Vmehiole Help Wanted maintenance send pond saperienes necessary. cal 17--Male Help Wanted Li sopeveere Pitty See MEN WANTED with automobile to 18--Male or Female Help Wanted boys Monday, May 20, 9 to 'ood basic pay, plus commis-/ 12 noon. Go swe sarees "Dou Barber shoh "s 2? Bond Street East, Oshaw: ired inn |*!22- aye WANTED, posi- tion, Apply 5 Celina street, at, Oahaws. Younes ma MAN oe ae lene porn -time, i 18 to 20. "Reply, stating od AA education. Box bend Oshawa Times. LIFE GUARD, male, 18 years or ~ have qualified . pool first aid. Must have car. Telephone Pickering 942-6557. SALESMEN NTED -- rtunity vs eoeebeidey in sales field, Trans- - ied, salary and commis- DESK clerk required for shift in Hotel. Apply Box 308 Oshawa Times. portation ith pay, 'oup insur- ame vacations Et pay, = ni only. eels in person, Mr. L.|Be Singer Machine Com- pany, 4-16 Ontario Street, GALES TRAINEE. Newly formed Ca- eRaA pada? of international -- pen ll i aged opening for Boi i trained for branch. IN THE market for a Mobile Home? suré to check the exceptional buys offered in the Oshawa Times Classified section. KITCHEN CABINET ASSEMBLERS pitaaaee's position. Full Sag fabcea inet Antari nal interview, rigs ving details of lig ees 'ment to Box 806, Oshawa eggs soit wi ANTED -- 'opportunity | rc for advancement in sales field. Trans- Steady employment. Apply H-G Designs Ltd. Pickering, Call 942-3790 portation supeiled, onary and ion, vacations with pay, group insur- Leda Patient in P aad ge 1 Mr. L. pesties aly. Sings inger go aching Com- pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. SHINGLERS Experienced sub - contractors new work. TORONTO RU 3-1138 "OFFSET PRESSMAN URGENT EXPERIENCED On larger offset equipment. Excellent future for right per- son. State experience, age, salary. References. Apply HAINES. FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO LICENSED MECHANIC WAGES and INCENTIVE FOR CROWELL'S Service Station 22 Bond St. East OSHAWA Too! Makers Die Makers Wanted $2.68 PER HOUR FOR FIRST CLASS JOURNEYMAN Work week 50 hours. Time and one half over 40 hours. Night shift bonus 8c per hour. TELEPHONE Mr. E. Garlichs Nights - 725-2130 Days - 725-6523 FABRICATED METALS AND STAMPING LTD. HEATING SALESMAN REQUIRED for Barrie, Orillia, Peter- borough, Oshawa and North Central Ontario. To call on Heating Deal- ers and Wholesalers. With complete line of Sheet Metal Products, Automatic Hesting Equipment and ac- cessories. Good connections end experience preferred. Employee's Benefits. Write with qualifications, for inter- view to: Imperial Refractories and Equipment Ltd. 160 ROGERS STREET, Wednesday, 22 May, 1963/$ WATERLOO, ONTARIO DEPUTY CO-ORDINATOR EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION COUNTY OF ONTARIO Preferably 35 to 55 years, Male or female. General edu- cotion equivalent to high school graduation. Experienced in preparing reports and pro- grammes capable instructor to conduct public educational | programme. Apply in writing to Personnel Manager CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario midnig' 6 SALESMEN and SALESWOMEN TO SELL 25--Apartments Two - stove and Adults only. NORTH OSHAWA -- in apa building, stove, tor, free washing facilities. Tel 728-049. bon yap STREET -- 235 -- Unfurnish- apartm rooms, peg amon Parking. fecilities. able adults only. Apply 292 Kaiser] Crescent, Bsns fa ee. 1 "oat Sram, ve, refrigera- lephone Reli- NEAR ag igen Motors, two in REAL ESTATE Previous Soles background, apartment pancy, Telephone Guide le Realty Limited, 16 |Simcoe South, 723-1 DIVISION STREET, 354--Private sale. Full price $12,000. Down, $1600. Rea- |sonable terms. room garage, two zacronee fenced yard. GLADSTONE Avenue 40' x 113 ft lot, sewer, water and gas already in, on paved street. For 725-0334 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale Lave enl BUNGALOW, five years ol4,|MODERN three bedroom brick and modern three finished rec-|stone bungal reation room, spacious lot, near shop-| ping and bus. Payment $1500. 728-6302. P iacg BB gs down} Good down pay tails after 4 o'clock, T 60 ft. x 225 ft., Haeoo. 'Telephone 728-9545, 725-0702. on pee Creek. Ss 25 ACRES, choice aa garden be and|!2 hou: bathroom, E. 