Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 May 1963, p. 18

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, -- Mey 14,1963 ae ae a OBITUARIES | ogy ae T odays Stock: BIRTHS | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TeiY = Begley mals, berid Binds) | MRS. STELLA BLANCHE jot age. | Un Lipscom usin Ge a aes " uN [Grove on April 21, Tattoo JDTST in| (QUEENIE) HART | He was predeceased by his Ms D th _ By The Canadian Press | Stork > Sadan thigh Low a.m. n'y (Continued from Page 17) peer. Reward: Ehone 725-0047 The death of Mrs. Stella Blan-jparents Charles Wallace and! eroin Vea | Rorgate Sine Raahange--Mey 36, istsiabs wr 198100 199,169 ¢ conts rked "e --Exed er ae | COLLINS -- Mr and Mrs Harold Roma Ashby) happily aa- fe i : eee la Hac Raver] the Dirth of a son, David Harold, FOUND May 6, Daimation dog Taunton che (Queenie) Hart .occurred|the former Janet Mary King. | BALTIMORE (AP) -- Policel?-- Hone ia, a 8 0 teen, at 6.20 5 oP ter Omiiwn Gon |$2---Atticles for Sale 32--Articles For Sale | Road. 'Telephone 728-8024. Monday, May 13, at Green| Rev, Roy A, Speer comchietad tied together tinal detailsl ee' stone varranes. Nel change Is\switaon | 200 11S 18 iB tt Ma ctor ET | nae - : cece ts rsa fs sarvic af | j : P , m" eral' Hospital" Many, thanks. Yo, Doctor = SRLS? A CUUIn cen Tost. Saturday, lady's silver plated! Acres Home For The Aged,|the funeral service from the! (7 iui chock into the last night | , . P y | i eUUM cleaner repairs, ail makes.| : " f Osh 'No " a at : a : é 11 Net Tor-Dom Bk Hobbs and Doctor Jaciw and the 4h PROFIT BY reaching your best loan|VACUUM cleaner repairs, 10 Tt) watch, black band, vicinity ef Oshawa /Ciaremont, She had been ill for|Jones Funeral Home ai Odessa o¢ Gone (Big Daddy) Lipscomb,|, stock sales High Lew a.mich'ge Fin A |professional football. star whose} floor staff. prospects with an inexpensive Oshawa] Free Garentesd rebuilt. mia-| somes. Telephone 728-65 a week 'to Wilton cemetery, Can PL 925 827 26% Times Classified Ad, Dial 723-3492 to-| brushes, hoses, 8 Hay Serv-| ; . May 9, female,' < | ' i i . rans-Mt 1230 $1 - ls. Wallace Vacuum LOST: Beagle dog, s . re ee 8 | s-) $14% 1430 DeMILLE -- Bill and Pat (nee Law-iday for more information. _jchines, Renal, Sa lees |fattoo on left ear, beige and white, lost| In her 76th year, she was) Surviving are his wife, the) qoath jast week shocked the| INDUSTRIALS Trans PPL 200 $7% 7% David. win ee stalay wonli SLLING furniture or applia = - ae with!" Whitby area, 668-8354 after $ p.m. /born in England, and was|former Fern Brown, four ports world and has drawn the! anitini 'is ares 275 $12% 12% v iliam, of! se | rr af . t jurnace, y toe Py Ss Misie : » . Rag breve > n . 100 Day, May 12, 1963, weighing 6 Nog, Werk, bus, JA For | ee Oe isolantelo tees. basi tag gt radiators) 3 Legal daughter of the late Mr. bese ream Mine. Portes (else) attention of narcotics racket in-|Abit a as ee ee) Me Oe e. ® ozs., at aw Genera! Hospital.| ~ . fi phic 728-9191 . | '7 Jy 203 Gibbon street, af-| 6--' Mrs. John King agerman 0! ain, 3 Ss.) vestigators | Alta st } , Mr H \Store, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191 ___} and pipes. Apply --- -| Mrs. Ze; i diegs ' j He vestigators. Boelsn ; 1 [Un tom ite te a ge 8 Trees sce ae Wee Gun bla FS GnOnMICN Bore -- Time weet Pe [x will "not be reeromible fer aay The deceased was & resident|H. Bruce (Ada) adler of Wik! ""4 94-year-old man sought for|aita Gex" 300 $30% 0% 0% -- i Vendomat 7150 440 Thanks to Dr. McKay and 4th floor teries, Kelvinator agg edly a {WE buy, sell and exchanae teed Ny eee on ar after this date'May 14, 1983./0f Toronto for 45 years coming,ton; Mrs, Edward (Nadine) | questioning in the death of Lips-|AlsaGas Pr feb liao dl phd =" oe ee ' p ; a 5-4543. | | yo ve, | 3 kK a +8 * - ; c 7 'algary a3 ae | : A / y 2 5 a + | 5 4 staff. jvision. Thrifty Budget Plan ae - lars sine Post gieret, 446 Simcoe Street; --Jghn Robert Eadie, 170 Simcoe St. 8. from England. She lived at; Kenny of Calgary aad Mrs.|comb walked into police head-| Ala aay 850 ed Shere min aoe ELLIS -- Pat and Derek (neo Lee)|!9 ne Beem Lapeer ten ya iven|S ith and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. |----- iGreen Acres for the past tive| David (Shirley) Cota of RR » quarters Monday, gave a state-/aigoma ' " ~% bs hg a $194 194: 194 -- % sane es safe arrival of Pamela| tanks with 60 hp full electric motor.|TEEN SIZE 14 blue Sarana auit. Fully| years. |Westbrook; two sons, Egerton' ment and was released. Police|Aiumin\ h 2 Be Tee Bee ae he | 1a st Cabana General Siowpical, 2/71,00%. Ales Te hp Mere meer, Co luned, 8 sew enti | l- roup She married Albert Edward|Wallace of Oshawa; and Clay-| said the man was at a party|anin, i 35 135 ---10 |Wsin 44 pr 308100 100 100 AS yood J &, q Telephone! 