Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 May 1963, p. 25

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oo epp pagina Ces e608 FS Ey enw ig. «yy eg ee ' x THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 22,1963 25 |27--Real Estate for Sale RAVINE LOT, Wilson Road North, 66' x 6090. Large trees and creek,|Toom Water serviced, $3.200. Telephone 728-1077. after 5. ASKING price @ for this lovely' three-bedroom brick with walk-out to a eed fenced yard. Payment $1500 to one NHA mort- eae are Se Sale eee ae Joseph Bosco Real Estate, 726-7877, | LOT for sale, 52° x ti?" suitable for walkout basemént. Beautiful ae view, Price $3,200 of nearest offer. 27--Real Istete For Sale _|27---Real Estate for dele |MODERN three bedroom brick and | 94X-ROO' M older t stone bungalow, aluminum storms and/petter than average svreens, basement ig there natural plastered throughout, Located Centre, two|fireplace. Close to is schools.|.ommercial area. Suitable 'a win Bath, sia 'suitable for' Good down payment required. For 4e- dresser, barber, etc, $10,900 vith "tails after 4 o'clock, 725-0708. perdi payment. Art Weinbe: A, LOT 60 ft, x 225 f1.. on Osh Ta Sepere Renee Reeher: $2,800, 728. 28-9545. ASKING PRICE $12,000 for thid lovely §6.700 fate price. Only $1,000 down|three - bedroom brick with walk - out and payments of $60 a month, carries|basement to a Jovely fenced yard, '27---Real Estate For Sale {inis 'seven-room clapboard, furnished|$1,500 down to one NHA mortgage. BRICK BUNGALOW, five years old, house, lot, 50° x 198". four Dedreome,| Sally Wales, 7ai-0807. Joseph Bosco modern three bedrooms, -- Avenue. Vacant. Call to inspéct now. : me, epbcions ts oe LOT -- 72 ft, x 810 ft, 1% miles east ping and Joh ea my ee of Taunton, a well. and driveway. 17--Male he 3 Wanted [tele or Female Help Wanted AGE NO BARRIER, Self - starters. WANTED -- rnd ioe per bout, ene go Biny Tite Oshawa mes. Sales help for heating and appliance ;, N10 work $9 6m. pm daily, oft! | division Bxperience an amet If You at oc Mintel do not wish to earn at least $100 Per TRESANE Street 214, furnished bache-|'urnished rooms ston iweek, please do not answer this ad./ior apartment Close to bus and Gener- Telephone ie saloons, 1 renee oan Whitby 660-2967, Mr. St. John. --_ a} Motors, Available June 1. Telephone/BEDROOM, furnis am ' adult nome mes NEED EXTRA CASH? |simcoe soar |Gentieman preferred," 7 st ic th "| EXPERIENCED meat cutter (bute. hocwt a ger ee: er), fiveday week. Abstainer, ton. Earn Extra Money Working ~ Port - Time in and Around drinker, non-smoker. Able to work Fre - |adults only. 60 monthly. eet GOOD COMMISSIONS for|dey and Saturday evenings and show NEAR South General two for advancement in sales field. Trans-| 4 ads. They sell, rent quickly.| Pi profit of 25 per cent. Please write Box 'apartments, two bedrooms, in new OSHAWA TIMES brane, Manager's position. full/813, Oshawa Times. |apartment building, immediate oceu- Portation supplied: salary Group insur.(Dial 723-0492 today for ® helpful Ad| ance. Persons interested in permanent) Writer. EXPA | th, by Car necessary. To ae GOLF COURSE 'maintenance man, |pancy, 00d location. $06 per Ft ni only. Apply in peson. Mr. Telephone Guide Realty Limited> 16 view. some experience necessary, 'N Must | have) guin, Singer Sewing Machine eee We Me |Simeoe South 723-1121, t Ae tok 06. 806, t ae a SIMCOE 'STREET soUTH a pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. FOUNG MAN as sales clerk, parct rile, ladies ond Crew Managers to | bolster our existing sales 25--Apertments |FURNISHED two-room single room. 'Private entrance, Prone Ings central. Reasonable. Apply 96 Cen- Street. HY amen Fer Rent hougekeep-| ay genres third floor, Apply after 6) ston p.m, at 77 Ontario Street. NEAR Gonawa 17--Male Help Wanted WILL EXCHANGE $90 for #0 hours per week. Write to Box 644, Oshawa Times. SALESMEN WANTED -- er for advancement in sales fie! 