Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1963, p. 11

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Li fap pagent grove Fi fae tee gow Fore Ronald Thomas. They are: Pre- sident, Mrs, Erie Cooper; Trea- surer, Mrs. Walter Borysiak; Recording Secretary, Mrs, Wil- liam Kashul; . Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frank Zarowny; Executive chairman, Mrs, Michael Fryza,. Mrs. Howard Shaw, Mrs. I Carrey, Mrs. E. W. Newell, Mrs. Donald Harper and Mr. A. §. Winter, Mrs. A. F. Bourne pre- sented Mrs. Thomas with a small gift from the association. Mrs. Cooper gave her pre- sident's report and the meeting closed with the singing of the Queen. Refreshments were served by the mothers of the kinder. Raiien pupils. Jayn-Modde. FINAL CLEARANCE OF COATS ~ DRESSES IMPORTED KNITS 30% to 50% OFF We still hove an excellent variety of truly exciting foshions : for you in this group. Jayn-Modde. DRESSES 77 KING ST. E. 725-4561 cmon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 17,1963 7] Donna Marie Sworik Honored Prior To Wedding Tomorrow Miss Donna Maria Sworik,)mother-in-law gave her a kit- whose marriage to Mr. Joh njchen suite, and the bridesmaids Richard Jackson is to-take/gave her a pair of bedroom place in St. George's Ukrainian lamps. Catholic Church on Saturday, 'A ans pga sy .| serve rs, Chris Damoff, mer wt we. bbe | Toronto; "ire. Stanley Steban, Mrs. Peter Zakarow, Glen-\2oromo; Mrs, Michael Starr,| cairn street, was hostess at a Mrs. Frank Sworik, Mrs. Teofil| Let's Have a Parly Dishes, Cutlery, Glesses, Silver Candelabra. Silver Tea Service, Punch Bowls. COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 78 Cup_ Sizes. Sargeant's Rentals Phone 725-3338 | I 1 | MRS, ERIC COOPER Ritson Association | Re-Elects President OPPOSITE THE GEWOSHA HOTEL FAMILY TREASURES OF ALL NATIONS MUCH ADMIRED display, part of the program The Lyceum' Club and_ly lent by Oshawa and district ' iati . families. Above Mrs. Steven for Citizenship Week, was well -- reir Ab Minacs, right, shows Mrs. attended by the general pub- sented a collection of unusual Uriah Jones, Lyceum Cub lic, and soft music, coffee arts, crafts and treasures Of president, some exquisite and continental pastries cre- ated a friendly atmosphere. Many of the exhibitors wore national dress. --Oshawa Times Photo items from the Hungarian dis- play. Mrs. Minacs was assist- ed by Mrs. Geza Angi and Mrs. Otto Zavesiczky. The all nations in the McLaughlin Library on Tuesday afternoon and evening. The precious and unique articles were all kind- 'St. Mary's CWL Membership Tea Follows Induction A general meeting and mem- bership tea of the St. Mary of the People Council of the Catho- lic Women's League, was held recently with Mrs. Max Cole- man presiding. The president opened the meeting with the League Prayer and welcomed new members. The _ president announced the forthcoming events as follows: A pot luck supper will be in place of the regular June meeting and will be convenel by Mrs. Ronald Gibbs. The parish carnival will be held on July 8 and 9 in con- junction with the French Fed- eration. Supper will be served and a bake sale held. Conyen- ers for the supper will be Mrs. |Donald Branch and Mrs. Fred University Women's Club Installs tvist,*"is. ie President, Directors For 1963-64 sere im mie mi convene the bake sale, \place November 27. was Mrs. E. M. Culp was electedjali-time high of 118 and alllstressel that it be given president of the Universityleight monthly meetings ,were|thought now so that there will Women's Club of Oshawa andjwell attended, There will be albe an adequate supply of arti- district at the annual Mayjpicnic in. Whitby to close the/cles, Mrs. Kenneth McRae and meeting. She succeeds Missjseason. Study groups in litera-/Mrs. George King will convene Margaret Pellow who has com. |ture and travel have also met/this event. The parish supper pleted a successful term of of-jmonthly in members' homes. | will be held on October 20. Con- fice. : The president of the Interna-|Veners are needed for this. The slate of officers was pre-|tional Federation of University MISS MARGARET PELLOW MRS. E. M. CULP | The -Reverend N. J. Gignac, | | new members, then presented a plaque and crucifix set to two new mothers, Mrs. Gordon |Juvenville anl Mrs. Peter Van- mittee, convened by Mrs, H. D./address a meeting of Univer- Cleverdon, as follows: jsity Clubs Council in Toronto, President, Mrs. E. M. Culp;|June 22. first' vice-president, Mrs. G. A.) 4 ¢iim "Balloons in the Sky" Rundle; second vice-president.) 