663-2559. | v4 > Fe Bosogi = 135 wanna aed wii nelae tne Robert. emote Sia a eeae io more driving pleasure this iHart in January, 1913 in Lon-|ton Wallace of RR 6 Kingston;|Friday where the Pittsburgh/Anthe sa 100 IN 1848 + Wi ootwd A 95 Siete dete ihe i 9-1742. : \WEAD in 7 re this | | " ; ee caval avannekilde : a) tar ii ' | Argus 213 811% 11% 11% | % 18h oO GOULD -- Mr. and Mrs, Ron Gould/TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du-|summer in the better car you'll find) don, England, He predeceased|and several grandchildren, Steelers' star lineman allegedly) (rams, ous 8s Wdwd A w 300 420 420 420 (nee Alice Eldridge) are pleased to an-|plicators, chequewriters, comptometers, ffertd to you in its Vd abaiger | s é her in 1935. | Pallbearers were Harold took a fatal injection of heroin.|Ashdown B 600 $7% 7% i nounce the arrival of @ daughter,/three hundred new and used. We buy,}Classified section. Selection i ot | i H ckli Harvey Smith. Cf! "The statement confirm siAtl Sugar 800 $17% 17% Sharon Leanne, 7 Ibs. 2 ozs, Sunday,|sell, rent, service. Hamilton' Office/yalue high, Check 'Autos for Sale') 1V |_ Mrs. Hart was a member of ---- Glan: Snider, what: we already know." sald aoee se we ied OILS May 12, 1963 at Oshawa General Hos-| Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. | right now is Bs et iSt. Paul's Anglican Church, ford Montgomery, Glen Snider, vhat we a y iste \Bank NS 214 873% 73% Bailey S A 250 812% 19 12% 4+ % pital, A baby sister for Peter, |KWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service,| HONEST Cal's Furniture and Apple | Toronto. {William James and Richard) Capt. Wade H. Poole. Bank NS, 108 5 | Banff 500 130 130 130 . a a br timates, Chair, table rentals.\ances. Nar brands at biggest dis- s . | 4 Cae pie - are) ell, } In Washington, Senator John Bath P 710 Yj Ve {Calalta 500 "4 sa eeneTon a rie pe as nee Cleve "Fox, 412 Simcoe' North | counts anywhere. We carry, Heelbnle 0 issions Pey porate Bla oxi oa Campbell : + MCSLAN cua the cue is Bell, Phone 735 r ¥ C8 "Pate, 'ie Pn e p | ~ wa eaeare = d Beverly mattress i 1} 0 - a oa P 4 , s . safe arvival of a daughter, Lisa Jayne.|WE buy, sell and exchange used furnl. 99° BEtll OU Ge" deaier. Contact Mrs. Earl Disney, Mount Zion FUNERAL OF being watched closely and could Brazil 508 : Charter Oil 100 143 143 143 --4 3 lbs. 11 ozs., at the Oshawa General|ture or anything you have The Cal's on King street vie soe Mrs, tar isney, Mount 4 | JOHN FIRTH figure in United States Senate BA Oil 363 4 Dynamic 2000 21% 21% 1% Hospital on Wednesday, May 8, 1963.|Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Stre road. Open 12 hours By GLADYS YELLOWLEES (| RR2, Claremont as well as six ab : : st bes BC Forest Y'Home B ie st eee © Seams iene 75 Special thanks to Dr. Halam-Andres'South and 3! Bond Street Bast. 124 1671, 9.30 - 9.30. Telephone 728-919) G ¢ Ez - 'Sunday; grandchildren Also surviving The memorial service for John investigations into the drugs | gc tly 10687 $3 : \H BOW G S21 816% 16% 16569 i and 4th floor staff. STUDENTS A super value, approxi | -- ae side sundays! ister. Mrs. William Green| Fitth, who died at the Oshawa/racket this summer, |Build Prod 100 {Medal hha GOBANSKI -- Joe and Joan (nee|mately 630 nario ge agen Nae hyo Wanted iservices were well attended ie oe He rs. a 7 lGeneral Hospital, Saturday, May Timothy Black, a. friend of Burns 1150 ¥ Mideon 1000 Rowden) are happy to announce the'liyoshawa 'Times Office, Whitby | Telephone Oshawa 725-8183 ating the Sundar ence 0 The la : Mrs. Hart i Me.\I1; in his 65th year, was heldLipscomb, has been chargedical Pow 106 sziia 23% 2314 + 4 Notthoat" ene day, May ily 1963, a Oshawa, General| iii Oundas Street _ West i. | #8. FT. Pean Yan outboard cruiser. 8 f.hour a special program was, ine late I ih art is Bro iat the Armstrfong Funeral)with possession of narcotics|Can 245 $39%% 391 ¥4|Quonto 3100 Howpital." A sister for Paul and Aan KELVINATOR | refrigersior, 11 'cuble|peam, 6 tts Mand {itt fuiinnead, 60| Presented : | Becree oneness: Pier Chapel Monday, May 13, a(}paraphernalla. Black waslcOPs, . "0p grit qe aoe * Nisaneme | 800 Marie, Many thanks te Dr. A. . King/feet, mal aircon. "S4br Telephone| Scott motor, Telephone 723-3553 | Mrs, Harry Knox took chargeling. A private service will belt p.m. ; quoted by police as saying Lips-jct Fodry 375 "WA + Witriad ON 450 ee ae 728-3506. dues ROTOATILLERS, lawn mowers, $35; 3-/0f the program which included held in the chapel, Wednesday, Rev. F. G. Ongley, rector of| comb took an injection of heroin|Can Perm yee $80 > 4 1 iW Decaita 100 119 BON, Daughter, Twins of Triplets, you! ggep four burner gas stove, $25; also|Piece baths, $65; sinks, aablnete, iaun-|g vocal duet by William and May 15, conducted by Rev. T. Raa eh 'ican Chureh, {during a party in a Baltimore|¢sr pr 600 813% 13% 13% |*an Cas. «3000 F Mi ratte tell tee nee ee rant gas grill, $25. Telephone/dry ea, oo prefuite waeme-l Valerie Taylor; a vocal trio by| W. Filetham of Greenwood. In) cnduoted the service, Inter-|4Partment. A medical examiner|Can Wire B 250 $13% 13% 13% | Saiusehanld: are scceptad atl 9:66 re aaeie |Kathy, Susan and Ronald Vice;|terment will be in Mount Plea- Tent was in Mount Lawn Cem.