'Trans- -portatios supplied, sa'ary and comm's- 1,50) Box: 736,| A rson, Singer swing fi Wiachine Come! parking,| 725-3206. condition, located on shop- ping and bus. Price 313.7001 down) 5 (Sonn Apply 1106 Ci ee, FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land, Near Mosport, Reasonable Price. Call Orono 4R6, a GLADSTONE Pages| a' hide lot, athrooms, fenced yard./sewer, water @ gas already in, on Garage, two hat ivaved street. For further information Hts hap two - bedroom brick condition a bungalow, location, $10,500. le down payeen: Less for cash. Nov agents, 728-7245. WHITBY, 707 Burns Street West, three ge 7. range of Oshawa Times. POAT SALESMEN WANTED -- oppo RAISE your income with inexpensive! DIVISION STREET, iT, i5i--Private sale, Pur price $12,000. Down, $1600. Rea- sonable terms. Eight-room brick home, ~ LABOURERS REQUIRED FOR CUTTING ROOM Also KITCHEN CABINET ASSEMBLERS Steady eer. APPLY | H. G. DESIGNS LTD. | Pickering 942-3790 OFFSET PRESSMAN URGENT jing, close to south GM, Available June| EIGHT-ROOM brick home in village of need salesmen, King Street East. Five minutes' walk: socept as down payment. Tele. soles. [8 728-9742. ___|olina with 14% acres of land suitable |CROMWELL, 4% -- New ~threé-room|for subdivision; near store, sci al japartment, heavy duty wiring, heat/church. Apply to Walter Parrinder, RR|ing distance from bus, Serigard) Pub-| phone 725-5513. supplied, parking, separate entrance, 1, Hampton, Ontario. Phone 263-2346. Telephone 725-4580, is |six-ROOM older, two-storey home Ww than average co' je TSRES large room apartment, + modern better Breer ergy | Close to Sho: Centre. 725-4344, ngreed barber etc, Asking $10,900 with ie am ee ee ai eee | to see call Art Weinberger a! 26--Rooms For Rent jor Joseph Bosco Real Estate 728-7377. [OSHAWA MOTEL on No, 2 Highway.|;ovELY fourroom 1 bungalow with at» |i mile east of Oshawa, Weekly rates,|iached, garage. over '4-acre Of g00d| iog-ACRE farm, 1 frontage on High $20 and up. Telephone 723-9761, garden land, just - inside bint gy 12, house, barn, creek. Iliness piety i AR Bg ge aL a Sanaaarint ae as ane etal. Sacrifice Call Port Perry, -\storms and screens. Only steps to eral Motors. Reasonable. Telephone, jguired. Hurry for this one! Call Ike|SIX-ROOM house, 81 acres, Good schools and shopping. Brooklin 655- 723-9895. erry now at 725-0303 or Joseph Bosco) garden soil. Aoreree Street. Whitby. 4059. lie, separate or high $49 per} - -- fear) nd floor, for building supply yard, 18 to schoo Toit. Vou: will be. pepe: " frontage foot with services paid. 78. seco! unfurnished Morison suit two adults, three large References required. Reply. wating education. | Box 642, OF a Times. ing. one of Ontario's finest Food Services. rooms, soreened veri PERERA | | ath, kitchen with stove and refrigerator, large four- Telephone 725-6179 a tae egg bathroom, closed garage, utili- CENTRAL PARK SOUTH -- near King, |tola one 725-0334 between 5 and nd 7 p.m, oor ome and gontroctors Top commissions, group in- surance, etc, sho monthly. Telephone, 725-5662. | Modern i dr By eae See a bg ety , ale bw van, anda cent NHA near INTERVIEWS FROM 3 P.M, UNTIL 6 P.M. |$50 MONTHLY, unfurnished three-room |finished room ; oe school, Price $1875. each, after 5! private, Asking $13,000 with $2,500 down, -_ 728-1986. Whitby 668-5038, a EIGHT suite apartment | WEDNESDAY - basement apartment, heavy duty wir-| 725-6279. ne Fo 120', LRRereed: Tis Moke pron oe er must sell for health reasons. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Gordon Osborne =| NSURANCE, REAL ESTATE : DIAL gad gat 5800 DOWN. Large th bun- gilew with Hollywood kitchen. Vanity many extras, New and : 'ety to move in. Mr, Koornneef, 723-2859. Realtor, 7%: +7377, ping ig 'and shopping reeatte, hg ¢l sell compietely furnished. Substantial down payment. 