Mt lent condition. UXOe Tit sedan, radio, whites! i959 AUSTIN. A-40, good condition, re-| OFFICE Ce medium size, ai Fenn) hulp Neatipped and very. 'reasonable. (29---Automobiles For Sale | 'i0 EUYMOUTH, excsllent ¢ ' ate neat covers wind: built motor, $800, After 4 p.m, Whitby,|Mar Jn running c ee, ans 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 16, 1963 \29---Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale |32-----Articles For Sale _ 32--Articles Fer Sale COMING EVENTS A H shield w. " Good .condition,. Rea! 688-4167, mag p ( the go Ke \yonable, 728-6923 Auge rensaerr yaa gaarcersrmmratal | YK go 3 mahogany planked boat, ex: vacuum cleaner repairs, ail "maker. | RUMMAGE Sale Friday, May 17, 1.30 YOUR yeu riding high BIRTHS 1900 CUSTOM r Fa besa rps eae ee een rear "1M PONTIAC Laur four door | cejjent inboard 25|Free Pa | i. i Binone Creer Caled Chureh 7 the fle a youl find i th Clase ve siege ' 'auigige 12 162 CHEVROL T scayDe, fc nh, automatic {ranumisslon,. Power horse power motor, aay spenomieey: brushes, rere 'guaranteed rebuilt ma-|P- a Turn vack to "Bievoles cige.. i wilver gray, red by 4 - x, -vadio, * $2,100, T ile 623-728: chines. Ren Wallace Vacuum Serv-| Memorial Hall, Unit 6. " on, ee now, HAYES -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold ft W : 0 embléed, sOM€ transmission, windshield washers, 23, : ner 728-0801, "Hayes ate happy to announce the Ie (Cou 7 000 miles. Excellent canditio WE buy, sell and exchange al furni- lee. 'of their son, Ernest Richard, on nase it '; abURbARC gn ets Private vale, Tele 728.3378 PONTIAC, standard, "g00d cleaD|ture or anything you have, ihe City| TEEN SIZE 14 blue Sarana suit, Fully 'NOVEL BINGO OSHA\WA JAYCEES 'day, May .14, 1963 at Oshawa Ge ' reasonable, Before 5.30 p.m. call rT Jepho! , rari PON' ' , ac Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street|lined, in new condition, Te ne ' a 'Hospital, A brother for Nancy '4 Aner _ paws i PONTIAC, excellem tires, radio, 378, Ssom ena at "Bond Bireet Bast, 723-1071. | 668-2559, THURSDAY, EVENINGS 7:45 BINGO n . \ ransportation, Private. Beat offer, i ) «Patrick. Lis i a tie, ean fins lephone 725781... Lit CHEVROLET 14 ton truck, g00d|Wa buy, sell and exchange used furni-|MEAD into more dri this ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL , : | eondition, with eanopy, Apply 12 noon . The City|summer in = better car you'll fing (Albert and Jackson Sts.) ' MeDOUGALL -- Doug and Gloria : ar : . rw [tits CHEVROLET | wo " door, erento 4 pam, 127 -Laipin. Drive, Whitby. it i. hi siena' ts Pm the Os Oshawa Times ye me $6, $12, $20, "(nee Cook) are pleased to announce} A If \. od a8 i ine, two doorsistandard shift, ur 3 e * Classified section, Selection is, wide be doubled or tripled » Gordon Carl-on Wed-| ; cy sak ik, maroon in-!8i54, Telephone 723-1759 except Satur-| 1953 FORD, new motor eT Ba * ve sale" r or OTs peedags Moy. 16, 1908, at Oshawa Gen: sig TR ged 80 |dition, 'Teléphone 723-3790. 'KELVINATOR reiviaeraior Ti cubie| vane ug eck "Auton tr '$200 IN JACKPOTS "eral Hospital. A brother for Bob. | PONTIAC, 1955 Plymouth sedan. 105) ie mechanically per-|feet, small freezer rage in waco' TH Peg agg ree oe a Piiee $15 8 P.M. PROUD parents: The news of your Ari y , i rn } p. . Good condition, Good transportation, | fect, radio, king Poo mane 1, good _Doo $i 1 cuble ft, : Good air | somtaee whesl discs, washers... $395" or best| 728-3506, ri prone og) Ww T. JOHN'S PARI 20 ot $20, 5. games ° peels. Ah Baws be ye t motor, phone 726-434( pelea Lada atch ~~~» | refrigerator, full Sreener, 165. 