Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 May 1963, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Inurscey, May 23, 1903 29--Automobiies For Sate ;29--Automobiles For Sale (29--Automobiies For Sale Paes 32--Articles for Scale '32--Articles tor Sale . |32--Articies For Sale : 27--Rool Estero For Sole | SPOT CASH [reesei bev adescan suse: snone 1 sens Seg tag, me nen eatin, eta, om Rt a te TE, glee : sad 8 » $65. Telephone 728-7466, Telephone condition, #10, Decl Tansee ee PRIVATE sale Hortop Avenue, six/ Be aero condition, Rea- : Whitby, beso good f oe Galaxie saaveribe, Fly re care oop 1 can cae Street, 728-9191. WHITE ; room get ge ge down payment, ee =--4|725-4900, refsigerator, twin doors; will sell or|CLEARANCE trade-in vi jas and. wood PP age A condition, after 5, finish 'standard, 106s, Chrysler Saratogs in ~ Joon, Best offer, Telephone TIA rigerator. | Moving. Tele- offer, Telephone 725-4205 or apply FIVF Room brick veneer bungalow. twordoor hardtop, rows, tally ecupp \el 1954 PONTIAC deluxe, ody, | phon 4 Carry 6 month warranty, Filter Queen|161 Mill Street. Dl Apply 79 Thickson Road, North, Oshawa Good cle clean cors. Trade up led. Both low mileage, Own Owners leaving) 723-4759. Frog interior, custom radio, #0 B0od tires. Ve pridesmalds dresses diferent | Sales (Oshawa), 323 King Street West, M vpital, [oF Whitby 660-2125. Liens paid off. 000 JAGUAR, XK 180 drophend coupe, 'a-oHbvnbue? elaw--ves "ass colors and Bo tlbmon ola Good conditions "ID Asse, toa igh tg Some Ko aT DODD MOTOR SALES imi VARMA Vit, setae jenny tons afer 6. |condition, goed body. Weekend' epoca er evenings |b year worsen, lone slorme, end "serpene, Call Orono 486, 314 PARK RD. pon gonaition, Atter $ p.m, Telephone 728-|i958 PONTIAC convertible Parisienne |$%. ENTERPRISE Sailboat, 14-4. long, 728-5738 after 6 FF aes a daughter, bor MU ceAGSTONE AvGnNe CT 723-9421 fully powered equipped, Telephone) 1957 BOI ie der Bardon, Immacu-lfibre glass hull, mahogany deck, Ex-|72-7552 ' a Bsa ECL GLARW TONE Aveane 0. x 2 i pas VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, front ani ville 623-3289. Tate, 'good body, motor and tires, seat|eelient' condition. Telephone 1253655. |PRIGIDAINE ~~ Kalvinator, Wi [behing vino ln rranig fl axenic md . and|yaved street. For further information] Volkswagen Fear "peaker,, Reasonable," Telophoue| PARTS for 1060 Chevrolet, perfect|Delts, radio, many extras, $700. Tele-| Te oa aag spring, blond finish,| Rouse range, Leonard, automatic » chequewriters, comptometera, telephone 725-0334 between 5 and 7 p.m. B £Th WwW ek Whitby 668-9404, motors, also parts 2 et pL a Tele oe nae veeiEy _ good 0" Aine. floor ia gin 2 me hey youth od, hed, blond, ly vod oa ecules hundred new a aan One See, | We x uyso e ve io CUSTOM Envoy sedan, white with)Phone » four door,|wedding gown, size 10, complete with/p oe ian" avenue eee Setiwasal, 137 Brock South. 'Whitby. TWO ADJOINING lots, 62 x 260 ft., northeast district, outside city mits, icket seats, low mileage, 1968 FORD coach, Pace tae silver gray, bi ay gl automatic| veil, Reasonable. 