(Said, the injection caused the|CAE oo, MINES a.m, for publication the same day for|!8" ROTO TILLFR, good condition. iy yy set of Americana Ency-\recitations by Larry Cryder-) sant Cemetery, 'Toronto. | : . death of the National Footballic Brew pr 225 834i 544 3414 (Accra 1000 41 41 4 8 only 01.50. Just telephone 723-3403 Rei¢pbonie -Atek Peete paed.a, complete with book case.iman, Janice Yellowlees, Grant| : jetery League player lCan Can A 40K T3ta 132 + yi Advocate 450 710 710 710 ' BLOVE, Motta iacts ; up the payments, Telephone) y7i) 0" Walter and Lawrence) RS. MARTIN PENICKA | Pallbearers were A! Baker,) "° elds _.... {Cdn Celan 5 6444 Gis, + ¥g| Aanico 4 8 8-8 ry rt a s 4 a oven conttel. Very good condition The death of Mrs, Martin! Jack Wilson, Leo Lindberg, Wil © Chem $107 10% 105 gan re ae Fe 725-2911 - - ; \Taylor; readings by Peggy Miii-; ; C Che 100 f 1 DEATHS | phone 725-2 HEAVY duty A frame boat trailer, com-| Tay or; read ngs by Peggy Penicka, 312 King street east,{liam Warne, William Wilson ic Caen 100 : Eas : 3 H ee croc hae neat St siete for only $118 cash, Apply 91/son and Mrs. John Knox "ed thissday. Mav d El Farewell ase a ar € Curt W100 7 | Bethim 75 3h 8 irons; putter; 1, 3 woods: golf bag. Mary Street, Oshawa : The offering was taken by occurred Tuesday, May 14 at,and Elgin re € Gar We Bin 1% me 8 BART, Stella Blanche (Queenie) | Like new, $35. Alma rongetts suitable) A vroMATIC electric range. 30° Mof|tohn Werry Oshawa General Hospital. She FUNERAL OF C Husky See | Bouzan 3 314 45% ASA Entered into rest at Greenacres, New-|'°" cottage, elephone fat gas range, 24" forced air oil furn. " NE ; 3 5 Ue aici paca sy. had been ill for four months. | ,, fh 7. as B ks N Clmp Bk C 670 $67% 67 Sraiorne 100 565 569 805 8 market, on Monday, May 13, 1963,/PARTS for 1952 Chevrolet ace. tank. etc. Telephone Ajax DH| At the church service, Rev The former Zuzuna Palovic, CHARLES RUSS JEWELL ac egroes Ind Gas 970 1 bp | Brunswk 2 3 370 «370 ; © Tole > 4988" For dwiials! ey prent Pag k as his sermc é : | Buff Ank 5 225 Dh Stella Blanche King, formerly of To-|motor; also for 1953 Fords. Bowman- 2.1309 erent age took as his sermon £ at ae ah 1¢ The funeral service for Charl. 50 Semen Deeted WHe Ge: The tate A ibert) ville $3)-08%2 HUMBER Jewel fibergias boat, takes'{opic, "Go and Tell', Beautiful she Was a daughter of the late : is ii "Camp Chi 5 460 465 «48 p ; ; ; i ; 5 ell, 643. Chris © Tung i 12 1% A Edward Hart. dear mother of Do'een ge FRIGERATOR, Crosley. 9 cubic ff, up to 4 horse power. All extras Easter lilies graced the altar./Mr. and Mrs, John Palovic and,es Russell Jewell, 643 Christie At Birmin ham : (Mire Earl Dimey), 0 ount ZiOM,| ange, 4 burner, Both in good condition. cellent skiing and fishing boat 8 selec.{Was born in Pliesovce Province! avenue, who died at the Osh FS tie 3) © fens 3 1 14 Util ; : © Astoria 56 2 6 RR 2, Claremont, and Roland, of To-/,, sot . * » T . r sang an Easter 2 * ee abs no ronto; also surviving are six graod.|Range would suit cottage. Telephone! phone 7 , ia esr Deed Tavlor sang of Slovensko, Czechslovakia.;awa General Hospital, Satur | BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)--|Claintone 7 , ieee On ae oe children, dear sister 728-1 _|1¢FT. CEDAR strip boat, with traiter/'10! onald ) sang re wie 1A Hak CAEN: VERT iday, May 11, was held at the|Jackie Robinson says Birming-|Clairton wt 200 320 caree 0 ee Green, of Toronto, Mrs, Hart resting, NEW! Versatile kitchen machine. No} (new tires) with or without 18 hp motor The Holy City 3 : Melntost Anderson Funeral ham's 'image being reflected! 'och-D 100 'Gent P. . 138 'i at MeEachnie Funeral Home, 28 King-| wife should + without this marvel. complete $425, without motor, $250;/ 'Gunday April 28 was the first) Mrs. Penicka was a resident; Mcintosh - An al, ham's image is ng reflectedicon Bidg w 900 § nt Pat § - St. George's Anglican rs CIL 1 Cc Mare 26 25 5 CPR : ; ° ooh mae , . hae 9 thr : ' : Chekirk ston Road West, Pickering. Private fu-| Telephone dé evenings, [he Carjafter 7 evenings 723-9097 a : : bie ; . st 91 vears,Chapel, Monday, May 13, at 2 throughout the world as one of}Con M § 965 $2614 2614 2614 : nerai on Wednesday, Interment Mount mic Co., 723-768 lRUYING or selling furniture or appi.|suUnday of the summer church of Oshawa for the past 41 eare nig brutality--as "one of a dog,o® Paper 800 S41ie 40% 40% -- 4 Chib-Kay Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto 55 ao, : ' eres orihours, 12 o'clack 'coming to Canada 25 years ago. . ; OB Con Gas § $235, 23%, 23% Chimo BOY'S sports jacket, . Call. Elmer, Hampton, 263-2294 or R Chris Dugan. minister of apping at tl o { Ne EET 2 Coch: Will condition, $10; Bee 3.2695 Reverend Page administered! Prior to living here, she lived ey ri ugan, minist jsnapping a ne guts of a Ne-\Cobry vt Z15 $18% 184 18% jCoeh = Wil PENIOKA,. Mrs. Martin ange, $40; Thistle baby carriage, $16;|_ | : rare in Courtic Tyrone United Church, conduc-'gro." Coronation 150 $6%4 6% 6% |€ Discov -- 7100 Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-| |, eoau St. AML arti aR lent FIVE-PIECE solid limed oak, dinette!the sacrament of baptism n Courtice, ath neice: Teter t was! 'The f t't ball star d Coron rts 35 818 11. 18 iC Mareus 3158 eral Hospital on Tuesday, May 14. i963,/Payhens SiMe ak Hent suite, $50. Telephone 725-2218 The Hi-C group met recently! She married Martin Penicka,)ted the service. Interment wa hE FOFMEY DASEDRL SLAY SBIC Coaines 92 94 94 iS: Ae * Penlcha, mother of Joon' ang - grand.