-------- -- 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 17, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN LIQUOR PLEBISCITE ISSUE RAISES ITS HEAD Is Oshawa to have a liquor plebiscite ? City Council will come to grips with this contentious problem at next Tuesday's meeting in the open, at long last, unless present plans collapse suddenly, The reasoning is simple, Council has had two. formal requests for plebiscites within recent weeks and pressure on it is growing for a decision, one way or another -- in addi- tion, there has been a pronounced swing towards cocktall lounges and dining rooms with liquor licenses in recent nearby plebiscites, including Peterborough and Whitby. The hour for decision has arrived, therefore, despite the reluctance of several elected representatives to deal openly with such a red- hot political potato capable of arousing. influential groups, such as the Oshawa Ministerial Association. The problems are not easy to solve. Council could effect a con- siderable saving -- possibly $10,000 or $15,000 -- by using the official voters' list from the next Provincial election in the Fall for such a pleb- iscite, as did Whitby Town after the April 13 Federal election, If the Provincial list was 'used, the cost would still be between $8,- 000 and $10,000. City Solicitor Edward Me- EDWARD McNEELY Neely has been advising Council on some of the finer legal aspects of the case. One of the big problems within Counci) ranks would be the size and scope of the plebiscite in regards to questions asked, For instance, the older section of the City already has most liquor outiets (with the exception of cocktail lounges and dining rooms with liquor) so that its voters would not be asked to decide all questions 'affecting the newly annexed areas (which have no outlets at all). Council on Tuesday would have to decide how many questions would go on the ballots and this number could range all the way from' two to eight, according to the Liquor Licensing Act. Supporters of the covuwtail lounge and dining-room-with- liquor movements already are arguing that Council will seri- ously endanger endorsement of their measures by the elec- torate by loading down the ballots with too many questions-- they point out that this has been the experience elsewhere, For instance, there have been requests for new Brewers Warehouse store outlets in districts presently classified as "dry". : Here are eight questions that could be asked ballots -- and there could be eight separate ones: ARB YOU IN FAVOR OF; 1,.---- Government stores for the sale of liquor? 2. -- Government stores for the sale of beer only for residential consumption ? $. -- Authorization of Ontario wine stores for sale of Ontario wine only, for residential consumption. . = Sale of beer' only under a public house license for consumption on licensed premises to which men only are admitted, .-- Sale of beer and wine only under a dining room license for consumption with meals on_ licensed premises. . = The sale of liquor under a lounge license for con- sumption on licensed premises, , -- Sale of beer only under a public house license for consumption on licensed premises to which women only are admitted . = Sale of beer only under a public house license for consumption on licensed premises to which men and women are admitted, on the HERB ROBINSON RETURNS FROM EUROPE Herb Robinson had quite a trip recently on his first European jaunt -- it was a 19-day affair and touched places like Venice, Rome, Geneva, Lausanne, Paris and Vienna, He spent five days in the Austrian capital at the an- nual convention of FIRM (the Federation International of the Re-builders of Mo- tors). Mrs. Robinson also enjoyed it. . . . William Al- len, chairman of Toronto's Metropolitan Council, -- will be in Oshawa June 10 at the opening of the three-day On- tario Welfare Officers' con- yention to extend greetings on. behalf of Ontario's muni- cipalities, He is president of the Ontario Municipal As- sociation. He will also be in Oshawa to address. the Catholic Luncheon Club May 30. . . . General Man- ager Douglas Fisher of the Oshawa. C of C has returned to work after a a brief ill- HERB ROBINSON ness caused by the "flu". Ford Negotiating To Buy Ferrari? MODENA, It aly (AP) Sources here said Thursday the Ford Motor Company of Amer: been for cash on a small scale TRYING FOR SALE sale on credit to East Germany reliable sources said Wednes day ica is negotiating to take over,;The last such wheat sale was Sudbury the Ferrari firm, maker of rac- for 2,000,000 bushels in 1956, Ne- cloudy with scattered showers Timmins ... sale|and thundershowers this even- S.S. Marie ...