728-9298, |transmission, washers, 23,- - a i 'MASON. % _ Price $1273, each, after § 1961 VOLKSWAGEN sod $975, T2| A-1 me 000 miles, Excellent condition. One ows ;| SBORSMETE, a gg Mage or --_ Hit mg FO an eaatat eae pee ney, = 'con 50. : DELUXE {963 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, Diack,| wre ale-_ Telephone 728-3979. | shaper, router, sander, quick set, dato, | 22 cong ag Bl ygsd it Ri ROOM MEEPS EME | ry om Sees eel wnt | BUYING OR SELLING |i FREI, GaP, i GHEVROLRS- etl mt lees,' ste [RANGER ae wailecgent Sefer cite San : telephone 723-4489 after 5.30 p.m. : Whitby, afternoon Saturday, May 25. like new, A M N $400 or best offer, Dial 723-903 | NOR 1950, mat-|Plate, bed complete, iitehen dre drop leaf] Friday 728-7749, FOR QUICK SALE -- low down pay- "ses age 29 TED C PI PICKUP, 1954 Ford, rebuilt motor,|!958 VAUXHALL Victor, super, clean,| trees at" x G2", wooden "high chair |{able; Diente folding table, ene fLoed eee ae oT pay- Price Only $1 5 Tees, eed evadition." good tires, $575, 147 Baldwin Street./All in good condition, $24 Marion| 'let _and tank, Telephone 728-1377 coverings at 7 = ment, five-room brick bungalow and racks, g i Pri-| Brooklin 19. garage. Centrally located, Vacant now. MOTORS vate, 668-51! ee ee ees - : : toda MeCLARY 18 ou. ft. automatic detroat, | while they last 23 cents per foot. 725-8188. W. re isi Tour-door hardtops| 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, white finish. A-l|WF buy, 'and exchange used | tefrigerator, brand new, mark-) outs, Sandran, strong, 1960 VOLKS AGEN 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA __| "#2, PARISIENNE, |conattion. 12,000 miles, $995. Telephone|ture' or anyinine, you here. The cay |e dl Wayne Appliances, 78 Sim- en pone ashe' oe $1.19 sq. yard, 68-3830, : ft. down for i fromade on Blah tomatic, power brakes, seering, Tig vn creak linens forces] A Very. Cleon, ons-owner Gust East of Wilson Road) Inne Fadl," other extras. $2650. rele. Trading Siores, = 448 Simeoe|°°* Cong 39 per co Ram sale, Sacrifice, Call Port Perry, 985-2985,| automobile, Drive It and you 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 phone 3-9746. oes PONTIAC "Laurentian, four door) Ean "south and 31 Bond Street East ae Frisitaive diver like new, $75, sn ee oe -|SIX-ROOM house, 6¥, acres. Good| Will buy it. i966 PONTIAC, twodoor hardtop, wan ceetings sean eles abaigs Breed now eulomate washers | fremont: ' " : a mission, Very clean car. one 723-9175, See diamond ring, three diamonds,| ayne Appliances, 78 Simeoe| PIANO -- Looking for a small plano is Sete ay Set Saleen aay ange wmtor| Now Only $1095 KELLY DISNEY |i seraten vk, it Chraal i FRONEPXAG tv or sandra azul tse bo oe EPATGERATOR Visa HF rps ag rg fe Clara oe hardtop, Mike's rvice ation, | excellent 1100, im, 11 3 Os eae alice airoed nemyenroom brick) 1958 VOLKSWAGENS 409 BROCK ST. $ |Raglan, Telephone Brooklin 655-3528. |728-7060,_=--=----s SUNBEAM hedge clippers, nearly new|/siy' £004 © 965. 17-inch oe Hardwood floors, oll heat. Terms ar- fi Th cai ioe? ACADIAN Beaumont deluxe, color|i0 PLYMOUTH, sixty-one thousand|°°Mdition. Apply 84 Rossland Road cont television, $25. 6084817, | tone quality, Other pianos with Farndale) and William J., of Oshawa,) 70g Telephone 725-5487 Several to, choose from. These WHITBY--668-4291 autumn gold, six cylinder automatic|miles, winter driven once, seats like| est. STAUFFER reducing machine, couch|incuded from $499, Wilson and Lee Muriel (Mrs. Cecil Riley) of Ajax, ore very clean cars and ore Cars bought and sold transmission, push button radio, back-|new. $325, Telephone 725-6719, STOVE General electric 24 Inch, three.