| BEACHCOMBER convertible OOT Paceship windshield, steering! with Dianne Tink, president, in March 24. 1913. in Pliesovce in Oshawa Union Cemetery his decision to come to Birm-|Crush Int -- 00 $46 13% 134 -- KIC More 00 , of 4 r -| BE el' y : | 00 'ond Bailes : eobies Fi as "Do} rey 4 nw ¢ P i : ' 4 mother of Anne Penicka, Oshawa, in|length 17 ft. 1", beam 8 ft th aeel rane ignite, 6 bo. cone Ons ee chair Province of Slovenko Pallbearers were Gordon ingham was made after he saw sisix-:. Thanx abe Law ew the C Northia -- 1000 her 69th year. Resting at the Arm-|40 hp Evinrude motor with | Med il allt salir . The proup made a $10 con The deceased was a member) Johnston, Ernie Fisher, Roy a picture of a dog tearing at aj" err ab a FG Red Pop 4500 strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, until| also deluxe tilt trailer, ete +500. eo DRAPES. brand new, 96" length will eg ip made a 91 c Bishop Malcolm McGregor,!Negro man's shirt Dale - 100 255 285 255 Con Shaw S618 Thursday noon. Memoria! service inj plete. 728-0050 cover 12ft. window, beige tone. Best {ribution to Missions.. Edgar)of Ritson Road Penecos : " A iG ates, M Dist Seaa 500 $32% S244 524 +48 Cop.Man Ritson Road Pentecostal Church Thuré | §paUFFER reducing machine, couch "fer. Telephone 728-2668 Werry led in the worship' seryv-;Church Murton Walters and John Glov-/ "When I saw that picture, 1/D Bridge soe coat saute ake Cowich os oti : ine, couct ' 1 a ae aid" : : .o/D Can Gen 2259120 120 120 ved day, May 16, at 2 pm. Interment Mount) model, like new condition, Cost $350, MATTRESS springtilled single bed size.|,.9 with Phyllis Westlake and! Surviving are her husband, a et jsaid. "I had to come down here) norasco 150 'rh oT 67% ica BI SS RAL oA selling $175. Call Port Perry, 985-734 good condition. Reasonabl After + Dintne. Tink: assist ng Ron;son, John Penicka of Oshawa eer : land press my appreciation 10) noaco 780 $14 «14 ld : |REFRIGERATOR, General Electtic, (ioe a nce IB led in games. ;and a granddaughter, Anne! _ RONBRAL OF. |the Negroes here for what they|Dom Tar . 438 Si9s 19% 194 = ineini Pa LOCKE'S FLORIST 'frozen food se good condition,/ 1960 EVINRUDE motor, 5i4 hp with' Broome led in games , & ' REV. GEORGE TELFORD i0 for Negroes: every-\20™ Text 200. 919% 19% 19% Delnite clean, no chip marks, $75. Gall Port!cruise-a-day tank, actual use 10 hours.) Mr, Charles Allin and Miss! Penica ite ie : are Going tor Negroes ¥*\Econ Inv 200 $10 10 Denison Funeral | arrangements id | Perry 985-734 Telepho' eb Ethel Axford, Bowmanville were! Also .surviving are two bro. lhe memorial service for Rev.|where Largs MRE a Sei 63 by 5 floral requirements for ONE candy floss machine, also one USED car parts. all kinds; used tiressitea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes,thers, Steve Palovic and Jo&n ne -- "ye ide MA : BA, He was speaking of a photo- rang ¥ 10 $2614 26% 26% ' Altea ed : a cyc'o Niagara massage deluxe unit, ag sizes; wheels. 509 Bloor Street East,) °° 0 eee acnighity "| Melanin - 5 s ), who died at the Oshawa. prap ake uring mass dem-|Fnatn ' o i ceases c ic $100. each. elePhone-145-1708 pf telephone . 707-238 ssn Yellowlees on Good Friday Pawwyit anda, slate! ichedledine General Hospital, Friday, May ine og be Ne roes here (Fruehaut 100 $734 734 "rm *, ox ur OSHAWA SHOPPING = jevectronome TV, excetient plaure,t } Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearson,| Luptak all of Czechoslovakia. 4 k vex ni eo tataen| i stra 4 Rech °6 ep '\Gat 5 pe pr 32 $10342 10344 10314 3 0 2 CENTRE jhew condition. Telephone 723-4002 after TRACTOR Woodstock; Miss Donna Mc.! The late Mrs. Pencka is: at;10, in 2s st at - a. Police said the trained German|gat 314 pr 35 $107 107 107 , E 9 le 03 | ps a : Andrew inite Ch lchankan ; : : 74 ete + : 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ie Bi eS 4.) |Lachlin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs,|Armstrong Funeral Home until/St. An sy s un a urch,|/shepherd dogs were used imiGen Dev -- 100 era win ae Masct 230 11% LY 3 VIC F : PF tio xs Int iona ( Le mers a ' | y ay 13 4 a vhie +6 "2 ab : x 'K y 2 R del SAVF $15: Five position suncot, 1 ational | 'N. Grills, Cannington were visi.|Thursday noon. Memorial serv- Monday, May 13, at 2 p.m Birmingham '"'because the offi-\G3 wares 100 Slits Il lta 9 he Giant v $12% 12 728-6555 tress, new condition, $18. Crib, $10: sin w Itiv : j : ; Officiating ministers were,cers had to get in close" 10'Gs W 0 887 denn Uran 10 10 f gie spring. $5. 90 Labrador Drive South pba c {tors with Mr, and Mrs. Raiph}ice will be held at Ritson Road Rev. Dr John Leng. oF Si, Andoanric on atom é [Globe A 100. S10¥e 10% 10% -- voit Oe eaMee ip Sve ve 1h oft King East : U Very Little 'Davis and Pat during Kaster; Pentecostal Church, Thursday, Sai r 4 a pond eh wb contain or disperse the swelling GL Paper 100 818% 19% High-Bell 280 280 BEATTY ironer, $25, Telephone Whitby | weekend May 16, at 2 p.m. conducted by cots s. Moe Holts ' Se crowds of Negroes. G L Power 225 $2 24 Hollinger 1M yl fr 6 7 | > ' N dl ) i 7 N , o 0 D; 'e ss 1 1, "a a IN MEMORIAM 068-30 | Rev. N. Siblock. Interment will John K. Moffat, of Simcoe St.) Robinson. and Floyd Patter ated cede bide _ y\Jron Bay 114 21a |United Church; Rev. N. TT! Jon, former heavyweight boxing) fariee aa" ane >, * i100 ELECTRIC organ, $500 cash. After 6) ) &.99 in M Lawn C tery ore t "4 5 he or 985-2218 . }be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. | | ' 5 COPPING -- In everlasting memary °° ck telephone 728-3605. Phone Port Perry 985-2 od Solina UCW |Holmes, secretary of the Oxh-| champion, arrived Monday/|Hardee rts 2150 '42 1 Jacobus CHARLES WALLACE .../2wa Presbytery and Rev. R. C.