Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1963, p. 21

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sl enaecauntenmeaeaenan aera aie eecees aakcendaecmetnamem eat natene-teaneic cel ieee tae eee « THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 17,1963 2] |17--Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wante 6--Rooms For Rent {27--Reel Estate Por Sale (27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale ame _ ee osenael | H | Mri * j | -- 103° DIVISION STREET, 454--Private sale, EN WANTED with . automobile to N N as sales clerk, part-time, NICELY furnished, clean lighthouse. HERE IT 18! $11,900 with $600 down.| LOT FOR SALE 103' frontage by ' IN| rmrwtag tars, Mondays May 3, 8 lee tetas inne vant: ie" 0. Seclmasning, Keone Levadry vabilitise, PrCINEN ressinc CAIN toes, Shemioum| 198". Lanteeoped, one block south off Ful! price $12,000. Down, 81600. Rea- 27 Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale by 12 noon. Good basic pay,. plus commis References required. Reply, stating vate entrance. Telephone 728-2359 storms and screens, two aluminum King Street East. Five minutes walk-| sonable terms, Bight-room brick home, brett } bh ay ita nodal ment piece c i ii i fi bus, churches, pub-| , two bathrooms, fenced yard. Street FARM near Madoc, 250 acres, good edycation. Box C0, Ouana "| WONTERLAND | PARK | Motor" Court, Cott rsent vacamt possession, one eusy|licr soparsio or high' school. 940, per Telemhone 7254179 peagaiees; eo wonton Modern thivugh Puildings, plenty of water, Terine ay, Kingston Road Fast, cabins. hse the balance, Will be glad frontage foot with services paid.) 5-550 pO ind, out, garage. Telephone 728-7130 after|"@"sed. For information call 2 23--Wanted To Rent ag. Wont thet want MRA rane | ten rot woubh enyting Ca a ee acta nome hares Saueom 'ard)e Bate mors is | TWO- or three-bedroom house by reli- Cy rates St ---- | Mr. Jack Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398 | FOUR-BEDROOM rick house, oll heat-|and soft water on tap, pressure pump| Street, experiences! apie family. Possession June 1. Tele- ONTARIO STREFT, 77 -- Apply 6 p.m.iJohn A. J. Bolahool, Ltd., Realtor.jing' sun.porch, large lot. Near shop-|in basement. Good well, good bern.|1o9" Landscaped, one block south off |five-room brick busgalow, $1700 down, Telephone phone 725-8160. until 9 p.m. for clean comfortably fur-| saiyarE -- Lot to! ping, schools and church. Telephone hen house with electric clock, M@@r/King Street Kast. Five minutes' walk-| Telebhone 725-1632, i recone nished light housekeeping room, down- 10. sundivision. on Lake Scugog, 24 miles north of Cae-jing distance from bus, churches, Dub: | §1X.ROOM. two-storey brick, ail com- i or three-bedroom nouse in tows, $10 weekly. savas nue, $1700, 725-3341. brick-veneer five. *4rea. Also large summer lots ci lic, separate or high school. $49 per! veniences, near school, north end, Will requires two or ity. Telephone 728-7020.\O8HAWA MOTEL, King Street Eas t.| | w. One block St. Hedwig's (0 Water, $900. For particulars apply frontage foot with services paid. 728- | exchange for four- or five-room bunga- Sele i = Middie-aged' couple re. "@ekIY. rates, rooms, heated, 'tele PRIVATE SALE | ¢, beautifully landscaped, © shine Blocksieck Mese Oe : me district. Write Box 708, JULY 1 --' Middle-aged | couple | *: vision, $15, and $17,50. Telephone 723- | . Telephone 728-1259. ot _poone Blackstock Tr a-spun SOMORI Peres TMMARG OA MaRNAY: ies. eee tee dean Seatavres, Waele sh sues ci of 5 ROOM BRICK NEW -NHA BUNGALOWS > mode SEVEN rooms. Two-storey home, close}i2, house, barn, creek. Illness forces or. "duplex, Easy walking. distance to/ATHOL STREFT EAST, 23--Two fur-| 362 LESLIE STREET shdwlin won. lovely brick 'Three-ned:|!2 Mary Bereet, fixed 90 i = be used sale, Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 985-2985, Bivd. South, $1,500 down, 875. |General Motors North plant. Reply to|nished h ping rooms," b | room, 5% rooms, 1,075 sq. ft. of living) 4... : 7 EIGHT-ROOM brick home in village of| Telephone 