'or apply Armstrong, Nestleton, RR 1, or phone Bi 986-4427. aN [McLaughlin Blvd. information between 5 and 7 p.m. occu- g00d location. $98 per month. but not necessarily in the Real Estate Field. Ambition and good health ore require- ments, Must have a fairly late mode! car. We pay top commissions, Write or tele- phone BILL McFEETERS Schofield-Aker 360 King St, W., Oshawa Telephone 723-2265 BLOOR Street et cal Park Road South, private three room $65 per month, 728-5123. erator, heat, lights and water, parking. previgr onvaxee AVENUE. pet bese ie two bedrooms, living above address after 5 TWO ADJOINING lots, 83 distri near school, Price $1275. each, after 5 p.m. 728-1986, 260 ft., northeast ict, outside city limits, Six room brick house 92; Large two room stove, refrig- te possession. Newly decor- . $15 weekly. 299 -- Four- and kitchen, " children. Apply o'clock, PRICED TO SELL Easy Terms TRI-PLEX $23,000 FULL PRICE $3,000 Down--Income $2,- 830, Four years old, Tenants Pay Your Mortgage. Dufferin Street, Whitby 725 - 8210 Telephone 725-3090 26--Rooms For Rent NICELY keeping room. pine 'facilities. vate entrance. Telephone 726-2359. Pri- Room and Board tle: » close to WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court, Kingston Road East, cabins. All con- veniences, including showers and i Weekly rates starting at $15. 723-7424. Re 'LGIN EAST, 29 -- Room and board fo: and rt ephone 128-3643. th General Motors, room and|W' fag gentlemen, willing Le MOTEL, King Street Ea mu eekly rates, rooms, heated, = visio, $15, and $17.50, Telephone 723. to le beds, Junches | 97 packed, 'Telephone 728-4763. ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board for gentlemen, single beds, lunches) |packed, good meals. 728-243: |SIMCOE AND ROSSLA a, room, television, good meals, | packed, gentlemen, private bath, en- |trance, quiet home, laundry, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenie. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage CREDIT MANAGER | Thoroughly experienced, for a large local retail company. Apply stating age, experience and salary expected, References may be required. BOX 60/7 OSHAWA TIMES New Offices In Medical Center | | | 211 Simcoe Street S. | Available July 1963 Can be finished to suit Early Tenants. PHONE 725-5132 " \central to downtown and Ni | = weekly. ._ Telephone 725-5227. s/ATHOL STREFT EAST, | re ROOM furnished for light house-| keeping, electric refr stove and television. Central fo down: town and shopping centre, Adults, $15 253--Two fur- nished rooms, Central. and kitchen; refrigerator. Adults only. Apply above. IN Canadian home, iarge, clean; single} furnished rooms, nicely decorsted Gentlemen preferred. Private entrance, |$7 weekly. Telephon 723-1359. | COMFORTABLE room, for gentleman,| forth Gen-| \Se3) Motors. Reasonable. Telephone| 723-9895. | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH | | | SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE | | |p Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask, for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE | LEARN A. TRADE WHILE BEING PAID THROUGH THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE WHICH provides exception- ally Interesting and varied op- portunity to build an exciting career in the field of aviation. IF you are between the ages of 17 and 29 -----you have a Grade 8 educa- tion or better you are a Canadian Citizen or British Subject you are physically fit --vou are single WE OFFER --the equivalent of $180. per month while you are train- Ing as a technician in el- ectronics, communications, administration, mechanical and many other fields. --continuous employment and salary. --free medical and dental core --free clothing, excellent food and attractive accom- modation. --ftree recreational and sports facilities. --an exceptionally generous pension plan. ~----the opportunity to travel throughout Conade and abroad, --dignified employment. with prestige in a proud service. --4 weeks' annual holiday with pay. WHY not take a few minutes Very soon to discuss your pos- sible future with a trade and © new coreer in the RCAF? NO OBLIGATOION CONTACT THE RCAF MOBILE RECRUTING OFFICE AT OSHAWA ARMOURIES Noon to 6 p.m. 723-3474 |23--Wanted To Rent | TWO- or three-bedroom house by reli- | one na OE eoneren June 1. Tele- phone IREsroNsuatE couple with pete = t wo 0 Oshawa or vicinity. Telephone 798-7020. JULY 1 -- Middle-aged couple re- quires one or two bedroom apartment or duplex, main floor preferred, un- furnished. Easy walking distance 4 General Motors ohcAd plant. Reply