\night and appeared at a mass Here Cuy. i? 0 20 --% any ODESSA -- A retired farmer| White, of Newtonville, chair-!)ajly, They said they wanted to!Hawker pr 210 $99 99% iKerr Add 240. | s, S ntal ; A Grice Ab: Simicoie' ith the: bibae. Trailer Accessories | Repairs, Sales, Re s, Packs Bale who lived in the Odessa area man of the presbytery. Inter-!eynress appreciation for "your Hu. rErie 210 $0963. iL Dufault of 8 beloved husband and father John MILLER WHEEL. CHAIRS | Copping who passed away { t i ane Sia aw Ini i oil 339 3 | Langis for il past 69 Prk he Aig pi ti in Oshawa Union!courage in this fight for the ed Tob 325 sis% 18%. 1¢ jHauin Am died after a sudden illness at) Cemetery 'ights of Negroes everywhere".|imp Tob pr 825 1 te + % © | 7 rights f i Bu x : _.jInd Accep 435 $ 77 D |Lorado God loved him too, and thought it! | Aiso best Everything for trailers. | Hospital beds, walkers, bed i Hadiy missed by wile Kitty and Tag Along Trailers | side commodes, crutches, Gaughter Syivia and family Rental ond Sales canes, slenderizing machines {ind Acsoy H jhis home April Pallbearers were FE. G. Cuth- RUGHES -- In loving memory of a 19 TUDOR STREET {and roll away beds | For Overseas He was Charles Wallace, a'bertson, W. J. Lorimer, J. G jind Min 56 oe ee | AIAK 9d2-349) | 725-1644 | By GLADYS YELLOWLEES ("286 of Palsely, Scotland who Dancer. Rez Burr. Tawrence Aleghol Deaths -- [istegel a ig ss i> 4 tne away May 14, came to Canada at seven years\McMurtry and Clarence Smith. | Int Nickel 468 $692 3 3 4 Martin | Toll Reaches 48 jeu ts sais ast ase e aati tia, oe, | Y ( , Gordon, dear, f é aaorkiiae 33--Market Basket 33---Maorket Basket SOLINA -- Mrs. F ' or ent as the As long fe's memory laste asia presidenj, was in the ee fgg ascKex ' oe hair for| Py ae ee eee et yey jthe recent UCW meeting. Mrs.| 4 "4 NEW YORK (AP)--The Bow./a! SP 150 240, 3714 -- 4 McMar 6h BA -- CC / jJ. Knox. was secretary, pro: nti- mo Ing ampaign ery death toll from drinking Jerterson ~ 1000 'soc 'sta ei + we Mentor -- 300 30." 204 FARMER S MARKET }tem {wood alcohol has apparently|Jeff B w : 2 MC Wah te eee STEELE --- In loving memory of a} Jockey © dear hushand and father, Robert Stan-| Anyone wishing to contribute irisen to 48, the medical exam-|Jock 'c pr 3 wn 4 Nealon 45 14% 14 s s ley Steele, who passed away May 14,, a articles of clothing for the over-| Not Wor ing Business liner's office reports. Jock C B prz |New Ath 3 1962. J eee a cae } x ae eh Seal ' _| Kell ywts 9 | Newoonex 300 430 In presence we mise you | NEW LOCATION, MAY 17 one pos a d Shu leave, | Dr. Henry Siegel, bbe te ei Labatt 3 a Noy. Meso 5300 he ¥ ih waste we ueauure, them with Mrs n Taylor or| ; ' ea Haars complained (ical examiner ,says tests still|Lau Fin A 150 $17%4 jN_K 3000 814 ay Loving you always, " . Mrs. J. Knox | By ROD CURRIE | were, her husband complained 'i bee ated oth tour mocelian hae 5 $43 re | Newlund 3500 21% ! RK BUILDING SUPPLY " | rt arch|to be completed o ur ' N My 1000 16 Forgetting you never MILLWO JILDING §$ pa iy | : ' i icp 'She would disappear to search Levy 2 \N Mylama ; vy. missed by and ever remem The printed programs for! |,ONDON (AP)--The British 6. a drain lvictims are expected to confirm!tevy 2pr 373 $12% 127 7 Newnor 800_--'14¥% bared by his loving wife, Alice, sons, SIMCOE NORTH 1963 were distributed propaganda campaign against {the presence of wood alcohol. Lob Co A 350 Sie 8s Bh + M6 Nick ain Gee iat ide ' ¥ : : TAY CRE My | oxicte ob © Y % is -- . ee eee j Members answered the rolll cigarettes seems to have every-) TAX INCREASED The increase in wood alcohol|ion c> pr : F Norbeau 7500 34 wee EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON. call with an Easter quotation. |pody worried but the cigareile| Shortly before the report ap-|qeaths among derelicts was first|/Lob G ipr 50 $3242 33 a | {Normetal 500. 905 | Reverend Page then present-) manufacturers. | peared the tax on cigarettes WaS' noticed by Siegel 10 days ago. [loch M | 220 Slay 104s : N' Bordulac g : " rhts he nxt chanter rene . > ric vies 43 | Maclaren 2 + i } | Fresh vegetables, potatoes, fresh eggs, poultry, maple syrup ond /@d thoughts on. the next chapter) «phe anti - smoking drive|increased, bringing the price a Dr, Randolph A. Wyman, su-|MB PR xd 450 $2434 [Northgate 'of "The Word and the: Way started in earnest more than a 4s 6d (about 67 cents) for 20 pervising medical superintend-|M Lf Mill 225 sid%e 128 3 iN Goldert honey. Home baked goods. Ontario apples, plants Over 200 ladies attended the : respected king-size filter tips. The com- - Mass-F H North . Mass- 2016 $14% 14 R A ing hat st f mi year ago when the binat of these two. blows |°2t: Said the number of Bowery|Mass-F si, 10 $108 ap( Norvaiie MEMO | LS aE ne lat show of millinery r@-| ova} Society of Physicians pub-| nation . run oan ore down-and-outers being treated Mid-Wept imo 20 225 225 5 arenes el | ort linkir 'aused sales | junge, le aI )) sintkat s : olson 2 3034 3044 T lished a report linking smoking) a iin Bellevue Hospital and Metro-} . ' P. The attractive models were h : : jarily. But sales of cigars, pipe I Molson B 74 $314 ; 3 aramaq MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY: j . 