'ayne's, ST. JOH ARISH gomis ga (mee Wend hal relatives in 'the Ush aa ' , aoieus iat BU 1CK, two door hardtop, immacu iene Telepnone Tater, GOLF clubs, left hand, men's 3. 5. 7/75 simooe North ot $30, 1 -- $1 150 Jockpot . 5 cle KES : ' * laps : | 1902 CHEVROLET Belair, low mileage,|irons; potters 1, 3 woods; golf bag, | 5 seh oe ee ve tralia Aas wat t oe 1 ' ; ian, a two-owner! <4 oe Lees La' rity : Me sq ares one owner, power steering, automatic|Like new, $35, Also rangette, suitable a descees euble fe tutomnale de: Bingo, Fri., 7:48 2 $250 Jackpots east you Ww writing a Birth . Y ira dnknon. fale bets radio, "icanamiusion, © radi, whitewalls and |for cottage, $10,-'Telophone 73-1716, Ratio, 0 Wayans. Bee (Bloor ond Simcoe f NU/MBERS 51, 56 : ositrac . & % Hy Notice. z ; positraction ). Telephone 723 NEW! Versatile kitchen machine, No) North 20 GAMES $6 a ia Elorly Bird " + - GOOd! naint, in good nutini lition, 1997 FORD coach W CIULERY | NOW ea "radio, good 1 be without this marvel, =e : 0) 1 runs we 1 paint, #725,| 1061 CHEVROLE. "radio, wood running} wile should, be without Whit mater |EYPEWRITERS, ollice modal, 5 Jackpots at $40 . Hit $50, 1 Chev: phone S aA Gl Telephone Apply 372 Wilson Ro 1 condition, 950 rolet, three-on Co" portable, adding machine, electric veal ¢ The Wealth i DEATHS in" san" Appt" Glover Rade | serrg spore chet --wta"1U pov n'y, ina, rapier,» cheque, __ No" Ghitdren Under 16 ae ois BUICK t vrdtop, i » 85 y rts et, size perfect , 8 fe k sale, 723-4434, H bid ia) Es wale cod tires: mila enuipped. $3,875. Tele-/ i955 BELAIN sedan, 6 cylinder, stick: condition, $10; Beech BI" electric fete eee em ' aaa 9183) -- : OA! . tr aaa shift, clean throughout, motor A+l, Tange, | $40; Thistle baby carriage, $18;|) 0 on apenas. 'Washer rs, from| DAVIDSON, ss ania : ; : aed or be chiip,| After 8 evenings telophone 728-3375, playpen, $4, All articles in excellent) bra D In Oshawa Genera loxpital ay 35 t ' lophon |$179, Wayne's Appliances, 78 ft R | 1963, Lillian Elizabeth Davidson, (for L/OC ' radio, Wh aa Set cowanion ie te Bee dump" truck, $3,500, ecedion,"Ttenone 1s. "Cyr re Usha a Ne Co rc ag an Cc 00 as j y wp. + merly of Vancouver), beloved daught« I7 SIE ' Mer con tor. Ke ng country, 48 essere ma ee pene length 17 ft. 1", beam 8 ft. depth 4 ft. ey Ca Bits ge\d oe! ll. + of the late Samuel and Margaret David BISCAYNE St Nowact ELesin vane : itcetseenin de seal deliveryaiga| 10_NP, Evinrude 'motor with long shaft,/ances, Name brands a agent Ba + son (Peterborough) and lovin +1 teller tha ; cd with| 0% CHEVROLET sedan delivery, $125) also deluxe tilt trailer, efc, $2,500, com-|CUnts anywhere, We carr + Mrs, Bruce McGregor, Osh r ay MONTCALM, con licensed, .good body and motor. 561) p 728-0050. You Beverly mattress furniture lines, Mrs. P. J. Little, elite a Metataan| ce ae | onaiinn ond bah ted BN ruecrne E TV, excellent ploture ace, Oat Sse hari Me ' om conditie 1, with extra F ' ~ »| Hone: pes igs oo kially ne lag Far bike ew Shan "After 6/0 7-10 iio, power rata at raga gr gousne™ Tusvoene Tne ary acre, cod. Open teas teiv|| Ratepayers and interestec! parties are M 18, at 10 a.m i ermont uf + trade "Pee Sots eae nue sia »_ © 6 p.m. - O35 'e! jone c Pemconay, ay 16) ok 19.0.2, Inter: : Nb. Tabi MERCURY Ve ton thick, no rust] out" Wi trade, 845 or offer. Tao, | oR am See Gute rt ae ei oe to -- aind look over ' : 72 ( srdtap. eee ee ae . 