Gordon, tel R! forges tile, via tered ccou King Stree jblock laying, stone masons, WW e new. iy pay more? Our rates|725- X ls phone number C, Kayser, Fy Eaat, onaen Ons 7208. and repairs, Whitby 668-5095. ie) n eres are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran- ATTENTION freezer owners. Orders j pu bps |] RR. Markham or telephone, | '®"'® ithe to Box 717 Osh YALE, FRIEDLANDER Co., C Val . A d ay nk hd in taken now for freshly cut asparagus. r BS gy ' ' . AM_6-2922, awa Times. Chartered Accountants, Licensed 'Tras | Cartage Giuations Arrange =a, °° Wholesale 'prices, Telephone after 6 1992, wREW 17.000 : RELIABLE Gik "woman wanted| tees in Bankruptcy 64 King Street)iguns MOVING AND CARTAGE, : Ses ne | PN. 668-4606, PERSONS WERE : for general Housework, live in, good J o East, Oshawa, 726-7371. ba Genkwa; Wathy, Reaseathlc Cates. Residential CHESTERFIELDS cand 014 chairs = Ohm ac Ge wk RG pees bal acek a 3 é wages. References. required. Call 728- Doctor s Office MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIED Fully equipped and insured. 728-2661, ; yess for dead and crippled farm stock. CAM LITTLE FISH 4 /GERMAMY, pad cc 2 City and District at Modern rot ggg 142° Simcoe!Teephone collect. Hampton CO1f a x IVE INTHE SEA ¢ HAMBURG /GER \ RELIABLE woman to care for three i Co., | Chi ee ; Y South, Call 128-6451. Free estimates. [37a Margwill' Fur Farm Colas ; Deas tir aaa MARY PERSOXS : children while mother is in hospital inj Port time, Evenings and Sat- EE gen ng Street North, Oshawa, Ajax' Dressmaking 721, g spital : : spittin Ardohain FEET BELOW 2.0090, Whitby MO §-6131. -- Summer 'Properties SESTSRFIELDS 're-upholstered and Licence 245-3, Pra gtr lgencsah Asante SAGES June, Telephone 728-6905 aller 1 p.a urdays, Write giving full ~ | DRESSMAKING, alterations, pani c re-sty ree estimates. See om PEPERIENCEI orig particulars to TEONARD J JAMES Bi BROOKS, Chartered , experienced, reasonable rates. Vacant Land material for re-covering. Dalton Up-|J-- H AMAN 1H A BIVING SUPERS Tous PXPERIENCED waitress wanted, Ap. Public Accountant, Suite 208, Oshawalyir,, widridge, 6" Montrave. 125-6476, holstering, 78 Charles Street Tas-7212 [7 railers SUIT CANNOT SURE T "ott ec ao OT a lai nh ys ft ger BOX 719 pes rs ncmslecinetacia Members' RE-UPHOLSTERING -- Chesterfieldn|TRAILER -- Giants. sheen ? | + : caw ECE - s r Rie; sleeps six, new. wee! iteh- i ; between ages r r gen- Appliance Service i Fuel end Weed Ontario Brokers' Association sere Cina: ict year phobic sar | en utilities, Ajax 942-1324. Yes. BREA = ~ eral housework, Boy cooking. Live ane OSHAWA TIMES 4x 4s, seven and eight . Pleasant room, own bath. Good wages. HOUSFKEEFER | to care for SEWING MACHINE tune-ups, all mod-|/, 2; long, suitable for fence posts, 25c. workmanship guaranteed. For a free|DELUXE folding tent trailer, construe- Be Dial 728-5416. children, six-day week" aeinty, els b: r Elna dealer. Oshawa Sew- s estimate, call 728-3281; evenings, cail|tion varnished plywood and duck can- " vais tilts ing Centre, 329 Simeoe Street South, (e#ch. Telephone 725.9202, Ask for Nick. UMMERLAND 728-2439 and a rppresentative Will call,|vas. Sleeps four adults, two children. | TWO TELEPHONE canvassers want: gale os 9 es person. After © 2391 z oe obligation,~"Kennedy Upholstering,|Phone after 5 o'clock, 725-8331 ed. Must have pl voice|?:™ ed Gardening and Supplies SECURITIES Lita Ginnie FeANeE Ae ie rH 1-- Articles For Rent 16--Female Help Wanted jana « dealing with the pub- Auto Parts GARDENS Roto-tilied, made ready for rooms, 1960 model, completely equip-|~ UADY for housecleaning 8.30 W490] Sou "Canadian Midis Srtbeae +e Warela Aldvod." fale. LIMITED Seles and Service ped, Price $3900. Telephone Orono as} p.m., Monday, Wednesday and ¥ enamen AM n_ Produc SAVE AT WESTERN [pwone risa gs ae see gg (A Ta RENTALS day etpbone rman" |eoveLe, reat se i ink ater ome) STENT YPIST ona Wao Roto-tilled. Ready ren while mother works. Dia! SERVICE CENTRE [tr punting. 