2 2 ae ie 2 : {with cancer, the most damning ' 4 A we |pOlitan Hospital had risen to 42.|Mon Foods 325° $94 $ Q yy Patino IN OUR SHOWROOM Best-Sellin Canadian Mrs. Elva Vice, Mrs. Lorraine| qgoument ever issued in either|tbacco and filter-tipped ciga-, : nas y~------|Mont Loco 230 813% 1344 19% escion Knox, Mrs. Irene Ayre, Mrs.| rettes almost made up for the} | Moore 50 $5358 3 14 | Pitch-Ore Bla 5 | nt an i | rs surope or North America Complete Monument and jJessie Tink and Miss Jean\* ane. 8 : drop in plain cigarettes : - Wiha alt ss sdiate | S At . J il 5 | Np kContatn & [Beeston 200 Inscription Service | be Baker, sé : The ass on oie. Het sus:| Manufacturers say over -. all . rica Jalis Nat Tr tt 170170 170-5. [@_ Metal be . 152 SIMCOE SOUTH | ut or tl n own Mrs. Rita. Wideman gaye al#"4 Hee ea OU aiame g cigaretie sales dropped only o [Nia Wire 5 $15 15 18 elas , re spear aeae Altained. The report became a SUR the na' Under New Laws | xorana Oe siets sea 34 Rexspar Bt 18% 1 1% Phone 723-1002 H : jwell-qua ified fa hion comme -Ihest-sellor and tobacco sales; @bout five per cent in th last , ' NO NGas 335 $1915. 19 ' |Rio Algom 438 $15. 14% 18 Y Whitby, 'ont. (CP)--Canada's|while at Springfield, never tak-\aty and. Douglas Dewell off) oc ohs went crazy |year and that they gradually! pReETORIA (Reuters)--South|Ont Stee! a 19a 198 pe ee ee (best-selling author, and its only/ing more than three weeks for)Hampton provided a pleasing!" s, aimost. did many of the/ ate climbing back to normal. africa has jailed five more per-|)*° P** ' 14 19 \Sherritt 2300 310 310 310 #8 ifull-time. television playwright, any of them. He earned a fiat/musical background. thousands who took the pledge} The Imperial Tobacco Com-|.on. without jury trials under| stock Sales High Lowe.m. Chive (SUY™ a Bh MOF MEMORIALS lis virtually unknown by name $100 each for the Fearless During intermission, Mrs {o quit and set out to make good) Pany, for instance, increased its) the drastic new "no trial". law,|pac Pete wi 40 a5 965 865 98 ISibere ; 3 » 3 to the millions who have read| books iLloyd Ayre, Bowmanville, sang|ineir word. jtrading position to about £22,-\\Qi¢e announced today. |Page-Hers 280 $227 is 2s | Salem can a.m.: 895,000, Canadian Makes and Imports 7, re base "ae | los 000,000 fr £20,000,000 th Ds Ph ~ F is Ks vate s plays! The Edward, Stratemeyer Syn-|two solos bbe : S ; | 000, from £20,000, the pre SAlin : Se ss hantom 800 340 300 300 -J0 |Steep R +3 MARBLE and GRANITE his books or watched his pla) . Many smokers, even women, | ious year: their best showing! Police headquarters here said|pow Corp 2295 $103 10% 1034 -- {Sturgeon 6 Designing, Corving, Lettering . > ' 'itelthe winnr of tk cial draw since the war, because of price }QN y 7 9, | Perhaps it is-because much of! Dixon and assigned hint*to write, winnr of the special draw, a S 'saa re not) ne ' s PICO! pentaria ¢ i i |QN Gas w 710 bs ae |Taurcan Installation, Repairs di-yearoid Leslie McFarlane's the 30,000-word Hardy books.|for a hat being Mrs. R which the report said were notls reases: and savings through|Pretoria and a fourth at Johan |Reichold a75 Me 12 + h\Teck-H Open Evenings Until 9 ; 4 sacbida es ' ME Mtoiarle d Nicholls |technical improvements Inesburg. They described the!Revelstoke 200 5 work has been distributed un: Mr. McFarlane rented a sum-'! l of miniature cigars zoomed and) eo setite. ladv-like pipes appeared| ,O" the stock market tobacco) ne) arrested at Port Eliza.(Sts, Cem A 225 $is% 18 18) lun Kuno Monument W. Dixon. Roy Rockwood, Royal! got to work, lrecent Family Night sponsored fr taikene pis fogs ishares have accelerated their)'@Ce) arrested at Fort Hliza-) salada nS 10' 10% -- [Un Fort c Hall, ' Bert Standish, James; He continued writing the/ by ine rig tach in the rk | The government accepted the] Orc. the oe tae eae pre-| The arrests raised the total tol Seven Aris 100 Ms | Violam 100 oh ae i 'err *n Carolyn! Hardy adventures until 1944, be- arvey yellowlees was chair-| ,; ay Biteal ic e end ol je "cancer|... och {Shaw A prs 116 45a {West Mines 1025 4: ompany Cody Ferrish and even Carolyn findings in full and gave its sup-| oe in the belief that the 22 Persons now held under. the|Shaw B pr 710 4% . 2050 167 165 Telephone 728-3111 '% ~Karlane who has been DOok. While he recognizes that)Lycett entertained with baton}: | SECM PR nktiba: Mili 1 {Shell I wts 25 610 610. 