725-7425, | Genera and | Kitchen; "refrigerator. Central.' Hardwood floors, oil heat, 5 (deep, taxes $179. Asking only $9,900 full EIGHT-ROOM brick home in village of) | paved drive, garage. PHONE 728-8505 17--Mele Help Wanted GOLF COURSE maintenance gome experience necessary. Must hav: er, Telephone Pickering 942-6557. aa sion. Telephone 725-447: ik Ex! HENCED barber required im-\ BARBER WANT permanent posi- tely. Apply gy tal Shop,' tion. Apply 5 Celi 'st Mamita Soe meet cere: |4398 GUARD; male, 18 SALESMEN 'WANTED -- opportunity qualified .Must have pool Tae meglih, nin? on cibalr\ fines sean" » salary Py 6587. "sion, vacations with pay, group insur. -- afice. Persons interested in permanent yn only, Apply in person, Mr. L./ "Se , Singer Sewing Machine Com-) Pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. 'SALES TRAINEE. Newly formed Ca-| madian subsidiary of international cor poration has immediate opening for! ,young man to be trained for focal branch. Manager's position. Full : given. Car y. To ar Tange personal interview. Apply giving details of past employment to Box 806, Oshawa Times. SALESMEN WANTED -- opportunity 'for advancement in sales field, Trans- portation supplied, salary and commis- +aion, vacations with pay, group insur- «ance, Persons interested in permanent position only, Apply in peson. Mr. L. Geguin, Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, 1416 Ontario Street. LOT FOR SALE -- 03° troniage by|PRIVATE SALE, 371 Elizabeth KITCHEN CABINET ASSEMBLERS Steady employment. Apply H-G Designs Ltd. Pickering. Call 942-3790 SIX-ROOM, two-storey home, | show it, near shop Price ) $13,700; down 106 Cloverdale Ltd. 234, sale, Sacrifice, Port Perry, 985-2985. len soil. Anderson Street. Whitby. 2 we . m brick CENTRAL PARK SOUTH -- near King,| 1¢!¢Phone 668-5955, Mr. H. Kuenen, TWO ADJOINING lots, 82 x 260 ft., JONES Avenue, two - bedroom brick CE Pedasitel eo northeast district, outside city limits, bungalow, good condition and location, pantie stone and brick bungalow./FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, full e- price | $13,800, Telephone 723-2159 after 4 p.m, RAVINE LOT, Wilson oad North, 66' x 680', Large trees and creek. iad ote dolty, lend dit Water serviced, $3.20, 'Telephone milk contract. 'i room » SHINGLERS Experienced sub - contractors new work TORONTO RU 3-1138 40 cattle, 2 | tractors, all machinery, stable | cleaner, 14 miles' from Osh- | awa. $55,000.00 with terms, Scenic country acreage with woodlands and creeks in Lake Seugog or Kendal Hills area, 25 acres, $4,000:00 with TRI-PLEX $23,000 FULL PRICE $3,000 Down--Income $2,- 830. Four years old. Tenants Pay Your Mortgage. Dufferin Street, Whitby |screens, basement fireplace. Close to Good down payment require tails after 4 o'clock, 725-0702. SACRIFICE MUST MOVE or in Oshawa or Whitby, Write Box 648 Oshawa Times. rences. Mr. C | i z 6 ee ppelbstangge i nalts 7. 27--Real Estate for Sale |$78.86 monthly, interest and principal. " |1, Hampton, Ontario, P: steps '> schools and shopping. * 3 ct east + 65 9, \house or duplex or 8 two-bedroom Ping and bus. lw Ss f le. On ee | $2,800. Telephone 728-9545. ment, five-room brick bungalow and | a ESTATE | ELECTRIC HEATING | i v Call Orono 4R6. Sg Nice tenia dens |------ emenanenire stone bungalow, aluminum storm: pal and interest. Furnished lobby, HiFi music, one very large,. living room 24--Houses For Rent | Box 646, Oshawa Times. Aguile only: Aveiy ateve: | space, many extra features, located on) rice. Must be seen. Bill Rat- BROOKLIN -- $19,000, sixcroom' tanch ( i | 5645. BRICK BUNGALOW, | ERG ER SS Let me you this outstanding) WHITBY -- $2,000 down, One 6 per cent HE DIPLOMAT MECHANIC japartment in Oshawa. Please call 728- payment $1500. Apply T near bcbesl, Pripe $1275. each, after 5 $10,500. Reasonable down payment. Less Modern kitchen , three bedrooms, |creation room, 41' x 13°, A BY MEDIUM SIZED |oase wena OUR-ROC garage, Centrally located. Vacant now. Tagbett after 3.0, 728-1679 | SWIMMING POOL - 14 year old 5 room. brick broddioomed corridors, wall- has