to Box 646, Oshawa s. | COUPLE with two ae would like to rent house. References, Mr. C. Jen- sen, 125 Byng Avenue. Telephone 728- 5645. BELL Telephone sesistant sales man-' ager requires two or three bedroom house or duplex or a two-bedroom apartment in Oshawa. Please call 728- 5111 before 5 p.m. NEAR HOSPITAL, three- bedroom house. High school teacher, wife and two High School children. Tele- Phone 728-7849. |BUSINESSMAN transferred. Three- or four-bedroom home desired by July 1 im Oshawa or Whitby. Write Box 648, Oshawa Times. ae For Rent WINTERIZED two-room cottage, part- ly furshed, clean, redecorated. Adults only, Telephone 728-8125. LADY pensioner will share bungalow in Kirkfield, all conveniences, own room, television, nice grounds, with elderly lady in good health. $45 month- ly. Telephone Kirkfield, Code 416, 438-3127. six-room, FIVE room modern home, beautifully in 125 month includes heat, hydro, water. Telephone Guide Realty Lid., 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121. hot water heating, modern conveni- Close to schools. Apply 562 Drew 25--Apartments KING and Gibbon, spacious two-bed- room apartment, available June 1, adults only. Call Mr. Bolahood at 725- 6544 or 725-8333, MARY STREET -- Two-room upper SIMCOE Street South, 299, Apt. 4. Four room rei Atel private bath, central, $75 monthly. Apply above. FULLY fe i stove and refrigerator, etc., in new tri- plex. Nice location. 725-0998 days; 668-5979 after 8 p.m. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Suit quiet gentleman or lady, Telephone between 12 a.m. and 6 p.m. TAUNTON ROAD EAST -- two-bed- room main floor apartment, self-con- tained. No objection to one child, 723- 7539 between 11 and 3. WHITBY CLASSIFIED . OSHAWA CITY limits. Self-contained two rooms with kitchenette. Utilities! included, $65 monthly, Working couple} preferred. Near bus stop. 723-2781 be- fore 7 p.m. DRESSMAKING, alterations, sewing. Reasonable rates. Exropean. Mrs. §&. Jebert, Whitby sr RENT -- = Two 1 large self-contain- ba 3 and second Available now. WISH to buy a good used doll pram.|F Large size. Telephone 668-2062. single room, FOR RENT: Bachelor apartment, all conveniences, parking. Apply to $14, Oshawa Times, Whitby. OTO-tilling gan, Brooklin. 655-4936. Box|* done. Apply Jack Mulli- Private a Po ing, central. Reasonable. Apply 96 Cen- litre Street. |DOWNTOWN - _- |bath, ment | mt 'momitily, -- Three rooms modern, self-contained, in new building, $80 725-1212. FOR RENT -- One-bedroom a : sansewannve, Sala, aaa, 'Y wanted for drug store. Apply Jury and Lovell, Whitby Plaza. RIDERS wanted to Scarborough Tele- phone 668-8647. re. | tained $55. Apply 209 Brock Street South, telephone 668-4977. & specialty, Mrs. T \FOR RENT: -- bedroom = self-con- apartment, main floor, Call WOR RENT: June i Two 605 Centre Street South (668-4880, rates. partment, $55 hae repens apartment, $55. Close 668-4560. oe etre ee Srepee. 'sing > Gra ms" 668-2972. COR Zeut garden werk. roto tilling and i reasonable Sn NEAR THE HOSPITAL -- Modern two- m upper apartment, unfurnish- -|ed, parking space. One child welcome. Telephone 723-7827. DREW STREET -- Six-room house, 27--Real Estate for Sale LOT FOR SALE -- 103' frontage by) 120', Landscoped, one block south off} | King Street East. Five minutes walk-| |ing distance from bus, churches, pub-| lic, separate or high school. $49 per) pomnee foot with services paid. FoUn-aEDEOON brick house, oil heat- jing, sun-porch, large lot. Near shop- Ping, schools and church. Telephone | 725-8909 after 4 p.m. | OWNER- BUILT, clay-brick-veneer five-| | Foom bungalow. One block St. Hedwig's School, garage, beautifully landscaped, corner lot, Telephone 728-1259. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land. Near Mosport. Reasonable om Call Orono 4R6, OPEN HOUSE 2 P.M. UNTIL 5 P.M. LINDEN STREET Featuring 1963 Layout, All New Large Spacious Bungalows And Sp! i t- Levels, Prices As Low As| $13, 300 with $900 down. | Directions: South on Wilson to Taylor, East on Taylor to models. De HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new "KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East End location. Give us a call. Your present home accepted as a trade. CARL OLSEN REALTOR __299 King St. W. 723-1133 _ $895 NOW five room brick bungalows loaded with extras $12,895 | | OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK END HOURS 2 TO 9 P.M. SEE THE FOUR LOVELY MODEL HOMES IN GRANDVIEW VILLAGE BUILT BY KASSINGER PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $930 Schotield- Aker LIMITED 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 BEFORE YOU BUY BE SURE YOU TRY "DOWNSVIEW PARK' Oshawa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision. The sub- division which is design controlled for your protection. All pre- paid services -- buy a house or a lot -- 42 lots have been sold in the first year of development which proves that for the best vatue in Oshawa, for a central location on curved streets and rolling terrain (formerly Downsview Golf course) close to schools you too will choose 'Downsview Park" by Holshawa. CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial | 728- 4678 OSHAWA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES OPEN THIS WEEKEND Roth Construction: North Oshawa. Travel West on Rossland Road to Glencaim Street. Turn North to | Rossmount then 1 block west. Roth Construction: East End Qualit $1,000 down. King Street East to on Grandview. and Economy. randview, South Rusnor Construction: $800 full down payment. | Park Road South to Philip Murray turn East two blocks to Tremblay Street then one block South. JOSEPH BOSCO, REALTOR OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK END HOURS 2 TO 9 P.M. SEE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL KASSINGER "DREAM HOME" MODELS IN BEAU VALLEY Schotield-Aker LIMITED 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 "only: four left" Grandview Gardens CALL HOWARD McCABE 728-6286 | S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED Governor Mansions Luxury Second Furniture, | LLOYD REALTY LIFST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER '_ATHOL ST. EAST SPRING SALE OF COTTAG AND COTTAGE LOTS Situated at "BB" Beach on the north shore of Rice Lake -- 3 cottages and 5 lots, to be sold this weekend, 3 lots @ $300.00 each--$50.00 down--$7.67 monthjy for 3 years 6500.00 each--$50.00 .down--$13.79 3 years. « hard/97.---Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Mey 18, 1963 ]7 27--Real Estate For Sale Lichersalbbe ig eles pad wage dent per sggy tl Telephone 728-7130 after 6 p.m. FARM near acres, good of water. Terms ar- ranged. For ition call 728-2100 morn'ngs. LOT FOR SALE -- 103' frontage by 120', Landscaped, one block JONES Lego two - bedroom brick) King Street East. Five wreath -id PRIVATE SALE, 3971 Elizabeth Street, . five-room brick busgalow, $1700 down, Flee ig ea Pe gg beh Ci a $10,500. Reasonable down payment. Lese| i: for cash. No agents, 728-7245. BROOKLIN -- venees six-room ranch bungalow, tiled bathroom, aluminum storms and screens, large lot. Only gy » schools and shopping. Brooklin CENTRAL PARK SOUTH -- near King, six-room stone and brick Modern kitchen , three _ bedrooms, or high school, $49 per frontage foot with services paid. 728- SIX-ROOM, two-storey home, Oshawa Biyd. South, h, $1,900 down, $79. monthly. waitey -- $2,000 down. One 6 per cent jage, Five-room brick. bun: galow, newly. decorted. Whitby (668-5234. EIGHT-ROOM brick home in village of Solina with 14% acres of land suitable for subdivision; near store, school and church, Apply to Walter finished room ,1 725-6279, PRIVATE SALE 5 ROOM BRICK 362 LESLIE STREET Hardwood floors, oil heat, poved drive, garage. PHONE 728-8505 PATRICK G. McDANIEL REALTOR WHITBY PHONE 668-2311 402 WALNUT ST.--$3,000 is the down payment for this attractive brick dwelling which features -- excellent plan - large kitchen, living room with fireplace, dining room, three bedrooms, cera- mic tile bathroom with van- ity, large rec. room, land- scaped lot, paved drive and close to everything. FAIRVIEW DR. -- This is an attractive 6-room ranch- styie bungalow with ottach- ed gatage,. 3-bedrooms, large ceramic tile bathroom with vantiy, dining room, painted divided basement, located in the County sub-division, one of Whitby's best resi- dential oreas. 906 HENRY ST.--$23,500 is the asking price for this large ranch style home, fea- turing 7-rooms, bathroom and two - car garage. This home has mony attractive features jncliding lorge 90- ft, landscaped lot. 159 HILLCREST DRIVE -- $15,000 is the asking price for this brick bungalow with attached gorage, Three bedrooms, family room, din- ing room and many built-in extras. Included are drapes, curtains and floor coverings. Property has landscaped lot and paved drive. 