610 Z 1000 3 23 2B : weiieg ongiat 'TV plays and had he been paid a_half-cent)twirling numbers age Give oak wane as it can in warning smokers, |Power to hold suspects for re-|sitknit 25 $97% 37% 37% Zulapa 1000 27% 27% 27% --1% tl ginal pia ' ' ot oh wef ee y sate Dy) av " i i , rovality on each copy sold he| Prize winners during dancing) °* , |peated periods of 90 days with-|Simpsone es dhe time occupation for the |Jast|) rie x on show. mainly in doctors') Figures released in April! of th Re ee a Lactate EF | pee . ' alter Tavion ; wae : 3 | ' j his total, 18 are Negroes, three years, used his many pen-|!#e holds 'no resentment ae Arig Avg the youngest) pritces and government build-| showed there were 23,779 deaths two are euored the le a rie MISTON -- We wish to expressinames by contract or merely 10/ STRAIGHT BUSINESS } } ree i |ings jfrom lung cancer last year, an} $ Repent | sincere thanks and appreciation to| maintain anonymity while he; "It was a business,"' he says! Beginning Sunday, April 28 | increas oh 1,000 over th ee ee relatives, friends and neighbors for)" pase 1 . au ee : YSland continuing through until CHANGED TV ADS piperenbe ets Over Me previ G tz recent bereavement in the lose of af nd magazine stories. ' vent int 1 pvesl 4 rae eda rsolo s ® | RUMMAGE Sale, Northminster Chureh,| FERNBILL Bingo, tonight Avalon 7.39. dar Wie in lke Chsies Oral en 1 mag ee : : age ae u ie a te ®yeS! Sunday School wil! be a com-'sters from taking to smoking, | ey did not. expect the cam-| Six People Ki e corner Rossland Road and Simcoe|20 games $6 and $10. Seven $40 jack- ton. Special thanks to Rev. S. J. Hiliier,| He was the first Franklin .W)9pen and royalties didn't enter bined. service at 12 o'clock,/the government also pressed) Pa'an to ie Flies es results ; Street, Wednesday, May 15, starting/pots, Door prizes | . ' 8g ; PeSSEE! hecause sease ces | 130. p.m | RUMMAGE Sale, 1 awa Genedal Hospita 7 4 Tai the : , noon manufacturers to advertise on Me the disease often lakes} In Head-On Crash | --___-_____ ______ | RUMMAGE Sale, Harmony Church Hall Pied Orin Family, Hardy Boys series. The 19; Using the Hardy Boys as a : : <3, years to develop H RUMMAGE Sale, GRA, 100 Gibb Street,! (corner of King and Harmony Réad), r miston and Family M : guhechens ndres® OF asic ine Me ate television only after 9 p.m. Sev-)" jy ; : \'Thursday, May 16, 2 p.m. Sunshine Re-| wednesday, May 15, at 10 a.m Hardy books he wrote over a St pasic income, Mr. Mc-! at laiee HE iso VOluHIEe They admit, however, they BALTIMORE. (AP)--S \bekan Lodge didstirsanuien donald nh RAE -- We wish to take this oppor- neriod of 17 years have sold an Farlane at the same time he-| DEATHS ral large firms also voluntary| have found it hard to achieve MORE (Ar )--six, per.) during our recent bereavement; also make him Canada's best-selling! lications epaeraruay : ae i ock of the original report. ; ; cay woany visits and Kind Inquiries! author, He wrote mystery novels and! By THE, CANADIAN PRESS Gren unger us psa fi on hed But a fresh campaign has just|\"'°. 4 re ae is fiery ®X-| WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, | FREE ADMISSION Mra lenked jo{fiction for magazines which) Toronto--Dr. T. Harold Hodg-|'"8 cigarettes over the counter,' heen jaunched jointly by the plosion that left a highway on 1:30 P.M. EXTRA BUSES performed dicate changed his name to} Lucky draws were made with ened to cigars and pipes; \three Negroes were arrested in|Price Br ~ 210 404 40% |Sullivan jas harmful as cigarettes. Sales) ; : : : jfifth as a colored person (mixed|Rovai Bank 195 $7954 79% 7: shawa lder'so many aliases--Franklin|mer cottage near Sudbury and) Over 100 persons attended the | } ( beth. {Shaw In rts 7000 33 34 -- [Upp Can 530 150 ; lstanie ing paid a flat rate for each|man. Patsy Blake and Avelyn ; a H ry 1435 King Street East | Keene. Dp port to the campaign by issu -ampaign has gone about as farjnew law, which gives police the|Shell Oi -- 1561 $18% 18% 700 106 106 1 d t 3 ; olishing other scripts as a full- : ' ; -which, as it turned out, went; , CANCE -AT ce Slat Steel pr 100 $1934 19% 19% Sales to 1 CARD OF THANKS polishing ipts could retire today, Mr. McFar-|were Mr, Sluart, and Anne Hill ch, a MORE CANCER DEATH 'out trial. i 4 BY : "hurning out thildren's } adve re-storv. writing { ar . aid! kindness and sympathy shown in our) WaS Churnin ut ¢ of the adventure-story writing [October the church service and! 'To discourage young- ous year. But most doctors said! Dr, J. H. McKinney and nurses of Ost-!Dixon, author of the popular into it." tunity to thank our many friends for : ; pipe apes : 'removed their brands from : sons were killed today when a : : | KINSMEN BINGO Beal" ee estimated 12,000,000 copies and| came other names in other pub- | ja Sustained impact since the : \ G { eotheir kindnesses and flora! tributes a t ;vending machines so that chil-| oh, I h tractor-trailer crashed head-on RUMAMA\ E SALE } TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK Verna Rae and family Since word out i ' g ; i 5 ne 1 sometimes. would carry three|son, 55, an eye specialist who Could not get at them. {Central Council 'for Health Ed-/the eastern shore of Maryland Jackpot Nos, 54 and 56 s 4 ae s years ago that, Leslie McFar. : : ' : TV eta. fie . acd | Seine tacks' spa eredition forllane was Franklin Dixon, McFarlane stories under threejorganized the first glaucoma t And the commercial TV sia! ucation and Family Doctor, the|littered with bodies and torn} MASONIC TEMPLE | EARLY BIRD GAMES cthe acts of Kindness, messages of-youngsters who love the adven.