Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1963, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tweedy, Mey 21, 1963 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continue from ar me Wanted MEN Le Gy cng with 5 ae sin i Gene Cees oY: plus commis-| 18--Male or Female 25--Apartments 27----Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale Help Wanted per OSHAWA -- One-bedroom, 91.50 are a men, Box 736, SALES TRAINEE. Newly formed Ca-| peoeea ri oe ry of pr agnor cor- porat immediate opening trained KITCHEN CABINET ASSEMBLERS Steady loyment. ba a 942-3790 Frade pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. SHINGLERS TURN YOUR SPARE TIME INTO LARG COMMISSION by famous. "Rawleigh Line Household tee, treo washing facilities," Telephons| rest 728-049", sae [sree BUNGALOW, fiv. ars old,|MODERN three bedroom brick mm three bedrooms, anlahed ree: jstone bungalow, and aluminum storms and) natural bt, an: paca SALESMEN and SALESWOMEN TO SELL REAL ESTATE Previous Sales background, not necessarily in the poor Estate Field. Ambition ond good health ore require- ments. Must have a fairly late model cor. We pay top commissions, Write or tele- phone BILL McFEETERS Schofield-Aker BLOOB Street West and Park Road :|South, private three room » spacious . Price $1500. Apply 11 $65 per month, 7288123." MONTRAVE AVENUE. 209 -- Four- room apartment, two bedrooms, |six-room stone CENTRAL PARK SOUTH -- near King, and brick bungalow. kitchen , three bedrooms,| |finished 725-6279, 5 1042, pes iape Street eo apartme! rate 93:1 monthly, Apply above. OSHAWA CITY limits, Self-contained) ° two rooms with kitchenette, Utilities included, $65 monthly. Working iy sae gee Near bus stop. 723-2761 ore EIGHT-ROOM brick home in village of jSolina with 14% pply to Walter tig Sy 'ie L Hampton, Ontario, Phone 263- SIX-ROOM older, two-storey in Located in a good| Gg FURNISHED two-room apartment gle room, Private entrance, sin; ing, tre DOWNTOWN --- 'Three rooms and er pay yg bath, modern, ani, a eee Oe 360 King St. W., Oshawa Telephone 723-2265 Necessities. Sood District ilable in Durham County and Oshawa. WRITE RAWLEIGH'S DEPT. E-310-CC 4005 Richelieu, Montreal Experienced sub - contractors new work, TORONTO RU 3-1138 DEPUTY CO-ORDINATOR EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION COUNTY OF ONTARIO OFFSET PRESSMAN URGENT EXPERIENCED On larger offset i 'Aiso| COmmercial area and rns yok hair- park 900 with central, Reasonable. Apply 96 © 2- Street. , (tached ween teens over Y-ac) garden Just inside NEAR THE HOSPITAL -- Modern two-|y Berry naw 79009 ot eneph Bosco gm barber ete. r nag ope padaly ead i coat a five. room bung! block St. Hedwig's| 1 and|School, garage, beastie? is lot. Telephone aa be-|better than average condition. Newly} Cail | GLADSTONE Avenue 40° x 113 i lot, sewer, water fod gas already in, paved street. For fu: 725-0334 b irther information ind 7 to yA eall Art Welnberg cr Ay 723-7244 or Joseph Bosco Re 728-7377. LOVELY me Sagal with at- city limits, east on Highway No, 2 Suitable for LA, Substantial down payment re- for this one! Call Ike Real Estate 7: 26--Rooms For Rent EXPANSION PROGRAMME We need salesmen, sales- lodies and Crew Managers to bolster our existing sales staff. You will be represent- ing one of Ontorio's finest Food Services. Excellent future for right per- son, State experience, age, salary. References. Apply HAINES FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO Preferably 35 to 55 years, Male or female. General edu- cotion equivalent to high school graduction, Experienced in preparing reports and pro- grammes capoble instructor to conduct public educational programme. Apply in writing to Personnel Manager CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario LICENSED MECHANIC WAGES and INCENTIVE FOR CROWELL'S Service Station 22 Bond St. East OSHAWA CREDIT MANAGER Thoroughly experienced, for a large local retail company. Apply stating oge, experience and solary expected, References may be required. BOX 607 OSHAWA TIMES HEATING SALESMAN LEARN A TRADE WHILE BEING PAID THROUGH THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE WHICH provides exception- ally interesting and varied op- portunity to build an exciting career in the field of aviation. IF --you ave between the ages of 17 and 29 --you have a Grade 8 educa- tion or better you are a Canadian Citizen or British Subject --you are physically fit --you are single WE OFFER --the equivalent of $180. per month while you are train- ing as a technician in el- ectronics, communications, administration, mechanical and many other fields, --continuous employment and salary. --free medical and dental Top c » group ine surance, etc, INTERVIEWS FROM 3 P.