'GUIDE REALTY LIMITED JUST LISTED -- 100 acre dairy farm only 6 miles from Oshawa with lovely 9 room brick home and attached gar- age. All conveniences. 10 ROOMS -- 2 bathrooms. New furnace, F.H.A. Oil. Newly decorated throughout. Hardwood floors. A beautiful home for a large family. Priced at only $12,900 with excellent - financing. Carries for $80 per month. Principal ond interest. Don't delay. Give us a call to inspeet. $8,500 FULL PRICE -- for this 6 room, 2 storey brick home, good condition with new furnace, low down pay- ment. HIGHLAND AVENUE -- Well maintained three bedroom brick bungalow. Forced hot cir oil furnace, Rec. room, aluminum storms and screens, T.V. tower, paved drive. Let us show you this immaculate home today. Immediate pos- session, $13,300 FULL PRICE -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive and garage. Lot fenced and landscaped. Fin- ished room in basement pan- elled in mahogany. This home is in excellent condition and well located close to schools, bus and shopping. ONLY $3,900. Winterized cottage at Lakeside Beach on Lake Scugog. 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen panelled, liv- ing room and. large sun porch. In excellent condition and in- cludes all contents. Owner must sell, Give us an offer. SPLIT LEVEL -- 3 bedrooms, large picture window, finish- ed recreation room, walk-out basement to patio.. Home only 4 years old qnd can be bought with a low .dovin payment. Full price is $12,500, ; BUILDER'S SPECIAL--8 lots on Wilson Rd. North plus 6 room. bungalow with double garage. Must be sold. Build- er's terms. RUG BRICK ,RANCHER -- with attached garage, 3 mast- er size bedrooms with 19. ft. living room. Family size kit- chen. Many extras, including fan, pre-formed kitchen cup- boards, double stainless steel sink, double closets with liahts, over 1,300 sq. ft. of custom built home. Owner transferred, immediate posses- ion, | | GLENFOREST ST. -- 6 room brick bungalow with 4 pce. tiled bath. Forced air oil heat- ig eo RR 1, Hampton, Ontario. Phone 263-2346. FOR QUICK cae -- low down pay- ment, five-room k garage. Centrally "pote Vacant now. on 12, house, barn, creek, Illness sale. Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, SIX-ROOM house, 8% acres. garden soil. Anderson Street, Telephone 668-5955, Mr. H. Kuenen, bungalow and/NHA 725-8168. SACRIFIC MUST MO ONLY $1700 DOWN FULL PRICE $12,700 Take over one 6% Morteegs OR will accept best down pay- ment with small mortgage. EASY PAYMENTS Six room split level brick, 4 years old, excellent condi- tion, OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. Phone Whitby 668-4871 120 oct dairy form with milk contract, 40 cattle, 2 tractors, all machinery, stable cleaner. 14 miles from Osh- awa. $55,000.00 with terms. Scenic. country 'acreage with woodlands and creeks in Lake Scugog or- Kendal Hills area. 25 acres. $4,000.00 with terms. Suburban homesites, 414 miles from. Oshawa. $3,200 with terms. For information on the above properties Phone 725.3568 HOWARD FORDER Evenings dial Brooklin 655-3853 | PRIVATE -- Lot for sale, 107 5 300 § a" Rosslawn Ave THE DIPLOMAT DELUXE APARTMENT WHITBY ELECTRIC HEATING SWIMMING POOL } ELEVATOR ' Furnished. lobby, HiFi music, broadloomed corridors, wall- to-wall drapes, automatic built-in. range. Complete loundry room. .One, two, three bedroom units. REEDAIRE COURT AT DUNLOP ST. TELEPHONE 668-8560 28--Real Estate Wanted TO RENT with option to purchase, house, small barn with sana within Oshawa-Whitby area commuting dis tance, Telephone 668-8559. TRADE three-apartment dwelling in with sandy lake Whitby, for acreage frontage and accessible hydro, on a OPEN HOUSE 2 P.M. UNTIL 5 P.M. KINGSMERE GARDENS Featuring electrically heated models with prices starting as low as $13,850 Some, others with down pay- ments of $1273. Directions -- proceed on King Street East to Missionary Col- lege, turn right and follow the signs. os HYMAN 728- 6286 REAL ESTATE LIMITED ° lake, After 5 evenings, call 725-4302. ' We have a Client for 10 to 25 Acres, 5 or 6 room house in good condition with con- veniences, small bam, land must be foirly level, within 15 mile radius of Oshawa, For full particulars coll Guide Realty Limited, Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, 723-1121. , Ont. |29------Automobiles For Sale |1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, four door sedan, automatic transmission, power steering, radio. Telephone 723-9175. 