+++++ opened recently and it was pre-| ing; sumed W. C. McNamara, chief|with chance of showers, Winds commissioner of the Canadian! southwest 15. ing cars and luxury automo-gotiations for a credit biles. The report circulated In both ARRIVES AT PARLIAMENT OPENING WINNIPEG (CP)--Canada is trying to make its first wheat/gian Bay, Haliburton regions,' Kjjjaloe , Hamilton, Toronto: | cloudy Previous grain purchases by the Communist country have Chief Justice Taschereau rides in landau accompanied by RCMP guard as he arrived Throne on Parliament Hill Thursday bird's-eye view of the proces- 'for the opening of the 2th sion was taken from. the Canadian Parliament. This Peace Tower of the Parlia- Speech Clear Break With Tradition | By JAMES NELSON | OTTAWA (CP)--The Pearson jgovernment's first speech from the throne, in form and sub- stance, marked a clear break with tradition | It was comparatively short-- 1,800 words compared with 3,000 lor more in recent years, It was |more philosophic in its basic ap- proach than most such speeches |which often deal-at length with jlists of legislation of a minor nature to go before a new ses- sion, It also contained no sunprises, being primarily a recital of poli- cies and programs on which the Liberal party campaigned . for election last April 8 and on which it feels it won a mandate |by obtaining the largest number jof seats, Legislative action based. on the principles will come later and the government already has la number of bills ready for Commons and Senate debate, government sources say, HAS NEW APPROACH | Illustrative: of the new ap- proach in writing was the ab sence of paragraphs, almost in- |variably found in past speeches, jstarting 'You will be asked to jamend"' and followed by a long list of titles of bills but no other detail, Instead it devoted more than jhalf its length to a survey of national affairs bicultural- ism, federal-provincial affairs, 'GM Diesel Will Create 150 Jobs LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Hiring jhas begun at General Motors Diesel Ltd. for 150 new jobs which have been created by or- ders from New Zealand, Brazil and the Toronto Transit Com- mission | WEATHER FORECAST jat Canadian refineries {foreign affairs, defence policy,jently tried to heed its own ser- leconomic expansion, trade rela-/mon, A government official, tions, and unemployment--be-|who for many years has been fore getting to specific propos-jon the inside preparation of als, throne speeches under Liberal The speech said familiar ways|and Conservative governments, of thought and action are be-/said this one makes a clear coming less certain guides for|break with past practices, the future and that 'the task) It contained the parliament. before us is to seek-out, with/ary essentials of asking the wisdom and imagination, those|Commons for approval of gov- new paths that will lead usjernment spending and outlined surely forward," |the legislative program in broad In the business of preparing|strokes, to lay the basis for the a spgech from the throne ,atifirst general debate of the new least, the government appar-|parliamentary session, Sugar Cost Rise Shakes Market " NEW YORK (AP)--The ris-jrooted in crop. troubles and har ing price of sugar reverberated|vest difficulties in Europe, Cuba in the stock market Thursday,/and other growing areas And new signs arose that a a wholesale markups in the STOC KS RISE United States soon will be re-| The shortage sent sugar flected at the grocery store SUes spiralling Thursday on the level in higher prices for candy, |Y°¥ York Stock Exchange preserves, soft drinks, ice American Crystal Sugar jumped cream, syrups and other sugar- $3 to $55.50 a share, Central using items. Aguirre Sugar rose $1.62 a They may even lead to share. smaller packs of chewing gum, A wholesale price increase by one producer said, But nothing) ™#lor New York-based refiners was in sight to match the dou- earlier this week was the 12th of bling of retail prices that has|the year, lifting one key hit some communities in