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY Room 9, 11 Ontario Street WRITE BOX. 749 OSHAWA TIMES ONE clean bright room, quiet adult ae All conveniences, vicinity Gen- Telephone 725-8169, WONEERLAND PARK Motor Court, Kingston Road East, cabins, All con- veniences, including showers and heat. Weekly rates sarting at $15. 723-7424, OSHAWA MOTEL, Becca poner' East. Week! rates, ited, tele- pel $15; and $317.50, Telephone 723. blond STREFT EAST, 253--Two fur- and kitchen; refrigerator' Central. Adults only. Apply above. IN Canadian home, large, clean, single furnished rooms; nicely decorated. $7 weekly. Telephon 723-1359, COMFORTABLE room, for gentleman, central to downtown and North Gen- Teen Motors, Reasonable. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, 20--Room and Board ELGIN EAST, a - ee and ae for North GM, Tonobene og 3643. ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board for gentlemen, single beds, foe packed, good meals. T Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH Gentlemen preferred. Private entrance, Telephone 27--Real Estate for Sale SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND area, mae room, television, good meals, lunches packed, gentlemen, private bath, en- trance, quiet home, laundry, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenie. 22-----Offices, Stores, Storage New Offices In Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. Available July 1963 Can be finished to suit Early Tenants. PHONE 725-5132 care --free clothing, excellent food and attractive accom- modation. --free recreational and sports facilities, ----an exceptionally generous pension plan. =the opportunity to travel ughout Canada and abroad, dignified employment with prestige in a proud service, --4 weeks' annual holiday with pay, WHY not take « few minutes verycsoon to discuss your pos- sible future with a trade and @ new career in the RCAF? NO OBLIGATOION CONTACT THE RCAF MOBILE RECRUTING OFFICE AT OSHAWA ARMOURIES Wednesday, 22 May, 1963 Noon to 6 p.m, SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L, WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 REQUIRED 18--Male or Female Help Wanted 23--Wanted To Rent 1:70- or three-bedroom house by reli- able err: Possession June 1. Tele- phone 725-8160. RESPONSIBLE couple with gv ae wo or t e in Oshawa or vicinity. Telephone 72: 7020, JULY 1 -- Middle-aged couple re- quires one or two bedroom apartment or duplex, main floor preferred, un- furnished, Easy walking distance to General Motors North plant. Reply to Box 646, Oshawa Times. COUPLE with two children would like to rent house. References, Mr. C, Jen- sen, 125 Byng Avenue. Telephone 728- 5645, BELL T sales _man- for Barrie, Orillia, Peter- borough, OShawa and North Central Ontario. To call on Heating Deal- ers and Wholesalers, With complete line of Sheet Metal Products, Automatic NEED EXTRA CASH? Eorn Extra Money Working Part-Time in and Around Oshowa. GOOD COMMISSIONS WRITE BOX 803 QSHAWA TIMES Heating Equipment and ac- cessories. Good connections and experience preferred. Employee's Benefits. Write with qualifications, for inter- view to: Imperial Refractories and Equipment Ltd. 160 ROGERS STREET, WATERLOO, ONTARIO Round the Clock READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Times Want Ads WHITBY CL ASSIFIED ager requires two or three bedroom house or duplex or a two-bedroom apartment in Oshawa. Please call 728- 5111 before 5 p.m, NEAR HOSPITAL, six-room, room house. High school teacher, wife and two High School children. Tele- phone 728-7849. BUSINESSMAN tr transferred. Three. or four-bedroom home desired by July 1 in Oshawa or Whitby. Write Box > Oshawa Times, 24--Houses For Rent LADY pensioner will share bungalow in Kirkfield, all conveniences, own room, television, nice grounds, with