fireplace. Good kitchen, | COUPLE with two children would like | Beaupre Avenue. Priced to sell at only " at 725-6544, John A, J. Bolahood eet near store, schoo) and) bungalow, tiled bathroom, aluminum ~ how. Call Jack Appleby at 725-/NHA mortgage, Five-room brick bun-/100-ACRE farm, frontage on Highway | 5-465! BELL Telephone assistant sales man- modern three bedroom! }5111 before 5 p.m. 728-6302 12 on i WANTED |NEAR HOSPITAL, six-room, three DELUXE APARTMENT tea! acho $10,500, Reasonable down pas aes RESPONSIBLE working couple with no FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of to. s\g9, }children, | | | BUSINESSMAN transferred. Three ROXBOROUGH AVE. eecaten RANCH BUNGALOW Vy. automatic ya-acre lot, centrally located Successful applicant will | . ol Jen |$12,800. with $1,024, down, carries for ' rch, Apply to Walter Parrinder. RR) storms and screens, large lot. Realtor. He le | » larg oS valu encores seegrnianeennhsinsasggaibenibig 6344 or 723-3398, John A. J. Bolahood galow, newly decorted. Whitby 12, house, barn, creek. Iiness force: ROOM house, 8% acres. Good jager requires two or three bedroom reation room, spacious a sae 5 , teacher, | ~ is zs ot a wo {DROS PE arto enndren. 1 HARRY MILLEN | WHITBY | LOT 60 ft, x 225 ft. on Oshawa Creek, FOR QUICK SALE -- low down pay-\- ns Ms ty \land, Near Mosport, Rea ble price, 7 ae --- peaures ie a Panne aR te | ODERN three" bedroom brick and MANUFACTURING | }xitt oi! and { four-bedroom home desired by July : : | $65.00 per month princi- | | Attached garage, 3 bedrooms, | ninimum .of five | have an suitable for to-wall "OFFSET PRESSMAN URGENT EXPERIENCED On larger offset equipment. Excellent future for right per- son. State experience, age, salary. References. Apply HAINES FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED , SARNIA, ONTARIO LICENSED MECHANIC WAGES and INCENTIVE CROWELL'S Service Station 22 Bond St. East OSHAWA LEARN MEAT CUTTING 20 men needed for class; in Oshawa ond surrounding Dis- trict day or evening. Being formed offering. practical training in the highly paid field of meat cutting, mer- chandising and = self-serve. Act now. PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING AND RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO, HOward 1-7545, : HEATING SALESMAN REQUIRED for Barrie, Orillia, Peter- borough, Oshawa and North Central Ontario. To call on Heating Deal- ers and Wholesalers. With complete line of Sheet Metal - Products, Automatic Heating Equipment and ac- cessories. Good connections and experience preferred Employee's Benefits. Write with qualifications, for inter- view to: Imperial Refractories and Equipment Ltd. 160 ROGERS STREET, WATERLOO, ONTARIO years. experience maintenance and repai of production machinery Steady employment with good insurance and pen- sion benefits. Write stating age, education and work ex perience to: BOX 747 OSHAWA TIMES medical in the r 18--Male or Female Help Wanted SALESMEN and SALESWOMEN TO. SELL REAL ESTATE Seles background but not necessarily in the Real Estate. Field. Ambition and good health ore require- Must have a fairly cor, We pay top Write or tele- Previous ments late mode COMMISSIONS phone BILL McFEETERS Schofield-Aker 360 King St, W., Oshawa Telephone 723-2265 20--Room and Board i WiLL ROOM and board a pre-school|NORTH OSHAWA -- TWO-BEDROOM house, couple, self-contained, oil tral. Telephone 725-3968. WINTERIZED two-room cottage, ly furnished, clean, redecorated only, Telephone 728-8125 LADY pensioner will share bungal in Kirkfield, all conveniences, 0 room, television, nice grounds, w heat, oc en part Adults OW wn th elderly lady in good health, $45 month y. 