728-2342. WAY | BROOKLIN -- $12,000, six-réom ranch forces ed | FOR QUICK SALE -- low down Pay- -|ment, five-room brick bungalow and Re. Centrally located. Vacant now. Experienced aub - new work TORONTO RU 3-1138 WANTED stove and + garage. 4 RHP Ss bE caeoN two-storey home, Oshawa Bivd. South, $1,500 down, $75. monthly. Telephone 725-7425. SACRIFICE MUST MOVE ONLY $1700 DOWN FULL PRICE $12,700 Take over a | 6% Mortgage R -- BEDROOM BRICK . * on Cochrane St., Whitby neor separate and public school. Walkout basement, recreation room. Full price $13,700 with reasonable down payment. 2 experienced carpentérs able to do Framing and Trim- ming. Steady Work and Good Wages. CALL AFTER 7 P.M. HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES DIAL 728-6475 Sales Career Well established Osh- awa Branch Office for e large National Firm desires. to contact a local man, 25 to 40 years old for sales posi- tion. Soles experience desirable but not nec- essary. Excellent start- ing solery with oppor- tunity for advancement. Group benefit includ- ing hospitalization. Life ead) All inquiries in strictest confidence: Reply to Box 612, co =6Times, giving qualifications. LABORATORY | ASSISTANT Young mon required for lo- boratory contro! testing in tire manufacturing. Some ex- Perience preferred but not essential. Education -- min- imum Junier matriculation. Opportunity for advancement. Complete program of com- pany paid medical, hospital ond welfore benefits, Apply: Personnel Dept. Dunlop Canada Ltd. Whitby DEPUTY CO-ORDINATOR EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION COUNTY. OF ONTARIO Preferably 35 to 55 years, Male or female. General edu- cation equivalent to high | school graduation. Experienced | in prepering reports and pro- grammes capable instructor to conduct public educational ~ programme. Apply in writing to Personnel Manager CORPORATION yy + ig CITY OF OSHA City Hall, Oshawa, Es EXPERIENCED On larger offset equipment Excellent future for right per- son. State experience, age, salary. References. Apply HAINES FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO "DRIVER SALESMAN REQUIRED EXPERIENCED PREFERRED seven. Telephone. 728-3306 GROUP INSURANCE PENSION PLAN BROWNS BREAD LTO gr floor for furniture storage, want FOR INTERVIEW Phone 728-2691 YOUNG MAN Aged 17 to 18 who wishes to make a coreer of selling Profit Sharing Plan Hospitalization Paid Vacation Best working conditions. Apply Agnew - Surpass SHOE STORE OSHAWA _SHOPPING CENTRE YOUNG MAN 20 - 27 Required to assist our mana ger in local office. Must be of neat appearance and must be willing to learn when he is enrolled in our thirteen week training programme $90.00 per week salary while in training. The man we are looking for must be able to start at once, Phone for appointment between 3 and 5:30 p.m. » 728-7441 Thee Mechanics and Two Apprentices Must have tools, used to | working on foreign and | American cars, good wages and working con- | ditions. WRITE BOX 610 OSHAWA TIMES oe Room 9, 11 Ontario Street WRITE BOX 749 : OSHAWA TIMES 20--Room and Board 7377. OSHAWA MOTEI., King Sireet Bas t.| rea! Estate 728° Weekly rates, rooms, heated, tele-/ LOT, 78 ft x 218 ft., yision, $15, and $17.50. Telephone 723-\ East in Zion, price $1275. 