oma: Prac in good health, $45 month- lephone Kirkfield, Code 416, three- FIVE room modern home, beautifully decorated, in excellent condition. $125 month includes heat, hydro, water. Telephone Guide Realty Ltd., 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121, 25--Apartments TRESANE Street 214, furnished bache- lor apartment, Close to bus and Gener- al Motors. Available June 1. Telephone 728-6735 evenings. COLBORNF East, three-room apart- ment, private bath and entrance, un. furnished, heat, utilities supplied, $77 monthly. Telephone 723-4477 SIMCOE South two-room -- furnished apartment, newly decorated, parking, mae states, alterations, gins wo FOR RENT: adults only. $60 monthly. 723-3206. general a un So cee Woe, Apply 814, Oshawa Times, Whitby. to Box 663-3745. FOR RENT -- Basement office and posed space. Heat, Boag and telephone will handle on commission. Telephone tOTO-tilling hyn pony Jack Mulli-|p: | gan, Brooklin. DBESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, os covers, drapes, Fitting . Mrs. Toms 668-2372. ment, T RIDERS wanted to Scarborough Tele- phone 668-8647. FOR RENT -- Large three-room apart-| ---- 'elephone 668-4864. a FOR RENT; One bedroom self-con-| tained Apply 2b 668-4977. apa: it, main floor, $55. South, FOR RENT: June 1 Two FOR your garden work, roto tilling and meeene. Call rai 668-4880, reasonable NEAR South General Motors, two apartments, two bedrooms, in new hs geabigae building, immediate occu- good location. $98 per month, Telephone Guide Realty Limited, - 16 Simeoe South 723-1121. Governor Mansions Luxury 060-4! GOOLD's Second vas everything for cottages, » floor coverings, aftrenoons and evenings, Hand Furniture, AVON Cosmetics offers excellent earn- ing opportunity for rural housewives, working in your own community, Write PO Box 512, Oshawa. FULLY furnished apartment, ee stove and refrigerator, etc., in new tri plex. Nice etn ion, 725-0098 days; 668-5979 after 8 p.m. WANTED to rent--housekeeping room, temperate home. Apply Box 816 Osh. will buy, sell or trade. Open all das a Dundas east, Whitby. er FOR RENT: Three room a stove, prety an ae anes ey $75 yt pase a Adults, Whitby, Telephone 663-548 SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on: calls, Street West, Whitby 668-2563, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut awa Times, Whitby. FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom upper duplex on Brock Street South. gmk separate entrance, garage. ---- June 1. Phone after 5.. Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU- Crushed gravel (mulch), pit tur gravel, stone, sand and top soil, All sold by weight. * CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S. Fuels and Builders' Su Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited Whitby, itarlo "i 723-2265 SIX-ROOM two-storey brick, all conven- exchange for four or five- room bunga- low in same district, Write Box 706, Oshawa Times, TRI-PLEX $23,000 FULL PRICE $3,000 Down--Income $2,- 830. Four years old. Tenants Pay Your Mortgage Dufferin Street, Whitby Telephone 725- 3090 fences, near school, north end. Will McLaughlin Blvd. SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE PRICED TO SELL Easy Terms 725 - 8210 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,500 FULL PRICE "SEEING IS BELIEVING" Split level three bedroom home with large living room ond beautifully finished kit- LLOYD REALTY LIFST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL 'YOUR MOVER ATHOL ST. EAST $9,900 FULL ORICF 5 room bungalow with garage, New forced air oii furriace. Very quiet end of Athol St. All schools and shopping within walking distance. Re- quires a_ substantial down payment. Don't delay on this one. Call Ed Drumm at 725- 9345 or 728-5123. ca DUPLEX $10,500 FULL PRICE HILLCROFT AREA Two meters, two bathrooms, large lot. Carries for $85. monthly, plus very reasonable taxes, Call Ed Drumm for ap- pointment to inspect at 725- 9345 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. chen with steel cabi Lovely recreation room built by the builder. Walk out to the patio and well landscaped fenced lot. Only $1,900 down, Call Bill Johnston now at 728-1066 or 728-5123, NORTH WEST Three lovely homes in the $12,000 price range with reasonable