iQ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 18, 1963 YOUR GARDEN THE HOME WORKSHOP Selection, Care Of Hedge Plant By CRANSTON SCOTT Liberty Nurseries, Bowmanville Everyone notices and ad- Ser a good hedge. A hedge ay be desirable for various Peasons, such as a frame for your property or a background for the garden, It may also serve the purpose of a screen, wall or fence to give privacy and Pog apn intrusion. Very often it is used to define limited areas within the garden. . A well-kept hedge, properly placed can be one of the most attractive features of your land- scaping. It may be evergreen or deciduous, dwarf or tall,'kept formal by close shearing, or in- formal merely trimming straggly shoots, There is no great secret in creating and maintaining a beautiful hedge. The first step ds to contact your nurseryman, Sto choose the right one for your *epurpose: in other words, a suit. Srable plant for a particular "hedge. : For an evergreen hedge you may use Korean Box, Euony- mus Sarcoxie, Japanese Y e w, Cedar and Spruce, Korean Box is unequalled as a low dense hedge for such places as planting boxes or an edging for shrub or flower beds, and will thrive in the sun or shade. Euonymus Sarcoxie, Japan. ese and Hicksi Yews are also to be recommended for shady areas and are ideal in many ways such as along walks or 'around a patio. The yews make & beautiful formal hedge where a medium height is required. "They trim very smoothly and into any shape. Cedar and Spruce will give good results where a high ever- ype hedge is needed to serve the year round as a screen or windbreak. In deciduous hedge plants there are the ever popular va- rieties, Armur River Privet, Chinese Elm, Red or Green Barberry, Alpine Currant, and many of the flowering shrubs. Privet, Chinese Elm, and Cur- rant are as a rule only used for formal hedges. Privet shears well. It can be used in almost any area and js tolerant of par- tial shade. Chinese Elm, as yet the fast- est growing hedge, is a sun. loving plant and extremely hardy. It does well even in sandy or gravelly soils, It also does well in heavily shaded areas, It is dwarf to medium in height and makes a beautiful hedge to cover a foundation. At the same time its dark glossy foliage makes an excellent back- ground for the foundation plants, The Barberries, both red or green leaf, are in the medium height class, The red barberry with its striking color is always in heavy demand. Both varieties are very thorny, mak- ing them useful as a barrier, They also hold their leaves late Into the fall, The green leaf variety (Japanese Thunbergl) is covered with red berries in the fall and the foliage turns a gorgeous color with the first hard frost, Many flowering shrubs are also used for hedging. Varieties such as Honeysuckle, Mock Orange, Spitaeas, (both Van Houtti and Antony Waterer), Snowberry. and many others. While choosing 'a hedge, give consideration to the nature of the soil, In order to give it a good start, thorough soil prepa- ration should be made: a trench not less than 18" deep should be dug; all subsoil clay must be removed and this re- placed with a rich light loom. While planting, mix according to recommendations, bone meal and dehydrated manure or peat moss, While the plants are be- ing set in, do not let the roots become exposed to sun and wind. Firm the earth around the roots, After the back fill- ing is finished cultivate into the surface area, an application of fertilizer. This will give your plants a quick start. Repeat each year, an application of fertilizer in early spring, again in June, and a side dressing of manure and bone meal in the fall, Then you will have a hedge that you will be proud of because it will be better de- veloped and a better color, healthier and admired by every- one. Watch for next week's article on Broadleaf Evergreens and Vines, - FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE PAINT SPRAYED ON TABLE QUESTION: Children were using aerosol enamel to deco- rate gifts and accidently spray- ed a small area of table with light film of paint, Can this be removed without having to re- finish the table top? The table 'is a polished walnut, © ANSWER: Some Uquid floor wax (not the water or self- polishing type) will remove paint spray without damage to polished surfaces. Or try ex- ceedingly careful rubbing. with fine steel wool and: turpentine. PICNIC FURNITURE QUESTION: Last summer we spent travelling through the country and stopped at several "ot our national parks, We liked 'some of the picnic tables and seats that we used. It is pos- sible to get plans for building these ANSWER: Yes: send 15 cents "(no stamps) to the Superinten- dent of Documents, Washington 2, D.C., for the leaflet 'Picnic Tables, containing detailed plans and pictures of various picnic tables and seats used by the National Park