Brazil, 0 $14.20 for 100 pounds, and severe dislocations in some) The level was the other countires. since the world - wide ah »~hole ric . shortage following the (The wholesale price pple World War 'when' prices sky: cents for 100 pounds Thursday, |'cketed to roughly twice the bringing the Toronto price to|Present height, then abruptly $15.35, The increases this week|°ollapsed total $1.05. Two Metropolitan) Some experts predict a con- Toronto supermarket chains tinued climb until fall when raised their retail price for five growers in the U.S. and Europe pounds to 83 from 79 cents.) begin harvesting sugar beets, a In the background is a tight cheaper substitute for ening of the world sugar supply scarce variety produced from CR is- highest sugar First Several candymakers have re ported rises in wholesale prices jand some--including -the Walter 'Partly C With Showers Forecasts issued by the Tor- onto weather office at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: A weak, low-pres- sure trough has develope! west of the Great Lakes. Eastward progress of this area of dsturb- ance is expected to be slow and | disorganized but it will probably produce somewhat less" settled weather in Ontario than has prevailed for the few days. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron regions, Windsor, London: Partly cloudy with a few 'scattered showers tonight Variable cloudiness with chance of showers late in the day Sat urday, Winds light, variable Niagara, Lake Ontario, Geor- Partly tonight - an! Saturday with a few scaltered showers Winds light. Timagami region, North Bay, Becomng partly Saturday partly clouly H, Johnson Candy Company of Chicago--say they are consider ing a reduction in the size of bars, loudy Treasury Bills jtittle cooler, Winds becoming' Sales This Week northwest 15 Saturday Cochrane, White River re-; OTTAWA jgions: Partly cloudy with wdely 91-day treasury bills sold this scattered seeoday and to- -- t week: $100,000,000 at an aver: scattered showers tolay and to: age price and yield of $99.188 night, Saturday clearing and and 3.28 per cent (last week cooler, Winds becoming noih- $99,176 and 3.33). lerly 15-Saturday. 182-day_ bills Forecast Temperatures erage rpice . and Low tonight, High Saturday [and 3.36 per cent Windsor ..seeeeees 70 | §98.331 and 3.40). St. Thomas Kitchener Wingham . < | Hamilton . St, Catharines Toronto ee Peterborough ... (Trenton .... (CP)--Government $30,000,0005 ay yield $98,351 (last week PROTEST BIRMINGHAM AMSTERDAM = (Reuters) The executive of the Dutch labor party in a telegram to Alabama Governor George Wal lace strongly protested against the "shameful behavior toward \the Negro population of Bir mingham, fighting for their fun damental human rights." Muskoka ... North Bay . o Sudbury Kapuskasing . White River .. Moosonee .. FREE POWs PEKING (Reuters) -- Com. \chefs jwill be among 23 students ex-| grade} _turn°over power to the Negro KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS |MAY NOT BACK MACNAUGHTON Permanent « By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP)--Talk of a permanent Speaker for Can- ada's House of Commons cropped up afresh on Thursday as the new Commons chose Alan Macnaughton as its presid- ing officer, | The suggestion of a perma: nent Speaker was revived by Conservative Leader Diefen- baker who remarked that he had tried unsuccessfully to make such an appointment, Possibly Prime Minister Pear: son, who had spoken in favor of a permanent Speakership when Throne Speech * Lacks Many Campaign Items OTTAWA (CP)--The -- throne "Ispeech opening Parliament was) \just as interesting for what it) left unsaid as for what it said. A goodly list of items prom- ised by the Liberals in their suc: cessful campaign for the April 8 election did not show up in the speech's outline of legisia- tion for the first session of the 26th Parliament, ment Buildings. --UP Wirepholo Expert Chef Will Cook At High School Some, of course, could still be BRACEBRIDGE, Ont, (CP)--| introduced, The speech from the When September rolls around atithrone ig not necessarily all-in- Bracebridge High School stu-|qiugive, dents will have a new. cafeteria and their teachers a dining| Probably the two pledges room complete with waitresses most noticeably absent were and a chef who js an expert in those or a national scholarship continental cuisine, iplan to send needy students to {t's all part of a new Cale |university and the restoration of jteria, staff dining room and! 