723-9269 SbaAmE "STREET EAST -- Clean, | furnished bedroom. Also two furnished rooms with private bath. Refrigerator, stove, $15 weekly. Telephone 723-7797. } ight room, quie adult | ie tere eee aa,| GRANDVIEW bil ELGIN EAST, 29 -- Room and board e, conveniences, sta | VILLAGE 1 Hospital, gentleman for 'gentleman, close to downtown and °'® North GM, Telephone 728-3643 Telephone 725-8169. a For your new '"KASSINGER HOME in. this choice East nd board Serre See an, eee: ° ATTRACTIVELY - FURNISHED ROOMS End location. Give us a call. Your present home accepted packed, good meals. Telephone 728-2435. Available as 6 trade. TWO OR THREE gentlemen, willing share. $14 for five Ph ada $16 for in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. | CARL OLSEN NORTH REALTOR 27--Real Estate for Sale 299 King St. W. 723-1133 22--Offices, Stores, Storage, GARAGE -- Must have lock and ce immediately. Telephone 725-0326 New Offices In Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. Available July 1963 Can be finished to suit Early Tenants PHONE 725-5132 SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq, ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR BEFORE. YOU BUY BE SURE YOU TRY "DOWNSVIEW PARK" Oshawa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision. The sub- division which is design controlled for your protection. All pre- paid services --. buy a house or a lot -- 42 lots have been sold in the first.year of development which proves that for the best value in Oshawa, for a central location on curved streets and rolling terrain (formerly Downsview Golf course) close to schools you too will choose 'Downsview Park" by Holshawa, CALL -EXCLUSIVE AGENT Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 King St a _ Dial 728-4678 NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom. Decorated, sodded, carport and many other features. PRICE $15,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-722 Ask for MR. T. L. 'WILSON TELEPHONE 723-3474 23--Wanted To Rent FAMILY with references require jthree or four bedroom home, Whitby or Oshawa 'area. Telephone 658-3862 RESPONSIBLE couple with one child requires two or three-bedroom nouse in Oshawa or vicinity, Telephone 728-7020 OPEN HOUSE SEE THE TWO. BEAUTIFUL "DREAM" MODELS IN JULY 1 -- Middle-aged couple re quires one or two bedroom apartment or duplex, main floor preferred, un-} furnished. Easy walking distance to General Motors North plant. Reply to Box 646, Oshawa Times. COUPLE with two children would like to rent house. References. Mr. C. Jen sen, 125 Byng Avenue. Telephone 728 5645 (24-- ouses For Rent SEA VE -- Six-room frame house, {two acres of ground, small barn and garage. Telephone Port Perry 985-2050 990, MONTHLY -- Three-bedroom bun- | galow, all conveniences, On large lot.} Double garage, Near corner of Ger-| rard, Rossland Roads 728-5509 after! 5.30. p.m. } CREDIT MANAGER Thoroughly experienced, for a large local retail company. Apply stating age, experience and salary expected. References may be required. BOX 607 OSHAWA TIMES BRAKE MECHANIC REQUIRED LICENCED MECHANIC Must: be experienced in broke and front-end work. All company benefits. Includ- ing pension plan, hospitaliz- ation, vacation with pay and bonus. Excellent working conditions. Telephone for ap- pointment FIRESTONE STORE OSHAWA 725-6566 BEAU VALLEY Oshawo's Loveliest Residential Area HOURS 6 TO 9 P.M, Schofield-Aker LIMITED LADY pensioner will share bungalow) 'in Kirkfield, all conveniences, own| room, television, nice grounds, with! elderly lady in good health. $45 month.) ly, 'Telephone Kirkfield, Code 416,! 438-3127, | FIVE room: modern home, beautifully decorated, in excellent condition, $125 {month includes heat, hydro, water.| Telephone Guide Realty LAd., 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121. 'SIX-ROOM house on paved road, Tal" miles from Port Perry, heavy duty! wittng: Telephone Blackstock 936-4226. | 25--Apartments ONE-BEDROOM apartment in triplex, near Shopping Centre, unfurnished Stove, refrigerator, laundry facili- ties included. After 6 p.m., 725-8366 | MASSON STREET -- main floor, four- room apartment with bath, stove and refrigerator. a July 1. Adults |preferred. 