Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 May 1963, p. 10

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i i Sh et ie a a a cae i i ik i ol Children's Vision UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Topic Of Speaker At H&S Meeting | Mie" Wettnsion Tealuer, An air of festivity highlight-/leader, opened the May meet- at the' woekee the Hayling of Unit 2 of King Street _|meeting of the Duke of Edin-| United Chureh Women with a _|burgh Home and School Asso. P0em "A Friendly Thought". , | Suc unit donate $30. to cover the allocation. Mrs. Rundle gave a report on the Daffoldi Tea. The Nellie Dearborn units total of sales was $64.15 the Eva Alexander RRR xgig cg ba '|ciation, as members an | awiddy aes teciures Mer aie unts sale a total of $59.60. friends were served a. '"'dessert| * ' Breigtgs "| The president asked for four lunch" by the executive at|liam Mitchell read their. re- eammene to help work at Ge tables arranged cafe style oo The roll call was 16 pres- mick Shop at Hillsdale Manor the auditorium. Mis, Neen Legge reported on Saturday afternoon, May 18, t spe for the evening' was 'Ded, Bower,|15 hospital calls and 19 home| 'On June 1 the Nellie Dear- man, oculist, who spoke on|Calls had been made, Mrs, Har-|born unit are in charge of ser- "Bye Diseases in Children",|Old Bueckler was in charge of so re pen ae and who was introduced by|the devotion. Mrs, William Sey Foreies, 'n) tie NDU Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 22, 1963 Principal Speaks Plainly to CWL On Attitude Toward Education | A, Blan" Bho Be Bowe Shon end the ah chao of Me, Fem, Oe ND tor| fy Will:am Mediand read from the asked if members of the both é ar ine oe wat 9problems study Book. -- A Trip to soug|units would assist at this time. ones pertaining to children|Kong. Mr. Gordon Bunker is to Each unit will phone their alone. By means of diagrams|Show pictures at the June meet-|@roube Tor rye has serve at alone. ns nf a wedding on Aug. 3. he, iatrated he normal ev! Ei, aro pecher and) His, Palmer tured in (vo short-sightedness, long sighted-|COmmittee serve efreshments, blankets mete sm | eae om iat P MARRIED RECENTLY hess, astigmatim and how} ST. STEPHEN'S UCW collected by members of. the ; group, One blanket will be sent Joyce Marilyn Richards, Mrs, Michael Drapak, Osh- glases were used to relieve! 'The monthly meeting of St.\to the Missionary Allocation. | daughter of Mr, William Rich- awa and the late Mr. Drapak, |these conditions. Stephen's United Church'The other blanket was sold to k' she declared. 'Parents ards, Oshawa, and the late were married recently in the | Dr. Bowerman stated that at) women was held recently in the Mrs. Powell. Ne poe wee hority in the mendous reverence for truth.| Mrs, Richards, and Mr. Dan- parsonage of Northminster |birth the eye is already large|jadies parlor at 8 p.m. The pre-/ In the absence of the corres- Sant eine authority iron. to| She handles God's revelation to| iel Joseph Drapak, son of United Church. and does not grow gradually|sident, Mrs. Charlie S, Rundle ponding secretary Mrs, Lloyd Noe eases end the fara it SNS. MUEE Have. patiencs [meme ------ -|like the rest of our body parts.[onened the meeting with 15\Jewell' Mrs, Randle read a ace s 5 and concern, for every trnth a floral arrangement, as* was Sister Mary Sheila, Principal, "and intellect reaches -- of St. Joseph's High School, Truth, which is God's will to ¢ Pe 'can strive for good, but there is| = | laid the responsibility of many | -omething beyond and that js| | of the student failures in the) Grace, a sharing in the Divine| -- laps of the parents in a well- 7 jfe, reasoned address to St. Gér- "At hi : ; ; ; ; / gh, school level chil- imide's Catholic Womens dren come face to face ol League last week, }truths that they must under- "Growing up presents prob- stand to reach full maturity. lems and learning is hard) «, toacher must have tré- , the eyes are normally straight./nuchemin. Mrs. Alex Ferries|] : , § rt of " : Ss. Sjluncheon on the day of their able to tackle the last part 0 beath ara Oo behets Gedo s % " bon ; er listeners that they had a Entertain Mothers thanked the group mothers for his td be havi : ; oe ' r ee ' of this would be having each/Taylor, Mrs, Arthur Ferguson,|Clarke of Toronto. ROMAN CATHOLIC NUPTIALS (fan ineeee sPtruth in the itti d Mr. Frank 5 RE diy RY maar _jheld their annual Se : ' : . s Cappuccitti an ra Sister Mary Sheila who has Susan Barclay and Betty John lids and' plugged! yee, yor ales" ar ae --Mary's Studio STOP A Ancus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E.