'Reasonable, Gres stunre,| Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Art's Gun Repair borg gerd ge a CASHIER, CLP RK, for "arvctlzi in| tay." "n® mower 4\4 Park Road South, 725-7887 after 5, Custom gun work, reblueing, |t¥ck: $125 each. Apply 206 Eulalie| OF ALL 'KINDS jence preferred. Write in. own hand-|EXPERIENCED waitress and cook Repairs to All Makes cepa Tes "tor heders ic, an] Mortgage THis edication, (tot ae eee, [etn Ses 16, Genta Te Se a ' ze woice a 'uarante er - | f « "a ry LICENSED MECHANICS |aclivers. Newtonville. 'Telephone, Clars| RetCATE, ahd corporation | monina "ta Guns bought, sold, exchanged, {9--Summer Properties SANDING MACHINES -- ay fg Reg Mg ni woven mere" atter 330 pm FOr permanent em 145 King West -- 728-1607 |®22- ete Mas serecennts tale ge oe, For Sale or Rent perileting sancere, Bike see 1a aes -- ployment with grow- HS |TOP SOIL, manure, sod and /nursery| chased. Creighton, Drynan and Mor- Whitb 668 2497 -- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- P Eee | FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU stock. rates, Telaphone|doch. (See heading ; ItDy, "s HOUSEKEEPING cottage at Dorset op ers RELIABLE woman, paridime, for | EXPERIENCED _ . : | 728-1721 | FIRST AND SECOND mm Rg oe ; -- ~---| Lake of Bays, $45. per week. For in : baby sitting and light 'housekeeping in| _ Ing Oshawa Firm. Barristers aprocuiaate ° Derchinee | OUTBOARD MOTOR formation, telephone Pickering 942-3483] PLUMBE®'S TOOLS -- pipe Courtice area, 728-9665, SALESLADY RALPH JONES. A and THOMAS @. Loam and Gravel lee St and, Hennick, | Bar art uote. MOULD-BE collage owners. Sammer| cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- |ROOM, and beard with, remuneration MEER Associat re an i! cottages built on location or prefabs f renches, pipe cut- , " ' : A daar: 130 King 'Siren East. 728-6246 Washed Stone, Fill ey |} McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAW pobee ip Choice crown lots avalighia: ton ante threading' dies man in exchange for baby sitting. Tele- For Jewellery Store Congenial working condi- Mortgage loans available. Ex \ evéled SALES & SERVICE via Tripp Construction. 668-2183, 451/04 ouger ' | phone 723-1032. WRITE BOX $39 : tons Fringe ininative EPH C. VICTOR BA, LL.B., Bar cavating, lots leveled. | | 2.1 ORSAY A CAIRNE HOC Ee , FREE ROOM and board given to cap- 2 PEL * Mae Solicitor and Notary Public. 5 Loaders. Trucks for hire. OSHAWA MARINE |LAKE OF BAYS. Gan accommodate) PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- jable gir! or woman in exchange for si North, 723-3446 | 'e ' 9 SERVICE t con, 1 le i cottag! : a part-time baby sitting. Before 5 p.m., Oshawa Times soaks a beni. 8a Barrister) BEATTY HAULAGE Mortgage Loan' NEW LOCATION lovely wooded, private point. Ideal for stapleccers, enim oie | 728-4056 " sad Nin RE des NO folic. Notary Pubic on nent 1180 Simege N. 728-0031. | Biiccatmee Sincclaeen taste tae seal % ffold g. commess. |WOMAN WHO CAN 1 DRIVE. If you FEMALE Please write North. 728-289 | 725- 2156 _ PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST . Fireplace, beach, row.| Steel scaffolding, compress- | Youia enjoy working thee ont ae , r Times Ao MaabONLS eA Rc | IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES | Surveyors beat, a Steamers, torpauling, Blow {Rett Na 7 gecaling. regulary each] HELP WANTED P.O BOX 397 month on a group of Studio Girl cos- Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- be -- ' Wbst esa Ribchasce me , ' 'di i }B. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario) BOATS, motors and cottages for rent, torches, propane torches. metic clients on a route to' be estab- ; i ite. Eoneen tane tie bere _DAVEY Agreements for sale ond Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East.|16" cedar strip boats. New 5% Evin. HOP lished in and around Oshawa and are Full and part time. ailable. 725-4716 or 725-4717 TREE SERVICE. |. mortaages purchased. Low / phone 725-688! rudes. By theh day or hour. Reasonable) WELDING EQUIPMENT -- | willing to make light deliveries, etc. Apply in person, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. ish enti Pa ; fates, yous, mortgage prob- | jONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On-|Tates. Plan a day's fishing now! Low Acetylene welding outfits, | Write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept K Breage mony -- Pruning, spraying, feeding lems gladly discussed. No | tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue|Weekend cottage rates include boat! 200 amp. electric welders, 9 "Route i pay to S06 er hour. Envoy Restaurent ! Es bracing, tree and stump re fees. No waiting. immediate prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632 | Cedar Cove Cottages, Rice Lake, mar} w pay Be 0 85. per hour -- wine om rn heen Terence V. Kelly,| Movols. 'The oldest and | service for quick resulta jwood, Ont. Phone 4R4, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- eons 522 RITSON RD. SOUTH | BA, BCL, 728-5832. largest tree saving service |TV--Radio Repairs |GOTTAGE on Stoney Lake, will accom-| cement mixers, finishing tro- --y | TOR N BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA. Barrister, in the world.' | CALL 723-3211 GUARANTERD Tomeiw Al wakes espe gl ane: neko wels, wheel barrows, electric STENOGRAPHER CALL TO. DAY er TO Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage) - | adio, car radios. Thompson Elec- teleph 728-: vibrator, air compressor, ailable. 36% Kinig Street; 723 1361 EVENINGS 725-2539 | tronics, 157 Elliott. 723-9792. Fred eo deca et mai brn jack hammers, hand truwels, For Local Office of Learn how you can earn with JOBS funds av: East, 723-1107, Res. 985-7163. : - |LOT and cottage package on aged r : ble heat- LIFE INSURANCE : CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND| BEVERWYCK | Fl RST COLL! NS cone 'owen at ths Late. Por ful ars, trae! seettolding, slectré COMPANY ' AVON Typists 200-280 MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| GARDENS ANTENNA SERVICE brags rag bate gdin oer generator, ramset, power Dictaphone 240-300 taj Public, Bank of Commerce} ree rollers, electric hammts, N * " * 7 i peggy pedtaee! Evergreens from $1.30 up. | Mortgage TOWERS ough, Ontario es eee masonry saw, building jacks, Pet tg Rat fave hoe WRITE P.O. BOX 512 Shorthand 250- 350 T R. Cecighion, QCy a. um onl Perennials, House Plants, i ANTENNAS |BALSAM LAKE -- fourbedroom far-| ™oOrtar fnixers, mortar boxes, hond, oll group benefits } OSHAWA All. with prestige companies, pti 'and 'i ceuhete of sale; Sodding, Top Soil, Shrubbery | LOANS ROTORS {nished lakefront cottage. TV oatlet, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- Q " } = AEE Be ie CI SE RERSAT offering starting salaries in bought, sold and arranged. Highway 12 North of Whitby /{ INSTALLATIONS AND electric appliances. Good swimming| tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' TELEPHONE 728-1221, accordance with edutation, BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, sali | Dial Brooklin 655- 3049 | Residential Property REPAIRS oy Srue Praeple July and August,| bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand 9TO5 P.M. for appointment | skills and experience, excele tor, 