|"ifferent names, only occasion-!clinic in Canada as shir ara ie magazine of the British Medical, Metal Centre Street /KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE He recived dha rolstives cligmang wires of the Hardy, Boys have ally his own T ' R } aaa a pile wee A eran SE Association, Another truck almost collided Order of Eastern Star 109 COLBORNE ST. W received from » Heighbors Beis § 2 s ro} one f oronte -- Rey Joseph al-/ not 10W people aciually s f Tv ay > ractor - : ee - = i on and many friends, dur the illness been coming to his home in this , He was Carolyn Keene fot eer on . RedaInGlOHEl Hie | Manet teat ace shimated To mark the event, they held! ith the was vor trailer and, ake 'and death of our mother and\Take Ontario iown for auto-/f0ur books, writing about the : ' : pi His Vboadetndenes dh cir bs seu nage a week-long exhibition of en-j¢rashed down an embankment} FREE ADMISSION -- grandmother We especially thank Dr.| hoo ana Ghat Dana Girls, who were orphans) Sionary in variogs parts of Can-| cartoons, A few got pretty Close) tries in their poster campaign. |into the underbrush | "K:> Slemon. niirses and staff of Bo bas als P > ree a q sige! * ° 1. : } seicoiew Riumnarial fipwilal. Ree and-had a maiden aunt named #da ; to the real thing--a hand, a ¢i8-| Wirst prize went to one showing} The driver was uninjured. | N O "Romeril for his consoling words, also| BEGAN AS REPORTER Gertrude. But he didn't lke! gay vealecMarica Gare. 3 arette, a majch, a great sigh), \acuous youth with a ciga- Five of the persons killed mothe family. of ihe te Rhea W a ACARI Aen et Son MORN WEDS 100. Bitls Yu Pe , wi rn in sai achuting of contentment, a: pulf Of Smoke) reiie hanging out of his mouth'were occupants of a car bear-! e il late Rhe king |e Leet at : he goslay yman parachut a till 5 er actu- : hoe ; , in Carleton Place, Ont., McFar I was always tempted to SHAMBIGR: WEA ChSR paraehots but still not _a smoker actu-/ang the caption Don't be aing New York licence plates WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th, 8:00 P.M TALLIES WITH NAME lane started work as a reporter,have: one of the Hardy. boys fatten be aeen Aaa ally smoking 'drag--give it up--live it up." he burned bad obthe. (ruck é ' 4 on the Cobalt Ni n 1919 at;sneak into the Dana girls' dor ' Navy personnel were' used in Another showed "'the big flip-\driver was found in a ditch near JUBILEE PAVILION = The Eccentric Club : London age 17. In the fol 9 mitory: just to see what would) Qyster Bay, N.Y.--Mrs. Geof-|Some Bdy Er udements vie i top box for the smoker an'the charred truck cab PRIZES sige fi ai having years ~ worked for spa at en frey Gates, one-time wife of the} ah x 'ie sO Caatity ra Man open coffin, and a third said ' $1 ,200 IN CASH a clock wi ands that movelpers. in We Sucbury. Ot resisted the temptation," jate Harry Hopkins, adviser to/{2@ 'Nauional society NON?) "He passed away on 20 a day." : ROS | ~ backwards tay North | f Montreal,|he, adds. 'but it was close." Brasiteni Pranklin, D. Roose.|Smokers, complained to the i : : if HONOR RED CROSS | 20---$20 GAMES-----20 os pringfield, Mass, aad Madi. STORIES DRIED UP eel abbarentiy. By her own Admiralty Fe a es Britain's 'post office will issue) 5--$30 GAMES--5 HAD CLOSE SHAVE aN Suddenly about the middie of\tand apparen by her own)" | London, a young housewife WATCH FROM THAM 'a Red Cross centenary stamp} $150 JACKPOT SHARE THE WEALTH--1 ,WEST VANCOUVER, He met a publisher of boys'|the Second World War, his abil-' threw half a crown (about 35) LONDON (CP)--A play acted/in August, commemorating the! 2-----$250 JACKPOTS-----2 (CP)--Richard 'Cavalier @/books in New York dar 1926, ity to write magazine fict cents) down the drain every(on the walls of the Tower of! founding of the world body. iose shave when he plugg and agreed to a a ae a tot dried up Rejected toi war Sere: GAVE LIBRARY time her husband lit up. 'I)J.ondon and watched by an au ig An aa civic ied . ma ri phe aaah eta "his electric shaver wh r him fo write six und eT ad-,ice on medical grounds, Mr. M The Royal Library at the B threw away £17 17s 6d before'dience on boats moored in the FLEW THE FLAG H Be cei 4 © 7:50 PM.--EXTRA BUSES ing on a mountain highway: The! ventures in the Dave Fearless| Far believes the fiction flow. ish Museum was donated by { cured him," she said, "but {/River Thames will run through The Red Cross flag was first} EARLY. BIRD GAMES 7:50 Nine \ BUS car swerved and plunged down series was stemmed by_a feeling that King George I! and has heen jooked on it as a long-term in- Out the summer. Richard Todd flown ae Seong Po ps CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED a 300foot embankment. Hig in As Roy Rockwood. he dashed/Writing fiction in wartime was added to by monarchs down the, vestment." and Virginia Maskell star in the G. S. Ryerson in 1889 during the F E ADMISSION oral juries were minor. lott the six 40,000-word epics! incongruous, |years. | 'It didn't matter where wejplay, A Fair White Tower. |Riel Rebellion. } REE

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