--723-3633 Save With These Weekend MEAT SPECIALS! ( i 5 |Also at this time the vision is} ~ us sang padtoneiy tne tieg| brings a child closer to God Guides, Brownies Mrs. Bryson Wilson, who is|VeTY Poor but it continually Th SOrman. papain was un- here of Wiaokstaee uCw aid a Silt child will never be|Sf@ must bring to the child a) moving out of town. The|Proves and also by six months he direction of Mrs, Davidjinviting the group to a dessert and a sp reverence for education and! Of 14th Com an B i sented a talent pro-|"@°. i d pany rownies presented a talent pro-i+ i. "iso possible for the eyes sand a solo, accompanied by|Christian Education' Centre the course successfully." ' oad ' ; izjt0 be deformed at birth tolmrs Rundle at the piano. Mrs.\Mav ig e: : : ane Sister She concluded by reminding and Brownies, Linda Paulocik| yin deevaes One' exarple| s. Rundle at the piano. Mrs./May 23 at 1.30 p.m. The guest Mary diolin, expuaiied was th) ying xample/Bruce Va'lancourt, Mrs, Percy speaker will be Jo Rateliffe mary & : part to play. in making St.| The 14th Company Guides andjtheir banquet. ; : , in the Joseph's a high school of which prownies scene Sg District,| Four new Guides were enroll-((¥° Porshe Fg ue other! Mrs. James Palmer, Mrs. John) Refreshments committee for studying aspects of truth in 'oh all would be proud. . ,|ed: Kathleen Cobb, Judy Owen, | ont ghihoag bial as te ar Powell, Mrs. Raymond Smith\June are Mrs, Crawford, Mrs. The wedding was . solem- universe; God s creation whic mother and| chante cataracts, squint, | took part in the worship ser-|/Duchemin, Mrs .Ferguson, Mrs. nized in St, Gregory's Roman Del Gobbo, son of Mr. and |manifested the Creator. =F | ton" Considerable post.|daughter bahquet on Thursday,/con Four Guides 'passed their Ge ants Catholic Church recently of Mrs .Assunte Del Gobbo, all | She spoke of the various j»aquate work in education|May 16, at Westmount United|First Class Local Knowledge: | ¢ whe alee pointed out that Two plays were presented.|Crawford in charge, of Santina Cappuccitti, daugh- of Oshawa levels in creation, inanimate,| since she graduated from the|Church, The banquet was|Linda Paulocik, Sharon Stuart,| children are pu seeaaea) in wear.{ure plitst,. in the time: of the) ------------- OPE - ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph plant life, animal life and Man University of Toronto and the|attended by 106 members and Linda Owen and Anna Syperek. fon 'aauteet: lenkes awl tk kl old Boble with Mrs. Stephen} : who was given all the charac. Ontario College of Education, | 8u¥ests. ; Mrs. Hart also presented) narticularly heneAhtal: th okie Saywell, Mrs. Gordon Lane, | teristics of the lower levels' was introduced by. Mrs. Pat.| Guests at the head table in-/badges to the __following| i i Mrs, Frank Crawford, Mrs.| : : "il y 8 8idren suffering short-sightedness| John T: PER plus intellect and will. rick Roberts: and thanked by|cluded the Reverend and Mrs.'Brownies: Candy Chase, Chris-la5 it slows its progress, Dr,| ohn Taylor ' taking. part. The "Man's 'dignity lies in per-\ re John Poltz. Frank Ward, of Westmount/tine Paulocik, Janet Bailentine, | epg egress, '|second being of modern times oe Tae |fecting his intellect," she said.) 5s aes Noonan presid-|United Church; Mrs. L. G. Yuill|Sherry McCarnan, Janet Leslie, |BowGrman was thanked by Met-lwas presented by Mrs. Ferries, Mrs. Cora McCulloch and Mr,|in Ottawa where they attende ici Des he i q\and