45. presented by an airline Mrs. Barnard Lewis; treasurer.) tawardess, Miss Collins, show-| Father Gignac installed the Mrs, M. W. Harper; past presi-|ing excellent pictures of Swit-/neW executive: President, Mrs. dent, Miss Margaret Pellow; zerland and its people Mrs Max Coleman; Ist vice - presi- recording secretary, Mrs. R. H..G x prynan - thanked Miss \dent, Mrs, Ronald Gibbs; 2nd Donald, corresponding secre-\Colins who was introduced by| 'ice, ~ president, Mrs. Leonard rh Mes 3. Pie, es BM. Ware beige ns gram, Mrs. J. B. Mitchell; Mi. one Elwards; corre- ways and means, Mrs. William |Sponding secretary, Mrs. Don- Stirling; membership, Mrs. A.| SOCIAL NOTICES ald Branch; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Robert Knapp. R, Garrett; entertainment, Mrs.) T. C, Hewitt, Miss I. Moote, ENGAGEMENT Mrs, Leonard Weekes intro- Uxbridge; hospitality, Mrs.|: Mr. and Mrs. George H.j/duced the guest speaker, Mr. Frank McLellan; Federation re-\Schrane, Ajax, announce the| Melville Smith of the Salvation Army who gave a _ moving resentative, Miss A. Parker. P . engagement of their daughter, |. adress and also demonstrated Mrs. D, J. Macleod will con-|petty Lou, to Mr. Richard Allen vene the scholarship commit: Biggs. son of Mr. and Mrs,|™ethols used in communicating tee. Charles Biggs, Oshawa. The with Retarded Children. Miss Pellow was presented marriage is to take place- on Mr. Smith was thanked by with a piece of Harlander pot-\saturday, June 15 at 3.30 p.m.\Mrs. Rudy Nagel and Father tery by Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon,'jn St, Paul's United Church, Gignac. The Membership Tea in appreciation from the mem-| Ajax, jcommittee under the convener- bers. Aut ship of Mrs. Leonard Weekes The retiring president report- ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. Leo McCarthy serv- ed the higlights of the year's) Mr, and Mrs, Earl Kimmer-|°4: A floral centre-piece wa s activities, mentioning the suc-ly announce the engagement of | "Ye" as a door prize anl was cessful theatre night the re-|their daughter, Sharon Lynn, to| "0? by Mrs. Peter Vandepol. | i. "jowsky, Mrs. John Kuchma,| | Pe etiiant godmotnes, 'Toran; Mt, ohn Hraynvk, tes. Jacob) Of Home & School |= | id +. |Malachowski, rs, xseorge : jto; Mrs. Robert Starr, AjaX;!peters, Mrs. D'Arcy Smith, | The annual meeting of the sented by the nominating com-|Women, Miss Irene Hilton, will|spiritual dirctor, welcomed the, ; i | linen shower, She was assisted|S/asecevk, Mrs. Joseph Michal land. bridesmaids Miss Starr, Miss Gloria Sworik, Miss \Judy Gorycki, Miss Ruth Ann |Deboski, Miss Hraynyk and the} |hostesses' daughters, Diane | 'Miss Virginia Smith, Mrs, Stan-/Ritson Home and School Asso- lley Mozewsky; Mrs. Robert ciation was held in the schoo} Starr, Ajax; Mrs. Walter Mo-\auditorium on Monday with zewsky, Toronto; Mrs. Morris|Mrs. Eric Cooper -- 9 : |McGahey, Mrs. Albert Clarke,| The minutes of the last an- Zakarow, who will be a flowering. william Macey and Mrs.|nual meeting were read by Mrs. ase and Pamela Zakarow. i wfichael Jacula. William Milne, Mrs. Frank A miscellaneous shower was re . Zarowny gave the treasurer's | . : ss Starr, w vill be y 8 held by family and bridesmaids Pagel agli GONE aldo iy report. The books were audited at St. George $ parish hall. Mrs. ranged a personal shower and found correct by Mrs. |Michael Sworik, the bride's M0-\+he home of Mrs, Michael Starr,|RObert Richards and Mr. J. \ther, and Mrs. Jack Jackson,|,,- Pega iy '| Evans, : ; "\Olive avenue, A luncheon was |\the bridegroom's mother, greet- served by the hostess. jed the guests. The bride-to-be,| 2 g jon her arrival, was presented) Honoring his forthcoming|nevyitt; finance, Mrs. Garth lwith a corsage of baby pink|Marriage Mr. John RichardiGijjespie; and corresponding |roses and _ stephanotis, which|Jackson was guest of honor at secretary, Mrs. Gordon Butler. jcomplimented her red silk/@ stag party at St. George's Mrs. Walter Borysiak gave an' sheath dress, She was present-/Parish Hall recently. He wasjaccount of the convention at- ed with an electric stove, re-| Presented with a television set. tended in Toronto in April by frigerator freezer and many; Following the wedding re-jherself and Mrs. Cooper. jother gifts. She also received a/hearsal this evening ,the bridal) Mrs. Michael Fryza reported |hand crocheted bed spread|party will be entertained at the|/Field Day preparations were |made by her mother, and ajhome of the prospective bride-|nearly completed. Reports were read from pro- gram chairman Mrs. Lawrence For far thicker growth, MLM.