'or 19> METEOR, four-door sedan, V8, capacity four to five rooms, For in Wanted ir ne FAIRHART, Fred bres D call 72 Landard "transmission," custom rade, fornieton telephone 723-9148 | Telephone Oshawa 725-6183 bd Ww schoo! at Raglan red ot al age pega von ae pial ager ii Pais se we y - TEC tractor rotical deluxe) 93 PT, Penn Yan outboard cruiser. @ a da tin his S8th year, bel \ { : appre j tt 4 § peed Master", twin|g75; Roxatone crib, $10; stroller, $5; |beam, 6 ft, head room, flying bri «Fr a a ieee am Margaret Luke and he «blu f : : ta motors, $175 or best offer.|treadie sewing maching, $15; single/Helmsman seat, galley, full: head, , Thomas. Mr. Fairhart is r« ; ' 16-1953 PONTIAC deeb bow 8-6279; evenings 723-4992. | spring, $5, 90 Labrador Drive. [Scott motor, Telephone 723-3583. Gerrow Funeral Chape!| K 1 ) 1 ; t \ ' phat fy ' 'ONTIAG 8, automatic, good tires, |REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse,» 12\ROTO-TILLERS, lawn mowers, #39773 BUILDER OF THIS SCHOOL, nikal CRAWFORD CON- West, then to St. Grezor ' rl (interior. $150 or offer. 991 Centreloubic foot, frozen food wwinpartment,|piece baths, $65; sinks, cabinets, laun-| STRUCTION CO., OSHAW, Catholic Church for ' line Me? ALE uw, a atic h, Whitby. 668-2864, [In good condition, Reasonable, Tele- \dry tubs, Pumps, pressure systems, Mass on Saturday morning, \ two door, ¢ : : FORD coach, good body, @,| Phone 728-1955. jsump pumps, H.. Chinn, Hillside a} ARCHITECT . tAcoN ANID YPES, WIILOW- 9.30 a m. armen Z d : , y or, new seat covers, jigehe: $995, MINK stole, autumn haze color, cape| Park South, Siac | ALE ' cone rag hb "pi fu 'Ns te accepted, Telephone 723-2281, style, practically new. Reasonable, HUMBER Jewel fibergias boat, takes) riday ing, é : | hulp 1) TERRAPLANE' sedans bla' model Apply 830 Somerville Street afternoons!up to 40 horse power, All extras, Ex-| COFFEE AND SANDWICHES PROVIDED' BY RAGLAN S.0.S, CLUB sects 1 | condition. Perfect restoring, Tele-/between 2 and 6, cellent skling and fishing boat. Tele- LOCKE'S FLORIST aren - 7ah-784) atter'e hone 725-2339, 2-741 after 6 DAYRNBORE, gb gs appr ye ar CEDARS Ga TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA : mre ap rE i) with ratler) Funeral arrangeme ; 110 DODGE truck, good tires, runa|' met flora] requirement ART ' i630 CHEVRO ; rt ke NeW 35,000 miles, new licence, pind er tod ta py per areal bus, Avda atid yd BOARD OF EAST WHITBY i00, Telephone Blackstock 906-4427, LLOYD twin baby stroller, Occasions ' condition, $25, with canopy and shop-|*fter 7 evenings 723-9097. VERNON J, POWELL, Chairman OSHAWA SHOPPING : ping basket, Telephone 725-6160. | BUYING or selling furniture or "appli: | 10 t ELECTRIC organ, $500 cash, After 6 20ces. Call Elmer, Hampton, 263-2294 or neemerenintntt ten negates ~ CENTRE FIRECRACKER |Sex telephone 728-3605, 567M. 34--Lost and Found -- 24 HOUR ay NE SER f : EME SAGE HSCUR oie et * " 12-FOOT "Paceship windshield, steering 738. : : bed REON Sonsals 31° favs Oe pe wheel, running lights, good condition,| Yost: set of keys on chain, Monday, | ~~ OBITUARIES "td | $135, bes -- Drew Street between 5-9, $185, After 5 'o'clock call 728-4234, May 13, vicinity of Cromwell Avenue, A SPECIALS LLOYD baby carriage, 'Rood condition, Ped EVINRUDE motor, "3 be 'with | 728-2483, A f phone - VL se-a-day tank, actual use ours.