Mrs. Jack McCarnan, lead-|Betty Flontek, Renate Hoyn,| yang ; |Mrs. Carson Heard, Mrs. John| sat ee Setar musing of Fariemen"" "SOCIAL NOTICES 5.5, Myers ent evs othe, che Wh Browns Pack; Bovrey 'Gene, Sack! Hab gtd wy he retin Me |Seokes cea cede Columbus, were dinner guests . Le cP ted, ie chy Mrs. John Scott, Captain, and!ton, Brenda Burtch. ht 7 4 bs : '|service with prayer. : ;membership supper. Sh also|qgice Ann. ; ; us 8 Walter Kuch, who read a fare-| , et. S08 ere Somer rood Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stanley, | ATE announced a rummage sale to| Miss Ann-Marie Williams, Lieu-| Guides-receiving badges were: well letter from the president} oa by i es Ee bus, Catherine and Bill, Peter Kaiser crescent, have left for ENGAGEMENT be held May 29 tenant of the 14th Guide .Com-| Brenda Brown, Joan Leslie, | of Oshawa and district homel sree " linge -- borough, on Sunday. New York City where they will) Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Gra-| Following Sister Mary Sheila's| Rayo. any 'Capiath ot PistriG.| Beverley Wilson, Susan Ferne-lang school council, Mrs, A. J. aes -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilroy,|be staying at the Hotel Manhat |kam, Orie, iting toe tae nddiean atudenta. froin St, | Seannane Guides represented] °¥; Jeanette Femeley, Susan Alien, A report 'written _ by! ported thet the allocation willl Brighton, were supper guests of|ten prior to sailing on the RMSigagement of their daughter, Joseph's presented a one-act finosway District | .|vonnson, Ruth sutton, Eten) Mrs, Gordon Jackson regardin Dog eid Mire. set McCul.| Queen Elizabeth for a holiday|Marlene Alice, to Mr. Thomas! play, "Wayside War', an helices eae eae me an | Hunter, Zosia_Popka, Arlenelthe 'convention in Tense wit thtidd 'tes ped ge peng loch, Columbus, on Monday./in England. They will spend a/Clarence- Burnett, son of Mr./dent from the Monmouth/Kingsway District Commission:|D01d8e, Linda Paulocik. __|also_ presented .Officers for the|It was decided: to have each They also called on Mr. and|few weeks on the French Riv-/and Mrs. T. Clayton Burnett,| uprising in the reign of Charles) er, coming year were installed by Mrs. Meredith Dring, Raglan|ivr? and will return the latter | Oshawa, The marriage 1s toll. With a minimum of scenery| After dinner, prepared and FIGHT BUILDINGS \Mrs, Ronald Thomas, area and Mrs. Harold Hayes. part of October on the SS Unit-/take place on Saturday, June| and costumes, the students con-| served by the members of West-| VICTORIA (CP) --Three 1lo-| vice-president. -- ed States. 15 at 3 o'clock in Orono Unit- vincingly conveyed the intrisuel mount UCW, gifts were present-|cal women are campaigning) It was announced that the| Mr. and i Pha ri Miss Nancy Kerton, Ajax. is¢d Church. of the times with a light touch.| ed to the leaders in appreciation|against erection of high - rise/school Field Day would take and daughter, Carolyn, attend.) is eas pe ~ ratituiel m eet Taking part were William/of their work during the year./apartment buildings in residen-|place May 29 and_ tentative ed the convocation exercises|representing Ryerson Institute ENGAGEMENT copier tal ras A | br | '. University. King.|of Technology at Loyola Col. O'Reilly, Peter Bobris, Eileen|Mrs, A. J. Legere, past presi-|tial areas here. They are seek-|plans were presented for the at neo 4 DIVERESY SANE lege, Montreal for a five day,| Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hooper, | Menard, Barbara Gibbs and/dent of the 14th Parents' Group ing 20,000 signatures to a peti-|farewell party for the Grade 6 tec tahbancec May 20-24, seminar on interna-| Oshawa, oe bp ei Robert Lambe. Committee was presented with'tion. lclasses to be held in June. yet ' + |ment o} eir : ------______ The Reverend Inya Ude of the |tional affairs, held by the Na-\\7.43. t) Mr. Arnold Peter Presbyterian Church of Nigeria/tional- Federation of Canadian Mathus aon of Mr. and Mrs. and Knox College, Toronto, | University students. Miss Ker-/ pote nathus, Vancouver, Brit- was