'ne rp migeerrteg agar " pine food service training course, "ae tee : taped Hot Budewell oo Baiish. During the campaign Prime : , SM-\Minister Pearson outlined a trained food expert, is the chef|plan to award 10,000 annual who will double as head of the scholarships of $1,000 each to course, designed as a pre-ap- able but needy students, He prentice training period for stu-/S¥sgested this would be a prior- dents who want to become|!ty item, the kind of thing "we cannot afford not to do," | Waiters, waitresses and cooks; EQUALIZE TAXES | On tax-sharing, the Liberal pected to start the course, an- program called for restoration nounced after local restaurant) of the principle of equalization owners complained they|nayments developed under the couldn't find enough trained|yrevious Liberal government, chefs designed to ensure poorer prov- Qualifications include Gradejinces would get per-capita reve- 10 education and graduates will|nues from personal and corpor- receive a secondary school di-jation taxes equal to the income ploma 'of the richest ones. INTERPRETING THE NEWS African Leaders Meet In Ethiopia By CARMAN CUMMING |heads-of-state meeting starting Canadian Press Staff Writer [next Wednesday, would set up |. African leaders are gathering a special fund for the support in Addis Ababa this week underjand training of liberation fight- the uniting drive of two forces: |ers, Geography and the powerful) 'The resolution, brought in by desire to end forever 'the con-| Sudan's Foreign Minister Ah- tinent's colonial age. , The meeting in the Ethiopian|, | med Kheir, also would set up complete | Handb capital is designed to accom-| with rye Hsp on trade an ags lish what has never before) airspace and barciteetal" waters proved possible -- an allianceitg South Africa's ships and among more than 30 countries | planes, whose differences are almost as The. b : vast as the continent © Dig question: now is If the goal is achieved, it whether the 31 delegations at could lead to immense' pressure|Addis Ababa can overcome the on the remaining' white-ruied differences of race, religion, territoriesy of the south--the/Color and language--as well as Panuguent colonies of Angola|those purely political and eco- and Mozambique; Southern nomic -- that until now have Rhodesia and above all thedampened the dream of pan- japartheid regime of South At-|Africanism, rica's Hendrik Verwoerd. = - The meeting comes at a time) when these white regimes are increasingly on the defensive. | Excluding South Africa, 32 Af. rican nations now sit in the United Nations, AH but nine have entered since the end of the 1950s. @ Commercie! end Industrie! Sites @ Leaseback @ Development Paul Ristow | REALTOR Diefenbaker Seeks Speaker in opposition ,might now have a try, However, observers drew the conclusion that Mr, Diefen- baker might not agree if Mr. Pearson proposed Mr, Mac- naughton as a permanent ap- pointee, Their reasoning was based on a report from informed sources that Mr, Diefenbaker didn't re- ply to a letter from Mr, Pear. son saying he planned Mr, Mac- naughton"s nomination as speaker and inviting the Con- servative leader's comments, When Mr, Pearson first an- nounced his intention of nomi- nating the 59-year-old MP from Montreal Mount Royal, there was some speculation that his term might develop into some form of permanent Speaker: ship, Usual procedure now ts that a Speaker holds the office for the life of a Parliament, 4 Aid For Labor Promised By Liberals OTTAWA (CP) -- Parliamen- tary action-to assist labor and nological change was promised /Thurslay by the new Liberal | government, ' management to adjust to tech. * The government also sald in lthe speech from the throne plans to extend the special 6+ sistance program for teapatit training in co-operation with : provinces, aulomation-era program is @&r pected to be based on a sure placed before ihe last liament by th f Conservative government, The Conservative plan, given first reading Nov, 22, died when. Parliament was dissolved for ihe general election, It pro posed a man-power consultative service and an advisory coune 'cil on industrial change and it No details were given, but the manpower adjustment, These agencies were