. ocuscmnsente "4 the last two sequences dull in ] Offi And they didn't know they|ting those that would be faced a gi ny Og et er ail me Nava 1cers | were getting out Friday hati time of nuclear war. ? seaae OC tn prime Gk |Rear-Admiral L, D, Coates had! What the officers missed most | was lack of any information the last sequence, he said. He Spend 4 Days ime, somied. Aoor. Speeed and) bout what was going on in the ° Makes 350 - hl Praised commended Yvette Mathieu for| | walked down into the shelter.) outside world. They didn't even | her portrayal of # despairing) In Shelter | They were'non the worse for/know that astronaut Gordon | | housewife. |wear, except that the deliber-|Cooper had orbited and landed Mr. Lefevre will see a mat- ately limited water supply in|Until they were told about it. By PATRICIA RUSAK credit for its "very good scenic; " WASHINGTON: (AP)--Thirty- sees 47 Nn Bootees | ER (CP)--The only|ivention" and its perfection. |'Thornton Wilder's our Tow ieee naval ie fficer peep prec pinoy Bios a | KITCHENER (CP)--The only). necially of the lighting andi, noo T a : serve officers do without washing altogether. FLY PASSENGERS iP y ghting Canadian-written play in. this) 1° the Barn Players of Toronto,/emerged Friday from a hole ip) The officers, from scientific) ALICE SPRINGS, Australia AJAX -- Some 1,750,000\year's Dominion Drama Festi- i and finally Moliere's Tartuffe| 1, ground where, to their Air att Wechiiont 4 it if « nes stra 'stitches have gone into Mrs.|val--Claude Jasmin's Le Veau|NEEDS PERFECTION by a group from Saskatoon) | °° | tur avs in i @ate. saniertod to te piloted cree ae ae Hugh Morrow's gift of 350 pairs|Dort--was enthusiastically re-| «nothing was left to chance »| Sask. prise, they spent four days in a hte ne: i] © the surprise/stranded on the Ghan iixpvess of bootees to newborn babies in|ceived by the adjudicator fol-|,, ssia explaining that a play .,he festival, trophy with ajcivil defence shelter. test. est during a tour of active duty) by floodwaters were being flown Ajax and Pickering area. lowing its performance by Lalor this type relies'on such per.(%:0 Cash prize and 15 other' When the group entered the gig mee today trom: Comsadatig is arth wi nightly chore 4 perdi Pao agigag of Montreal Fri- fection for success. |prizes will be awarded tonight. test shelter at the Naval Re-| first af rie Pepe hg cnanilas Piel aig pgp Ros ae ootees -- usually pink -- makes . " | , ae I, e : ; H \ ; § : orri- Mrs. Morrow, the wife of a local; Pierre Lefevre said the ei aye oov Rimes gg au in| KILLED BY BALL ae cog ood ne been oh ee ge Met aa. 08 4 " _ yegulec gm The tenis, carpenter, the favorite supplier|evening went with a real "ZD'|\;eeping with the style of the, EVANSTON, Ill, (AP)--A 12- noon last. Monday, only two ledlition a at oF py "a se My os Apes ile ach of the Ajax and Pickering Gen-|and that the performance was " ea of I 1 . ys y ' nundergroun d un-ling schoolgirls has been ; : 3 show. jyear-old Little League baseball knew what lay ahead. \der conditions closely simula- marooned since Tuesday. eral Hospital, The bere are fa of ae ea ian a Mr. Lefevre described the/Dlaver died Friday in hopital-------------- _ -- ae ie every newborn his or her firstjhad seen during the festivaj,) | ; of an injury suffered during| 1 bl] gi esin bt rltins ee |W eam MEM oman ar fool tore et aetna LAURENCE HARVEY - FRANCE N ture, "Yet another form of theatre,|"brilliant -- as good a -revue|third baseman, was hit Monda Pra S 4 iD Fy While "tHe hospital favors/almost at the end of the week,/overture as I can remember|on the forehead by a line drive, " Th ee white bootees because they need|shows Canadian theatre is per-|seeing anywhere" -- but found'but continued playing. « -- MAR HAI WAI ] I$ only a blue or pink ribbon to be|fectly alive," Mr, Lefevre said. ele " i iN F P) appropriate, Mrs. Morrow knits! Le Veau Dort is an experi- PRODUEITION the lion's share of pink ones. (mntal revue-type of play wah "I've always wanted a couple/nine short sketches which satir- rd girls, and ~~ ggg ni ba es relgion, war, labor unions family," says rs. orrow.