a weekend fuet of Mr | has Completed second ea "Columba: The, weds and Mrs. P. F. Gilbert. ute : ites "~<|to take place on Saturday, June . H. J. Bratley, Mrs. : 22 at 2.00 p.m. in Holy Trinity Searle Fallon, Whitby: Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Haag. | Chureh, Oshawa. V. A. Cope, Mrs. J. P. Hogan,|mans, Ravine road, have had | --_- etna . For hun Mrs. J. J. Tooley, Oshawa,}as their guests for the past few | ; i : have returned from St, Agathe,|days, the former's uncle and) MAPLE CLEANERS | } s Des Monts, Quebec, where they|aunt, Captain Cornelis Haag. |] 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OS dieters! attended the national conven.|mans (Retired) of the Dutch |] Cosh & Cory -- 4 Hr. Service . Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 tion of the Remembrance Asso-| Merchant Navy and Mrs. Haag- ciation, Silver Cross Women| Mans who are now residents of of Canada Mrs. Cope was! Roslyn Heights, Long Island, elected vice-president of the| New York. national council. There. were 75) ye 38 women registered, representing} 54 chapters from. across Can- ada. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Robin- son attended the convocation exercises of the Ryerson Insti- tute of Technology last Fri- day, in Yorkminster Baptist Church, Toronto, when their son, Mr. Ralph Edward Robin- son received his diploma in merchandising administration. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cuth- bertson, Mary street, have. re- turned after spending last week ® Freezer Special e@ BEEF csv CUT & WRAPPED FREE BLADE STEAKS RIB STEAKS Boneless LB. 69° RUMP ROAST Boneless Round @ See What 1.00 Will Buy @ 2 LB. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 2 LB. SHOULDER PORK CHOPS 2 LB. SLICED SIDE PORK 5 LB. PORK HOCKS 3 LB. VEAL PATTIES e ABOVE ONLY! w 79° wu. 59* uw. §9* 39) 85: Shop and Save Every Day ... at BUEHLERS!. 59: u. 59° HAIR ST YLING BRECK SHAMPOO 364WiLSON RD.S GJ coucate's OUR PRICE 1.29 TOOTH PASTE BUY ONE AT REG. PRICE 1.39 BUY ANOTHER 69c Bryicreem "ge ONE AT RBG. PRICE 98c Buy Another 49c 2ZLOCATIONS BRECK HAIR SPRAY Reg. Value 1.89 -- SPECIAL 1.49 OUR PRICE 1.29 Metrecal soups Tender 'n tasty split pea New England clam chowder » Cream of tomato BROMO Buy one at Reg. Price 1.09 buy another 55¢ MEN'S WALLETS Genuine Leather Curad SPECIAL 2.98 Plastic Strips BUY ONE AT REG. PRICE 98e BUY ANOTHER Johnson & Johnson COTTON BUDS buy one 'at reg. price 59¢ BUY ANOTHER 30c Lose up to 3 Ibs. this week --and enjoy your favourite soups! Each brimming bowlful is a hot and hearty, 225-calorie Metrecal meal, our price 86c | Bm 85° PHOTO SPECIAL YASHICA 8¢ TURRET MOVIE CAMERA MEN'S SETS \ @ 3 Lens FI.8 Cologne & ; SS -------- (CS : . Ce @ Battery Operated After Shave <<: ax @ Built-in Meter 3 67. : a @ Made to Sell for 89.95 SPECIAL....59.95 EXTRA BONUS WITH THE PURCHASE OF THIS CAMERA YOU MAY BUY ANY GADGET BAG FOR Va PRICE NOXZEMA INSTANT LATHER 1.25 volue 8-0Z. TINS DEODORANT BUY ONE AT REG, PRICE 1.25 BUY ANOTHER eS AWS j TENDER CUBED VEAL CUBED PORK MINCED PORK FRESH PORK SH'LDR'S. Stuffed & Oven Ready HEX Tremendous savings LINED DRAPES Rayon drapes with a con- temporary block and floral motif. A quality drape that will enhance your living room. Sateen lined. Slip-in hooks are easily removed. Decorator colors of beige/ rust, white/turquoise or champagne/brown = shades. Le To Serve (WA You Best --an experienced registered pharmacist is constantly on duty, ready to fill your prescriptions _ promptly and at reason «able cost, CUT UP CHICKEN LEGS -- THIGHS, -- BREAST. ........2 tb, BALLET TOILET TISSUE PRESCRIPTION jtde-2q CHEMISTS Cosiblaction Deal CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST.E. | 530 SIMCOE ST. S. aeekinc 37° pHone 723-2245 OSHAWA | 'pHone 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA LOOK FOR THE YELLOW TICKET VALUES 1 width x 90" 1577 19.95 2 widths x 90" 57 39.95 ee. || 3 widths x 90" 46°? 59.95 Ready-Made - USUALLY

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