3% Simcoe Street South, 725-9 ------} ss blaster, power tamper, power semeractaae: i j lent benefits, regular increa- Residence 728- es | CROSS TOWN Mr. Tabbert, Mr. Vessey 725- ] 890 : : [FOR (sate -- Derma, "Bre reom pit hole ougit. : Registered Nurses Pel 9 r MeGIPBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, : boat h f ay beach; Apet ' Doris Currie Solictors, Clients' funds available for : 728-1653 TV TOWERS [Fass or" 7147 after pm | STAN'S ot ne Graduate Nurses Personnel Service Ltd: North, 728-7336; Charles .C. MeGibbon,| CALL AND | LAKESHORE cottage property in Hal-| | 372 Bay Street QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. | GUARANTY {parva aeurict, within 100 miles fi Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, | Require Married: Women For Required by the Municipality EM 6-7845 %, T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solid- FOR SOD A R ip lane Whee, Bonati8. ne myare MYA) | : of Metropolitan Toronto for 6-78 tor, ete., 13% Simcoe Street North. TRUST ntenna epair ws | 223 King St. W., Oshowa i nnebal. ak tans Bk No Charge to applicants Otfice 723-1101. Residence 725-3542. PHONE 725- 8504 ! ieraae ie rent on Lake Kushog in| outs } PART-TIME | - Riverdale 'Hospital a new = aliburton Cou' y ' ' ieee Gee eet cae el ~--*_|___ Gempany of Canada TRIO (pach, iui conveniences" Tel wonone! PHONE 723-3224 | 800 bed hospital for chronic |'7--Mele Help Wanted King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. . SALES WORK ond convalescent. patients. imesk clerk required for midnigh DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrsiter HOME MORTGAGE TELEVISION \corracé, 'ial ae, torr, | 12--Articles Wanted | Monthly salary range: jshift 'n Hotel. Apply Box 308 Oshawa and Solicitor, 264% King Street East. ly ih H Pathe.» sal ec bandis i Telephones: Burizess "main; Ret) |MPROVEMENTS 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA, [ind August 17"to 81. Whitby 662-9473, |WANTED -- Canadian silver dollars, Experience Required Registered Nurses $327-$362 FA MAN 'required, experience prefem dence 728-5373 Roofing, eavestroughing, point Li AN \TRENT RIVER, Crow Bay, ~ Campbell. | eee. Telephone 728-0194. Graduate Nurses $294-$339 Good references, Apply in person, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and @mii-| ing, cupboards, floor tiling. O S 728 6781 ford. Lakefrondt lots, approximately one : 5 $ \Caditlae Hotel, 314 Simcoe South, ; \ - | ANTED -- Water pump for base Shift allowances for after- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King) General repairs of al! kinds Moneys for first mortgages - hundred feet wide, 'from $500. up, Dial) nent cistern. Apply ne Road Apply Personnel Office ' |Brooklin 655-4962 noon and night shifts. Cumu- Street East, Oshawa; R. B. oon No job too big or small. All Interest at 7% _ ---- | South dial 728-1285 i lati i i : | | = lat k and pension MEN WANTED Prac tas "in en 7 nt work guaranteed. Financing at Open Mortgages V W FOR SALE -- Lakeside Beach, Scu-| ee iit Coat netlist ae ive sick poy Pi |gog. Beautifu: six-room cottage, large| Me pa saccade plans ore in effect. Perma- Are you satisfied with your dence, | 728-432 ; itby, 868-2761, bonk rates. No 'bonus . jot, boath iti : i. Man wet Gee ee Cet ur nitdine: No charge for valuations cg (euihn Dial Whitby" ebe-saas she's] WANTED SWITCHBOARD | ™™ ters 40 hour week | work? Would you like @ bus funds available. Mortgages ond Agreements Economy and Deluxe o'clock | SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY Aaah B 1 Off iness of your own? If yes iste 3 WER SS, Barina a 728- 2061 purchaied. aaa : -| AND FEATHER TICKS pply Personnel. Office ee Bey citor, Notary, Alger Building, Moneys for second mortgages Priced