|LOST: Saturday, woman's extra w ; VID IN ME ORIAM P\ y | Blanes te. Telephone Ln | Telephone 728-2305. white Bt ap saeue. pattern on MISS LILLIAN E. DA SON on ANTIQUE two, so) bets, paouble: i USED car parts, all kinds; used tl @raved -on it, Vicinity of Kresge's, Osh-| The death of Miss Lillian Eliz- { se : nace eh wool winder, $5,. All in the rough. Pri. #!! sizes wheels, 509 Bloor Street East,|@wa Shopping Centre, Reward, 723-2229.) ah ath Davidson, formerly of SROMTOON = MOTORS 260 ENVOY STATION WA- Vato collection, Whitby, 608-5015. or telephone 723-2281. LOST -- Beagle, male, north of Maple|y Ww memory of our 'dear sister, -\ \ ) ON-=One ower -- G amcouver, B.C., occurred Wed- 1 vi \ e er, economy Nisisai i ti heer, STAUFFER reducing machine, couch|G@rove on April 21, Tattoo JDTST in eeicine slay ie il ; al Rel ace a eee 723: fous | model, like new condition, Cost $350,)¢aF. Reward, Phone 725-9847, nestlay, May 15, at the Oshawa ee gre a oy s ' Srabi chen? cmnen = ia airs | | Selling $175, Call Port Perry, 985-7341, |LOS8T Saturday, lady's silver plated|General Hospital, Gacoar ant Hazel, : | | 760 CHEVROLET SEDAN Itire screen, electric grate and. other| REFRIGERATOR, General Hlectric,| Watch, black band, vicinity of Oshawa| al a > mt terior like new, |items, Telephone. 728-8800, zen food section, good - condition,| Times. Telephone 728-6537, Born in Peterborough, she and Willie » no chip marks, $75. Call Port |was a daughter of the late |BABY carriage, Lioyd, wills, convertal Perry. ges-ro0t LOST: Beagle dog, "May 9, | female, 1959 OLDSMOBIL P BA | tattoo on left ear, beige 'and white, lost|Saniuel and Margaret Davidson, és Mpc A Two pcg heres, \very. caned socnditions vena" 'Teieauens OUTBOARD motor, Ka hp Scott, Very| in Whitby area, 660-834 after $ p.m. (Miss Davidson received her R 20( ; equipséd' marvelous. [Tae tie: ont concilen; Telephone 135-0079, LOST: May, 14, vicinity of 227 Court/early education in Peterborough ; ' STUDENT |STOVE, 39" Glider; walnut bed com-| Street, boy's bicycle, juvenile size,|_ " On STUDEN NTs Cet ee SPOR | Plete (full size); dresser: chest of draw-|maroon with 1962 bicycle licence 2o2./SCHools, and later graduated MEMORIAL S | asin ELAIR PAPER {uews: print» for only $100 Pap (ets) single bed, 226 Gliddon, 725.9617, | Telephone 725-1663. on a. university in North t . CHE LET BELAI ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby |DOUBLE bed aad spring, blond finish, kota, For a number of years MONUMENTS OND ay { ACH Automatic and ym Dundas Street West Sood, oanalsion, $20; also floor length 36--Legal lshe. was principal of a Fr coe > ' , 1 23 "Ww ¥ e ASE ees IN OUR SHOWROOM ES , very clean car, WHEEL CHAIRS yell; Reesonable, 7aaaaq, ""* ise [til mot be responsible tor any|in. Kalispeel, Montana. Complete M ney 10, rea ) 958 CHEVROLET SEDAN Repairs, ves, Rentals, |wanaeeres "Vacuum cleaner. hot| One, on or after this date May 14,1963, -Miss Davidson retired from lnieription Serv | ¢ 704 UY R popular model. Iso |late, bed complete, kitchen drop leat --John Robert Eadie, _170 Simcoe St. S./he r profession 10 years ago. She . a Hospital sd, walkers, bed- table, plenic folding table, commode then made her home in Van- SOI IT nee 1 |toilet and tank, Telephone 728-1977, 152 SIMCOE SOUTH 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN side commode, crutches, DINING om ale, 9 pee win | TENDERS couver, She was an active mem- Phone 723-1002 A real good one, He: fettcawag week pid ato |erey chrome 5-plece kitchen suite, 4 ber of Mount Pleasant Presby- ) yk one mks eee jn good | condition, Reasonable, Tele are being called by the, |terian Church and was keenly MEMORIALS S : ; te L298 PONTIAC, "two Geet | _ 725-1644 a | Phone 725-4941, --.