-GRO-KOTED GRASS SEED Exclusive 'Green Gro - Koted" process gives you a more luxuriant carpet of healthy, deep-rooted grasses. Available in four different lawn blends, each best for its purpose. BIRDS DO NOT EAT IT READILY, ;white and gold French provin-groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, William Milne read the cial bedroom suite. Her futurelJack Jackson, Margaret street.|report from the nominating . ne =e - . ----- | committee. Mr. Paul Edmondson's grade |six class won the parent attend- ance prize. Following Mr. A. 8. Winter's report on school activities, the |school choir under the direction] of Miss Janet. Kerr and Mr. The monthly meeting of the) offered to rebind the church Paul Edmondson sang several /United Church Women of Cedar-| hymn books. |well received selections. |dale United Church was held) rie next meeting on Wednes-| The officers and executive recently in the church, |day, June 26 will be in the form|members were installed by| The president, Mrs, William|of a pot luck picnic luncheon|Council vice - president, Mrs. |Henning, isvetvesa the guest|at Lakeview Park, gees -- |speaker, Miss Margaret Hoy,) The members packe | who spoke on her work as &lo¢ clothing for the sda |deaconess serving in Northern|Cross Lake, Manitoba |Manitoba last summer. She al-| "> / ty : | o avinwed a chapit in eshments were served by) , b Mrs, Earl Hoy, Mrs. J. F. Nor- |study book God is My Creatoriign Mrs. A. J. Hil | written by the Reverend Donald|o o> oo apo <." ill and Mrs. Mathers, This was of particular) ""O'S® *"omson. 'Deaconess Speaks On Duties At Cedar Dale UCW Meeting LOOK FOR THE GREEN SEED Available At Your... ONE-STOP GARDEN CENTRE interest to the speaker as the writer was one of her lecturers LADI ES 282 King W. 728-9581 at Queen's University. Ne beby sitter, mo cor fore RUG Mrs. Alfred Barassin was in Mr. Bernard ' ' co a ne creak for the] ,Sttgsdie Tevonte saere, | CLEANING OSHAWA a y e r | singing of the hymns. * uss "725. 6854. | 54 CHURCH ST.. -- Free Customer Parking -- Dial 723-2229 The minutes and roll call \ ! were read by the recording sec- retary, Mrs. J. F. Norton, A letter was read from Miss Muriel Banford thanking the group for the cheque sent to her for her birthday gift. She told of her work in the hospital at Bonsuana, India. | A letter was received from) Mrs. Albert Singer, who is on al six week holiday in the British) Isles and Europe, thanking the) membesr for her farewell gift) of a Maple Leaf brooch. | Appreciation was expressed| to Mr. J. W. MeVey who had} | i | UR MODEL HOMES | 1 y f 4 4 ¢ WEDDING PORTRAITS © WEDDING ALBUMS --by-- Ireland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. WEST 723-3680 SACS turns from which provided $400'Mr. Charles Michael Hood, son for four scholarships to local of Mrs, Margaret Hood, all of girls going on to university. Oshawa, The marriage is to $115 was sent to University Ser-|take place on Saturday, June 15, vices Overseas. |1963, at 3.00 p.m. in St. An- The membership reached anidrew's United Church. Men! ... Here It Is! DUNN'S DOLLAR SALE! -.- OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION THIS WEEK-END IN GRANDVIEW GARDENS! CA fons - YUM - WINES ARE "RIGHT AT HOME" WINES WA MEN' 36 KING ST. E., OSHAWA SHO 2 ' DUNN'S This is the "EMPEROR", one of the four magnificent dwellings now open for your inspection in Grandview Gardens, Each of these 4 lovely homes are designed and built to Kassinger's rigidly controlled building standards. Visit them this week-end. Travel along King St. East, watch for bright orange signs. Use the temporary entrance to Grandview, just south of King BUY A | VISIT the GET A PAIR OF | @ EMPEROR Street. l] | © PRINCESS SLACKS ® AMBASSADOR FOR ONLY $1 MORE |} | ® DUCHESS HOURS: ne KASS1 NO DOWN PAYMENT 4 MODELS... THIS WEEKEND OLN MONTHS TO PAY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FULLY DECORATED | 2 PM. to 9 P.M. 3 and 4 Bedroom Homes PRICES $13,400 up DOWN PAYMENT $930 Up EXCLUSIVE AGENTS: SCHOFIELD-AKER CARL OLSEN LIMITED REALTOR 360 KING WEST PHONE 723-2265 299 KING WEST PHONE 723.1133 S & BOYS' WEAR OSHAWA PPING GENTRE

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