to suit your budget. | WANTED TO PURCHASE | Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals OPERATOR 387 Bloor St. E. write Rawleigh's Dept. E-310- | Sane AT». us, 19 cougonne e | Pages cy er TERMS ARRANGED COTTAGE 1 TURNER Esjartembed: Svciich " oe Building Trades OSHAWA 261% King St. East Three bedrooms. On water- | 723-2043 -- 723-2281 xperienced . Switch- ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing Oshawa, Ontario VY | oe sagt oiled Thay | peara Operator re | Sertere nay res] CARDEN CENTRE) O"ygtaere | OSHAWA TV | ie iccecram | saw | bam See af | OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | pletely finished with oll fo- AUTO WRECKING CO. } ing and Construction. 725-6937. For all your garden supplies | | ROOFING, shingling; root Toot and gable! box plants, geraniums, etc. "Ond and ied SUPPLY LIMITED cilities. Telephone Whitby Wants Duties will include typing 2713 | i | | | louvers installed. Siding, carpentry! Roses, shrubs, trees cars for wrecking. and General Office procedure 668-271 | alterations, workmanship, materials Flagstone, Patio, Rockery 728 ne 8] 80 } Parts for sale, also scrap iron Excellent employee benefits. | PRINTED PATTERN surranteed. | i. Tucker. 728-0826 and metals, etc., bought Sse ACERT Sod, Top Soil | BUCKHORN LAKE 1 Open Shturdey all-day. Phone Salary commensurate with - r esti | | ability. _ GORD'S Lalita, | MORTGAGES Welt Drilfing--bissing PIONEER VILLAGE | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. bale x Janitorial Service 723-3222 e-siplh wig Ag Pie sateen | For rent. Cottages SH isd aces Aecushy Spring cleaning, floors, walls | Open Every Dey Till 9 WITHOUT |mut Street West, PO Box 328, Whitby.| One and three bedroom |13----Business Opportunities Ajax 942-0150 and ceilings, windows, plas- -|- Se arererengr ene earn ert LEGAL FEES | 668-2563 or 668-3809, _| Water ond hydro. Camping, {OSHAWA MOTEL, 18 units, % mile | oats, Fishin rocery store. east of shawa, $15, down, Ful , : | ter repair. PATIOS | No B | BILL LEMON ~ | Boat TOR 230 | y st ce $49,500, Osawa 72, 761. 1] Hes Ciemical isd | 723-1302 after 4 | [ ie a | WELL DIGGING GES Bg aa err er era -- t t : PLASTERING | Designed and installed to | eo ee ees Dees RICE LAKE GET THE FACTS j } and repsirs, stucco, stoops | your specifications. Hy. | --Low Monthly Payments Yards and Cellars Cleaned 2 and 3-bedroom 'cottages, WESTINGHOUSE Presser } ! or SANDY BAY COTTAGES DON'T OVER - EQUIP f Experienced 1 { | nd b vent. All TB ; insi conveni new work. No job too mali. | draulically pressed col- | --NO LEGAL FEES | Telephone 728-0911 | from sont temdrnd tre COIN-OPERATED Estimates. free. Guaranteed | oured concrete slabs. 'Low | | swimming for all. Good fish- Laundry and work. Call after 6 p.m. | | SUPERIOR |1--Women' s Column - | ing in lake and river. Write » : | vs 728-3097 | overhead, best prices, | aT Sia i cpa Re Meee, | ae yeleaning Store a Dress Finisher B & G PLASTERING | f"*¢ estimotes DISCOUNT LiMiTeD [emma seas ie] Nowtings. Phone 219i. "| Cap Net $5.000-510,00 ond on en ee aera a 3 728-3860, Bill use | ee ALD. Inc, has helped estab- | : Rok Be ae | 728-4937 or The Fastest Growing All- | pEmMANENTS on special, Page Hair- PAIGNTON HOUSE lis over 15,000° succesttul | Experienced ; ; ; | Canadian Loan Company'" | Sressin#: 39 Pine Avenue aR Motel and Cottage units, Laundromat (R) stores . . . Ch k Fill, Manure, Stone, Ashes 728-7628 after6 | SPENCER AND SPIRELLA™ founda.) LOKe Rosseau, ~ Muskoka. | more stores thon all others |. ecker Loader and Backhoe Work 17 SIMCOE ST. N, tion garments. Individually designed | Finest resort facilties, 9 hole | . combined, Only modest invest- Trucks for Hire 'Instruction 725-6541 Registered corsetier, Mrs. J, Hender.