'Telephone Kirkfield, Code 438-3127 DREW STREET hot water heating, ences, Close to schools Street hou conve 562 Dr Six-room modern Apply 416 se oni ew 25--Apartments KING and Gibbon, oom apartment, available June adults only\Call Mr, Bolahood at 6544 or 725-8333. SIMCOE Street South, 299, Apt. 4. F room apartment, private bath, cent $75 monthly. Apply above FULLY furnished apartment, stove and refrigerator, etc., in new plex. Nice location, 725-0998 da 668-5379 after 8 p.m TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. quiet gentleman or lady Teleph 728-6844 between 12 a.m, and 6 p.m TAUNTON, ROAD EAST room main floor apartment, self-c tained. No objection to one child 7539 between 11 and 3 OSHAWA CITY limits. Self-contai two rooms with kitchenette. Utili included. $65 monthly. Working cou preferred. Near bus stop. 723-2781 fore 7 p.m, spacious two-bed 'our ral including tri Suit one two-bed ron ned ties iple be FURNISHED two-room apartment also Private entrance, Reasonable, Apply 96 ( single room ng, central tre Street DOWNTOWN bath, modern, _ self-contained, ment in new building, $60 Telephone 725-1212 NEAR THE HOSPITAL -- Modern t bedroom upper apartment unfurn ed, parking space Felephone 723-7827 MARY STREET T'wo-room apartment, share bath, kitchen pa furnished, gas range; parking adults, $55. Telephone 725-1042 Three up frigerator, range, $80. lights, water included. 5. Telephone 723-9881, monthly, Available J park 'en rooms and apart monthly wo ish One child welcome Per rtly| space |FOUR-ROOM apartment, bathroom, re at une One-bedroom, child in my own home (motherless pre-|in apartment building, stove, refrigera.| ferred), with loving care. Mot two gentlemen, will! Telephone | tor, ing share. Single beds, parking, lunches Telephone 728-4763. ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board for gentlemen, single beds, lunches packed, good meals. Telephone 728-2433, ROOM, board if desired, parking space, close to stores and shopping. Cle: SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND room, television, good meals, packed, gentlemen, private bath, trance, quiet home, Apply 708 Carnegie Avenie {adult home. Private, Telephone 728- 3350. ea, large lunches en laundry, parking 22--Offices, Stores, Storage SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABL Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR.-T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 E WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING, figor. 668-2900 0 WISH to Large size. 4 FOR RENT -- Basement office shop space. Heat, hydro and t or will handle line Telephone 6663428. avS FOR RENT -- Large three-room apa ment. Telephone 668-4864 SALES cated in modern triplex from attrenoons and even alterations, neral 'uropean. 3745. sewing. Mrs. partments. Ground floor and secoi Large grounds. . Telephone 668-2962. OR RENT -- Two large self-contain-| nd Available now. LADY sed doll pram ca 2nd Close to dow! gan, Brooklin. 655-4936, sonable prices. time drapes,;FOR RENT: Bachelor apartment, ali rates. |c » parking. Apply to Box S. Jebert, Whitby|8l4, Oshawa Times, Whitby "will do ironing at home. Rea Telephone 668-8427 any FOR RENT -- One-bedroom apartment, 55 and two-bedroom apartment, on ADY wanted for drug p x a2: commission. DRESSMA ----\a specialty rt store Apply Jury and Lovell, Whitby Plaza. 605 Centre and refigeatod Street 'RIDERS wanted to Scarborough Tele phone , FOR RENT: June 1 Two bedroom |T#8es, televisions, refrigerators apartment, 'stove South) Dundas east, Whitby. Telephone 663-5481 $55 wn. Telephone 668-4560 Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting Mrs. Toms 668-2372. FOR RENT: tained apartment. main floor, Apply 209 Brock Street South, teleph 668-4977 One bedroom seif-con $55 one GOOLD'S Second Hand Furniture, everything for cottages, floor coverings, buy, sell or trade. Open all day Wil 218) downtown Telephone es ATTENTION FISHERMEN and CAMPERS: Reservations now being. ac- cepted, a small deposit will reserve your boating or camp- ing equipment. WE RENT Canoes, cor-tops, motors boots, trailers, tents, tent trailers, etc. Garden and lawn equipment. Power tools, and box trailers. FOR SALE Used tents, new ond used boot trailers, outboard motors, and boots. 