725-526 TWO ROOMS a bath, unfurnished Central. location, private entrance Phebe Jodweh Bosco Realtor, Dial. 728 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 KEITH PETERS. REALTORS 728-7328 BLOOR Street West "and Park Road South, private three room apartment $65 per month. 728-5123 MONTRAVE AVENUE. 299 -- Four room apartment, two bedrooms, living 103 KING ST. E. WHITBY CLASSIFIED room and kitchen, no children. Apply jabove address after 5 o'clock. MARY STREET -- Two-room upper apartment, share bath, kitchen partly |furnished, gas range; ae space, LOOK! $595.00 DOWN! -- A brand new 3 bed- room brick bungalow with built-in stove and oven for DRESSMAKING. alterations, gener: 'al = sewing European. Mrs. S. Jebert, Whitby 668-3745. oe FOR your garden work, roto filling and' ploughing. Call 668-4680, reasonable --. rates. tee WANTED to rent--house temperate home. Apply Box 816 god awa Times, Whitby. ¥OR RENT -- Three-bedrooi duplex on Brock Street South. Heated, pare entrance, garage. Fie co Phone 668-4496 after pa 814, Oshawa Times, Whitby. gan, Brooklin DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, drapes. Fitting! alterations, slip covers, a specialty, Mrs. Toms 668-2372. 'FOR RENT: One bedroom tained apartment, main floor, $35 age ory ttad RENT: Bachelor apartment, all rking. Apply to Box si ---- | $75 monthly. t0TO-tilling done. Apply Jack Mulli-' 655-4936 m_ upper| Apply 209 Brock Sireet South, at. 8, 668-4977. elon aye Large ae apart-| stirs kittens for sale, -- point, | Tons 3 : 1954 954 PONTIAC, | excellent r running condi. tion, good b-edy and tires, must sell, us. Dial 723-9968 or call at 551 Gar- Road, Oshawa, after 6 p.m a RENT -- June 15, three-bedroom) $75 nemtaiy Parking. Adults. beautiful | 668-3591. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service -------- "ih calls. bungalow, perfect condition, grounds, three blocks from: the four corners, 668-3022 ROTARY MOWER TUNE -UP Clean and adjust points, spork plugs, carborator, throt- tle controls, sharpen blade 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus parts. OUTBOARD MOTOPS Repairs and Service . WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1418 Dundes E. Whitby 6 26 | GOOLD'S Second buy, sell or trade. Open al! day S east, Whitby. Telephone 663-5481 FOR RENT: Three room apartment. facilities, Whitby, | \stove, refrigerator, laundry Walter Ward, 204 [Street West, Whitby 668.2563. SELF-CONTAINED apartment, all con- veniences for housekeeping. 225 Green Street. WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU, . . | Crushed gravel (mulch), pit run gravel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. 5 Fuels and Builders' Supplies Whitby, Ontario aiture,| | everything for cottages, floor soverings,| | ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Wil!| "is Chestnut $11,995.00. COLERIDGE AVE. nice gpndition. 4 YEARS OLD -- 6% mortgage, 3 bedrooms, spotless condition, fenced and landscaped lot, aluminum storms and screens, $12,000 with terms. $12! 900.00 -- 5 year old, 3 bedroom brick, paved drive, fenced lot,|stone patio, stove and dryer 'includ- ed, excellent condition. RITSON RD, -- 6 room, | 2 storey, paved drive, will consider trade. NORTH WEST DISTRICT -- Spacious brick ranch bungalow, very large hollywood type.kitchen, beauti- ful 4-pc. bath with vanity and mirrors, $14,950.00. GENERAL STORE -- on paved road with 41% acres. Asking $20,000. LOT FOR SALE -- 92 x 231 - $500.00 DOWN - $2,500.00 full price. HARMONY VILLAGE -- Inspect the modern fea- ee Aoailanl tures of these beautiful homes without obligation. | aie paaihle | (Ginny (ato eoeeeeh iiecame sere lots 300 ft. deep TELEPHONE WANTED -- 1 large home to rent for client. 9AM. to9 P.M he LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE WITH THIS Schofield-Aker OFFICE FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE : Limited 723-2265 CALL 728-7328 -- 103 KING ST. E. ladults, $55. 