| BOARD OF R.C. SEPAR- |itterested in the work of the : p, radio and automatic - PIANGt one only, "smart looking mod: | pit church, ae ees | ern styled sma'l consol 0. co eBLE ond GR CRAN hs a ea 256 CHEVROLET COACH MILLER (nish Returned rental, used. toss. then ATE SCHOOL TRUSTEES, Miss Davidson is survived by 19 ; r H three months, Price includi bench, AWA NTARI i Designing, Carving ' iit COPING Pasel ag Trailer Accessories | $550. Wilson and Lee, Litd,, 87 faved OSh es 0, on |two nieces, Mrs. Bruce. Mo» Everything for trailers, | Street North, 725-4706, the following Schools: Gregor, of Oshawa and Mrs, P, Tag Along Tesi | eLGIN ' J. Little, Winnipeg, Man a | 5 is h "J. ; ' ' RANSPORTATION | Rental end ealey jthan 20 Sonia cote Borg Ue Ao Holy Cross Annex Number | The funeral ms i ill be SPECIALS 9 TUDOR STREET el cL inn Two (Four Classroom School) | weld ip the Melntesh - Agdarsoa ING , pangs, 357 Simcoe Street South AJAX 942-3491 oandision: tour burner. 9° So food Gahawa, Ontails. 'Funeral Chapel, Saturday, May wie omer ie ee . at 10 am. Rev. D, M. . e Pe i 3 COR HRISTI H ; arne, Whit 1435 K ag Ste 1960 y miles left in this cor, | Pinan ee ee a hed, complete, ny A Fdgeeted 'Sear (Twelve Classroom School) Oi ontetdees wart elephone 728- ) | Monument DODGE SEDAN. Ex- Company puentoat good condition, 4 BICYCLE, girl's, $15; new ~ kitehen {wa service, Interment will be in Airlume on, 725-2577, f i Laminated' fo (ull length [ec Hillside Avenue, Oshawa, fo Lake Cemetery, Peterbor- | : : ar elasa , | BEAUTIFUL, small, reed Ontario. ne ita / ; ; + VOLKSWAGEN Eco ates! papel core plus avian | carved walnut, good fi : : one HANKS . my special .....1, $235. | glides, steel track, size 34°* | koowitunma ior sale = Foor cheng | . Ste Frencls School: (Six Closs- 80 inch, readily shortened, three end tables, one step table, one room School) Harmony Road--~|) : ) CHEVROLET SEDAN if necessary. jroom divider, four lamps, one coffee| South, Osh Ontari if '|. The death of Fred Fairha ee en ae ELIVERY. Side windows Beige Grey | able,-one high chair, two erib matt OMN "Snewa, Untario, 52 Park road south, oce teas t v. " . ' € meen Sen Pratt eunt 61 € | ¥ Man's Chance. $215. ONLY $7.99 [nace aera Ala finer! Plans and Specifications are. |Wednesday, May 15, at the Osh- eer cows Cs NE | a a [sie fone ust Sess S"Saar| ism Soctoreanrehtect, (pon, Cenerahgnospliah in he en nd ; ; For An Honest. Deal | se must be sold to clear! liam Saccoccio, Architect, [58th year, Mr,. Fairhart had to Dr, Edward Rundle an \n Honest. | A vag each ng C ain Mts. See Ted Furniture Interiors. |Strect' Bast, pg egg Marx} 3]5 Morrish Road, West Hill, jbeen in poor health for the past 96 KING STREET EAST | 668-3483. Ontario, on Semen of Lm 9 lyear, Z 5 Hear SSIES eo CLASSIFIED ROY TED CAMPIN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA \cLEANAWCE trade-in vacuum clean. ba of Plans and Specifi Born in Toronta, May. %, sec i. . Carry 6 month warranty, Filter eel }1905, he was a son of the late ADVERTISING | 723-7928 sfoshawa), "sai King 'Street West 'Alice and Elias Fairhart, He . | as hea fs / : NAT - MOTO RS | FILTREX floor polisher, 9 brush model,| LATE [Patrick's 'Separate School, and i ear Wartany, Filter Queen 'salee!