down payments Call now and ask for Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA you too will choose "Downsview 40 King St. E. BEFORE YOU BUY BE SURE YOU TRY "DOWNSVIEW PARK" Oshawa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision, The sub- division which is design controlled for your protection. All pre- paid services ---- buy a house or a lot -- 42 lots have been sold in the first year of development which proves that for the best value in Oshawa, for a central location on curved streets and rolling terrain (formerly Downsview Golf course) close to schools CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited Park" by Holshawa, Dial 728-4678 other features, NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom. Decorated, sodded, carport and many PRICE $15,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O"MALLEY CONST. LTD. Schoftie 360 KING ST. W. 723-7122 OPEN HOUSE SEE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL "DREAM" MODELS IN BEAU VALLEY Oshawa's Loveliest Residential Area HOURS 6 TO 9 P.M. LIMITED ld-Aker 723-2265 Down Payments DRIVE TO GRANDVIEW ST. S. OFF KING ST, E. AND FOLLOW THE ORANGE SIGNS. Schofield-Aker 360 KING ST. W. OPEN HOUSE 6109 PM. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE Four Lovely Models Built By Kassinger, For Your Inspection As Low As $930 PHONE 723-2265 For full particulars: call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED JUST LISTED -- 2 bedroom brick bungalow on Hillcroft METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 NEAR O.C.C.1. Large 5 room bungalow - finished walk-out basement, gorage with bear" Coe paved oe fenced, beaut ere TT e006 sap. A 'oe peo le down payment. BEATRICE STREET Immaculote and large 5 room home -- large essionally landscaped lot, living room - 23' long, garage paved drive extra wi . A joy to see, Let us show you this. Asking $13,900.00 with rea- sonable down payment. HORTOP STREET Near St. Joseph's Church 6 room - 3 bedroom and dining room, finished rec room, extra washrooms, well landscaped lot. This is a choice home in a good area at $14,500.00. GUELPH STREET A real gem at $13,500.00 - lerge 5% room bungalow, loaded with extra's divided basement close to all utilities. Try us with an offer on this one, OSHAWA BLVD. 'SOUTH 4 good sized rooms on fenc- ed in lot. Home in immacu- late snape. Owner says Fh napa Try us with on of- fer. OPEN EVENING TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Joe Maga Ken Hann Jack, Osborne Lloyd Metcalf John Kemp Dick Barriage St. Finished recreation room, large kitchen, broadloomed living room. Hot water oil heating. Paved drive with nicely landscaped lot. Pro- perty clear, reasonable down payment. Owner will hold one mortgage for balance. ESTATE SALE -- 21% storey rug brick home on Warren Ave. Paved drive and double garage. Property clear, es- tate will hold the mortgage and take reasonable down payment. FOUR BEDROOMS, 2% BATHROOMS, RECREATION ROOM, 2 CAR GARAGE. Prestige location.. Large re- ception hall with 2-pc. pow- der room, 23 ft. living room, full dining room, 4-pe. tiled bathroom off the 16-ft. mas- ter bedroom, On a_ large fenced well landscaped lot. This is a fine family home in @ wonderful district. Call. to- doy to see this exclusive list- ing. ROOMY 7 ROOM TRI-LEVEL on Fernhill, You will like this home with its arrangement of room, large living room and well planned kitchen which looks out on the fenced yard with a patio and space for the children to play in safety. $12,800. FULL PRICE -- 5 room brick bungalow only 2 blocks to school. Fenced back yard and recreation room 12 x 34. 3 good sized bedrooms and 4-pc. tiled bath. Make sure you see this one. ARBOR COURT in North West -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with garage. Large living room with wall area for ease of furniture arrange- ment. Recreation area par- tially finished in basement. Forced air oil heating. Close to schools, bus and shopping. $7,500 4 room home just minutes from Oshawa. New furnace and low taxes. Car- ries for $60. per month. On 1 acre of land. Low down S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 $599 Is the full down payment on these new bungalows priced at $11,995. Built-in stove and oven and Hollywood kit- chen