20th century cabin trailers WANTED Boats, motors ,trailers to be sold on consignment WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas St. E Whitby 668-3226 l laundry facilit > monthiy. Parking. Adults i SEPTIC tanks clea on calls. Walter a Street West, Whitby 668-2563. WE CAN > Prompt se: Four blocks FOR RENT: Three room apartment 668-4158 'stove, refrigerator, jes Whitby ice rd, 204 Chestnut DELIVER TO YOU... Crushed gravel (mulch), pit tun gravel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S. Fuels and Builders' Supplies Te ROTARY MOWER TUNE -UP Clean and adjust points, spark plugs, carboratar, throt- tle controls, sharpen blode 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus parts OUTBOARD MOTOP. Repairs and Service WILDE RENTAL SERVICE "& SALE 14 undes E. Whitt 668-3226 Ontario c ~ 728-0493. THREE-ROOM basement modern furniture, Private bath and trance, TV outlet. Suitable for apartment.) free washing facilities, Telephone en-| two nurses or working couple, close to hos pital ed apartment, two rooms, Parking facilities only Apply and bathroom able adults Crescent. MONTRAVE AVENUE. 299 -- room apartment, two bedrooms, liv room and kitchen, no children, above address after 5 o'clock LYNDON APARTMENTS 941 SIMCOE NORTH one bedroom basement apt. $70 monthly Available June 'Ist CALL 728-3506 R self-contained Telephone after 5 p.m, 725-6124 |KING STREET EAST, 235 -- Unfurnish kitchenette eli 232 «Kaiser Four-! ing Apply 109 Craydon Rd. Whitby and $85 One and Two Bedroom Apartments In small ding. Excellent ex electrically equipped. La y facilities, storage and TV outlet see Mrs. Fleming, Apartment parking To inspect 20 St. Clair Ave. West CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY Toronto WA 2-6135 Evenings, Mr. Melvin Ajax, 942-7889 Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft, Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE 9. A.M. to 9 P.M Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 2 tOTO-tilling done. Apply Jack Muili- 109 Craydon Road, Whitby 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHFD two rooms trance, free parking, centra Street or telephone 725-095. ~ ATTRACTIVELY | private 96° Cen en tre FURNISHED ROOMS Aycilable in private home 82 PARK RD 'NORTH drapes, built-in range Complete laundry room. One, two, three bedroom units, REEDAIRE COURT storey and a half on a nicely landscaped lot, living room has fireplace, newly rémod- elled kitchen with. corlon floor. Home in immaculate condition. Owner moving out of town Call LOREEN KELLETT AT. DUNLOP §T for further information : 723-3770 TELEPHONE 668-8560 "NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom: Decorated, sodded, carport and many other features, PRICE $15,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7120 | NOW A home in beautiful Grandview Valley For Just $12,495 it sounds unbelievable, but it is true, Come and see Hillview and Valleydale We know In the beautiful surroundings of Grandview Valley. Real Living for the Young At Heart Here is what they feature: A dream kitchen 3 Bedrooms Mahogany Trim Copper Plumbing Sodded front lawn. AND EVERYTHING YOU HEAR ABOUT... LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENT AND FULL PRICE From $12,495 Hillview and Valleydale Open for your inspection Now Roth ,Construction Company SPRING SALE OF COTTAGES, AND COTTAGE LOTS Situated at "BB" Beach on the north shore of Rice Lake --- 3 cottages and 5 lots, to be sold this weekend 3 @ $300.00 monthly for 3 years 2 lots @ $500.00 each monthly for 3 years lots each -$50.00 down----$7.67 $50.00 downi--$13.79 All wooded lots with docking facilities very handy. 2 cottages @ $2,500.00 each with $250.00 down. ] furnished cottage @ $4,500.00 Without a doubt this is the nicest beach on Rice Lake, only 43 miles from Oshawa and these are the last properties to be sold to complete this sub- division Directions: Take No. 28 Highway to Bailiboro, go East on North shore road 3 miles to sign BB" Beach ---- turn South to Lake then right to Metcalf cottage. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 KEITH PETERS. REALTORS 728-7328 103 KING ST. E. : "COUNTRY - LIVING Six room Bungalow, 10 years old, on 1% acre lt, on paved County road, forced air with oil furnace, three piece bath Pear, apple, plum, and cherry trees, raspberry bushes and asporagras, will trade on house in Oshawo, Joe Crawford 623-3672. JUST LISTED Lovely ranch home in Courtice 5 minutes from Oshawa. Hes attached garage, 3 lovely bedrooms, very large modern kitchen Living room has large patio doors overlooking countryside. Stone fireplace, swimming pool, change house, storie patio. Large lot 100 x 200 completely fenced. Owner leaving country is willing to sacrifice asking $18/500.00, N.H.A. Mortgage at 6%. Bob Johnson 728-2548 | CHOICE WHITBY LOCATION Attractive Brick Bungalow with Garage. This spacious plan has > large rooms with extra bedroom and beautifully finished Rec Room downstairs. Stone fireplace, Paved Drive and many other extras Terms to suit. Ron Drapak 725-5253. Ggneral Store with all equipment and good living quarters: on busy highway north of Bowmanville. This opportunity for a long established business with about 41% acres of Property is due to Owner retiring and can be purchased with complete saleable tock om hand. Call Ron Hetherington 623-3637 00.00 BLACKSTOCK ompact bungalow, modern bath, forced air with oil, large lot, bordering new/county road. $500.00 down. Make an offer. 728-7328 $4 Spacious 3 bedroom brick home with very large ultra modern k en, tiled bath, large lot, near Shopipng Centre. Asking only 000.00. Call Earle Allen 725-7782 eK OWN - BRAND NEW 3 bedroom brick bungo with builtin stove and oven, hollywood type vodded front lawn. All of this in south east location for -995.00, Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207 or 728-7328. be built kitchen $11 in Brooklin. $10,000, terms. RENOVATED HOME Situated neor cross roads at Columbus. Quiet but very central, 3 bedrooms, living toom with fireplace, large modern kitchen with built-in oven and counter top ele- ments. Laundry room off Kit- chen. Bathroom has. vanity. Good basement with walk- out door, CONTACT: D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN 655.3195 ~ J, A. Willoughby & Sons Ltd. 46 Eglinton Ave, E, Toronto 12 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $8400.00 FULL PRICE $84,000 FULL PRICE $1000 DOWN JUST. LISTED 5 Minutes drive to Oshawa. Bungalow with garage 'situ- ated on an extra large lot, with trees, trees, trees, Taxes only $113.00 yearly. if you want to be the proud owner of this bargain call Ed Drumm without deloy at 725-9345 or 728-5123. $11,500 4 Bedroom, 2 storey home with large kitchen and dining room. Deep lot with asphalt drive and garage. Only $2,- 600. Down. Call Bill Johns- ton 728-1066 or 728-5123. $12,500 - "NORTH WEST" 3° bedroom bungalow, large lot, close to McLaughlin and St. Christopher school, Hurry for this one, call Bill Johnston 728-1066 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario Open Evenings GUIDE REALTY Limited BROOKLIN -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow vath garage, breezeway and paved drive. All large rooms, 4 pc. tiled bath. Yard fenced. $2,000 down paymiant NEAR' KING ST. EAST 6 room 14 'storey brick home with new furnace, roof and kitchen floor. Many ex- tras go with this home in cluding fireplace, paved drive, ond garage. Priced at $12,- 800. $1,000 DOWN 4 room home just East of Oshawa, Only 5 years old and you may. have immediate poss- ession, WHITBY -- garage. natural room, Split level with Living room with fireplace, dining modern kitchen ond 2pc. powder room. 3 bed- rooms and den or 4 bed- rooms are all a good size, plus 4 pc. tiled bath. A beau- tiful home and well worth your inspection. HARMONY HEIGHTS -- A good home at a reasonable Price. 6 room brick bunga- low with oil heat, paved drive and a 6% mortgage Close to both public and high schools, INVESTMENT PROPERTY -- Nearly mew 8 unit brick apartment building, just one block from South G.M. build ing. Only 4 years old, ond has enjoyed full occupancy On a large lot 100 x 177' with paved parking in rear 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW ~-- with 3 good sized bed- rooms and full dining room. Family size kitchen with lots of built-in' cupboards and storage space. 