| golf course. Rates with meals. ment required to own your Good wages 8 shot, 324 Admiral Road. 55 4 igianvety DANCE ACADES oi Po $ to $94 week, Write for own practical, proven small "3 free 22 page-col i hborhood i \ Only experienced persons 1 Highland. Re ; 2 ge-color picture neighborhood store in your Call 728- 1343 |Tap. | Gt king Suet West, 735 6122, ee DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. Personal brochure, Minett, Ont. Phone own community. No obliga- | need apply i ---{| WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M, {BIDE wanted to Toronto, Bay and! Port Carling 765-3155, 'see tion, Call or write, | WALCO LEARN TO. DRIVE SATURDAYS UNTIL 12 NOON |masauinn ss Unig # @m lelepnone) Your travel agent. Scugog Cleaners CONSTRUCTION Oshawa Driving School OTHER EVENINGS BY iF YOU have a drinking problem, writ | ALD, Inc. | 524 CROMWELL AVE. | For guaranteed Home Im- | DAY or EVENING: APPOINTMENT -- CUCU hme ry HONEY HARBOR | ALD EANADA, LTD: | 8 until 5 p.m.--Dial 725-0833 i j 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO Ih SES FRE 25 Belfield Road provements, Store and office remodelling. Free. estimotes. Late Models, Standards - LEN PULLAN © Modern housekeeping cabins | Rexdale (Toronto) Ont. or 723-1 189 Expert Workmanship. Automatics Dual Controlled |Musical Serv and cottages; safe swimming RO 6.7255 | _ofter 5 p.m.-- Dial 723- 7388 } Loe __.| APPraised. J. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, | Specialist in garment altero- | Biue Water Cabins, Honey |14--Employment Wanted EMPLOYMENT 25 WORDS OR LESS ©. H, TUCK, RO, * permet, Prana | 10 PRINCE ST. |11--Articles For ee oS inde OFFICER WHITBY. 668-4412 OSHAWA AND WHITBY PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic ENGLISH TAILOR) | for children; good fishing. | . | oe tions, etc. Invisible mending, | WORKING MOTHERS! qualified day CALL 728-0091 {organ tuning and fepair. Instruments Classified Ad Rates Optometrist | dress jAiations j Harbour, jcare available, Peter Pan Day Nurs- : WAIT IN STYLE Better described offers get faster results. pay accounts at downtown Dominion 728- 5311 | By ALICE BROOKS Chi Bank or 74 Burk rie tnvalids | ' ethane Slesitaen jdesires summer employment. Anything 6 consecutive days 2 » 8 poet idl ree Mas | Removo! of superfluous. hoir, Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses (ing. Phone nua ee See NATIONAL Add variety to a "waiting" 3 consecutive do Secret meee : Painti dD Marie Murduff will be in Punch Bowls , | EMPLOYMENT SERVICE | wardrobe -- sew both tops to ys 'ain ing an eco: ting | Oilowa, Moy 29th, 28th Coff U With -- b for a paaten in my home| E ; ith Skirts, Bermudas TERRIFIC TOP iti gue ES va, , ottee Urns near south plan care given.) > eam W § ' ee a. seta eat apace nay se ict} eens eee 29th. Phone Genosho Hotel Silver Tea Service jpeemeene. Faeroe: { UNEMPLOYMENT Cool, pretty, easy -- 2 main MacLean, 728-9696, on these dates for appoint- F |WILL BOARD children in my home INSURANCE jparts for maternity 'tops with By ANNE ADAMS not paid within 7 days, charge rate apple INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR house) ent: ae Seen oe co COMMISSION gay trims. Pattern 7178: trans-| y1's TOPS! Wear this sm Professional' listings only, 3 lines per month . 