|and almost every aspect of "Knitting bootees seems like a' civilization. SUNDAY, MAY 19 silly substitute, but it gives me! Mr. Lefevre said the French- : a good feeling to do this." {Canadian company of 10 actors) One Showing Only At 7:30 P.M. She began her first bootees and four technicians deserves; - Paes ms m after heap tang Rh ire | ' P é t 0 i in the} local paper The hosial's Acquittal Appeal | 3" "ener" 3 {Pluss Great Comedy: wilwe never expected this kind wa || MUESSTE of production," lays WA Presi- Sought By Cro I ¢ SCHOEN dent Eleanor Carr; "You can't) gppawA (CP)--Hull assist.\| } IST MAN imagine the lift she's given us| ant Crown attorney Orville Fre- all." nette will seek permission from DIE g NOCH While Mrs. Morrow uses some) the Supreme Court of Canada of the WA's purchased wool.|for Jeave {o api , : d of. | peal against the often she donates her own. "I acquittal of Dr. Conrad Simard WELT ; MAL supply the pink wool," shejo, a char f criminal ; 'ge of criminal negli-/ Rudolf Schock, 4 : > 20 SEIN z 4 "Tt! i ee smiles. "It's a color I hold gence. Renate Hales MRS. HUGH MORROW bootees for newborn children. | dearly." (right) receives a certificate Mrs. Morrow has made 3850 eet res inatign EAA tha Gulebee atten! c 'i ; ; iven | si é Extra! from president Eleanor Carr pairs of bootees and g TV ney-general to present the mo-| xtra! of the Ajax-Pickering Hospital them to the hospital. : Probe Urged tion against a Quebec Court of| @ NEUE DEUTSCHE dhs dana * Appeal decision acquitting the| WOCHENSCHAU : On Sex, Violence tui doctor. Dr. Simard' was WA, for her work in making | charged following the death in| Fg onl a wore | aay, 1962, of an infant aged ° Lawyer Assails age pb ims eggs Ais three days, and was sentenced i] J tice [Friday to igveatigate whether © ® year in jal oad SEE YoU sos Py 6 y MICHAEI MTVOSHI J | television episodes dwelling on| STARRING 0 abs} a ' oe vue ace Salta AT THE erreg MERRILL-WILDING UMEKE a y ONTO (CP)---A Toronto|ber of available mental health children and adolescents. : , ™ anon suggested Friday juve-|institutions. The organization's assembly) ' EDWARD ANHALT PANAVISION case @ nile justice in Ontario is a tra-| The council was told that) unanimously adopted a resolu-'| DANCE PARTY ; vesty which denies children anne Toronto ane ee ae ae United | DOUG KEMP ; TECHNICOLOR® basic legal rights in the name/tablish a senior service |States, the Soviet Union, Bel-; : I ECH 4 ianism. ito find work for the aged. igium, France and The Nether- i E of humanitarianism | Mrs. Jean Good, former exec- lands, | & HIS ORCHESTRA | 4 STARTS SUN ' te j Mr. Frenette received author. | Pl sige sige gh og wt utive ep of ee So-| The _resolution's preamble] , é : of Toronto, noted in particular wan ging, said: said television programs pictur- o sy TODAY OnLy ---- A der peuple have skills, ©*-ling murder, sexual offences, ' PAVILION Ry ; ' : CONTINUING MONDAY the Juvenile Delinquents and ; Aa : Ontario Training Schools Acts. |Perience and creativity which arson and clic crimes Gay oe OsMAWA "The Ontario Training Schools|#T¢ needed by others. courage viewers, particularly in Osh yyusuh | MARTIN TURNER | 'WHO'S GOT THE ACTION' Act is a monstrosity," he told) FIRE FLIES | the younger age groups, to com. ~ ong nly gor CAIRO (Reuters)--At least 17 mit similar offences. ee erence ' |persons were killed and 150 in-| NOW SHOWING... 