| Model, like new condition, Cost $350,|Ltd., 87 Simcoe Street orth Gusie (Mrs. Reoowrg Lae and ne al 29--Automobiles For Sale covered by the Official Volle Liens pale off up lights, windshield Poros ges i957 PONTIAC, automatic transmis- jauarter bed, spring and we selling $175, Call Port Perry, 985-7341, _lawi he ceee Bee 0 rranty. 3500 oma NINGS, i mpt service, aa) years akg gel Tvotttie Bro: 1950 FORD, two-door, very good 'ans erage veritas bbe Trade up or down lyon A-1_ condition, good as, new. Hr Hage bry oy Pras es gr |eondition. Dist" 728-8000, ee ate conailion, ts0" 4 kelvinster 11 cuble foot Cleve Fox, 41 ong gl acme ila, Funeral was portation, $45, 668-4517. Prices From $795 Alway Top Quality price $2450. Dial 725-1758 f0r| pone 703.9976 evenings. GOAT TRAILER, home eka, full froseer, 900 Wayne baad -- t A i yah rege lined, in new condi thers Funeral. Home, Orillia, on Tues- day, May 21. Interment Longford Mills 1963 GALAXIE BA condi| 2955 FORD, mechanically A-l. Must 10 hp Johnson motor, $100, Appliances, 78 Simcoe North, 1958 FORD half-ton pick-up. condi! sell, $400 Cy best offer. Telephone 723-| 728-0846. REFRIGERATOR, Canarm. Good con-| 66s. Cemetery. , Many others to choose from. me' The Home Of hdd end i j FAIRLANE or FALCON _ |tiot new fies, battery and radio, "al, 2400 9 WALNUT, oval "dining table, " buffet aa, Se OS Ota: HEAD Tale Tore driving $800. Dial 725-3206, Pleasure this d and china cabinet, I LOCKE'S FLORIST Good Used Cars | Stiest"ronge 'of used Volks- SEE JACK LEES ino OHEVROLET convertible Impals|qtap METEOR, furoo__goda, Yi] acne, emt, 18 FON em cay pana Rnd ood Ua He you' in' tle Oshawe, Times Funerol arrangements and wagens. NEW and USED CA Pegg: Meee cose My or after 5. Telephone Whitby, 668-3631. CABIN cruiser, 16° heavy duty Tee-|4!! sizes, wheels, 509 Bloor Street East,|Cia 1055 FORD coach, good body, tires,|Nee trailer and 25 hp Jounson motor.|°° telephone 725-2281. valve high. Check "Autos for floral requirements for all "Before You Buy OPEN EVENINGS SEAWAY MOTORS i085 CHEVROLET two-door 6-cylinder| motor, new seat covers, license, $993,|Sell complete or separate. 728-3297, |CHOICE black loam and top soll, occasions. ; : rd , good condition a A Give BiH A Try" 200 DUNDAS W. standard, radio, | good 6 cmportation,| rade accepted. Telephone 723-2281. | WINDOW frame, triple spproximaisiy soil, 4 yards for $10. Also horse manure|TYPEWRITERS, office model, new 1951 CHEVROLET, radio, good running|9*" x 57" also three for sale. Oshawa 725-3445, adding machine, electrie eal- S ABY. AN WHITBY 668-5893 $495 or offer. 728-0558, VROLET, radio, good running pereabie, cab OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE storms, Apply 188 Alma Street, 1002 APACHE tent trailer, on restates, Cones TILDEN 1960 CONSUL, Seca Sxoenent: condition, $875. Saray truck, Very good running condi-/£LO¥D baby carriage, very good co months, like new, Telephone es t006, 2) scale, Snap for' quick sale, 723-4434, HONE SERVICE New Telephone Numbers 24 HOUR P 668-5871 ond 668-5872 tion, $500, Apply 55 Glover Road. _|dition, ligttt brown with white interior. |BABY cari 4 x 4's, seven and elght feet long, 728-6555 Motor Sales Ltd. i058 SUPER "88" "olden oped four| 1957 FORD FAIRLANE, two-door hard- Apply' 895 King East, Telephone 725. er very good. condition, na Tunes ? fence poms, BS coats BILL WHITTICK eal CAR AND TRUCK