'Telephone 725-1042 | SIMCOE Street South, 290, Apt" 4 Four room apartment, private bath, central, Apply above OSHAWA CITY limits limits. Self-contained two rooms with kitchenette. Utilities |included. $65 monthly, Working couple preferred. Near bus stop. 723-2781 -be fore 7 pm --- $12,500. 3 B.R. brick, very Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice | Telephone 668-5955. Mr. H. Kuenen. on Taunton Road) PRIVATE SALE -- Seven-room brick! close to school. Asking) ome. Mary Street. north of Rossland Terms if desired. Dia!| Hardwood floors, oil heat. | ranged. Telephone - 5487, | WE'RE NOT "KICKING" | Because we have sold most of our listings and need new | ones. | IF YOU ARE SELLING | YOUR HOME And want sincere' effort, H I Hag gs advice and help } CALL R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE 728-9571 46 KING W. "Ask the man who bought or r sold « a 1 home home through us! us!" GUIDE REALTY LIMITED EXECUTIVE HOME Es- pecially appealing brick ranch bungalow with attached gor- age and paved drive. In an exclusive North area. The lovely living room with Twin- dow has a natural fireplace, sunny modern kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms with double closets, 4-pc. tiled vanity bath. Beautifully fin- ished 42 ft. rec. room, Owner transferred and has reduced price to sell. rife 900 INCOME HOME -- room 2 storey brick, only 5 mins. from downtown, Low heating costs. 2 -- four-room apartments. Separate meters. BROOKLIN -- 6 room ranch bungalow. N.H.A, resale. Let us show you this immaculate three bedroom home which carries for only $83.60 per month, Interest, Principal and taxes. JAMES STREET -- 4 room bungalow in good condition, Just the house for the small family and asking only $7,- 800. full price. KINGSDALE AVE. Just listed © 6 room family home. Taxes only $173.00. Many extras in this well maintained home. Close to schools, churches, and shops. Full price $9,900. N.H.A. RESALE -- Six year old brick bungalow with fin- ished rec. room. Broadioom in living. room, halls and master bedroom. Carries for $84. monthly, Principal, Interest ond Toxes. Full price $13,- 000. CLOSE TO SIMCOE ST. -- Ranch bungalow with 6 large rooms and attached garage. In excellent condition with finished room in basement. Asking $16,500 with $2,000. down, Owner will hold mort- gage. BEAUTIFUL RANCH NORTH OSHAWA -- A lovely home that is designed for the grow- ing family. You will appreci- ate the extra spaciousness in this four bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Paved drive. 14 x 20 ft. living room with natural stone fireplace, separate dining room, 12 x 17 ultra modern family kit- chen. 4-pc. tiled and vanity bath. Convenient financing, owner will carry the mort- gage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- three bedroom brick bunga- low on quiet street. L-shaped living room and dining room. $73 sae peartenge. Full price TAUNTON ROAD WEST -- Immoculete bungalow with attached garage, on 5 acres of land, Just inside the city limits ONLY $7,950. for this 5- room brick home with 3 bed- rooms and garage, oil fur- nece and 3-pc. bath, good central location on quiet Street. 8 ROOM--2 STOREY BRICK with forced air oil heating. In nice condition on large landscaped lot with private drive and garage. Low taxes. Possession July Ist. Home clear. OSHAWA AT LAKEVIEW PARK--12.53 acres. Former golf driving range. Immedi- ote possession. Ideal invest- ment. PRINCE ALBERT -- 11 room home on 3 acres. of land, with large chicken house on pro- perty, Town water and. near schools and store. Home has 4 hydro meters for 4 apts. Full price $12,900. Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 pm For full particulars coll 723-1127) GUIDE. REALTY LIMITED | Recltors, 16 Simeee St. §, Terms ar. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD. THEN 'CALL YOUR MOVER COUNTRY LIVING $8400.00 FULL PRICE $1000 DOWN JUST LISTED 5 Minutes drive to Oshawa. Bungalow with garage situ- ated on on extra large lot, with trees, trees, tre@s. Taxes only $113.00 yearly, \f you want to be the proud owner of this bargain call Ed Drumm without delay ot 725-9345 or 728-5123. $11,500.00 4 Bedroom, 2 storey home with large kitchen and dining room. Deep lot with asphalt drive and garage. Only $2,- 600. Down. Call Bill Johns- ton 728-1066 or 728-5123. $12,500 "NORTH WEST" 3 bedroom bungalow, large lot, close to McLaughlin ond St. Christopher school. Hurry for this one, call Bill Johnston 728-1066 . "728. 5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street i OSHAWA, Ontario Open Evenings | | | REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE | lodge, | northern district in exchange | for large garage, service sta- t Wonted a summer tion, restaurant, lunch coun- ter and income dwelling, !o- cated in Oshawa on busy street. SERVICE STATION, LARGE GARAGE AND TWO APARTMENTS Located just outside Oshawa City limits, a going concern, owner anxious to sell, open to an offer. 2 STORES AND INCOME HOUSE Located on Simcoe St. $., building fully occupied, we invite your inspection. GAS STATION, LUNCH COUNTER AND DWELLING Located between Oshawa and Whitby, excellent location, large lot, inspection without obligation. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co, Ltd. Realtors 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa 723-9810 or 725-8761 LLOYD REALTY. LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,900.00 HORTOP ST. 3 bedrooms, large room and dining room. size lot. Very close to St. Joseph's. Call Bill Johnston now ot 8-5123 or 8-1066. $12,500 FULL PRICE Three bedropm bungalow on large lot. Close to St. Chris- tpoher's and McLaughlin Schools. Reasonable down payment will buy this one. Call Bill Johnston now 8- 5123 or 8-1066. SIMCOE ST. $13,500. FULL PRICE ,000, DOWN Ranch type bungalow with walk-out basement. Large kitchen and dining room. Yes it has recreation room, and office in basement. Only $80 per month. Call Bill eal now 8.1066 or 8- NORTH EAST $1500. DOWN Ranch brick bungalow with living |. recreation room, Fenced lot suitable for the small child- ren. Large modern kitchen. One of the cleanest homes we have had the opportunity of selling. 'Close to Vincent Massey and St. Gertrude's schools. Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728- 5205 or 728-5123, BRUCE STREET INCOME HOME $10,900 FULL PRICE Near Chadburn St. Very quiet area, Requires $2,000 down, 2 bathrooms. Presently all rented. Call Ed Drumm right now for appointment to inspect ot 728-5123 or 725-9345. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, OPEN EVENINGS | | | | | | 8] will accept best down pay- mént with small mortgage. EASY PAYMENTS Six réom_ split. level brick, 4 years old, excellent condi- tion. 5% mortgage. 4 bedroom stucco older style home on Green St., Whitby. Goreme large lot, Full price 0,900, A family home for $2000 down payment. OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 P.M, UNTIL 9 P.M. Phone Whitby 668-4871 $599 DOWN FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS $11,995 BUILT-IN STOVE & OVEN HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN CALL GLEN MacKINNON 728-6286 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 WARKWORTH, ONT. $15,600.00 -- Here is a good opportunity for o Body mon, this is on excéllent location for @ good rurol trade consists of Sunoco plus an office, lots of Park- i space, considerable ph included, gr a mie of farm tractor for only $9,600. 00° Pay Books open to a good pur- choser. SUBURBAN RANCH igh' only $13,000.00 -- a V.L. A. purchaser con buy suffi- cient adjacent land for $250 JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 A.M, to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold $$ INCOME $$ Close to Hospital. 