2 NEW HITS word of a drunken lawyer or|; ; fire Wednesday night! | social worker." Tat aateioen more oan 1.000, baa Oy aad IN . Mr. Green's main charge wasinomes in the village of Abya-| ee aaa eeeseuek a be : that welfare legislation in gen-jdeya, near Alexandria. The| VANDALS OF VENGEANCE IN eral showed a greater preoceu-|fire, which began when sparks} "BURY OF THE PAGANS' | : > pation with who would pay the/from an oven set alight a store| with EDMUND PURDON -- RASSANA PODESTA | : ' costs than with the needs Of|of hay, was spread through the| : ____,___ BOTH IN COLOR if | people served. |village by burning pigeons, the) ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON @ BRING THE FAMILY : AT TEND He said it is possible, under|Middie East News Agency re-| the Training Schools Act, for al ported, ; | an me eee | EH FEDG ast : A TE on TR 1} OUR GIGANTIC found guilty of an offence. A| BETWEEN t judge needs only the fact that a DANCE pled 440 1401 ast \ TIME ... 6 + + © 8:30.11:30 Sue cane oer ooh ale Wigs iaptctiton secon Bio DRESS -- CASUAL to order such a committal, he TONIGHT Pha tho aikiacithaSUbidie anid ad ker added. j See You There eee, IR Under the same at, Sa ge | : DRIVE OUT | a child could be admi 0 al Old Time ue Modern training school upon the written request to the minister of re-| ADMISSION--$1.00 x TONIGHT ig form institutions from a chil-/ H ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! dren's aid society. ARN H This could be an easy out for | * 8: 4 a child welfare agency, he RED B BOXOFFICE OPENS AT: 8:00 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK noted, with the high cost of if : ne \ : ' treatment in the limited num-| | AU, Soe ee ee ee | ee, | @ » fis PRICE OF ONE! ]| TONIGHT @ SUNDAY @ MONDAY Hi : ee We ma PF: | : COME AS LATE AS 9 O'CLOCK DEBBY REYNOLDS IN ae | 0 ; 1" a me De | AND SEE ALL FIVE FEATURES The SANDALWOOD Restaurant =| The Second Time Around FEATURE TIMES = | BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 --"COMANCHEROS" STARTS 9:00 E R | 'snow White and the Three Stooges' ] | EB ueeye| "Sine || SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY ":%. xpress Regrets [| SEE SPECIAL SUNDAY BARGAINZA AD ! an "40-908 I] = 5 CONSECUTIVE FEATURES! to their many patrons who were turn- | §| i: 'somirten tree! MMOD PVs) Mh | ASIAN JOURNEY" | ed away anh ade Day Week-End - | at Was at leas lege | BARGAINZA ADMISSION 1.00 * r 723-4972 : due to the increased demand for The | Sea ss REGULAR PROGRAM SANDALWOOD'S excellent cuisine ; yng-Reting . and dining facilities. BURT LANCASTER Rory Calhoun | a / | e ALL COLOR FAMILY FUN SHOW! GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA He EO ; 3 | : 5 3 | sn a a "SECOND TIME AROUND" 9 a 2. : SECRET Plus "SNOW WHITE AND THE THREE STOOGES" |\Serpape7e EH4SA OF MONTE 7 7 | : NOBODY | ree meee | AND TECHNICOLOR IN TECHNICOLOR $ BEATS 4 TONY CURTIS MARKS = soma) || JUDY GARLAND, DIRK BOGARDE | ' SICOULD | UTARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE" LOW | See. a piace rHE SUN" : 3 GOs AGING" | PRICES! [eo | eee anes s | §|] MAYO SIMON ROBERT DOZIER iizstbamenast y mmm LAST 2 DAYS! "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD" a meee: _ RONALD NEAME STUART MILLAR..LAWRENGE TURMAN error begg es ea es TECHNICOLOR®, PANAVISION® SUNDAY Plus--"HORSE WITH FLYING TAIL" | SX Oa" StFmemewom Lnesty | 4 AND FOR YOUR ADDED ENJOYMENT |e THE FLYING MONSTER Whether It' aso STARTS MONDAY ~ | Ge MAN , > A HALF-HOUR MOTION PICTURE OF THE Recommended ¢ ~ he = UP TOA NIGHT OF p Furniture, H She's Half French Half Concealing! FIRST LADY'S VISIT TO INDIA AND PAKISTAN ADULT ENTER A M * / ) Appliances, HI-FI, Half Boston... | Half Revealing! Mba FUN & THRILLS No Matter TV, Radios, etc. Ee FUN! " . hi d \ } | ae aioe MIDNIGHT |i|| Jacqueline Kennedy's 2, x OSHAWA f You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's BOBBY DARIN LACE" Asian Journey" Wea i ite ibs GASTMANCOLOR RELEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS ; (7) iu AD % hd FURNITURE |3| "IF A MAN DORIS DAY a | , REX HARRISON APPLIANCES |3| ANSWERS" mean (si | THE BIRDS" § Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 IN COLOR IN COLOR q | ee KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 BILTMOR mera eer oF THORNTON RD. A\ HIGHWAY 401. . .PHONE 723-4972 =--_ YOU PAY TOO MUCH!!