| began workin bell h t g ei | MUST CLEAR ttt" gE Se) CLASSIFIED ADS. [tere ronitesrbel hop at ssa inatind For Sale Ld 607 KING ST, EAST | ALL CLAIRTONE and HEAVY "duty x frame' boat | t trailer, "com | age of 14. BUYING ¢ From $1195 OSHAWA RCA VICTOR STEREO Sis Stostostise se A000 l14--Employmonf Wanted | Mr. Faithart came to Osh e | iS *~j;awa in 1927 and for several TED. CAN PIN iN : East of Wilson Road) | : HI FI"S fat TOMATC ah W mel BOO EEPER years operated & g ry store DH FRED FAIRHART é ; jace, tank ete, Telepho' with his mother, In 1932, he MOTORS 19 23-4494, Res. 725-5574 Prices Start at $199, © [2109 'te Telephone Ajax Desires position martied the former Margaret 607 KING ST, -- ¢ Store will be closed PROFIT BY "Foaching your best loan| Accounting receivable, Luke, in Oshawa. " > oA Prospects with an inexpensive Ostiawa Hi He was mana of the P. Tusk East ot W > ; at 12 noon Times Classified Ad. Dial'? ayable and payroll. ger le ETO aay. Spy nee : 30----Automobiles Wanted | Saturdays during day for more amie oc pay or juce department of Loblaws for VANTED 1960" oF 1983 Pontiac' station| June, July, August. |SELLING furniture ér appliances" 728 8858 ~ |18 years, and established Fred's KELLY DISNE ey four door, automatic, A-1 iV buy it for top cash, Led . Telephone Drive-In, in 1947, Mr, Fair- Private, Teleph 728 q Blake's Furnitu d Applis . : a USED CAR ARRHOWE"Auty Wresbate Seal SIR PARKWAY |Store, 24 Prince Street, 728-919. | hart's most recent venture was ee ESHORE Auto Wree a ce -- |17--Male Help Wanted ~ | the Roto-Burger stand on Kin 409 BR cK : ng Hoe Se ' Eeenes paid. 220 TELEVISION Sot i. oe go Na ee | street west ot Gibbons street. "f 100 CARS WANTED: |e ee WEF ieee See ce | BRAKE | He. was a member of the Susie 4 Mic bed TR ACTOR ilisrant ipped, Plus two idgailon fixes i }Roman Catholic Church of St. Buyirlg a New art : tanks with 80 hp full electric motor. | MECHANIC |Gregory the Great, and the \ your used car to "Ted | International Farmall Cub Mode! iets. with aa Telephone |Knights of Columbus. ! Telk "Cash" to the New | Plow, Cultivator, Scuffler TEmple 91742," } | Mr, Fairhart is survived by "TILDEN TI 5 Chap witons Ayer eny he's Jie eS reeeerauee | REQUIRED |his wife, Margaret, and one om ; ; fe) sed Very Little. | Sing pare with the happy | LICENCED MECHANIC Thomas, There are two grand- CAR AND TRUCK : na 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 ° | $500 | folks chats ai a children, Dawn Marie and 1957 FORI | ve discovere M by ienced 'in {Avian Jane. RENTALS S ALL. CASH $ | Phone Port Perry 985-2218 : sie es pineal olrss 'i | Mr, Fairhart is at the Ger- 1 : : what a Want Ad can do. brake and front-end work. F alax Gnd pan cars deal or 's My Line? . os ny benefits, Includ- Peed Uneral Home, High tan iA : : plese ue | What's My Line: All company benefits. Inclu |Requiem mass will be sung in CALL 625-6553 inne . | Buying and selling used fur- | ing pension plan, hospitaliz- (the Church of St, Gregory the 14 Albert a $645 . COLS. MOTORS LTD, nities and appliances. For | shiendhade | ation, vacation with pay aind 'Great, Saturday, May 18, at Th H Of | 512 sre al ag your needs phone, DRAPE Y bonus. Excellent working Pad a.m, si Rt. we: me. P, a] J oO ' ; . = wyer will celebrat ie