included in price. Call Glen MacKinnon. $10,500 Five room brick home with an attached sun porch, $1000, down with one mortgage for the balance. Call Lorne Hart- ford. NEW HOMES payments starting os low as $900 for new bunga- lows and split-levels, N.H.A. mortgages, Call Howard Mc- Cabe. $500 Full price only $7900 for this home situated near GM south plant. Owner anvious to sell. Call Doug Gower. Z $9500 Full price for this six room home. Asking only $1000 down with one mortgage for the balance. Call Bob Steven- son, NORTH-WEST N.H.A. resale with attached ' carport, only $2,800 down with a 6% open mortgage for the balance. Call Doug Bullied. ELECTRIC-HEAT Two models to choose from, one bungalow and one two- story; both N.H.A. financed, Trades _ considered. Call Harold Segal. TRADE We are now taking in older homes as down payments on new ones to be built. Call to- day for more information. SIX-ROOM, two-storey home, Oshawa Blvd. pe $1,500 down, $75. Telephone 725-7425, 100-ACRE ee 12, house, 'eteek. cone linkin' Hee sale. Sacrifice, Call Port Peres, 985-3508 garden soil, Telephone 668-5955. Mr, H, Kuenen, 66° x rge trees and Water 728-1077. 680', serviced, $3,200, Telephone SIX.ROOM house, 8¥. acres. G00 | sutomatic Anderson Street, Whitby. RAVINE LOT," Wilson Road North! i405 aster 7 HERE IT 18! $11,900 with $600 down, NHA resale. Six ae storms and tuminum | doors, four leon ee vines bath, Phew vacan| Fogpnps for the balance. Will, be be 'nad to show you anytime, Call now, Mr, Jack Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398 John A, Bolahool, Ltd., Realtor. ASKING aise $12,000 for this lovely three-bedroom brick with walk-out basement to a lovely fenced yard, Down payment $1500 to one NHA mort- gage. Ask for Sally Wallace at 725-6297. Joseph Bosco Real Estate. 728-7377. $800 DOWN large three-bedroom bun- galow with Hollywood kitchen, Vanity| | 1953 PONTIAC 8, automatic, clean interior, $150 or offer, 931 Centre North, Whitby. 668-2864, Trade 1951 CHEVROLET, radio, Ee running . condition, $50. 1950 three-ton dump truck, Very tion, $500. Apply 55 Glover Road. 1967 GMC Tandem dump truck, $3,500, Apply 357 Bloor Street East, Telephone 728-8617. 909 CHEVROLET Belair, low mileage, one owner, power ge motor, new seat covers, accepted, Telephone tires, . a8y/1985 FORD coach, good body, tires 723-2281, good running condi- Oshawa. in bath, Many extras. New and ready '723-9901, $2,375. to move in, No second mortgage. Full particulars call George Koornneef at pnget af or Joseph Bosco Real Estate LOT FOR SALE -- 103' frontage by 120', Landscoped, one block south ca iar Binok heap potas oe rdtop automatic, power » power 'black and white upholstery, whitewall . tires, radio, back-up lights, $1,150. In very good condition. Telephone 728-1556, rakes, white with King Street East. Five ing distance from bus, churches, "pub. lic, separate or high school. $49 per ae foot with services paid. ing, sun-porch, large lot, Near shop- ping, schools and church. Telephone after 4 p.m. acoNoMY home, brick, two A ope 8 ments, private bathrooms trances, centrally located, 6 hoe cont FOUR-BEDROOM brick house, oil heat- BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 open mortgage Vg Reasonable} down payment, 725-7618. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new "KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or OK STO id off. DODD M SALES 314 Prag i SOUTH 723-9421 End location. Give us a call. Your present home accepted as a trade, CARL OLSEN REALTOR 299 King St. W. 723-1133 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY-- 668-4291 Cars bought ond so! Liens pai. off Trade up or down Alway Top Quality $599 DOWN FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS $11,995 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. ev pe STOVE & OVEN YWOOD KITCHEN CAL GLEN MacKINNON 728-6286 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and 2. 723-4733 and 723-7712 WE'RE NOT "KICKING" Because we have sold most of our listings and need new ones. IF YOU ARE SELLING YOUR HOME And wont sincere effort, VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 experienced advice " help CALL US. R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE 728-9571 46 KING W. "Ask the man who bought or sold & home through us!" payment, FERNHILL BLVD. $14,900. full price -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow situated in this popular area, so handy to bus, schools and shopping. 