4 rooms for owner, 3 room opart- ment, rented for $55, Full price only $8,900, terms. Cali Mr. Rankine at 725- 6544. ; NORTH-WEST This 5 year old rancher of brick and stone is away above average in quolity and appeorance. 3 rooms, berg finished in mahogany, 2 , ote tached gofoge: Landscaped lot. is extra large. Asking $18,000, Call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, NORTH OF ADELAIDE Asking only $11,900. for this two storey brick home, redecorated th , -- aluminum glossed in porch over looking well lond- down cliffe at 725-6544, IF room ic! In the north section of Oshawa be sure to inspect this ect pock t ' ved dri a e, pd' ive garoge, nicely lendscoped grounds. sd $1,500. down end monthly $85. Ask for Mr. 725-6544, WE LIST ONLY TO SELL of Yeo at --~Must be seen to be ap- preciated - make your ap- pointment today. SWITZER DRIVE 28--Real Estate Beso Preferred north location, 2 bedroom bungalow, Page culate inside and out for only ig 00 hae $2, 000. down. Suitable terms for bal- "siaf age ance can be arranged os this is a clear home. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 John Kemp Dick Barriage a INTIAC, two-door lard transmission, hardtop, stan- Very clean car, {1955 Ford ¥%-ton truck. 1951 Chevrolet hardtop. Mike's BA Service' Station,' |Raglan. Telephone Brooklin 655-3528. Joe Maga Lloyd Metcalf Ken Hann Jack Osborne S. Snelgrove CO. LTD. REALTORS 43 Park Rd. South 723-9810 - 725-8761 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Eb ge a or down. Liens DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) $700. DOWN Split level brick home of 6 rooms, just a few years old, built by N.H.A. inspection, large family room, 4 - piece | © bath and 2-piece wash room, | | | | aluminum storms and screens, $11,900. full price. $10,500, FULL PRICE Modern 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, large family size kitchen, large livirig room with two picture windows, full size basement,, forced air, oil heating, 2 natural fire- The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS. LTD. (146 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY places, large 75 x 200 ft. lot, located just west of Whitby, $1,000. down. BROOKLIN AREA 2 bedroom bungalow with modern: kitchen and living room, 3 piece bath, storms and screens, full size base- ment, furnace, lorge 75 x 200 ft. lot, asking $8,500. with $1,000. down. $9,500. SULL PRICE Country bungalow, located just off Taunton Rd. E., bedrooms, family size, mod- ern kitchen and living room, full basement, forced air, oil furnace, Y2 acre lot with two small barns, $1,000 down. Balance on one open mort- gage. CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 100 acres, approx, 20,000 excellent trees ready to mar- ket this year, approx, 60,000 trees overall, plus acreage of larger pine, cedar, elm, and balsam, this one is well worth inspecting and open to an offer. 14 ACRES Vacant land just off Taunton Rd. E., nice garden land, asking $5,200. with $2,500. down USED VOLKSWAGENS 1960 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE COACH A very clean one owner cor in excellent condiiton, fully guaranteed. $1095 1958 VOLKSWAGEN COACH Another clean car, priced to sell, guaranteed, $795 Many others to choose from. Before you buy that second car, come in and see our ex- cellent ronge of used Volks- wogens. OPEN EVENINGS SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. Authorized Volkswagen Dealer 334 Ritson Road Seuth 723-3461 Coll L. S. Snéigrove Co. Ltd. 723-9810 of 725-8761 (Continued on Page 26) sible hydro, northern lake. After 5 evenings, real 725-4302. 29--Automobiles For Sale ° 1956 PO)

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