Service "throughout the country. HEATED AIR TOO DRY QUESTION: During the heat- ing season -- we have oil-fired, hot air heat -- the whole family finds the air in the house too dry. How can we get more humidity into the air without having portable humidifiers ar ANSWER: Several manufac- ~turers make efficient humidi- fiers for hot air furnaces. Most of these humidifiers consist of a larger water pan with ceram- ic or glass fibre evaporator "plates; the pan is connected to the water supply so that there is a constant amount of water in the pan for continuoys eva- poration. Your heating service man could tell you about\ vari- ous makes and give you cost in- formation; or, consult the - low Pages" under "Hi ying Apparatus." ff USELESS €. © QUESTION: The. cabinet un- "der my kitchen sink is com- pletely useless for storage be- £ cause of dripping moisture from ethe water pipes which go f through this space. There are » no leaks in the pipes. Is there * any way to overcome this so I Pp! help prevent this condition, In- ,;Paint stores; "lly dry out and always maintain available at most hardware and lumbing supplies dealers, will stalling a kitchen exhaust fan to draw off moist air due to cook- ing vapors will also help. DOWNSTAIRS SINK BACK-UP QUESTION: We live in the downstairs apartment of a two- floor house. Water from the up- stairs kitchen sink usually backs up into our kitchen sink,| making a gurgling sound, What causes this and how can it be corrected ANSWER: The plumbing sys- tem may be improperly vented, causing the discharge from the upstairs sink to create suction as it passes the drain of your sink, destroying the trap seal. This permits it to be drawn up) into your eink together with air, creating the gurgling sound, Or the drain pipe pitch from your sink may be in- correct, I recommend having a competent plumber make a per- sonal inspection and necessary correction. CRUMBLING GARAGE FLOOR) QUESTION: About a year ago I put down the concrete floor in our garage. Now it has begun to crumble and chip off in large flakes, What went wrong and how can it be cor- rected ANSWER: Either the propor- tion of cement and sand was skimpy or it was trowelled too much when being smoothed, forcing most of the cement to the surface, I recommend put- ting down a new topping of con- crete over the entire floor, PATTERN 369 By RUTH W, SPEARS KEGS, CANS AND SCRAPS may be used to make bird houses that blend into a natural setting. Pattern 342, which gives directions for a variety of type and even shows how to thatch th tops with straw o r dried grasses if you wish to give an Old-English effect, is 50c. This pattern also is in the Homes for Birds Packet No, 75 with many more modern designs-- all for $1.75. Send orders to The Home MAKE A LOUNGE CHAIR with or without arms. It's easy -- a frame of lumber; foam rubber cushion and padding; covering quickly fitted to sim- ple lines; arms bolted on after they are covered, Three chairs make a sofa, Pattern 369, which lists materials, gives cutting guides and shows carpentry and covering steps, is 50c, This pat- tern also is in the Living Room Furniture Packet which is $1.75 Send orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times; Oshawa, Ont. | Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. see troubl Unsafe Houses Claimed Used By Welfare TORONTO (CP) -- Municipal welfare officials sometimes al- low families on relief to live in unsafe housing because the cannot get adequate rental al- lowances from the provincial government, Mrs, Nora Fox, di- rector of the Brantford Chil- dren's Aid Society, said Thurs- day. And because the cheap hous- ing is often run-down, she said, relief families spent excessive amounts on fuel to keep the premises warm. Mrs, Fox made the state- 1 est Ontario Ley Pew Toronto, London, dsor, of 961 to share with the five larg- Hamilton and Ottawa--the cost giving needy families up to $75 rental allowance, above the maximum monthly relief pay- ment of $180, WANTS EXTENDED The council wants the princi- ple extended to all other com- munities. Delegates also agreed to urge a re-examination by the prov- ince of basic welfare allow- ances and uneven welfare ad- ministration from one munici- pality to another, after Ray- mond Peters, chairman of an association of unemployed men in Peterborough, said needy families cannot live in health lief allowances, and decency under present re-/| ments during a discussion on rental allowances at the Ontario Welfare Council's conference here, More than 100 delegates to the conference voted to peti- tion the provincial government for higher allowances for relief families in smaller centres. IT'S DIXON'S for the BEST in FUEL end Heating : -- by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St. 723-4663 The government decided in WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Approved