14 x 17 ft. living room with dining area. Kitchen and 4- pe. tiled bath. Large finished recreation room. Attractive landscaping and paved drive. $ $ LOOK $ $ -- Only $9,- 000. for this 5 room bunga- low with 3 room basement apartment, situated on an extra large lot in the North West area. Carries for $70. Per month, Good terms, 7 ROOM HOME with extra large bedrooms and attractive dining and living rooms. Very nicely decorated. Located in a quiet district, this home can be an ideal place for a large family. Priced right. 3 BEDROOM 1% | storey home located only one block from King St, East. oe to bus, schools and shoppi Very attractive aetna pe) dining rooms, large kitchen with lots of cupboards, over- looking a nicely landscaped back yard. Excellent terms. LARGE 7 ROOM STONE AND BRICK ranch bungalow with breezeway and garage. 2 stone fireplaces and 40 x 13 ft. rec. room. Located in North east area and priced at $17,900. TRIPLEX near North G.M. and downtown. '3 separate apartments all steadily rented containing 2 bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room, kit- chen and 3-pe. bathrooms each. Hot water oil heating. Monthly income of $240. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. KEITH PETERS REALTORS 728-7328 103 KING ST. E. = VALUE -- Only $595 5 rooms, 3 bed- jal hollywood type kit- chen with built in stove and 'oven. Only $11,995. Don't be too late. Call 728-7328. Liberty St. North, Bowman- ville. Liberty Gardens Devel- opment with all prepaid ser- vices, is being started now and we are taking orders for new homes. We have plans and many choice lots for you to choose from. For informa- tion. and prices call Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. $900 DOWN -- $9,900 FULL PRICE. Compoct 5 room brick bungalow in ex- cellent shape. Handy to Pub- lic and Separate Schools, buses, etc. Take advantage of low taxes and heating costs. Call Ron Drapak 725- 5253. Invest in this ranch bunga- low, only 4 years old with 5 large rooms, newly decorated throughout, fenced in lot, ap- prox, 1,100 . ft. floor space. Asking only $12,000 with $2,000 down, one mortgage at 6% -- $69.42 per month P & |. Bob John- son 728-2548, APPLEHILL VALUE -- $12- 500 for this 3 bedroom brick in nice condition, aluminum storms and screens. 5% mortgage. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. j TRADE your home for mo- dern, graceful living in the exclusive (Harmony Village) directly east of Donevan Col- legiate developed by Fraser Bell. Call Joe Crawford 623- 3672, Gordon Osborne \NSURANCE, REAL ESTATE DIAL 668-5431 TREES The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK on Cochrane St., Whitby near separate and public school, Walkout basement, recreation room. Full price $13,700 with reasonable down payment. 5% mortgage. 4 bedroom stucco older style home on Green St., Whitby. Garage, large lot. Full price $10,900. A family home for $2000 down payment. SACRIFICE MUST MOVE ONLY $1700 DOWN FULL PRICE $12,700 Take over one a* Mortgage Ol will accept best down pay- ment with small mortgage. EASY PAYMENTS Six room split level brick, 4 years old, excellent condi- tion. OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 P.M, UNTIL 9 P.M. Phone Whitby 668-4871 $895 NOW five room brick bungalows loaded with extras $12,895 "only four left' Grandview Gardens CALL HOWARD McCABE 728-6286 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified Ads. USED CAR BARGAINS 1959 OLDS "88" Four door, in blue-and white, real nice condition. Only $1395 1959 DODGE Mayfair Four door, V-8, black, a real cleon cor. Only $1395 1958 CHEVROLET BELAIR i door, oe carn woe matic. See it! Try it! eo will buy it! Only $1295 1958 DODGE Four door, six cylinder, auto- matic, original 28,000 miles. Only $1295 1955 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Four door, V-8, automatic. A lot of good transportation. Only $695 THESE CARS ARE OUTSTANDING 40 MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM SMITH SPORTS 353 King Street West Telephone 728-7341

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