4 pc. tiled bath. Home is attractively decorated and located on a court away from traffic yet Close to schools, bus and shopping. North West Area. SPLIT LEVEL -- Here is a home anyone can enjoy with © great deal of pride. Nicely situated among other fine homes_on Glenwood C Exrta wide entronce hall, stone fireplace separates hall from living room, family siz ed dining room. Lar kit chen with oodles of cupboard space. Three bedrooms, tiled bathroom. Broad loom throughout. Attached garage All landscaped with patio and hedge. See it tonight Open doily_9 am. to 9 pn r full particulars coll 723-1 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St, S. | } ONLY $1700 DOWN FULL PRICE $12,700 Take over one 6% Mortgage R accept best down paoy- with small mortgage. EASY PAYMENTS Six room split level brick, 4 years old, excellent condi- tion OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. Phone Whitby 668-4871 will ment GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new "KASSINGER" HOME in this choice' East End location. Give us a call Your present home accepted as a trade. CARL OLSEN REALTOR - 299 King St. W. 723-1133 $895 NOW five room brick bungalows loaded with extras $12,895 "only four left" Grandview Gardens CALL HOWARD McCABE 728-6286 | | | S. D. HYMAN - REAL ESTATE LIMITED JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd 167 SIMCOE ST. 5S. Office Hrs. (9 A.M, to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold LESLIE STREET $11,900. full price, 5 room brick bungalow, modern kit chen fireplace in living room, broadloom and_ tile floors, paved drive with gar. age. Home in spotless condi tion. Excellent terms, Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544 NORTH WEST This beautiful brick and stone rancher with attached garage has completely finish- ed recreation room. This home. should please the most fastidious. Call Mr, Ranknie at 725-6544, 91 ACRE FARM Just what you have' been looking for, Only ten miles by pavement to Oshawa, 90' bank barn, hip. steel roof, house has 4 bedrooms, oil heat, bathroom, hydro, in all buildings. Unbelievably pric- ed at only $13,900. Terms, act quickly for this one. Call Mr, Rankine at 725-6544, WE LIST ONLY TO SELL CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 FARMS PORT PERRY -- 105 acres, 8 miles from Port Perry, 10 room two storey brick house, good hardwood bush. Full price $15,000 with terms, BLACKSTOCK --- 107 acre farm with spring creek, two barns, modern three bed- room bungalow 8 years old 242 miles from Blackstock $7,000 down with good terms on the balance. TAUNTON 52 acres, small barn, good house, suitable for market gardener. 4 miles from Oshawa. NEWTONVILLE -- 36 acres, good soil, all workable. Barn 90 x 30'. Home modernized Full price $18,500. Call Wes Elliott at 723-1133 or even- ings 728-0581. A-1) DAIRY FARM on Taun- ton Rd. East, excellent lo- cation, milk quote, complete line of machinery, -dairy. cat- tle or can be purchased sep- orately Insurance HIGHWAYS No, 35 and No. 115-----We have two farms between Orono and .New- tle with plenty of high- way. frontage. Excellent lo- cation for. motel ca For information. 6n--these or ther good farms call Chorles 123-1133 or even KING 'ST 723-1133 WEST | terms. S uburbon miles from Oshawa with terms. homesites, 412 $3,200 For information on the above properties Phone 725.3568 HOWARD FORDER Evenings dial Brooklin 655-3853 GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR CALL 623-5300 Oshawa very close to Catho- lic school and church very clean and nicely decoated 3 bedroom bungalow with re- creation room. Priced at $13,500 with $2500 down. Maple Grove on paved road and close to highway 3 bed- room brick veneer bungalow Lot size can be extended for V.L.A. Asking price $13,- 000, Twin lake close to Have- lock well kept summer cot- tage with safe beach for children. Good fishing Asking price $3500. - Terms PATRICK G. McDANIEL REALTOR WHITBY PHONE 668.2311 402 WALNUT ST.