mass. emome Valley Creek Furniture R conditions, Telephone for «ip y' ie Ri = - - | Interment will be in St. Greg- Good Used Cars 729 ( WUEILE "" 31--Automobile Repair _ 728-4401 or call at the store' | Hundreds of homes in Oshawa ory's Cemetery, OUSTON'S GARAGE 162 Bond W and District have -- added FIRESTONE ---- - "Before You | and SERVICE STATION "Planning to Build' charm ore Sanction to ner | =: . ee Ye | oc | Oe ee ang ae reg oor ge thie storE Broader Aid n $995 | | _ BRAKE SERVICE SAGs Lied fabrics, styled by -- | : iis Velachone: 8 ' MOTOR -- TUNE-UP AND | 668-5871 ond 668 : : ae ' GENERAL PAIRS Lumber, Plumbing, ete | Building ordi 5 | M. And & OSHAWA 725-6566 } BILL WHITTICK "RS _| Dutch Contracting Drapery 20,000 Reward Sought For MOTORS LTD. LUTTE Cee Ne oes i y For Boylen Gerns Flood Ar 146 BROCK ST.N. MA TEXACO | BOATS, MOTORS | a and TORONTO (CP) -- Insurance ' eas ON DISPLAY | » |companies have doubled the uAY Bx Nat ice | | jreward to $20,000 for recovery) HAY RIVER, N.W.T. ¢ DICK 69 RITSON BD. 5: | Dry Goods Store jot a fortune in jewels owned by| Commissioner Gordon Robert H. \, ; Arm ACR 728-2871 | Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- | | mining magnate James Boylen,/son of the Northwest Territories : ss CiA\ | CENSED MECHANIC son, O.M.C. and Larson | For Lg op oagiok tnd needs '| nolice said today. lsays broader federal financial Pontiac, Buick: ! ' ( al Repair to all makes. Boats. Cvindrude, Volvo-Pento Call us today. | | Two masked men entered the|assistance will have to be Limited : \TARC Carburetor Specialists and O.M.C. 88 Motors. 723- 7827 |Boylen home in suburban Eto- |sought to aid _flood-stricken j Sin tune up : Vt : giecet | Open Until 8 P.M, 74 Celina Street, Oshawa (bicoke last Feb, 25 and stole |northern communities. ae : f Pp : "di Del very MARINE $329,000 worth of jewels from an The commissioner Wednesday Wd : ; ne Wark Guarant eed 33--Market Basket lopen safe. described a formula ander GOODWIL Ss , Mi Storage & Supply 'Ltd. se - ----~---==--=|which the federal government ' Li GA 32 Articles for Sale eS Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 has said it will aid the fiood- A 34 USED CARS ; : "se SPECIAL | FARMER' S MARKET Rives Gad Fert eames . shies ; , - a rece! ALUMI OM BOAT | "The Tene Ve 4 / : ppliances. One location only.| q | : jnance it all," he. said. "We' 1959 mes sae : r( tty's . a Stmtee Street 19: ft "ent "tee mnedal j NEW LOCATION, MAY 17 have to go back to the govern- a Cc : ao ae TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, "du- 7% hip. Fishing Scott Motors : i ce ment and tell them this is more a uewriters, comptometers,| COMPLETE $499. | MILLWORK BUILDING SUPPLY than we can cope' with, pointment, and used. We buy, | : | Hay River, 500 miles north of a 7 Breck South, Whitey | OSHAWA MARINE | SIMCOE NORTH Edmonton, and Fort Simpson, savas. Prompt vervice,| AND SERVICE | /125 miles north of here. were 1006 Brock Street Sout ¢ ate Chair, table rentals. | EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON flooded earlier this month when 'oe : Open Until 8 pm 000-. . secret nnn Sohicday. 6.8 fe : ice jams backed up water from Whitby 668-4911 | / rOvE of of eee Site tae | Naw Lecatiocn Fresh vegetables, potatoes, fresh eggs, poultry, maple syrup and jspring thaws on the Mackenzie phone 725-2911. 1180 'Simeone N 728-0031 hanav Home baked ooods. Ontario avoles. niants and Liard rivers,