8.50 ee Vie SetieASS., Telophens| ELECTROLYSIS Sargeant's Rentals | ~ ae nt OSHAWA, ONTARIO. _ |fer: printed pattern sizes 12, 14,| side-buttoned jacket as a beach Eoch additional line per month tae : 1.60 SilssSteamnnamnt 725-3338 |THERE'S no work to apartment hunt : "116, 18, 20, State size. coat, tunic, apron or smock, a hi di he Read ~ * 3 (Not applicable for merchandise aietienis ; "gensen, ater net te ne 723-4641 et - in adnate or Salary $4410 - 4950 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)iVery easy to sew in terry, ae |14--Employment Wanted the best offers for this pattern (no stamps,/qenim, poplin. DEADLINES DODD & SOUTER "|3--Pets | & Livestock he or ~~} Documentary evidence of high please) to Alice Brooks, care of Printed Pattern 4698: Misses' Cheaifiad Bispi 2 fe Bgl . ious PAINTING AND DECORATING |RITTENS, ; siamese; te henaeitat 0 | E VE LOAD school graduation must be |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft) size, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 i . uu Ww 'on' ) lully wean % = ; ; = Aue csarariana; sank of thanks - -- 9 am. day of publication Pp (SUSE One $0 AAG trained, "Champion stock. Pedi- FF C @ R Brouuced, [Pert a egg be ee 2% ang et ee Lost end Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication cinting, Poperhanging, greed, papers if desired. Dial 725-2729 A Savard yenrs OF experience bie ois y< ERN 8 NUMBER e Pakiaiutiens wid Cogticlions 6:30 in day of publication Oe Sy paetieg {WELSH ConarEs Pembroke, wmale| Canada's largest supplier of temporary office help. sll to the duties of the eel Rey NU] *| FORTY CENTS (40c.) A . oe ; puppies, cight weeks pedigree : ' F position. Mi, 2 i ins 8, lease) for REGULATIONS a nOAYS eaeace |228, exch, 9 Conceasion Street, or tele) Now serving the Oshawa, Ajax and Whitby areas. Far il nonticiildre Ga tb rede 1963's Biggest Needlecraft{°°S (no stamps, p: The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- NIGHTS 725.7426 |BEAUTIFOL baby budgige, "ready tor] FOR EXPERIENCED: idence, qualification require- |Show stars smocked accessories ments submitted otherwise thon in wriging, not for more than talking strain." Apply | Mrs. ments and application forms |--it'? our new Needlecraft Cat- SIZE. NAME. ADDRESS, one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the Personal Service |Sroud." 114 Elgin Street East. Broa TYPISTS --STENOGRAPHERS see Posters ori display at the jalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-youl ovr 'NUMBER. price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which . --| cere iN -- Siamese purebed, eight National Employment Service {designs to knit, crochet, sew, error occurs. MODERN GRILL weeks, o;, toute, ined. "Reasonably DICTA-OPERATORS -- CLERKS and Past Office. weave, embroider, quilt' Plus| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, f The Oshawa Times, The Oshowa Times th ht to classify . advertisi Apply before JUNE 5, 1963, 'Hree pattern. Send 25c now! care ol miaee hg is conse ccs er See Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey |8EGISTERED miniature, black poodle KEY PUNCH OPERATORS rit free | 'Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Di ; Puppies, wonderful pets. Brooklin 655- ' i ideas In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be inners, Fish 'n Chips, Home (4871 anytime { Civil Service Commission, Just out! 304 design held responsible for more space thon that in which the actual Mode Pies and Desserts 'SOODLE pups, biack. miniature, ten} CALL 728 943] 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Want- Ads Don' t plus coupon for FREE pattern WE DELIVER id. Registered; have had 7, 7,0 any one you choose in new error occupies. The publishers endeovour to reproduce al! adver- : i Weeks old Bistere e ha oronto 7, Ontario. tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of odvertisement 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH Lesa greece 'Sune at Tie Summer Pattern y | 3 e number 63-T- Spring if eny ineccurecies in eny form are contained therein, 725-3887 "oho = al MRS. CHALMERS i 347 chouid. aH cd: Cost-They Pay [gerne Send 50c. now, this pattern. Ontario residents add ic. sales tax. Print plainly