door hardtop, | power | equ top, automatic transmission, radio,|BOAT, 16° cedarsirip and Otaco tralle 725-6135, each, Telephone 725-008, sek for Nick, Authorize radio. Good condition, 728-667: Thunderbird engine. Excellent condi-|fairly good condi ! DOMINION hot water furnace, with off Volkswagen Dealer MERCURY convertible, new top,|tion, Telephone 728-3158, fer <a Dial" Any, [otemnatile pe a ER a Ml BIR oe: ete with 7 radiators IN MEMORIAM | MmoToRS LTD. : RENTALS inet, MERCURY converte, 30%, Wyle -NORASGN Iaor ble- wna ae Te eer WierMone WhutSe "GaeBnT; pice. #900, Apply" "8" Givbon Breet 334 Ritson Road South Telephone Neweastle PL 4246. _| interior, automatic - transmission, cus-|) FOOT plywood cartop boat, 860. Apply] REFRIGERATOR, i DODD -- In loving memory of our] 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 723-3461 (All Makes and Models) ibis CHEVROLET, convertible, sell or|tom radio, four barrel carburetor, dual| 19 Perescit orcs i fee gy se} General' Electrie, avaakal Electric 40" heavy duty dear mother. Jessie G. Dodd, who pass- aes CALL 625-6553 trade, tor whet have you, good condi-lexhaust, Good eondition, $860. Can bel 50 aaa cing Seatiea, clean, no chip marks, $75, Call Port rae, eee cee. een Saas, tion, Te 728-4! all controls, cottage, . ayne ances, 78 ee NY oe we never lose 14 Albert St. aned 728-6781, cellent condition, $125. Apply 204 Bond| Perry 985-7341, Simeoe North, - 1962 CHEVROLET BelAir, two - door Street For always they will GENERAL REPAIRS hardtop, radio, padded ast, white|1058 VAUXHALL Victor, four Mh cleaner popeite. all makes. | TRADE-IN Bargains, Summer door, cottage Loved, remembered, eoearest \ Reason-|SPotless condition, $595. After 8 MERCURY Mark 6, 1956, in very good Three- room ee.) Seaway Motors | Gakeas Gate Eo eo ae ae eee oe cae wee ' PARTS AND SERVICE tae BUICK, hardtop wutomatie, power|1962 PONTIAC Pisiaais tae Geer, after 5 p.m. a allace Vacuum Serv-lchairs, $5; chrome kitchen set, $17) All Foreign Make Cars steering, power brakes in A-l condition. |hardtop, 11,000 miles, Call Jack Lees,|FENDER Bassman, piggy-back, ampll-|~7; refrigerator, heavy duty range. DODD -- In loving memory of our STATHAM $1000, 728-1556. Whitby," 668-8567. fier. Used 2 months. 'Telephone' after 4 PLANNING TO BUILD? | ree eee een ee Gear mother and grandmother, Mrs. LIMITED 1968 CHEVROLET. BelAir, four - door ins NOLYO CARACIA, Dew One coms. 1902 GREN-ELL Golden Hawk TRY US FIRST ORGAN, Electronic combi tion epinet A. H. Dodd, who passed away May 23. . B.-A. SERVICE sedan, automatic, power steering,|tion. Beautiful red finish, Jike and Print a-ak Boat,| Soave on Used Building Ma- |or chord organ. 1% bass foot pedals, 1958. Ritson Road and King radio, Good condition, $1,400, Tele-/Blll's Garage, 449 Ritson § Be HP Johnson te ta aA f sorrow we cannot tell, : ectri, "also heavy duty _Tee-Nee ag is, Lumber, Plumbing, | voces ier, 14 tubes, 12" speak. Fea oig rte ye we love so well. 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST 723-4733 and 723- W712 phone 728-8383 rosa rng Bigs Oy Ad ape. $295) trailer, Au extras included. Telephone "led and jack for additional speshers, Sadly 'missed by son, Grant, mush! = TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-5893 VOLVO ae ee EO od Apply "376. Windaor|AVenue, Apartment 3, gs. 728-646 DUTCH CONTRACTING ompiete with bench asd mune" Oalg OLD GUNS Seay a Laurie. SALES and SERVICE Street or 723-2443. 