1940 FORD coupe, disassembled, some new parts. Telephone 725-7730. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and Ki 723-4733 and 723-7712 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ai AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 (Continued on Page 18) OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS SIMPLE SURPLICE WRAP REVEALS BEAUTIFUL BACK PRINTED PATTERN M SIZES 8-18 Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidgires--12 cu, ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A: Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, | Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 and lo eated in modern triplex. Four blocks from downtown. Scochose 668-4158 aftrencons an' evenings. AVON a eee excellent earn-| rural working ! in your own community. Write! PO Box 512, Oshawa. ROTARY MOWER TUNE -UP Clean and adjust points, spark plugs, carborator, throt- tle controls, sharpen blade. 2 cycle $4.50 plus' parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus ports. OUTBOARD MOTORS Repairs and Service WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES. 1415 Dundas E. * ay GOOLD Hand Sroryting for cottages, floor coverings, ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Wil! buy, sell or trade. Open all day. 215 Dundas east, Whitby. Telephone 663-5481 ing. T.V. Antenna, aluminum storm doors. 'All double pier- son windows. Carries for $74 per month. $9,900 FULL PRICE 5 room bungalow with garage, New forced air oi! furnace. Very quiet end of Athol St. All schools and shopping within walking distance. Re--- quires a substantial down payment. Don't delay on this one, Call Ed Drumm at 725- 9345 or 728-5123. DUPLEX $10,500 FULL PRICE HILLCROFT AREA Two meters, two bathrooms, large lot, Carries for $85. monthly, plus very reasonable taxes. Call Ed Drumm for ap- pointment to inspect at 725- 9345 or 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North, 1 Ontario, All wooded lots with docking facilities very handy.. 2 cottages @ $2,500.00 each with $250.00 down. _ 1 furnished cottage @ $4,500.00. Without a doubt this is the nicest beach on Rice Lake, only 43 miles from Oshawa and these are the last properties to be sold to complete this sub- way to Bailiboro, go division. gh miles to sign "BB" Directions: Take No. 28 Hi East on North shore road Beach -- turn South to Lake then right to Metcalf cottage. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 Me Vebtuger. It's bareback news -- a criss-/ Printed Pattern M339 is avail. cross wrap -- that turns this/able in Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, jsupple sheath into an exciting|14, 16 and 18. Size 16 requires 'Summer fashion, Make it cas- 5-|3% yards 39-inch fabric. jual or play up its drama via} Send ONE DOLLAR for Print- your fabric choice -- for in-|ed Pattern M339 to The Oshawa stance, hot orange linen of pale) Times, Oshawa, Ont. Ontario blue crepe, black piqué on silk/residents add 3c sales tax. (Add surah scroll design. Printed Pat-|15c for each pattern for first tern M339 by Alice Schweitzer|class mailing and special hand-. is basically simple with few pat-jling.) Please print plainly tern parts. Note how ties come/ YOUR NAME, ADDRESS with from the side to sash the waist}ZONE, STYLE NUMBER and casually in front. The slight/SIZE. fabric. extension suggests the) NEXT WEEK -- Watch for a flattery of sleeves above a\|Prominent Designer Pattern bv smart, square 'armhole. (Hannah Tro; : |FOR RENT: Three room apartment, stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, $75 Par! . Adults. > 668-3501 SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt. service on calls: Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. |For full particulars call 723-1121 After 9 p.m. call © Leon Manitius 725-8068 Toney 'Siblock 725-4362 Roy. Flintoff 725-3454 Steve Zurba 728-0569 Irene Brown 725-3867 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Dick Young 723-7183 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU Crushed gravel (mulch), pit run gravel, stone, sand ond top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons" (Whitby) Limited lies | rie GUIDE REALTY. LIMITED . 16 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 244 Brock St. $. Fuels ond Builders' Su; ie altors, | | Re .