--$3,000 is the down payment for this attractive brick dwelling which -- feotures excellent plan, - large kitchen, living room with fireplace, dining room, three bedrooms, cera- mic tile bathroom with van- ity, large rec. room, land- scaped lot, paved drive and close to everything. FAIRVIEW DR, -- This is an attractive 6-room ranch- style bungalow wtih ottach- ed garage. 3-bedrooms, 'large ceramic tile bathroom with vanity, dining room, painted divided basement, located in the County sub-division, one of Whitby's best resi- dential areas. 960 HENRY ST.--$23,500 is the asking price for this lorge ranch style home, fea- turing 7-rooms, bathroom and two-car garage. This home has many attractive features including large 90- ft. landscaped lot, 159 HILLCREST DRIVE ~~ $15,000. is the asking price for this brick bunga- low with attached garage Three bedrooms, family room dining room and many built-in. extras. Included are drapes, curtains and floor "coverings. Property has land- scaped lot and paved drive.. ~ METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL Two Business properties -- 1 sold and 1 left for sale, leased right in downtown area, asking $7,000 with % down, easy payments for the balance, Phone now for ap- pointment ._ to inspect. SUTHERLAND AVENUE Immaculate 2 bedroom bun- galow, top location. If desir- ed builder will convert din- ing room into a third bed- room at no increase in cost, paved drive, beautifully land- scoped. Asking price $12,- 000. Clear home. Mortgage can be arranged with g repayment terms. 10 ACRE LOTS Just east of Oshawa for only $4,500 with $1,000 down. Also many other lots in Osh- awa to choose from, COUNTRY SPECIAL Maple Grove location -- just 0 few steps for bus to town schools. Very modern 3 bedroom brick rancher on de- lightful- wooded lot. Asking only $13,000. A V.L.A. pur chaser can buy sufficient adjacent land for $250, Must be seen to be-appreciated make your appointment to- day OPEN or EVENINGS Dial 728-4678 Dick Borriage Ken Hann | Jack Osborne 723-1121, Joe Mag Lloyd Metcalf John Kemp TILL NINE } | | } | | Telephone 725-3090 28--Real Estate Wanted TO RENT with option to purchase, thin house, small barn with acreage, wil Oshawa-Whitby area commuting dis» tance, Telephone 668-8559, TRADE Whitby, three-apartm for acreage with 54302, We hove a Client for 10 to 25 Acres, 5 or 6 room house in good condition with con- veniences, small barn, land must be fairly level, 'within 15 mile radius of wa. For full particulars call Guide Realty Limited, Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont. 723-1121, n lake, After 5 evenings, call 29----Automobiles For Sale IN LOVE WITH A CERTAIN NEW CAR? BUY IT NOW WITHA LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED xx x xx PP LOAN THE BANK OF _ NOVA SCOTIA Holiday Shoppers Special NEIL PATRICK MOTORS LTD. 1962 BUICK LESABRE SEDAN Black with red __ interior. Power brakes, power steete ing, radio, automatic, whites walls, low mileage, one owner, 1961 COMET TWO DOOR One local owner cor with radio and low mileage. 1960 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN Beoutiful blue finish, fully equipped with power brakes, power steering, automatic transmission. MUST SELL MAKE AN OFFER! 1960 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN Six cylinder automatic trans- mission. A Very Cleon Cor, 1960 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON Local Owner, 1959 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN Power steering, power brakes radio, Local owner's name on request, 1958 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN Sierra Gold and White, six cylinder, standard transmis- sion, perfect condition. TRUCKS 1961 CHEVROLET HALF-TON PICK-UP 10,000 actual miles. 1960 G.M.C. 3 TON STAKE TRUCK 1956 CHEVROLET 34 TON PICK UP Ideal for the farmer. Other Late Models on our Lot to Show Open Evenings Until 9 Open This Week-End NEIL PATRICK MOTORS LTD. Two lots to serve you. Main and 9th Streets Main Street West ot the tracks Stouffville, Ontario Telephone 640-3450 and 640-3452 ela | UP (Continued on Page 22) TEENS eae

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