1963 BUICK, four-door hardtop, low er Pecstoid -- eee Pa bo rlge big Wanted my} THE HOME OF NEW AND RENEWED CARS. THE 1 ios CHEVROLET 5 radios | Shomet ian oon, $3675, Tele- Telephone Oshawa 725-8183 4 20PB,<-- J2,loving, memory, tm! FABULOUS SALES RECORDS OF THE. FABULOUS IE eee S$ |etanaara ta ped mane MILLER Entry -- Union, Trop on idee a ae as inal aN, anes Tort my soul's companion, FORDS FOR 1963 HAVE FORCED US 'TO HOLD A GENERAL REPAIR and ha Gein enti, recut anes. Pewee sitehew teas Bearly new walt Trailer Accessories linked with By a" ll tires, V8, automat bate aah Se mn] "NAME YOUR OWN DEAL SALE' | Aina Hictni Sestice (ache sett OF tiwag" SoA MOR] Ta tr war COMING EVEN As I walk cee agree 449 Ritson Rd. S. ids8 OLDSMOBILE, four-door sedan,| 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, 10,000 orig- Tag Along Trailers 4 Oshawa 728-0921 two-0e! di brakes,|{2a! miles, like new. Cost $1,927. Sac- Rental id Sal nee a ongoing cmbemery vet 8 TO CLEAR OUR INVENTORY Fe tere a Raval Master 'tires, two win.|rfice $1,400, Telephone 728-5179. 9 supoh Seaaer Stewed away May. 33, 1090." | COME IN, GIVE US AN OFFER ON ANY OF OUR Holida bent "otter, Dial Ya, lone owner, Lite aw. tia kos| AJAX 942-3491 RUMMAGE __ [Ghurens ridaye aly $4150 me Loved, snd srailng, tI a7¢ car'ans| A-1 USED CARS, IF AT ALL REASONABLE WE y terms, 728-5179 - RUMMAGE sale Simcoe Street rail vara eng and uve, | WILL ACCEPT, CASH, TRADE OR FINANCE. SP ous qa cm commas] «What's My Line? SALE orcs umetl Raks Wey, hae fine ame memories ee 8") 107) CAL AXIE 500 Specials 9 ne te ea" | tasted comme te | UL A.W. MALL OSHAWA JAYCEES left hind, Sede ines stedreets oasis SUNLINER CONVERTIBLE | toa colon, excelent motor Wisy| |Your eet Prine. ea BINGO Stine abd' griiions "Nein "=e 1962 RAMBLER CLASSIC 400 All Priced To Clear ian FORD Tiler wie esconea a| Volley Creek Furniture sop -- ta worag menery oe x} 1962 ENVOY STATION WAGON as low as Sharp Cars Tetbestl Sad Gekie Sats "me| 77ONAO ot collar the store TRUMAMMAGE SALE! [O-NIGHT oni ene 'nd grandmother, Mrs, A. re) 1949 CHEVROLET %-ton pick-up, 195: sion sao pamee omer ay 2) 196] FALCON 10% DOWN " meuiny Mather We E| Repein Gatex Reval, [PP oe Oe give God save men, wonderful mot! 1961 ZEPHYR FORDOR To Acceptable Applicants Van Heusen's a ea eee hate ie : GIBB STREET by S01 " $0 = 4 He fashioned her smile out of sun- ~ H | beds, 1 * i wttooea oe ton ot muy wna 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 30--Automobiles Wanted | side commaies, curchen | Auplces, Lady Auditory | tiapeRe SS end 57 needed a new star in Heaven, PRIVATE party will pay $2300 cash) ONeS, slenderizing machines Oshawa Police Association A beautiful light to shine 1960 FALCON (2) 1959 FORD for best General Motors ear offered.| and a eoe. vr NOVEL BINGO Early Bird Game --Gadly missed by daughter, Norma, 1960 METEOR TUDOR V-8 Economical 6 cylinder pi 1959 PONTIAC LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars is 1 ae RED BARN stonderd transmission for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 fine, 'Gail and. Grant ""! 1960 PLYMOUTH SEDAN redo pied Nga Rogen io, ae ae a BOATS, MOTORS phe ge 1960 ZEPHYR FORDOR trode-in. $1395 oo ON DISPLAY hea to madad be erelald FREE PRIZES RIMAR 1959 METEOR MONTCALM 1959 FORD Sell your used car to "Ted" | Grew Cruisers, Traveler Mo- | $210. IN JACKPOTS 9x 12 WALL FORDOR, AUTOMATIC SEDAN Talk "Cash" to the New son, O.M.C. | ond Larson Door Prize $15 : ' vats ne 1959 BUICK 'or Dedler end"! " Boats. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento MEMORIALS | 1959 FoRD, TUDOR, AUTOMATIC | Sarts"samun ty | 'PMofccornanoror | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | OME 8 Maw" TBAT AAR @ TEA | Tharaws hw tm A MONUMENTS Nao" | 1959 CHEVROLET, FORDOR cee gutemcble ie e mew | Mate radia, power meena, | 723-4494 _ Res, 795.8874 tom at 30k eel eh ae eset Complete Monument and 1959 RENAULT nomena es $1395 $ ALL CASH $ Storage & Supply Ltd. Saturday, May 25 CARNIVAL Inscription Service PONTIAC or Clean cars we deal up or rooklin, On mR ini i 152 SIMCOE SOUTH | 1958 RAMBLER FORDOR a loabe ye pM an aa on Brooklin, Ont. 655-364) | Ot each Smee South | SATURDAY, MAY 25 Phone 723-1002 1958 CHEVROLET, FOUR DOOR for Oy oo aneree -1 7998: BUICK NICOLS MOTORS LTD. AWNINGS Everyone Welcome Between 4.30 ond 5:30 P.M. with V-8 motor, automatic, 1958 OLDSMOBILE, FOUR DOOR radio, power steering. This TWO DOOR ccc 0 aad OUR SPECIALTY _Auspices You Must Be On The Grounds two-tone jewel is os clean Ukrainion Presbyterian Oshawa Shopping Centre MEMORIALS | 1958 CONSUL CONVERTIBLE apn dieeetc Sait i Rasecbie hook Loder "Che Canadion Makes and Imports ALSO DOORS MARBLE and GRANITE | 1957 FORDS AND METEORS (4) 1957 MERCURY $1195 | HOUSTON'S GARAGE WINDOWS, GRILLS. BINGO Free Prizes Designing, Carving, Lettering TURNPIKE CRUISER ( and SERVICE STATION Bicycles Etc., Etc., Ete Installation, Repairs 1956 FORDS (2) Two door hardtop, equipped BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- SIDING, RAILINGS. icyc ' ' Pr erie la? 1955 BUICK FOURDOOR HARDTOP | fahue'This picaming beck | 1958 PONTIAC SIX | PLETE. BRAKE SERVICE | CoN us -- No Obligation HARMAN PARK ot the Oshawa ' pend gpg hg STRATO-CHIEF MOTOR | TUNEUP AND |HOME ALUMINUM| ASSOCIATION LIONS. CLUB Monument TRUCKS piassiede cig Susi ical aie 67 KING ST. WEST PRODUCTS ST. JOHN'S HALL CARNIVAL usompany | 1961 ECONOLINE PICK-UP sed ahaa hei oe 160 WILSON RD. SOUTH | "Comer Bloor end Simcoe MAY 25TH Telephone 726:3111 1956 F850 FORD TRACTOR Six evinder motor, automa. ego -_ 723-269 FRIDAY, MAY 24th fie and custom radio, 1957 Oldsmobile 88 [im teliten DOORS VERY DAY LASSIFIED READY TO GO cally: Berrect, SON SOWREE cats Parnas cad Aope. SPECIAL 7:45 P.M. EVERY DAY L MANY OLDER MODELS 1959 PONTIAC Automatic, power steering. |ezent, Nome means at laned "Z| | AAT OA BOAT | 20,Gomes $8 and $10 MAY 23.24.25 ADVERTISING TO CHOOSE FROM ror UN 8 ee tates, |e __ ae i one! al's on et east. .p. Fishing Scott M (Continued from Page 23) ; complete with automatic, Vark A FOUR-POINT STATEMENT by radio ond white wall tires. 330. 930, Telephone Taegi "| = COMPLETE $499. --Real E For Sale | Ready for your vacation. 1957 PLYMOUTH eg ran sane C BELVEDERE HARDTOP : SPECIAL Ce eee POT LUCK SUPPER . partmen Automatic, power steering. BAMBOO DRAPERIES Caan Unk 8 nie "BRING YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD' ten convensaces sai Terms. 