to work cent years--Hon, Rene Beau-|with labor and management te doin and Hon, Roland Michener|plan to meet manpower adjust. --mounted the Speaker's throne! monis caused by technological under elreumstances which led! , many to-anticipate one of them | {anges before they actually might become a permanent ap- pointee pact, the government planned Mr, Michener's nomination by|to provide incentives to help Mr. Diefenbaker, then prime! displaced workers move to new. minister, was seconded by Mr. employment opportunities. adeeb bonds Jscote 1 RECALL TWO OTHERS Two former Speakers in re: Pearson who then was Opposi-| tion leader, Mr, Beaudoin was nominated by Louis St. Laur: ent as prime minister and sec- onded by the Opposition leader, Hon, George Drew. Mr, Beaudoin fell from oppo- sition favor during the bitter parliamentary pipeline debate of 1956 and became the object of a censure motion moved b Mr. Drew, ! Mr, Michener, who wag par- ticularly popular with the oppo- sition Liberals in the 24th Par-| liament and is a personal friend| of Mr. Pearson, was defeated! in the 1062 general election, ose HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL SERVING OSHAWA OVER $0 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 hed et tng @ |SHIFT DRESSES Sizes 12 to 20, Cool Terylene and acetate fashions that wash in'a wink, require little or no ironing, sleeveless with sun in- viting necklines, White only, | if Crisp white summer handbags |] In braided cotton, Clutch and regular style, Smart summer styling. 2.99 723-2294 723-2209 DOWNTOWN -- 21 SIMCOE.S, SHOPPING CENTRE S214 Simcoe N. 728-9474 Together with the Communist aniaemeneetimmennienientll bloc they have put continual pressure on the white' rulers, passing resolution after resolu tion demanding an end to apartheid, Portugal's ouster from Africa, British action to majority in Southern Rhodesia COULD PUSH STRUGGLE The Addis Ababa conference could push the struggle one step farther A resolution before this week's foreign. ministers confer- ence----preparing the way for the Modernize and Improve your Home Now...with a new oil furnace LANDER-STARK HOME HEATING SERVICE Our residentio! fuel oil customers now receive - Yes, now that Spring is here -- it's a very good time to modernize your home . .. keep its value up to date. If you happened. To cushion the ime . business and sports circles Of| wheat board, was in on them. Modena, home of Ferrari and Algoma region, Sault Ste, munist China today released 353) WILL SAY have an old or obsolete heating unit, let u h aia |Marie: Partly cloudy and warm|Indian troops captured in last all in the price of oil @ Furnace Cleanout and Italy's auto racing capital, The speculation apparently) arose from a recent visit by) Sms | with a few scattered showers or year's Sino-Indian border fight. night. Saturday clearing anl a|China news agency reported, thundershowers today and to-|ing in the Tibet region, the New Tune-up once each year. In addition, we will con tinue, as we have done MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find QUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 After Hours 728-3376 $5 ss John Paradise, Ford general' manager in Italy, with auto in- dustrialist Enzo Ferrari ernment we LIST ONLY TO SELL $POT CASH oR TERMS "JOHN A. 2. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGES 725-6544 Rtired gentleman and October. HELP WANTED CAMP SUPERINTENDENT Kiwanis Comp at Kedron, 3 miles north of Oshawa, for months of June, July, August, September and Must be fully qualified to take charge of mainten- ance of grounds, building and equipment. wife for caretaking of GERROW FUN 7:30 For further information reply in writing to:--- Chairman Kiwanis Camp Committee Box 845, Oshowe Times, Oshawa, Onterio. Grend Kn ight BD POWER Jhe Rosary FOR Brother Fred Fairhart FRIDAY -- MAY 17th, 1963 for many years, to pro vide Emergency Service at no additional. cost. Our own Service Dept. is on coll 24 hours every. day and is Radio Control led for fest, efficient service, ERAL CHAPEL P.M, Fraternal Choirmon AL ROBINSON <enae: 43 KING STREET-WEST, OSHAWA us install a new modern Oil Furnace in your home, We have a number of models for your choice and a very convenient 5-Year Purchase Plan, Call 725-3581 and let us give you a Free heating survey and a quotation . «. now. Vie PHONE 725-358)