for all municipal and township by-laws. Quality is unconditionally © guaranteed. Deliveries are made on time. CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: © 460 GALLONS © 525 GALLONS ® 600 GALLONS * 800 GALLONS © 700 GALLONS ® 1000 GALLONS ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER g CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. hk aiden Bie e budding? Save roses insects and disease! ORTHO Rose Dust in the pliable plastic squeeze duster takes the work out of rose care. One puff releases a power-packed combination of insecticides and fungicides lindane, phaltan, sulfur, Dust wards off aphis, black spider mites, Japanese beetles, rose slugs, thrips and many more... brings roses safely from bud to bloom! Refillable! your plasti¢ squeeze duster gives years of use, WALL-BATHTUB JOINT OPEN) QUESTION: The joint where! can I repair this to prevent water getting in here i ANSWER: Several good putty-| like preparations, for just this} purpose, are available at hard-! ware, some housewares and the wall and bathtub meet has' | begun to develop a crack, How } ORTHO Oakville, Ont, AGRICULTURAL from both DDT. Result: ORTHO Rose cpot, <nildew, rose rust, red CHEMICALS New Westminster, B.C, these differ from putty in that they never actual- a tight seal. They are easy to/ apply because they are usually] 'sold in tubes and you simply) maintain a gentle pressure while running the tube along T. EATON CO, LTD. GARDEN SHOP Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE 725-7373 FOX NURSERY 999 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY PHONE 668-4162 the crack. FREE POWs | PEKING (Reuters) -- Com:) munist China today released 353] Indian troops captured in last| * can make use of the cabinet? I » badly need the storage space. | * ANSWER: The dripping -- SX ture is probably due to very * humid kitchen air coming in) fcontact with the cold water pipes and condensing. Covering the pipes with insulating tape, -- Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY | LTD @ LLOYD CORSON, President || @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President |) @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Trees. | 16 SIMCOR ST. $., OSHAWA | PHONE 723-1121 ot © © ee Ol eeTe gE ee + |'GARWOOD'} year's SinoIndian border fight:| ing in the Tibet region, the New| OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1253 Simcoe N. PHONE 723-3222 China news agency reported. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. E. PHONE 725-1764 When Buying a New Furnace or a New home Make SURE It's a Oshawa Shopping Centre SWAN IHA HARDWARE PHONE 725-7513 W. C, SCOTT NURSERY 128 LIBERTY ST. N. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-3074 The most Economica! Oil Furnace on the Market! MOSIER "ii METAL VAN BELLE GARDENS R.R. NO. 3 BOWMANVILLE 292 KING W. -- 728.2734 il PHONE 623-5757 HARRY D. WILSON HARDWARE 19 KING ST, WEST PHONE 723-3622 Automatic Defrost True Zero-Zone Freezer Fresh Food Storage Saves on Shopping Trips Saves on More Food Bills Space UY A NEW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR" A FREEZER WT WOW'S THE TIME TO BUY A TWO-TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATOR WITH A TRUE ZERO-ZONE FREEZER SECTION... from a wide choice of leading makes! This is today's most wanted refrigerator, pro- viding controlled freezer temperatures for both the safe storage of frozen foods, juices, ice cream' and the sub-zero temperatures required for the fast-freezing of fresh meats, poultry, fruits and vegetables. NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY A MODERN HOME FREEZER . ; ; chest-type or upright . . . "putting down" summer's fruits and vegetables quickly, easily. BUY EITHER UNIT NOW... AND GET THIS GLAMOROUS MEDALLION HAIRDRYER... COMPLETE WITH TRAVEL CASE (a $29.95 value) ABSOLUTELY FREE! A Complete Travelling Beauty Salon « Dries Nail Polish Perfumes Hair «Contains Large Unbreakable Make-up Mirror In Smart, Lightweight Oyster-white Travel Case WOO i Sy \S GET A $29:95 VALUE HAIRDRYER FREED THIS OFFER GOOD ON ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS Beatty - Belwood + Co-op Visceani Coronado + Eaton's Viking + Firestone Frigidaire » General Electric - General Freezer « Gibson - Gilson + Kelvinator Leonard . McClary-Easy » Moffat - Onward Philco « RCA Whirlpool - Roy « Simpson's Coldspot . Simp: Sears . Westinghouse Wood's « And other fine makes ) your hydro and treat yourself to the modern way of AT STORES DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL --- May 18 to Jone 2 *ONLY TWO-TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATORS WITH TRUE ZERO-ZONE FREEZER SECTIONS QUALIFY. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN CO-OPERATION WITH WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION im, \ -- LIVE perren NS <6