1 Seaway Moto (S | er cies ort B78 wor LENGTH Saturday to 6 MONDAY, MAY 27TH, 6:30 P.M. TWO adjoining lots on Baldwin Street, Location i New eer Steamer ste eseien LIMITE 0 eo in Por 298 469 |_1180 simcoe N. 728-0031 GUEST SPEAKER -- DR. G, ALLAN RUNDLE : rasan. MITED i> Gee baeee, eaten | 1986: MERCURY Par 4d 6: : Tor, 78 ft x 218 ft, on Taunton Road hord fully equipped. FOUR DOOR HARDTOP in, Pair 5.98 ; Portable TV Time McLAUGHLIN HALL NURSES RESIDENCE pice Sits. Terms it desired. Dial 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST "$1,000 DOWN -- '| _ Power steering, radio, power ae i ELECTROHOME OSHAWA GENERAL, HOSPITAL Favs TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-5893 on wee | $645 Pair 10.49 15. RCOMIRAL AUSPICES ee over the weekend, drop in . Pair 11.98 Prise, Stare ot . 4 -Murkes ok Gries ete eae &=| 1. A written guarantee is furnish- | °° so" ROLL UP SHADES $179.50 ee es a ed with each 5 id and SEE CEC HART OR JOE BARJAK LOW DOWN pore CAFE CURTAINS te. -- nea' T i ae Wen ae eaeere oe OPEN EVENINGS hous RELIABLE soturdays doring POLISH NITE } ation room , land less. Furniture -- Interiors June, July, August. Ciakuge SE 2. The name and address of the | BILL DREW | VAN HEUSEN |__owzts'dlee | PARKWAY bas FIVE-ROOM bungalow, ceniral, low former owne f ld b ME '€ TELEVISION KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Gare te seber, aarete Wes. Vaca : : ror any Car so y R URY SALES Cust Mad 918 Simcoe N.,. 723-3043 109 COLBORNE ST., WEST ' Songale rrey ran besten us is available Upon request. patie -- MOTORS LTD. DRAPERY . UNPAINTED FURNITURE | SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 1963, 9 P.M. Eeras sui" 3. We do not sell at retail any car |" n Zak vio arsay | tetastemcceme | BARGAINS | oom OO" Omen cnn WHITBY -- 117 Bell Drive. Ranch 'style for cash. No agents. 728-7245. Ber Mls teenth wees wal previously used as a taxi cab or 7) ration Rend Telephone 725-3557 | ond District have _ added nse ates savant Rowse na Gown payment. Tele. . ' Telephone Ajax 942-1030 : charm and distinction to their "DO IT YOURSELF" Sale of tickets in Advance only at Kinsmen Centre 'phone 725-5513. police cruiser. interiors with drapery in the Thursday ond Friday till 10 P.M. Seaeeoen' belek Se iy latest designs in a variety of Book cases . . , ceramic tied daixwon! 4. We do not sell at retail any car a Students. desks JIM BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS ain with vanity, landscaped, fenced and Beate Asking #100 with 42.50 down, that has suffered a major colli- WATCH THE CLOCK M. And .. eo OPENING SALE soeics . j Record Cabinet Bier tn ticiase conden News| SiON Or that is not mechanically " : Drapery nny ig THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Plastered throughout. Located in a good Seamer area aad stable te Bai = SOUN, MONDAY, MAY. 27th d Lorge Bookcose .... 8. UP TO 50% OFF a low down payment. For appointment i an Double Wardrobe . . . " ON ALL MERCHANDISE to see call Art Weinberger at 723-7244 or Joseph Bosco Real Estate 722-7377.| Five Courteous Salesman To Assist You AT TOVELY ourroom bungalow with at WILSON COME IN AND SEE OUR ge ae JACK LEES JACK GOUDY Dry Goods Store FURNITURE SPECIAL OPENING OFFERS WA. "Substantial down' peyment te} GORD BAKER BOB FERGUSON | VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. Call us today. "SPORTS EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY SPORT" Hurry for this one! Call Ike - Sia ie 'tore Dey wang he , | na Golte Begs Cations a chien st 151 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA +

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